Larimar from the Dominican Republic. Larimar from the Dominican Republic Now larimar garden punta cana 5 reviews

Hi all. Traveled with my husband to Honeymoon for 2 week. For those who are going here: 1. Mandatory knowledge of a foreign language (English, Spanish), otherwise there is simply no one to communicate with. The main contingent is Spaniards and Americans, there are almost no of us. 2. It’s better not to go in summer, the weather is bad, during the entire vacation it was sunny for at most 6 days, the ocean is very dirty (out of season). 3. We recommend going on excursions, we liked it, had a lot of fun (Saona Island and Altos de Chavong, buggy ride...

Hotel reviews 2009 of the year

Good day everyone! or night). The hotel probably still deserves a 5 rating. The infrastructure is quite developed. Well, as usual, there is a luck factor - there are rooms closer to the ocean and further away. It is better to take a room like Paradise Club - these rooms are closer to the beach. Suite is even better, but the operator did not have it on sale. There were few Russian-speaking tourists in the hotel; this made me personally happy. Some people write that Americans behave in a noisy and reckless manner - it seems like the audience is quite decent. Climate, fruits, rum, cigars, Latino and...

Delicate white stains on a blue background, reminiscent of waves clean sea- this is the little-known larimar stone. Its unique color and structure cannot be confused with anything else. And although this mineral was discovered quite recently, and can be found in only a couple of places on the planet, larimar leaves few people indifferent. Amazing origin, rare coloring, unique color and the ability to manufacture various products - everything is on his side.


The stone itself is semi-precious and is a type of pectolite, a fairly common iridescent mineral. It is of volcanic origin. There are only two places where stone is mined: in the Dominican Republic and Italy. Moreover, larimar is mined manually, along with rock layers, from where it is then extracted and processed. This makes the supply of raw materials very expensive, which is why the stone is highly valued.

The mineral has many names: atlantis, pectolite jade, turquoise from the Dominican Republic.
And all because local residents pieces of it were found a long time ago, considered fragments ancient civilization. The mineral was also described by a Catholic priest who visited Haiti. But larimar was first officially registered and described only in 1974. Jeweler Miguel Mendez did this, sending samples to the Smithsonian Institution. Therefore, it is believed that it was he who discovered the stone. The jeweler named the find “larimar” in honor of his youngest daughter Larisa and the Spanish word for sea. This became the trade name, preventing the buyer from getting confused or confusing the stone.

Color and appearance

Dominican larimar stone is distinguished by the unique pattern of each piece mined. The color can vary from green-blue to almost blue, from pastel and light to dark and deep. The veins are white or silver, and the color itself is uneven and chaotic. It is opaque overall, but shows through a little in depth.

A characteristic feature is the layers of white veins visible one after another in the thickness of the stone. The processed mineral has a silky shine and is a bit like glass. It is also similar in chemical formula, which makes it a victim of numerous counterfeits. And although they may look beautiful, they are not as valuable as natural larimar.


Larimar has no practical application, but is used for decorative purposes. Jewelry made from it is very popular: earrings, pendants, necklaces, bracelets, rings. It is usually set in silver, less often in gold, usually in a cabochon. This allows all the beauty and whimsy of the gem to shine through.

In mining countries you can find decorative carvings - the density of the stone makes it a good raw material for carving. However, the stone is fragile and can be easily scratched. It is afraid of both chemically active agents and various abrasives, so it requires careful and careful handling.

Magic properties

With its entire appearance, the mineral speaks of tenderness, calmness and positive emotions. Psychics also talk about this. Larimar is considered a symbol of spirituality, purity and love. The magical properties of larimar stone are considered to be healing mental illnesses, bringing order to a person’s life, and also helping in finding love.

They say that the mineral relieves diseases such as apathy and depression, and helps the psyche. The owner of the stone will be able to see more beauty and light, become more sensitive, develop empathy and compassion for others, and become more tolerant and gentle.

Larimar is also suitable for creative people, especially helping to reveal their full inner potential. Contemplation and receptivity, spirituality and meditativeness - important qualities of the creator gain strength with the help of the energy of the mineral.

It is argued that the properties of the stone will not only help a person find his soul mate, but will also strengthen the family ties of those who have already found their happiness. Moreover, for a favorable home environment it is not necessary to wear jewelry; it is enough to simply place a figurine.

