Business on daily rental of apartments - all the subtleties. Business plan for daily rental of apartments. Pros and cons of business

Daily rental of apartments as a business is a good additional income, but it also has its pitfalls. To save not only yours cash, but also the property being leased, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of where to start a business, what risks may exist, and for what group these services are suitable.

Where to start a business

Before you start building a business renting apartments, you need to find out the following points:

  1. Is there any living space available that can be rented out daily? If you own an apartment, then you need to be prepared for the fact that strangers will live in it and could cause damage to the property.
  2. You can rent an apartment and rent it out to others. Such a business will be considered a sublease of apartments. There are no additional risks and costs in this option; at first, you can immediately find out whether you will be able to build a business or not.

To start developing your business on daily rental apartments, you should draw up a rough business plan that will help you build a clear idea of ​​where to start. This document defines the following points:

  1. Find out which apartment will be rented - your own or rented.
  2. Carry out cosmetic repairs if necessary.
  3. Furnish the living area with furniture.
  4. Stock up on sets of replacement bed linen and towels.
  5. Decide to which category of citizens the premises will be rented (for example, only to married couples or citizens on a business trip).
  6. To submit an advertisement for daily rent of an apartment, you need to take good photographs and write a description of the living space.
  7. The finished advertisement should be submitted to newspapers, the Internet, or you can create your own website or page on social networks.

Features and possible problems

Having decided to build a business in renting apartments by the day, you should understand that certain risks may arise.

In practice, there has not yet been a court hearing of cases where a person who organized an apartment rental business and was not registered as an individual entrepreneur would be brought as a defendant.

What are the advantages of registering a business through an individual entrepreneur:

  1. In the event of conflict situations, it can be proven that all actions were carried out legally.
  2. Registration as an individual entrepreneur disciplines the maintenance of documentary records, which means that all papers, from contracts to checks, will be executed properly.

It follows from this that any claims against guests will be documented. This will be a definite plus in court if the conflict comes to trial.

What is the profit?

Renting an apartment for short periods of time, charging as in hotels, per night or day, is often much more profitable than renting it out to permanent residents. Although it is much more troublesome if you deal with the issue yourself. Difficulties can be avoided if you involve realtors, but in this case the income will be less. Today we will talk about how to properly rent out an apartment for daily rent.

Daily rentals also come with a number of other difficulties. Firstly, frequent changes of guests increase the risk of damage to the apartment and the loss of some things. To minimize the likelihood of negative consequences, you need to seal all transactions with an official employment contract. Secondly, income from such rentals strongly depends on the season, the popularity of the city, and the area where the apartment is located. There is a demand for such housing in cities with a population of at least five hundred thousand and in populated areas, attractive from a tourist point of view. IN major centers demand is associated with student activity, business trips, and job searches. In tourist cities and towns - with swimming and other (for example, skiing) seasons, calendar holidays, vacation periods.

On average, as practice shows, in good months nice apartment It is possible to rent out 20 days out of 30. And if a long-term rental would bring the owners, say, 15-20 thousand rubles a month, then a daily rental would bring 30-40 thousand. average price for a good, clean room equipped with all the necessary equipment - 1000-2000 rubles per day, depending on the city of location. In order for the result to be good, many organizational issues need to be resolved, in particular, how to advertise the apartment.

Where to begin?

Daily rent is beneficial not only to home owners, but also to apartment renters, because they could pay much more for a hotel room. However, tenants often want comfort no less than in a hotel. Therefore, it is necessary to create such conditions for them.

The most important thing is the cleanliness of the room. You will have to clean after each guest, take out the trash, change bedding and bathroom accessories (clean towels should always be available).

The second component is the equipment of the apartment with appliances and comfortable furniture. It is not necessary to buy new expensive equipment or household items, just look for ads on the Internet and buy something second-hand. The minimum set includes:

  • cooling chamber;
  • washing machine;
  • Wi-Fi router (as a last resort, wired Internet);
  • air conditioner;
  • TV;
  • minimum set of dishes;
  • kettle;
  • iron and ironing board;
  • stove and microwave;
  • beds, sofas, armchairs (the number depends on the rooms);
  • dining table and chairs.

The rental price directly depends on how comfortable the apartment is.. The cost will also be affected by the renovation of the premises, the location of the apartment, the number of rooms and beds. During the holidays, prices can be slightly increased, and during quiet periods - reduced. Discounts are also welcome if you book accommodation for several days.

