Tips for renting out an apartment. How to rent out an apartment correctly: the best tips. How to draw up a contract correctly

How to rent out an apartment without intermediaries? What are the features of renting an apartment through an agency? How much will I earn if I rent out an apartment or room for a long term?

Hello to everyone who stopped by! In touch, an expert from the popular online magazine “HeatherBober” - Denis Kuderin.

Today we will talk about how to rent out an apartment competently, safely and profitably. The article will be useful to anyone who has additional real estate on which you want to start your own small business.

At the end of the article, a guaranteed bonus awaits you - an overview of the most reliable companies in the Russian Federation that will help you rent out your property on the most favorable terms for its owner.

1. Renting out an apartment as a business

If you have an apartment in addition to the one in which you live, and this living space is idle, eating up money for maintenance, you can always turn it into a source of additional income.

At the same time, you will have to work hard only at the initial stage - preparing the property for rent and searching for tenants. And then your only task will be to receive your regular rent on time. An ideal example of passive income is “we sit and the money flows.”

True, you will still have to periodically monitor the condition of the apartment, fix problems and breakdowns in a timely manner, and monitor the level of loyalty of residents. But if you wish, you can delegate this part of the work to a property management company.

In this situation, you can rent out an apartment and go abroad, to the village with your grandfather or to South coast Crimea for permanent residence. In this case, all rental concerns will be transferred to a trusted person, and you will only have to withdraw money from the account and spend it at your own discretion.

Read about what professional means in a separate article.

The main thing in renting an apartment is to correctly assess the profitability of this enterprise. When renting out real estate for temporary use, you need to take into account all the factors that in one way or another can affect the cost of rent: only in this case will you be able to set an adequate market price for rent.

And you also need to decide in advance whether you will act independently or involve professional realtors in the procedure. Both options have their pros and cons.

The basic rule is this: if you need to rent out an apartment right now - you are leaving, you urgently need money - it is better to attract agents from a reliable real estate company or with an impeccable reputation. If time is of the essence, act on your own. The only condition is that you must have at least minimal experience in real estate transactions.

And one more important nuance– you need to be able to understand people. You will have to decide for yourself whether the tenant you have chosen is reliable or whether it is worth looking for another candidate.

Mistakes cannot be made: a dishonest tenant means late payments or a complete lack thereof, damage to property, complaints from neighbors, floods and fires, perhaps even calls to the police. Do you need this?

The table shows the main advantages and disadvantages of renting an apartment independently and with the help of an intermediary:

Step 3. We are looking for tenants

I have already told you where to look above. Here I will note that although the search for candidates is the most important stage of the process, you should not get hung up on it. Tenants who are 100% ideal are rare.


One of my friends got married and moved into an apartment with her husband. She decided to rent out her one-room apartment and approached the search for tenants thoroughly. She consistently rejected about 30 applicants.

Some had a cat, others were too young and cheerful, others seemed to her to be insufficiently wealthy, etc. As a result, the search for tenants dragged on for many months, and the friend lost sleep, peace and almost quarreled with her new husband.

Universal advice - give preference to married couples in which both spouses work and have a stable salary.

Step 4. We arrange a meeting and show the apartment

Before agreeing on a showing, conduct a preliminary conversation and ask the applicant security questions. If there is something alarming in the answers, do not take risks - say directly: “I’m sorry, but your candidacy does not suit me.”

At the meeting, have a second conversation with the potential tenant. If the impression is positive, lead and show.

Step 5. Collecting documents

Tenants are also not immune. They must be confident in the purity of the transaction and your integrity. Therefore, collect documents in case the tenant asks to see them.

The required package includes:

  • passport (a copy is possible);
  • certificate of ownership of housing;
  • receipts confirming the absence of debts for housing and communal services.

If someone other than you is registered in the apartment, you will also need the written consent of these people to rent out the apartment.

Step 6. We conclude an agreement

You can rent out an apartment informally and officially. In the first case, you will receive more (13% tax will not be deducted), but you will not have any guarantees of the safety of your property.

An agreement is evidence of civil law relations between the parties. This is your insurance in case conflicts, misunderstandings and disputes arise. The absence of an agreement can become a tool of pressure from the tenant - they say, you are not deducting tax on the rental, which means you can wait for payments.

The contract must specify the conditions under which you rent the apartment, the timing of the monthly payment, and the amount of the first advance payment, if any. Certain points relate to the safety of your property, the liability of the parties in case of violation of the agreement, conditions early termination agreement.

For example, if neighbors complain about noise, the owner has the right to evict the tenants within 3 days or a week without refund of rent.

Step 7 We receive an advance payment

The agreement suits both parties, everyone is happy and smiling. All that remains is to receive an advance payment - this will be the beginning of a long, mutually beneficial partnership. It is advisable to document all financial calculations. So that there is no: “I paid you last week, did you forget?”, “How about another 2000, I paid the full amount?”

If you doubt your abilities or some points are not clear to you, it is better to clarify them in advance. Take advantage of modern digital technologies - get online advice from professional lawyers on the Lawyer resource.

Thousands of qualified specialists in all areas of law, including housing lawyers, collaborate with the resource. You can contact them via chat or by calling the numbers listed below.

You can get competent legal support right now - the site operates around the clock.

4. Professional assistance in renting out an apartment - review of the TOP 5 real estate agencies

The promised bonus is a review of the five most reliable agencies that will help you rent out your apartment quickly and safely.

The oldest real estate company in the capital. It has an extensive network of representative offices - in Moscow alone, 120 branches operate according to a single standard. Engaged in any real estate transactions, including the rental of private apartments.

Experienced agents guarantee that your property will be delivered promptly, legally and profitably. Realtors with many years of experience will help you realize any property - from a room to residential area and ending with an elite cottage in the Moscow region. The legal purity of the contract is monitored by the company's in-house lawyers.

A specialized real estate agency with many years of experience in the capital's market. The company has an extensive information base and a staff of qualified employees. The main principle of the company is a responsible attitude to the fulfillment of each order.

Realtors are responsible for the competent preparation of the lease agreement and take into account, first of all, the interests of home owners. By choosing Alma, you can be confident in the safety of your property and timely payment.

