Helicopter flights. Is it legal to fly a light single-engine aircraft over a city? Training flights over a populated area are legal.

Car enthusiasts have a good life: they drive along highways with road signs and signs hanging above them. There are no road signs in the sky, just like the roads themselves. Does this mean that a helicopter pilot can fly in any direction? Let's figure it out.

Traffic rules on the ground. What about in the air?

Air traffic is also carried out according to the rules. But first things first. To fly a helicopter, you must take a pilot course and receive a certificate. The training lasts several months. During your studies you will undergo theoretical training. To obtain admission to the exams at Rosaviatsia, you must have 42 hours of flight time.

During the training you will learn the regulations governing the movement of aircraft. Pilots of private and business helicopters must study the following documents:

  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 138 of March 11, 2010. These are the terms of use airspace- analogue of traffic rules.
  • Overview maps of local air lines (ALL). They are necessary for planning and executing flights in zones C and G airspace. International air traffic route maps are issued for each territorial zone defined by the Unified Air Traffic Management System of the Russian Federation (EU ATM). For example, you can purchase an international international travel card for the Moscow zone. The maps are compiled by the Aeronautical Information Center (FSUE "CAI").
  • Radio navigation charts for planning and carrying out visual flights on international routes. They can be purchased in paper form. On the website of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "CAI" maps are available free of charge in electronic version.

Helpful advice: Load maps into a navigation program such as SAS.Planet. This will allow you to use modern electronic devices during the flight rather than paper maps. To download, use mapping software such as Global Mapper. You can also purchase an aeronautical tablet from the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "TsAI" with software necessary for planning and executing flights.

Where can you fly by helicopter?

Almost everywhere. By Resolution No. 138 of March 11, 2010, the Government of the Russian Federation allocated the following airspace zones:

  • Zone A. It is intended for flights controlled by controllers and controlled by instruments. In short, zone A is where passenger aircraft and other large aircraft fly.
  • Zone C. This is the airspace near airports. Here you can fly helicopters. The pilot is required to notify the controller of entering Zone C.
  • Zone G. Small aircraft fly here, including private helicopters. Flights in zone G do not require additional notification to air traffic control services.

There are several hundred registered helipads in the Moscow EU ATM zone. You may fly from site A to site B without notifying air traffic control (ATC) if the sites are in Zone G airspace.

In addition to airspace zoning, there are international air routes marked on maps. To use the local airline route, you must notify ATC no later than two hours before the flight. Notification is carried out by telephone or via the Internet.

Where you can't fly

You cannot fly a private helicopter over restricted areas that are marked on maps. For example, you will not be able to move over Moscow. The boundaries of the restricted zone coincide with the Moscow Ring Road. Departmental aircraft receive permission to fly in prohibited areas in a special manner.

Apart from restricted areas, you cannot fly in the border area without special permission. It includes the entire territory at a distance of 25 km from the state border of the Russian Federation. To obtain permission to fly in the border zone, it is necessary to coordinate the flight plan with the ATC authorities. In this case, the pilot is required to maintain constant communication with the dispatch service.

What do you need to go fishing?

Of course, you will need a helicopter and a pilot's license. If you have not yet completed the training, please contact HeliCo Group. If your helipad and the site next to your favorite river or lake are in zone G, you do not need to notify anyone. If near a fishing spot helipad Haven't registered yet, don't worry. It is sufficient to notify the ATC authorities by telephone no later than 2 hours before the flight. And you can land almost anywhere, even on the ground. Yes, and don’t forget your fishing rods at home.

Wladim753 01-08-2012 22:20

The bottom line. My parents live on the outskirts of the deepest coal mine in Aziope. After Mr. PeZhe’s visit there, this place became known throughout the country. There is a private airfield nearby, the following service has appeared there - flights over the mine by plane, the cost of the service is 1200 re
with a discount of 600 re per snout. There is also an air corridor above the village for transport workers and passenger planes, but they do not interfere.
Private planes fly very low over the village, at an altitude of up to 50m.
The question is, is it possible for them to fly over populated areas at such an altitude?
So what to do?