How to take it officially and safely

There are several ways to officially rent out an apartment. Each of them has its pros and cons.

Three ways to officially rent out an apartment:

  1. independently, using contractual relationships with tenants and deducting part of the income as taxes;
  2. through an agency that, for a certain percentage, will act as an intermediary in finding tenants;
  3. through an agency, by transferring an apartment to trust management, taking into account the distribution of income between the owner and the agency.

In fact, any agreement is already part of the conditions of a safe lease, because in this case all transactions will be documented. However, there are other opportunities to protect yourself from scammers or simply careless residents.

How to comply with all safety issues

For safety reasons, owners must insure their home in case of fire, flooding, gas explosion and other unforeseen situations. Not all companies are willing to issue insurance for rental housing. You must be prepared for the fact that they will offer an increased insurance ratio. Yes, it may not be cheap, but it will allow the owners to feel calm.

Landlords are always worried that tenants will steal something from the apartment or break something. That is why you need to draw up an agreement with each new guest, in which the person’s passport details must be indicated (so that in case of loss there is an opportunity to go to court), and a document of acceptance and transfer, listing all items located on the premises. Although people are even more concerned about the possibility of creating duplicate keys, and that in this way dishonest tenants in the future will be able to take advantage of the opportunity to break into the apartment and steal valuable items. Yes, this is true, there are risks. But there is a way out. For example, instead of a regular lock, you can use an electronic one, in which you can change the code as often as you want. Well, for those who have double doors at home, it’s even easier. Residents should only be given the keys that are used to lock the outer door, and after they leave, both should be locked.

How to pass it yourself

If the owner rents out the apartment on his own, he needs to think carefully about how to attract tenants. Place advertisements in the newspaper about daily rental doesn't make any sense, because usually the guests are visitors who do not read local newspapers. Thus, the only platform for informing people is the Internet. Today, the largest number of daily rental offers can be found on the Avito website; there is also a similar portal - IRR (“From Hand to Hand”). All of these are free sites, which, however, also work paid system“promotion” of advertisements. Their disadvantage is that they do not specialize in real estate, although they are very popular.

Among the specialized portals the following can be noted:: “”, “”, “”, “”, “” and many others. There is also a paid system for increasing views. Advertisers will be able to send booking requests by mail. The disadvantage of these sites is that they do not take into account the ratings of apartments and there is no review system. Not long ago, the Arendius website launched, which seems to have taken these shortcomings into account. This is, so to speak, a forum for travelers and landlords, in which you can formulate an apartment rating based on the reviews received. Also, apartment owners will be able to get to know those who book a place with them, since they register on the site through social networks. By the way, in in social networks There are also pages and groups where you can post advertisements for daily rentals. Well, for those who have several apartments at their disposal, you can think about posting information on the international sites Airbnb and Booking.

After the issue of attracting residents has been resolved, you should deal with the issue of completing all documents. Each guest will need to draw up a rental agreement, the text of which, of course, differs from the text of a long-term rental agreement. It must indicate the period for renting out the premises, the cost of rent per day and the total (if we are talking about renting for several days), the rights and obligations of the parties, liability and the security deposit. A deposit is another way to protect yourself from the unexpected loss of residents and things in the apartment, although, as a rule, a small amount is charged (equal to the total amount for the days of stay).

In addition to the contract, an act of acceptance and transfer of property located in the apartment is drawn up.

All documents are drawn up in two copies, for the landlord and the tenant. Naturally, they must indicate the exact passport and contact information of the parties to the transaction. Since there will be a lot of tenants, you should stock up on sample contracts, into which you will only need to enter data in the future.

In order for the rental of an apartment to be official and legal, the landlord must submit a tax return every year before April 30 individual V tax office. You will have to pay 13 percent of your income (paid on a tax receipt). If you register an individual enterprise, you can use the simplified taxation system and pay only 6 percent. In addition, this will allow you to purchase a cash register to issue official receipts for expenses to your residents: they may be needed, for example, by those who come on a business trip and will then report expenses.

