Natural and cultural monuments located in Great Britain. Sights of Great Britain. Lake District National Park

Of course, metropolitan London deserves close attention: you can live in the city for a very long time, but never cease to be amazed by its sights, constantly discovering new places. However, many other British cities also offer countless historical monuments, museums, theaters and inspiring cityscapes.

For example, the ancient university cities of Oxford and Cambridge are ideal for getting to know English traditions. One of the reasons to stay in York is the UK's largest National Railway Museum, after visiting which you can thoroughly enjoy strolls through the medieval quarters of York.

A trip to the cities of Scotland is unthinkable without a few days in Edinburgh. Tourists plan to walk the Royal Mile, visit Edinburgh Castle, photograph the Forth Bridge at sunset and, of course, taste real Scotch whiskey to the tune of bagpipes.

Despite the fact that there are not many historical buildings in Glasgow, you can spend a busy day or two in the city, walking through the streets and parks, visiting museums and galleries, musicals and opera performances in theaters. Of particular interest are nature reserves and parks that are easily accessible from Glasgow. First and foremost is Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park, a place of stunning scenery.

In search of colorful sights of Great Britain, it is worth visiting Liverpool, Durham, Bath, Canterbury, Manchester, Birmingham, Belfast, Cardiff, and also small towns and villages.

Video "Sights of Great Britain"

The island, proudly fenced off from the continent by the English Channel and Pas de Calais, is small in area. But it’s not for nothing that they call it “Great Britain”: the history of the island is full of greatness. Few states can compare with the United Kingdom in terms of influence on the development of European civilization. It is no wonder that millions of tourists strive to see the sights of Great Britain and the historical and cultural monuments located here.

It is difficult to grasp the immensity. To experience the spirit of Britain, you need to live here.

But even a short acquaintance with the sights of Great Britain will give the inquisitive traveler a lot of unforgettable impressions. The main thing is to choose from a long list interesting places the most attractive and think through the route well.

Proud England, London and other cities

England is the largest part of the United Kingdom by area. It is here that the capital of the state is located: crowded London, the first of the attractions of England. Tourists love to wander the streets of the historical part of the city, where every stone breathes antiquity. The royal dungeon, the gloomy Tower, still remembers its crowned prisoners. Walking along Tower Bridge, it is so easy to imagine historical events familiar from school years. The royal family still lives in Buckingham Palace. Tourists can see how the royal dogs walk in the garden, how the brave guardsmen in the famous bearskin hats take turns at the guard post. And hear the ancient clock chime on the majestic Big Ben tower guarding the walls of Westminster Abbey...

Tourists also enjoy visiting the new quarters of London - the City, where they can see real masterpieces of modern architecture.

The list of London attractions also includes:

  • St Paul's Cathedral;
  • Trafalgar Square;
  • the famous Ferris wheel called the London Eye;
  • Wembley Stadium.

Nature and animal lovers will enjoy a visit to London Zoo, one of the best in the world. The gardens and parks of London are worthy of attention, perfected over centuries by the hands of masters of landscape art.

The museums of London deserve special mention. This National Gallery and the British Museum, Baker Street Sherlock Holmes Museum and Museum wax figures Madame Tussauds. The Natural History Museum and the Tea and Coffee Museum offer interesting exhibitions.

And shopping lovers will definitely check out the Harrods store, which, according to Londoners, has almost everything. If, of course, the appearance of tourists complies with the strict rules of this unique trading establishment.

Outside of London, it is worth visiting Windsor Castle with its magnificent parks - summer residence royal family. An hour and a half train ride away, near Salisbury, stands a silent group of Paleolithic megaliths - the world famous Stonehenge. In Lincoln, the attention of travelers is attracted by the majestic Gothic Cathedral, and in seaside Brighton it is impossible to miss the beautiful Royal Maritime Pavilion. The Shakespeare Museum is worth a visit in Stratford, and the university complexes in Oxford and Cambridge. In Nottinghamshire, it's a pleasure to wander the paths of Europe's most famous woodland: Sherwood Forest. However, the sights of England are only part of the cultural and natural wealth Britain.

Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland

The country of proud highlanders and whiskey has a rather harsh climate. In Edinburgh, tourists enjoy visiting the Whiskey Museum, the buildings of the ancient university, the royal residence of Holyroodhouse, and Edinburgh Castle soaring above the city. In Glasgow, the Gothic Cathedral, the Transport Museum and the luxurious Botanical Garden. But this is not where the attractions of Great Britain end.

In the north-eastern part of Wales, travelers can marvel at the ancient, active and still navigable Pontcysyllte Aqueduct. In the territory Northern Ireland worth to visit amazing monument nature - stone road giants included in the list of objects World Heritage UNESCO. And if you cross the expanse of water to the Orkney Islands, you can explore the ancient and mysterious Tomb of the Eagles, discovered not so long ago by archaeologists. Ancient people lived in this inhospitable land, prayed to their harsh gods and sacrificed eagles to them. These are the conclusions that scientists made based on their research. And on the island of Jersey there is a wonderful zoo founded by the famous zoologist and writer Gerald Durrell. The zoo, which houses rare and endangered species of animals and birds, is rightfully considered one of the most interesting attractions in Britain.

Britain is rich in stunning beauty ancient castles and palaces that make up most of its attractions.

But to see them, you usually have to deviate a little from the well-trodden tourist routes. Castles and towers, churches and statues, and unforgettable bridges - the United Kingdom is rich in history and magnificent places, where you can visit incredible historical monuments. The world famous Big Ben Clock Tower,, beautiful castles, including Torosi with its magnificent gardens, however, many cities in Britain are themselves historical monuments.