Skut1 02-08-2012 10:08

Consult our small but very proud neighbors. They also have a senior - Academician. Shyutka.

Read the flight rules for small aircraft, there are probably restrictions there.

Uncle Uh 02-08-2012 10:17

N 136
N 42
N 51
dated March 31, 2002

"IV. Safe altitudes (flight levels)
Calculation of safe flight altitudes (levels) is carried out in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to these Rules.
14. The safe altitude of the flight circle over the airfield is determined in such a way that the true flight altitude of the aircraft over the highest obstacle (headroom above the obstacle) in a strip 10 km wide (5 km in both directions from the axis of the flight route in the circle) is:
when flying under VFR (visual flight rules) - at least 100 m;
when flying under IFR (instrument flight rules) - at least 200 m.
15. The safe flight altitude in the area of ​​the airfield within a radius of no more than 50 km from the control point, with the exception of the flight circle, is determined in such a way that the true altitude of the aircraft over the highest obstacle (altitude clearance above the obstacle) is at least 300 m...
...16. A safe flight altitude below the lower (safe) flight level according to VFR, IFR is established in such a way that the true flight altitude (altitude clearance above an obstacle) is:
a) over flat or hilly terrain and water:
at speeds of 300 km/h and less - 100 m;
at speeds over 300 km/h - 200 m;
b) in mountainous areas:
mountains 2000 m or less - 300 m;
mountains above 2000 m - 600 m.
Flights at altitudes below the lower (safe) flight level under VFR, as well as under IFR using terrain following means, can be carried out at the minimum permissible flight altitude established by the relevant acts of the types of aviation.
17. The lower (safe) flight level under IFR is determined in such a way that the true flight altitude of the aircraft over the highest obstacle (clearance above the obstacle) in a strip 50 km wide (25 km on both sides of the route axis) is at least 600 m.
The lower (safe) VFR flight level can be determined taking into account the maximum obstacle clearance within the width of the airway or flight route...

XVII. Features of flights over populated areas

107. Aircraft flights over populated areas are carried out in accordance with the Federal Rules for the Use of Airspace Russian Federation.
108. In the event that weather conditions do not allow maintaining the established flight altitude (flight level), the aircraft commander is obliged to bypass the populated area, as a rule, on the right side, unless a different procedure for bypassing is established.
109. Balloon flights over populated areas are carried out at a height of at least 50 m from the upper edge of the obstacle..."



24...Departure and approach procedures and missed approach procedures must exclude, and if it is impossible to exclude, limit as much as possible the flight of aircraft over populated areas and hazardous production facilities.

VII. Compliance Monitoring
of these Federal Rules
...157. Investigation and recording of violations of the procedure for using the airspace of the Russian Federation, which involve aircraft of various types of aviation, is carried out Federal agency air transport with the participation of interested federal executive authorities."

36and6 02-08-2012 11:31

There really was a lot of fun there, but mind you, I didn’t offer that to you.

Wladim753 02-08-2012 14:34

quote: "...Establishing and using structure
24...Departure and approach procedures and missed approach procedures must exclude, and if it is impossible to exclude, limit as much as possible the flight of aircraft over populated areas and hazardous production facilities.

As I understand it, the above is above locality they cannot fly because... the airfield is located far beyond its borders.

Uncle Uh 02-08-2012 15:46

quote: As I understand the above, they cannot fly over populated areas, because... the airfield is located far beyond its borders.

There is certainly a reason to write a complaint. The more such complaints from village residents, the better. But it’s probably better to start with a conversation in village administration. Maybe they will be able to negotiate with the owners of the airfield to transfer the flight schedule outside the populated area. Point out that flying at low altitudes is simply dangerous. If something happens, the prosecutor’s office and the Investigative Committee will “wave sabers” without discerning.

Wladim753 02-08-2012 15:56

As in 2010, the extreme fell, once every two years.... 2012. has arrived.

With the advice, the warriors flew, so at least it wasn’t offensive..... the defenders, although they didn’t let me sleep on weekend mornings...