How to submit through an agency

In many large cities of Russia there are agencies that specifically or additionally deal with issues of renting daily housing. The owners enter into trust management agreements with them, after which the agencies include the apartment in their database (even such a concept as “apartment hotels” has appeared). In this case, the companies take care of everything related to the rental: looking for tenants, cleaning the premises, drawing up rental agreements. Of course, they keep a significant part of the income, and transfer part of the funds to the owner at the end of the month or at other agreed dates. And yet, this option is considered more profitable for owners than long-term rent, however, unlike self-promotion of an apartment, where income can be two or even two and a half times higher, this form will add to income (compared to long-term rent) - 10, maximum 30 percent.

You can earn a little more if you involve an agency only as an intermediary. In this case, the companies will search for tenants, help with paperwork, but issues of putting things in order and further interaction with guests will remain the responsibility of the property owner. Agencies may require a percentage of each transaction, however, these costs will not necessarily fall on the landlord’s shoulders; in many cases, tenants who contact the agency will pay a percentage.

In any case, such forms of working with large agencies are more convenient in terms of saving time and safer in terms of the safety of the apartment and the property located in it. If the owner has never rented out housing before, it is best to start such a “business” with the support of an agency, and in the future, if possible, switch to independent activity.

​The Russian government has been unable to bring income from apartment rentals out of the “shadow” for many years. This problem is especially relevant for Moscow and St. Petersburg; they are missing millions of rubles in taxes for rental housing, which could be spent on road repairs and hundreds of other needs. Only a small portion of people who rent out their homes pay taxes. And this is due to the fact that the state is almost unable to regulate this business and carry out inspections (since an apartment is private property, and in order to enter it and “catch red-handed” the tenants, very compelling reasons are needed). At the same time, the tenants themselves often contribute to the fact that taxes are not paid. In case of any checks, they answer that the owners of the apartment are their friends or relatives, and they know nothing about the “rental business.”

However, situations are different. And owners who do not want to report their income are sometimes brought to court and punished with fairly large fines. Tax authorities can organize an audit based on just one complaint from neighbors, and if they get their hands on a lease agreement, they will be able to prove in court that the owner is conducting business and does not inform the state about it. Only the original document, and not eyewitness information, can be serious evidence in court. Although he is not a guarantor of the court’s decision in their favor, since the owner can simply state that he rented out the apartment, but he never received money from the tenants.

When it comes to an apartment rented daily, the authorities will need several originals of the rental agreement to file a claim. In principle, they are easier to obtain than in the case long term rental, to do this, service employees just need to introduce themselves as an ordinary tourist, contact the owner, draw up an agreement and spend one night in the premises. Here is the evidence for the court.

What to do if you have no cash savings? Many people believe that for real estate investment you need to have a large initial capital. Actually this is not true. Business on daily rental of apartments is a real estate investment strategy that can be started without initial capital.

  • How to make money on daily apartment rentals?
  • What determines the effectiveness of daily rentals?
  • One of the ways to invest in real estate using the example of Zelenograd
  • How to test the location of an apartment?
  • Rental business- What to invest money in in Moscow and the Moscow region?
  • Tips from seasoned investors:

Let's figure out how to work with the daily apartment rental market.

Business related to rental housing is the ability to “play” with numbers. Most people think that renting out apartments every 25 days is impossible. However, these are real numbers for this market. If you rent out the property for fewer days, the profit will be minimal. After all, there are expenses for rent, advertising and salaries for service personnel.

How to make money on daily apartment rentals?

If no savings and you can't get a mortgage. There is a simple and effective way - you can make money by renting out housing on a daily basis.

Yuri Medushenko is a professional investor, expert on Apartment Buildings No. 1 in Russia. Recently, he and his partner Matvey Nadezhny organized business on daily rental of apartments.

We take and rent an apartment or townhouse for a long time, for example, for 30,000 rubles per month. Of course, inform the owners in advance that you are going to sublet the property.

And we rent it out daily, for example for 3,000 rubles, and you make a profit from the difference. If you rent out an apartment 25 days a month, you can provide a cash flow of 35,000 rubles. per month.

What determines the effectiveness of daily rentals?

First of all, it depends on the occupancy of the selected object.

The average occupancy of the facility must be at least 80%. Because By getting only such numbers, you will be able to recoup your own investment.

In a classic business, the scheme is quite simple: today you can sell two pairs of felt boots, and tomorrow – twenty. Due to the next day you make a profit. IN hotel business everything is different: if you haven’t filled two studios today, then tomorrow you won’t be able to rent two more. Therefore, the profit will be lower in this month.

