Airplane takeoff speed. At what speed does the plane take off? How exactly does takeoff happen?

The speed during landing and takeoff of an aircraft are parameters calculated individually for each airliner. There is no standard value that all pilots must adhere to, because aircraft have different weights, dimensions, and aerodynamic characteristics. However, the value of speed at is important, and failure to comply with the speed limit can result in tragedy for the crew and passengers.

How is takeoff carried out?

The aerodynamics of any airliner are determined by the configuration of the wing or wings. This configuration is the same for almost all aircraft except for small details. The lower part of the wing is always flat, the upper part is convex. Moreover, it does not depend on this.

The air that passes under the wing when accelerating does not change its properties. However, the air that passes through the top of the wing at the same time becomes narrower. Consequently, less air flows through the top. This results in a pressure difference under and above the aircraft's wings. As a result, the pressure above the wing decreases, and below the wing it increases. And it is precisely thanks to the pressure difference that a lifting force is generated, which pushes the wing upward, and along with the wing, the aircraft itself. At the moment when the lifting force exceeds the weight of the airliner, the plane lifts off the ground. This happens with an increase in the speed of the liner (as the speed increases, the lift force also increases). The pilot also has the ability to control the flaps on the wing. If you lower the flaps, the lift force under the wing changes vector, and the plane sharply gains altitude.

It is interesting that the smooth horizontal flight of the airliner will be ensured if the lifting force is equal to the weight of the aircraft.

So, lift determines at what speed the plane will leave the ground and begin flight. The weight of the airliner, its aerodynamic characteristics, and the thrust force of the engines also play a role.

during takeoff and landing

In order for a passenger plane to take off, the pilot needs to reach a speed that will provide the required lift. The higher the acceleration speed, the higher the lift will be. Consequently, with a high acceleration speed, the plane will take off faster than if it were moving at a low speed. However, the specific speed value is calculated for each airliner individually, taking into account its actual weight, load level, weather conditions, length runway etc.

To greatly generalize, the well-known passenger airliner The Boeing 737 takes off from the ground as its speed increases to 220 km/h. Another famous and huge Boeing 747 with a lot of weight takes off from the ground at a speed of 270 kilometers per hour. But the smaller Yak-40 airliner is capable of taking off at a speed of 180 kilometers per hour due to its low weight.

Types of takeoff

There are various factors that determine the speed at which an airliner takes off:

  1. Weather conditions (wind speed and direction, rain, snow).
  2. Runway length.
  3. Strip coating.

Depending on the conditions, takeoff can be carried out in different ways:

  1. Classic speed dial.
  2. Off the brakes.
  3. Takeoff using special means.
  4. Vertical climb.

The first method (classic) is used most often. When the airfoil is of sufficient length, the aircraft can confidently gain the required speed necessary to provide high lifting force. However, in the case where the length of the runway is limited, the aircraft may not have enough distance to reach the required speed. Therefore, he stands on the brakes for some time, and the engines gradually gain traction. When the thrust becomes high, the brakes are released, and the plane takes off sharply, quickly picking up speed. In this way, it is possible to shorten the take-off distance of the aircraft.

There is no need to talk about vertical takeoff. It is possible if special engines are available. And takeoff using special means is practiced on military aircraft carriers.

What is the speed of the plane when landing?

The airliner lands on runway not right away. First of all, the speed of the airliner decreases and the altitude decreases. First, the plane touches the runway with its landing gear wheels, then moves at high speed on the ground, and only then slows down. The moment of contact with the GDP is almost always accompanied by shaking in the cabin, which can cause anxiety among passengers. But there's nothing wrong with that.

The speed when landing an aircraft is practically only slightly lower than when taking off. A large Boeing 747 approaches the runway at an average speed of 260 kilometers per hour. This is the speed the airliner should have in the air. But, again, the specific speed value is calculated individually for all aircraft, taking into account their weight, load, and weather conditions. If the plane is very large and heavy, then the landing speed should be higher, because during landing it is also necessary to “maintain” the required lift force. Already after contact with the airfoil and when moving on the ground, the pilot can brake using the landing gear and flaps on the wings of the aircraft.

Flight speed

The speed at which an airplane lands and takes off is very different from the speed at which an airplane moves at an altitude of 10 km. Most often, airplanes fly at 80% of their maximum speed. Thus, the maximum speed of the popular Airbus A380 is 1020 km/h. In fact, flight at cruising speed is 850-900 km/h. The popular Boeing 747 can fly at a speed of 988 km/h, but in fact its speed is also 850-900 km/h. As you can see, the flight speed is radically different from the speed when the plane lands.

