City of Cuba Azerbaijan.


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located 168 kilometers from the capital, on the northeastern slopes of the majestic Shahdag Mountain. It was founded in the 15th century, and in 1735 it became the capital of the Cuban kingdom. 70 years later, Russian troops occupied these lands. In the troubled post-revolutionary years, a detachment formed by the Azerbaijani government under the command of Amazasp Srvantsyan burned the city and destroyed more than a hundred villages and towns, along with the population living in them. During the construction of the city stadium, workers discovered hundreds of remains of people, indicating that less than a hundred years ago a real massacre took place at this site. Soon all the found bodies were reburied. The current appearance of Cuba is formed from numerous gardens and parks, Muslim mosques , old houses and modern buildings. There are museums, financial, medical, educational and cultural institutions, new sports complex

, as well as a whole scattering of architectural and historical attractions in its surroundings and within the city limits. In the areas adjacent to Cuba there are several well-equipped recreation centers where you can not only have a pleasant time, but also make a number of exciting trips to the most interesting places in the Cuban province. One of the main architectural and religious sites of the city is Juma mosque , built in XIX century . The exterior of the building resembles a faceted cylinder, and the interior consists of one hall, the center of which is decorated with a giant dome, 16 meters in diameter. The appearance of the mosque is impressive. It is not without reason that after its construction, similar structures began to appear in other parts of Cuba. Another work of art - Sakina-Khanum Mosque , located in a remote area and built in 1854 by order of the widow of the famous Azerbaijani figure A. Bakikhanov. The mosque is made in the same style as Juma, but is made entirely of red brick, with a helmet-like metal dome crowning it. A thin, elegant spire completes the look. They also attract attention with their elegant shapes and interior decoration. Sakinakhanum mosque And. Among other attractions, the Gümbezli bathhouse deserves special attention as a historical exhibit dating back to the 19th century, as well as monuments to the poet Vladimir Mayakovsky, the thinker and statesman of Azerbaijan, Bakikhanov and the memorial to the unknown soldier, founded in memory of the people who died during the Second World War in the fields battles.

A real journey into the world of history, traditions and culture of Azerbaijan can be made by tourists who decide to go on a trip throughout the Cuban province. Fully original of this region reflects the village Khanalyg, located in the regional territory. The main architectural object here is the Zoroastrian temple, which is considered part of the ancient Fire religion, practiced in these lands many centuries ago. Meanwhile, ourselves local residents those who call themselves “Khanaligs” are also of considerable interest. Their ancestors, ancient Albanian tribes, lived on these lands for a long time. People living in the village now have preserved the unique language, traditions and rituals of the ancients. They exist according to their own laws, work, rest, live and die according to old traditions bequeathed by their ancestors. In its own way, Khanalyg can be called a unique village, preserved for a long time and representing the cultural and historical heritage of this land.

One of oldest fortresses area of ​​Cuba are considered to be the ruins of a defensive complex Gilgilchay. According to researchers, the object was erected approximately in the 5th-6th centuries AD, during the reign of the Persian Sassanid dynasty. Initially, the fortress wall stretched for several kilometers along the Gilgilchay River, descended to the Caspian Sea and again rose high into the mountains. After centuries, only a small part remained of it, reminiscent of the former greatness of the empire. The thickness of the walls reached 6 meters, and their height was 9. At certain intervals along the entire perimeter there were 15-meter towers, and some of the forts had their own urban settlements. One of the key defensive points in the Gilgilchay system was the Chirag-Kala fortress, which consisted of massive volumetric towers protected by a deep moat. Nowadays, almost nothing remains of it, except for a pile of stones symbolizing the glory of bygone eras.

Among other attractions of the Cuban province it is worth noting Mausoleums of Sheikhs Yusif Sakinakhanum mosque Juneida. Both of them were built in the Middle Ages of the second millennium and have a similar design. The mausoleum of Sheikh Yusif is made of square burnt brick with wide arched vaults, forming a deep portal and creating an impression of sophistication and luxury, by which one can determine that a noble person is buried in the mausoleum. The tomb of Sheikh Junayd, built by the grandson of Sheikh Tahmasib I, is lined with glazed tiles of different colors and laid out in a checkerboard pattern. The center of the tomb is decorated with a tall dome. Both mausoleums are unique works of art and have the status of historical heritage of Azerbaijan.

