Notes from a hunter: how to catch an animal. Hunting for musk deer. Traditional methods of hunting musk deer How to make a noose for musk deer from a rope

Musk deer is an amazing taiga animal, a deer with fangs. This is a typical inhabitant of the southern taiga belt, a beast mountainous areas Asia. Musk deer are distributed throughout the territory Eastern Siberia and the Far East from Kamchatka and Sakhalin, the Himalayas and Tibet to Altai and Northern Kazakhstan. Its favorite habitat is dark coniferous taiga with mountain slopes and rocky outcrops; this animal also loves places heavily cluttered with natural forest waste. Thus, the musk deer gets the opportunity to find safe places to “settle,” rest, and breed.

About musk deer

Musk deer belongs to the deer species, but is separated into an independent family due to its uniqueness, and is represented by only one species. Several subspecies are formed according to geography, but do not differ significantly from each other. This is a small slender animal with its silhouette completely corresponding to a deer and roe deer.

It is similar to its relatives both in nutritional preferences and physiological characteristics. This is a typical herbivore. In taiga conditions, musk deer feed on mosses and lichens, in winter time The main food is the bearded lichen hanging from the branches, as well as moss on the stones. The mating season, as for all forest artiodactyls, begins in late autumn, the female's gestation period is 6 months, one or two calves are born in early summer.

In nature, the musk deer has many enemies and is able to camouflage perfectly and evade pursuit.. Such skill makes this animal somewhat self-confident and not shy. All methods of obtaining this interesting animal are based on this. The main trophy when hunting this small fanged deer is the musk deer “stream”, the musk gland of the male, located at the bottom of the belly. All indigenous peoples eat musk deer meat, but it is not a delicacy - it is tough and fibrous. Hunters of the Sayan and Altai greatly value the skin of an adult musk deer with underfur. According to them, you can sleep comfortably on such a bedding in winter by the fire and not catch a cold in your back.

Methods of hunting musk deer

The musk deer is a rather trusting animal that relies on its running speed, maneuverability of movement and inaccessibility of rocky ledges. And this is justified in the wild. This animal runs so fast and can make feints so sharply while running that neither a wolf nor a fox can take a musk deer. The musk deer is protected from birds of prey by the dense forest canopy, and it can settle down on a rocky patch the size of a matchbox. But this is only in the wild; people can easily catch this animal with the help of traps and weapons.

According to the “Hunting Rules on the Territory of the Russian Federation,” hunting musk deer is permitted from November 1 to December 31, i.e. the period of gestation and birth of calves is excluded from these periods.

The rules also prohibit hunting musk deer with snares, and the use of any kind of traps is also prohibited. However, traditional methods of hunting animals do not always comply with modern rules. In order to broaden our horizons, we will consider all existing ones. There are only four, technically simple, methods of hunting:

  • rifle, from under a dog;
  • tracking;
  • hunting with decoy;
  • loops and beast's mouth.

Tracking and hunting with a dog

This is the permitted and most interesting method, although not always productive. In its rutting behavior, the musk deer is very similar to the hare. Therefore, the very first option may be the rut. Musk deer, escaping pursuit, makes frequent “discounts” in order to confuse the pursuer, trying to return to its trail behind the chase, laying a wide loop. In hunting, this maneuver is used in exactly the same way as when hunting a hare. The only difference is that in taiga conditions it is better to attract a husky rather than a hound. The dog will help both in tracking the animal and in detecting it in the “sludge”. You can also carry out the tracking yourself.

Finding musk deer is not difficult if it is found in your area. Usually these are areas of the taiga in which there are steep slopes, rocky outcrops or taiga urmans with a large amount of windfall and windfall. This is easiest to do in winter; musk deer tracks are very noticeable and recognizable on taiga trails, and daytime beds in dense dark coniferous young forests are clearly visible. They resemble a thawed patch from a dog's bed. It’s rare to come across an animal, but scouting the area always yields results. After spending two or three days on reconnaissance, you can go hunting. Like any taiga resident, the musk deer loves the morning and evening hours for movement and feeding, and rests during the day. With the help of a dog, you can raise an animal from its bed and get a positive result. It is better to track musk deer alone during active hours; at this time it is less careful. Moving slowly, it is easy to detect, or the animal can run towards the hunter itself. Previously, hunting on trails on a clear moonlit night was often practiced; modern optical sights with a laser designator only make this method easier.

Decoy for musk deer

The surest way to attract a female musk deer is to imitate the cry of a baby. The maternal instinct is developed so strongly that the animal will certainly show itself if it is nearby. Often, the male also approaches along with the female. The sound is a strong, prolonged squeak, which is repeated in two or three verses. The cry of a baby is similar to the voice of an adult, but higher. In the same way, you can call musk deer during the rutting season.

The cry of a musk deer is very similar to the cry of a female roe deer, but more drawn out. The difference between the voices of a female and a male can only be recognized by a person with a keen ear for music. In some ways it resembles the first chord of a deer's song. It is not difficult to make a decoy for musk deer with your own hands. Experienced taiga dwellers knew how to lure a male by simply cupping their palms into a mouthpiece and placing a blade of sedge grass between their thumbs. Such a squeak can be made at home in advance.

Usually, to make decoy, birch bark is used for the resonator and thin birch bark films for the reed. Well-known Russian musical instrument“birch bark whistle.” Having twisted a horn from dense birch bark, a slot is made at the narrow end to accommodate replaceable reeds. Sedge, birch bark, plastic film, thin medical rubber, and thin copper plates from other store-bought decoys are used as tongues. Based on this principle, other materials can be used for the resonator, but birch bark eliminates all the unnaturalness of artificial sounds.

Musk deer traps

Traps for musk deer have been used from time immemorial, and only with the increasing intensity of predatory fishing were “streams” banned. The traditional method was goat's mouth. A structure that, in different variations, was used both for catching hares, foxes, black grouse, and as a crushing plane on roe deer. The only difference is the size of the mouth itself and the severity of the oppression. Such a plane was installed in sparse steppe pegs, equipped with bait and sensitive alertness. The principle was transferred to taiga lands for the production of musk deer. The trusting animal easily goes into an open fence for bait. The bait can be a collected bunch of bearded lichen, moss moss or sphagnum moss, or a handful of grain or small cabbage leaves that resemble lamellar lichen. As with roe deer, only “stampedes” can be installed on musk deer without fencing, using simply natural thickets.

