Brazil Sao Paulo. Open left menu Sao Paulo. What is interesting about Sao Paulo: numbers and records

The Basilica of San Paolo fuori le Mura (Italian: Basilica di San Paolo fuori le Mura, which means “Basilica of St. Paul outside the city walls”) is one of the four great(patriarchal) basilicas of Rome (included in the lists World Heritage UNESCO). It was founded at the beginning of the 4th century by order of Emperor Constantine on the site of the tomb of St. Paul. As you know, Saint Paul was executed in Rome in 67. AD (according to another version - in 64 AD). The disciples buried Paul's body a few kilometers from the then walls of the Eternal City, near the Ostian road. Hence the name of the basilica.

The last emperor of a unified Roman Empire, Theodosius I, decided that the church built by Constantine was unworthy of the memory of St. Paul and in 386. Construction began on a new, five-aisled basilica. Pope Gregory the Great made a great contribution to the expansion of the cathedral and its acquisition of spiritual significance. For a long time, before the appearance of St. Peter's Basilica, the Basilica of San Paolo Fuori le Mura was the largest church in the Christian world. In 1823 a terrible fire practically destroyed the basilica. It took several decades to restore, but the temple was rebuilt in accordance with the old plans (with the exception of the facade, which was rebuilt in the classicist style). By the way, Russian Emperor Nicholas I sent malachite and lapis lazuli to recreate the altar.

Inside the basilica, several masterpieces of ecclesiastical art are worth noting. Firstly, this is a unique mosaic from the 5th century that survived the fire. Secondly, the ciborium (i.e., the canopy over the altar) is the work of Arnolfo di Cambio, in the decor of which ancient pagan and Christian motifs are organically intertwined. But, of course, the most famous decoration of San Paolo fuori le Mura is considered to be a frieze with portraits of all the popes, starting with the Apostle Peter. According to legend, when there is no left on the frieze free space for portraits, the end of the world will come. And there are almost no free medallions left on the frieze, which gives reason to make a prediction: there is still some time before the End of the World, but there is not much of it left. Actually, any of you, having arrived in Rome and visited St. Paul's Basilica, can make your own forecast by counting the remaining empty medallions.

Be sure to visit the elegant cloister (i.e., courtyard) of the Benedictine monastery adjacent to the basilica. Built in 1220-1241, it is still considered one of the most beautiful monastery courtyards in the Western world.

And finally, a sensation! Although not new. A group of archaeologists in 2006 Excavations were carried out in the cellars of San Paolo fuori le Mura, and a stone sarcophagus containing human remains was found. On the day of remembrance of the Apostle Paul, June 29, 2009, Pope Benedict XVI officially announced that the relics of St. Paul rest in the sarcophagus and after all scientific research, the church will open access to them for believers. So, in the near future, St. Paul's Basilica will become one of greatest shrines for Christians all over the world.

The Basilica of San Paolo fuori le Mura has stood in Rome for seventeen centuries. The church is one of the 4 great papal basilicas. Numerous parishioners and pilgrims flock to the temple to receive absolution in the “Holy Door” ritual. Since 1980, the temple has been added to the list of World Heritage Sites.

Read articles about papal basilicas:

  • (Basilica Papale di Santa Maria Maggiore);
  • in the Vatican (Basilica di San Pietro);
  • (Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano);

The Apostle Paul (lat. Paulus and Paullus) in 67 AD was subjected to numerous tortures and executed by order (Nero), as a preacher of the new faith. The Christian apostle was buried three kilometers from the place of his death, the grave was marked memorial sign. Subsequently, this corner of Rome was called the “Three Fountains”; according to legend, the severed head of St. Paul hit the ground three times to open the way for three underground springs.


St. Paul's Cathedral amazes with its grandeur and solemn appearance. The poet Prudentius, in a poem written in honor of Emperor Honorius, immortalized the beauty of the holy place in poetic form.

The picturesque basilica is located behind the Aurelian Wall, that is, formally outside the borders of Rome by the standards of the early Christian era.

The temple was built over the tomb of St. Paul in Rome, who was executed at the very beginning of our era. Initially, many believers came to the grave, so it was decorated with a memorial plaque.

