Damn finger coordinates. Altai - Devil's finger. Devil's finger rock

The route to the Devil's Finger rock starts from the old bridge of the village of Dakhovskaya. The path from the Dakhovsky Bridge takes you up along the Dakh River. To reach your cherished goal, when climbing the path, be careful - do not miss the forks. From the fork (the only one on the path) we take a little left and go up.

As you climb up, look around: how many amazing things nature has created in Adygea! To the right of the path there are large boulders, one of which is as tall as a three-story house. Tourists rarely deny themselves the pleasure of climbing this boulder, and a well-trodden path is already noticeable from frequent ascents to its peaks. Further along the path to the Devil's Finger there are boulders that have broken off from the rock; they are quite common in different sizes.

In spring, thickets of wild garlic appear along the trail, and the strong aroma of garlic tantalizes the sense of smell. In the summer, going up to the Devil's Finger rock, you can taste hazelnuts or dogwood fruits, wild apples and pears in the fall.

The forests surrounding the trail to Devil's Finger are full of animals. They are inhabited by wolf families that come out to the village to hunt in winter. You may not be able to meet a wolf in the forest, but you will certainly be able to see other inhabitants of the forest country.

The path, rising higher and higher to the Devil's Finger rock, approaches a forest spring, near which you can stop for a rest, drink clean spring water, eat, wash and get water, since there may not be any higher water, especially in dry times. . Not far from the stream, at a distance of just over a hundred meters, there is beautiful meadow, where you can relax and, if desired, have a snack. Being in this amazing clearing, you can clearly see the Lagonaki Highlands, Mount Oshten towering above it, the peak of Mount Tybga, visible only in good weather Chugush and Dzhemaruk, Mount Dzhuga, Acheshboki or Devil's Gate, large and small Thach and Bambak, Mount Urushten, Mount Asbestos. And on rare days, five or six days a year, with good weather conditions even Elbrus is visible from the clearing.

Having had enough of the wonderful views opening from the clearing, you can continue your journey, especially since Devil's Finger rock (Adygea) already close. The ascent of the path becomes steeper and the boulders encountered on it become larger and larger. A rock can be seen through the dense crowns of trees, which means that half the path has already been covered.

Going around gigantic size boulder, a path leading directly to the rock, in the recesses of which you can take a break, look around and relax. Then the path winds along the rock and soon leads to the Devil's Arch. Not far from the arch there is no big cave, where children and small sizes adults. The cave is completely safe, there are no animals in it and there is nowhere to fall.

Further from the cave of the little devils, there is a large cave, well passable and absolutely safe. The cave is pitch dark, you can’t get by without flashlights, and it’s advisable to watch your step so as not to fall or trip. The roof of the cave in some places drops too low, and in the dark, without flashlights, you may not notice this and hit your head.

There are other caves in the rock, some of them are through, and, having entered one of them, you can exit from the other and continue further along the path towards the Devil's Finger rock. Archaeologists, studying these caves, found sites ancient man, and all valuable finds were transferred to local museums.

The path, going around the grotto-dip, leads to the very top of the rock, to the Devil's finger. Under the Devil's Finger rock there is a clearing where tourists stop, rest, refresh themselves with the supplies they brought, and enjoy the enchanting views of the Adygea mountains.

The way back from the Devil's Finger rock follows the same path, or you can go down the mountain ridge to Kamennomostsky. The second path, compared to the first, takes less time (one way takes about 3 hours).

Photo: Galina Starostina, Sergey Gavrilov, Evgeny Genevsky

Mount Devil's Finger in the Altai Territory is located on the territory of the Kamensky District in the valley of the Iset River. The name of the mountain comes from its unusual shape - from a distance it resembles an eerie knobby finger.

Like most other Altai mountains, there are many legends and myths about Mount Devil's Finger. The most famous is the legend about the villain Cherto who entered the earth and was defeated by the Moon. According to the stories local residents, many years ago, the Altai lands were captured by the Devil's yoke, the manufacturer of which was Cherto. The Altaians were under the rule of the invaders and worked for them day and night. There was no strength to resist the tyrant, so, being in complete despair, they decided to turn to the forces of nature for help. At first, the residents decided to turn to the Sun, but it was so high that it simply did not hear the people’s prayers. After this, the Altai people turned to the Moon for help, and she heard them. Luna gathered all her power and directed it against Cherto. After a strong blow to the top of the head, the tyrant simply went underground. However, even then the evil Cherto made attempts to get out. But as soon as he stuck his finger out from under the ground, he, illuminated moonlight, immediately turned to stone.

