The reign of Pharaoh Cheops. The Pyramid of Cheops. The mystery of the construction of the Cheops pyramid has been revealed. The Great Pyramid of Cheops

One of the greatest structures of the ancient world is located in Egypt. This structure, since its completion, has amazed us with its grandeur and impeccable geometry. It was not for nothing that the ancient Greeks included the Cheops pyramid in their list of seven wonders of the world. This is the only miracle that has survived to this day.

The Pyramid of Cheops has become a real masterpiece. Modern researchers are amazed at the rigor of proportions and accuracy of geometric dimensions, which the ancient Egyptians handled brilliantly. Some Egyptologists seriously believe that the builders of the 26th century BC could not have built such a structure in 22 years. They stick to the theory extraterrestrial origin pyramids

The point of view of these researchers has a right to exist, especially since the arguments they present sometimes baffle their opponents. The location of the pyramid and its proportions are so precise that to position it in accordance with the cardinal directions would require modern builders to use the most accurate geodetic instruments. If exact location The pyramids of Cheops on the cardinal points are an accident, then it is a very happy accident.

The current proportions of the pyramid of Cheops, or Khufu, are not what they were originally. Scientists were able to determine that the maximum height of the pyramid in 2568 BC was 146.6 meters. The ratio of height and base is thus 3.14..., that is, the number “Pi” from geometry. The point is the accuracy in which the ratio repeats the number “Pi”. This precision is six decimal places. Archimedes did not know this meaning; he would have envied such accuracy, no doubt.

On the day of completion of construction, the Cheops pyramid was 146.6 meters high. However, now its height is much less than its original height. There are two reasons for this decrease. One of a natural nature is erosion. The second reason is artificial. Her name is human...

In 1301, Cairo experienced an earthquake. Most of the houses have turned into piles of rubbish. The same fate befell mosques with elaborate minarets. After the first shock, the Cairo authorities turned to a real treasure trove of building materials - the pagan pyramids. They were seduced by the polished limestone slabs that lined the pyramids. Following the path of least resistance, by reducing overhead costs, the Arabs began to remove the outer cladding of the pyramids. Now only part of the cladding on the upper tiers of the Pyramid of Khafre has been preserved. There is no outer cladding left on the Cheops pyramid.

As a result of barbaric dismantling, the height of the tallest pyramid in Egypt decreased by more than eight meters. Today's sources talking about the height of the Cheops pyramid do not shine with uniformity. The difference is 10-20 centimeters. On the one hand, such a discrepancy in data outrages pedants and lovers of accuracy. On the other hand, 10-20 centimeters do not determine anything now. After all, the original proportions are broken irrevocably and forever.

The Arabs who dismantled the pyramids did not ask themselves subtle scientific questions. They were not interested in the theories put forward by modern scientists. They were interested in immediate solutions to everyday problems. They did not hesitate to damage one of the seven wonders of the world. We can complain for a long time about the Arabs of the early 14th century. We can complain about the inaccuracies in determining the real height of the pyramid. We can make hypotheses regarding the creators of the pyramids. But the pyramids don't care. They continue to exist and will outlive us with our emotions. They will continue to delight and awe visitors who will disturb their centuries-old peace.

The Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt is one of the oldest and well-preserved architectural monuments. It is one of the Seven Wonders of the World and is a center of attraction for tourists from all over the world. For many millennia, the Cheops pyramid remained the tallest structure on the planet.

History and secrets of the construction of the pyramid

The construction of the pyramid began during the lifetime of Pharaoh Cheops (Khufu), for whom it was supposed to serve as a tomb. The exact date of foundation is unknown, although all possible research methods were used to establish it. Their results vary. Scientists call 2720 BC. e, 2577 BC. e. and 2708 BC. e. At the same time, in Egypt itself the official date of the founding of the pyramid is considered August 23, 2560 BC uh.

Another problem in establishing the age of the Cheops pyramid is that there is no mention of it in ancient papyri. For the first time in the 5th century BC. e. the construction is described by Herodotus.

As for construction technology, everything here is also ambiguous. Some scientists seriously suggest that the tomb of Cheops was built by aliens. Its scale, the accuracy of mathematical calculations and the quality of construction are so amazing.

Interesting fact! It could take 20-40 years to build one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

For the construction of the Cheops pyramid, a place with stable and dense soil was chosen. Main material - limestone, blocks of which were cut out of the rock and then hewn. The weight of one block was 2.5 tons, and some specimens weighed several tens of tons. The methods of transporting and lifting them still remain a mystery.

Description of the structure

Visually, the Cheops pyramid looks like a stepped mountain. Its base covers an area of ​​53,000 square meters. m. Previously, the surface was covered with durable, cladding slabs shining in the sun, but now they are completely absent. Part of it was removed in 1168 by the Arabs who plundered the city, and part of it was taken by the Egyptians themselves to build houses.

The original height of the Cheops pyramid was 149 m. Over its centuries-old history, it has somewhat collapsed and subsided, so now the landmark of Egypt is 11 meters lower. To understand the scale of construction, it is worth knowing that this is the height of a 50-story building.