Uncle Uh 02-08-2012 16:09

I’ll probably make a gun from a 1/2 pipe, a longer barrel with a more powerful charge, so that buckshot can penetrate up to 100m))) Otherwise, I can rely on the law....

Then you don’t need to go to Legal Consultation, but to the air defense section.

Afonya 02-08-2012 19:23

quote: Originally posted by Wladim753:

I’ll probably make a gun from a 1/2 pipe, a longer barrel with a more powerful charge, so that buckshot can penetrate up to 100m))) Otherwise, I can rely on the law....

One hundred and fifth part two points e, i. Lifelong.

Wladim753 02-08-2012 19:49

quote: One hundred and fifth part two, paragraphs e, i. Lifelong.

It will be for life when it falls on the house, for everyone....

Has No Name 03-08-2012 17:25

quote: And you buy an air spittoon and make several targeted spits on the body of a flying plane, they will start to fly higher.
They say that small aviation was closed at one airfield near Moscow.
We're sick of flying over dachas at low level.
There really was a lot of fun there, but mind you, I didn’t offer that to you.

There was an airfield there, when there were no dachas and dachnegoffs in the project. And then the authorities sold off the lands, the dacha residents came in large numbers, built up, and began to fight for their fucking rights. But the plane was shot down there, the instructor and cadet were killed, and the airfield was closed for several years. Now it's working again. Because of such “dachanegoffs”, several small aviation points were covered. Including the airfield of the SLA MAI club in Novorig. Once upon a time, I could go there in the evenings after work and spin on the baby. Now that's it, cottages, nah.

Wladim753 03-08-2012 17:34

No, around the airfield everything remained as it was.
They just stupidly laid out the route, and this is a completely different matter.

HIND 04-08-2012 09:30

1. Find out the layout of the airfield and flight routes (must be available on the wall in front of the RP)
2. Correlate the diagram with reality.
3. Ask about the availability of valid operator certificates with the right to perform commercial passenger flights.

Based on the results, write a statement to the transport prosecutor’s office and the Federal Aviation Administration.

Wladim753 04-08-2012 09:36

quote: Based on the results, write a statement to the transport prosecutor’s office and the Federal Aviation Administration.

IMHO, it’s better to write there right away, they should work on it; they have access everywhere, because... They may not be allowed into the airfield.
While the flights stopped, someone probably already wrote this.

HIND 05-08-2012 17:43

The TP (transport prosecutor's office) will never bother to check something if there is no reinforced concrete confidence in the possibility of cutting down the stick. The airline business is a very specific thing. Everyone knows each other and is connected in one way or another. Here is one example: TP gives a refusal based on material about the same flights. “Refuse due to the impossibility of accurately determining the flight route of the aircraft over the specified household” This means that the owner’s statements about the house, that they are flying over it, are not enough. It is necessary to instrumentally record both the fact of the flight itself and the fact of the flight over a given point. And the fact that even from the diagram it is clear that they are flying right above the house does not mean anything. We must prove that the point on the map and this particular house are the same place.
Usually what happens is this: a flight request arrives. A check is initiated for “Violation of flight rules and preparation for them.” They arrive at the place. Nobody flies. Refusal. They won’t even go to the point. Not interested.

Wladim753 05-08-2012 18:45

quote: Usually what happens is this: a flight request comes in. A check is initiated for “Violation of flight rules and preparation for them.” They arrive at the place. Nobody flies. Refusal. They won’t even go to the point. Not interested.

What if there is video recording of the event?

HIND 05-08-2012 20:56

quote: Originally posted by Wladim753:

What if there is video recording of the event?

Which? With hardware fixation of the coordinates of the aircraft location and its altitude? Trusted and on the list of those approved for use in the Russian Federation? Yes, any judge will throw you out of the process like a pissing rag if you come with such evidence.

Has No Name 06-08-2012 11:56

And the testimony of witnesses in court no longer works???

