Business in daily rental of apartments. How to open a daily apartment rental business - concept and financial calculations Advertise daily apartments

Buying real estate is not only a way to save your own savings, but also an opportunity to make money on it by reselling or renting it out. This is one of the liquid and unique assets. There are two main aspects that guide businessmen who invest in real estate: the desire to save their money in the face of inflation and the desire to increase their income by reselling real estate or renting it out.

Pros and cons of renting an apartment

Purchasing housing for the purpose of further renting it out is the most common investment transaction. You won’t be able to make money quickly from such an operation; the average rental income is 3.5-5% per annum of the cost of the apartment. But this is a promising and long-term investment; over time, you can move adult children here or sell it for the purpose of building a country house. Of course, renting out an apartment requires certain hassles: you need to constantly look for tenants, maintain the apartment, and make cosmetic repairs.

Before the crisis of 2008-2010. the number of “investment” transactions, subsequently associated with earning income, amounted to approximately a third of all transactions in Russian market. Gradually their share decreased to 20%, and currently stands at 15%. At the same time, the number of long-term investors who purchase real estate for the future has increased.

The attachment Money in the purchase of real estate is a long-term project, but more reliable than a bank deposit. A bank deposit can be placed at 10-12% per annum in rubles, but possible risks must also be taken into account: recently there have been many bankrupt banks. Banks with a solid reputation offer low interest rates.

How much can you earn by renting out an apartment?

Let's take a look at the table, which clearly demonstrates rental income:

Apartment options Apartment cost Rental income per month, in rubles Rental income per year, in rubles
Room 800 000 7 000 84 000
1 room apartment 1 900 000 14 000 168 000
2-room apartment 2 700 000 18 000 216 000
3-room apartment 3 500 000 22 000 264 000

But in addition to income, there are also fixed expenses - these are: apartment repairs, rent and utility bills (if this is not included in the rent), insurance and income tax.

Apartment options Rent and utility bills per year, in rubles Tax (13% of rent) Redecorating Insurance Total expenses per year
Room 24 000 10 920 6 000 3 200 44 120
1 room apartment 30 000 21 840 12 000 7 600 71 440
2-room apartment 42 000 28 080 24 000 10 800 104 800
3-room apartment 60 000 34 320 36 000 14 000 144 320

The profitability and payback period are affected by the size of the initial investment in real estate, repairs, as well as the distance from transport hubs. The payback period for apartments purchased with your own money is more than 10 years, and those taken on a mortgage are even longer. From a one-room apartment you can receive up to 96 thousand rubles per month.

Apartment options Cost of the apartment, in rubles Net income, in rubles Income in %
Room 800 000 39 880 4,98%
1 room apartment 1 900 000 96 560 5,08%
2-room apartment 2 700 000 111 120 3,88%
3-room apartment 3 500 000 119 680 3,42%

Place matters

Tenants, and especially foreigners, are not interested in the historical location of the apartment, but in good transport links and the availability of the necessary services. If you don’t have the funds to buy an apartment in Moscow, then you can start buying an apartment in the Moscow region. The rental income from such an apartment will be 10-15% lower than in the capital, but 50% less money will be spent on purchasing the apartment.

The price of an apartment and, accordingly, the cost of rent for housing located near metro stations and railway stations. It is worth monitoring the construction of new metro lines and purchasing apartments there for rent. In Moscow, apartments in areas outside the Moscow Ring Road, where the metro arrives, are rising sharply in price. For example, in Mytishchi, the cost of purchasing and renting housing has increased by 30%.

Without losing, there will also be the option of purchasing housing in areas close to airports. At not so high costs, such apartments bring a stable income.

New building or secondary construction - what to choose?

When purchasing housing for subsequent rental, you need to consider two things: how long it will take to pay back the investment, and how much the housing will cost in the future. If you put the issue of return on funds to the fore, then you need to buy housing that is old.

Most of the offers on the apartment market are apartments of old construction. And the demand for them is quite high; renting an apartment at a lower price is more profitable than paying for renting an apartment. Although there is also a demand for them, some want to live in newly built houses and apartments filled with modern furniture and appliances.

