What determines the food on Belavia planes: Why is it hot on some flights, and a sandwich on others? What does the food on Belavia planes depend on: Why is it hot on some flights and a sandwich on others? Belavia food during the flight

Based on the results of six months of this year, Belavia Airlines was in fifth place among the top ten CIS airlines offering the most delicious food, reports tio.by. The rating was compiled by the Russian service based on reviews of 22 thousand passengers. TUT.BY decided to look at how they feed on flights not only of the Belarusian airline, but also of others, and collected photographs from readers about what they ate on board planes while traveling this year.

A flight attendant pours drinks on a Belavia flight to Brussels. Photo: Alexander Vasyukovich, TUT.BY
Economy class food on board Turkish Airlines Airlines on August 9, 2017 in the direction of Istanbul-Minsk. Photo: Elena Karaagach

And in economy class on the Minsk-Istanbul route in August of this year they offered these sets. These are beef cutlets, rice, stewed chickpeas in sauce, salad with vegetables and sour cream, chocolate mousse with brown sugar.

Food in economy class on the Minsk-Istanbul flight on August 10, 2017 airlines Turkish Airlines. Photo: provided by readers

And in business class you could taste this.

This is also a dish for passengers flying business class.

Food in Turkish Airlines business class on the Istanbul-Minsk route on May 10, 2017. Photo: Lyudmila Uvaina

Airline food Austrian Airlines also differs depending on the class the passenger is flying. There is much more choice in business class.

Food on board Austrian Airlines business class on the route Minsk-Vienna on May 15, 2017. This includes ham and cheese, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, fresh bread, butter, jam, coffee, cream, yoghurt with fresh fruit. Photo: TUT.BY reader Alexey

And this is food in economy class.

Such dishes can also be found when flying Austrian Airlines.

Food on board Austrian Airlines business class on the Munich-Vienna route in August 2017. Photo: Alena Yesenina
Food in economy class on Austrian Airlines on the Minsk-Vienna route in July 2017. Photo: Vadim Samarin
Food on board Austrian Airlines business class on the Vienna-Munich route in August 2017. Photo: Alena Yesenina
These are the cakes they serve in business class on Austrian Airlines. Photo: Alena Yesenina

Airline Aeroflot on Moscow-Guangzhou flights, passengers can choose dishes from the menu. For example, our reader Nadezhda Shu I ate this kind of low-calorie food.

Low-calorie meal option (chicken breast on a skewer) in economy class on an Aeroflot flight Hong Kong-Moscow on May 12, 2017. Photo: Nadezhda Shu

I also tried this version of kosher food.

Kosher food in economy class on board Aeroflot on the Moscow-Hong Kong flight on May 22, 2017. Photo: Nadezhda Shu

On the Valencia-Moscow flight Aeroflot serves these dishes.

Food in economy class on July 27, 2017 on the Valencia-Moscow flight of Aeroflot airlines. Photo: Alina Martinkevich

China Southern Airlines On the Moscow - Guangzhou route, passengers are fed twice during the nine-hour flight.

Food on board economy class on China Southern Airlines on the Moscow - Guangzhou route in June 2017. Photo: Elena Karpovich
Food on board economy class on China Southern Airlines on the Moscow - Guangzhou route in June 2017. Photo: Elena Karpovich
Food on board economy class on China Southern Airlines on the Moscow - Guangzhou route in June 2017. Photo: Elena Karpovich
Food on board economy class on China Southern Airlines on the Moscow - Guangzhou route in June 2017. Photo: Elena Karpovich

Since today 85% of passengers prefer budget flights, people who are interested in whether there is food on economy class planes. After all, this issue becomes especially relevant for routes that last for 5–9 hours. In addition, travelers are concerned about the quality and range of dishes offered. Let's look at these nuances in more detail.

Airlines are in a constant state of competition. For this reason, carriers are constantly improving the quality of service, which includes serving meals to passengers. However, when traveling with low-cost airlines, clients are unexpectedly faced with the requirement to pay additionally for such a service. Although even in such situations, airlines offer travelers free snacks and drinks.

The first condition for the probability of supplying power to customers is . Business class passengers choose a menu and receive restaurant-quality meals. For people who prefer an economical flight, the airline offers a standard range of meals. But charter flights or traveling with low-cost airlines implies the absence of such an opportunity.

A separate nuance is the passenger’s choice of food based on religious beliefs or a decision dictated by the need to adhere to a certain diet. Here it is advisable for the client to apply in advance for the opportunity to receive an individual menu. True, such food on an economy class plane sometimes turns out to be paid.