Afonya 06-08-2012 17:55

To HIND. You are very far from the prosecutor's office, what kind of refusal do you mean? What is this anyway)? Stop talking nonsense

HIND 07-08-2012 15:26

Fortunately, yes, it is far away. And she is far from me. I meant the refusal to initiate a criminal/administrative case based on the inspection. Unfortunately, I have encountered checks of this kind more than once. The “experts” were especially pleased when they demanded “strict compliance with the FAP,” which at that time had not yet been put into effect.

sk0ndr 22-08-2012 17:23

I don't know the rules. But I will give you some advice:
Cut a pipe with a diameter of 90 mm and a length of 1.20. As soon as they fly again, go out into the open space, stand facing them and throw them on your shoulder. (OPTIONAL: You can fire a rocket launcher towards you). Just make sure they can see you.
And try that none of the bigwigs were on board that time, otherwise they might foolishly answer...

Afonya 28-08-2012 22:28

and they can answer...

And they will do the right thing

air 100 30-08-2012 13:48

quote: Originally posted by sk0ndr:

Cut a pipe with a diameter of 90 mm and a length of 1.20. As soon as they fly again, go out into the open space, stand facing them and throw them on your shoulder. (OPTIONAL: You can fire a rocket launcher towards you).

You can launch a homemade rocket from a pipe.
Well, those that rocket modelers indulge in.
It flies at 200-300 meters and maintains its direction quite well.
There’s no need to get in, it’s unnecessary, but it’s useful to face the fact that there may be problems here.

P.S. YES, put a transparent shield on your face, otherwise the gas jet can damage your eyes.
P.P.S. All this if you don’t want to go the legal route.

sk0ndr 30-08-2012 14:51

quote: All this if you don’t want to go the legal route.

Try writing a complaint to the local transport prosecutor. They don’t have anything to do there anyway.
If you provoke him, he will draw a lot of blood from the flying club.
So write: they fly very low, “aerial hooliganism”, “prerequisites” (for an incident). A couple of times the local leader was sent to the prosecutor, he banned having fun in that area.

36and6 30-08-2012 14:53

If something happens, excuse me, we conduct training in rocket modeling.

Maybe it's better to shoot them down with a blaster? It's fashionable these days.

In the next branch they sold these, different colors and capacities in stock.
It’s better to attach Yogo to a pipe for rocket modeling for greater effect.
You will say later that along with training in rocket modeling, you tried to draw a hologram in the air.
Or, for example, send a signal to Mars and receive a response from the American rover.

air 100 30-08-2012 18:00

Surely your excuses will work when one of the planes crashes.

Can you read?

I wrote to the Russians in plain white: “There’s no need to hit, it’s unnecessary...”.
What's wrong?
It is necessary to DEMONSTRATE the rocket taking off not far from the plane.
The spectacle is beautiful... and brings to mind the right thoughts.
Pilots are smart people; they will quickly understand everything themselves.

36and6 31-08-2012 14:28

quote: Originally posted by air 100:

I even speak, read, write, understand several Russian languages

If you come across some timid thread, you will abandon the helm and jump out without a parachute.

And about “There’s no need to hit, it’s unnecessary...”

And out of hand


Barsick 17-09-2012 02:46

quote: Originally posted by Wladim753:

I’ll probably make a gun from a 1/2 pipe, a longer barrel, a more powerful charge,

nenene (c)
Two trees, a rubber band between them, ammunition - weights connected with a sling. For light-engine aircraft, if it hits the propeller, it’s quite enough

TIR 17-09-2012 15:15

Move the topic to air defense.

Leonid Ilyich 18-09-2012 10:50

It’s easier to hang a balloon - it’s legal, and your conscience is calm.

Has No Name 18-09-2012 12:15

quote: He was involved in rocket modeling, and no one knows in advance how a rocket made with crazy hands will fly.
Even from a vertical machine, it often flies away from where the author intended.
And out of hand
And how beautifully they explode right at the start. Can't describe it in words.
It’s good that the plumage is made of light balsa or foam, the fragments are not dangerous.

Oha, I’ll confirm, sir.

sk0ndr 18-09-2012 14:33

quote: In addition, in the summer I tried to buy rocket engines in Moscow time; they are not available in any model store. They say they have banned selling.

