Where to go for the weekend: Poltava Pyramids. A unique pyramid in the Poltava region Poltava pyramids

And although they are inferior to their “overseas brothers” in size, they do not require large material and time expenditures from travelers. You can visit them on any free weekend, “” reports.

The oldest Ukrainian pyramid is more than 130 years old and is located in the tiny village of Komendantovka, Kobelyaksky district, Poltava region. Naval officer Alexander Bilevich became the first pyramid builder on the territory of Ukraine. Scientists suggest that due to his occupation, he visited Egypt more than once and could have become interested in ancient architecture.

Express information on the country

Ukraine- a state in Eastern Europe.

Capital- Kyiv

Largest cities: Kyiv, Lviv, Kharkov, Odessa, Dnepr, Zaporozhye, Krivoy Rog, Donetsk

Form of government– Parliamentary-presidential republic

Territory– 603,549 km2 (44th in the world)

Population– 42.6 million people. (32nd in the world)

Official language– Ukrainian

Religion– Orthodoxy, Catholicism

HDI– 0.747 (81st in the world)

GDP– $131.8 billion (59th in the world)

Currency– hryvnia

Borders with: Belarus, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Moldova, Russia

When his young wife Sophia unexpectedly died in 1864, he decided to build her a tomb worthy of the Egyptian pharaohs. The pyramid took 13 years to build from wild stone.

The height of the structure reaches 15 m, and its area occupies more than 100 square meters. The pyramid consists of three tiers, which are connected by a complex system of corridors. Today the pyramid has been restored and is very popular among tourists. There is a bus from Kremenchug to the regional center of Kobelyaki; the village of Komendantovka is located 57 km from the center. From Kobelyak you can order a taxi or get there by your own transport. Another Ukrainian pyramid is located in the village of Berezovaya Rudka, Piryatinsky district, Poltava region. It was built in 1898 by order of Ignatius Zakrevsky.

Returning from another trip, he decided to build a pyramid-shaped family tomb near his estate. Its edges clearly coincide with the cardinal points, at the entrance there is a statue of the goddess Isis, whom the Egyptians revered as the patroness of the dead, the walls are painted with quotes from the Bible and Egyptian frescoes, and its height is 9 m.

Ukraine has its own Egyptian pyramids, and their appearance is inextricably linked with Egypt itself, because those who built them were inspired by this country and its traditions. We also have three pyramids, which, according to their creators, have a unique healing property and can cure many ailments.

By the way, Ukraine holds the record for the number of pyramids in Europe. There are two in the Poltava region (they are more than 130 years old). Of course, their size is far from the tombs of the pharaohs, but these are also family crypts, and the fate of these structures is in many ways similar to their Egyptian prototypes.

Centenary pyramids in Poltava region

The first of the pyramids is located in With. Commandant Kobelyaksky district, Poltava region. And it was erected here on the orders of naval officer Alexander Bilevich, who was also a participant in the Russian-Turkish war. On duty, he visited Egypt several times and became imbued with the local culture. He was especially struck by the tombs of the pharaohs. So Bilevich became the first to bring this tradition to Ukraine.

In 1864, Bilevich began construction. He planned to build a 15-meter pyramid from massive granite blocks mined from a local quarry. They had to be transported to the top using wooden chutes. And to give the structure strength and durability, they mixed a lime mortar with egg whites and fresh blood of livestock.

Construction lasted 13 years.

Tombs of Sofia

Scientists believe that the pyramid was originally conceived as a church, but in 1877 the officer’s beloved wife, Sophia, suddenly died, and he decided to make a tomb out of the pyramid. And in 1915, Alexander Bilevich himself was buried here.

Locals call this pyramid the St. Sophia Church. It consists of three tiers, interconnected by a winding complex system of corridors and underground passages. On the bottom there is a crypt, where they found their last refuge Alexander and Sofia Bilevich. Services were held on the first floor - the altar and iconostasis were located here, and the second served as a bell tower. An Orthodox cross was installed on top of the structure.

Like the Egyptian pyramids, the fate of the Bilevich tomb was tragic. In the post-war years it was looted, partially destroyed and a chemical warehouse was set up here. It was only in the early 2000s that a local entrepreneur became interested in the fate of the pyramid and decided to restore it. Now tourists come to her and listen with enthusiasm about the difficult and interesting story this building.