Another condition for the provision of food is the duration of the flight. Beginners often ask if they feed you if you fly for 2 hours. Here, the rules of airlines around the world are the same: hot food is served only in situations where the journey lasts at least 3 hours. So, in this case, customers are limited to cold appetizers. We will consider specific options for such a menu below.

Food on an economy class plane for flights of 3–6 hours requires a mandatory hot lunch or dinner. For trips that last more than 6 hours, airlines offer customers two meals a day. In addition, there is also a snack of yogurt or sandwiches between meals.

Features of the kitchen on an airplane

Food gets on board the aircraft under contracts with special services that prepare semi-finished products to order from the airline. Caterers cut, prepare, package and package food into disposable packaging, which is then heated by kitchen staff. Hot processing of food takes place on the ground, and in the air flight attendants only bring the food to a warm state.

After the plane climbed to altitude, workers on-board kitchen warm up travelers' diets - after all, all food is frozen. After heating the food, he offers each passenger an individual sealed launch box. Here, each dish is hermetically packed in a separate container. The tourist unpacks the food on his own and starts eating.

In the competition for the client major airlines Russia's Aeroflot and UTair are competing in the quality of service provided on board. These airlines independently develop menus and offer tourists food prepared using personal reserves.

Note that here travelers are given dishes that can compete with restaurant delights. Twice a year, the chefs of these airlines update and approve the assortment of food on board. Moreover, tourists who have used such services assure that the quality of the food here is excellent, and the portions are sufficient to satiate you. To understand the issue thoroughly, let’s find out when and what they feed on an economy class plane.

Airline offers on flight times

Let's start studying the specific airline menu. Let's start with short flights, when the journey does not take more than three hours. In this situation, the carrier offers passengers a snack with sandwiches, dairy products, pastries or sweets. Keep in mind that budget airlines here are limited to fruits, yoghurts or breakfast cereals.

It is appropriate to clarify the issue with a specific food offer at the stage. True, it is advisable to take into account an important point here. On board charters and low-cost airlines, only drinks and small portions of baked goods are served free of charge. Although passengers on scheduled flights who choose economy seats are offered standard meals for that class of flight.

When traveling when the flight is up to 6 hours, the air carrier provides hot food. Here, the required set is a choice of meat and fish dishes, several types of side dishes and salads or vegetables. Sometimes the airline offers customers to try seafood, and the meal ends with sweets - cakes, pastries, candies.

Again, low-cost carriers neglect their responsibility to feed passengers. People who have flown with low-cost airlines say that most of these airlines prefer to charge customers even then. Find out about nutrition in advance - after all, in situations where you have to spend 3-6 hours in the air, it is appropriate to stock up on food from home, and not overpay for airline services.

Long flights of six hours or more require a standard hot lunch and dinner, consisting of a main course, salad and dessert. Moreover, in cases where you have to fly in the afternoon, airlines do not exclude customers from eating on board the plane at night. In addition, here the air carrier offers passengers a snack with sandwiches, muesli, yogurt or pastries. Budget airlines remain adamant here too - at best, customers receive modest portions for free. Moreover, food distribution here will take place only once.

About drinks

Of course, customers also expect drinks during the flight. The company offers people water, tea, coffee, lemonade and juices. In some cases, beer, a glass of wine or champagne may be served. Note that, according to reviews from travelers, the coffee on board the plane will not impress gourmets. Moreover, the quality of this drink does not depend on the flight fare and seat class.

Regardless of the flight budget, airline customers can expect to be served drinks en route

Airlines that fly regular flights, and always include the price of drinks for passengers in the air ticket price. Therefore, it is not advisable to worry that during a budget flight the client will not be offered water. As for alcohol, there is a bar on board, where travelers can order their favorite cocktail. Of course, you will have to pay separately for such a service.

Special offers

Now let’s briefly discuss how things stand with special nutrition. If we consider the offers of Russian air carriers, here the airlines compete in the range and variety of products. Aviation market leader " Aeroflot"will surprise passengers with 16 special menu options. Here customers will find Muslim and Hindu food, kosher products and dietary dishes different directions, food for children under 12 years of age, vegetarian or low-calorie food.

Pre-order of the children's menu is included in the air ticket price

Travelers will find variations of baby food on all airlines. Moreover, serving dishes with spicy seasonings is excluded here. Children are offered poultry or beef meat products, dairy products, vegetable and fruit purees, and bakery products. Please note that food distribution on board begins with baby food.

Regarding payment, different types rations involve the free distribution of special food or the payment by the passenger of an additional payment. As a rule, food for children is included in the ticket price, but an application for kosher food on S7 airlines becomes a paid service.

