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Compatriots who prefer to vacation abroad explain their choice by saying that “it’s more prestigious and profitable.” Indeed, going to Turkey is sometimes half as expensive as going to Sochi. However budget vacation can be carried out in Russia, the main thing is to choose the right place and close your eyes to the service. In addition to low prices, holidays at home have other advantages, for example, the opportunity to move around the country without a passport, however, holidays at home also have weak sides.

Pros of holidays in Russia

1. Without “bureaucracy”

Of course, the main argument for vacationing at home is the absence of the need to obtain a foreign passport, and subsequently obtain a visa. These manipulations not only take a lot of time, but also cost money - you have to pay fees for your passport and visa documents. To travel around Russia, no visas are required, so in case of an unexpected vacation, you can safely pack your things and go wherever your eyes take you.

2. Language barrier

In order to have a normal holiday abroad, you should know at least a foreign language, otherwise you risk being misunderstood not only in force majeure situations (suddenly you get lost), but also in completely everyday ones, for example, ordering a dish you like in a restaurant, which in the end it will not be what you wanted at all.

3. Acclimatization

It’s still better to vacation with children Russian resorts, because here kids experience acclimatization faster than abroad. It is easier for adults to get used to the climate in their homeland.

4. Medical assistance

If you are poisoned or accidentally break your arm, it will be much easier to seek help from domestic medical institutions than from foreign ones. The main thing here is not to forget to take with you the Mandatory Policy health insurance(OMS). By the way, even knowing perfectly English language If you have an appointment with a foreign doctor, you may encounter misunderstandings and, as a result, receive an incorrect diagnosis and treatment.

5. Natural diversity

Russia is interesting country from the point of view of tourism, on the territory of our state there are many recreational areas, reservoirs, mountains, forests and various attractions. Lovers beach holiday can go to Black Sea resorts, fans mountain tourism- to Altai, and extreme sports - to the Caucasus or Kamchatka. Don't forget about the rivers along which you can take a cruise trip.

Disadvantages of holidays in Russia

1. Lame service

Service in domestic hotels is several times inferior to service in foreign hotels. It is because of this that many Russians go on vacation abroad, where tourists are truly welcome. Here you can encounter banal unprofessionalism and even rudeness.

Reading reviews from compatriots about holidays in Russian hotels, you may repeatedly come across messages about “rotten beds” or the reluctance of hotel staff to resolve certain issues. Most often the problems are related to room cleaning. In Greece or Tunisia, order is restored at least once every two days; in Russia, tourists have to “persuad” the cleaners to come into their room. However, the service is not poor in all hotels; however, against the backdrop of establishments with inappropriate service, the number of hotels with high level service seems insignificant, and, as a rule, trips to such hotels are quite expensive.

2. Food

If tourists abroad are usually pampered with generous portions, the variety of food in domestic hotels leaves much to be desired. Tourists who vacationed at Russian resorts say that they were fed the same food for a week. “We decided to support domestic tourism, we went to Gelendzhik, where every day we had pasta or scrambled eggs for breakfast, and borscht for lunch, and so on for the entire vacation. “We couldn’t look at these dishes later,” traveler Polina shared with an correspondent, noting that she and her family “never set foot in domestic resorts again.”

Do not forget that in most Russian hotels and resort restaurants it is customary to “tear three skins” for lunches and dinners, while the owners of foreign establishments offer guests large portions of dishes at affordable prices and even give small gifts - sweets, fruits, wine. Thus, lavish cafes are popular with tourists, and the profits of their owners turn out to be at the same level as those who set prices according to ceilings.

Russians also choose foreign resorts for the cleanliness of their beaches - in Spain, Greece, Croatia and even Turkey, the coastal zone is cleaner than in their homeland. This is confirmed by at least the number of “ Blue flags UNESCO" awarded to these resorts. In the Russian Federation, a culture of behavior on the beaches has not yet been formed - tourists are in no hurry to pick up bottles of lemonade (or something hotter), cigarette butts, packaging for snacks from their vacation spot, and the service staff simply does not have time to remove the garbage, which subsequently ends up in the sea.

