Exiting the train car in the parking lot. A passenger has fallen behind the train: what to do? Free toilet at the station

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  • How to buy a train ticket?

    • Indicate the route and date. In response, we will find information from Russian Railways about the availability of tickets and their cost.
    • Choose the appropriate train and place.
    • Pay for your ticket using one of the suggested methods.
    • Payment information will be instantly transmitted to Russian Railways and your ticket will be issued.
  • How to return a purchased train ticket?

  • Is it possible to pay for a ticket by card? Is it safe?

    Yes, sure. Payment occurs through the payment gateway of the Gateline.net processing center. All data is transmitted over a secure channel.

    The Gateline.net gateway was developed in accordance with the requirements of the international security standard PCI DSS. Software The gateway has successfully passed the audit according to version 3.1.

    The Gateline.net system allows you to accept payments with Visa and MasterCard cards, including using 3D-Secure: Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode.

    The Gateline.net payment form is optimized for various browsers and platforms, including mobile devices.

    Almost all railway agencies on the Internet work through this gateway.

  • What is an electronic ticket and electronic registration?

    Purchase electronic ticket to the website - modern and quick way issuing a travel document without the participation of a cashier or operator.

    When purchasing an electronic train ticket, seats are redeemed immediately at the time of payment.

    Safety requirements while parking:

    1. The conductor must open the door only after the train has come to a complete stop. If the platform is low, raise and secure the folding platform. When lifting the folding platform, the conductor must be at a safe distance from it. In winter, it is necessary to clear the folding platform of snow and ice.

    2. Close and open doors smoothly, without knocking, holding only the handle. It is forbidden to close the doors behind the grille of the side vestibule door from the outside.

    4. If the stop is less than 5 minutes, the conductor lands while in the vestibule.

    5. Inspecting and cleaning under-car equipment is permitted if the train is parked for at least 10 minutes; crawling under the car is prohibited.

    6. Remove ice and snow from undercarriages and undercar equipment using peaks or crowbars with an extended handle. It is prohibited to use a hatchet for this purpose. When cleaning the AB ventilation ducts from snow, you must use a broom or any wooden object.

    7. When high voltage is applied to the train, “Caution!” signs must be posted on the end doors of the head and tail cars. Composition under high voltage." In the event of a breakdown of the high-voltage main, the conductor must inform the LNP or PEM along the chain.

    Safety requirements while the train is moving(Preparing and serving tea):

    1. When the train departs, the conductor must close the side door and remain in the vestibule until the end of the platform, except for the conductors of the tail and staff cars, who accompany the station to the end with a hand signal, holding the rail of the car with their hand. It is forbidden to hold on to grooves, jambs, door handles, or lean on the glass in the doors.

    2. The conductor must prevent passengers from boarding and disembarking while the train is moving.

    3. When moving from car to car, make sure that the aprons are down. In winter, you should move carefully, since the area may be covered with snow and ice, and you should rest your hand on a special bracket on the transition area.

    4. Before entering the tunnel, the conductor must close all windows, vents, turn off the ventilation and turn on the lighting.

    5. Along the route, the conductor must ensure proper packing hand luggage on luggage racks.

    6. Before serving tea, wash your hands thoroughly, put on a white jacket or apron, and tuck your hair under your headdress. Do not wear clothes unbuttoned or with sleeves rolled up. Before serving tea, warn passengers to be careful and supervise children. Glasses must be placed in cup holders, and cups must be placed on trays; they must not be filled completely. You should carry no more than two glasses of tea in one hand, the other hand should be free. When drawing boiling water, do not hang the kettle on the water intake tap.

    While the train is moving, the conductor is prohibited from: getting into the carriage, leaning out of an open vestibule door or window, hanging on the railings of the carriage or moving from the step of one carriage to the step of another, using the under-car locker, opening the side vestibule doors.

    When performing shunting work, the conductor who is in the car must stop working, sit on the sofa and not perform any work until it comes to a complete stop.

    Safety requirements for interior cleaning of a car:

    When cleaning the carriage, the conductor must wear a robe and rubber gloves. When cleaning luggage and sleeping shelves, cleaning ventilation grilles, and laying out laundry, use working stepladders.

    It is prohibited to stand on folding tables, wet sofas, door handles, edges of luggage lockers, or rest your feet on the walls and partitions of the carriage. When lifting a bedroom, shelf or folding table, it is necessary to check their fixation. When cleaning the vestibule, lock the side and end doors.