One of the ways to invest in real estate using the example of Zelenograd

Case of Andrey Zelensky participant

How to test the location of an apartment?

It's very simple, you place a sales ad about renting out housing and indicate the desired area. And then look and count how many calls you receive per day based on this ad.

  • For those schemes when you indicate a non-specific address, and the nearest large facility, it is better to select clients with a car. When a person realizes that he can rent a house 1000 rubles cheaper than the average market price, then it will not be difficult for him to travel an extra 2-3 kilometers.
  • There is the following scheme: testing is considered successfully completed when thirty-eight clients a day expressed a desire to rent our apartment.

There is no such thing as number of clients consistently amounts to ten people per day. Fifteen people called today, and thirteen tomorrow. These downturns are unacceptable for a quality business. Therefore, for a complete result, we accept there are more applications than we have available.

If occupancy rate began to account for 70%, then sooner or later this company will leave the market. The market also becomes inefficient if you set your price slightly higher than your competitors. Thus, we can lure clients to us if we make the price even lower. The flow of people will increase, and the apartment will not be left without tenants. All these points need to be tested.

Rental business - What to invest in in Moscow and the Moscow region?

Case of participant Tatiana Khmelnitskaya live meeting of investors Territories Investing

  • When you have 1-3 apartments, then you can debug this process yourself. And it is much easier than hired work, because it does not require your constant presence in the office for eight hours a day.
  • When we rent out housing on a daily basis, then it is necessary to constantly manage business processes. It will be better to have ten studios in one place, because this object is much easier to control than ten apartments in different places. Moreover, you can reduce costs because... a minimum number of maintenance personnel will be required.
  • To receive passive income, need to find manager, establish a flow of clients. Also take care of quality advertising. Select an employee who will update advertisements on the site, as well as a manager who will control the direction of service.

This is just one strategy for how you can increase your income. This method implies that you act with the help of other people's objects. Look from a different angle. You can buy properties and pay off your mortgage using other people's funds. That is, combine business with investment strategies. More on this in the next article.

Renting out apartments on a daily basis is considered a fairly profitable business. The main advantage is earning money from scratch without any special investments if you have at least one apartment for rent. It can be inherited or previously purchased with a mortgage. In this article we will look at a business plan for daily rental of apartments by the owner.

Project Summary

An example of a business plan will be presented based on daily rental apartments in big city. This business has good prospects in big city, where the target audience is quite wide. However, this business is no less profitable in a small tourist city. The essence of the business is to rent out 3 apartments, the owner of which rents out living space for daily rent in different areas of the city: two in central region and one in residential area. Accordingly, clients will be both middle and high class, and below average.

General characteristics of the apartments:

  1. 1-room studio apartment on the 3rd floor with total area in 30 sq. m in the central area.
  2. 2-room apartment on the 5th floor with a total area of ​​45 sq. m. m next to the metro.
  3. Apartment in a residential area, 1-room with a total area of ​​30 sq. m. m on the 2nd floor.

It should be noted that there will be many prospects and competitors. However, the demand for this type of service allows you to take your place in the niche and develop your business, receiving passive income. Competitors are individuals who rent out similar living space and real estate agencies. The main criteria that will allow us to fight with competitors are an individual approach to the client, a high level of service for apartments in the city center and an affordable price for an apartment on the outskirts of the city.

To start implementing the idea, you need to purchase furniture and equipment. Also at the starting stage it is necessary to draw up a business plan for daily rental of apartments with calculations. To have investments in more promising project, it is recommended to rent one of the apartments daily for at least six months with minimal investment in consumables (bed linen and public utilities). In this case, it will be possible to pay off the starting costs for middle and VIP class apartments.

First, you should study the risks that are a stumbling block to acquiring a stable income:

  • Unstable demand.
  • Unscrupulous tenants (theft of small equipment, interior elements, damage to property).
  • A decrease in the solvency of potential residents due to the decline in the economic situation in the country.
  • Aggressive competitors.
  • Unfortunate neighborhood, which can worsen the service and quiet living of residents.

It is difficult to predict the number of tenants per month in advance, but success largely depends on an active search and proper communication with potential tenants. They need to be offered what they want to receive: complete information about the apartment, advantageous aspects (proximity to the metro, number of floors no lower than the 2nd floor and no higher than the 10th, availability of everything necessary in the apartment, balcony, good view).