To honor the memory of the beheaded apostle under Emperor Constantine I in the 4th century AD. a church was built. The building was expanded by order of Valentinian I, and it was truly beautifully decorated by Theodosius I.

In 590-604, under Pope Gregory the Great, the church was rebuilt again: a new altar was built, the courtyard was decorated with more than a hundred columns. In the center of the outer courtyard there was a monument to San Paolo holding a large book and a sword. The monument is made so realistically that when you look at it, you understand that the apostle was ready to give his life for the Christian faith.

The church received its first damage in the 9th century from the Saracens, and in 1823 there was a big fire. After 31 years, it was rebuilt and consecrated by Pius IX, and the entire Christian world, including Russia, helped him in this.

The cathedral was decorated with a new facade, frescoes and mosaics with images of St. Paul, Jesus, and the four prophets. In the 13th century, a monastery was opened at the Council in Rome.


From the outside, San Paolo Fuori le Mura resembles an ordinary fortress, but the main decorations are located inside. The interior of the Cathedral is richly decorated in the style of classicism and neoclassicism.

Visitors can see the sarcophagus containing the relics of St. Paul in the center - this is the main attraction of the basilica.

Above it rises the creation of 1285 - a tabernacle, decorated with skillfully combined pagan and Christian motifs. And next to it stands a 13th-century candlestick, 5.5 m high. Only the Pope has the right to celebrate Mass over the relics.

There are holes in the tomb into which visitors inserted pieces of cloth in order to touch the holy place.

  • Near the sarcophagus there is an altar with a window, which allows any visitor to confess their sins.
  • The basilica also houses:
  • a piece of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord;

a piece of the staff with which Saint Paul made his journeys on foot; particles of the relics of bishops, apostles, martyrs. In 2011, the cathedral hosted the 10th international festival

sacred music

(X° Festival Internazionale di Musica ed Arte Sacra). Symphony No. 7 by Anton Bruckner was performed within the sacred walls by a symphony orchestra.

  • Opera La traviata in the church

Every Thursday and Saturday in St. Paul's Church there is an opportunity to enjoy a masterpiece of genius

You will also find ours useful. How to get there


Piazzale San Paolo, 1

  • San Paolo Fuori le Mura is located in the southern part of the city, two kilometers outside the Aurelian Walls. You can visit the cathedral grounds with a guided tour or on your own. Tourists are provided with the most comfortable conditions possible, they even provide wheelchairs and allow blind people to walk with a guide dog. There are souvenir shops at the entrance to St. Paul's Cathedral. You can get to the church:
  • on line B - get off at Garbatella or Marconi stations;
  • by bus No. 23 or 769- you need to get to the Via Ostiense-San Paolo stop;

by tram number 2

  • - Get off at the Basilica S. Paolo stop. Working hours: Owners of cars with a navigator will find it useful
  • GPS coordinates 41°51’31″N 12°28’35″E.
  • Working hours: daily from 07:00 to 18:30, the monastery and cloister are open from 08:00 to 18:15, confessions are held from 7:00 to 12:30 and from 16:00 to 18:30.

↘️🇮🇹 Official website of the basilica: 🇮🇹↙️

USEFUL ARTICLES AND SITES SHARE WITH YOUR FRIENDS Sao Paulo is a Brazilian metropolis with a population of millions. Counts

As always, it's best to start with the central square, which can tell a lot about the city's past. In Sao Paulo, this is Praça da Se, from where you can follow Paulista Avenue to explore other attractions. And there are a lot of them in the city, and for every taste: Ibirapuera Park, Liberdade district, Cathedral in the old center, various museums, exhibition galleries, monuments of architecture and art.

Art Museum Sao Paulo begins to amaze even as you approach it: at first it is difficult to believe that the rectangular bulk of the building, with an area of ​​about 10,000 m2, hangs practically in the air, supported only by four red columns in the corners. This outstanding monument of Brazilian architecture of the last century is made in the brutalist style, which explains its unusual appearance and color schemes.