    If you find broken window or door glass, put on gloves and remove the remaining broken glass into a bucket. Place bed linen in bags weighing no more than 10 kg.

    The doors of coal storage boxes, cabinets in the service department, and ceiling hatches must be locked. Garbage must be collected in a special container or in plastic bags. Some of the garbage is burned in the furnace of a boiler or boiler, and some is removed from the carriage into garbage bins at stations where this is provided for by the train schedule. Throwing garbage and pouring water from the car onto the transition areas is prohibited.

    According to the rules - on platforms You can smoke if the station building is at least 15 meters away.

    “The ban on the consumption of tobacco products does not apply to platforms and platforms serving as train stops. long distance for boarding and disembarking passengers and equipment of railway cars, with the exception of places located at a distance of less than fifteen meters from the entrances to the premises railway stations» , says the commentary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the Federal Law of February 23, 2013 N 15-FZ (as amended on December 31, 2014) “On protecting the health of citizens from the effects of environmental tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco consumption.” The text of the law can be viewed, about trains - Article 12.

    Smoking is not allowed anywhere inside the long-distance train.

    In practice, they smoke on the platform. While the train is moving - at inter-car joints (in new trains, for example "Strizhe", this will not work). This is illegal, and the conductor has the right to call the police accompanying the train; you will be fined. More often - they will offer to buy lottery ticket for 100 rubles, which will serve as some guarantee that you will not be noticed with a cigarette. Warning: decide to do this at your own peril and risk, this is a direct violation of the law. We are not responsible for this.

    Can you drink beer on the train?

    No. And the sale of beer by the conductor is also prohibited. In the dining car - yes. (Link to law)

    At the same time, no one can control what you do in your compartment behind closed doors. Lock the door, put away bottles when the conductor, inspectors or customs officers enter, and do not disturb other passengers in the same compartment. Disclaimer: We are not responsible for the consequences if you choose to do so.

    The peace of mind of other passengers is most important. If the compartment is purchased by you entirely or you are traveling with friends who are comfortable drinking alcoholic beverages, the compartment is not considered a public place. In a number of comments to Art. 25 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation on the inviolability of the home, a separate compartment is equated to it. In any other case, the compartment is a public place and you cannot drink in it. And if your neighbors are not satisfied with drinking alcohol in your compartment, they have every right to complain about a violation of public order, and then the situation falls under the Code of Administrative Offenses.

    If a drunk passenger causes inconvenience to others and behaves aggressively, other passengers have the right, through the conductor, to call the police from the nearest station (sometimes security officers accompany the train itself). The offender will spend the next hours or days at the police station.

    Should the conductor lay down the linen?

    • IN compartment carriages, NE and soft carriages, the upper shelves are always covered immediately. But if you are traveling not from the initial station, but from an intermediate station, and another passenger occupied the berth in front of you, the conductor may not have time to rearrange the linen during the stop. If he doesn't do it later, remind him.
    • In carriages of any category, elderly people, disabled people, children, pregnant women and sick passengers can ask the conductor to make bed linen. It's free and included job responsibilities conductor (he has it in the instructions).
    • IN branded trains(in carriages of all categories) bedding on the upper bunks is also covered by the conductors before the train arrives for boarding.

    In other cases, the guide is not required to make the bed.

    When should you drop off your laundry?

    You are not required to collect and return laundry. Strictly speaking, this is the responsibility of the conductor (according to his job description):

    "On the way passenger train the conductor is obliged... to remove bedding after disembarking passengers; in exceptional cases, with the consent of passengers, it is allowed to remove bedding no earlier than 30 minutes before passengers arrive at the railway station for disembarkation.”

    However, in reality, it is not easy for a conductor to collect bed linen from 54 places (in reserved seat carriage) and quickly hand it over to the service department at the arrival station, so the conductors ask passengers to hand over their laundry themselves.

    What to do if you have passed your station?

    According to the rules, the conductor is obliged to warn you that you are approaching your station no later than 30 minutes before arrival. If you didn’t get off at your station because there was no conductor at all, the door wasn’t opened for you, they didn’t wake you up, etc., start a scandal. Find the conductor or the head of the train. Find out more about what you can do.