3) Inkom

One of the largest real estate companies in the Russian Federation. Work experience in the housing market – 25 years. Leader of the Moscow region. It has branches in dozens of cities in the Russian Federation. The scope of activity covers all areas of the real estate market. Will help you rent out an apartment in a new building, in the suburbs, in the business center of the capital. The staff includes only verified agents with big amount successful contracts.

Moscow agency specializing in luxury real estate. The company guarantees that your housing will not be rented out to the first comer: employees will check each candidate to determine his solvency and integrity.

At the same time, the company guarantees to deliver your property in 1-2 days for the maximum market price. Within an hour after the call, a professional photographer will come to you and take pictures of the apartment, after which specialists will evaluate the property and determine its rental value.

Full range of services in the real estate market. Work experience since 1997. 8 branches in Moscow and dozens of representative offices in other cities of the Russian Federation. Additional services in the field of housing assessment, consulting and analytics.

There are 2 ways to rent an apartment through an agency: call (calls are accepted from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.) or fill out an online application. The apartment will be rented at the market price, and the final choice of residents will be made by the owner of the property. Each client receives property and civil liability insurance as a gift.

5. What you should be prepared for – 4 main risks for a landlord

When renting out an apartment, be prepared for certain risks. People don't treat other people's property as carefully as they treat their own.

In addition, there are a huge number of scammers in the housing market who are ready to profit at your expense.

We list the main types of risks for apartment owners.

Risk 1. Damage to property

This is the most likely risk when renting a property. As a rule, owners rent out furniture and household appliances along with living space. Sometimes this is a very valuable property that you want to get back safe and sound. And decorating an apartment often costs a lot of money.

This risk can be minimized in two ways - include a clause in the contract regarding the tenants’ liability for damage to property and insure the decoration, furniture and household appliances with an insurance company.

If any of you have ever thought about changing your place of residence, region, city or even country, you will understand me.

We bought our small one-room apartment in a panel house on Budapestskaya Street (in the center of Kupchino, St. Petersburg) in 2006. Before us, it had been rented out for probably 10-12 years. We received housing without proper care and repairs.

I still remember how the movers laughed at her condition while transporting our furniture and equipment from the old rented one to the “new”, but now their, apartment.

A little personal history so to speak.

We divided the family living space, which was empty. We separated from our relatives, paying half of its value at the market price at that time. Then we earned money ourselves, without mortgages or loans. Our savings and earnings came in very handy to give away 1.5 million rubles in a few months.

I think we were very lucky that it happened that way.

Together with my wife, we renovated it to our liking and lived in the apartment for about two years. Our first son was born and learned to walk on this island of personal space. But we understood that 32.5 square meters was too small for our growing family to live comfortably.

A year later our second child was born. But we had already lived at the new address for three months. In a rented apartment after renovation, a huge 86 square meters with two rooms and a kitchen, the size of our entire previous living space.

We rented out our “small family”, as some real estate agents say, to a young couple. The money from the rent was enough to afford two rooms instead of one with a small additional payment.

Thus began our era of professional tenants, driven by the desire not to stay in one place just yet.

In this story, I made a number of gross mistakes, which I periodically remind my clients and managers about. Read more about them in this post.

Why is “nomadism” beneficial for me?

There's already talk about this And many like her have been written.

This is a completely different lifestyle. When you decide to change not only the area, but also the city. And you go for fresh impressions with your family.

When you deliberately deprive yourself of your usual way of life and force yourself not to accumulate junk. You learn to live economically. You only make purchases that will be useful for a long time. Which at the same time do not deprive you of mobility.

The slogan “to hell with the cult of insane consumption!” It really only works when you are away from your home.

I like to see changes in my life. Personal interests appear, such as riding bicycles with the whole family or living in the country all summer long, which were unavailable to me at the “old address.”

When we moved to another city (Voronezh), payment for local housing was included in the credit for renting out an apartment in St. Petersburg. A pleasant surprise was that the regional real estate market lags behind the prices and appetites of real estate agencies in comparison with those in the capital.

Therefore, now we rented a two-room apartment of 65 meters, which was fully paid for by our one-room apartment in St. Petersburg. We even had enough to pay utilities. The cost of a communal apartment was also lower than that of the Kupchina HOA.

The successful choice of a place to live, in a new area with a coniferous forest park and practically uninhabited new buildings, was not limited only to savings on rent. Our family's average food bill also decreased by 1.5-2 times.

All this actually allowed us to not worry so much about the level of earnings, as was important in St. Petersburg.

Half the money we earned there was enough for us.

The first bell

When we once again changed tenants in an apartment in St. Petersburg, I remembered very well how the previous tenants always regularly transferred payments, sent paid receipts for utility services, and together we repaired the refrigerator, lighting in the bathroom and some other small things.

And I believed that it would always be like this.

Because past experience told me that there are decent people. After all, I myself have been renting a house for many years, I am constantly in touch with the owner, I send payments and pay for the heat, light and water consumed by me and my family.

Working in real estate in 2006-2009, I saw enough of various troubles associated with renting and buying housing. And I saw destroyed apartments and huge rent debts, destroyed furniture and equipment after delivery.

But, like a real shoemaker without boots, I stubbornly did not see the signals that reached me.

They told me that more control is needed. The residents delayed payment for the third time, citing difficulties with bank transfers specifically to my card. With apologies and all that, but there was no money.

The first signal was back in December, and the last one happened in April. When I answered my question about the next payment, I received a phone call stating: “We are moving out next week! When will you hand over the keys?

I got hit by phone

That they say it was too late to ask questions about utilities and the condition of the apartment. A number of unexpected complaints that I didn’t care how the residents felt. It turns out that I should have taken an interest in their fate more often, called more often, and visited them in person.

A month before their appeal to the congress, I replaced the broken washing machine in the apartment (it had served for almost 10 years, it’s necessary!) with a two-year-old repaired one from Avito, with a guarantee from the workshop. They took the old one into account, took it away and brought a new one. Everything was done in a couple of hours over the phone.

And now it turns out that I needed to buy a new one, because I’m such an oligarch. I didn’t even fork out money for a new washing machine for the tenants I abandoned and forgotten about. It was necessary to monitor the fall in rental prices and offer to reduce the price, etc. and so on.