To properly search for clients, the entrepreneur himself must analyze the volume of competitors and understand who will be his key client and to whom to direct maximum efforts. For apartments in the city center, you should look for tenants of the following categories: couples, business travelers, tourists. The best way to look for them is on popular Internet resources where these people look for apartments. The target audience for apartments on the outskirts of the city are young companies, tourists and business travelers with lower incomes.

Registration of activities

For legal activities in the field of rental real estate, the owner of 3 apartments should undergo legal registration. By registering as an individual entrepreneur, the owner of the apartments will save himself from the risk of being brought to tax liability and will receive guarantees of protection in legal disputes. When moving tenants into an apartment, the landlord has the opportunity to protect himself from unnecessary costs in the event of damage to the property by agreement. In addition, you can attract business travelers, because employing organizations require an official document confirming the living expenses of employees.

An entrepreneur can choose a simplified income tax system, where he will deduct 6% of net income. In this case, the individual entrepreneur is obliged to make a fixed amount of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund, subject to the presence of hired employees. In our case, the entrepreneur will do without staff. To register an individual entrepreneur, you need to submit documents to the local tax authority, pay a state fee and, having received a certificate, begin to move in residents and make a profit.

Registration will require a small cost, up to 3 thousand rubles, and will take no more than a week. On average, 3-4 days.

Apartment equipment

To increase the price of renting an apartment, you need to purchase new equipment, comfortable and practical furniture, check plumbing, electricity, water supply, etc. The premises should not only be in good repair, but also have basic and additional equipment. Accordingly, certain investments are needed in the design and furnishings of the apartment. This is especially true for apartments for middle and upper income levels of residents. Costs for 2 apartments in the city center:

Name Price Quantity Sum
Purchase of materials for cosmetic repairs 200 000 2 apartments 400 000
Carrying out repair work 150 000 2 apartments 300 000
Large folding sofa 40 000 2 80 000
Double bed 25 000 1 25 000
Soft chairs 15 000 2 30 000
Kitchen set 50 000 2 100 000
Mini-fridge INDESIT TT 85 11 000 2 22 000
Washing machine INDESIT EWUC 4105 11 000 2 22 000
Microwave 5 000 2 10 000
TV 30 000 2 30 000
Internet 4 000 2 8 000
Air conditioner 10 000 2 20 000
Wardrobe 10 000 2 20 000
Plumbing 17 000 2 34 000
Electric kettle 2 000 2 4 000
Blinds for windows 1 000 5 5 000
Nightstands 1000 4 4 000
Decor elements 10 000 2 20 000
Bed sheets 2 000 5 10 000
Dishes 1 500 2 3 000
Total 1 147 000

To rent out an apartment on the outskirts of the city, subject to an average level of renovation and the presence of new furniture and some equipment, minimal investments will be required:

You should spend at least 15 thousand rubles per month on utility bills for 3 apartments.

You can hire people to service apartments and find clients, but to keep costs to a minimum, at first you can do it yourself or with the help of family members. The main function - searching for clients and posting advertisements, communication, correspondence, calling and updating advertisements - can be solely the responsibility of the business owner. But moving residents into apartments, moving them out and cleaning the premises will be the responsibility of one of the relatives. As the number of apartments increases, the cleaning and check-in system will be revised, and this will be handled by a separate employee.

In this case, there will be no employee costs. All income will go to the family business, so profitability will be positive.

Marketing and advertising

Despite the fact that the daily apartment rental business can hardly be called an organization in the full sense, the use of marketing and advertising tools directly affects the profitability of the business. They are necessary in the fight against competition, which, as we have already said, is quite strong.

Advertisements for apartments for daily rent will be posted monthly:

Name Sum
On free message boards 0
On the Avito board in the paid section 5 000
In newspapers 5 000
In social groups in top places 5 000
Advertisements on the street 500
Flyers for distribution in places where target audience gathers (railway and airport) 7 500
Cooperation with a taxi service, printing on back side business cards information about daily apartment rentals 5 000
Total 28 000

Income and expenses

General table of starting costs for 3 apartments:

It is planned to allocate 1,721,000 rubles to start the business. Thanks to previous rental income for Last year and personal investments, this money needs to be invested for appreciation rent all 3 apartments.