    If you were warned, but you fell asleep again or for some other reason you missed the station, you will have to get off at the next one and look for ways to return.

    What should you do if you are kicked off the train because there is no electronic check-in?

    Before you go, look at your e-ticket. If you have passed, to board the train you need a printout of the electronic ticket and the document for which it was purchased. You can print it on a regular printer on A4 sheet, or you can display the electronic ticket on the screen of your mobile device. If there is no ER, you must have a ticket with you on a standard Russian Railways form. You won't be allowed on the train without it.

    It’s extremely rare, but there are overlaps. If it turns out that you are already on the train, but you are disembarked due to the lack of ER, you need to do the following:

    1. Look at the schedule for the nearest stop with a normal station (not just an open platform) lasting at least 15 minutes. The schedule hangs on the door of the conductor's compartment, you can also look it up on the Internet.
    2. At this stop, get off and (or at the ticket office if the lines are short). You need to know the electronic ticket number (written on top of it) and have with you the document for which the ticket was purchased. Even though the trip has already begun, the ticketing system allows this.

    Why do they check tickets again after the train departs?

    According to the rules for transporting passengers, you must present a ticket when boarding the train. The conductor checks it and your documents and lets you into the carriage.

    But according to the same rules, at any time before the train departs, you have the right to change your mind and leave. And hand over the ticket to the box office. That is why, when boarding, the control ticket or stub is not torn off from it.

    Once the train has started, the trip is considered to have begun. And then the conductor walks through the carriage, collects tickets, and processes them. By the way, the ticket must be returned to you before the end of the trip (usually returned before arriving at your station).

    How much do tea and other goods on the train actually cost?

    It depends on the brand of the train and the type of tea. It is important to know this: on the door of the conductor’s compartment there is most often a menu with prices indicated. The menu can be visible and with pictures, or it can be an inconspicuous sign in small print hanging near the titanium. Look how much that bottle of water you buy costs. Unfortunately, guides do not always tell you the correct price.

    All goods that you buy from the conductor must have a JSC FPK sticker, even tea bags and chips. If there is no sticker, this is a personal bonus for the conductor. If they pour granulated sugar on you, and don’t give you sugar in a branded bag, then too.

    Boiling water, dishes (glass, spoon), soap and toilet paper in the toilet, a first aid kit is provided by the conductor free of charge.

    Who can put luggage in the locker under the bottom bunk?

    The priority right to use the lower seat for placing hand luggage on long-distance trains is the passenger traveling on the lower bunk, and the right to use the upper seat is the passenger traveling on the upper bunk.

    Rules for the carriage of passengers, luggage, cargo luggage by rail(approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated December 19, 2013 No. 473), article 112.

    What should or should not the conductor of Russian Railways or other passenger carrier companies do along the train route? There are strict instructions for this, excerpts from which we offer you. Study carefully the duties of the conductor so that your train is not marred by unusual situations.

    During the route of a passenger train, the conductor is obliged to:

    • attach a sign to the door of the service compartment with the last name, first name and patronymic of the conductor on duty;
    • maintain constant cleanliness and comfortable air temperature in the passenger compartment of the carriage in accordance with the Sanitary Rules for the maintenance of passenger carriages along the route;
    • monitor the condition of internal equipment and the correct position of inter-car transition areas;
    • carry out wet cleaning in the passenger carriage at least twice a day, and in the toilets as necessary, but at least four times a day with mandatory washing of the floors in accordance with the Sanitary Rules for the maintenance of passenger carriages along the route;
    • wash floors in cars with electric heating only after turning off the heating stoves; in cars with combined heating, it is allowed to wash the floors, except for the floors of the boiler room, without turning off the heating elements of the heating boilers;
    • at least three times a day from 8 to 10, from 15 to 17 and from 20 to 22 local time, provide passengers with tea, coffee, confectionery, and in branded trains and SV cars of all categories - at the request of passengers at any time of the day ; when serving passengers, the conductor must wear a white jacket or white apron;
    • maintain the presence of hot water in the boiler and cooled water in the water cooler;
    • in carriages with sleeping berths, provide passengers with bedding sets; at the request of passengers and if possible, replace bed linen along the route for an additional fee; deliver bed linen to passengers' seats, as well as make the beds of the disabled, the sick, and passengers with young children;
    • remove bedding after passengers disembark; in exceptional cases, with the consent of passengers, it is allowed to remove bedding no earlier than 30 minutes before passengers arrive at the railway station for disembarkation;
    • keep records of bed linen consumption on forms LU-72 or INU-4 and the availability of free and vacated places on form LU-73;
    • when accepting and handing over a shift, check the presence of travel documents (tickets) in the folder, their correspondence to the seats occupied by passengers, the consumption of bed linen, and make the appropriate notes on forms LU-72 or INU-4 and LU-73;
    • provide passengers with first aid;
    • in the absence of centralized electric heating when using solid fuel, maintain the temperature in the passenger room of the car in accordance with clause 2.8 of these Instructions;
    • if the radio installation fails, announce to passengers the names of stopping points during the day, inform about the boundaries of sanitary zones and the duration of stops of the passenger train;
    • inform passengers about the rules of customs and border control;
    • ensure that windows, if necessary, open only from the corridor side, and on double-track sections - only from the field side; when the air conditioner is running, keep all windows closed;
    • strictly comply with the requirements for sanitary zones, closing toilets when passing through them.