Apartments in a new building are more expensive, so their payback period will be longer. But at the same time, rent in a new building will cost more. If an apartment is purchased on the primary market, it is recommended to buy it from a large developer who has experience in commercial development, as well as joint mortgage lending programs with state banks. The developer sells apartments in accordance with federal law FZ-214.

So, you have purchased an apartment and you have decided to renovate it. One of the main mistakes landlords make is to renovate an economy-class apartment with a business-class renovation. Believe me, tenants will not appreciate this, and you will spend quite a lot of money. Business class apartments are another matter; they must be equipped with expensive furniture and designer renovations must be carried out here.

Apartments for daily rent

Another type of income is renting out apartments on a daily basis. Such services are used by business travelers and tourists who do not want to overpay for hotels. The most in demand are middle class apartments, the cost per day ranges from 1.5-3.5 thousand rubles. The rental of this housing accounts for an average of 50%% of the total rental volume. The next most popular apartments are luxury apartments, the rental cost of which is 3.5-6.3 thousand rubles per month.

Of course, this business, like any other, has its negative aspects; the apartment may remain idle for some time. But during the autumn-spring period, and especially in holidays, middle class real estate is 100% occupied, and the rental price these days doubles.

What documents are needed to rent out an apartment?

After purchasing a home and carrying out renovation work, the apartment must be insured. We draw up a full insurance contract: we insure the walls, interior decoration, property located in the apartment, and, of course, civil liability (arson and fires due to the fault of the residents). For apartments that are rented out, an increased coefficient of 50% is applied. For example, for an apartment on the outskirts of the capital, valued at 7.5 million rubles, the insurance payment will be 15 thousand rubles.

If you rent out an apartment yourself, you must:

  1. Obtain consent from all its owners and registered persons to rent out the apartment.
  2. Place an ad and start looking for a tenant.
  3. The agreement must be concluded for a period of 11 months, in which it is necessary to indicate:
  • all persons who will live in the apartment (make copies of all passports);
  • how will it be paid rent monthly or quarterly;
  • who will pay utility bills (electricity, water, etc.);
  • rules for using electrical appliances;
  • when the landlord can visit the apartment, etc.

Those who appreciate time can contact a law firm to draw up a lease agreement; this service will cost you 2 thousand rubles.

  1. Draw up an act of transfer of the apartment, which indicates all the defects at the time of conclusion of the contract.
  2. Write receipts in which the landlord indicates that he received the money, and the tenant that he received the keys.

If your housing is municipal, then the Moscow government requires you to register it with the State Unitary Enterprise. To do this, you need to contact the “Moscow City Center for Rental Housing”, here you need to bring: an application, consent of all owners to rent out an apartment, an extract from a personal account or house register, a social tenancy agreement. The cost of the center staff service will cost you 1,600 rubles. After registration, the agreement will be registered with the State Unitary Enterprise.

So, in this article we tried to highlight all the pros and cons of renting out an apartment, which apartments are better to buy for rent, in which areas, we also indicated that this business is a long-term project and its payback occurs in a few years, but the project reliable and liquid, since no matter what the rent and rental demand are, you still have a liquid asset that you can use for your own purposes or sell it.

One of the most popular topics on business forums is daily apartment rentals. This could be an empty granny flat, a house taken on a mortgage, or simply a desire to rent cheaper and sublet at a higher price. As a rule, young people who do not have serious funds to start another business are interested in this topic. Indeed, there is no need for large investments here. But is it so easy to build your own? hotel business? IQR studied the issue.

How to make money on short-term rentals?

Where can I find an apartment for daily rent?

So, initially there is no free apartment. Where can I get it? You have few options:

  • rent someone’s apartment on a monthly basis and sublet it on a daily basis;
  • take out a mortgage;
  • make an object out of your apartment, renting a cheaper one on the outskirts.