If not, it becomes a little more complicated.

36and6 18-09-2012 18:48

quote: Originally posted by sk0ndr:

Do it yourself. If there are already used engines left, the task is generally childish.
If not, it becomes a little more complicated.

They've already left for you

Has No Name 19-09-2012 12:35

quote: They've already left for you

Oga. Are you aiming your rockets at hang gliders?

quote: If there are already used engines left, the task is generally childish.

They burn to the point of obscenity. So the cartridges are disposable. When, as a child, we rolled a cigarette from newsprint using silicate glue, we got several launches.

quote: Do it yourself.

Something tells me that it’s easy to make weapons or they can attach explosives. Nah-nah.

sk0ndr 19-09-2012 08:37

quote: They burn to the point of obscenity. So the cartridges are disposable.

I did it too when I was a kid. Factory engines in the early 80s were enough for a couple of launches. In a self-roller, the nozzle is the most difficult thing. And in general, you need to google “caramel rocket engine.”
And then it comes to sorbitol....

Has No Name 19-09-2012 21:30

quote: You need to google "caramel rocket engine".

We flew normally on a dry mixture of saltpeter + sulfur (if there is no sulfur, you can use sugar) + activated carbon. But this is already powder-smoke, only in slightly different proportions, but now - article, sir. The second recipe is aluminum powder + saltpeter = ammonal, sorry. And this and that are bad!!! Although, in the 70-80s they sculpted how to do it not only here, but all over the world. Neither terrorism nor extremism was observed on the basis of missile models. They launched them openly in schoolyards. To everyone's delight, by the way. And this was considered better than wandering the streets or being a football fan.

air 100 20-09-2012 12:22

quote: Originally posted by 36and6:

He was involved in rocket modeling, and no one knows in advance how a rocket made with crazy hands will fly.
Even from a vertical machine, it often flies away from where the author intended.

Caramel guano is complete, with all responsibility.

We flew normally on a dry mixture of saltpeter + sulfur (if there is no sulfur, you can use sugar) + activated carbon. But this is already powder-smoke, only in slightly different proportions, but now - article, sir.


Or is buying rocket engines now also an article?

We made a batch of engines - destroy traces of production in your kitchen.... and everything will be fine.

Has No Name 20-09-2012 12:44

quote: Don't pull or explode?

Burns slowly and smokes beautifully. That's why they don't pull.

Has No Name 20-09-2012 12:50

quote: Something tells me that if you tell a very smart policeman that you bought THIS engine from an unknown person at a flea market, he will be lazy to conduct further investigation.
Or is buying rocket engines now also an article?

HEZ knows him. There is either “almost” gunpowder or “almost” ammonal. They can be drawn to explosives, as an example, if the opening rate needs to be increased. It’s not for nothing that they stopped selling them, although they used to be free. I'm purely IMHO.

03.10.2017 18:59 A helicopter is not a luxury, but a means of transportation. A helicopter is most beneficial when moving over a distance of 300 to 1000 km: compared to a car, the time savings is up to 8 times! The route is a straight line, there are no traffic jams or traffic lights, the speed is 200 km/h.

1. What are the rules for helicopter flights in Russia?

All airspace belonging to the Russian Federation is divided into three zones A, C and G.

2. Zone C includes airspaces near airports, large settlements, and industrial facilities. Small aircraft may fly in zone C only with the permission of the air traffic controller.

3. Small helicopters can fly in zone G without special permission; it is enough to notify air traffic authorities an hour before departure. Notification can be submitted by anyone possible way: by phone, by fax, via the Internet. This opportunity, which appeared relatively recently - on November 1, 2010, opened a wide path for the private use of helicopters. The same law allows night flights. Zone G includes airspace from 0.3 to 4.5 km, but altitudes between 400 and 500 m are most commonly used.

4. In addition to the described zones, the air road maps of the Russian Federation indicate prohibited zones, flights over which are prohibited for private small aircraft under any circumstances. For example, the entire airspace over Moscow is a complete restricted zone.