Monthly expenses

General table of monthly expenses from the 2nd month:


To calculate the return on investment, it is necessary to plan the pricing policy and the average number of residents per month. Naturally, this figure will vary markedly depending on seasonality. For example, in the warm season there will be more tourists, and in winter – a little less. If you are located in a city with active winter tourism, everything may be the other way around.

During holiday periods - New Year's and May holidays– there will be many times more people wishing to rent an apartment daily than on ordinary days. Let's make a calculation taking into account average demand indicators:

At 50% occupancy of apartments, income for the 2nd month will be 190,500 rubles. However, every month the number of applicants will grow:

  • A system for attracting clients will be developed.
  • There will be regular customers who will systematically use rental services and recommend it to friends.

In addition, on New Year and May holidays, prices for daily rental apartments will be increased by at least 20-30%. These indicators should be taken into account when planning the payback period.

Let's carry out the calculation based on average profitability indicators.

Let's determine the difference between income and expenses in order to calculate tax deductions:

183 000 – 48 000 = 135 000.

We calculate the tax payment:

135,000 x 6% = 8,100 rubles.

Thus, the net profit will be:

135,000 – 8100 = 126,900 rubles per month.

We calculate profitability:

(126,900 / 48,000) x 100 = 264%. At first glance, the profitability is quite high. However, let’s determine the payback period for investments:

1,721,000/ 126,900 = 13.56 months (more than a year).

It is worth taking into account the increase in tariffs for holidays and increasing the number of residents to a maximum of 90% of the month, then income will at least double. Therefore, the plans for six months are to create a strong base of regular customers, at least 15% of the total volume, and actively work on finding tenants, using all of the above advertising tools.

As soon as the income from the start-up costs is paid off, the net profit can be used to increase the amount of living space; options for additional purchase of housing will be considered: investing in construction or purchasing an apartment with a mortgage.


The daily apartment rental business is even very profitable, but mainly if you already own one or more apartments. If you are planning to purchase living space for rent, then it is better to focus on this income as additional income. Demand may suddenly drop for a month or two, and if you do not have a source of income with which to repay the loan for an apartment, you will find yourself without a livelihood. Therefore, take the path of making money by renting real estate carefully.

Just a few years ago, when traveling to another city, the vast majority of people stayed in hotels. But recently, many people prefer private apartments for daily rent. Moreover, this is also extremely beneficial for apartment owners.

The economic crisis has caused a drop in income, therefore, you need to look for new ways to get money. Renting out an apartment makes it possible to earn money not only for bread and butter, but, if you approach the matter correctly, also for the sausage for that sandwich. In fact, a private apartment can become a kind of mini-hotel, and the profit of a successful owner is greater than with a more traditional ways rent.

Daily business

The crisis is the main reason that tenants are not willing to pay as much for an apartment as they did before. This means that landlords have to somehow get out of it so as not to lose their source of income. Of course, you can simply lower the price by attracting tenants, but this will lead to the fact that the owner of the living space will receive less. Another option is to refuse to rent out housing for long term and transition to daily rentals.

To many visitors, capital hotels seem too expensive. Indeed, in Moscow there is a clear shortage of hotel rooms that would be affordable for most guests of the capital. Daily apartment rental in most cases turns out to be cheaper than hotel accommodation. Until recently, the main landlords of daily housing were grandmothers at the station, but now both people who have a single “one-room apartment” and specialized companies offer their apartment for a day or two. having several dozen apartments in their assets and offering additional services.

Why is it beneficial?

Experts have found that renting an apartment on a daily basis in the capital corresponds in cost to ordering a hotel room of the same level, but in some cases it can be even cheaper, with the difference reaching 20-30%. What’s especially convenient is that the apartment has a fully equipped kitchen: this saves tourists or business travelers from having to spend a lot of money in restaurants. The hotel has to pay for a lot additional services: cleaning shoes, washing shirts, etc. In a rented apartment, you can do all this yourself; you won’t have to pay extra for using an iron or washing machine.

Why is this convenient for the tenant? Since the apartment delivery period is short and is usually limited to a week, he can leave this business at any time without any consequences for himself. Suppose that he suddenly needed living space for his personal needs: he decided to move there himself, to give the apartment to his children or parents. In this case, the owner does not have to wait long for the contract to expire or pay a penalty.