In short, the claims come from kindergarten, with the desire to teach me how to live correctly.

If something doesn’t suit you, you need to say goodbye with dignity.

The biggest disappointment came from unpaid bills for rent, which the residents themselves decided not to pay. They decided that it had become expensive for them to rent an apartment they had already killed in a residential area and for “crazy” money. They decided not to notify me about this. They sent fake checks for previously made utility payments.

And here is a brief result of my gullibility and imprudence in working with “business partners”.

To be honest, I didn’t know what to do with it. I was not prepared for such a turn of events when the tenant had already moved out and left the keys with an agent I knew.

The apartment was in terrible condition. They walked on the carpet in street shoes, tore off the wallpaper (most likely by a dog, which they also did not agree with me), and damaged furniture and plumbing fixtures.

I also spent a lot of extra money to have it professionally cleaned and return the apartment to its normal appearance. Fix plumbing, wash carpet, replace furniture.

To say that I was incredibly upset by the situation is not enough.

The thing is that very few people are able to be inside a problem or conflict and immediately see a solution. According to psychologists, such people are less than 10%.

Besides, hard style is not my approach. I tried to threaten and said that I would sell the debts if there was no payment. But it was a weak move. And after using a technique that was unusual for me, the negotiations turned out to be a complete failure.

All that remained was to rely on the decency of the tenant. But in response to my last request to pay off the rent arrears, Valery boldly told me that you can’t trust anyone in this life and later sent me an SMS

Everywhere there are dishonest people and cheaters who are looking for workarounds and excuses to relieve themselves of personal responsibility.

They hope to “warm up” their partner or “mirror” their own problems.

Perhaps one of them lost their job, their income ceased to be regular and the apartment simply became unaffordable. I no longer want to understand the current situation that led to this outcome.

To honestly report that there are difficulties or about your decision to move out even before the onset of a critical situation requires good fortitude and strong nerves. But they were not there.

I would not act out a similar situation further down the chain on my homeowner. This wave was absorbed by me and my airbag. And this turned out to be a good lesson for my future prudence when choosing partners.

Nowadays, the threshold of sincerity and decency has noticeably dropped both in business and in personal relationships between people. If you choose between staying on the street or being deceived and incurring debts, many will silently choose the second.

So that you do not make my mistakes with your tenants and tenants, I want to convey to you the recommendations of my real estate agent friend.

Tatyana helped me out in this difficult situation. She helped clean everything (invited a team of cleaners), updated the furniture (gave recommendations on where and what is best to buy) and found new tenants.

4 valuable tips from Tatiana Verezhnikova, real estate agent with 15 years of experience

♣ If you have a second set of keys, always keep it with you.

Never, ever give all the keys to your apartment to your tenants. It would be even better if there was a second lock on the front door. You don’t have to leave the key to it at all. Let them lock the door with one lock. In the event of problems or serious losses, you arrive and lock the apartment with your key and wait for the residents to talk.

Never neglect to renegotiate your lease.

Perhaps this is my main mistake. I forgot to renew it. Residents monitored the law, prepared, gained the courage to resist steadfastly and went all-in. My unprepared and chaotic plan to put pressure on the phone 1200 kilometers from the site failed miserably. Spare no expense and do it regularly! Renewing a contract at any agency costs from 500 to 2000 rubles. This can keep you out of trouble.

♦ Change your utility payment strategy.

Take this responsibility upon yourself. Take money from the tenant immediately for rent + utilities. Print the average number. For example, 15,000 rubles - rent + 2,500 CU on average for the year. So set your bet at 17,500 rubles and receive it in your hands. You can pay for CG remotely by saving payment templates once in Sberbank.Online or through other payment systems.

♠ You need the determination to act immediately.

Remember - this is your property, even after a certain period of use. Let only your past dreams live in this property, and not you yourself. If the issue is the size of the rental rate, then this matter is solvable. But if there is no payment from the tenant - 3 days and we pack our bags. There can be no delays.

The situation with apartments for rent in major cities will not change in the next 50 years.

This is still a seller's (Landlord) market and only you decide who will live in your home while you are not there and under what conditions you will trade access to it in exchange for payment.

I hope these tips will help you avoid making mistakes when choosing your own home or when renting out your property.

Renting apartments in Moscow brings their owners an average of 7-10% per annum. But the amount of profit depends not only on the demand for it, but largely on how competently you approach the rental of housing

“If you are just planning to buy an apartment and start a rental business, then it is better to invest your money in a more profitable business,” was the advice given to me by one of the realtors with whom I spoke. Indeed, it is much easier to deposit money and receive 12-13% per annum than to get involved with the rental business. But perhaps you already own one or more apartments. In this situation, almost everyone wants to turn housing into a source of income - albeit small, but stable. How to ensure maximum profitability of the rental business for yourself and what the level of profit depends on, D’ looked into it.

Not for Sensen's hat

In Moscow today there is practically no housing that cannot be rented out. The only question is the duration of the exposure (time spent searching for a tenant) and the price. Some mistakes of an inexperienced rentier can lead to delays or the apartment being rented at a price other than what he could have expected. “Today, in the economy class segment, an apartment costs 20-25 thousand rubles. it takes a few hours a month. An elite, correctly priced apartment should not stand idle for more than a few weeks,” says Olga Sugonyaeva, head of the rental department of the Polyanka office at DOKI. If the apartment delivery deadline is longer, it means that you or your real estate consultant have miscalculated something.

The most common mistake is an inadequate assessment of the apartment. Often, homeowners do not see a problem in the fact that the apartment remains unrented for several months, and do not even adjust the rate. However, a simple calculation shows that the benefits from such a “business” are doubtful. “The owner of the apartment wants to receive $6.5 thousand per month for its rent (that is, $78 thousand per year). But the tenant asks for a $200 discount. If the owner makes concessions, he will lose $2.4 thousand in a year. However, if he continues to insist on his way, the property may remain unreleased for two to three months. Then the lost profit will be more significant - $13-19 thousand,” says Vadim Lamin, head of the exclusive real estate department at Penny Lane Realty. Often, the location of the house and (or) the quality of the apartment itself does not meet the price requirements of the landlord. Thus, the delivery of apartments in old houses with wooden floors is often delayed. Even if they are in a popular center. “Wealthy clients prefer to live either in reconstructed or newly built houses,” explains Vadim Lamin. This does not mean that it will not be possible to rent out such an apartment, but the owners will have to curb their appetite. The same problem can arise in objects with incorrect distribution of footage or poor layout. “It happens that an apartment has a good square footage - about 200 square meters. m, and it is located in a new house, and there is security, but it only has two, albeit huge, living rooms. The housing is excellent, but from a rental point of view it is practically unrentable. It happens on the contrary, a huge living room and dining room and... three tiny bedrooms of 10-12 m2,” says Olga Sugonyaeva. This problem can be solved through proper redevelopment.