Note that today the Boeing company is developing an airliner that will be able to reach flight speeds at high altitudes of up to 5,000 kilometers per hour.


Of course, the speed when landing an aircraft is an extremely important parameter, which is calculated strictly for each airliner. But it is impossible to name a specific value at which all planes take off. Even identical models (for example, Boeing 747) will take off and land at different speeds due to various circumstances: workload, amount of fuel loaded, length of the runway, runway coverage, presence or absence of wind, etc.

Now you know what the speed of the plane is when landing and when it takes off. Everyone knows the averages.

Many people are interested in the speed of an airplane when it takes off. Some are interested because they are curious about the history of aircraft, while others are interested because they are about to begin their first flight. There are a large number of opinions on this topic, and many of them, as always, are wrong. Nevertheless, it is precisely this moment of lifting off the ground that is one of the most important and longest processes for any air transport. This topic will be discussed in more detail below.

The take-off phase takes all the time from the start of movement until complete separation from the surface of the canvas. However, there are several important nuances- the resulting lifting force must exceed the mass of the ascending aircraft, so that it can eventually gradually break away from. Moreover, each air transport model has its own ability to gain speed on the runway. For example, on passenger liners, the engines switch to a special mode that lasts a couple of minutes, which allows you to ascend as quickly as possible. However, it is rarely used near settlements so as not to bother local residents with noise.

Takeoff types

There are a number of factors that pilots must constantly consider when beginning the takeoff phase. Mainly weather, direction and strength of the wind (if the wind blows directly “in your face”, the plane will have to gain much more speed to rise, in addition, sometimes strong wind can deflect the aircraft to the side), limited runway and engine power. And there is also great amount various little things that ultimately have a critical impact on the process. All this forced aircraft designers to work to improve models of flying machines.

Heavy transport airliners have two takeoff options, namely:

  1. The aircraft is able to gain speed only after the engines have generated the necessary thrust. Until this moment, the plane is simply on the brakes.
  2. The classic takeoff occurs immediately after a short stop. In this case, no preliminary power generation of the engines is required. The plane simply accelerates and rises into the sky.

Other types of aviation, mainly military, use their own methods, for example:

  1. Aircraft serving on aircraft carriers take off with the help of a whole system of auxiliary aids. Catapults and various springboards are also used; in special cases, additional engines are even installed on fighters.
  2. Vertical take-off is used only by those aircraft, which have a vertical thrust engine. A good example is the Yak-38. In this case, the aircraft gradually gains altitude from a standstill or immediately goes into horizontal flight from a slight acceleration.

The typical takeoff speed at which a jet like a Boeing 737 leaves the ground is 220 km/h. While another model under the symbol 747 already requires 270 km/h. Sometimes this may not be enough. This is especially pronounced in strong winds. In such cases, a longer takeoff distance is required.

The question of what speed a plane develops during takeoff interests many passengers. The opinions of non-professionals always differ - some mistakenly assume that the speed is always the same for all types of a given aircraft, others correctly believe that it is different, but cannot explain why. Let's try to understand this topic.


Takeoff is a process that occupies a time scale from the beginning of the aircraft's movement until it completely lifts off the runway. Takeoff is possible only if one condition is met: the lifting force must acquire a value greater than the mass of the object taking off.

Types of takeoff

Various “interfering” factors that have to be overcome to get an airplane into the air (weather conditions, wind direction, limited runway, limited engine power, etc.) have prompted aircraft designers to create many ways to circumvent them. Not only the design of flying vehicles has improved, but also the process of their takeoff. Thus, several types of takeoff were developed:
Off the brakes. Acceleration of the aircraft begins only after the engines reach the set thrust mode, and until then the aircraft is held in place using the brakes;
A simple classic take-off, which involves a gradual increase in engine thrust as the aircraft moves along the runway;
Takeoff using aids. Typical for aircraft performing combat service on aircraft carriers. The limited runway distance is compensated by the use of ski-jumps, ejection devices, or even additional rocket engines installed on the aircraft;
Vertical take-off. Possible if the aircraft has engines with vertical thrust (for example, the domestic Yak-38). Such devices, similar to helicopters, first gain altitude from a standing position vertically or when accelerating from a very short distance, and then smoothly transition to horizontal flight.
Let's take the takeoff phase as an example. jet plane Boeing 737.