Also, daily rental of an apartment is very convenient for those who plan to sell it. As a rule, exhibiting a living space takes several months, so in order for an empty apartment not to stand idle while waiting for a buyer, it can be made available to visitors. With daily rentals, you can organize showings with virtually no problems.

If you have two apartments or even more, you can diversify your business, that is, rent out part of the property for a long term, and use the other for daily rent, in order to take advantage of the advantages of both options.

According to experts in the field of rental housing, today you can rent out a two-room economy-class apartment with cosmetic renovations in Moscow for 3-4 thousand rubles per day. Let’s assume that it will be rented for 20 days, then the monthly income will be from 60 to 80 thousand rubles. At the same time, with a monthly rental, the owner will most likely receive from 35 to 45 thousand rubles. The benefit is obvious.

No guarantees

Despite the high profitability, there are more difficulties associated with daily rentals than might seem at first glance. The main problem is the lack of guaranteed income. A huge advantage of long-term rent is that you can find a client once, enter into an agreement with him - and forget for a long time about any activity to find new tenants. This is a typical example of a tit in hand, and a pie in the sky in the form good earnings on daily rentals means the need to constantly look for new tenants.

Some apartment owners admit that when renting out living space on a daily basis, they actually faced the fact that there was more hassle and less income. There is no such thing as a month, especially when you consider that in some cities there is a clearly defined seasonality: tourists arrive at a strictly defined time. For example, in St. Petersburg there are much fewer visitors in winter than in summer. Again, the economic crisis has led to a decrease in the flow of business travelers.

A good time often comes before the New Year, when people come to congratulate relatives and spend holidays in major cities. The revival begins in May-June: people start going on vacation, want to go to the sea, visit famous tourist centers. True, now there is another source of competition for apartment owners: mini-hotels, apartments, etc., designed for those who want to relax on a budget.

An alternative way to ensure a more or less stable income is to rent out an apartment for holidays, parties, etc. Many event agencies are happy to take advantage of this opportunity, and spontaneously formed groups of people who want to relax are also not averse to renting living space literally for one night. But such events often threaten the apartment with negative consequences. Few tenants treat other people's property with care, especially if the holiday is accompanied by drinking alcoholic beverages.

Another option is to communicate with companies that organize intimate leisure. But, firstly, problems with the law may arise. Secondly, neighbors are not always happy when they discover that a nest of corrupt love has suddenly appeared in their entrance (or on the landing).

The Internet helps in finding clients, but not all apartment owners have a clear idea of ​​how to use it with maximum efficiency. In addition, more and more companies are appearing in this segment, making a more favorable impression on potential clients. Think for yourself, from whom do you rent an apartment at the same price: from a private person or from a company that draws up an official contract and provides a wide range of additional services?

But the constant search for clients is not the only problem faced by people who want to make money on daily rentals. Such housing requires much more attention. Every time residents leave, it is necessary to restore order, wash the floor, change bed linen, replenish tea and coffee in the kitchen, put new soap in the bathroom, etc. At the same time, intensive use has a bad effect on the interior. Frequently changing guests do not always treat new furniture and household appliances with care, which necessitates frequent cosmetic repairs. Plus, it is advisable to insure everything that is possible. But here, too, difficulties await the apartment owner: insurance companies often either refuse to sign contracts for damage insurance for such apartments, or charge too high prices.

Continuing the list of problems that a person renting out an apartment on a daily basis may encounter, it is necessary to say a few words about fraud and crime. An absolutely amazing story happened to one landlord. One day he rented out an apartment to a woman who had come from Sochi for just a couple of days. During this period, she made impressions of the keys, made duplicates, returned again under the guise of a realtor and, having replaced the lock on the front door, rented out the apartment on behalf of a real estate agency for three months at once.

When the real owner came to check on the condition of his property, he found that he could not open the door. After this problem was solved with the help of the Ministry of Emergency Situations employees, he was surprised to discover that someone was clearly living in the apartment. Fortunately, the tenant reacted normally to the conflict that arose and vacated the apartment. Therefore, the owner lost practically nothing - except perhaps time and nerves. But everything could have been much worse: the fraudster had the opportunity to take property, household appliances, etc. out of the apartment, so the owner was lucky that she simply decided to make extra money on such an original sublease.