Investment in renovation

Good repairs and redevelopment can significantly increase the value of an apartment on the rental market. But it should be borne in mind that the value of repairs in the rental price differs markedly depending on the class of housing. It plays a lesser role for economy class apartments. “If a one-room apartment with cosmetic renovation costs $900-1000 per month, a similar apartment with major renovations and new furniture can be rented out for $1200-1300, and with European-quality renovation for $1600-1800,” the deputy director of the Miel-Renta company gives an example. Maria Zhukova. And the managing director of the Century 21 West company, Evgeniy Skomorovsky, believes that the condition of economy class real estate affects primarily not the cost, but the speed of exposure. An apartment with poor repairs will remain without a tenant for several days instead of several hours. Business class and luxury housing is another matter. If the apartment is located in good location, a European-quality renovation has been made, it can be rented at 15-30% more expensive, and a designer European-quality renovation in an elite complex will allow you to ask for 50% more. Light cosmetics in the luxury housing and business class segment are an indispensable condition when concluding a new contract. But spending money on an exclusive design project is not practical. Surprisingly, apartments with such renovations are less liquid. It is very important, experts say, that the rental price does not outweigh the market price. “It is not necessary to put Karelian birch parquet throughout the apartment or fill it with antique furniture: it will be very difficult to rent out such an apartment above the market price. By the way, the idea that a jacuzzi adds value to an apartment is also a myth,” says Olga Sugonyaeva. And even more so, you shouldn’t hope to increase the rent due to expensive renovations in an economy-class apartment. The level of finishing and furnishings must correspond to the quality of the house, the prestige of the area and the size of the apartment. Furniture from Bizzarri, Gaggenau household appliances and inlaid parquet are unlikely to significantly increase the cost of renting housing in a panel house near the Moscow Ring Road. Before making repairs, it doesn’t hurt to consult with realtors who know the needs of their clients.

Safety precautions

The rental business involves various risks. One of the most likely ones involves tenants causing damage to your property or the apartment itself. For example, I remember the experience of parents who, having moved out of town, rented out their three-ruble ruble to a young family. In two years, the cozy, clean apartment turned into something like a barn. And when the parents decided to sell it, they also had to do repairs at their own expense in order to restore the marketable appearance of the home. Tenants can also cause damage to your neighbors, such as flooding them. If this happens, a claim for damages will be brought against you as the owner of the apartment. “Once the claim is successful, you, of course, have the right to demand compensation from the tenants (if a lease agreement was concluded). But is there a guarantee that you will technically be able to get this claim satisfied? Residents can move out and disappear in an unknown direction. Most likely, even if there is an appropriate court decision, it will not be possible to return the money for repairs,” says Irina Perevoznikova, chief specialist of the liability insurance department of the Soglasie company. There are also risks such as late payment, use of your apartment for any illegal activity, etc.

Such risks should be foreseen. The main thing is to enter into an agreement with your tenants. Oddly enough, many landlords do not do this, believing that the agreement limits their rights as apartment owners. This is partly true. If the contract specifies a minimum rental period, the owner will not be able to get rid of the tenants immediately. But he can stipulate in advance the conditions under which early termination of the contract is possible. For example, late payment, damage to property, etc. The agreement can also stipulate the degree of responsibility of the tenants for the apartment, furniture and equipment.

Many owners do not worry about their property because they take a deposit from tenants in the amount of a month’s rent. But the damage caused may exceed this amount. If tenants pay 20-25 thousand rubles for an apartment. per month, and after they move in you will have to make repairs for a couple of thousand dollars, then the rentier will be a loser. Of course, the practice of collateral as a security tool is widespread throughout the world, and this should not be neglected.

It makes sense for the landlord to consider insurance options - property and civil liability to third parties (neighbors). Property insurance protects against a standard set of risks that may arise, including due to the negligence of tenants: fire, domestic gas explosion, natural disasters, flooding, accidents of engineering equipment, theft, robbery, etc. Third party liability insurance implies that if your tenants cause any damage to their neighbors (for example, flood them), then it is not you who will pay for the repairs, but the insurance company. “The landlord needs both types of insurance, especially if the owner’s property remains in the rented apartment. After all, the fee for the policy is not comparable with the cost of possible losses,” says the deputy director of the property and personal insurance department individuals"Rosgosstrakh" Tatyana Moiseeva. Tariffs are really low: about 0.5-1% of the insured amount. But keep in mind that insuring rental property usually costs the client 5-10% more.

Unfortunately, insurance is also not a universal protection tool for the landlord. Since damage caused to housing is often not covered by any insurance event. “Landlord clients often ask whether it will be considered an insured event if the tenant causes any damage to the decoration or steals home contents. We do not insure against such a risk, since the landlord himself allows the tenant into his apartment,” explains Lyudmila Karpova, head of the property insurance department for individuals at AlfaStrakhovanie. By the way, some landlords shift the responsibility for insurance to the tenants, but the latter agree to this if these costs are included in the rent.