The blocks in the pyramid are laid in layers. The height of each layer varies and ranges from 60-150 cm. This may indicate that there were periods of excess and shortage of labor during the construction process.

It is noticeable to the naked eye that pyramid faces are concave. Now none of the scientists is ready to answer for sure whether this is the result of subsidence of the structure or whether it was originally intended.

The entrance to the tomb of Cheops is located on its northern side at an altitude of almost 16 meters. It is formed by stones laid in a certain way.

Interesting fact! The true entrance to the Cheops pyramid has not been preserved; it is blocked with a granite plug. The entrance that tourists and researchers now use is a breach made by one of the Baghdad caliphs. He wanted to find the pharaoh's treasures in the building.

Internal structure of the pyramid

Inside the Cheops pyramid are burial chambers, connected by descending and ascending corridors. Main premises of the building:

  • Pharaoh's burial chamber;
  • unfinished chamber number 5;
  • "Queen's Chamber"
  • Large gallery.

From the entrance to the burial chambers there is a descending corridor, the length of which is 105 m. In the first third it has a fork: one corridor continues to go down and leads to the unfinished chamber number 5, the second leads up to the tombs of the pharaoh and his wife.

To get to the pharaoh's burial chamber, you need to go through the ascending Great Gallery - a tunnel 2 m wide and 8.74 m high. At the bottom of the walls in the gallery there are paired ledges, the purpose of which is unknown. These can be containers for a lifting, locking or other massive mechanism.

The pharaoh's burial chamber is quite spacious. Its floor is located at a height of 43 m from the base of the structure. It is difficult to establish the exact height of the ceilings, since the surface of the floor and walls is highly deformed. Highly polished granite was used to finish the chamber. In the room there is a granite sarcophagus of Cheops, on which there are no inscriptions or decor, and the lid is missing.

"Queen's Chamber" should not be in the tomb of the pharaoh, since the wives of the rulers were buried separately. However, a stepped niche in the room suggests that this is a female burial. The chamber has a rectangular shape and a gable roof supported by walls about 4.5 m high.

Interesting fact! The Pyramid of Cheops is extremely laconic inside. There are no wall inscriptions, rich decorations, or decor to be found there. It is assumed that if anything valuable was stored in the tomb, it was taken out long before the first researchers came there.

Interesting facts about the Cheops pyramid

The history of the Cheops pyramid has many interesting facts and scientific theories, mysterious rumors and legends. Not a single excursion is complete without getting to know them.

Here are some of them:

  • The approximate weight of the structure is 6.5 million tons.
  • The construction took 2.25 million limestone blocks.
  • Inside the pyramid, the temperature does not rise above +20 ℃, even if it is +50 ℃ outside.
  • There is an assumption that the tomb of Cheops served as an observatory for the ancient Egyptians, since its edges correspond to the four cardinal directions.
  • It is believed that the builders of the tomb had excellent knowledge about the circumference of the Earth, the speed of light, the golden ratio, and mathematical quantities that were somehow incorporated into the structure.
  • Contrary to popular belief, it is believed that the pyramid was not built by slaves, but by professional masons.
  • Scientists have never been able to prove that the body of Cheops once lay in the sarcophagus of the tomb.
  • Inside the pyramid there are narrow shafts, through which the wind makes certain sounds.
  • There is a version that the Egyptians only rebuilt the pyramid created by representatives of the previous civilization.

Note! Scanning of the pyramid and other modern studies suggest that there are several more rooms inside it that have yet to be explored.

Visiting an attraction

Visits the Pyramid of Cheops about 3 million people per year. They explore not only one of the Seven Wonders of the World, but also the surrounding buildings. These are three satellite pyramids, ruins ancient temple, and modern museum, where the main exhibit is an ancient Egyptian boat.

IN dark time for days, tourists are shown a light and sound show, when each structure is illuminated with spotlights and their history and interesting facts are told. In a small shop you can buy memorable souvenirs.

In the eastern regions, tourists cannot ignore one of the greatest mysteries of history - the Pyramid of Cheops. The only surviving miracle Ancient world, out of the seven existing ones, generates interest among scientists, archaeologists, historians, astrologers and simply fans of mysteries. To questions like: “Where are the pyramids of Cheops?” or “Why is it worth visiting them?”, we will be happy to answer in our article.

What are the dimensions of the Cheops pyramid?

To fully understand the greatness of this architectural masterpiece, it is enough to imagine its dimensions. Just imagine, this is a huge structure weighing about 6.4 million tons, located in Giza, a republic of Egypt. The height of the Cheops pyramid, even after wind erosion, reaches 138 meters, the size of the base reaches 230 meters, and the length of the side edge is 225 meters. And it is with this pyramid that the greatest mysteries are connected. Egyptian history, which scientists around the world are struggling with.

The mystery of the Cheops pyramid - who built it and why?