Avenida Paulista, or, as the residents of São Paulo themselves often call it, Avenue Paulista - business card the city and its main thoroughfare, the surrounding areas along which are the focus of the Brazilian economic miracle. It is a wide 85-meter transport artery with a length of 2.8 km, connecting the most significant tourist and business areas of the second most important Brazilian metropolis.

Portuguese is the eighth most spoken language in the world, with almost 200 million speakers in all parts of the world except Australia and Antarctica. The only museum of the Portuguese language in the world, surprisingly, is located not in Portugal itself, but in Brazil, the largest Portuguese-speaking country.

From a bird's eye view it resembles a giant flag waving in the middle largest city The southern hemisphere, one of the ten largest agglomerations in the world, is Sao Paulo. This flag is the residential building Edifício Copan, or simply Copan, built by the famous architect Oscar Niemeyer.

The main attraction of the largest Brazilian city São Paulo is home to the Paulista Museum (Paulista translates as “resident of São Paulo”). Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it was the first museum created to commemorate a major historical event - Brazil's independence - and to preserve the memory of this for future generations.

The Roman Catholic Cathedral in Sao Paulo, Brazil has a long history. It all started in the 16th century, when Sao Paulo was still a small village and Brazil was a colony. Main church countries began to build in 1589, and construction was completed in 1616. Over time, the church became the center of the diocese, and the bishop's see was located in it.

In 1965, one of the tallest skyscrapers in Brazil, the Building Italia, was built in Sao Paulo in honor of the army of thousands of Italian immigrants. This grandiose building was erected according to the design of the German architect Franz Heep; its height is 168 meters, which is only 2 meters lower than the tallest Brazilian building, Miranti do Valli. Construction took place from 1960 to 1965, and as a result the city received a 46-story office skyscraper with a usable area of ​​over 50,000 m2.

The Brazilian city of Sao Paulo is the largest in the Southern Hemisphere and one of the ten largest agglomerations in the world. Over its almost half-thousand-year history, the style of its construction has changed many times, and the only architectural appearance he does not have. Therefore, when building the next skyscraper, usually no one worries about whether it will fit into the architectural ensemble or not.

The Brazilian city of Sao Paulo rests on a plateau that is part of the Serra do Mar mountain system, located in South-East Brazil. This one itself mountain system, in turn, is part of the vast geological region “Brazilian Plateau”, which occupies almost half of the country’s territory. Seismic activity is extremely low, so no seismic problems are observed.

The world-famous Butantan Institute is located on the territory of the University of Sao Paulo. It is a major biomedical research center and directly reports to the Health Secretariat of the State of São Paulo. The founder of the institute in 1901 was the Brazilian therapist and researcher Vitaly Brazil.

What is the famous Basilica of San Paolo Fuori le Mura in Rome? History of construction, interior, patio, photo. San Paolo fuori le Mura on the map of Rome.

If you are lucky enough to make a trip to The eternal City Rome, then do not miss the opportunity to visit one of the most magnificent historical monuments of the ancient Christian period - the Basilica of San Paolo Fuori le Mura. When the construction of the Basilica of St. was completed in the late 80s of the fourth century. Paul, parishioners had to travel quite a distance to get there.

Interior of the Church of San Paolo Fuori le Mura (Rome)

History of the Basilica

Once upon a time, San Paolo fuori le Mura was located far to the south, outside the city limits. This place was not chosen by chance. Here in 65, during the reign of Emperor Nero, the Apostle Paul was executed. The Great Martyr Paul was buried here on the site of the ancient cemetery by the pious matron Lucina.

Church of St. Paul stood for almost 1440 years in its original form, delighting everyone with its grandeur and beauty. Neither the hands of barbarians, nor wars, nor time touched it. In mid-July 1823, a fire broke out while the roof was being repaired.

The inhabitants of Rome experienced grief and shock at the sight of the practically destroyed sanctuary. Smoldering firebrands of a collapsed roof, fragments of marble columns, charred beams. It seemed that the world of beauty and holiness burned down with them. But the great love, faith and help of the entire Christian world helped the Romans restore this temple almost in its original form.