Pyramid of Zakrevsky

The Zakrevsky tomb is also in the shape of a pyramid, 9 meters high, located in the village of Berezovaya Rudka Piryatinsky district of the same Poltava region. It was built by the famous landowner and sugar magnate Ignatius Zakrevsky.

The Zakrevsky dynasty was widely known far beyond the borders of not only the Poltava region, but also Ukraine. Intelligent gentlemen, among whom were many military men, diplomats, prosecutors and landowners.

Under Emperor Alexander III, Ignatius Platonovich served as ambassador to Egypt and never tired of admiring the greatness and mystery of this country.

In 1989, having returned from a distant business trip, he decided to build a pyramid-tomb over the grave of his parents. He took the matter very seriously.

The edges of the structure clearly coincided with the cardinal points, as was the case in the Egyptian pyramids. The entrance to the family crypt of the Zakrevsky family was guarded by a statue of the goddess Isis - a symbol of family fidelity and protector of the dead. The sculpture was more than 2,000 years old, and it was specially brought from Egypt.

The inside of the pyramid was painted with quotations from the Bible on one side and Egyptian frescoes on the other. The walls are made of sand-lime brick and covered with a layer of cement that imitates tiled cladding. Inside the chapel, in the center, there was an altar and a crypt with four arches and a large stone cross in the center, and another iron one on top.

Immediately after the completion of the pyramid, Ignat Zakrevsky died. The daughters buried their father in the family crypt.

But in 1917, the peace of the Zakrevskys who died forever was disturbed. The pyramid was plundered, the statue was thrown away, the frescoes were destroyed, and the bodies of the representatives of the dynasty were thrown into a ditch and, only thanks to the chairman of the “red” rangers, Nadezhda Stetsenko, the Zakrevskys were secretly reburied.

The time has come to serve the pyramid as a warehouse for dairy products. The room temperature was conducive to the storage of perishable products.

The second wave of desecration of the Zakrevsky tomb occurred in the 80s of the last century. Local authorities decided that it simply did not fit into the local landscape. The tomb would definitely have been demolished, but... The time for mysticism has come. The structure did not succumb to any destructive force. Even a bulldozer. Is it mystic, lime mortar on yolks and fresh blood, but the tomb still stands.

Next to the pyramid there is a park and family estate Zakrevskikh. The once legendary Grebinka wrote the words to the well-known romance “Dark Eyes”. And in the summer of 1843, he brought Taras Shevchenko himself to the Zakrevskys, who was absolutely fascinated by Anna Zakrevskaya. After this visit, the Ukrainian poet came to visit the owners more than once in 1845-1846. On one of these visits, he painted portraits of the couple.

Modern Ukrainian pyramids

Recently in Kindrovka village Another 6-meter pyramid appeared not far from Kremenchug. It was built by local resident Vladimir Markovsky, completely copying the famous pyramid Cheops, but in miniature. By the way, the enthusiast spent only a year on construction, and the pyramid itself cost him 10,000 UAH. The man claims that he did not use a single nail during construction. And he erected it in order to study the influence of the structure on humans and study its positive impact on people’s health. He is confident that his pyramid is capable of healing and harmonizing space.

And here on the territory of the regional hospital for war invalids in Vinnitsa there is a healing granite pyramid, where even the doctors themselves refer patients for procedures. It took 250 tons of granite to create it. One of the authors of this unusual project claims that the pyramid accumulates cosmic energy. A special field is also created around it, which has a beneficial effect on specific organs. To make it easier for people to understand what and where to treat, there are benches with instructions around the structure.

Last year in the city of Galich Ivano-Frankivsk region local beekeeper Viktor Bilash built a “bee pyramid”. The author of this unusual structure assures that there are no analogues to his work in Ukraine. The pyramid itself is strictly oriented towards the cardinal directions. Not a single nail was used in its construction. It was erected together with bioenergeticists and pyramidologists in order to bring their plan to life as competently as possible. The height of the structure is 3.8 m.

Almost an Egyptian miracle

Everyone associates the concept of “pyramid” with, where there are many of these unique structures created by human hands and immortalized in history. But few people know that in the Poltava region there is a similar wonder of the world, although it is not so majestic and pretentious.