Using someone else's hands is more reliable, but more expensive

Experience shows that finding tenants on your own is not a problem. Firstly, there are a lot of sites on the Internet that provide a direct connection between those who rent out housing and those who want to rent it. Secondly, it is usually enough to spread the information among your circle of friends and colleagues so that applicants for the apartment will immediately be found. On the other hand, both resources and word-of-mouth advertising are suitable mainly for economy class. Tenants of more expensive housing prefer to entrust the hassle of finding an apartment to realtors. Therefore, it makes sense for owners of business-class and “elite” apartments to go to a real estate agency (NA). Some agencies are ready to take responsibility for the reliability of the referred tenants. “The realtor takes all the blows from the client. If the tenant does not pay, then the agency is responsible to the landlord, that is, it is involved in the investigation of the situation that has arisen. If it is not possible to collect money from the tenant, the commission is returned to the owner. Or the subsequent search for a client is carried out at a discount,” says Tatyana Vakulenko, head of the city real estate department at HomeHunter. Large NAs also offer a wider range of services for the landlord. At the request of the owners, realtors can almost completely take over the management of the apartment - until the end of the contract with the tenants. “In this case, you will be deprived of the need to communicate with tenants, and you will not have to solve everyday problems related to your housing,” explains Vadim Lamin. Realtors can provide legal support, technical support throughout the entire rental period (a special team carries out minor repairs), and assistance in negotiations with potential tenants. It is also important that large agencies have corporate service agreements with many foreign companies that rent housing for employees. Since the company pays for the tenant, the apartment owner will receive payments guaranteed and on time. True, this approach is practiced only by those companies that work with the elite sector. For many small NAs, the landlord/tenant relationship ends immediately upon receipt of the commission. If you are counting on some further assistance from the realtor, it is worthwhile to write this issue down in the contract in advance: in what cases will the agent intervene in the situation and what responsibility does he bear for the clients he finds?

The cost of real estate services differs both by package and by company. Most agencies charge the landlord a fee equal to the monthly cost of renting an apartment for finding a client. If we are talking about the possibility of trust management and attracting large NAs, then such services will cost from 8 to 50% of the monthly rental payment(depending on the number of options).

Tricky way

If the indicated level of profitability from renting out an apartment does not suit you, you can try to increase profits in two ways: rent out the apartment daily or transfer it to a non-residential property and rent it out as an office.

Given the shortage of hotels in Moscow and the high cost of hotels, daily apartment rentals are in great demand.

Especially among those who come to the capital not for a day or two, but for a month or two. In addition, according to realtors, this market is poorly developed and supply is severely limited. But by renting out his apartment as an alternative to a hotel room, the owner takes upon himself the responsibility of maintaining it in proper order. After each tenant, the apartment must be put in order and thoroughly cleaned. The costs of preparing housing for delivery will also be higher than in the case of long-term rent. After all, such apartments cannot be rented without furniture, dishes and bed linen. A separate issue is finding clients. This requires a certain debugged service. Unless, of course, you plan to stand on the station square every day with a sign in your hands. In addition, when renting out apartments on a daily basis, their owner a priori bears greater risks than with long-term rentals. In the event of a conflict, the owner of a daily rental apartment has much fewer ways to influence the guest. Therefore, the rental of housing, even for a short period of time, must be confirmed by an agreement drawn up in writing, and monetary payments must be confirmed by receipts. You can make your life easier by contacting a specialized NA, which has a solid client flow and the necessary human resources to maintain your apartments in a suitable condition. However, such an agency still needs to be found. None of the seven major NAs that I applied to do

daily rental th housing. According to realtors, the most popular property for daily rental daily rent of one-room business class apartments is $80-150, two- and three-room apartments - $120-250. Daily rental yield including payments management company is 15-20% per annum, but provided that the apartment does not stand idle for a long time.

The second option is to transfer the apartment to non-residential use and rent it out as an office or store. “The need for such facilities is very great, and the amount of rental payments compared to renting out housing is two to three times higher,” says Evgeniy Skomorovsky. The main problem with this method is that it only makes sense to use it with a certain type of housing. First of all, the object should be located on the ground floor or above a non-residential premises, and be able to arrange a separate entrance. It is advisable that the house has a good transport accessibility, and there was a parking lot nearby that could be used by office employees. The official costs for the procedure for transferring the housing stock to non-residential are small: a state duty of 500 rubles. for an individual and 7.5 thousand rubles. for legal entities. However, experts warn that this is a rather complicated legal procedure, which almost never takes place without the participation of realtors. In this case, the apartment owner's expenses can reach up to $500 per square meter. m. Separately, it is worth taking into account the costs of repairs and losses due to downtime of the apartment. The fact is that the translation process can take many months. A stumbling block could be, for example, the disagreement of one of the neighbors. Until all your neighbors unanimously vote in favor, you will not receive permission to transfer. And the consent of your neighbors sometimes becomes another, and very large, expense item in your budget.

Demand in the Moscow rental market appeared even before the formation of the market itself and has always been quite active - with the exception of very disastrous periods when... it simply was there. In principle, if price and quality are in an adequate ratio, there should be no problems with delivery. We have already written about how to speed up this process by adjusting the characteristics of the apartment to the tenant’s requirements. But there are also non-standard requirements - today we will talk about them.

Even and odd

“Since the share of tenants with non-standard requirements for rented housing is very small and amounts to no more than 5% of the total number of requests, there are very few unusual offers,” says Galina Kiseleva, head of the apartment rental department at Inkom-Real Estate. Most often, in these 5% of non-standard requests, there are demands based on ideas about “lucky” or “unlucky” numbers.

“Many tenants ask to find an apartment whose number includes the number 7,” the expert cites his statistics. - Particularly popular among this group of clients are housing on the 3rd, 5th or 7th floors, as well as in houses with this number, which are necessarily located on the odd side of the street. Regarding the number 13, opinions differ - some are categorically against living in such “bad” apartments, others, on the contrary, strive to settle here, citing the special aura and mystical spirit of such a home.”

The next most popular “trouble” is Feng Shui. Apartments located in houses located far from busy highways, industrial zones, landfills, garbage dumps and swamps are considered favorable for living (however, this is understandable even without Eastern practices).

A funny case of this kind is given by Georgy Dzagurov, CEO Penny Lane Realty: “Before signing the lease, the client invited a Feng Shui consultant, who stated that the women's area in this apartment was in the toilet, which meant that her privacy would be at risk. As a result, the deal did not take place, and the client spent a long time looking for a suitable option.” In general, as Galina Kiseleva says, such tenants are usually strict about the location of the house and the layout of the apartment: “There must be a front garden in front of the house (so that positive energy “flows” into the house), and a river must flow nearby. Also, these clients place high demands on the layout and interior decoration of their homes. For example, interiors should have a minimum of dark colors and sharp corners that exude “negative” energy.”