The mountain has become one of the favorite places of tourists who, having visited Lake Aya, do not deny themselves the desire to climb mountain peak.

Getting to the mountain will not be difficult, although the path from the old suspension bridge from the rural settlement of Katun to the very top it will be about 6 km.

Mount Devil's Finger rises 250 m above the Katun. From the top point a magnificent landscape opens up - the valley of the Katun River covered with dense forests and the water surface of the Altai Lake Aya. Many romantics visit the mountain to enjoy the beautiful spectacle of sunrise and sunset in this breathtaking place, and also, if desired, “recharge” with pure cosmic energy.

How many such “fingers” are scattered across Russia, and if you follow the legend of the Devil’s Finger in Altai, everywhere the “fierce enemy” tried to get free, and everywhere only “fingers” remained from him. Many rafters are familiar with the Devil's Finger rock on the Ural River Usva, and another rocky “finger” can be seen on the Ai River (from Bashkir - lunar). There is a Devil's finger in the rocks near Feodosia, and even on Baikal they will gladly take you to the same local attraction. So maybe the legend about the mighty warrior is right, and it’s worth translating it into an epic?

What does the legend tell about the Devil's finger and its appearance?

The Devil's Finger rock in the Altai Mountains is popular thanks to the legend that old people tell to their grandchildren. In some manuscripts of the Biysk archive local history museum There are early mentions of the “battle of good and evil” in the Altai land, but at least the approximate date of the appearance of the legend is not indicated anywhere.

The legend about the warrior Kuyum, the cruel Devil and the wise old man

In the Altai mountains there once lived a young warrior Kuyum. He made his living by hunting, because he was strong, like a bear, and could track game for a long time. Kuyum was brave, he was not afraid of severe frost or powerful mountain winds, so he hunted in the mountains for weeks, and brought home only skins. They said that Kuyum was cunning and savvy, like a fox, so he always found prey, no matter how the animal hid. Kuyum was an excellent archer, and each of his arrows found its target. The warrior rode far from the camp on his faithful horse, which carried him with the speed and force of the wind.

Kuyum would have lived like this, but an unexpected grief came to his native land - an enemy named Cherto. The Devil ravaged fertile lands, and took people to unknown lands and tortured them with brutal tortures. Cherto’s cruelty was so terrible that people left their homes, and if the enemy overtook them, they threw their children into the waters of mountain rivers so that they would not suffer and suffer. People fought as best they could, gathered the best warriors and shooters, hunters and farmers into a large army, but the Devil scattered this army in an instant and killed the people.

The elders gathered and went to the old man, who lived far away in the mountains, for advice. The elder’s answer amazed the people, because the whole army could not cope with the enemy, but the elder insisted on his own:

“Send one brave warrior to Cherto.
When everything suddenly becomes quiet and dark,
When the moon is eclipsed in the starry sky,
When the formidable enemy sleeps soundly,
Let the warrior hooves his horse
The monster will trample into the ground,
so that the earth will cover it forever.”

The elders thought for a long time, and meanwhile the enemy almost devastated the Altai lands. People remembered Kuyum, found him in the mountains, and began to ask for help. Kuyum, in his travels, did not know that an enemy had come to his native lands, so he immediately responded to the call for help. On the darkest night, Kuyum on his faithful steed rushed at the enemy Cherto, and they fought for not a day or two, but when it was all over, people saw that the fierce enemy was gone, only a finger sticking out of the ground remained. So the finger petrified, and over time turned into a rock above the Katun River.

There is another legend, but in it the cruel Devil was dealt with by the Moon, who descended from heaven and hit the villain on the head, and pressed him into the ground until only one finger remained.

Where is the Devil's finger in Altai

Almost all vacationers on Lake Aya or in its environs know how to get by car to the Devil’s Finger in Altai. In general, there is quite a bit of information about this attraction on the Internet, although if you are on the lake, you will definitely be offered an excursion to the rock.