In a similar way, later they began to install loops on musk deer. The cramped conditions that the animal loves make the task easier, and the well-paved paths indicate places of constant feeding. The loop is installed in narrow passages between bushes, in holes between logs, in dead ends on slopes. The bait is deployed. This method is very easy to obtain, since installing a loop does not require overly sophisticated skills. The loop is made like for a hare, but a little stronger. The material can be two or three strands of nichrome wire or a couple of strands of annealed cable. The loop ring must be at least 5-7 mm in diameter and move freely along the cable. The size of the working loop itself is 30-35 cm, a little more than enough for a hare. The height of the lower edge from the ground is approximately 40 cm. The loop is installed only “through the gap”, without additional guards, guards, etc. It must be secured securely, since the animal is quite strong.

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The shape of musk deer beds can be round, oval or bean-shaped. Their sizes vary from 30 * 20 to 50 * 40 cm. Many beds are used repeatedly, which makes it unlikely to determine the sex and age of the animal based on their size. Musk deer lie down on mounds lying on the ground or inclined trees, in the digs of other ungulates. Only about a tenth of the beds are found in places where there was no shelter, and most of them belonged to adult males. In summer, musk deer often nest next to a spring in dense grass or windbreaks, on moist, damp soil. Radial musk deer trails are well developed near a number of bedding areas, “latrines,” marks, as well as near fallen trees with lichen. Large transitions along ridges, valleys, and slopes are usually formed with the participation of other, larger animals.

2.7 Traces accompanying food acquisition

Feeding on dead trees can be recognized by the snow knocked off them and by traces of jumping (more than 1 m from the ground). Musk deer jump from sloping trees from 1.5 - 2 m. Musk deer freely crawl under trunks lying 30 cm from the ground, as well as in the gap of 15 - 20 cm between hard branches.

When collecting material on nutrition and eating behavior, we take the following signs as criteria for eating: noticeably bitten threads of lichens, traces of branches and lichens being dragged through the snow, dents from the nose, dust remaining after tearing off lichens and pine needles. Where pine needles are eaten from trees, plucked twigs, needles, and dust remain in the snow.

Table 2 - The number of musk deer in the hunting grounds of the Verkhnebureinsky district.

For greater clarity, let us present the data in Table 2 graphically in Figure 1

Figure 1 - Dynamics of musk deer numbers for 2002-2006, heads.

Dung of a male musk deer, Yarap spring.

2.8 Musk deer habitat in the Verkhnebureinsky district

In taiga biocenoses, musk deer are the main consumer of woody epiphytic lichens. IN more these lichens grow in the crowns of coniferous trees, both living and dead. The possibility of feeding on them in winter is determined by a number of factors. Strong monsoon winds throw fragments of epioritic lichens to the ground and knock down trees.

Wood lichen is the main food of musk deer.

With a lack of lichens, musk deer also eat other food: pine needles, dry foxes, herbs, mushrooms. They often stand on their hind legs, resting their front legs against the trunk of a tree, throwing them on a branch or holding them suspended. Guided by smell, animals remove leaves, mushrooms, and lichens (fallen and ground) from under the snow, raking it with their front feet. Such methods of obtaining food help expand the zone of its availability. With an abundance of dead wood and leaning trees, musk deer can reach a height of up to 5 meters. Thanks to the constant replenishment of food during the winds and the fall of the bush, and various methods of obtaining it, musk deer can feed themselves even in limited areas of the forest.

It is important to note that spruce and ground moss cover are good indicators of the suitability of forests for the life of this ungulate. Most of the musk deer are in high-trunk mountain mossy spruce forests, on the slopes of northern exposure, and much less in various grass-forest formations with a single participation of spruce. In pure larch forests, especially those with wild rosemary cover, there are few musk deer. In river valleys, it lives mainly near steep steep banks; it enters the plains with floodplain forest two to three, maximum four to five kilometers from the foot of the mountains. In the narrow valleys of the headwaters of rivers and springs, especially in the steep “circuses” of the sources, there are almost always a lot of musk deer.

The main sources of habitat for musk deer are dark coniferous and mixed forest stands of the upper and middle zones of the mountains, since the lower ones there are covered mainly with broad-leaved forests, in which there are no musk deer, and cedar-broad-leaved forests, which are not particularly characteristic of it.

The upper reaches of the Yarap spring, the permanent habitat of musk deer.

2.9 Techniques for catching musk deer in the Verkhnebureinsky region

Musk deer are harvested within the following time limits from November 1 to February 15. It is allowed to use small-caliber rifles and carbines chambered for side-fire for amateur and sport hunting. In commercial hunting areas, hunters who have entered into an agreement for the production of fur-bearing animals are allowed to use small-caliber weapons chambered for side-fire cartridges when hunting hares, musk deer and upland game for amateur and commercial purposes.

When fishing for musk deer, snare fishing is the main method of catching.

Hunters make loops themselves, from non-chrome or cable. The diameter of the cable is from 1 to 1.5 ml, the length of the loop is 1.5 - 1.8 meters. Loops are also made from non-chrome with a diameter of 0.3 - 0.5 ml, intertwining several wires into braids. Steel wire with a diameter of 1.2 ml is also suitable, but the leash should be made much shorter and, if possible, tied to the drag. This will make it difficult for the musk deer to break or twist the loop.

P loop for musk deer, made of steel wire, double twisted. Yarap key.

If the loops are installed for a long time, that is, if the hunter cannot check them within a week, then here too the leash should be made about 5 - 10 cm, or the loop should be tied with thread, which prevents the loop from sagging. If the loops are weak, then they need to be tied to an old tree, this gives strength and better tightening to the loop when triggered.

The loop is installed 40 - 45 cm from the ground, a place is selected where the musk deer either crawls through the dead wood or fits between the trees. On the side of the loop you can place support (in the form of a thin stick), which will prevent the loop from moving and sagging.

Installing a loop on a musk deer non-chrome with support. Yarap key.

The diameter of the ring installed on the loop varies from 30 to 35 cm. When installing the loop, they take into account how much snow may fall during the time they will stand. When walking around the path, the weather may be cloudy: for this, a clearly visible mark in the form of red or orange fabric is hung on a tree on a loop.

When placing loops, the hunter pays attention to the tracks. If this happens during the rut, and the rut is in November, when there is still not enough snow for the musk deer to trail, then the loops are installed on a single trail of the female, the male will definitely follow her trail.

Males have a peculiarity: they draw marks when walking.

Loop hunting is considered more productive if loops are placed on every single track, not just on trails.

Musk deer are also caught using double-spring traps.

They are installed both on perennial toilets and on trails. If a trap is installed on a trail, then the place where the musk deer jumps over any obstacle is suitable for this.

But you can’t take a lot of traps with you, and there’s a lot of red tape that needs to be properly camouflaged, which is why many hunters prefer snares. They are easy to install. On one path you can put up to 3 loops, at a distance of 150 - 200 meters. You can get caught in either two or three loops, but such an arrangement of loops is possible with high snow cover.