In the village of Berezovaya Rudka in the Poltava region there is a “hill of light” built back in 1898. This, of course, is not the tomb of the pharaoh, but the pyramid, like a magnet, attracts tourists and travelers from all over the world to look at its structure, appearance and, at least for a moment, touch the mystery, the border between life and death, recreated on the surface of the earth.

It is believed that these are not one, but two pyramids that conceal a real mystical secret. They were partially destroyed, and at the moment no former grandeur remains of the pyramids, however, they are not considered ruins and a pile of stones. These are two of the three pyramids in Europe, the third is in Rome. So the Poltava region was a worthy competitor to Egypt itself in some way.

The beginning of the story

Ignatius Platonovich Zakrevsky was inspired by the idea of ​​​​building a tomb for his family and threw all his efforts into implementing his plan.

Since he was in the service of the Emperor of Russia Alexander III, there were no problems with finances and workers who completed the main part of the construction (Ignatius Platonovich only owned the idea and organization of their work). And he gained knowledge about the pyramids when he was on duty in Egypt.

The culture of this country fascinated Zakrevsky so much that he dreamed of resting his family, and, subsequently, himself, in such a majestic structure.

From Egypt he also brought a statue of the goddess Isis, which took pride of place at the entrance to the pyramids. In the center there was an altar, next to which there was a large stone cross. An iron analogue crowned the top of the pyramid.

The peace was short-lived

In 1917, trouble came to the tomb, disturbing the eternal peace of the Zakrevsky family. The Bolsheviks came to power and desecrated the tomb in the most terrible way that a believer can imagine. The interior frescoes, which are of great value to historians, were irretrievably destroyed.

The statue of Isis was broken, and the remains of the Zakrevskys were removed from the pyramid and thrown into a trash can. Not only the Poltava region, but the whole of Europe have not seen such an act of vandalism for a long time. Locals They secretly reburied them later in a local cemetery.

But what left those around him speechless was the arrangement of the dairy warehouse in a dilapidated crypt. Why not, the milk was fresh for a long time, and who cared at that time about those who consumed it.

Later, local authorities wanted to destroy the tomb completely, erase even the memories of it from the face of the earth. But during construction, a special solution was used, one of the ingredients of which was egg whites.

The pyramid survived to the delight of local residents, who claimed that it nourished them with miraculous energy and gave them the strength to live on in this difficult world. Now she is waiting for her people, and the residents of the village are happy to give excursions, accompanying them with stories about the history of this amazing structure.

You can use the application, which includes the main Ukrainian roads; you can get a route to the Poltava Pyramids extremely quickly and easily.

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Poltava pyramids

The Poltava Pyramids are two pyramidal structures located in the Poltava region (Poltava region), Ukraine.

First dilapidated nine-meter pyramid located in the village of Berezovaya Rudka. The base of the pyramid is quadrangular, the edges of the side faces are clearly oriented to the cardinal points. It is, of course, not as old as the pyramids in Giza, but their fate is somewhat similar. Like the Egyptian pyramids, it was plundered and dilapidated... And it appeared pyramid in Berezovaya Rudka in 1898, the local landowner, Ignat Zakrevsky, ordered the construction of a chapel of such an unusual shape over the grave of his parents. And soon he himself died in Cairo. The daughters embalmed their father's body and, having transported it to their homeland, buried it in the family crypt-pyramid. At that time, it looked completely different: the outside of the pyramid was covered with cement, imitating slab cladding. From the south, the entrance to the three-story chapel was guarded by an angel, which, as old-timers say, was actually a statue of the winged goddess Isis, brought by Zakrevsky from Egypt. Inside there was a cruciform crypt with 4 niches, an altar in the middle of which was a large stone Orthodox cross, and the walls were covered with biblical writings and frescoes in the Egyptian style.

In the eighties, the pyramid began to interfere with local authorities - it did not fit into the wonderful architectural ensemble, consisting of a club and a cemetery! But it was not there. The solution used in construction was mixed with cement with the addition of egg whites. So either the solution was too tough for the bulldozer, or other forces intervened, but the pyramid survived.