“Many people follow the rules of Feng Shui and come to the apartment with a compass in order to arrange interior items without disturbing the positive energy in the house,” adds Galina Fabritskaya, head of the rental department of the Peresvet-Nedvizhimost company.

...Test drive, poltergeist and 100-liter aquarium

“In 2011, we were faced with various atypical and original requests from tenants,” continues Georgy Dzagurov. - For example, one foreigner asked for a “test drive” of housing. He wanted to live in the chosen apartment for several days to check how convenient it was for him, whether the neighbors were noisy, and how the equipment worked. The owner refused this request, although the client claimed that this was common practice in the West. As a result, the tenant moved into the apartment without a trial stay.” Another case from the agency’s practice: a Korean family consisting of 4 people demanded the installation of an additional refrigerator, since one would not be enough for them. And a second washing machine (so as not to wash clothes and floor rags in one unit).

“Behind each request there are different people, sometimes their requirements or descriptions of themselves are very funny,” he shares his observations Maria Zhukova, first deputy director of the company, and gives examples of requests to the agency: “a room in the city center, costing up to 13 thousand rubles. /month will rent 2 girls and a neutered cat” or “a family will rent an apartment at a price of up to 150 thousand rubles/month, a prerequisite is the presence of an aquarium in the apartment with a volume of up to 100 liters.”

“Fans of mysticism and the supernatural are asking to find an apartment with ghosts and poltergeists. Some of them are keenly interested in whether a brownie can live in a rented apartment, and how active he is, says Galina Kiseleva. “And finally, the list of curious requirements is completed by tenants who want to rent an apartment with a “zest” in the interior - a mirrored ceiling, a gold toilet, fur walls, furniture decorated with rhinestones, a Gothic fireplace, etc.”

By the way, the agency receives atypical requests more often than the atypical objects sought. As an example, Maria Zhukova cites a one-room apartment on Preobrazhenskaya Square, located on the 2nd floor of a five-story building: “The apartment is unfinished, without plumbing. Rent for 10 thousand rubles per month. Possibly for a warehouse, the owner suggests. Such an atypical property has not been able to find its tenant for several months.” “On Patriarch’s Ponds, an apartment was rented out in an old building with a separate exit to the roof, where there was a barbecue area. This apartment cost $6,000 a month,” Galina Fabritskaya shares her example. But, however, we have to admit: almost any unusual proposal will find its extravagant tenant, and vice versa. True, the search may drag on for months, but this stops few people.

The dream of many is to own several residential premises, rent them out and live happily ever after. Outwardly, it might look attractive, but in reality, renting is a huge headache for the landlord. We need to constantly solve a bunch of problems: tax, finding bona fide tenants, repairs, etc. Let’s try to figure out this difficult issue.

A step-by-step plan on how to rent out an apartment correctly

If you have a free apartment, it can be turned into a good additional income. Of course, you will encounter many difficulties, but they will mainly be at the initial stage.

Step one

The first stage is the preparatory stage; all that is required of you here is to research the market.

  • Before posting an ad online or contacting an agency, you need to study what offers are already available, what landlords indicate in the ad, and review the offers of potential competitors.
  • Explore well-known ad sites. Study their structure, text presentation, and what prices exist. It is worth paying attention to what the price tag depends on (area, availability of furniture, repairs, etc.).
  • It is worth paying attention to the fact that the rental price will depend not only on beautiful renovations. The cost is also influenced by such factors as: the area (the closer to the center, the more expensive it is), the presence of various infrastructure nearby ( entertainment centers, shops, kindergartens, etc.), transport accessibility, neighbors, condition of the apartment, area and many others.
  • After conducting this research, you can already roughly estimate the cost of your premises.

Step two

The essence of this stage is preparing the apartment for rent. In any case, you will have to do at least minor cosmetic repairs to give the apartment a presentable look.

  • Initially, you need to get rid of all rubbish in the apartment, which is clearly not useful to future tenants. Different bedside tables in the style of the “Soviet Union” obviously will not give the apartment an attractive look. It is advisable to make the interior as modern as possible; “grandmother’s options” are not quoted today.
  • The apartment must be equipped with all necessary small appliances and furniture. Of course, some landlords also offer unfurnished options, but such premises are unlikely to be used in great demand, and their rent is much lower.
  • Before renting out an apartment, you need to pay all existing (if any) debts for utility bills and remove personal belongings.
  • Be sure to check the condition of the wiring, plumbing, household appliances, etc. If any emergency situation related to the malfunction of one or another device that was already in the apartment, you will have to deal with the consequences. It will be especially unpleasant if the tenant’s expensive equipment is damaged by faulty wiring, the cost of which you will have to reimburse.

Before renting out an apartment, it is advisable to insure it (whether you are planning to rent legally or not), this way you will protect yourself from possible risks and costs in the future. When insuring property, you need to take into account any possible troubles: fire, flood, explosion, etc. If the rental is formalized, insurance is a mandatory item, but in this case the insurance premium will be slightly higher.

Which apartment will be in demand?

Of course, not every room will be of interest to potential residents. In order for an apartment to be in great demand and begin to generate income, it must meet certain requirements:

  1. One of the main factors is the location of the apartment. Naturally, premises located closer to the center are in great demand and have a much higher cost. The location factor includes not only the city area, but also the general location of the living space. This includes the following points: sunny side, floor, corner apartment or not, etc.
  2. Of course, tenants pay attention to beautiful and modern renovations. Even if the apartment is very clean and tidy, a room with European-quality renovation will be in much greater demand, and the rent in this case will be much higher.
  3. Mobilization. Apartments with furniture and household appliances are more interesting to potential tenants. At a minimum, the apartment should have: a refrigerator, a gas stove, a TV, a sofa, a bed, a table, etc.

Step three

The next stage is already related to submitting an advertisement, but so far indirect. The task at this stage is to photograph the apartment correctly.