3. Classification of methods of hunting musk deer

Hunting with dogs.

It is based on the fact that a frightened musk deer goes to the sludge, where it is easy to take. There is a belief that as soon as a musk deer is touched, it immediately rushes to the rocks and freezes somewhere inaccessible to four-legged predators. In fact, the pursued animal tends to quit only when it is convinced that the pursuit is serious and the pursuer is “stepping on his heels.” A dog that does not have a high running speed cannot put a musk deer to rest and runs after it for hours, annoying the hunter. Therefore, until recently, hunters focused on fur production punished dogs for chasing musk deer. Currently, given the demand for musk deer stream, many of them are probably forced to reconsider this attitude towards the actions of the dog.

Hunting by stealth.

Hunting by stealth winter period practiced quite rarely. Walking after musk deer along scattered rocks, rocks and cliffs is difficult, tiring and unsafe. Fishermen always prefer to follow the trail of a male rather than a female. In the first case, they could count on a valuable stream, and in the second, only on meat and skin. Hunting for musk deer by stealth is a real sport; this hunt requires a lot of dexterity and skill in walking along placers and cliffs, slowly, carefully examining every pebble, every bush.

Having noticed an approaching hunter, the musk deer often hides, sometimes even lies down between stones and slabs, hoping that the person does not see it and will therefore pass by.

You must always sneak against the wind, and when you see a musk deer and realize that it has noticed the hunter - that is, it has raised its ears and, therefore, is about to run, you must shoot immediately.

Hunting during the rut.

It is easier to hide musk deer during the rutting season. At this time, they are much bolder and are often not afraid of the approach of the shooter, especially the males. Often, even when they “sneeze,” they run out to meet him, thinking that the rustling comes from a female or a rival male (Cherkasov, 1990).

Loop fishing.

Musk deer are the only ungulate species that can be officially harvested using snares (see “ The legislative framework hunting"). This forced relaxation is due to the fact that without self-catching tools it is impossible to organize the production of musk deer on a commercial scale (Ustinov, 1970, Kucherenko, 1980).

When fishing for musk deer, loop fishing is the main method of catching. Loops are installed on paths, in rocky gorges, and in fence passages. Until recently, the latter method of installation was the most common during the mass harvest of musk deer in places with a high population density of the animal. In different areas it was called “misfire”, “fence”, “fence”. In such fences, sometimes stretching for several tens of kilometers, passages were left in which loops were installed.

Currently, loop fishing is causing a lot of criticism. This method is not selective in the case of mass production of animals, as noted in last years, many females and young musk deer die in the loops, which are often simply thrown out because they do not have a jet (Prikhodko, 2000). In addition, snares are considered inhumane fishing gear.

4. Life safety. Safety at work. Occupational Safety and Health

Labor protection is a system of legislative acts, socio-economic, sanitary and hygienic measures that ensure safety, preservation of human health and performance during the work process.

General provisions.

Radical changes in socio-economic policy in our country and the reforms carried out in recent years have required profound changes in the system of legislative acts in the field of labor protection.

Adopted in 1993, the “Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on labor protection” establish guarantees for the implementation of workers’ rights to labor protection and provide a unified procedure for regulating relations in the field of labor protection between employers and employees at enterprises, institutions and organizations of all forms of ownership, regardless of the field of economic activity and departmental subordination and are aimed at creating working conditions that meet the requirements of preserving the life and health of workers in the process of work. The industry-wide management of occupational safety and health, which has been in effect for many years in the timber industry, has left behind many regulatory documents confirmed by former federal structures. In this regard, today it is important not to lose this invaluable baggage, using it to develop new and revise existing regulations.

The employer is obliged to provide:

· Safety during the operation of industrial buildings, structures, equipment, the safety of technological processes used in the production of raw materials and materials, as well as the effective operation of collective and individual protective equipment;

· Relevant legislative requirements on labor protection and working conditions in the workplace, on the existing risk of damage to health and the personal protective equipment entitled to employees, compensation and benefits;

· Unimpeded admission of representatives of state supervision and public control bodies to conduct inspections, the state of conditions and labor protection at the enterprise and compliance with labor protection legislation, as well as to investigate industrial accidents and occupational diseases;

· Timely payment of fines imposed by state supervisory authorities, and monitoring of violations of labor protection laws and regulations on occupational safety and health;

· Necessary measures to ensure the preservation of the life and health of workers in the event of emergency situations, including appropriate measures to provide first aid to victims;

· Providing control and supervision authorities with the necessary information about the state of labor conditions and safety at the enterprise, the implementation of their instructions, as well as about all registerable accidents and damage to the health of workers from temporary disability due to illness, as well as from industrial accidents and occupational diseases ;

· Conducting preliminary (upon employment) and periodic (during employment) medical examinations of enterprise employees;

· At the same time, the basics also determine the employee’s responsibilities to ensure labor protection at the enterprise.

The employee is obliged:

· Comply with labor safety standards, rules and instructions;

· Correctly use collective and individual protective equipment;

· Immediately report to your immediate supervisor any incident that occurs at work, signs of an occupational disease, as well as a situation that poses a threat to the life and health of people.

The state provides training for specialists on labor protection in educational institutions higher and secondary vocational education. The issue of labor protection is also included in the program of primary, secondary and higher professional education (V.N. Obvilin, L.N. Nikitin, A.A. Gulevich “Life safety of activities in timber production and forestry” Moscow 1999).

Types of briefings and the procedure for conducting them.

Based on the nature and timing of briefings, they are divided into: introductory, primary at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled, targeted. Induction training is carried out for all newly hired employees, regardless of their education, work experience in a given profession or position; with temporary workers.

Induction training at the enterprise is carried out by a labor protection engineer or a person assigned these responsibilities by order.

On-the-job training. Initial briefing at the workplace before the start of production activities is carried out: with all those newly hired at the enterprise, as well as those transferred from one unit to another; with employees performing new work for them, business travelers, and temporary workers.

Initial training at the workplace is carried out according to programs developed and approved by the heads of production and structural divisions of the enterprise.

Repeated briefing is carried out with the aim of checking and increasing the level of knowledge, rules and instructions on labor protection, individually or with a group of workers of the same profession. It is carried out by reading the instructions and is supported by a detailed analysis of violations of safety requirements. All workers, regardless of qualifications, education, experience, or the nature of the work performed, undergo repeated training quarterly, but at least once every six months.

Unscheduled briefing is carried out when introduction of new standards, rules, instructions on labor protection; when the technological process changes; if employees violate the requirements.

Safety rules when handling hunting weapons.

1. Under any circumstances, a hunter is obliged to handle a hunting weapon as if it were loaded.

2. The hunter must master all the necessary skills, quickly and correctly use a hunting weapon - correctly insert it into the shoulder, aim, reload, etc.