Second Poltava pyramid located in the village of Komendantovka. A 15-meter tetrahedral pyramid, with a 10x10 m square at its base, appeared in the village in 1877. It was built by Alexander Belevich, a former naval officer, on his estate. During his stay in Egypt as part of a limited contingent Russian troops, he had a chance to see the tombs of the pharaohs. This made such a strong impression on Alexander Dmitrievich that, upon returning to his homeland, he decided to build his own pyramid on his lands. Construction lasted 13 long years. The pyramid was built from granite blocks, which were lifted up along wooden gutters, and the lime mortar was mixed with egg whites and the blood of freshly killed cattle. It is believed that the pyramid was originally intended as a church. But in 1877, Sofia, A. Belevich’s beloved wife, suddenly dies, and the pyramid becomes a tomb. Here, next to his wife, in 1915 the former officer himself found his last refuge.

Sophia Church, as the pyramid in Komendantovka is officially called, has three levels. The lower one consists of 3 burial chambers connected by underground passages. On the first floor there was an altar and an iconostasis (divine services were held here), and the second floor served as a bell tower. The building was crowned with an Orthodox cross.

The fate of this pyramid is also tragic. In the post-war years, it, like the Zakrevsky tomb, was looted and the burial place was destroyed. The building was equipped with a warehouse for chemical fertilizers. And at the beginning of the new millennium, a local entrepreneur, concerned about the fate of the pyramid, restored the extension that had burned down a long time ago. Everything would be fine, but the partially restored pyramid now boasts metal tiles, plastic windows and “fashionable” facing bricks...

read in Ukrainian

You can see the pyramids without leaving for Egypt. Discover Ukraine.

Photo 1 of 10:© haidamac.org.ua

Did you know that there are pyramids not only in Egypt and Mexico, but also in Europe. There are three of them here - one is in Italy. And we have two more in Ukraine. Or more precisely, in the Poltava region. Our pyramids have many legends and an interesting but complex history. Local residents claim that they have miraculous properties and those who mocked the pyramids in Soviet times, did not live to see 40 years of age. Now many people with health problems come to the pyramids, and the priests say that grace emanates from these structures. People go inside one at a time for 5-7 minutes and stand in the center where the sun's rays intersect.

© anfstory.blogspot.com

The first pyramid took 13 years to build by order of the leader of the local nobility Alexander Belevich in the village. Commandant's office. The history of this pyramid is shrouded in mystery. Lime mortar for construction was mixed with egg whites and the blood of freshly killed cattle. Belevich was an officer of the Russian fleet and probably visited Egypt, and perhaps built it following the example of monuments to deceased sailors. The third option is Freemasonry. There were no Egyptian hieroglyphs or drawings inside the pyramid, and on top there was a stone ball - a well-known Masonic symbol, on which stood an Orthodox cross. The pyramid was called the Sophia Church, in honor of the officer’s wife, Sophia, who died and was buried in it.

© haidamac.org.ua

The pyramid consists of three levels. The lower one - 3 burial chambers connected by underground passages, the first floor - an altar and iconostasis, where services were held, and the second floor served as a bell tower. According to various sources, in 1915 or 1916, Belevich himself found his final refuge next to his wife.

© dniprovych.livejournal.com

In 1922, the communists destroyed the church, threw the bodies of the nobles into the street, and later used it as a storage facility for chemicals. When the authorities began to remove the bell, the entire village came to their defense and they retreated. That same night, an NKVD vehicle drove through the village. The next day, no one came to defend the church.

© haidamac.org.ua

Now the pyramid has been restored and an extension has been built, and a church will open soon.

Where is: Poltava region, Kobelyatsky district, with Komendantovka.

© golosnoy.com.ua

The second pyramid was built in 1898 by a descendant of the Ukrainian noble family, Ignatius Zakrevsky, making it a family tomb. The walls of the pyramid are located relative to the cardinal directions, and for its construction, hewn granite was brought specially from Africa. At the southern entrance there was a statue of Isis, approximately 2nd millennium BC. uh, and inside there were ancient Egyptian frescoes and quotes from the Bible on the walls. It was a crypt with four niches where Ignat Platonovich buried the remains of his parents. When he died of a heart attack in Cairo in 1906, he was embalmed and buried in the family tomb.

© haidamac.org.ua

In the 80s, local authorities decided that the pyramid did not fit into the wonderful architectural ensemble of the club and cemetery and decided to bulldoze it. But the egg yolk solution did not give in and the pyramid stood.

Where is: Poltava region, Piryatinsky district, village. Berezova Rudka.

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