  • A potential tenant will pay attention primarily to photographs of the premises. Therefore, they must be made with high quality, using a good camera.
  • When photographing your premises, you need to show all its most advantageous aspects. Often, professional photographers are hired for this task, but you can handle this task yourself.
  • Before you start taking photos, you need to take a close look at your apartment. Look from what angle this or that room will look more advantageous.
  • Before the photo shoot, you must do a wet cleaning. Dust and dirt will be very noticeable in the photo, which will greatly spoil the view.
  • It is advisable to make the photo look cozy; you can add a couple of accessories that will make the atmosphere more “homey”. Soft toys, pillows, flowers, etc. will help you cope with this task. If you feel sorry for leaving these things, you don’t have to leave them, but just capture them in a photo. After all, a potential tenant will not pay attention to these little things when inspecting the apartment live, but in the photo they create a nice, warm “picture”.
  • It is better to conduct a photo session during daylight hours and preferably on a sunny day. In daylight, natural light, the room will seem more comfortable than in the artificial light of a chandelier.
  • You need to take a lot of pictures, people are attracted by the abundance of pictures. The more high-quality photos you take, the higher your chances of renting out your premises.

Step four

This is one of the most important stages - writing an ad. It should have maximum information, but at the same time not be overloaded and difficult to understand.

  • The ad must contain a description of the apartment, availability of a balcony, renovation, area, infrastructure, etc.
  • It is necessary to indicate the features of the layout and the apartment itself (glazed balcony or not, combined or separate bathroom, sunny side or not, corner apartment, etc.).
  • The text of the advertisement may also contain requirements for potential tenants, for example, someone rents out housing only to married couples, or exclusively to students. Each landlord has individual requirements, but you shouldn’t go to extremes and make inflated demands, especially if your apartment is in economy class.
  • Before posting an ad on the site, you must check the text for errors, both spelling and punctuation, as well as speech and grammar. Be sure to read the text before sending to remove unnecessary repetitions and typos.

Step five

There will be no difficulties at this stage, because the main task Place your ad here.

  • You should choose the most popular sites with advertisements; this is easy to do; they are all well known. You should not place ads on little-known sites; people rarely visit them, but scammers often operate.
  • You can advertise in the newspaper; this is one of the most reliable ways to protect yourself from scammers. But newspaper ads have disadvantages: you can't place photos, and often the size of the text in the column is limited.

Step six

Once the ad starts working, you will receive a lot of calls from potential clients. The very first telephone conversation is very important; the landlord must inspire confidence and clearly answer all the interlocutor’s questions.

  • During the conversation you need to be polite, but do not try to impose your apartment on the client. It is enough to say a few words of praise and answer questions.
  • When you first communicate with a potential tenant, you need to find out whether he agrees to your terms and meets the requirements (i.e., if you are looking for a non-smoking tenant, you must clarify this detail during the very first conversation so as not to waste time).
  • If, based on the results of the telephone conversation, both of you are satisfied with everything, you need to arrange a meeting. If you have several tenants, it is advisable to schedule time for everyone on the same day, 20 minutes apart. This is done so as not to have to go to the apartment every time, and sometimes people don’t come to the meeting at all, so why bother yourself once again. There is nothing wrong with this; people looking for an apartment also consider several options.

Step seven

This stage is one of the most important – showing the apartment. At this moment you need to be as confident as possible in order to inspire confidence in the client.

  • Before showing the apartment, you need to arrive before the tenant in order to have time to tidy up and make it beautiful. And it’s just not nice to be late; the impression of you will be formed from the very first seconds.
  • You need to show every room, including the kitchen, bathroom, etc. Be sure to tell how long ago the renovation was done, how nice the neighbors are, etc.
  • When showing the premises, the landlord should also take a closer look at his future tenant. It is necessary to clarify once again with whom he is going to live, whether there are bad habits, small children, etc. (if this is fundamentally important, of course).
  • If the client has doubts, do not put pressure on him. If you don’t like your premises, no amount of persuasion will help, but if a person is seriously interested, he will definitely return to you.
  • Clients are not always familiar with the area in which the apartment is located; it is necessary to tell them what shops, infrastructure, etc. are nearby.
  • It is not necessary to wait for every question; tell us about all the features of the apartment yourself (is there hot water, do you leave a washing machine, is there Internet and cable TV, etc.). But don’t be too intrusive in your story and don’t embellish the reality.

Step eight

This stage is purely formal - drawing up an agreement. The document must indicate the requirements for the tenant, failure to comply with which may result in the contract being terminated.

  • The agreement must be drawn up in two copies: one remains with the landlord, and the second with the tenant.
  • The document, in addition to the requirements for residents and the condition of the apartment, must indicate the amount of the monthly rent and the approximate length of stay of the residents, which can be specified specifically. Be sure to specify the conditions under which a tenant can be evicted from your home.
  • Before drawing up an agreement, you need to record meter readings and photograph the passport of the future tenant in order to avoid unpleasant situations, or to avoid becoming a victim of a fraudster.

Mandatory clauses of the contract

  1. The full names of both parties entering into the agreement, the passport details of the tenant and the landlord must be indicated.
  2. The amount of rent, the terms within which the tenant is obliged to pay the rent. Additionally, the conditions for changing the cost should be indicated (if this clause is not present, the tenant does not have the right to increase the monthly payment);
  3. How often can a tenant check the apartment? If you want to occasionally visit the residents without warning, include a clause in the contract that allows you to do this. Without this instruction, the landlord can visit the tenants only after warning, but in this case he will not be able to protect himself from some of the risks described below.
  4. The contract must indicate who pays for utilities. If the landlord agrees to bear these expenses (which is extremely rare), he also states this in the document.
  5. If the owner of the apartment wants to impose any restrictions on the use of the apartment, he must indicate this in the contract.
  6. The document should indicate a list of persons who will live in the apartment. The tenant must notify the landlord that additional people will live in the apartment and agree with him on the possibility of their accommodation. If necessary, additional persons can be included in the agreement.
  7. Naturally, there must be conditions for terminating the contract; here you can indicate under what circumstances the tenant can be evicted.
  8. Other conditions at the request of the apartment owner.

Sometimes clients are very meticulous people and may require some documents from you to ensure the integrity of the transaction, here are the documents you should have with you in such a case:

  1. passport (a copy is possible);
  2. certificate of ownership of housing;
  3. receipts that confirm the absence of debts for utilities.