In addition, during the peak season there are too many people at popular Russian resorts, which creates certain difficulties for those who want to relax in a calm atmosphere.

4. Animation

Another disadvantage of Russian hotels is the almost complete absence of animator service, which is why many parents prefer to go not to Gelendzhik or Anapa, but to Turkey or Egypt, where, by the way, entertainment program It is often Russian youth who engage in this activity.

Separately about prices

Speaking about the cost of a vacation in Russia, one cannot call it an advantage or disadvantage of a vacation here. On the one hand, you can rent a room for pennies in private hotel in the Krasnodar village, on the other hand, a week-long trip to Sochi will cost more (from 40 thousand rubles) than a similar tour to Turkey or Greece (27 thousand and 23 thousand rubles, respectively).

In Russia you can have an inexpensive holiday, but the service at low costs will be almost zero. If you want to spend your holiday in a luxury hotel with good service, clean beach and a varied diet, then in this case you will have to fork out money or go abroad.

Vacation for two: advantages and disadvantages of a joint vacation

The long-awaited and much-needed summer vacation is approaching. Exhausted by annual work, reports and tests, checks and audits, tormented by demanding bosses and careless subordinates, the spouses breathe a sigh of relief, anticipating a pleasant and unforgettable leisure time. Every couple has a reasonable question: to spend a vacation together or relax separately?
Indeed, vacation time offers alternatives, where to restore health lost by work and how to gain positivity in order to carry out everyday worries with triple energy. Each couple has a choice: spend a well-deserved vacation together, enjoying each other’s company, or go to the resort in splendid isolation, sending the spouse to plow the beds at their summer cottage. The purpose of our article is, with the advice of psychologists, to consider the pros and cons of a joint vacation for a typical married couple.

The advantages of a joint holiday
One of the advantages of a vacation for two is the opportunity to save money from the family budget. Indeed, purchasing family tours is a great opportunity to save your hard-earned money. Accommodation in hotels, renting rooms at recreation centers or renting a room in the private sector for two people is much cheaper than renting housing for one person. In addition, most travel agencies offer significant discounts on family tours and vouchers.
An important advantage of a vacation for two is preserved nerves. After all, when relaxing together, your partner does not feel jealous at the thought that his other half is somewhere flirting with a more impressive gentleman. By spending a vacation together, ladies no longer need to be nervous and worry that their husband will get terribly drunk in her absence and leave the long-boiled kettle on. Or, in a state of drunken stupor, he won’t get lost in the dense park where he went hunting with his friends.

A joint vacation at a fashionable resort is a great chance for spouses to rediscover each other. A comfortable room, always clean and tidy, delicious breakfasts and lunches in a cozy restaurant relieve the couple from everyday troubles and worries. Accordingly, there are no disagreements about who should cook the borscht and who should take out the trash. There are fewer topics for nagging, because there are no unwashed dishes and socks scattered around the apartment. More time for intimate conversations and conversations about the meaning of life.

The advantage of staying at a resort is a person’s natural desire to demonstrate himself in all his glory.
During the holidays, respectable gentlemen refuse to walk around in mended family panties, putting on fashionable shorts and T-shirts that favorably emphasize the six-pack on their torso. Exhausted housewives on vacation transform in the blink of an eye, showing off in front of the public in new seductive short dresses, showing off slimmer and tanned legs, shod in high-heeled shoes. Therefore, a vacation together is an opportunity to discover long-lost attractiveness in a partner.
Another advantage of a joint holiday is the chance to make more daring experiments. Trying yourself in a new role is always easier when you have a reliable companion nearby. It’s safer, it’s not so scary, because there is a person nearby who will come to the rescue. Therefore, a vacation for two is an opportunity for new pleasures, joy and extreme sports: trying out diving, parachuting, riding a scooter. And it’s easier for two people to pedal on a catamaran. And in the evening you can experiment in some Chinese restaurant, eating strange-looking delicacies with just chopsticks for two. Moreover, not only a camera is always at hand, but also a person who can capture the pleasant moments of life.

