Health issues in the Philippines. Filipino healers - truth or medical fraud? Treatment in the Philippines

A person in his right mind will never stop taking care of his health. He will never stop looking for new ways to improve his health. Today when trusting relationship The “doctor-patient” relationship in traditional medicine has been undermined; in case of health problems, people turn to such a phenomenon as alternative medicine. Among all existing treatment methods, surgery using the method of Philippine healers is perhaps one of the most amazing.

They are considered great healers, sorcerers, and charlatans. Eyewitnesses from all over the world claim that the hands of healers really magically penetrate the human body and treat ailments that traditional medicine has turned away from. So who are they - healers, Filipino healers?

Who is this?

It is traditionally accepted to call those who perform operations of varying complexity only with their hands, that is, without any special tools. In their practice, Filipino healers also do not use anesthetics. These are the most famous differences between healing and other medical teachings, but they are not the only ones.

Philippine medicine is associated with the concept of psychosurgery, because healers act not only in the physical, but also in the mental, influencing the consciousness of their patients.

Many titles

The name "healer" is derived from English word Heal. What does "heal" mean? Let us note that these amazing people are called not only healers. In the Western world they were given the titles of “psychic surgeons”, “mental surgeons”, “surgeons of the fourth dimension”. With such verbal turns, people emphasize the extraordinary nature of the healer’s treatment method.

First mentions

Started to spread throughout to the globe information about amazing Filipino healers thanks to seafarers. Written sources from the 16th century contain testimonies from sailors about healing miracles seen on distant islands.

In the 40s of the 20th century, it was possible to document the process of a healer working with a person. Since then, Filipino healers have become known everywhere. Today it is much easier to see how healers work, photos of which are easy to find in open sources.

Famous healers

It is believed that there are only about 50 people in the Philippines with deep knowledge of Philippine psychic surgery. But healers in the Philippines are also included in special official lists. Thus, there are many more of them officially registered (several thousand). Therefore, it is worth drawing conclusions about the quality of treatment of a particular healer. The parallel with our medicine can be traced again.

One of the famous modern healers is June Labo, whose clinic today accepts patients from all over the world.

Also in the homeland of the amazing trend of alternative medicine, the most famous names of such healers as Alcazar Perlito, Nida Talon, Maria Bilosana, Alex Orbito, Virgilio D. Gutierrez, Rodolfo Suyat. Filipino healer is an honorary title that, among many others, can only be earned by a talented, true healer.

In Russia, the most famous healer was Virgilio Gutierrez, who is now a doctor in Gutierrez and taught the art of surgical intervention by healers to selected students.

Filipino healers in Russia

Since the connections between continents and islands have become stronger, you can get an “appointment” with a healer not only in distant countries. Heelers also live in Russia. They carry out treatment with their own, unconventional methods, which brought them world fame and a lot of gossip.

It is customary to turn to alternative medicine when everything that traditional medicine can offer does not help. At the same time, patients do not always fully trust those methods that they rely on last. So healers, whose reviews are contradictory, belong to this area of ​​​​alternative treatment.

Healers appeared in Russia about 20 years ago. Today there is even an Association of Filipino Healers. This organization is headed by Ruschel Blavo, a well-known researcher in the world scientific community about the phenomenon of extrasensory healing.

Ruschel Blavo dedicated several books to healers, documentary. In addition, the scientist conducts seminars on the unique capabilities of Filipino healers, demonstrating their art.

Other Filipino healers in Moscow and other Russian cities have held seminars more than once, introducing people to the mystery of knowledge of their extraordinary medicine.

Healer treatment techniques

In fact, in addition to surgical interventions, healers also use other healing techniques. Thus, Philippine medicine includes the use of various spells, treatment with herbs, stones, and manual therapy. All these methods are traditional for Asian peoples, but surgical operations are the most famous.

The operations are carried out by healers only with their hands. They do not use any tools, such as scalpels or clamps. Thus, the doctor can remove any foreign body, accumulated waste, or stone formations from the human body. The doctor finds deviations in the condition of certain organs on his own and begins his work there. Diagnostics and other tests are not carried out, which is also surprising for those who are encountering the art of Filipino healers for the first time.