This is exactly what Dmitry Filimonov does, who built a business in this area from scratch. He is still far from even thirty. Dmitry came to Yekaterinburg several years ago, got a job from scratch and spent a year gaining experience. Then he took out the first apartment on a mortgage, already knowing that he would rent it out on a daily basis, and he continued to live in the rented apartment. Today he has 3 apartments with a mortgage, from which he has made a mini-hotel chain. The income ranges from 180 to 400 thousand rubles per month, which allows him to freely pay the mortgage, and in a few years he will own a lot of real estate without being encumbered with collateral.

Where to start your rental business?

First you need to thoroughly know the rental market of the selected area. You need to call advertisements, walk around apartments, write down prices and understand what is offered. It is better to tell the owner openly that you are looking for an apartment for sublease to avoid problems in the future. Not everyone will agree, but many will be interested, provided that you offer a little above the market price.

Which apartment is suitable for daily rental?

The main thing is the location, it should be convenient, close to the metro, railway station and infrastructure. Clients often travel from a train station or airport tired; few people want to walk to who knows where.

The apartment itself should be modern and pleasant to look at. That is, either you take initially nice apartment, or you are doing repairs in a “dead” one. “So-so apartment” is the worst option. At the same time, you should not be afraid of “Khrushchev” buildings; they can be renovated quite well.

Naturally, not the first floor - no one will like this. The view from the window is not important, but it’s better not to be in a trash heap. The most important element is the absence of a musty and old smell in the apartment - no one will rent this one.

In terms of area, small two-room apartments (you need to break down the walls) or large one-room apartments are preferable. This is due to the type of clientele.

Short-term rental client - who is he?

Most clients are:

  • young couples;
  • business travelers and businessmen passing through the city;
  • quarreling spouses;
  • tourists.

They can rent an apartment either for a few hours to spend the night or for a couple of weeks. Lots of regular customers. If your apartment is good in price and quality, people will remember the convenient option and come back or recommend it to their friends. Therefore, it is important to unwind, it will be easier later.

How much money do you need to start in this business?

Option 1

Typically, new entrepreneurs start with renting someone else's apartment. This is, at a minimum, a deposit, a month of payment in advance, there may be another 50 to 100% agent fee if you do not find a suitable apartment from the owner. As a rule, no one will allow you to make various changes in the apartment (repairs, change of furniture) if you are renting. The exception is to agree with the owner of the “killed” apartment for partial repairs as payment. In this case, it is necessary to stipulate this point in detail in the contract so as not to lose the investment. For advertising at first, 5 thousand rubles is enough. In general, you can start with an investment of up to 100 thousand rubles.

Option 2

You more money and determination, you take out a mortgage. As a rule, this is a contribution of 30%. Monthly payment may vary, see mortgage calculators. Usually this is one and a half times the rental price of a similar apartment, which means the income should be higher! Therefore, in this option you need to have another source of permanent income; it is not worth recommending to beginners, you can lose money. On the other hand, you get expensive real estate in a few years, having already “recovered” the costs!

In this case, it is best to take a “killed” apartment, perhaps “from under” alcoholics or a grandmother. Such an apartment will be cheaper than the market, and with the right approach you can make good repairs. The cost of repairs may vary. In general terms it is:

  • the cost of dismantling old furniture, plumbing, flooring and other things, plus garbage removal;
  • payment for work;
  • purchase of materials, plumbing and decorative elements;
  • replacement of furniture.

Dmitry manages to sell old furniture on Avito and buy decent, slightly used furniture there for pennies. This takes a lot of time - you need to carefully study the advertisements, call them, go and see them live, but it saves a lot of money. Sometimes there are scratches and chips, in which case it makes sense to contact a restorer and buy covers. However, you can also buy beautiful furniture inexpensively at IKEA.

You can find out more about resolving issues related to repairs on his blog.

How to furnish an apartment for a client?

Apartment for daily rent

First, study a significant array of photographs of beautiful apartments and note for yourself their common features. Typically, this will include the following items:

  • spacious living space - there is no unnecessary furniture or junk, clients love studio-type apartments;
  • the apartment is furnished in a modern style;
  • the design is made in bright colors (under no circumstances should you tear your eyes out, choose colors harmoniously);
  • sterile cleanliness, always clean windows;
  • absence of yellowed plumbing elements, window frames, window sills, etc.;
  • no drips.