Joint recreation has another significant advantage - safety and convenience. When spending a vacation together, you don’t have to worry about the safety of your valuables on the beach. Having a companion is a guarantee that a beautiful lady will not become the object of harassment from a drunken company. The presence of a husband is a guarantee that annoying aunts and uncles will not persistently offer to drink a bottle of cheap port wine. A spouse without an alarm clock will always wake you up on time so as not to miss interesting excursion. If you feel unwell, your partner will always find an analgin tablet and find a doctor. And he will apply cream on your back for safe tanning. And goes for a refreshing cocktail. What can we say about safety on the water: the husband will always be there instead of a lifebuoy and will be able to help a lady floundering in the water.

Disadvantages of joint holidays
The main drawback of a vacation together is disagreements and quarrels. Moreover, the expression of dissatisfaction and complaints begins already during vacation planning and subsequent preparations. Conflicting and unyielding spouses can argue over any little thing: a place to relax, a method of travel to the resort, the choice of housing. The process of packing suitcases may even resemble the Battle of Kulikovo, when a wife wins from her husband the right to take another, hundredth, evening outfit.
Another disadvantage of a vacation together is related to the fact that any changes in a person’s life, even pleasant ones, are a huge stress. When the usual atmosphere changes, the nervous system that has gone on a rampage makes itself felt, splashing out its indignation at loved one. Moreover, any trip is fraught with many unpleasant surprises, and not everyone is able to maintain stoic composure when you are late for your flight due to a careless companion. Therefore, a joint vacation is often “embellished” with quarrels and scandals of the married couple.

Despite the opportunity to save money on a joint vacation, there are also back side medals. Staying at a resort is relaxing and takes away control. The heady sea air whispers to spend more, try something unconventional, do something original. Moreover, there is someone to appreciate the resort exploits. As a result, it turns out that a vacation together results in a very significant amount of money compared to if you went to the resort alone and sipped a daiquiri alone.
Another disadvantage of a holiday together is the forced need to watch how the legitimate other half pays attention to another macho and receives compliments from other philanderers. At the same time, understand that the gentlemen around you have a more attractive appearance and perfect proportions, while you can’t hide your beer belly under a tight T-shirt.

The disadvantage of a joint holiday is the lack of opportunity to be in splendid isolation and calmly relax. Having gone on vacation together, you have to be constantly on guard: endlessly smearing cream on your spouse, adjusting his Panama hat, bringing him a bathing towel. Drink water if you have a hangover and feed with activated carbon after tasting Okonomiyaki pizza. Listening to the same story for the hundredth time. And the main thing is to make sure that during the two weeks of vacation together, he still gets out of the bar and at least steps ankle-deep into the refreshing ocean. In a word - when going on vacation together, you can forget about peace and tranquility.

Vacation for two or a separate vacation: prohibitions, restrictions, risks
A ban on joint vacations will be the lack of common interests between spouses. For example, my husband loves walking fifty kilometers with a heavy backpack on his shoulders. He likes to sing songs with a guitar by the fire and eat “tourist’s breakfast” for dinner. He dreams of spending the night in a tent on the shore of a lake with mosquitoes squealing. His wife, on the contrary, is a supporter of a cultural and civilized holiday in a five-star hotel. Her wardrobe is simply bursting with expensive outfits that can only be worn when visiting the fashionable Parisian restaurant Le Pre Catelan, where a special lunch for two will cost $400. A joint vacation for such a married couple will most likely be spoiled by mutual reproaches and claims. Unless, of course, they have the wisdom to compromise and organize leisure time taking into account the interests of both parties.

Another limitation for spending a vacation together is that spouses work together. This is the situation when a husband and wife are engaged in the same business, so they spend 24 hours a day together. For such spouses, vacation is the only opportunity to be alone and a chance to “miss” their beloved. However, there are very pleasant exceptions, when partners love and understand each other so much that a minute spent without a companion stretches for eternity.
The main danger of vacationing separately is undoubtedly the sword of Damocles, which threatens to cut the bonds of Hymen - the possibility of betrayal. Such fear is not alien to insecure people. Such persons should remember: betrayal occurs only if there is no true love, respect and understanding between the partners in marriage. It should be taken into account: if the subject is morally ready for betrayal, then betrayal can occur at any opportunity, and not necessarily during vacation.