Psychic surgery - a miracle of healing

Strange as it may seem to us, healers profess the Catholic faith. Like most things historically, healers have a Bible on their table even during operations. If we consider the operations of healers as a kind of ritual, then in it Christianity is closely intertwined with local worldviews.

Moreover, Filipino healers perform their miracles of healing, inspired, so to speak, by prayers. The Philippine Catholic Church officially recognizes the surgical operations of healers as one of the manifestations of the divine miracle of healing.

Patient preparation

Not only the operating process itself is important, but also the preparation of the patient for treatment. The healer begins to work with the patient long before the operation itself begins. The medicine of the peoples of the Philippines is focused primarily on working with the spiritual essence of man.

The healing process, in which both the sick person and the healer participate, consists not only in the physical improvement of a person’s condition, but also in the improvement of spirit and consciousness. Preparing the patient for surgery includes communication with the surgeon, meditation, and preliminary theoretical familiarization with the upcoming process.

Before the start of surgery, the patient still receives anesthesia, but not in the form we are used to. The healer, using special movements, introduces the patient into a state of complete or partial (like partial anesthesia).

A person can feel the process of the operation while conscious. But there is no pain or other unpleasant sensations. There may be a slight tingling or patting sensation in the surgical area. This is how those who have experienced firsthand the reality of the methods of Filipino healers report their impressions.

Treatment process using the method of Filipino healers

The way an operation performed by a healer looks from the outside seems like something supernatural or downright fraudulent.

A seemingly ordinary person stands over a patient. He is in a semi-conscious state. And then the doctor runs his hands over the patient’s body, as if scanning him. Then the hands stop in a certain zone (this turns out to be exactly the zone in which the patient has health problems). And then it’s as if the healer’s fingers penetrate the body of the person lying in front of him and unimaginable manipulations begin.

With deft movements of his fingers, the healer makes some passes. We see blood or something that looks like blood, but it does not flow, as we panicky expect when we see a break in the skin. The healer continues the treatment, removing blood clots or other substances from the person’s body with his bare hands. This is the reason why the patient feels unwell. This is how (naturally, differently in each case) Filipino healers treat.

It is natural that some observers and those who simply learned about the fact of Philippine medicine perceive such manipulations sharply: with distrust and open accusations of quackery.

Attempts to expose the methods of healers

Following skeptical attacks towards the miraculous practice of exotic healers in the last century, attempts were made to explain the “show” they put on before the public. Healers in the Philippines today still actively provoke skeptics to all sorts of checks.

The process of operating with bare hands has been explained by various extraordinary interpretations. The “penetration” of a healer’s hands under a person’s skin is nothing more than a high-quality illusion. The “blood” that appears and the resulting “clumps” of disease (or bad energy) is a cleverly done puncture of a special bag of liquid (even chicken blood, perhaps), taken by the charlatan as a prop for a “trick.”

However, some people still claimed that after the healing session their health improved. To this, convinced skeptics object that healers have the gift of hypnotic influence and convince their “victims” that they really feel better.

The Skeptic's Point of View

There are many things that can be viewed with skepticism when studying the Philippine method of healing. Well, almost everything! To perform a complex operation with your hands without causing an infection and getting a positive result for the patient’s health is the stuff of science fiction.

When you get acquainted with the miraculous treatment, questions after questions arise, and this is natural. So why, given such opportunities, do Filipinos still get sick and die? The abilities of healers go beyond our understanding, but they are not able to achieve such results.

Despite their wonderfulness and dozens of extraordinary stories of people who were healed by healers on the Flippins and outside the islands, they can’t do everything.

Do healers really penetrate body tissue with their hands?

Healers interested in the practice of psychosurgery are tormented by one important question: do the doctor’s hands really penetrate into the patient’s body? Does this really happen without the help of instruments, like with conventional surgeons?

Alternative medicine, the types of which amaze the minds of most visitors to clinics, has a rich palette of methods. The mental tools of healer surgery occupy a prominent place among them, and here's why.