Built in the late 1800s, Tower Bridge took eight years to complete. The bridge is equipped with walkways that allow visitors to walk across it. Newlyweds come here and other events are organized that you can witness. But the most grandiose spectacle appears before the audience when the bridge rises.

Stonehenge is named a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The estimated age of Stonehenge is more than 5000 years. It holds so many secrets and mysteries that it is one of the most intriguing parts of traveling around the United Kingdom. The mysterious stone circle, a mixture of cultural and religious heritage of these places, attracts every year great amount tourists from all over the world.

Torosi Castle and its gardens

Located on Confusion Island, Torosi Castle was built in 1858. There are 12 acres of magnificent gardens decorated with statues and ancient relics. The castle's family history is also available to travelers on one of the walks through the house. However, it should be taken into account that access to the castle is open for only a few hours.

One of the most famous historical landmarks in the United Kingdom is undoubtedly the Big Ben Clock Tower, which was built in 1859 in London. The clock was originally used to mark the new year in London. When the clock rang, residents knew it was time New Year. The tower can be seen from anywhere in London. Only one bell located on the tower is called Big Ben, although both visitors and locals call the entire tower by this name. The diameter of the watch dial is 23 feet. This is the largest clock in the world, although it was built in the 19th century. On each of the four hour dials there is an inscription in Latin: “God save our Queen Victoria I.”

Britain had colonies all over the world for decades. to the globe, and therefore its contribution to culture can be considered one of the most significant in the world. English traditions have become a household name, and the culture of Great Britain influenced the development of music and painting, architecture and theater, fashion and literature among many nations.

Build to last

One of the main cultural features of the United Kingdom is its famous architectural monuments. England once became an influential architectural center, and many styles were reflected in its buildings. The famous Caterbury Cathedral, now under the protection of UNESCO, was built on the site where St. Augustine of Canterbury conducted mass baptisms local residents- the first Christians on the territory of the future Great Britain.
The architecture of Foggy Albion is closely connected with the history and political initiatives of the country. The Renaissance did not bring the same magnificent prosperity as on the mainland, but classicism took root and became the main direction in the construction of buildings and structures at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries. Gothic and neo-Gothic styles of architecture turned out to be no less popular on the islands. Among the main cultural monuments of Great Britain are Westminster Abbey, the Tower, the ensemble Trafalgar Square, castles of Scotland, Buckingham Palace.

Shakespeare House

Literary researchers can argue for as long as they like whether Shakespeare existed, but his contribution to the world cultural heritage no one doubts it. Those who dream of going to the theater from which the victorious march of famous productions began around the world should book a tour to London. The Globe building is located here and a troupe of actors performs in which Shakespeare himself played four centuries ago. Other venues in the UK are no less popular among theatergoers:

  • Royal Opera theatre.
  • Edinburgh Theater Festival.
  • New Cardiff Theatre.
  • London Coliseum.
  • Irish Literary Theatre.

Many productions are performed in languages ​​and dialects adopted in Ireland and Scotland, which greatly contributes to the preservation of the unique culture of Great Britain.

Literary heritage

The United Kingdom has given the world several dozen poets and writers who have become beloved by millions of readers in different countries. The list of literary giants includes D. G. Byron and Agatha Christie, Lewis Carroll and Walter Scott, Oscar Wilde and Bernard Shaw.

Britain's rich and varied culture has played a major role in the culture of other countries, particularly influencing its former colonies such as Australia and Canada. It is very multifaceted due to the merger of 4 separate states that have preserved their ancient traditions.

We can talk about the cultural heritage of this country for a very long time. touches on every aspect of the development of world culture, be it science, literature, music or literature. Great Britain has always been famous for its talented creative people who have gained worldwide fame.

Religion of Great Britain

Main UK religion, which is preached by more than 70% of the population, is Christianity, which in turn is divided into such religious communities as Anglican, Catholic and Presbyterian. Next in popularity are Islam, Hinduism and Judaism.

UK economy

Developed in many areas UK economy It ranks 6th in size in the world and second in Europe, second only to Germany. Despite the fact that Great Britain is part of the European Union, it has retained its historical currency - pounds sterling, equal to 100 pence.

UK Science

From the 17th century to the present day, UK science firmly occupies a leading position in development. This country has given the world such outstanding scientists as physicist Isaac Newton, naturalist Charles Darwin, and theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking. The UK is currently actively developing aviation industry and pharmaceutical industry.

UK art

All forms of art are widely developed in Great Britain, as is culture. Popular here different directions music and many folk motifs have been preserved. The most popular group is, of course, The Beatles. Fine UK art actively developed over several centuries thanks to the Royal Academy of Arts.

UK cuisine

As you know, the British are pedants. UK cuisine This feature of mentality was not spared. Each region of this country is famous for its traditional recipes: England for steaks and milk tea, Ireland for trout, Wales for lamb with mint sauce, and Scotland for porridge with meat and spices.

Customs and traditions of Great Britain

All customs and traditions of Great Britain are carefully protected by the local population, practically do not change and are passed on from generation to generation. Everyone knows how the British are sensitive to their time. Meals are taken strictly according to schedule. A feature of the mentality is restraint.

UK Sports

Many sports were born and developed in Great Britain, the most popular of which are football, badminton, tennis and golf. UK Sports developed on top level. Most often, teams play for their kingdom. But at major international competitions they all unite into a single team. London throughout history olympic games has already hosted the Olympics three times. And this is not an unimportant aspect, causing


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