Another stumbling block during a joint vacation is the financial issue. It is likely that one of the spouses is used to relaxing at the resort full program and does not deny himself anything. The other partner, on the contrary, is economical and practical, who is not used to spending money on all sorts of resort nonsense. To avoid financial disagreements, it is advisable to determine in advance the amount that can be spent on entertainment events without compromising the family budget.
What's better: a vacation for two or a vacation separately? American scientists are convinced: joint vacations are harmful to marriage. Studies have found that spouses most often end their relationship after vacations spent together. Why? For many couples, a holiday together is an emotionally difficult period in which existing problems are exposed and aggravated. And vacationing together deprives partners of illusions and hopes of resolving existing difficulties.

What should you do to ensure that your vacation gives both spouses only positive emotions? Probably, the optimal solution would be a healthy compromise: spend part of the vacation together, and leave the rest of the days to yourself. And in the end, make an unambiguous conclusion which leisure option suits you better.

There is another way out for those who are not ready for a separate holiday. You can spend your vacation in the same place, with each partner choosing activities that are pleasant and interesting to him. For example, an active and energetic husband goes scuba diving or conquers Mountain peaks, and his socialite tastes gourmet dishes in local restaurants and sightseeing. And in the evening, over a glass of champagne on the seashore, everyone shares their impressions.

Remember that a vacation together is a litmus test that will reveal the true problems that exist between partners. A joint vacation will reveal those aspects in a relationship that are not noticed in everyday life. A vacation together will show how interested the spouses are in each other. Are they ready to hear and listen to their partner? Do they see anyone other than themselves? Are they able to compromise and can they make a mutually beneficial decision? It is from this point of view that a vacation together is the best test of the strength of a relationship. Therefore, at the beginning of family life, and ideally during the dating period, it is advisable to go on a long trip before making Napoleonic plans.

Compatriots who prefer to vacation abroad explain their choice by saying that “it’s more prestigious and profitable.” Indeed, going to Turkey is sometimes half as expensive as going to Sochi. However, you can also spend a budget holiday in Russia, the main thing is to choose the right place and close your eyes to the service. In addition to low prices, holidays at home have other advantages, for example, the ability to move around the country without a passport, however, holidays at home also have weaknesses. An correspondent tried to figure out the pros and cons of holidaying in Russia.

Pros of holidays in Russia

1. Without "bureaucracy"

Of course, the main argument for vacationing at home is the absence of the need to obtain a foreign passport, and subsequently obtain a visa. These manipulations not only take a lot of time, but also cost money - you have to pay fees for your passport and visa documents. To travel around Russia, no visas are required, so in case of an unexpected vacation, you can safely pack your things and go wherever your eyes take you.

2. Language barrier

In order to have a normal holiday abroad, you should know at least a foreign language, otherwise you risk being misunderstood not only in force majeure situations (suddenly you get lost), but also in completely everyday ones, for example, ordering a dish you like in a restaurant, which in the end it will not be what you wanted at all.

3. Acclimatization

It is still better to vacation with children at Russian resorts, since children acclimatize faster here than abroad. It is easier for adults to get used to the climate in their homeland.

4.Health care

If you are poisoned or accidentally break your arm, it will be much easier to seek help from domestic medical institutions than from foreign ones. The main thing here is not to forget to take your Compulsory Health Insurance (CHI) policy with you. By the way, even knowing English perfectly, if you have an appointment with a foreign doctor, you may encounter misunderstandings and, as a result, receive an incorrect diagnosis and treatment.

5. Natural diversity

Russia is an interesting country from the point of view of tourism - on the territory of our state there are many recreational areas, reservoirs, mountains, forests and various attractions. Fans of beach holidays can go to the Black Sea resorts, fans of mountain tourism - to Altai, and extreme sports - to the Caucasus or Kamchatka. Don't forget about the rivers along which you can take a cruise trip.