One way to minimize risk is to require a copy of the client’s passport. Another thing is that not every tourist or business traveler, even a completely law-abiding one, is ready to provide his data to a private person with whom he is staying just for the night. In addition, an experienced fraudster may well have several fake passports on hand, so it is impossible to insure yourself against the risk 100 percent.

Choosing between trust and independence

You can rent out an apartment on a daily basis yourself. But this leads us to the risks described above: fraud, damage to property, long searches for clients, etc. You can contact a real estate agency and transfer your home to trust management. This can significantly reduce the risk of an emergency, but will lead to a decrease in income, because the agency will take part of the money received from the rental for itself. What's better?

We should not forget that there are still cases of fraud on the part of agencies and their unscrupulous employees. Not every apartment owner has the opportunity to regularly check the condition of their home, which some particularly savvy realtors take advantage of. It happened that the number of days during which the apartment was rented was underestimated, and the owner did not receive the entire payment, and the realtor who worked with the apartment simply kept part of the money for himself.

If you choose to be independent, be prepared for the fact that the information that you are renting out an apartment for daily rent will need to be disseminated through all possible channels of information. To cooperate with real estate agencies, you will definitely need photographs to post them on the website. Traditionally, the bedroom, living room, bathroom, and kitchen are photographed. Naturally, it is better if you try to present your home in the most favorable light and take pictures from the most favorable angles. Also for the agency website you will need to prepare short description, in which you indicate the parameters of the apartment, its condition, what household appliances are available, what the sleeping accommodations are like.

The apartment owner indicates the amount he would like to receive from the client. Realtors usually add a small markup for the fact that the apartment is listed on their website, as well as for the fact that they are ready to help in drawing up contracts, providing additional services, etc. With this approach, it is more difficult for the agency to cheat, since it acts in the role of an intermediary, whose activities are quite easy to control. In most cases, communication is carried out directly between the client and the owner of the apartment, and the realtor only helps organize the meeting, can provide transportation, etc. Payment also goes to the landlord, who then separately pays commissions to the real estate agency employees.

If you have several apartments, then daily rental can turn into a real business, which means that in addition to income, there will also be expenses. For example, to organize cleaning, you will need to enter into a contract with an outsourcing company or create your own cleaning unit. Only there will it be possible to promptly change bed linen, restore order, carry out minor repairs, etc. To keep calculations, you will need an accountant. It is also advisable to have good relationships with people who can resolve conflict situations with residents. An advertising specialist will be needed, and in order for advertising to be more effective, it is advisable to maintain relationships with professionals who can get the most out of the site. Naturally, this does not look easy; all this requires a serious attitude. But if you organize the process correctly, you can not only receive a good, stable income, but also expand your business. Maybe you will even be able to conclude an agreement with some Western company, take some place in the field of tourism services, etc.

Guarantees of success

To increase the likelihood of successful activity, you need to pay special attention to a number of factors on which the demand for an apartment largely depends. Of course, the location of the housing plays a big role. If you want to target business travelers, it is better if your apartment is located close to large exhibition centers, administrative offices, etc. When targeting tourists, housing that is located near popular attractions, theaters, and museums is more profitable. Transport accessibility is also very important: proximity to the metro is always beneficial.

When it comes to short-term rentals, most tenants care about comfort, which means you need to think carefully about furnishings. Usually an apartment for daily rent is considered as an alternative hotel room Therefore, there should be a really comfortable bed, table, and chairs. It is necessary to ensure the availability of toiletries in the bathroom, because a person checking into a hotel does not think about bringing soap, a towel, etc. with him.

The kitchen must have a microwave, refrigerator and kettle. A stove is no longer so necessary, because most residents staying in daily apartments do not cook food, but heat up various semi-finished products. On the other hand, if there is a lot of space in the kitchen, a stove will not bother anyone.

The room should have a TV; lately, according to realtors, clients often request a DVD player. The presence of the Internet has become almost a mandatory condition, and it is better if the apartment has not only a wired connection, but also Wi-Fi. It is also worth installing a washing machine in the apartment, although it is often required by those who need housing for a relatively long period (from about 3 days).

It is highly desirable that at least cosmetic repairs be made to the apartment. A person renting a home for one or two nights wants to understand what exactly he is paying money for, and an attractive interior is one way to convince him that he has made the right choice.

Compliance with these conditions significantly increases the competitiveness of the apartment in the daily rental housing market.


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