3. The gun can only be loaded after arriving at the hunting site.

4. Shooting and being with a loaded weapon in settlements, as well as in the immediate vicinity of them (closer than 250 meters) is strictly prohibited.

· Point a weapon at a person or domestic animal;

· Hand over a weapon without first inspecting and unloading it;

· Fire a shot unnecessarily, cock the hammers, and hold the weapon without the hammer with the safety release;

· When training (attaching), aiming a gun, even if it is not loaded, point it at people;

· Lean on the gun when overcoming obstacles;

· Place your hands on the muzzle;

· Use the muzzle of a loaded gun or the butt of a gun to push apart branches when crossing the thicket, as well as push apart bushes and grass in search of a killed or wounded animal or bird;

· Shoot while riding on vehicles;

· Push a dead or wounded bird out of the water with a gun;

· Finish off wounded game with a butt, because in this case the blow may cause a shot aimed at the hunter or the person standing next to him;

· Shoot at night, in fog, in heavy snow, at dusk, against the sun, and in all other cases when the target is difficult to see.

6. The hunter must shoot with a bullet with extreme caution and only after first making sure that there are no people or pets in the direction of the shot. A bullet that is dangerous at a distance of 1000 meters, fired from a smoothbore gun, buckshot up to 600 meters. Shots, when launched, often produce casts of several pellets that travel a significantly greater distance than a single shot.

7. It is prohibited to shoot at a vaguely visible target, as well as at “noise”, “rustle”, in the direction of vibration of branches and thickets.

8. When loading and unloading a gun, the barrels should be pointed upward or towards the ground. After loading, the gun must be put on safety.

9. When meeting someone in the hunting grounds, the gun must be opened and the cartridges removed from it if it is loaded.

10. If a gun or a hunter falls, you must immediately unload the gun and make sure that no earth, snow or other objects get into the barrel channels, otherwise, if the barrels are clogged, the barrels may rupture or swell during a shot.

12. When shooting with smokeless powder, in the event of a misfire, the hunter should not open the gun no earlier than after 7 - 8 seconds: a “lingering shot” is possible, which, if the gun is opened prematurely, can lead to an accident.

13. If the cartridge does not fit into the chamber of the barrels, then you should not squeeze it or hammer it in, as this may cause a shot. The cartridge should be carefully removed or replaced with another.

14. Hunting is allowed to begin no earlier than an hour before sunrise, and end later than an hour after sunset. This rule does not apply to hunting wolves, foxes, male wood grouse and black grouse, as well as hunting wild boar in areas where crops are damaged.

Safety in emergency situations.

An emergency situation is a condition in which, as a result of the occurrence of a source of an emergency situation and an object, a certain territory or water area, the normal living conditions and activities of people are disrupted, a threat arises to the life and health of people, damage is caused to their property, the national economy and the natural environment.

Emergency situations are classified:

· By the nature of occurrence - natural, technogenic, environmental, biological, anthropogenic, social and combined;

· According to the scale of distribution of consequences - local, object, local, regional, global;

· By reason of occurrence - intentional and unintentional;

· According to the speed of development - explosive, sudden, fleeting, smooth;

· If possible, prevent emergency situations - inevitable, preventable (technogenic, social), anthropogenic.

Man-made include emergency situations whose origin is associated with technical objects - fires, explosions, accidents at chemically hazardous facilities, release of radioactive substances, building collapses.

Natural emergencies include emergencies associated with the manifestation of natural forces - earthquakes, floods, landslides, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc.

Environmental emergencies include epidemics, epiozotics, and epiphytoties.

Social emergencies include events occurring in society, interethnic conflicts, terrorism, robberies, genocide, waves, etc.

Man-made emergencies are the result of erroneous human actions.

Local emergency situations are emergency situations, the scale of which is limited to one industrial installation, production line, or workshop. To eliminate the consequences, the forces and means available at the affected facility are sufficient.

Local emergencies are emergencies that extend to several regions and republics. Their elimination is carried out by the regional centers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the Ministry of Defense.

Global emergencies are emergency situations, the consequences of which are so great that they cover large territories, several republics, territories, countries. To eliminate the consequences, the forces of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the FSB are involved.

Natural fires.

The concept of natural fires includes forest fires, fires of steppe massifs, peat and underground fires of fossil fuels.

Forest fires are uncontrolled burning of vegetation that spontaneously spreads throughout the forest area. Forest fires cover large areas in dry weather and wind.

In hot weather, if there is no rain for 15-18 days, the forest becomes so dry that any careless handling of fire causes a fire that quickly spreads over a large area.

In some areas of Siberia and the Far East in the spring, the main cause of fires is agricultural burning, which is carried out to destroy last year's dry grass.

Depending on the nature of the fire and the composition of the forest, fires are divided into ground fires, crown fires and soil fires.

Solo hunts.

In addition to collective, round-up and group and single hunts with dogs, hunting can be carried out alone without a dog in ambushes, from the approach, by stealth, by following the scent, on leks. With this type of hunting, safety measures must also be observed. Hunting in ambushes (ambush) for predatory animals and ungulates occurs mostly at dusk, night darkness, when moonlight

when the outline of the animal is unclear and other hunters cautiously and quietly approaching the ambush site can be mistaken for it. One of the main conditions for the safety of blind hunting is to shoot at the approaching animal at dusk and darkness only when it is clearly distinguishable by its outline and identified by the hunter.

It is not safe to hunt in ambushes and stealthily in dense bushes, reeds and when shooting at noise and rustling at a vaguely visible target.

It is dangerous to pursue and trail alone without dogs (huskies) predatory and dangerous animals - bears, wild boars, especially wounded ones and along a black trail.

A solo hunt for a wounded animal often ends unsuccessfully, and sometimes leads to an accident with the hunter pursuing the animal.

You must always approach a shot large animal, especially a predatory one, with caution and caution, making sure not to empty your gun with cartridges equipped for shooting at this animal. An elk that has fallen after a shot and other large animals - deer, red deer, wapiti - should be approached carefully from the side or from the front. A convulsing elk can kick very powerfully. A lying bear, wild boar, lynx and other cats must be approached from behind, as they can instantly rush at the hunter approaching the animal’s head and seriously injure him. If the animal lies motionless, but the ears are pressed tightly to the head and do not stand freely, the hair on the nape and back is raised, it means that the animal is alive and is waiting for the right moment to lunge at a suitable person or a running dog.