Of course, compared to the Ukok plateau or the Aktru glacier, the Devil’s Finger doesn’t look small, but the point is not the height, but the beauty of the rock. The height of the Devil's Finger in Altai is only 250 meters, it's not even a mountain - a hill, but getting there by car is problematic. Getting to the base of the cliff is wonderful, but you have to climb with your feet. The rock looks like a twisted “bundle”; along the middle of the “bundle” there is a well-trodden path; it is slightly lower than the boulders surrounding it, so it is impossible to lose the path. There is a passable road to the rock, and amateurs are offered to climb on ATVs - well, whatever. Or “fly up” to the rock in 20 minutes or climb for an hour and a half, while admiring the views from all sides of the Devil’s Finger. At the very top there is a natural Observation deck, where you can take beautiful pictures, relax, and breathe in the cleanest air of Altai.

How to find the Devil's finger on the map of Altai? If you enter the name of the rock into Yandex maps, the place where the village of Souzga is visible opposite the rock, a little further the village of Aya, Manzherok, Katun will be marked.

How to get to the Devil's finger in Altai

Lake Aya is only 25 km from Gorno-Altaisk, but the transfer must be agreed upon in advance. Again: railway transport There is no connection from Gorno-Altaisk, only bus or car connections.

It’s easier to get from Biysk:

  • You pass the bridge over the Biya - the Chuysky tract passes here, so in front of you there will be an excellent road to the village of Maima;
  • sharp turns a lot, so do not exceed the speed;
  • As soon as there are two lanes, it means that soon the village of Souzga, which must be passed directly;
  • Turn right onto the new Aisky Bridge, and behind it also turn right;
  • After 3 kilometers there will be a fork; along the roundabout, turn left to the “Crown of Katun” tourist center;
  • You drive past the tourist center to the village of Katun.
  • Next, walk with a guide to the cell phone tower along the gravel road, then along the dirt road to the top of the Devil's Finger.

It’s worth climbing the rock even in cloudy weather, as the views will be magnificent - the Altai expanses in a haze. The old people call the rock a place of power, and it’s true, because a strong warrior, according to legend, “heralded good” throughout Altai. You can spend a lot of time here, especially since the descent will not cause any trouble, and there are equipped tourist centers and campsites very close by.

Mount Devil's Finger is a rock that has the shape of a protrusion, corresponding to its name. Located in the valley of the Iset River, the territory of which belongs to the Kamensky district Altai Territory. The Altai Mountains always attract a huge number of travelers and researchers. But Mount Devil's Finger or, as it is also called, Devil's Claw, is one of the most popular places for tourists to visit.

First of all, this is explained by the attractive name and easily accessible location, especially for vacationers on the shores of Lake Aya, located nearby. The mountain is located to the right of the road laid across the suspension bridge connecting the banks of the Katun to the village of Nizhnyaya Kayancha.

Travelers, to get to Mount Devil's Finger, choose the following route. First, they walk from Beklenishchev along the left bank of the Iset 3 km downstream, observing a high rocky cliff on the right bank. In the area of ​​​​the High Black Rock, which is the Devil's Finger, the river makes a sharp turn to the south.

Lake Aya is located next to the village of Aya, which is located 25 km from Gorno-Altaisk. 53 km on the left bank of the Katun River not far from the Chuysky tract there is the village of Altaiskoye. The lake has one wonderful advantage, rare for these places. The water temperature in it is about 20 degrees and above, which allows vacationers to swim in it in the summer. The lake, located among mountains covered with various vegetation, is very beautiful and has the shape of a month. Hence the name of this clean and transparent lake Aya - Luna.

It’s here that the Devil’s Finger rises nearby, which has another advantage that attracts guests here. The mountain offers a magnificent panorama of the Katun River valley and an unforgettable view of the massif Altai mountains. This landscape is worth taking any route for. For those who climbed to the top, a natural platform with an overview of the beautiful Altai nature is provided.

All around are green pine forests, mountains, the peaks of which connect with the sky, resting against the clouds with white crowns, mountain transparent rivers carrying their clear waters through the valleys of Altai, making their way between high rocky shores.

For the sake of all this and also for the sake of the ringing silence, interrupted only by the voices of singing birds, you can take such an interesting walk without refusing to enjoy the taste of wild strawberries ripening on the elephants of this mountain. Many, finding themselves in the midst of such an extraordinary and fantastically beautiful nature, thoroughly enjoy watching sunset or sunrise on this magical mountain.