The answer to the question that worries us will be positive (if we take our trust in the Filipinos and their healing miracles as a starting point). Healers penetrate the human physical body, but this does not happen with every operation. As the healers themselves say, this is not always necessary.

Why is this so? Healers also give a very conscious explanation for this. The disease occurs due to the appearance of bad, unhealthy energy in a person’s energy body. This is what Filipino healers extract from the patient during sessions. Often, to conduct such a psycho-operation, it is not necessary to open the physical body.

The very penetration of the healer’s hands into the body can be compared to immersion in water. The water molecules seem to part before our hands, allowing them to freely carry out any actions in the water. Similarly, due to the innate special talent, the healer enters the human body. Incredible - but maybe real!

What can't healers do?

Views on the Philippine phenomenon vary due to the fact that only a small number of people have experienced it or have reliable sources of information about it. However, from any point of view, a logical question arises: what can’t healers do?

Like traditional medicine, treatment with Philippine methods cannot prolong a person’s intended life span. You can remove the disease, thus returning your allotted time.

Mental illnesses are also beyond the power of healers. Although they deal with the human spirit, the ability to influence the mental is limited. This can be explained somewhat simplistically. Philippine surgery is, first and foremost, surgery, that is, it involves the removal of unhealthy tissue from the human body. With the psyche, healers are not able to carry out such manipulations.

Let's add to this the fact that, as in all fields of activity, there are good specialists and not so good ones. This also applies to Filipino healers.

Specialization of Filipino healers

Personal abilities are of great importance in which direction of treatment a healer will develop most. For example, one of the best healers in the Philippines, Labo, works with tumors and has become widely known outside his country precisely because of this. Other diseases also respond to the miraculous treatment of the famous healer.

Another Filipino healer, Jose Segundo, is best at manipulating teeth.

Principles of healers in practice

As for what a conscientious healer will undertake and what he won’t, the situation will be the same as with traditional doctors. The healer will undertake to treat any patient, even if his condition is hopeless. Just like our doctors, he will try to extend a person’s life or reduce his suffering.

Regarding the issue of treating mental illnesses, healers themselves openly say that this area is not in their power. Naturally, you can find such specialists in local Philippine medicine, but this will be a completely different type of healing. Most often, locals assign this creepy concept of “exorcism of demons.” Other representatives of local medicine are engaged in healing souls from “demons”.

Are the capabilities of Filipino healers real or

It is impossible to draw clear conclusions about the reality of healing using the method of Filipino doctors based on everything we know. To believe or be completely dissuaded, you need to encounter this amazing phenomenon with your own eyes.

As with any theory, there will always be those who agree and those who are against. You can find many facts confirming the reality of the phenomenon or fraud. Our choice remains ours: we choose the sources we trust.

It is clear that alternative medicine in the form of healing has acquired another mind-blowing technique on the path to health.

Among healers, undoubtedly, there are people who have some kind of gift. The actions of such healers resound throughout the world and deserve the deepest respect and admiration. There are also charlatans whose plans are only to profit from the trust gained by true healers.

Let us note that the acute rejection of the fact of healing in our country, and in many others, is determined by the difference in worldview. It is difficult for us to imagine that a person can have such power over physical and mental matters. But in countries where the most ancient folk beliefs have been preserved, people willingly believe in this. Apparently there are reasons...

To summarize what has been said...

Filipino healers are an extraordinary phenomenon in the rich world of various alternative medical teachings. They can treat a person by performing surgery without instruments or pharmaceuticals.

They first learned about healers as healers who worked miracles in the 16th century. Since then, they have become known in all countries, but views on healing have remained controversial. No wonder: it is extremely difficult to believe in a miracle among familiar things.

We hope our article brightened your time and quenched your thirst for knowledge about this interesting phenomenon our world, like Filipino healing.

The currency of the Philippines is called the Philippine Peso, denoted PHP. It is equal to 100 centavos. Banknotes in circulation range from 5 to 2,000 pesos. The most popular bills are 5,10 and 20 pesos. Almost all denominations in circulation are represented by several banknote options. Moreover, the new series simply duplicates banknotes already in circulation. Today, a modified 2001 series is used, which has two signatures on the front side.