Medicinal properties

The unusual properties of larimar are also noted by lithotherapists. Despite the relatively recent start of study, many have already been attributed to him healing properties. Among them are a positive effect on the nervous system as a whole, accelerated cessation of blood loss and elimination of bleeding during pregnancy.

It is believed that Larimar can heal wounds faster, normalize blood pressure and improve blood circulation. The mineral also has a beneficial effect on respiratory function: it eases the course of inflammatory processes in the lungs, bronchi, and throat. Accelerates recovery from colds.

To achieve healing goals, lithotherapists perform massage, apply a stone to the affected area, and also advise meditation with stones. The most effective treatment is considered to be in the chest area. To treat wounds or recover after surgery, the stone is simply applied to the sore spot.

Zodiac signs

According to astrologers, larimar is suitable for all zodiac signs. In this case, the group of water and air signs will cause the greatest favor for the mineral. These include:

Also, the sign Leo, which is under the influence of the Sun, can receive maximum support. The same applies to people born under Venus. But not a single zodiac sign will receive a negative effect from wearing a talisman.

How to choose Larimar

With the popularity of the stone, the number of its fakes and imitations also increases. This is especially true for a mineral mined in just a few places on the globe.

Knowing the names of its deposits will help you choose larimar. As mentioned above, it is mined only in the Dominican Republic and Italy. If a sample is sold from another deposit, it is definitely a fake. Natural stone also differs in price - due to the small volume of production, its cost is very high. However, cheaper samples can be found in the supplier country.

Small defects may indicate natural origin. It’s also worth taking a closer look at the range of products – nature doesn’t create two identical patterns. Matching colors are a sign of a fake. The color of the mineral may vary in the stone, but does not have clear divisions, unlike imitations. Also, the name of a natural stone, put in quotation marks, most often indicates that this sample is pressed or fake.

Those looking for a stone for meditation should hold the samples and listen to their inner sensations. This will help you choose the best talisman or amulet. After such a purchase, the stone must be washed with running water to remove foreign energy.

Care and storage

Larimar is quite capricious in care and storage. Prolonged exposure to sunlight is very detrimental to its color, so you should store the gem away from windows. Strong chemicals can also cause serious damage. It is also quite easy to scratch the stone.

It is best to clean the product from dirt with a soft fleece or microfiber cloth. It can also be washed with warm water and soap and then wiped dry. Running water will also wash away the accumulated foreign and negative energy. Tooth powder and other abrasives are never suitable. It is best to store jewelry in a separate box or bag made of soft fabric.

If treated with care, a larimar product will become a wonderful decoration for the home or the person wearing it. Unique pattern reminiscent of water reflections azure sea or cirrus clouds clear skies able to dispel the darkest thoughts. This purchase will please you for many years.

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6.5. If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is determined to be unlawful, void or unenforceable under the laws of the Dominican Republic, it will be deleted from the Terms and Conditions and the remaining provisions of the Terms and Conditions will remain in full force and effect and continue to be binding.

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What is personal data

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Why is consent required for the processing of personal data required?

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Read the law on the official website of the President of the Russian Federation

Hotel Now Larimar Punta Cana 5* (Dominican Republic) has one of the priority locations. Purest and best beach in Bavaro. Provides Unlimited-Luxury ® vacations and is Rainforest Alliance certified. Designed for couples and families, small dogs are allowed.

The territory is large, green with beautiful garden, but compact and all routes pass in the shade of trees.
For corporate recreation and holding events, conference rooms, separate banquet rooms. There is a business center with ready-made workplaces. Smoking is allowed on the hotel premises only in designated areas.


The hotel complex is located in the east of the Dominican Republic, in locality Bavaro, famous throughout the world for its magnificent coral sand beaches. First line and private beach. Punta Cana Airport is only 13.6 km away, making the drive short and sweet and avoiding aircraft noise.
The distance from the capital of the Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, is 200 kilometers.


Now Larimar offers its guests its own private beach of a large area - 1700 square meters. The sufficient width of the snow-white, non-heating, fine sand accommodates many equipped sunbeds. There is an umbrella available at any time. Drinks and cocktails in coconuts are served along the beach.
The beach is regularly, early in the morning, cleared of algae, and during the day, the area is thoroughly cleaned of debris.