What does Dmitry do to make the apartment look “cool” and please the client?:

  • selects a beautiful design;
  • puts large double beds everywhere;
  • pays great attention to detail;
  • Be sure to install a new kitchen with full equipment.

The most important thing is where to get clients?

In the Internet

First, create a business card website. This is a simple site consisting of 1-5 pages. You can google manuals and do it yourself (up to 1000 rubles), you can order it (3-5 thousand) or from a web studio (from 5 thousand). Your phone number and photos of apartments must be visible on the site. Photos must be good quality, beautiful, taken in the right lighting. Hire an amateur photographer or get free advice on a photography forum.

You can promote a website, but it is not very effective if there are already competitors in your city. So start with contextual advertising. The largest networks are Direct and Adwords from Yandex and Google, respectively. Select all relevant keywords and direct advertising traffic to your site. As a rule, Direct is more effective, but more advertising means more clients. If you only have one apartment and it’s rented for a week, you can pause advertising.

Add your apartment to bulletin boards. The largest free one is Avito, but don’t be lazy to post on smaller boards - “From Hand to Hand”, city forums and other platforms. The largest paid board is Cyan, don't forget it. The more sources, the more clients.

Airbnb's international portal will help you attract foreign clients who pay in dollars and euros. The main thing is that the apartment is close to the city center, looks beautiful in the photo and is cheaper than local hotels.


Daily rental advertisement
  • place advertisements in local newspapers;
  • print flyers and stick them everywhere;
  • You can post on commercial notice boards at entrances. This is paid, but your ads will be throughout the area or even the city;
  • try advertising on the asphalt in crowded places, preferably near stations public transport. You need a stencil and a can of spray paint.

Business plan for daily rentals

Apartment house


Here everything is counted on fingers and a business plan is not required. It is clear that there is no extra money, we count everything at the minimum. Take the price of a good one-room apartment in your city. You will pay it back for the first month, and the same amount for the deposit. We avoid realtors. For the second month, money must be kept in reserve. Total - 3 prices. Let’s say the rental price is 25 thousand per month, that’s 75 thousand.

We make the website “on our knees” for free. We purchase decorative elements, clean sheets, towels, dishes and other small items for 5 thousand rubles.

Let’s say the price is 2 thousand rubles per day, occupancy in the first month is 40%. Revenue - 24 thousand. We pay bills monthly. If we get 40%, we will almost never go broke. Another minus 2 thousand. By the second month, you can gain profit by studying all the nuances and problems from your own experience. After a couple of months, the costs will be recouped (plus the deposit will still be returned to you if you don’t spoil anything). Dmitry speaks of a stable occupancy rate of about 70-80%.


Let's take Moscow as an example. A well-located, but “killed” one-room apartment can be purchased from 5 million.

You will spend a minimum of 200 thousand rubles on repairs. A realtor is not necessary, but it is better to contact one to accompany the transaction - from 30 thousand rubles. Taking into account this amount and advertising costs, we must consider the mortgage.

Advice: in 2015, mortgage rates rose by several percent, and now they are not best time to get involved with a mortgage - the final overpayment is huge compared to last year if your income is in rubles. It is better to start with subletting or buy an apartment for cash if possible.

You must have 1,575 thousand rubles for the entry fee. Be sure to set aside an amount no less than six months’ payment in advance! This is approximately 400 thousand.

The revenue calculation is the same. The risks here are higher; let’s take a pessimistic forecast: you will not be able to raise the occupancy rate above 60%. This is 35-50 thousand revenues per month (at a price of 2-3 thousand rubles per day), depending on the price. With current rates, you won’t be able to cover your mortgage - the monthly payment with utilities will probably exceed 60 thousand, but this is higher than rental prices (about 28-32 thousand are now being charged for such apartments). The question is that when you invest 2 million, you want more!