Climate of the Philippines

The Philippines is located in an area dominated by a tropical monsoon and subequatorial climate. That's why average annual temperature on the flat part of this region it is around 27°C, but in mountainous areas It can also be cooler. Although all the Philippine islands belong to the same climate zone, different regions have their own weather patterns. The warm and humid climate in the Philippine Islands is combined with the rainy season.

New Year and Christmas in the Philippines

New Year and Christmas holidays in the Philippines are celebrated on such a scale that can hardly be found in any other country in the world. The sounds of Catholic Christmas carols can be heard here and there from the end of September, and the official festivities begin on December 16 and last until the first Sunday in January. But even if you can get here for just a week, there will be a lot of impressions and a vast entertainment you are guaranteed.

1. Cheap. Inexpensive food and accommodation if you bother to find a hotel in advance. Very cheap internal transport.

If you plan budgetary study tour of the Philippines lasting 2-3 weeks, big Some of the money will go towards the flight.

In some places the prices for food are surprising, what freshly caught tuna costs 40 Russian rubles per kilogram at the market in El-Nido(January 2009).

I’ll say right away that in all tropical countries (including India and the Philippines) you can find such “standard” diseases as:

1. Hepatitis A (in the CIS you can also get infected from a sick person). Doctors recommend that all travelers be vaccinated against Hepatitis A.

2. Typhoid, a disease of “dirty water”. If you plan to eat out in the Philippines from your home, hotel or good restaurant- Get vaccinated against typhus. Although you can follow the simplest precautions and avoid illness. Outbreaks occur in Cebu Island, Leyte, Quezon and Iloilo City areas.

3. Malaria. If you are going to visit the countryside (below 600 meters above sea level) on such Philippine Islands like Mindanao, Luzon, Mindoro and Palawan - it is better to get a malaria vaccination or stock up on preventive medications (Lariam (mefloquine), Malarone (atovaquone/proguanil), doxycycline). The highest risk area for mosquito-borne malaria is Subic Bay.

4. Dysentery and diarrhea (if you eat questionable whiting or unwashed fruit, you can easily get sick at home);

5. Tropical dengue fever. Outbreaks of dengue fever occurred in the Philippines in 2011 on the island of Luzon (Metro Manila, Central Luzon, Quezon City, La Union province and Eastern Visayas), as well as in Pampanga province, Kalinga province, Batanes, Cordillera Administrative Region, southwestern Mindanao, and Laoag city, Ilocos Norte province.

6. AIDS, viral hepatitis B, herpes (you can get infected with these diseases anywhere if you don’t follow precautions);

Important: before traveling to the Philippines (and India), it is not necessary to specifically get any vaccinations. Upon entering the country, Customs The Philippines will not require you to provide a certificate with a list of vaccinations. The only exceptions are African countries and South America where you can get yellow fever. If you are arriving from a risk area in the Philippines or India, you are required to provide proof that you have been vaccinated against yellow fever.

7. Japanese encephalitis. This is a disease that can be contracted while being close to rice plantations. The disease is transmitted by mosquitoes. Therefore, if you are planning to live in rural areas Near rice plantations or if you plan to do research or work in agricultural areas (especially in the evenings), get vaccinated against Japanese encephalitis.

According to doctors, you can get Japanese encephalitis on all Philippine islands. Outbreaks have been reported in Nueva Ecija, Luzon and Manila.

8. Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR), as well as tetanus and diphtheria (vaccination every 10 years). Doctors recommend vaccinations against these diseases throughout your life, i.e. Once your previous vaccination has expired, you are advised to get vaccinated again.

Measles outbreaks were reported in 2012 in the National Capital Region (Central Luzon), Bicol, Calabarzon, Davao, Ilocos, and Zamboanga.

9. Cholera. In the Philippines, outbreaks of this disease occur (Paco and San Andres in Manila, Palawon, Zamboanga, Bicol), usually in disadvantaged areas of the country (poor neighborhoods). Therefore, it is better to avoid such places and especially not to have close contact with the carrier of the disease.