2. What do helicopters fly on? How much do they spend?

The most popular small piston Robinson helicopters in Russia fly on aviation gasoline 100 LL, in extreme cases you can fill it with AI 95, consumption is about 50 l/hour. Gas turbine helicopters fly on aviation kerosene, the consumption of single-engine helicopters is 160 - 200 l/hour.

This is what a helicopter with a gas turbine engine looks like

3. What are the rules for helicopter maintenance in the Russian Federation?

According to Russian legislation, only certified organizations have the right to service aircraft. This may be why we have not had any recorded plane crashes associated with the failure of this equipment. When concluding a maintenance contract, owners should pay attention to:

Certificate validity period;

Availability of permission to service your model;

The qualifications and diligence of engineers and technicians.

After successful completion of all necessary work documents are issued that will be required to obtain the next certificate of airworthiness (CAC). The first maintenance must be completed 4 months after purchasing the rotorcraft. In the future - scheduled maintenance after 50, 100, 300 and 500 flight hours. If the helicopter is used infrequently, technical inspection is carried out every 4 months.

4. Where do they teach how to fly a helicopter?

To be eligible for private flights, you must:

Register the aircraft in the state register;

Issue a certificate of conformity;

Get a pilot's license.

To obtain a driving permit, you must undergo training in a specialized flight school or a private aviation school. Unlike schools, where future cadets must undergo a strict selection process, anyone who has the desire and sufficient funds to pay for the course can study at a private school.

5. How much does the course cost?

Helicopter rental costs;

Hourly rate for an instructor;

Payment for jet fuel.

Helicopters consume more fuel compared to aircraft of similar weight, which also affects the difference in training costs. When training on your own helicopter, costs are significantly reduced.

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ORDER of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated 07/31/2009 128 (as amended on 12/21/2009) ON APPROVAL OF FEDERAL AVIATION RULES PREPARATION AND... Relevant in 2018

Features of helicopter flights

3.94. At airfields used simultaneously by airplanes and helicopters, it is allowed to equip areas with a separate launch point for helicopters.

3.95. Before starting the helicopter engine(s), objects that can be entrained by the jet from the main rotor must be removed from its ends at a distance of at least one rotor diameter.

3.96. Starting and testing of the engine (engines) with the inclusion of the supporting system is permitted only by the PIC with the full complement of the aircraft crew, as well as by the flight mechanic and engineering and technical personnel who have undergone the necessary training, under the conditions of carrying out the specified testing while ensuring reliable mooring.

3.97. Before each helicopter flight, the PIC is required to perform a control hover in order to determine the possibility and choice of a take-off method based on the thrust reserve, check the alignment calculation, and the serviceability of the controls. The height of the helicopter's control hover is determined by the PIC.

During flights when performing aeronautical chemical work, as well as during educational and training flights, a control hover is carried out before the start of flights and after each refueling. Landing of the helicopter after a control hover is not necessary.

3.98. When taxiing a helicopter on the ground, the distance from the tips of the rotor blades to obstacles must be at least half the diameter of the rotor. Other aircraft should not be harmed by the jet of the helicopter rotor or by objects that may be carried away by it.

3.99. When taking off and landing a helicopter, the distance from the ends of the main rotor blades must be at least:

to an aircraft in the air or taking off - two diameters of the main rotor;

to other obstacles - half the diameter of the main rotor, but not less than 10 m;

to obstacles above decks sea ​​vessels(inland courts water transport), platforms raised above the surface of the earth or water - according to the marking of these platforms for a helicopter of the corresponding type.

3.100. Helicopter take-off from and landing on a parking lot is permitted provided that:

the helicopter does not interfere with the takeoffs and landings of other aircraft;

the requirements of paragraph 3.99 of these Rules are met;

rotors do not create a vortex, leading to the loss of the necessary visual contact with ground references.

In cases where it is necessary to ensure simultaneous hovering of helicopters, the minimum safe distances between the centers of the corresponding stands should be equal to 4 diameters of the helicopter's main rotor.

3.101. When climbing and landing, it is allowed to fly over obstacles with an excess of at least 10 m above them, and above aircraft located on the ground - at a height of at least two diameters of the helicopter's main rotor.

