How to hand over luggage at the airport. New standard for baggage claim at Sheremetyevo. Criminal attacks on luggage

Any journey has one most unpleasant property - sooner or later it ends. And we have to return home. And also wait for your luggage in a long and unhappy line. Well, stay warm and picturesque areas It’s unlikely that it will take longer, but this life hack will teach you how to get your suitcase at the airport before anyone else.

When a vacation ends, it's always a little sad. And it’s even sadder to spend the last half hour of rest in a line of other passengers nervously waiting for their luggage. But when exactly your suitcase will appear on the “magic drum” tape at the airport is known only to its employees. And that, by the way, is not a fact. But, as it turns out, there is a completely working and completely legal way to get your things a little earlier than others. Without rudeness and scandals. But for some reason they are rarely used.

The next time you check in at the airport and weigh your suitcase at the counter, ask the airport employee mark your luggage as fragile. The vast majority of airlines offer this service completely free. The appropriate sticker (“Fragile”) will be placed on the bag or suitcase and sent on a happy journey in the luggage compartment.

This simple trick will not only significantly increase the chances that all your belongings will reach their destination safe and sound. But you will also receive your luggage a little earlier than others. Since “fragile” cargo is located in a separate compartment of the luggage compartment and is often sent for delivery first.

How to get luggage at the airport, how long does this procedure take - when traveling by plane, many passengers, especially those who do it for the first time, are faced with these questions. How to avoid difficulties when retrieving luggage? It's all about some subtleties.

Upon arrival in another state, the first thing you need to do is. The process consists of obtaining visas, then filling out immigration cards. After this, you need to proceed to the baggage claim area.

Baggage claim area at Leonardo da Vinci Airport, Rome

In foreign countries, as a rule, the inscriptions on posters are duplicated in English. If you don't know it, just look for Luggage delivery, this inscription means “luggage delivery”. In addition, this can be a Baggage claim or Baggage reclaim. Any such announcement displayed on the board will lead you to the hall where baggage will be reclaimed.

The baggage claim process is organized using a special conveyor belt called a conveyor. Cargo delivery staff unload suitcases by removing bags from the aircraft's luggage compartment and placing them on a conveyor belt.

Upon arrival, do not forget to collect your luggage at the airport, if available. You can find out where to get your luggage on the information board that hangs above all the baggage belts, and through the speakerphone.

In order not to confuse your suitcase with someone else's, always look at the display that is installed above the conveyor belt. It will indicate from which flight the luggage arrives on the conveyor belt at this moment. It’s better to mark your suitcase with a bright tag in advance, so you can quickly find it among other bags.

Don't forget to collect your luggage upon arrival. Find out where you can get the bags. Information is published on the board or announced via loudspeaker.

What to do with luggage during a transfer or connection

Since many travelers worry about what to do with their luggage at the airport, it's worth taking a closer look at the baggage rules for connecting and connecting flights. This is an important point, because tickets for such flights are often purchased. Unfortunately, even today, not all cities can be reached without a transfer.

How not to lose your ticket during transit connection, watch the video:

A connecting flight must be distinguished from a connecting flight. A connection is always one trip. You travel with one ticket in hand. For example, you decide to fly to London, but you live in small town on Far East. When planning a trip, you understand that direct flight No. But it is possible to buy a ticket for a connecting flight and fly to London via Moscow. You choose this option and buy a ticket.

Thus, you are holding in your hands a ticket to London in transit, for example, through Moscow. This flight is called a connecting flight. In this case, upon arriving at the departure airport, you must register. The procedure is standard, after which you go to passport control. The process is completed by a personal search of the passenger.

During registration, not 1 will be provided boarding pass, and 2. Save both, from them you will find out all the information about where you will need to board the plane. The documents will indicate the flight number and the seat you will occupy in the cabin. One boarding pass is issued for a flight from your city to Moscow, the second is intended for a flight from Moscow to London.

Please note that when connecting flight You don’t have to collect your luggage yourself; the airline will take care of that.

Upon arrival you will need to go to the transit area or transfer area for possible security checks, it all depends on the airport. In the hall designed specifically for transit passengers, the information board must display all information about departing and arriving flights. Of course, it is worth checking the details on your boarding pass in advance, as departure times may change. In addition, there is a possibility that the exit number will change. To avoid wasting time when boarding, always monitor the updated data.