A wounded fur-bearing animal, for example a fox, polecat, otter, marten, can bite a hunter who comes close to its head, or an inexperienced dog that runs up. Shot fur-bearing animals - foxes, martens, polecats, minks, hares and squirrels - must be taken by the hind legs and held head down. Wounded small fur-bearing animals should be taken from above by the scruff of the neck so that the animal cannot twist and bite the hunter. Even non-predatory animals - rodents: wounded squirrels, hares, muskrats, etc. - can bite a person or dog when the animal is hurt. A wounded hare should not be picked up by the ears or front legs. When defending itself, or during convulsions, it can injure the hunter with its hind legs. Before you put a shot animal in a backpack, game bag, net or hang it on a strap, you need to make sure that it is dead.

5. Nature conservation

The unequal size of the musk deer fishery in different parts of its range is determined both by local natural conditions and the nature of hunting. Its intensification is possible only with full control over the growth and condition of the livestock of game animals and, to a large extent, management of these processes. It is believed that with the correct formulation of this matter, each year it is possible to seize a number of individuals equal to their annual growth.

In addition to reserves, specially established hunting reserves are responsible for the protection of game. In their territories, unlike protected areas, not all natural complex, but only several or even one species of game animals. In addition, reserves are organized only for a certain period of time, sufficient to restore the number of animal species protected in the area.

Unfortunately, the territories of the reserves still make up a very small part of the musk deer range on our territory, and therefore all concern for the protection of this animal in other areas of the forest and forest-steppe zones falls on the shoulders of the hunting supervision service - game wardens and rangers of local hunting farms. Their main responsibilities include constant monitoring of compliance with hunting deadlines and rules, as well as the fight against poaching. It is known that suppressing illegal hunting requires from security workers not only a huge expenditure of effort, but also great courage. There are cases when poachers, escaping prosecution or even being caught red-handed, commit criminal acts. Nature reserves are island areas of natural nature from the environment. The wolves quickly assessed this situation and began to use the reserves for shelter. Therefore, wolves must be exterminated here too. The methods for carrying out these activities must undoubtedly take into account the specific tasks of the reserves.

However, it should be recognized that the measures taken to exterminate wolves are insufficient and the number of this harmful, dangerous predator continues to increase, and the harm it causes to livestock remains unacceptably high.

Thus, the task of exterminating wolves is acquiring important national economic significance. To solve it successfully, coordinated active work of state hunting authorities is necessary, public organizations, scientific institutions and specialists.

The fight against illegal hunting, forms and methods of its organization.

Poaching has always caused great damage to the hunting industry. Prevention and timely detection of violations of the Hunting Rules and other requirements of hunting legislation, the correct application of established administrative measures, knowledge of criminal legislation and other legal acts, as well as the ability to properly organize the protection of state hunting supervision and the fight against poaching are important in the activities of implementing state control over protection and use of wildlife.

The main forms and methods of combating poaching are:

1. Identification of cases of violations of the Hunting Rules and the persons who committed them, taking measures of public influence, administrative or criminal and material sanctions against them;

2. Massive explanatory and educational work on the prevention of hunting violations;

3. Improving legislation on the protection and regulation of the use of wildlife, aimed at more effectively suppressing poaching factors.

Depending Depending on regional conditions, there are many methods and methods of combating poaching (brigade, route methods of protecting hunting grounds; methods of hidden patrol, etc.). In modern conditions, it is more optimal to organize “specialized units for the protection of wildlife objects.” The regulations on specialized units for the protection of wildlife classified as hunting objects were approved by order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia dated April 10, 2000 No. 282 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 19, 2000 No. 2235. A clear understanding of the tasks and responsibilities of the units, rights and responsibilities officials, provision of officials vehicles and uniforms, weapons and special means, social protection of officials, makes this type of organization of the fight against poaching hunting legislation the most effective.


When hunting grounds catch fire, many young animals, pregnant females, and other individuals die.

The fire danger period begins in April and lasts until autumn. As is known, mass calving of ungulates occurs at this time. Animals die when they are unable to escape from the smoke or remain in the circle of fire, and if they are saved, it is only individual individuals; in such cases, the young rarely manage to escape. After a fire, many crippled animals are left behind and will die from burns or carbon monoxide. Fires undermine the number of animals and quite severely.

Precautionary measures include Be serious. During fire danger periods, prohibit entry into the taiga and travel into nature. Which can lead to serious consequences from careless handling of fire. Pay more attention to sold-out crowds.


In our thesis we described the species of animal, the Far Eastern musk deer, as a subject of hunting. Dali brief description this species. They described the technology and technique for catching musk deer in the Verkhnebureinsky region. The given data on the number in the region showed that the number of musk deer varies. Numbers fluctuate mainly due to high numbers of predators, poaching, weather conditions and forest fires. To do this, it is necessary to carry out a number of biotechnical measures that help increase the number of this species in the area. The most effective hunting for musk deer is loop fishing.

At the end of the thesis, the following conclusions can be drawn.

Musk deer adapts well to living conditions in the region; musk deer is an extremely careful, observant animal, with excellent hearing, vision and sense of smell. Musk deer are of great interest as a hunting object for state and commercial hunters. On the territory of the Verkhnebureinsky district, as well as throughout Khabarovsk region Hunters prefer to catch musk deer with snares.

The given data on the number in the region showed that the number of musk deer varies, fluctuating mainly due to the large number of predators and poaching.


The fight against poaching and the desire to exterminate it;

Fight against predators - wolves and stray dogs;

_ Elimination of fires when they occur;

Increase the staff of inspectors involved in environmental activities and provide them with the most necessary equipment and equipment.

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Musk deer, also called musk deer, is the smallest deer living in Russia. These animals, seemingly slightly “humpbacked,” are distinguished by their caution, ease of jumping and ability to move completely silently.

Mountainous areas are more preferable for musk deer. However, its favorite terrain is not overly high mountains, but small rocks or cliffs, densely covered with coniferous forests, where it is protected from predators. In summer, musk deer like to visit valleys of forest and mountain rivers and streams abundantly covered with grassy vegetation. The animal's habitat is the mountains of China and Tibet, from Eastern Siberia and Sakhalin to the Himalayas and Korea, from Altai Territory to the Amur.

The external distinctive features of the musk deer are:

  • the presence of a hornless head, seemingly small given its elongated body, covered with dark brown, lighter on the sides and belly, coarse long hair;
  • the presence of rows of light spots on the back and sides;
  • large bulging eyes, always looking a little scared;
  • fangs in males, growing from under the upper lip, sometimes descending below the chin and having a length of up to 10 cm.

The musk deer itself is small - a little more than half a meter in height and no more than 15-16 kg. weight.

Musk deer meat is considered lean and quite pleasant to the taste. There is not much “clean” meat in quantity, no more than 10 kg. A musk bag weighs up to 52 g, and there is no more than 30 g of musk in it, usually 15-20 g.