Disadvantages of holidays in Russia

1. Lame service

Service in domestic hotels is several times inferior to service in foreign hotels. It is because of this that many Russians go on vacation abroad, where tourists are truly welcome. Here you can encounter banal unprofessionalism and even rudeness.

Reading reviews from compatriots about holidays in Russian hotels, you may repeatedly come across messages about “rotten beds” or the reluctance of hotel staff to resolve certain issues. Most often the problems are related to room cleaning. In Greece or Tunisia, order is restored at least once every two days; in Russia, tourists have to “persuad” the cleaners to come into their room. However, the service is not poor in all hotels; however, compared to establishments with inappropriate service, the number of hotels with a high level of service seems insignificant, and, as a rule, trips to such hotels are quite expensive.

2. Nutrition

If tourists abroad are usually pampered with generous portions, the variety of food in domestic hotels leaves much to be desired. Tourists who vacationed at Russian resorts say that they were fed the same food for a week. “We decided to support domestic tourism, we went to Gelendzhik, where every day we had pasta or scrambled eggs for breakfast, and borscht for lunch, and so on throughout our vacation. “We couldn’t look at these dishes afterwards,” traveler Polina shared with an correspondent, noting that she and her family “never set foot in domestic resorts again.”

Do not forget that in most Russian hotels and resort restaurants it is customary to “tear three skins” for lunches and dinners, while the owners of foreign establishments offer guests large portions of dishes at affordable prices and even give small gifts - sweets, fruits, wine. Thus, lavish cafes are popular with tourists, and the profits of their owners turn out to be at the same level as those who set prices according to ceilings.

3. Beaches

Russians also choose foreign resorts for the cleanliness of their beaches - in Spain, Greece, Croatia and even Turkey, the coastal zone is cleaner than in their homeland. This is confirmed by at least the number of UNESCO Blue Flags awarded to these resorts. In the Russian Federation, a culture of behavior on the beaches has not yet been formed - tourists are in no hurry to pick up bottles of lemonade (or something hotter), cigarette butts, packaging for snacks from their vacation spot, and the service staff simply does not have time to remove the garbage, which subsequently ends up in the sea.

In addition, during the peak season there are too many people at popular Russian resorts, which creates certain difficulties for those who want to relax in a calm atmosphere.

4. Animation

Another disadvantage of Russian hotels is the almost complete absence of animator service, which is why many parents prefer to go not to Gelendzhik or Anapa, but to Turkey or Egypt, where, by the way, it is Russian youth who often provide the entertainment program.

Separately about prices

Speaking about the cost of a vacation in Russia, one cannot call it an advantage or disadvantage of a vacation here. On the one hand, you can rent a room in a private hotel in a Krasnodar village for pennies; on the other hand, a week-long trip to Sochi will cost more (from 40 thousand rubles) than a similar tour to Turkey or Greece (27 thousand and 23 thousand rubles, respectively).

In Russia you can have an inexpensive holiday, but the service at low costs will be almost zero. If you want to spend your vacation in a luxury hotel with good service, a clean beach and varied food, then in this case you will have to fork out money or go abroad.

So my legal two-week vacation is over. All that remains is to enjoy the tan that has not yet faded, look through the photos and share your impressions! Perhaps the most vivid impression was that for the first time we were on vacation not as an individual family, but as a large group. That's what came out of it.

7 adults and 6 children

Yes, yes, this is the group we went to Bulgaria this year! Four families with different needs, characters and life principles and different numbers of children from one to 8 years old... The result is not so terrible, in fact, we still managed to relax! With adventures, of course.


When I returned, I naturally began to analyze all the “delights” of such a vacation. That's what I came up with.

First, about the pleasant things.

1. Children don't get bored. The most important advantage is that if there are children in the company (even if they are aged from one to 8 years), they will no longer be bored! Phrases like “Mommy, a bug...” can be forgotten. Our children were happy to race to build sand trenches, eat dubious-looking soup, and even sleep “who is faster.”