This is what boarding passes look like

When flying between cities, you no longer have to check in. In the event of a long break, flight passengers have the right to leave the airport, of course, if a visa allows such an opportunity, and walk around the city. For example, you are flying from Moscow to San Diego via New York. You can see the sights of the city if available free time. But remember that you will have to go through it again later. Otherwise it happens during transplantation.

Air travel is the most comfortable and shortest type of travel. But despite the expensive tickets, not everyone can afford to purchase plane tickets, so many people have little or no experience of flying. Airlines have tried to provide an ideal air travel experience for their customers, but some inconsistency in the boarding pass process requires careful attention from every passenger.

To avoid various incidental situations, you must familiarize yourself in advance with all the rules and nuances of flights to air transport. You should also understand the intricacies of registering a flight, and learn the specifics of flight rules after landing at the destination airport. One of the pressing issues among airline passengers is the issue of receiving baggage upon arrival at the terminal after landing. Let's take a closer look at all the nuances of the process of these actions in this article.

Handing over bags to the luggage compartment and checking in the passenger takes place after arrival at the airport. Weighing is carried out at the counter that serves a certain category of flights. If the weight of the cargo meets the standards, then a tag is placed and the goods are sent to the luggage compartment. To identify a suitcase, a barcode is applied to it or a FRID tag is hung on it. Modern companies have been using the second method for a long time. Upon arrival at the airport, the passenger determines the location and picks up the luggage using these signs. A newer way of identifying things has its advantages:

  • luggage is difficult to lose along the way;
  • recognition is carried out at a distance of 7 meters, and it is not necessary to see the luggage;
  • The reliability of information reading reaches one hundred percent.

All advantages are formed thanks to FRID tags, which are read by a special device. The flight process begins with check-in, followed by baggage inspection. This rule Mandatory for all airport customers for security purposes. If suspicious or prohibited items are found during normal inspection, the items are sent for additional manual inspection. In this case, an additional individual inspection tag is attached to the bag or suitcase.

The further path of the luggage is sorting. After careful checking and distribution, the suitcases are sent to a specialized container.

Before loading, the luggage is checked again, packed in the compartment and the flight is completed. Passengers only have to pick up their luggage after landing at the airport of arrival, at the designated baggage claim point.

Difficulties with air travel V foreign countries there are different ones. After the plane landed at unfamiliar city, a person must find his luggage, get it. After which you need to get to the city to check into a hotel. It's hard for first-time tourists. After all, the most important point when collecting luggage abroad is knowledge of the English language.

If you speak English, you can easily:

  • find a place to receive things;
  • contact airport staff;
  • ask questions to airline passengers if necessary.

There are times when you need to go abroad urgently, but you don’t have knowledge of a foreign language. To solve the problem, you need to remember the phrase “Luggage delivery”, which translates as: “luggage delivery”. In the baggage reception area there is a conveyor on which all baggage is unloaded from the aircraft. From the conveyor, things are reloaded onto a conveyor belt, from where passengers can pick up their things by reading the flight information on the board located above the belt.

To quickly recognize your suitcase, you need to provide it with a distinctive feature (sticker, brightly colored tape, etc.), since there is a possibility of confusing your luggage with similar-looking bags on the conveyor.

The baggage department employees are responsible for the safety of things, so before leaving the reception hall, you need to make sure the integrity and safety of the suitcase or bag. If the contents are damaged, some things are missing, etc., you need to contact the airport staff and find out the reason.

Every tourist should know the rules and conditions for accepting baggage from different airlines. This information can be easily found on the carrier's website. The best time to do this is when booking your ticket.

By choosing a flight on the service "", the user will automatically be taken to the flight parameters page. The completed travel pass form will contain information on baggage transportation.

If you have chosen a more difficult flight route, then there is no reason to worry about the fate of your luggage. It is automatically forwarded to another flight or sent for storage for the entire duration of the stay at the transfer point. But there are situations when you need to take care of your cargo.

There are several flight options:

  • flight with one ticket and one carrier - in this case you will not have to track your luggage, since the airline will automatically transfer the cargo to another plane;
  • flight on different tickets and different airlines– then you will need to meet your cargo at the transfer point and go through the registration process again.