If the apartment was purchased at your own expense, 12% per annum with a pessimistic forecast is not bad at all! If you keep the occupancy rate at 80%, that’s 24 days a month, for example, 3 thousand per day, we get almost 65 thousand after deducting expenses. Not every job in Moscow pays that much. You can use this money to rent similar housing nearby and have a difference of 35 thousand.

However, this is a pessimistic option. Alexander Zhinkin from Krasnodar, another practicing entrepreneur in this area, in his seminars laid out a much more promising table of actual income and expenses for his objects:

Business on sublease of apartments

Probably the reason is lower competition in the regions and the ability to bet more high prices for a day at low prices monthly rent and mortgage. You can watch the full seminar (it's quite long).

Daily rental of apartments is increasingly gaining popularity among landlords. This is due to the increased profitability compared to renting out housing for long term. Service popular with business travelers, part-time students, tourists, couples with children, for whom a hotel may not be affordable, and a hostel may be unacceptable for a number of reasons.

Let's look at the details of this business one by one.

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Property options for rent

The most common option is renting out vacant housing. For example, relatives leave a free living space. If you have neither the desire nor the opportunity to sell it, organizing your own business and renting it profitably on a daily basis is not a bad idea.

A profitable investment of free capital would be the purchase of a separate apartment, specifically for the purpose of further rental.

If you want to learn how to bargain correctly when buying an apartment, then it will be useful to you. Sublease – re-letting of the lessor's property

Three entrepreneurs from the Moscow outskirts earn about 400 thousand rubles. per month on the fact that stylish apartments are rented at a price twice as high as one-room apartments cost

​Mama Ro founders Anton Kozlov, Volodya Nizovtsev and Anatoly Smirnov (Photo: Oleg Yakovlev / RBC)

​The founders of Mama Ro, Anton Kozlov, Volodya Nizovtsev and Anatoly Smirnov, always dreamed of living in the center of Moscow. “I wanted to absorb the spirit of Moscow’s night adventures in Kitay-Gorod,” Smirnov says in an interview with RBC. “Besides, we didn’t want to waste an hour and a half of our life every day, getting to the center from the dull residential outskirts of the capital.” Kozlov was the first to risk moving to the center and in 2010 rented 18 sq. m. m on the ground floor in Maly Ivanovsky Lane. He made the renovations on his own, and it turned out to be a “soulful place”, to which friends quickly began to flock. From this small success, the guys came up with a business idea - to create budget housing in the center of the capital for people like them. “So that one night is comparable to the cost of a taxi ride,” says Anton. According to the guys’ estimates, the potential market volume of such commuter migrants was about 700 thousand people every day, which means the product should be in demand.

Luck with your own hands

We sat down to draw up a business plan and realized: in order to create a “hostel for hipsters” on 600 sq. m, you need at least 10 million rubles. investments. “We didn’t have that kind of money,” says Nizovtsev. “I was a freelance videographer, Anton was a hotel receptionist, and Tolya organized television broadcasts.” As a result, the founders of Mama Ro decided to try a less capital project, and in May 2012, luck smiled at them. “One morning I went to and saw that a room was for rent in the basement on Spiridonovka: 80 sq. m. m for only 67 thousand rubles. per month,” says Smirnov. “This was the most important moment of the whole project: we realized that if we want to do something, we need to start right now.” The guys scraped together 30 thousand rubles. for a deposit and began repairs.

At first they wanted to divide the entire space into several rooms of 12-15 square meters. m. “But then we realized that we would be no different from typical hotel rooms,” explains Kozlov. “We realized that we ourselves would not want to live in such cells. This is how we came up with the idea of ​​creating not just an interior for temporary accommodation, but full-fledged studios, apartments, and living space.” For 2.5 months and 800 thousand rubles. the guys did the repairs. “At first we applied the plaster with our hands, but then we learned to use a spatula,” says Smirnov. — Money was collected from friends: some 50 thousand rubles. Someone gave 100 thousand, and took 350 thousand from a capitalist friend at interest.” In mid-July, two studios on Spiridonovka were ready to receive their first guests. An advertisement was posted on the same CIAN, and on July 19 the first client came. “The couple rented an apartment for two days for 8 thousand rubles,” Nizovtsev says with a smile. “It seemed to us that exactly what we feared most had happened: our clients would be those who usually rent apartments by the day.” But the novice entrepreneurs were mistaken: the first, like all subsequent clients, turned out to be from a different audience - they were ordinary or business tourists who wanted to be in a foreign city in a comfortable environment, different from small and identical hotel rooms.