Russia was one of the first to make its contribution. By order of Nicholas I, Ural malachite and lapis lazuli were sent to Rome for the restoration of the altar. In 1855, after restoration work was completed, the basilica, which had received a second life, was re-consecrated.

San Paolo Fuori le Mura is austere on the outside, but very beautiful on the inside!

Despite the fact that the external appearance of the basilica is restrained and simple, its interior is extremely striking in its elegance and luxury. The length of the basilica is 131.66 m, its width is 65 m, the height in its highest part is 29.70 m. The Basilica of San Paolo fuori le Mura is the second largest in Rome. Three doors, decorated with fragments from the lives of Peter and Paul, Jesus Christ and his disciples, the Holy Trinity, lead to the temple.

The basilica's courtyard is beautiful. Marble columns supporting arches are installed along its perimeter. The arcade cornice is covered with a mosaic pattern.

Layout of the Basilica of St. Paul represents at its core the Christian cross. Its five naves are designed for big number parishioners

The naves are separated by rows of marble columns. The central nave is wider. From the side naves to the central nave the height and illumination of the interior space increases. It feels like you are emerging from the darkness into a wondrous light.

According to Christianity, earthly life is seen as darkness, and the world of God is the embodiment of eternal light. This concept is clearly visible here. The center of San Paolo fuori le Mura is separated from the side naves by graceful marble colonnades. Despite the fact that the space of the cathedral is easily visible, an unknown force draws you, namely, to the central nave leading to the altar. In the depths of the central nave is placed. It is called the Arch of Galla Placidia, in honor of the sister of Emperor Onophrios. Galla Placidia commissioned the mosaic that decorated the arch, and funds for its construction were allocated by the emperor. It is decorated with fragments from the revelations of John the Theologian.

In the center of the arch is Jesus Christ. On either side of him are 24 teachers of the Church. On the right side of the arch is depicted St. Peter, and on the left St. Paul. A beautiful golden glow shines through the arch. It is reflected from the apse covered with golden smalt. Intensifying many times over, this light streams towards a person walking towards the altar, under which there is a sarcophagus with the relics of St. Pavel.

Celebration of the 2000th anniversary of St. Paul in San Paolo Fuori le Mura

Pope Benedict XVI, at the ceremony celebrating the 2000th anniversary of St. Paul, declared that the relics belonged to St. Paul and this is confirmed by scientific research that the Holy Church allowed to be carried out. The Pontiff also said that after the research is completed, access to the holy relics will be open.

The architecture of the Basilica of San Paolo fuori le Mura is very flexible. The play of light and shadow, the gold of the apse, the blue color of the mosaic, the “sunshine” of the suspended ceiling and the painting of the arches create a feeling of movement. Everything calls upon the one who enters the halls of the basilica to go to the altar exuding radiance. Along the perimeter of its central nave, above the columns, there are medallions with portraits of the Popes. However, several medallions are empty. One of the predictions says that as soon as the portrait appears on the last medallion and the reigning pope dies, the End of the World will come.

There are windows located under the vault above the portraits. Golden light pours through their stained glass windows, illuminating the Basilica of St. Pavel with soft light. It brings hope and faith in a long, bright future. The surrounding beauty and grandeur lift a person above the everyday life and vanity of life. They make you think about the highest values ​​of life.

Inner and outer courtyards

Courtyard of San Paolo fuori le Mura

The courtyard of the basilica is very beautiful. Along its perimeter there are paired marble columns supporting arches. The arcade cornice is covered with an intricate mosaic pattern. From four arched openings, decorated with double twisted columns, paths lined with marble slabs lead to the fountain to the center of the courtyard. The courtyard is surrounded by greenery.

The outer courtyard of the Temple of San Paolo Fuori le Mura, which is surrounded by 150 marble columns, looks no less attractive. In its center stands a sculpture of St. Pavel. He clutches a sword in his right hand and a large book with his left. The entire appearance of the apostle suggests that he is ready to defend the Christian faith at the cost of his own life. This is the price he had to pay.

Classical facade of the Cathedral of St. Pavla - San Paolo fuori le Mura

San Paolo fuori le Mura on the map of Rome

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