In terms of its historical significance and the number of important cultural sites, the province of Cuba occupies one of the leading places in. At the same time, the city itself is not as interesting for tourists as its region. IN last years thanks to development tourism infrastructure, guests from the former Soviet republics began to come here more and more often, which undoubtedly has a positive effect on the economic viability of the region. If the growth does not stop in the near future, then perhaps in the future Cuba will become popular tourist center in the post-Soviet space.

Famous for their national traditions and picturesque nature. Most Caucasian cities have a centuries-old history. One of these places is considered locality Guba (Azerbaijan).


168 km from the city of Baku there is a small settlement called Guba. It is also the regional center of the Guba region. This area has perfect place location and rich infrastructure, thanks to which many tourists prefer to come here.

If you want to experience the Caucasian flavor and bring home a lot of unforgettable impressions after your vacation, be sure to visit Azerbaijan. The city of Guba is located in a mountainous area (600 m above sea level).

Historical facts

The foundation of the city dates back to the 15th century. In 1735, the city of Kuba (Guba) was transformed and became the capital of the Kuba Khanate, which was located in the modern territory of northeastern Azerbaijan and southern Dagestan. The decision to move the ruler's residence from the city of Khudat was made by Huseyn Ali Khan. In 1806, Russian troops invaded, after which, in 1813, the city of Guba (Azerbaijan) became part of the Russian Empire. This decision was made in accordance with the Gulistan Peace Treaty.

In 1840, the Caspian region was established, and the city became the administrative center of the district of the same name.

After the October Revolution of 1917, when the tsarist government of Russia was overthrown and unrest began in all regions, a rebel detachment led by Hamazasp Srvantsyan destroyed the city of Guba and other settlements of the district in 1918. The consequences of this tragedy were discovered in 2007, when construction of a stadium began in the city. The builders found a mass grave underground, in which there were up to 400 bodies, of which 50 belonged to children and 100 to women. Studies of the remains carried out by Azerbaijani scientists showed that the burial took place at the beginning of the 20th century.

Unique nature

Have no doubt, the city of Guba in Azerbaijan and its surrounding areas is a great place for have a nice rest. The nature of this region is unique. More than 100 rivers flow here with clean water that is suitable for drinking. The largest of them are:

  • Gudialchay.
  • Vyalvyaljachay.
  • Agchay.
  • Garachay.

In the Guba region there is the Afurdzhinsky waterfall, which is considered a natural heritage of Azerbaijan. Red-listed eagles (griffon vultures) are also found here.


The city has a long history, thanks to which you can see numerous architectural monuments of past centuries. Numerous mosques and mausoleums will tell you a lot about the culture and traditions of Azerbaijan. Guba (photos of attractions are unlikely to leave anyone indifferent) will open to its visitors mysterious world Muslim Caucasus.

Among the most famous attractions are the following historical monuments:

  1. Ruins of the ancient fortress Gilgilchay. According to historians, this is the oldest architectural structure in these places. The fortress was built in the 5th-6th centuries, and its founder was a representative of the dynasty of Iranian rulers, the Sassanids. The walls were 6 m thick and reached 9 m in height. The fortress had 15-meter towers, which were located at a distance of 20-30 m from each other.
  2. Medieval Agbil mausoleums, which are about 500 years old. Two buildings have a rectangular shape, and the third mausoleum has a unique architecture.
  3. Village of Khanalyg. This settlement is located near the city of Guba. In Azerbaijan, this is one of the favorite places for tourists. Here is an ancient temple built in the 9th century, where adherents of the ancient cult, the Zoroastrians, worshiped their deity.

Among others interesting places The following attractions are worth noting:

  • Gümbezli bathhouse, built in the 19th century.
  • Juma Mosque.
  • Chigar-Kala fortress.
  • Sakin Khanum Mosque.
  • Mausoleums of Sheikhs Yusif and Junayd.
A country Azerbaijan Area Gubinsky History and geography Based 15th century Center height 556 m Timezone UTC+4 Population Population 23.9 thousand people (2012) Nationalities Azerbaijanis -85,5%(1979) , Lezgins , Russians , kryz and others Confessions Muslims (Shiites, Sunnis), Christians Official language Azerbaijani Digital IDs Telephone code +994 169 Postcode AZ 4000 Media files on Wikimedia Commons


Presumably on site modern city was antique city Caucasian Albania trunk. Ancient Greek geographer Ptolemy among the 29 cities and villages of Caucasian Albania he also named Khobota ( Old Greek Χοβωτα ) .