NumbersMama Ro

14 apartments available from Mama Ro

7 thousand rubles.average price apartment rental per day

RUB 18.8 million— total investments

20 thousand apartments for daily rent in Moscow

3.5 thousand rubles.— average price of an apartment with good repair per day

Source: Mama Ro, “Miel”, project “Daily”

After a relatively “rotten” August (75% occupancy), since September there have been reservations every day. “From September 2012 to February 2014, we did not have a single downtime at Spiridonovka,” the entrepreneurs are proud. In the first five months of work, they repaid all debts (about 800 thousand rubles). During this time, as during repairs, they went to Metro and bought shampoos and towels themselves and repaired breakdowns. “Once every three days, each of us was on duty to clean and wash toilets,” says Smirnov. “We realized that the principle is simple: either you drown and it’s only your business, or you fight and win.”

After the business took off, the guys started thinking about expanding. They began to intensively monitor advertisements on CIAN, but at first they had no luck. “Either you come across a granny with a three-room apartment, or the owner who permanently lives in the Emirates and offers to sign an agreement via Skype,” recalls Kozlov. And by chance, through friends, we came across a representative of a man who bought an entire house on Chistye Prudy, in Gusyatnikov Lane. At the beginning of 2013, the founders of Mama Ro rented 300 sq. m. m on the third floor and began to look for money for repairs. In total, they collected 1.5 million rubles. and another 2.5 million rubles. took out a loan at 20% per annum from one of the Moscow banks. And in January 2013 we started construction. “We each had our own vision of what the studios should look like. I adore Suprematism, so I created a Suprematist studio, Anton is obsessed with Byzantine mosaics,” says Nizovtsev. “Each of us started from our own dreams.” They currently rent two of the three floors in the house. The founders of Mama Ro invested a total of 18 million rubles in the launch of 12 apartments on Gusyatnikov Lane. They actually had to do a major overhaul of the building, replacing pipes and electrical wiring, strengthening floors, and replacing walls and ceilings.

Vladimir Nizovtsev: “The lease agreement for the premises on Spiridonovka, of course, we had a relative one (sublease from the city), and, in fact, we could be asked at any time, that is, to take away the business. Here, what is important to understand is that any business is made of a doer. Without a doer, a business is useless. And, thank God, our business environment is beginning to understand that without guys who are ready to clean the toilet with their own hands, excuse me, there won’t be this load, there won’t be these people who come here, everything will fail, nothing will work at all.” .

Anatoly Smirnov: “The Jazz studio has all my psychological traits. For example, since childhood I did not have my own workplace; I lived with my parents in the living room. That's why I made something great in the studio workplace with a view from the window. I want a feeling of psychological security, so I make the floor from solid ash. As an actor by profession, I replace ordinary light with theatrical spotlights, permeating the air with the feeling of the theater. And it’s like that in every studio. This is probably what attracts clients to Mama Ro: all the interiors are very personal.”

Anton Kozlov: “Russia is a difficult country for doing business, but it is as promising as it is complex that, in principle, you can choose any business and do it with truly high quality, conscientiously. This will be a guaranteed success, because the market, especially services, is very unfinished, undervalued, underfunded. Everything is done through the knees for the sake of making a quick profit and escaping abroad. We have no desire to leave, we understand that we are connected with the country and want to develop it. This honesty is one of the components of this business.”

Apartment economy

The standard Mama Ro apartment can accommodate four guests. Most of them are implemented on two levels: below there is a living room with a cinema and stereo system, a bar counter and a bathroom, and above there is a bedroom. Each studio has its own unique interior design project. For example, “Bauhaus” is made in the laconic German design of the early 20th century, with designer furniture made from Far Eastern ash. The Jazz apartments refer to American clubs and the theater of the 30s with exposed brickwork, while the Pine apartment with pine trees installed in the interior refers to a childhood dream of a tree house.