2. Soft tropical climate. Moreover, he is soft precisely then, When We, residents of the middle zone, want this so much.

While we get wet, cold and we hate winter slush, which has become the norm in last years in Moscow, in the Philippines the weather is heavenly.

Although Of course, you need to get a little used to the humid and not at all cold air and the evil sun.

in winter on Philippines the beginning of dry season, there is either no rain at all or little, tropical sun, palm trees, beaches, sea.

Natural hazards When visiting a country, you should take into account its natural and climatic conditions. In the Philippines, high temperatures are combined with high humidity. Therefore, people suffering from chronic diseases of the cardiovascular and bronchopulmonary systems should consult a doctor before traveling to this country. Vaccinations for traveling to the Philippines When entering the country, Russian citizens are not required to have any mandatory vaccinations. But the World Health Organization puts forward a number of recommendations. Hepatitis A vaccination is recommended for all travelers. Vaccination against typhoid fever is recommended for those tourists who plan to travel inland and will eat outside the tourist areas. Vaccination against encephalitis - for those planning trips to rural areas. Vaccination against diphtheria and tetanus (updated every ten years). Insects The maximum trouble is caused by mosquitoes, which can be carriers of malaria. From April to January, in the western regions of Luzon, Mindoro and Palawan, ticks, which can transmit encephalitis, pose a danger. When visiting forested and rural areas, you should wear closed clothing and use repellent. If you are nevertheless bitten by a tick, it is better to go to the clinic to have it removed and examined. In areas below 600 meters there is a year-round risk of malaria. Therefore, certain rules must be followed. First, you should use repellents and anti-malaria nets. Secondly, in the evening you should wear clothes that cover your body as much as possible. Thirdly, chemoprophylaxis (quinine and premaquine) should be carried out. Taking medications prevents the possibility of illness. Taking medications should start a week before departure. It is recommended to consult your doctor first. Cases of schistomatosis have been recorded in the southern regions. You should carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene and do not swim in stagnant bodies of water. Weather When planning a trip to the Philippines, you should take into account the natural and climatic features of this country. There are high temperatures and high humidity almost all year round. This should be taken into account by people with chronic diseases of the bronchopulmonary and cardiovascular systems, since with such climatic conditions exacerbations of diseases are possible. There is a danger of typhoons and floods. The least prone to typhoons are Southern Visayan, Palawan and Mindanao. As long as simple safety precautions are followed, normal typhoons do not pose a serious threat. The biggest nuisance in this case is flight cancellations. But when planning your trips, you should keep in mind that the lowest risk of typhoons occurs from October to April. The consequences of typhoons are landslides and floods. Sometimes the height of the water level can reach one and a half meters. Therefore, you should carefully choose your vacation spots and first study the risks of a particular area. In addition, the Philippine archipelago is located in a zone of seismic activity. Before traveling to the country, you should familiarize yourself with the rules of behavior during earthquakes. The consequences of earthquakes are tsunamis. Even small waves can harm beachgoers. Tsunami warnings should be taken very seriously. The main sign of an approaching tsunami is the withdrawal of water from the shore. In this case, you should immediately rise as high as possible. Beaches The beaches meet international standards and do not pose any danger in terms of sanitary and hygienic conditions. Leisure in the Philippines The Philippines attracts diving enthusiasts. It should be remembered that this sport is fraught with many dangers. It is necessary to carefully choose a dive site, since there are a lot of strong undercurrents off the coast. Drinking water in the Philippines Tap water is not suitable for drinking when raw. You should use either boiled or bottled water. Raw water should not be used for brushing teeth or washing fruit. For safety reasons, you should not buy drinks with ice, as it may be made from raw water. Vegetables and fruits should first be thoroughly washed with boiled water and peeled. Meat and fish should only be thoroughly fried. Safety in the Philippines In some areas of the islands, there are religious and ethnic conflicts that pose a danger to tourists. It is not recommended to visit the islands of Mindanao, some areas of the Zamboanga Peninsula and the Sulu Archipelago. Theft rates are lower than other Asian countries. At the same time, the threat of theft exists in urban areas; in rural areas there is no such problem. You just need to follow standard precautions. Level of medicine in the Philippines The level of medical services in the country is high, but equipped hospitals are located only in Manila and several other large cities. IN small towns, of course, there are clinics, but they can only provide you with first aid. In other cases, you will need to go to the nearest Big City. Hotels often have their own doctors who can provide emergency assistance if necessary.