It is advisable to book a ticket with one airline, then you can make the flight easier and not worry about your suitcases. Many passengers are interested in the question of how long the baggage claim process will take. This procedure takes about half an hour.

When transporting special cargo: bicycles, strollers, chairs, you will need to spend a little more time, since these items are received in separate rooms. If you are in a hurry and do not have time to take your luggage yourself, you can write a power of attorney to another person. To get things later.

With such a document, any stranger will take your luggage without any problems. Enjoy your air travel!

How to avoid losing luggage at the airport

This baggage claim time now applies to passengers of airlines whose flights are served directly by SIA OJSC. Previously, this temporary format for baggage claim was available only to flight passengers Air airlines France and KLM.

Sheremetyevo Airport has improved its baggage handling system and, for the first time in Russia, introduced technology to inform passengers about the exact time of baggage claim - it is reflected on screens installed in the baggage claim area. exact time arrival of baggage onto conveyor belts. Passengers arriving at Sheremetyevo quickly receive their luggage, reduce taxi waiting time and can meet their loved ones faster.

To introduce the new 20/12 standard, Sheremetyevo Airport made a large-scale purchase of modern and efficient equipment. Thus, in 2011, more than 50 units of new special equipment were put into operation - gangways, container loaders, electric tractors, motor transporters, and luggage carts. In 2012, Sheremetyevo plans to purchase additional special equipment that will be used to serve passengers.

The commissioning of new equipment led to an increase in the quality and reliability of service for passengers and airlines, a reduction in the time of connections for transit passengers and, as a result, an increase in the popularity of Sheremetyevo as an international hub.

international Airport Sheremetyevo is the largest Russian airport for servicing international flights. 100% of the shares of JSC MASH belong to the state. Route network Sheremetyevo Airport has more than 200 destinations. Sheremetyevo served 19 million 329 thousand passengers in 2010, which is more than 31% more than in 2009.

In 2010, Sheremetyevo Airport became the leader in passenger traffic growth dynamics among airports with passenger traffic from 10 to 25 million passengers per year, according to the European branch of Airports Council International (ACI Europe).

Sheremetyevo International Airport is one of the three best airports Eastern Europe in terms of service quality, according to the annual ranking of the research company Skytrax Research (UK).
In 2011, Sheremetyevo introduced a new format for passenger service, taking into account national characteristics. Now, when checking in for flights to Asian destinations, passenger service dispatchers hand over the boarding pass to the passenger with both hands, as this is a sign of special attitude towards the client.
Sheremetyevo Airport also provides special conditions passengers of Air France and KLM airlines, in accordance with the “7 quality standards” that apply to carriers and help staff to be sensitive to passengers and serve customers at a high level.

For the first time in Russia, Sheremetyevo Airport introduced a service for paying for Russian visas foreign citizens through ATMs in the area of ​​additional security restrictions, as well as a service for filling out a customs declaration using the airport website. Separate booths are open in Terminals E and F passport control for business class passengers. The multi-channel Call center has been modernized to provide passengers with all the necessary information.
Sheremetyevo has signed service quality agreements (SLAs) with leading airlines.
Sheremetyevo is introducing new opportunities for passengers when going through pre-flight formalities. In particular, on-line check-in has been introduced (valid on flights of 9 airlines), mobile check-in (available on Aeroflot, Air France and KLM flights). Drop off counters are available for quick baggage check-in for passengers who have completed online and mobile check-in.

Sheremetyevo Airport is actively implementing a comprehensive program to create a barrier-free environment and offers personal assistance to passengers with disabilities. Thus, in October 2011, a free lounge for passengers with disabilities “Sirius” was opened in Sheremetyevo (Terminal E, “clean zone”). “Sirius” is the first and so far the only lounge in Russia for air passengers of this category with an international level of comfort and equipment. All passengers of international terminals D, E and F with disabilities can visit the lounge. Airport staff will escort the checked-in passenger to the lounge and subsequently to the boarding gate. Comfortable furniture and a wide TV screen, hot drinks, free Wi-Fi and the Internet will make waiting for the flight pleasant and comfortable.


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