Guba is mentioned in the works of various European geographers, in ancient Arab and Albanian sources. The castle built by the ruler Anushiravan in the 11th century was called "Bad Firuz Kubat", and in Arabic sources from the 12th century, Quba was referred to as "Kuba". In the 13th century in the Dictionary geographical names Arab scientist Hamabi" it was mentioned among Azerbaijani cities as Kubba, and in 16th century sources Guba was called "Dome".

The city of Guba was formed from the coastal village of Gudial. In the mid-18th century, having moved his residence from Khudat, Hussein Ali became the Khan of Guba and raised fortress walls around the entire city. Position Guba Khanate intensified during the reign Fatali Khan(1758-1789), son of Hussain Ali Khan. .

However, the Guba Khanate, like others Azerbaijani khanates, was occupied by Tsarist Russia in the early 19th century and officially annexed Russian Empire in accordance with the agreement of 1813. After rehabilitation in 1840, Guba was included in the Derbent Governorate, and then in 1860 in the Baku Governorate. As of 1861, there were religious institutions: 1 Russian Orthodox Church in the name of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary (founded in 1828); 1 Armenian church built by Count Lazarev in 1845 according to the plan of the Armenian church in Moscow; 8 synagogues; 3 mosques (one Sunni and two Shia)

At various times Guba was visited Alexandr Duma, Russian orientalist Berezin, writer Bestuzhev-Marlinsky, Norwegian scientist and traveler Thor Heyerdahl.

Guba is also a center for carpet weaving. A carpet weaving company called “Gyadim Guba” is located here. The Golu Chichi carpet, woven here in 1712, is now on display at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.



The climate of Guba is moderate continental, somewhat warmer than in the neighboring Hussar due to the lower altitude above sea level, but noticeably cooler than in the Samur River delta. Winters are mild and short, with unstable snow cover, summers are moderately hot.

Climate of Guba
Index Jan. Feb. March Apr. May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Year
Average maximum, °C 3,8 3,2 7,2 15,1 19,4 24,2 27,4 27,1 22,2 15,7 10,2 5,9 15,1
Average temperature, °C −0,3 −0,4 3,6 10,3 15,1 19,4 22,5 21,9 17,5 11,5 6,6 2,1 10,8
Average minimum, °C −4,4 −4 0,0 5,6 10,8 14,7 17,7 16,8 12,9 7,3 3,0 −1,6 6,6
Precipitation rate mm 30 33 40 50 54 36 31 31 50 62 44 37 498


According to the “Geographical-Statistical Dictionary of the Russian Empire”, as of 1861, 11,133 people lived in the city, of which 302 were followers of the Russian Church, 63 Armenians, 30 Catholics, 4403 Jews, and the rest were Muslims. By All-Russian population census of 1897 Cuba had a population of 15,363.

Ethnic composition Lips according to Tsarist and Soviet data
Ethnic groups 1873 1886 1897 1926 1939 1959 1970 1979
number % number % number % number % number % number % number % number %
Azerbaijanis 5 900 52.9% 6 486 46.6% 7 134 46.4% 6 168 45.3% 7 839 65.4% 12 545 57.0% 15 436 81.8% 16 444 85.5%
Lezgins 221 1.4% 84 0.6% 842 7.0% 1 565 7.1% 1 640 8.7% 1 957 10.2%
Russians 141 1.2% 291 2.1% 441 2.9% 697 5.1% 2 349 19.6% 1 686 7.7% 1 442 7.6% 593 3.1%
Ukrainians 134 1.0% 125 1.0%
Armenians 833 6.0% 807 5.3% 48 0.4% 142 1.2% 101 0.5% 80 0.4% 91 0.5%
Jews 5 127 45.3% 6 287 45.2% 6 212 40.4% 6 285 46.2% 105 0.9% 146 0.7% 71 0.4% 60 0.3%
Tatars 60 0.3% 35 0.2%
Georgians 10 0.1% 26 0.2% 9 0.1% 15 0.1% 14 0.1% 9 0.0% 3 0.0%
Avars 52 0.3% 1 0.0% 1 0.0%
Kurds 1 0.0%
tats 1 0.0% 30 0.1% 6 0.0%
Germans 4 0.0% 9 0.1% 13 0.1% 39 0.3%
Persians 151 1.0% 16 0.1%
Shahdagh people 43 0.3%
Poles 6 0.0%
other 62 0.5% 267 1.7% 158 1.2% 529 4.4% 5 916 26.9% 127 0.7% 52 0.3%
total 11 324 100% 13 917 100% 15 363 100% 13 613 100% 11 986 100% 22 003 100% 18 871 100% 19 237 100%