Isn't it what fruit not enough, it is better to go for them by the beginning of spring. Add to this peculiar nature, vegetation and landscapes, an abundance of interesting or simply beautiful places and you will understand that this is exactly what you have been missing.

This is a haven for diving enthusiasts, but they are also developing other areas of meaningful recreation, for example, rock climbing.

On May 9, 2005 he returned from the Philippines. There are a lot of impressions, although I’ll start from the beginning...
Why did you choose this country? Honestly - to see the work of a healer and receive treatment if possible, other attractions such as the sea, people, country, impressions were somehow left behind.

We flew super - Qatar airways, 4 hours to Doha, 30 min transfer and 10 hours to Manila by Airbaus A 320/A 330.

Very hot and humid, the tropics after all. Next up is the Edsa Shangri-La Hotel in downtown Manila
In the morning trip to the long-awaited healer, Romy Piodosu. 70 km to the other end of the city along narrow streets, the drive takes about 2 hours. It seems that the city never ended, houses, houses, houses... Limestone and palm trees, that’s all the materials! A small mansion with a high fence, a bunch of certificates and photographs, congratulations and thanks. His wife comes out to meet him, explains through an interpreter what will happen and how it will happen, that it is better for skeptics and dissatisfied people to leave immediately! The place is like in a church, everything is covered in icons and candles, everything is white and bright. The operation is performed, so to speak, “on the altar” in a tiny room, they say it’s a place of prayer! Since there is a lot of work (clients), there is no diagnostics - either you lie down and the healer does what he sees fit, or you stand and watch.

Well, was it a waste of time to fly just to have a look? When there is still time, and my stomach hurts. Everyone who lived in a dorm at the institute has gastritis. It’s decided - we’ll treat! And then how it goes! For those who lie down, first have a massage to warm up the body, then one by one you go “to the altar.” Before this, they give you a personal amulet for life! You can film and stand nearby if the patient allows it. Girls usually don’t let men watch for obvious reasons; you’re lying in your underpants alone. You better not look at others before the operation, it’s scary even for staunch men, the impression is certainly strong.

I wait my turn, go in, and lie down. A quick look over the whole body, the healer enters the 4th state and goes. You're lying there, having fun, and they're digging into you. The impression that they gave you local anesthesia does not hurt anywhere, but you feel that they are digging into you, pinching, pulling something. The blood flows, squelches, and flies out under pressure. They did it on almost everyone - stomach, liver, kidneys, spleen. Further, as he considered necessary - the heart, goiter, head. More than 3-5 visits to the body are not recommended, so everyone (except me) was told to come tomorrow to have their back, eyes, varicose veins in the legs, spine, appendages, etc. done... Who has what hurts. There is no need to tell anything, he sees everything himself. You get up, drink hot tea and are free! No scars. You go watch how others do it. Red spots remain at the site of penetration, but after 5-10 minutes they completely disappear. You are completely healthy.

This is unconventional medicine, not like our doctors. Those who have had kidney stones pulled out are offered to take them with them; pulled out clots can also be taken (so to speak, for examination...). In general, Foreva healers! I still have a bunch of photos and films from operations, I look at them at home and show them to my friends. All the fun is $300 per day of surgery, or rather in 10 minutes. You don’t mind your money, you don’t mind your health. Especially our girls and men who don’t have children - why do operations when you can be cured without them... In general, if you have an extra $2000-3000 or just save up - go to a healer at least once in your life, they will cure you. But without guarantees, as they say, it doesn’t happen once in a while, they warn you in advance, it’s all a matter of faith. Some are denied treatment, but there were none of us...


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