Habitat. The musk deer is considered an inhabitant of mountainous areas, but not entirely high-mountainous. The presence of separate, at least small, but steep ridges inaccessible to wolves, foxes and stray dogs, rocks or cliffs is quite acceptable for musk deer to live. The second condition is the presence of dark coniferous forests - cedar-fir or spruce, in extreme cases, larch, with trunks abundantly covered with lichens. Since the middle zone of the mountains is covered with such forests, the majority of musk deer live in them. Conditions for hunting are considered good when the number of animals reaches 80 animals per 1000 hectares. As a rule, musk deer stick to certain places, live scatteredly and their number does not exceed 5-10 animals in such an area.

Character and habits. The habitat area of ​​one musk deer is 200-300 hectares, it is especially stable before spring. In summer, animals move much more actively. In the spring, migrations are often noticeable in the mountains, sometimes over quite long distances - from one mountain slope to the opposite. Within its zone, musk deer moves no more than 5 km per day, mainly at night and at dusk.

Musk deer usually roost near rocky ledges or even in them, sometimes among thick grass. In other cases, it lies near cliffs or under mighty trees in open, well-ventilated places. When lying down, musk deer become quiet, often allowing people to get close.

In the period November-December, the musk deer begin their rut. Adult deer gather in groups of 3-4 individuals, and the number of males and females in the group is approximately equal. At the same time, young musk deer stay away. However, the family relationships of musk deer are still poorly studied: sometimes a male has a “harem” of several females, and sometimes several males enter into single combat for the possession of one female.

The musk deer usually gives birth to one baby, rarely – two, and in very exceptional cases – three. Fawns are most often born in June; the female's gestation period is 185-195 days. On the eve of giving birth, the musk deer prefers to hide in a windbreak or under the low paws of fir trees. Dark brown cubs have bright yellowish-white spots on their skin; white coloring dominates on the throat and belly. Adult “clothes” appear only in winter. Until the second winter of their lives, small musk deer are more spotted than adults. The mother actively protects the baby, but does not lead him along, but strives to hide him, thereby averting danger. Only in August does a teenage deer begin to follow its mother, feeding on her milk until the beginning of autumn. Sexual maturity in musk deer occurs at 15-17 months, but the famous musk deer musk begins to be produced in males already at 4-5 months of age.

The diet of the musk deer is quite monotonous, although it is known that it eats about 150 species of plants. In winter, its main food is various types of lichens covering tree trunks, mainly “bearded lichens,” as well as twigs of shrubs and pine needles. In the summer, she eats grass, moss, ground lichens, and enjoys mushrooms.

Methods of hunting musk deer

Hunting for musk deer has commercial value mainly due to the extraction of the secretion secreted by males - musk, a very expensive product used in folk medicine and the perfume industry. According to many hunters, hunting this animal in certain seasons does not cause any particular difficulties, since musk deer are usually gullible, and sometimes even behave stupidly in the face of danger. There are cases when musk deer enter a recently prepared trap. It is rare that commercial hunters use a gun when hunting musk deer, since chasing an animal over rocks and cliffs is not only a tedious task, but sometimes dangerous for the hunter. The most common, although perhaps the most ancient way musk deer hunting - luring animals into the so-called “goat's mouths” - fenced traps set on cliffs and rocky outcrops.

The “mouth” trap for musk deer is made like a goat trap, the only difference is in the installation locations. Crossbows or bows are also still used for hunting, mainly due to their noiselessness, but such weapons are aimed lower than in the case of roe deer hunting. Some hunters manage to successfully catch musk deer with a net designed for wild goat fishing. The main period for catching musk deer is winter, when the hunter does not have a variety of animals to hunt, and he can watch a wounded animal for a long time.

Shepherds are sometimes made without a fence at all, such traps are called “shepherd traps”, and they are installed under cliffs or slabs. It’s good if there are moss-covered stones under the shepherdess. When there are none, green moss is placed under the trap as bait. The beast, seeing the food, comes under the shepherdess, touches the threaded earring (sima) and the shepherdess, falling from above, covers him.

And yet, the methods of hunting musk deer described above are already becoming exotic today. Amateur hunters prefer to hunt animals using firearms in the form of a rifle, hunting carbine or shotgun. Such hunting is especially successful in winter, when musk deer tracks are easily visible in the snow.

The hunter slowly creeps up to the animal within firing distance. Typically, most hunters prefer a male rather than a female, since in addition to meat and skin, musk can be obtained. The male's track has a rounded shape, the female's track is more elongated and oblong. This type of hunting requires absolute caution and concentration, since the musk deer is distinguished by its ability to camouflage perfectly thanks to its mimic color, merging with the landscape of the surrounding area. You should carefully look at literally every pebble and bush, since musk deer can hide among them, becoming completely invisible and at the same time watching the hunter. Of course, a hunter, among the many motionless stone placers, can mistake another piece of stone for a musk deer, and this happens quite often. However, bitter disappointment occurs only at the very moment when an inconspicuous-looking “stone” suddenly takes off from its place with lightning speed and is carried away in the blink of an eye. Each of the truly experienced hunters recommends, as soon as the musk deer has revealed its presence in any way, to immediately shoot, without wasting precious seconds on thinking and estimation.

Hunting for musk deer with a “gun” dog is extremely exciting, for which specially trained Siberian huskies are best suited. The dog chases the animal with its barking, and it usually meanders and tries to follow its previous trail. The hunter takes the gun at the ready and shoots as soon as the dog picks up the musk deer, having managed to escape from the shot. Often, in a fit of flight from a dog, a musk deer that has lost its sense of caution runs straight at the hunter.

In general, musk deer often moves towards the shooter, not sensing danger. This happens, as a rule, during the rutting period, when, driven by instinct in search of a female, the male “loses his head” both figuratively and literally. Hunting for musk deer is also very successful in the spring, when the female is accompanied by young animals. In this case, the hunter makes a special whistle (squeaker or squeaker) from birch bark, the sound of which imitates the bleating of babies. In response to the whistle, females certainly appear, suggesting that their cubs are in danger. At the same time, even if the shot was unsuccessful, the animal does not run away and gives the hunter time to reload the gun and fire an additional shot, the instinct of motherhood is so strong in the musk deer.

An animal that is distinguished by its ease of prey, gentle nature and trust is the musk deer. For a long time, these animals were not observed in the wild due to their secretive lifestyle. This way of life has given rise to speculation among the population that the musk deer is supposedly a predator that drinks the blood of animals. But today, thanks to scientists, I know that the musk deer is a herbivorous animal that is small in size and has an unusual coloration. Its hind legs resemble those of a kangaroo. Thanks to them, it is easy for musk deer to escape from predators and get fresh young leaves from trees.