The complex has 728 rooms equipped at the most modern level. Caribbean inspired design with vibrant floral colors. Luxury and comfort. In the bathroom: shower, a full set of excellent cosmetics, hairdryer, bathrobe and slippers.

Each room has a silent air conditioner and fan, a free and constantly replenished minibar, and a coffee machine. Large 32-inch LED TV panel and telephone, desk and safe.
For clothing care there are ironing facilities and ironing services. As well as dry cleaning and laundry services for an additional fee.

For a perfect sleep, a pillow menu and special darkening are offered. The staff turns down the beds.
Each room offers outdoor relaxation in the Jacuzzi on the balcony or terrace, or in a small patio, depending on the category. Cleaning is done twice a day. Bed linen is changed daily.

The categories of rooms offered differ in size, view, presence of a terrace or patio, and beds.
Most Deluxe and Preferred Club rooms have pool view options, a tropical forest or the garden, or the ocean. Accommodation for two, family for three or two double beds. Maximum, no more than four people. The area is 40-54 meters, and some rooms have access to the garden or pool.

"Preferred Club" is similar to the "Deluxe" category, a little larger in size. They have a separate living area. These rooms are located in a separate part of the complex, with its own reception, Check-in area, and concierge.
There are two presidential numbers.

Important! Some rooms have a special doorway width for wheelchair access and a comfortable shower. Also, not all rooms have extra cribs or rollaway beds.
Connecting rooms for families are possible by prior arrangement.

Internet: Free Wi-fi, works absolutely throughout the complex, including on the beach.


The Now Larimar Punta Cana 5* hotel provides a high level of Unlimited Luxury service and ultra all-inclusive meals.

Seven A la Cart restaurants, no need to pre-booking, offer cuisine from different nations of the world. Including oriental, Italian, French, Mexican, seafood and Steakhouse.
Two grill restaurants serve any food cooked on the grill. Two cafes and a snack bar, three bars in the pools and two near the pools, the same number on the beach.

Coffee shop with elite coffee and snacks. Sports bar where you can play billiards, watch live television and drink a cocktail and have a snack.

Hotel guests can visit restaurants, cafes and bars or order room service 24 hours a day, including breakfast. All drinks are included in the service (with the exception of collection wines and certain types of champagne), including imported alcoholic drinks.

Desserts include exquisite Belgian chocolate, all types of fruits and works of culinary art from the chef.


During the holiday there is entertainment for guests for every taste, age and interest.

  • Casino with roulette and blackjack, poker, slot machines(additional payment required);
  • Daytime board games;
  • Giant Chess;
  • Outdoor cinema;
  • Broadcasts of sports programs;
  • Performances by artists and live music;
  • Theater;
  • Night club, discos;
  • Theme evenings;
  • Weekly market for local crafts and jewelry;
  • Bowling (additional costs may apply);
  • Billiards;
  • Darts;
  • Opportunity to take dance and Spanish lessons;
  • Botanical park with many plants, birds, animals;
  • Spa, cosmetology, including wraps, peelings, steam room services, body, facial and hair treatments;
  • Relaxation area,
  • Five swimming pools and two Jacuzzis.


  • Horseback riding (extra charge);
  • Cycling and excursions;
  • Aerobics, Yoga;
  • Tennis and table tennis;
  • Equipped wall for rock climbing;
  • Beach volleyball;
  • Visit to professional golf courses (Punta Blanca Golf Club, Cocotal Golf & Country Club La Cana Golf,
  • Catalunya Caribe Golf Club). Additional payment will be required.
  • On the water: canoeing, windsurfing, kayaking, snorkeling equipment, scuba diving lessons in the pool, non-motorized water sports - free.
  • Boat trips, diving, scuba diving, fishing and motorized sports - at an additional cost;

For children

For vacationers with children there is a mini club from 3 to 12 years old, and a second club for teenagers from 13 to 17 years old. A babysitter is available for an additional fee. The staff working with children is certified by the American Red Cross in the categories “First Aid” and Special Aid. Each parent receives a sound signal, for any reason, if it is needed.
Children's pool with appropriate depth.

Equipped outdoor playground and indoor playground. Special television channels, video recordings. For younger guests there are board games, puzzles, books, and toys. The restaurants have a children's menu and a corresponding buffet.


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