For the individual design of each room, furniture self made and equipment from Apple will have to pay from 6.5 to 8.5 thousand per day. The cost is determined by the area and popularity of the apartment. Entrepreneurs claim that in 2015 they operated at 97.2% capacity. “There are foreign clients who move from hotels and live with us for a month,” says Vladimir Nizovtsev. According to entrepreneurs, about 60% of clients are foreigners, but with the crisis the share of tourists from regions of the Russian Federation and China began to grow. According to them, there are those who live in apartments alone (about 20%) for several weeks or as a couple (also about 20%). Families and groups of friends account for about 30% of clients. Most clients come through booking systems (,, etc.). Apartments are often rented for a party or filming, in which case they are rented according to a separate price list, based on the event. On average, Mama Ro earns about 2.8 million rubles. per month.

Mama Ro's main expenses are rent (674 thousand rubles per month) and payments on loans and debts (interest and repayment - 747 thousand rubles per month) to banks and individuals. Personnel costs amount to about 420 thousand rubles. Entrepreneurs pay salaries to themselves and two assistants. Utility bills, cleaning (outsourced), advertising and reservation system commissions take up another 400 thousand rubles. In general, expenses run up to 2.2 million rubles per month. Mama Ro's activities are carried out through the individual entrepreneur Anton Kozlov (USN, 6% of income).

Other market

Yuri Kuznetsov, owner of the Internet project “Daily”, estimates the capital’s market for short-term rental of apartments and apartments at 20 thousand premises, most of them are standard one-room apartments. There are now about 3.5 thousand offers on the Sutochno website in the price category of 2-5 thousand rubles. per day.

Yulia Tselyakovskaya, director of development at LikeHome Apartaments, which manages 76 apartments in Moscow, believes that the demand for apartments and apartments is from different categories of clients. “Almost all of our facilities are within Garden Ring and are aimed at wealthy citizens who often rent them for several weeks and want to live “like at home,” she told RBC. — People often want not so much to save on hotel room how much to have amenities that hotels usually cannot provide.” According to her, this is especially true for families with children, when renting an apartment becomes more economical than booking several hotel rooms. She estimates the market for such accommodation facilities in the capital at only a few hundred properties.

For a family or a group of four people in Moscow now, as a rule, it is cheaper to stay in an apartment than in a hotel. According to, four nights from January 30 to February 3 at Mama Ro will cost 29.2 thousand, at LikeHome - 24 thousand rubles. A quadruple room in the Aeropolis hotel costs 28.5 thousand, in the Adagio apart-hotel – already 42 thousand, in Novotel (two standard double rooms) - 51 thousand, and a deluxe suite with a kingsize bed at Four Season - 493 thousand rubles.

Before the crisis, LikeHome Apartaments managed one hundred apartments (all properties are privately owned, the company takes over their management), 60% of clients were foreigners, and the average occupancy for the year was about 80%. “Now the situation has changed: more than 60% of clients are Russians, the load has also fallen,” Tselyakovskaya admits. Mama Ro says that the crisis did not affect their business - apartment occupancy in 2015 was 97.2%. The founders of Mama Ro plan to take over the management of an entire mansion in the center of Moscow in order to create a real apart-hotel in it, but so far they have not found a suitable property and investor for this project.

Interior and furniture for sale

The popularity of Mama Ro apartments is largely due to their unique interiors, which the founders designed and made themselves. Nizovtsev says that some guests even began to make requests to prepare similar design projects for their apartments. “Every fifth person comes in and says: “How great!” I want the same,” he says. The team has already completed four interior projects and is currently working on creating design projects for three hotels in Europe - the Czech Republic, Latvia and Estonia. The furniture that the guys made according to their own designs in the Bauhaus and Sosnovaya studios is of similar interest. “We were offered to make a whole collection and put it up for sale in the Tsvetnoy department store,” says Nizovtsev. Mama Ro is currently working on two furniture orders.


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