The musk deer is a small artiodactyl animal. She looks like a deer in some ways. The length of the musk deer reaches 1 meter, the length of the tail is about 5 centimeters. Height is about 50-70 centimeters. The animal weighs on average 10-18 kilograms. There are no horns, but males have fairly large rounded fangs. Scientists still cannot determine their exact purpose, other than to protect their territory. The fur is thick and long. The color is brownish, sometimes brown.

Musk deer loves dark ones coniferous places taiga, where there is access to rocks and stone placers. They rarely live in groups; they prefer to live alone. They lead a sedentary lifestyle. This animal is an excellent horse and has excellent maneuverability. Without reducing speed, musk deer can change its direction by 90°. The basis of the musk deer's diet consists of various lichens. Loves to eat the greenery of fir or cedar, blueberry leaves, ferns and other plants. Musk deer are nocturnal, so they are inactive during the day.

During hunting, male representatives are especially valued. This is connected with musk. On the abdomen of each male there is a gland that is filled with a thick and pungent musk.

The gland contains about 10-20 grams of a very expensive secretion. Musk contains fatty acids, waxes, aromatic and steroid compounds, and cholesterol esters. Musk is used to make more than two hundred medicines. Research has found that this substance has a positive effect on the human heart and central nervous system.

There are about 120-125 thousand individuals in Russia. Musk deer are no longer hunted as food, but to obtain a valuable secretion. Approximately 1,500 individuals are caught annually.

Subtleties of musk deer hunting

Hunting for musk deer is an exciting activity in its own way. Musk deer are often caught using goat jaws. They are installed on cliffs and rocky outcrops. Hunters with guns do not often catch musk deer, because long searches for the animal in mountainous areas are very tiring. Another proven method of obtaining is hunting with a dog. The dog barks at the musk deer, which is trying to follow its trail, and the hunter, meanwhile, waits until the musk deer is in the right place. Another important fact: during the period when the female musk deer becomes a mother, she becomes extremely aggressive and relatively bold. At this time, the musk deer can come as close as possible to the dog, emitting frightening sound signals.

They also catch musk deer with their mouths, or you can use bows. Their mouths are placed mainly on the rocks themselves, on rubble and placers. Hunters often use regular mouths. They are installed without a fence on moss-covered stones, under cliffs and slabs. Rarely does a musk deer end up in a goat pit. Rarely, because goat holes are not dug in the animal's habitat.

The next method is hunting musk deer with decoy. A decoy is a special whistle that hunters make from birch bark. The decoy makes the squeak of a baby musk deer: a long, slow whistle. The female, when she hears a similar sound, is often led towards it. Female musk deer have a highly developed maternal instinct, so even if you shoot a gun, the animal does not run away. This increases the trapper's chances of catching the catch.
There are cases when a male also came with a female to the sound of the whistle. If you are lucky enough to see this phenomenon, then the first thing you should do is shoot the male, and then the female can be lured again.

It must be remembered that hunting with decoys also threatens with unwanted guests. There were cases when bears came to the whistle and thought it was the squeak of a baby musk deer. Therefore, you need to be careful and careful.
The most awaited hunting for musk deer is hunting during the rut, when the process is greatly simplified. At this time, musk deer are much bolder and approach the shooter without fear (mostly males). This happens because the males, hearing the rustling of the hunter, think that it is the female approaching.

Hunting for musk deer in winter

In the winter season, hunters comb all possible places where musk deer may be located. Trappers mainly focus on animal tracks. The tracks of musk deer are easy to distinguish from the tracks of the same goats. Thanks to the marks left in winter, hunters come within one shot of the animal. Every trapper wants to get the carcass of a male more than a female. In the case of a female, he will receive only meat and skin, and with a male, he will also receive valuable musk.

The tracks of the male and female are different. Any hunter can distinguish them. The male's track is round, while the female's is narrow and oblong. Winter hunting requires special skills and abilities. The hunter must be dexterous and be able to walk on winter scattered fields and cliffs. He must be able to recognize animal signs left behind and not leave a single stone or bush unattended. The video demonstrates that musk deer often hide in such shelters when they see danger. Musk deer lies between stones and bushes, hoping that it will remain unnoticed.

The peculiarity of winter hunting is walking against the wind. When you saw a musk deer, and she saw you too (the animal raises its ears, which serves as a sign of its intention to escape), you need to act without hesitation. You should shoot immediately, regardless of the distance from the animal. A hunting dog can be a good helper. As mentioned above, the musk deer acts like a hare: it makes loops, trying to follow the dog’s back trail. There have been cases when a musk deer, running away from a dog towards the hunter, hid almost at the feet of the trapper. Fresh droppings that look like pine nuts can lead to the animal. The article is accompanied by a video that describes in detail the strategy and features of the hunt.

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This animal has all sorts of names. Musk deer are called saber-tooth deer, musk deer, and hare-like deer. Of all the deer living in Russia, this one is the smallest. Outwardly, they are slightly hunchbacked, in their habits they are very cautious and silent. Musk deer live in mountainous areas, but not too high, just enough to avoid encounters with predators. The rocks and cliffs where this deer can be found are usually covered with coniferous forests.

IN summer period Musk deer feed near forest and mountain rivers, where the valleys are covered with grass. Among other animals, female musk deer are distinguished by a well-developed maternal instinct. Their offspring are born quite strong, but there are quite a lot of enemies who want to feast on the fawns: wolf, lynx, wolverine, hawks, eagles and owls. Despite her natural caution and timidity, the female musk deer boldly comes out to protect her offspring. There have been cases when a hunter used a decoy that imitated the squeak of a fawn and the female came out directly under fire, even waiting for the hunter to reload the gun if he missed the first time. If the mother dies, the cubs are destroyed by predators. Therefore, hunting musk deer in spring and summer is real poaching.

Hunting for musk deer, as a rule, has one goal - to obtain the musk gland of a deer. This gland (musk deer stream) is located between the navel and genitals, is approximately the size of a chicken egg and contains musk. During the rutting season, iron emit a scent that helps hunters find musk deer. The musk deer's rut ​​begins in late autumn. Several males are fighting over a female. The female carries the cubs for six months. As a rule, a musk deer gives birth to two fawns.

Appearance of a musk deer.

Since the musk deer is a deer, it belongs to the artiodactyls and leads a lifestyle similar to these animals. A significant difference from ordinary deer is the size of the musk deer: no larger than a large dog, its height is a maximum of 60 cm at the withers, and no more than a meter in length, its weight is about 16 kg. The musk deer has small hooves and a membrane between the toes. This deer does not have antlers, but the males have long (up to 9 cm) sharp fangs, for which the musk deer is called the saber-toothed deer. The musk deer's eyes are slightly protruding, which is why the look seems surprised. In addition, the animal’s ears resemble those of a hare, and its muzzle resembles that of a goat.