    Cleaning trash containers

    Garbage in the carriage must be collected in a special container and then burned in the carriage's boiler furnace or removed from the carriage to designated places at railway stations; Throwing garbage and ash on the tracks, on the floor of the vestibule, and transition areas is prohibited.

    Bed dress

    In the event of loss, damage or contamination of bedding, as well as damage to inventory or equipment of the carriage due to the fault of the passenger, the conductor must report this to the head of the passenger train, who will recover the cost of the damaged or lost property according to the price list with issuing a receipt to the passenger for payment of the GU-form. 57.

    Car doors must be closed while moving

    During the movement of a passenger train, the end doors of the vestibules at the ends of the train must be closed with internal locks ("secrets") and with a lock with a special key. In other cars, the end vestibule doors are not locked. The side vestibule doors of a non-working vestibule are locked with a “secret” lock accessible only from inside the carriage, a lock with a special key and a lock with a triangular key. The side doors of the working vestibule are locked with a lock accessible only from inside the car ("secret") and a lock with a triangular key

    Arrival, parking and departure of the train

    30 minutes before arrival at the railway station where passengers are disembarked, the conductor is obliged to warn passengers about this.

    After the passenger train has completely stopped at the railway station, the conductor must open the side door of the working vestibule from the side of the boarding platform, if there is no high platform, raise and fix the folding platform (apron), wipe the handrails, and begin disembarking and boarding passengers. When a passenger train is parked less than 5 min and there is no boarding or disembarking of passengers, the conductor must open the door and, while in the vestibule, recommend that passengers not leave the carriage; When a passenger train departs, the conductor must close and lock the door; the conductors of the tail and headquarters cars accompany the railway station to the end of the railway boarding platform, after which they also lock the vestibule doors.

    When the train is parked at the station more than 10 minutes conductor passenger carriage is obliged to inspect the undercar equipment, the brake linkage and, if necessary, winter time remove ice that is interfering with the normal operation of the brake linkage, and also clean the battery deflectors of ice and snow.

    Conductors of passenger trains standing at stations, before passing along the adjacent track of a high-speed passenger train, are obliged to close the doors of the cars on this side and warn passengers about the passage of such a train.

    If it is necessary to pass through the vestibule passengers of other passenger trains located on adjacent tracks to the passenger building (station) of the railway station, the conductor must open both side doors of the working vestibule, raise the folding platforms ("aprons") and monitor the passage of passengers.

    Travel documents (tickets)

    At linear railway stations, the conductor must board passengers with travel documents (tickets) on a given passenger train, regardless of which passenger cars the travel documents (tickets) were issued for; Passengers should not be allowed to board or disembark while the train is moving.

    When receiving travel documents (tickets) from passengers after boarding the carriage, the conductor must redeem them by tearing the ticket, without violating the punch marks. Travel documents will not be canceled transit passengers who have to transfer to another passenger train, and passengers who want to make a stop along the route.

    In carriages with sleeping berths, travel documents (tickets) must be kept in a special folder with the conductor until the end of the trip on this train, who is responsible for their safety.

    The conductor returns travel documents (tickets) to transit passengers 30 minutes before the passenger train arrives at the transfer point.

    Service railway travel documents of all forms are not canceled and are kept by passengers.

    It is prohibited to issue used travel documents (tickets) to persons who have not made a trip using them.