This is a package of mandatory documents, the client can demand anything, but it is worth paying attention, if the requests of the future tenant seem quite strange to you, you should think about whether you need such a tenant.

Step nine

This is the most pleasant moment for the owner and the most unpleasant for the tenant - prepayment. Everything is simple here: the amount is discussed in advance, so no complications should occur. It is advisable to record all financial transactions and sign both parties to avoid misunderstandings in the future. Keep a special notebook for these purposes, where you will write the amount and sign that you received it, and the tenant will sign for giving it to you. Don't forget to indicate the number. Having such a notebook, you and your tenant will be sure that no questions regarding the financial part will arise; every time you can look at the records and check the availability of payment.

Main risks for the lessor

If you are going to rent out your apartment, be prepared for the fact that certain difficulties and unpleasant situations may arise. The landlord must always be mentally and physically prepared for all sorts of unpleasant situations.

Damage to property

Of course, the tenant will treat your property differently from his own. Be prepared that after each tenant you will have to do cosmetic repairs, especially if these are people with small children and animals. It is imperative to include a clause in the contract, by signing which the tenant undertakes to restore all property damaged by him.


Recently, a very common type of fraud, especially in big cities. The scheme of this type of fraud is extremely simple: they rent an apartment from you, and then rent it out to other tenants, increasing the cost several times. Very often, rented apartments are rented out to guest workers using this scheme, since they live in groups of several people and a huge amount can be taken from them. It is very easy to uncover such a deception: most often, neighbors report that there are a lot of tenants in your apartment and they are behaving noisily. You can also sometimes visit tenants without warning.

Huge number of residents

This problem is similar to the previous one, but in this situation the tenant allows guests in free of charge. Some landlords are not embarrassed by having numerous friends and lovers living there, especially if they do not cause much inconvenience (which is extremely rare). Sometimes tenants set up brothels or drug dens; be careful, because in such a situation the owner of the apartment will be held accountable to the law, even if he had no idea what was happening in it. You can also control this situation with the help of neighbors or personal visits.

Illegal actions of tenants

Sometimes there are cases when tenants steal, set fire, or sell property from the apartment. It is to prevent such situations that you need to photograph the passport of the person you are going to let into your home. This problem needs to be solved with the help of the police, since this is already a criminal offense. If a person refuses to show his passport, think a thousand times whether you should trust him and for what purposes he needs your apartment.

You can avoid such unpleasant situations by renting out the apartment officially, but in this case you will lose a little in income, but you will completely protect yourself from fraud. You just need to choose a real estate agency with a good reputation (look at the recommendations of famous realtors, reviews on the Internet, etc.), and the company’s employees will help you find responsible tenants, conduct an inventory of the property, draw up and execute an agreement, etc.


In law Russian Federation Income from apartment rentals is subject to taxes. If you want to rent out an apartment unofficially, you risk running into a huge fine. In addition, a person who avoids filing a tax return risks being imprisoned for six months (if the amount of unpaid taxes is more than one hundred thousand rubles).

Tax system

If you want to do everything according to the law and formalize the lease, you will be required to pay taxes on your income. There is a standard procedure for paying personal income tax for individuals. An individual entrepreneur can choose from several offers:

  • General taxation regime. In this case, the lessor is obliged to pay 13% of his income and collect certificates confirming that the calculations were carried out correctly.
  • Simplified taxation system. Here the tax contribution is calculated based on income, but on average it is about 6% of total income.
  • Patent taxation system. In this case, there is no specific interest rate. There is no need to pay taxes at all, but you will need to buy a patent, which is quite expensive. The cost of a patent is different in each region. Additionally, with such a system it is necessary to make contributions to tax funds.

Trying to reduce the percentage of tax deductions, some tenants specify in the contract a rental amount lower than the real one, but this method is illegal. The agency will tell the owner in more detail about all possible taxation systems, and they will certainly help you choose the most profitable option.

Daily apartment rental

You can rent out an apartment not only for a long term, but also daily and even hourly. This type of business is much riskier. The most the best option for daily rent is a one-room apartment, since utility bills will be much lower, in a “one-room apartment” it is much easier to make modern renovations, as a result of which the rent can be made much higher.

The ideal location for an apartment for daily rent is an area near the station or city center. Why these particular areas? Because mainly business travelers are interested in such apartments.

Pros of daily rental

  • If necessary, you can always use the apartment (if at that moment there are no residents there);
  • Good income. Such apartments are in great demand, especially during the holidays (but in this case there is a risk of property damage, do not forget to take all the precautions described above);
  • With this type of lease, registration of an individual entrepreneur is not required;
  • If the apartment is initially in good condition, this is a good source of income from scratch, requiring only advertising and a little preparation of the premises.

Disadvantages of daily rental

  • Neighbors' complaints. Sometimes tenants are very loud, but this problem can be easily solved by choosing clients responsibly. Some neighbors are concerned about the constant flow of strangers.
  • Some clients do not behave entirely responsibly and can damage your property. To protect yourself from these types of problems and the financial costs associated with them, always take a photo of each client's passport.

When renting out an apartment on a daily basis, there is a certain list of expenses, which includes items such as:

  1. Tax contributions (if you are going to register as an individual entrepreneur);
  2. Advertising materials (you can use free sites with advertisements, but this method is less effective, since advertisements are posted on such “boards” every minute and yours will go down to the very bottom very quickly. And in order for the advertisement to be pinned at the top, you will have to pay for it );
  3. Cleaning the home and washing bed linen. You can avoid these expenses and do the steps yourself, but then you will spend most of your life tidying up your apartment. It is much easier to contact a cleaning company.
  4. The cost of consumables (usually very small), such as toilet paper, soap, sugar, tea, etc.
  5. Payment of utility services. At daily rental It will no longer be possible to “hang” this expense item on residents.

Renting out an apartment is a good way to earn extra money. But, like any business, it has its pitfalls and certain risks. At first, not everything may work out, and at first the income will only cover the initial expenses, but after a certain amount of time, the apartment will become an excellent source of income. Renting an apartment is not difficult either on your own or with the help of an agency, but it is worth remembering that tax evasion in the Russian Federation is a criminal offense.


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