The color of the musk deer's fur is dirty gray, and the structure of each hair is hollow, similar to a reindeer, which allows the animal to be invisible among the stones. The musk deer has light spots on its back and sides. Female musk deer do not have fangs, nor do they have a musk gland. They are much smaller than males, their hooves are narrower, and their muzzle is longer and more pointed.

Habitat of the musk deer.

If we outline the boundaries of the musk deer’s habitat, it will be: to the west - the Yenisei River, to the east - Sakhalin Island, to the north - to the seventieth parallel. This animal can be found in the mountains of China and Tibet, in Eastern Siberia and the Himalayas, in Korea and Altai. Musk deer live in mountainous areas, but where small mountains. It is there that the musk deer escapes from predators. A prerequisite for its existence is the presence of coniferous forests: cedar, fir, spruce. Or deciduous ones, the trees of which have lichens. Most often, musk deer live scatteredly, in certain places where the number of animals is up to ten animals per 1000 hectares.

Character and habits of the musk deer.

The habitat of one individual is quite stable and amounts to up to three hundred hectares, this in the spring. And in the summer, musk deer actively move from one slope of the mountain to the opposite. The animal walks no more than five kilometers per day, and does this in the dark, at night or late in the evening. Its roost is usually located next to or in rock ledges, as well as in dense grass. Musk deer can also lie down near cliffs, under huge trees on a windy surface. At this time, she leads a very quiet lifestyle and a person can come almost close to her.

At the end of autumn, this deer begins the rut. Adults gather in groups of three or four, with the number of animals of both sexes being equal in the group. Young people stay away. However, there are exceptions. Sometimes, a male has a harem of several females, and sometimes several males fight over one female. The female bears and gives birth to one or two cubs, in rare cases - three. This happens at the beginning of summer, in June. The musk deer bears its young from 185 to 195 days. Sensing the approach of childbirth, the female musk deer hides among the windbreaks or hides under the fir paws.

The fawns that are born have a dark brown color and yellowish spots on the skin; the throat and belly are painted white. Only with the onset of winter do they acquire their adult coloring – dirty gray, only with more spots on them. But in the second year of life, musk deer calves are not at all different from adults. The mother actively protects the newborns, hiding them until the fawns begin to follow their mother at the end of summer, and feed on her milk until autumn. Individuals of musk deer that have reached seventeen months are considered sexually mature, although they begin to produce musk already by five months of age.

The musk deer is similar to a hare not only in its ears, but also in its lifestyle. The activity of the musk deer, like the hare, increases after sunset, and during the day both animals lie down. If a musk deer is pursued by dogs, it meanders like a hare. In addition, she is not afraid of water and swims well. It feeds mainly on herbs, especially preferring spicy and aromatic ones. In winter, its food is moss and roots, which the animal extracts from under the snow, as well as lichens, mainly “bearded moss”. Musk deer also like to eat mushrooms.

Hunting for musk deer.

Previously, musk deer were hunted using crossbows, bows, or goat traps. Opinions differ regarding the caution of this animal. Some say that the musk deer is a trusting and stupid animal, while others believe that it is cautious and timid. But one thing is clear: stalking and hunting musk deer is quite difficult. True, sometimes the musk deer itself enters a fresh trap, so commercial hunters rarely use weapons on this hunt. This animal is hunted mainly for musk, which is used in medicine and perfumery, and is also very expensive.

Hunting for musk deer with a dog.

Nowadays, the only legal way to hunt this deer is hunting with a dog. Since the musk deer is very well camouflaged among the stones, it is almost impossible to find it without a dog. The animal is so quiet that if it is hiding, the hunter can pass by it without even noticing. After all, it is known that the musk deer can allow a person to get quite close to itself. They hunt a saber-toothed deer with a husky. The dog, having discovered the animal, chases it towards the hunter, or, more often than not, as it turns out, since the musk deer meanders when running, so the husky cannot give it direction. If the dog failed to drive the deer to shoot, then the musk deer, tired from running, will find a place to rest. There she will be overtaken by a shot from a hunter, guided by the barking of a dog.

Hunting for musk deer using a trap.

The most popular and oldest way of hunting musk deer is with the help of “goat’s mouth” traps, where the animal is lured. A trap is a fenced trap made among stones. A musk deer trap is made similarly to a goat trap, and they differ only in the terrain on which they are installed. They hunt musk deer, as in the last century, using crossbows or bows. Since these types of weapons do not make noise, only the sight on musk deer is taken lower than on roe deer. Some people use a net used to catch wild goats to hunt musk deer. The season for catching musk deer is the winter months, when there are no other commercial animals, and the hunter can track the wounded animal for a long time.

Sometimes the “goat’s mouths” are left without a fence and in this case they are called “shepherds”. Place them under cliffs or stone slabs. It is especially good if the trap has a natural bait - moss covering the stones. If the stones do not have vegetation, then green moss is placed in the trap. The musk deer, having noticed the food, approaches the “shepherdess”, while she cannot help but touch the special “earring”, and having touched it, the animal brings down the shepherdess, which covers him from above.

Hunting for musk deer with firearms.

Of course, the type of hunting with a trap can already be classified as exotic. Hunters still go to hunt musk deer with firearms (rifle, carbine or shotgun). It is best to hunt musk deer in winter, when the tracks of the animal are very clearly visible in the snow. The hunter must carefully approach the musk deer within shooting distance. Most often, the male is hunted, since in addition to meat and skin, he has musk. The tracks of the male and female are different: the female's track is more elongated. This type of hunting requires patience and caution, as well as increased attention, since musk deer are well camouflaged in their usual environment with the help of their dirty gray color. The hunter should carefully examine the stones and bushes that come his way, as the musk deer can hide in them and watch the person itself.

Imagine your disappointment if what you thought was a stone instantly breaks away and disappears. Therefore, those hunters who have experience in catching musk deer are advised to shoot as soon as the animal slightly betrays its presence. However, more often the musk deer runs towards the shot without feeling any danger; during the rutting period the animal is especially careless. After all, the male is looking for a female and is driven by an instinct much stronger than the instinct of self-preservation.

Hunting in the spring is considered quite easy, when the female musk deer goes everywhere with her young. A hunter needs a decoy that imitates the voice of a fawn. The female will always rush to the aid of the cub, assuming that he is in danger. Even if the hunter fired and missed, the musk deer will wait until he reloads the gun in order to divert the danger from the cubs. Once again we can repeat what has already been said above. Using this method is cruel and brutal poaching, because fawns without a mother will die.


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