    If a travel document (ticket) accepted from a passenger is lost, the conductor must draw up a report, which is signed by the head of the passenger train and the passenger. The act is certified by the stamp of the railway station where the passenger train has a stop. The railway station issues a new travel document (ticket) before final destination travel of the passenger with a mark on the back of this travel document (ticket) “In replacement of the lost one.” Travel document(ticket) is issued by the head of the passenger train or the conductor in ticket offices railway station without the participation of a passenger.

    If a passenger falls behind the train...

    If the conductor discovers that a passenger of the carriage he serves has fallen behind the passenger train, he must inform the train manager about this and draw up a report indicating the name and number of pieces of hand luggage left behind. The act is signed by the head of the passenger train, the conductor and two passengers.

    Changing the route along the way

    Upon receipt of information about a change in the train route, the conductor notifies passengers about the procedure for following the new route. If there is no radio communication on the train, the assistant locomotive driver transmits information to the conductor of the lead car, who then transmits information to the other conductors and the head of the passenger train.

    When uncoupling a faulty passenger car, the conductor must inform passengers about their upcoming placement in other cars of the passenger train.

    Have a nice trip and polite guides!

    Do you remember one of the scary dreams that occasionally creeps into dreams? You got out at the station, all your things, money, documents remained in the compartment, you were wearing only a T-shirt and shorts, and before you had time to look back, the train was rapidly and irrevocably going into the distance, and there was no way to catch up with it... Yes, goosebumps! What if such a situation arose in real life? This happens from time to time when a passenger falls behind a long-distance train, much like the one described above. What do you need to know and what actions to take so that such a lag does not turn into a disaster? We are studying the rules of conduct for passengers on the railway in such a situation.

    It is best to avoid the position of a passenger lagging behind the train altogether. It’s understandable that if a trip by rail lasts more than a day, you want to get out to get some fresh air, stretch your legs and buy a couple of pies or other roadside products. To implement this idea, always pay attention to the passenger train schedule, which hangs in each carriage. In addition to the specified stop time, check the number of minutes with the conductor, because it happens that the train is behind schedule and therefore reduces the stop time. When exiting, do not move far from your carriage; the schedule does not include waiting for a passenger who has been on a spree. If you cross parallel tracks to the seemingly nearest store, another train may pass at that time and block the road, and you will need to run around this train, and the length of freight trains can be over 60 cars, so the road to your seat may take a while.

    When leaving the carriage, be sure to take a bag with documents and money with you, and do not leave anything valuable in the compartment. This way, you will find yourself with your main things, even if the train disappears over the horizon, and at the same time protect yourself from a possible attack on your wallet while you are away from the carriage.

    If, however, there is a lag behind the passenger train, and you are left on the platform with documents, but without luggage, immediately contact the head of the station or station where you are stuck. Show him your passenger ticket and passport. He is obliged to notify the head of the next station in the train's direction, where the train stops for at least 10 minutes, to unload your luggage. Next, there are two possible options. Or they will issue you a free ticket to get to the station where your luggage was removed and get your things by showing your passport. Or take a taxi or a private cab driver and catch up with the train, if the terrain allows it, availability highway and the fare. If you catch up with the train, you can simply return to your passenger seat and continue on your way. If not, then you will have to wait for the next passage moving the same route, that is, having the same numbering (the route must be exactly the same, not a single extra or missed stop), when boarding it, the validity of your ticket is renewed. The head of the train is informed that there is a passenger lagging behind from a similar train, and he selects a place where he can be assigned to stay.

    No matter how prudent the rules on railways Rossi, you should avoid falling behind the train. You will definitely have a lot of trouble and lose time, money and nerves. You will have to catch up and get luggage, only you know it full composition and some bag placed on the luggage rack may travel further if the conductors do not pay attention to it. Traveling by car catching up with a train can be very expensive for a taxi driver, since you are in a hopeless situation, and this is your unplanned waste of money. A train with a similar route may travel once a day or, for example, once every three days, which means that you will have to wait for it at the baggage claim station, and you will also be late at your final destination. Even if you safely board the next train, your seat will most likely be occupied by another passenger, so the train captain will look for a free shelf, and it may turn out to be a side seat in a reserved seat instead of a compartment with increased comfort.

    That’s why you should be especially vigilant about leaving the passenger carriage while the train stops en route.


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