3.102. Landing on a site selected from the air, the condition of the surface of which is unknown, is carried out after its inspection by the PIC to determine its suitability for landing.

3.103. If it is impossible to land, unloading and loading of the helicopter is carried out in hover mode in accordance with the recommendations of the Flight Manual under the guidance of one of the aircraft crew members or another trained person.

3.104. Work requiring the use of a helicopter hovering mode outside the zone of influence of the air cushion, as well as takeoff and landing at sites selected from the air in difficult terrain or in conditions of the possible formation of a snow or dust whirlwind, must be carried out with a flight weight that allows maneuvering in hover mode outside the influence of the air cushion.

In the event of the formation of a snow or dust whirlwind, before hovering on takeoff, the aircraft crew is obliged to blow the snow or dust with a jet from the main rotor until stable visibility of ground landmarks appears. When landing on a snowy or dusty area, hovering is performed outside the influence of the air cushion. Continued descent and landing are permitted only with constant visual contact with ground landmarks.

3.105. If there is snow or dust on the landing site, measures must be taken to eliminate or reduce the possibility of the formation of a snow or dust whirlwind.

3.106. In the event of loss of visibility of landmarks while hovering, the aircraft crew is obliged to move the helicopter upward from the vortex zone. It is prohibited to hover, take off and land in a snow or dust storm in the absence of visibility of ground landmarks.

3.107. The helicopter hovers above the water surface at a height of at least one diameter of the main rotor. The height is determined by a radio altimeter and visually by objects floating on the water.

3.108. When providing assistance to people on the water, in order to avoid being overwhelmed by the wave from the main rotor jet and being carried away by the watercraft, hovering and descending to take people on board are performed vertically.

3.109. When encountered in flight with weather conditions below the minimum and dangerous meteorological phenomena, the PIC is allowed to land the helicopter on a site selected from the air. The PIC is obliged to inform the ATS authority about his actions if he has contact with him.

3.110. If there are meteorological phenomena or smoke on a part of the runway that degrades visibility to a value below the minimum, in agreement with the ATS unit of the controlled heliport, takeoff or landing is permitted in that part of the runway where the visibility corresponds to the minimum.

3.111. When flying in mountainous areas, it is allowed to lay a route through gorges, and the minimum width of the gorge at flight altitude must be at least 500 m and, if necessary, provide the ability to turn 180°.

The minimum distance from the tips of the main rotor blades to the mountain slopes when performing a turn must be at least 50 m.

3.112. Flights on helicopters with cargo on an external sling are carried out bypassing populated areas:

in flat areas: during the day and at dusk - with visibility of at least 2000 m and the height of the base of clouds of at least 200 m, at night - with visibility of at least 4000 m and the height of the base of clouds of at least 450 m;

in mountainous areas - during the day, according to VFR.

3.113. The cargo transported on the external sling of the helicopter is dropped in the following cases:

while hovering, if the helicopter is descending at maximum power of the engine(s);

when the flight crew of the aircraft loses visual contact with the ground in conditions of a snow or dust storm;

when the load touches the ground or an obstacle while accelerating or braking the helicopter;

when the load sways, threatening flight safety;

during a forced landing, when landing with cargo is impossible;

in case of engine(s) failure;

in other cases by decision of the PIC.

If the distance to the nearest alternate aerodrome exceeds the tactical radius of the helicopter, flights in the area of ​​the aerodrome are permitted without the presence of an alternate aerodrome and at a minimum (under stable meteorological conditions). When performing such flights, a landing site with a control surface and the necessary set of radio lighting equipment for aircraft landing must be prepared and equipped in the area of ​​the airfield. The list of airfields at which flights are permitted without an alternate airfield is announced by order of the commander of the Air Force formation (commander of the aviation formation, commander of the aviation formation), responsible for organizing the use of airspace in the EU ATM zone in which the airfield is located.

Off-airfield flights and IFR flights into emergency conditions are permitted if at least one alternate aerodrome is available.