Mount Devil's Finger (Devil's Claw) easily accessible and popular place for vacationers in the area of ​​Lake Aya. The peak is located near Lake Aya, to the right of the road leading from the suspension bridge over the Katun to the village of Nizhnyaya Kayancha. The mountain got its name due to its peculiar protrusion.
From the top there is a magnificent view of the Katun River valley. Here you can thoroughly enjoy the mountain silence and listen to the birds singing. Romantics can be invited to watch the sunset or sunrise here. And in July, in the vicinity of the Devil's Finger peak, you can enjoy ripe wild strawberries. The Devil's Finger rock sticks out 250 meters into the sky above the Katun. And if you measure from the ordinary Baltic footstock, then the height will be, perhaps, 520 meters. This miracle is located on the left bank of the river near the resort place “Lake Aya”. Very popular with tourists natural object, from the height of which amazing Altai panoramas open up. These are, so to speak, dry statistics.
For everyone who is interested in whether the author had the courage to climb this “Devil’s Finger”, this is my story.
The spirit, of course, almost ran out while my friends and I were climbing up a rather steep and slippery slope. But at the top, right on the nail, showing my friend how to properly spread his arms and be amazed at the beauty of nature, I took a very deep breath... and at that moment I felt that my legs had lost their reliable stone support! I took off and, caught by a mischievous breeze, began to rise higher and higher. Friends tried to grab me by the legs, but no way!.. How wonderful is the feeling of flying! The whole world opened up before me. We managed to look at Sagarmatha itself! This is how the Nepalese have called the highest peak of the Himalayas since time immemorial. My friends were chasing me on a hang glider with a motor, and they burned two barrels of kerosene. In the end, they managed to throw a lasso over my leg and lower me from heaven to earth.
This is how my long-time dream of seeing the Himalayas, at least with one eye, came true!

The Devil's Finger rock is a rocky outcrop of the Una-Koz ridge near the village of Dakhovskaya, in the mountains of the Republic of Adygea, the rocks are at an altitude of about 900 meters. You can get to the Devil's Finger rock in several ways: from the Mishoko gorge, from stone quarries near the village of Veseloe and from the village of Dakhovskaya from the old bridge. Our route was completely new, and it was connected with the opening of a new cable car, but first things first

The day began with breakfast at the Tesnina cafe in the village of Kamennomostsky. In general, the weather spoiled us that day; it all started back in Krasnodar when, after severe frosts, a thaw began. In the area of ​​the hike that day it also became warm, a warm +2-3 south wind was blowing, but the ground and snow remained frozen and did not think of melting, so against the backdrop of the expectation of severe frosts, it was comfortable.

The route in this format was a premiere as it started from the new cable car. The Savranskaya cable car, which is what it is called, was opened at the end of 2014. There is no information on the length and height difference on the tickets; the ascent takes about 15 minutes.

At the top there is no infrastructure except for horse riding, a toilet and a tea seller, as of January 2015. The flyer, aka the ticket, also promises ATVs, skis, sleds, a rope tow and various routes, the markings of which are not yet ready, except of course the route to Tethys Park.

The route to the rope park runs along the road and is marked with arrows and markers. In summer there are an abundance of paths, but in winter we walk along a narrow path, with no chance of turning off the path, since the depth of the snow cover is up to 40 cm. The park is about a kilometer away, in the park we meet at the lookout instructor who presents us with a just completed rope entertainment complex. I didn’t remember anything because a strong wind was blowing and we moved on. Read more about Tethys www.tetistur.ru

The Devil's Finger rock is located about a kilometer from the rope park, there is a new trail for Tethys clients, there is an old trail along the road, there were no tracks along the new path, and we began to follow the old tracks along the road. Perhaps the trailing participants did not feel the difference, but the first three were noticeably tired, and every 100-150 meters we rested. The last 100 meters across the field to the Devil's Finger rock were not at all easy, since there the snow blew even higher than the knee.

Everyone who reached the rock was rewarded with an excellent view of the snow-capped mountains. The same wind did not allow us to relax at the open lookouts, and after 10 minutes we set off on our way back along the same road. The path to Tethys was already ready, and to the Cable Car it became even wider, as new people flocked to the rope park closer to lunch.


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