Boeing 737-800 take off

Takeoff of a passenger Boeing 737

Almost every civil jet aircraft takes off according to the classical scheme, i.e. the engine gains the required thrust directly during the take-off process. It looks like this:
The aircraft begins to move after the engine reaches about 800 rpm. The pilot gradually releases the brakes while keeping the control stick neutral. The run begins on three wheels;
To begin lifting off the ground, the Boeing must acquire a speed of about 180 km/h. When this value is reached, the pilot smoothly pulls the handle, which leads to the deflection of the flaps and, as a consequence, the raising of the nose of the device. Then the plane accelerates on two wheels;
With its nose raised on two wheels, the plane continues to accelerate until the speed reaches 220 km/h. When this value is reached, the plane takes off from the ground.

Takeoff speed of other standard aircraft

Airbus A380 – 269 km/h;
Boeing 747 – 270 km/h;
Il 96 – 250 km/h;
Tu 154M – 210 km/h;
Yak 40 – 180 km/h.

The given speed is not always enough for take-off. In situations where strong winds blow in the direction of the aircraft's takeoff, higher ground speed is required. Or, conversely, in a headwind, a lower speed is sufficient.

Otherwise, the rate of climb. Depends on the model and the glide path (trajectory) specified by the dispatcher, depending on flight conditions. On average, a jet airliner gains an altitude of one kilometer in about a minute (about 15 m/s), and the rules of use airspace The Russian Federation states that this value should be “...10 m/s or more.” If you are interested in how high a passenger airliner can rise, we suggest reading this article.

Features of military aircraft

Fighters, attack aircraft, and interceptors do not always take off from the runway. Their takeoff conditions are often extreme. For example, it can occur from the deck of a ship, where it is not possible to accelerate to the required speed.

Therefore, the military often uses additional devices, namely:

  • An ejection device that launches an aircraft and gives it acceleration. When landing in a confined space, hooks are used, with which the devices cling to a steel brake cable stretched across the deck.
  • Additional devices that create vertical traction. For example, these could be fan-type devices that create a powerful directed counter-movement of air above the deck. The result is lifting force.

    Note: the same air flow is used for landing.

The video demonstrates the takeoff and landing process through the eyes of the pilots.

The flight of a colossus weighing several tens or hundreds of tons is a complex process. It depends on many factors and is determined by the speed of the aircraft. The greater the mass and the more complex the conditions, the greater the speed required for liftoff and movement. In particularly difficult conditions, auxiliary mechanisms are used. Maintaining speed is one of the factors of safe flight.

The question of what speed a plane develops during takeoff interests many passengers. The opinions of non-professionals always differ - some mistakenly assume that the speed is always the same for all types of a given aircraft, others correctly believe that it is different, but cannot explain why. Let's try to understand this topic.


Take-off is a process that spans the time scale from the start of the aircraft's movement to its complete lift-off from the runway. Takeoff is possible only if one condition is met: the lift force must acquire a value greater than the mass of the object taking off.

Types of takeoff

Various “interfering” factors that have to be overcome to get an airplane into the air (weather conditions, wind direction, limited runway, limited engine power, etc.) have prompted aircraft designers to create many ways to circumvent them. Not only the design of flying vehicles has improved, but also the process of their takeoff. Thus, several types of takeoff were developed:
  • Off the brakes. Acceleration of the aircraft begins only after the engines reach the set thrust mode, and until then the aircraft is held in place using the brakes;
  • A simple classic takeoff, which involves a gradual increase in engine thrust as the aircraft moves along the runway;
  • Take-off using aids. Typical for aircraft performing combat service on aircraft carriers. The limited runway distance is compensated by the use of ski-jumps, ejection devices, or even additional rocket engines installed on the aircraft;
  • Vertical take-off. Possible if the aircraft has engines with vertical thrust (for example, the domestic Yak-38). Such devices, similar to helicopters, first gain altitude from a standing position vertically or when accelerating from a very short distance, and then smoothly transition to horizontal flight.

Consider, as an example, the takeoff phases of a Boeing 737 turbofan aircraft.

Takeoff of a passenger Boeing 737

Almost every civil aircraft takes off according to the classical scheme, i.e. the engine gains the required thrust directly during the takeoff process. It looks like this:
  • The aircraft begins to move after the engine reaches about 800 rpm. The pilot gradually releases the brakes while keeping the control stick neutral. The run starts on three wheels;
  • To begin lifting off the ground, the Boeing must acquire a speed of about 180 km/h. When this value is reached, the pilot smoothly pulls the handle, which leads to the deflection of the flaps and, as a consequence, the raising of the nose of the device. Then the plane accelerates on two wheels;
  • With its nose raised and on two wheels, the aircraft continues to accelerate until the speed reaches 220 km/h. When this value is reached, the aircraft takes off from the ground.


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