2. Mutual assistance. The second plus concerns unfortunate mothers who are forced to drag their children with them to the toilet or take a “Panama hat, some water, and their favorite toy” to their room. After all, there is no one to leave with... Except for the case when you are relaxing with friends and relatives. You can easily leave your little blood for a couple of minutes. The main thing is not to forget that you are not the only one who came to relax, and therefore no one is obliged to babysit someone else’s child for hours while you are lying on the beach or going shopping.

3. Pleasant company. The third thing that pleased me was the opportunity to spend a non-boring evening playing games, talking or having a glass of wine. Considering that the weather at the resort was changeable this year, we really had a good time.

Perhaps the pleasant things ended there. Now about what I didn't like.

1. Schedule.

It's different for everyone. Some people sleep during the day, others are used to going to bed closer to one in the morning, etc., etc. If you adapt to everyone, you can seriously spoil your nerves. Therefore, we follow our schedule, and, if interests and opportunities coincide, get together. 2. Waiting.

Sometimes this moment could drive even the calmest person (me) into hysterics. Having simply agreed to go to the beach together, on the way half of the company had attacks of sclerosis (I forgot some water) or diarrhea (usually in children). And the entire honest company nervously waited for the “lates.” On the third day, a magic phrase appeared that cured all diseases in one fell swoop: “We don’t wait for those who are late!” Meet me on the beach." 3. Interests.

Have you ever tried to go shopping with a group of more than 3 people? And don't try! Lost business. In the best case, someone will get lost and will have to return home separately; in the worst case, you, who are absolutely not interested in bed linen, will have to wait for an hour for your comrades in this undoubtedly interesting store. I preferred to get lost!

My vacation had an equal number of pros and cons. To be honest, there were much more fun and funny moments than negative ones. Am I ready to gather a large group of people and go on a trip again? I will say: yes!

Have you ever had such an experience in your life?

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In each organization, in the month of December, the personnel department makes up. Then employees are puzzled by the questions: “When is the best time to relax? Should I take a vacation in parts or go all at once?” To answer these questions, it’s worth understanding the pros and cons of each season. Winter. The advantage of a vacation during this period is that you can really relax without being distracted by gardening chores. This is a great opportunity to go skiing through the winter forest, read books that have long been collecting dust on a shelf waiting for the owner, and watch your favorite films for which in normal times you don’t have enough time. The downside is the cold weather and snowy roads. At such a time, you cannot go with your family to nature - for a picnic, you cannot swim in the river, you cannot soak up the gentle rays of the sun. Tours to in winter, as a rule, it is more expensive. Therefore, you won’t be able to save money on your trip. The negative side is that after the New Year you can rest for a week and a half without a vacation. As you know, resting for a long time is also harmful - you easily get unsettled and become lazy.

Spring. When your strength is running low (vitaminosis affects you), a vacation at this time of year will help you get it back. A spring day feeds the year, the proverb says. Therefore, vacation can be given to gardening activities: sowing, planting, and implementing other important plans. For example, take on the task of exterminating insects and preventing their appearance in order to reap a rich harvest from the site in the fall. There are practically no downsides to vacationing at this time of year.

Summer. Traditionally considered a vacation time. Pros of holidays in summer time a lot of. This includes warm weather, cheap tours, and a good opportunity to relax with the whole family while the children are on vacation and the spouses are on vacation. Going outdoors is very popular. True, then you cannot do without a reliable mosquito repellent The downside of summer is that the vacation seems very fleeting. Before you have time to start resting, the leaves begin to fall and...

Autumn. An excellent time for a vacation if your child has started attending kindergarten or going to school. You can safely harvest the remaining harvest, put your gardening tools in the shed and prepare to face winter. When Indian summer arrives, it is best to go mushroom picking, not only to provide your family with pickled produce, but also to breathe in the clean forest air.

Any time of year is suitable for a vacation. Only according to statistics, the majority of Russians prefer summer. You can take your vacation in parts, so that one year you can try to relax in the spring, and another time in parts. After this, it will be possible to decide which vacation the household prefers.


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