Remember, it is appropriate to notify the air carrier of your personal taste preferences at least 36 hours before departure. Airlines prefer to receive such notifications by telephone. Here the passenger calls the flight number, air ticket and orders additional services. In addition, it is appropriate to clarify at the same time the need and method of payment for the service.


Finally, we will define certain points that regulate the procedure and rules for issuing food on airplanes. The standard menu does not involve preparing dishes from minced meat, mushrooms, serving desserts with cream or medicinal mineral water. Moreover, the calorie content of food is determined by the season of the year. In winter, carriers feed customers mainly meat delicacies, and in the warm season, the basis of the diet is light plant foods and seafood.

The assortment of food on the plane depends on the time of year and season.

Passengers have the right to order special meals only in situations where the flight timing requires serving a hot lunch. If a passenger, for health reasons or other reasons, needs to eat food immediately while in the air, it is advisable to discuss this issue with the carrier in advance. In cases where such an outcome is impossible, .

It is not advisable to worry that a special diet does not meet the established rules. Airlines entrust the preparation of dishes of this kind to restaurants that specialize in a specific type of cuisine. In addition, such a menu is checked for compliance with all canons by experts in the field of food technology.

To ensure that your flight does not bring any inconvenience and leaves only pleasant memories, take care of your personal comfort in advance. Check with the airline representative for an approximate set of meals and find out whether such a service will require an additional payment. We hope your first flight by airline will bring you only positive emotions.

Competing with each other, major air carriers are improving service on board the aircraft, offering customers a healthy and satisfying menu
Unfortunately, budget flights on low-cost airlines or charter aircraft usually do not provide free food distribution
Food preparation and processing takes place on the ground; flight attendants only heat frozen semi-finished products.
Some major airlines pamper customers with baked goods that are prepared during the flight
When the route involves a flight of up to 3 hours, passengers are offered only sandwiches and pastries
Standard hot lunch on board scheduled flights

Not all airlines provide food during the flight, it’s not always possible to eat before air travel, you don’t want to overpay for lunch in the air - situations vary. What kind of snack can you take on board so that you don’t have to part with suddenly prohibited foods during security at the airport? We have made a small cheat sheet for you.

Each airline has its own rules regarding food on board. Belavia, for example, provides food on almost all flights, and the cost of a snack or hot lunch is already included in the ticket - you cannot refuse. On board UIA you will have to pay extra for food - this is a common practice on most airlines. Lunch can be ordered when purchasing a ticket on the website, or you can pay directly on board. As a rule, carriers are loyal when it comes to passengers’ own “freebies” - take them, but comply with certain requirements. There are exceptions - for example, low-cost airline AirAsia does not welcome sandwiches and other foreign food on board. It’s worth finding out the airline’s position on snacks in advance.

What you can take for a snack during the flight:

  • nuts,
  • fruits (cut in advance; you won’t be able to bring a knife on board),
  • candies,
  • chocolate,
  • cookies (preferably ones that don’t crumble or crunch loudly),
  • sandwiches with mildly smelling ingredients.

When choosing foods to snack on board, you are limited by two main criteria – consistency and smell.

Remember that the limit of liquid that can be carried on board is limited to 100 ml.

Liquid (and therefore prohibited) products include:

  • yogurt,
  • jam,
  • pickles in jars,
  • puree,
  • pate,
  • canned food,
  • syrup,
  • oil,
  • mayonnaise and ketchup,
  • pudding,
  • soft cheese.

You can carry these products only if each of them is up to 100 ml. If there are several such jars, they must be packed in a transparent plastic closed bag with a total capacity of up to 1 liter. During the security check, the airport employee must see everything that is in this bag.

The smell of the product is rather an ethical requirement. You should respect your seatmates and not take with you as a snack, for example, boiled eggs, chicken (you’re not on a train, after all! Although you probably shouldn’t go on a train either), seafood or lard with fresh garlic. We believe that the idea of ​​taking the latter will not cross your mind.

So what? baby food? For a child under two years old, you can take all the liquids necessary for the duration of the flight - juice, formula, milk.

What else is worth remembering? On flights to Schengen countries, you should not take meat and dairy products with you - their transportation to these countries is prohibited.

Belavia airline, through its official representatives, has repeatedly admitted that it has problems with food on board. By the way, it is not provided on all flights, but only on the longest ones, for example, to Kazakhstan, France, the UK - on short ones everything gets by with water and icicle candies. Last week I was returning from a business trip to Scotland and got on a Belavia flight where lunch was provided. Of course, there was no way I could miss this opportunity and not film it for you. So, for your attention: what the only Belarusian airline feeds.