474. Helicopter flights are carried out from airfields and landing sites.

475. Landing areas are divided into marked and unmarked.

Flights from the sites are permitted day and night under visual flight rules. If necessary, a RP is appointed at the designated site by decision of the commander organizing the flights. In this case, radio engineering and other flight support equipment may be allocated to the site.

The minimum dimensions (length and width) of landing pads for single helicopters must be at least two and a half diameters of the main rotor.

476. Designated sites are selected and equipped in advance, marked on the map and taken into account at the command post of the formation that controls the movement of aircraft in the area of ​​​​responsibility. The sites must have their own serial number. Information about sites must contain: short description, coordinates, lines, soil condition and density, dimensions, markings and basic approach courses.

Landing areas are marked and equipped depending on the nature and purpose of the flight.

477. Helicopter commanders must have appropriate clearance for flights with landing on a site independently selected from the air.

Flights at night with landing at a site independently selected from the air are carried out in helicopters equipped with additional search lights or night vision systems (devices).

478. The launch and testing of helicopter engines should be carried out by the full crew.

Before starting the helicopter engines, objects that can be lifted by the jet from the main rotor must be removed from the tips of the blades at a distance of at least one rotor diameter.

479. Taxiing of helicopters near obstacles and when the visibility of landmarks is less than one diameter of the main rotor is carried out with an accompanying person. By decision of the crew commander, one of the crew members who is not involved in taxiing the aircraft may be appointed for this purpose.

480. When hovering, moving at a height of up to 10 m, taking off and landing, the distance from the end of the main rotor blades must be at least:

For aircraft - two main rotor diameters;

To other obstacles - half the diameter of the main rotor, but not less than 10 m;

To obstacles above the decks of sea (river) vessels, elevated platforms and other special areas - in accordance with the marking of these areas and the flight manual of the helicopter of the corresponding type.

481. A control hover will be performed before takeoff to check alignment and determine the takeoff method, as well as, if necessary, to test the helicopter systems and check its operation. power plant and management.

A helicopter hovers above the water surface at a height of at least one diameter of the main rotor (except for helicopters equipped for landing on the water surface).

482. Movements and approaches to low altitude may be performed for training purposes, during special work, and also in cases where ground conditions do not allow taxiing.

The height and speed of movement or approach are determined by the crew commander, depending on the presence of obstacles, taking into account the restrictions determined by the flight manual of a helicopter of this type.

483. Take-off and landing on a helicopter is usually carried out against the wind.

484. Take-off of a helicopter from a parking area and landing on it is permitted (if determined by the IPP) in cases where:

The design of the helicopter does not allow taxiing;

There is no interference with takeoff and landing of other aircraft.

485. Taking off, hovering and landing in a dusty (snowy) cloud in the absence of visibility of ground landmarks is prohibited.

486. When climbing and landing, it is permitted to fly over obstacles with an elevation of at least 10 m above them, and over aircraft on the ground - at a height of at least two diameters of the helicopter rotor.

487. Take-off and landing on sites selected from the air in difficult terrain or in conditions of possible formation of a snow (dust) whirlwind are carried out with a flight weight that ensures the helicopter hangs outside the zone of influence of the ground.

488. Landing on a site selected from the air, the condition of the surface of which is unknown, is carried out after its ground inspection by one of the crew members in order to determine the strength of the surface and its suitability for landing. The crew commander is responsible for safety when landing on a site selected from the air and taking off from it.

489. When meeting with dangerous phenomena weather (if you bypass them, it is not possible to turn around on the return route) or in case of loss of orientation, when it cannot be restored by all means, and the remaining fuel is limited, the helicopter crew commander (group chief) is allowed to forced landing to a site selected from the air.

Takeoff from this site is permitted under weather conditions that meet the helicopter pilot's minimum. If possible, he informs the flight control authority that controls the flight of the helicopter about his actions.

490. Landing of a helicopter at an airfield at night is carried out with or without the use of landing spotlights and landing (taxiing) lights in accordance with the flight mission.

Landing of helicopters at night in groups is allowed on sites marked with lighting equipment (light guidelines).


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