Central street of Cuba

In 1891, Cuba's income was 14,923 rubles, and its expenses were 13,862 rubles. IN Soviet time in Cuba, a hydroelectric power station, a fruit and vegetable canning plant and a microelectric motor plant were built (now located in the city of Khachmaz), as well as the Research Institute of Horticulture, Viticulture and Subtropical Crops. Center for the horticultural district.


Famous carpet weaving center. A branch of the Azerbaijan University of Arts is located in Cuba. There is a local history museum. Guba (Cuba) is one of the major cities in Azerbaijan. Located 165 km. north of Baku. The city was founded in the 15th century; in the second half of the 18th century it was the capital of the Guba Khanate. One of the most beautiful cities in the country, Guba is especially beautiful in the spring, when its many gardens and parks bloom.

Olympic Complex in Guba

The Olympic complex, located 120 km from Baku, was put into operation on October 11, 2003. The area of ​​this recreational and sports center is 16 hectares. There are conditions for the development of football, mini-football, basketball and volleyball.

On the territory of the complex there are two-story cottages, spacious apartments, and a conference room with a capacity of 200 people.

The largest of the 5 halls in this complex is designed for 2000 spectators. One of the two small training rooms is equipped with exercise equipment, and the other has a boxing ring. Wrestlers can use the auxiliary room.

The football field, with a capacity of 5,100 spectators, is equipped with all the amenities that meet the requirements of this sport. The 50-meter pool is suitable for both training and competition. There are 3 stands that can accommodate 1010 people.

Juma mosque

The Juma Mosque was built in the 19th century. The mosque was built of red brick and was erected in 1802. It is also called "Jama". This mosque was built in a style typical of mosques in the province of Cuba. The bricks for the mosque were made in the village of Igryg. In appearance, the mosque resembles a faceted cylinder and has the shape of an ordinary octagon. Inside the mosque there is Big hall, topped with a huge dome with a diameter of 16 m.

Sakina Khanum Mosque

Chukhur Hamam

Chukhur hamam is a bathhouse. The hammam is unique in its beehive-shaped dome made of brick. The bathhouse building was built of red brick. His large dome allowed him to maintain the correct temperature and humidity inside the house. The house is rectangular in shape and has 6 rooms, 2 doors and 6 windows. Water was supplied from a well under the bathroom or from city water pipes. At one time, Alexander Dumas bathed in this bath during his stay in Guba. 150 years later, his great-grandson visited these places. The bathhouse was the main recreational place for people in Guba, and it was in use until 1985. The bathhouse is no longer open.

House-Museum of Abbasgulu Bakikhanov

The Abbasgulu Bakikhanov Museum of Local History was founded in 1943 in Guba. The museum was opened in a building located on Ardabil Street, in which Bakikhanov himself lived at that time. The building was built in the 19th century. On the territory of the museum there are more than 10 thousand exhibits, which is 742 square meters. eventually. More than 3,000 people visit this museum every year.

Gudialchay Bridge

The Gudialchay Bridge is the only remaining bridge that existed in the Guba district in the 17th-19th centuries. The bridge was built in 1894 according to the design Alexandra III. Its 14 spans with a total length of 275 meters and a width of 8 meters are made of baked brick. This design allows the bridge to remain intact even during severe mudflows and floods. The bridge was recently restored and protected by the state as an architectural monument. This is the only bridge with such a structure in Azerbaijan.

Notable natives


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