It should be noted that Belavia has not provided hot lunches for a long time. In any case, I haven’t met them for quite a long time, although I fly a lot, including on the real long flight airlines in Almaty. Therefore, now passengers only receive packed lunches, packaged in a convenient folding box. She looks quite nice and friendly:

When it is opened, the passenger is presented with the following picture:

Hidden behind the main course is a waffle from the Vitebsk Waffle Factory:

Let's break down the box completely into its components: ketchup, waffles, a wet napkin, a bun, a main course, a set of cutlery and a dry napkin with them:

Here they are closer:

The bun does not come with a piece of butter, although it just begs to be included here. The bun itself is stale, has already made more than one flight or was awaiting its fate in the catering warehouse. I have no idea where to put the ketchup, since there is nothing suitable for adding it in the set. Let's break down the main dish:

We see here a pickled cucumber, some pitted olives, a piece of plain cheese and a few slices of dried meat.

There are no complaints about the marinades; the cheese could have been chosen better. The meat is tough, you can’t cut it with the plastic knife from the kit, you have to use your teeth. Well, it tastes exactly as good as beef jerky can. Chews hard.

Actually, this is the whole lunch. Of course, food on board is to some extent an atavism, especially on a flight lasting less than three hours, but if it is still present, then it’s our job to complain about it. Belavia feeds poorly, what its representatives say is true.

This concludes the heavenly episode of “Catering” :) Leave your comments!

Belavia Airlines entered the top 5 CIS carriers with the most delicious food on board. 22 thousand passengers who flew in the first half of the year expressed their opinion.

Potatoes baked with mushrooms and cheese are rightfully considered to be the favorite dish of passengers.

Experts from the travel service tutu.ru, who compiled a rating of “flight” food service, came to the conclusion: it is important for passengers what they will be treated to during the flight.

In this regard, Belavia has something to boast about. The menu is updated twice a year: during the spring-summer and autumn-winter navigation periods. And every time a new diet is compiled, the feedback and wishes of passengers are carefully studied, questionnaires and surveys are conducted. In addition, on many routes, along with your ticket, you can also order vegan, vegetarian or baby food instead of the usual one. And the carrier plans to introduce kosher cuisine. By the way, in the near future travelers will also be able to enjoy national cuisine.

In-flight food service is entirely handled by the Catering service of the Minsk National Airport. They are the ones responsible for feeding passengers: both those still at the airport and those already on board the plane.

The same service also deals with the purchase of products (most of which, by the way, are made in Belarus), their preparation, and packaging of ready-made complexes.

Passengers in both economy and business class can count on a delicious lunch or a small snack. And a big plus that travelers noted when leaving their reviews when compiling the rating was the availability of food even on short flights. In business class, depending on the duration of the flight, you will be offered either a sweet dessert with fruit slices, or cold snacks (for a flight of up to 1.5 hours), or a full hot meal for long flights. In economy class, they offer either a sandwich as a small snack on short flights, or a cold appetizer or a hot lunch for long flights of more than an hour and a half. By the way, potatoes baked with mushrooms and cheese are rightfully considered to be the favorite dish of passengers. They also praise crumbly buckwheat, which is served with meat and vegetables. Alcohol is also provided in business class, but alcohol is prohibited by law in economy class.

Pavel Chuiko

In the future, Belavia does not exclude the possibility of inviting chefs to create an “in-flight” menu and is already working on this issue. The carrier takes the topic of food quite seriously, because this part of the service greatly influences general impression about the airline...

As the foreman of flight attendants at one of the Moscow airlines, Valery Andreev, told SOYUZ, the air carriers themselves do not prepare food for passengers, but order it from specialized catering companies. Aeroflot, for example, uses the services of the Aeromar company, where the chef is a real Italian, Thierry Mona, a fairly well-known personality in professional circles. Moreover, Aeroflot demands from the Italian that the menu be completely updated every quarter. How do you figure out these best dishes? This is a whole science!

To find out their preferences, Aeroflot took a simple route: it opened a special website, on the pages of which fans of the company rated the best of the dishes offered on a ten-point scale in seven categories: salads, fish dishes, meat dishes, etc. The epigraph of the site included a phrase from the famous ancient Greek comedian Aristophanes: “Do not feed words instead of bread.”

In preparing the competition on-board catering 15 famous chefs took part, including French ones. And the highest passenger rating - almost nine points - was scored by the "Italian cold cuts" dish.

As catering specialists explained to us, the choice of one or another menu for a flight largely depends on the chosen class, direction and duration of the flight. The further you fly and the higher the class, the, let’s say, the tastier and more plentiful the food on board. But, they add, at an altitude of nine thousand meters, any dish can seem bland. The fact is that salt between heaven and earth is perceived by our taste buds thirty percent weaker, like sugar, and dry wine may seem too sour.


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