The most common theory is that the pyramid was built as a tomb for Pharaoh Cheops or Khufu (as the Egyptians themselves call him). Proponents of this theory confirm their guesses with the pyramid model itself. On a base of 53 thousand square meters there are three tombs, one of which houses the Great Gallery.

However, opponents of this version emphasize that the tomb intended for Cheops is not decorated in any way. Which is strange, since, as is known, the Egyptians were adherents of pomp and wealth in the design of the tombs of their rulers. And the sarcophagus itself, which was intended for one of the greatest pharaohs in Egyptian history, was not completed. The edges of the stone box that were not completely hewn and the missing lid indicate that the craftsmen did not take the issue of burial too seriously. In addition, the remains of Cheops himself were not found during any excavations.

Video - How was the Cheops pyramid built?

The version with the tomb is being replaced by the version that the pyramid is an astronomical structure. Astonishing mathematical calculations and the ability to see constellations in the night sky through corridor-type shafts provide astronomers with reasons for debate.

Archaeologists and scientists around the world are trying to unravel the truth of Khufu's pyramid in Giza. However, based on the facts already obtained, we can say with confidence that the author of the project was Hemion, a close relative and, concurrently, the court architect of Cheops. Under his strict leadership for 20 years, from 2560 BC. and until 2540 BC, more than three dozens of builders, architects and laborers were constructing a pyramid from huge granite blocks.

Some Egyptians and lovers of occult sciences perceive the pyramid as a religious object. They see a mystical pattern in the intersections of corridors and catacombs. But this idea has no sufficient basis, just like the version of alien intervention. Thus, a certain circle of ufologists argues that only with the help of alien creatures could such a colossal work of architectural art be built.

What should a tourist know?

Tourists and admirers Arabic culture I am only amused and inspired by the difference in versions and the general uncertainty that revolves around the Cheops pyramid. Every year, hundreds of thousands of visitors come to the foot of the granite structure to experience history. And local residents are only happy about this - all conditions for educational excursions have been created for visitors.

Twice a day, at 8 and 13 o'clock, a group of up to 150 people comes to the pyramid. They enter inside through a passage located on the north side. But, having finally arrived at the place of a kind of pilgrimage, not all visitors are ready for what the Cheops Pyramid is like inside. The long, low passage, compressed on the sides, causes an attack of claustrophobia for some foreigners. And sand, dust and stale air can cause asthma.

But for those who overcame themselves and withstood the transition inside the pyramid, all the architectural grandeur of Egyptian culture is revealed. Massive walls, the Grand Gallery, the general feeling of antiquity and authenticity - this is exactly what captivates guests.

On the south side, at the exit, tourists are invited to get acquainted with exhibits that are the fruits of many years of excavations. Here you can also look at the Solar Boat - one of the largest floating vehicles discovered in the entire history of archaeological activity of mankind. Here you can buy souvenirs and commemorative figurines, T-shirts and so on.

Those who stay until late in the evening will be lucky enough to see the light show. Under the spotlight, the organizers create a unique, slightly mystical atmosphere and tell mysterious stories about the pyramid and Egyptian culture.

Another point that visitors to the Cheops Pyramid should pay attention to is the issue of photography and video shooting. Inside the building itself, there is a ban on any photography, as well as on the desire of some people to climb the pyramid itself. But, after leaving the tomb and buying a souvenir, you can take countless pictures from any angle. In the photo, the Cheops pyramid will sparkle with new colors and amaze with its geometric shapes.

However, you should be as vigilant as possible and not give your gadgets to strangers, other tourists and, especially, local residents. Otherwise, you risk either never seeing your camera at all, or parting with an impressive amount to get it back.

From a purely practical point of view, there is nothing strange in this. As is known, in any tourist center the world, the local population prefers to make a profit at any cost. Hence the inflated prices, and the tendency to fraud, and big number pickpockets. Therefore, you should be as vigilant as possible.

Pyramid of Cheops: interesting facts

Pyramid of Cheops - beautiful and amazing creation. She is the object of fascination for scientists, artists, writers, directors and many other people who are not afraid to solve mysteries. And before heading to Giza to the granite massif, it is worth reading the stories about it. There are dozens of movies online for this purpose. Such as, for example, the documentary “Unraveling the Mystery of the Cheops Pyramid” directed by Florence Tran. In it, the author tries to explore as broadly as possible the idea of ​​construction, the mystery of creation and the true purpose of the pyramid of the great pharaoh.

Interestingly, despite the unfinished sarcophagi and the lack of clear information about the architect of the Cheops pyramid, the greatest mystery is the internal shafts. According to experts, reaching a width of 13 to 20 centimeters, the shafts run along the sides of the main rooms and have a diagonal exit to the surface. The specific purpose of these mines is still not known. Is it either ventilation or secret passages, or a kind of air gap. Until now, science has no specific information on this matter.

Video - Facts about the Cheops pyramid

The same goes for the process of building a pyramid. Materials for one of the seven wonders of the world were delivered from a nearby quarry. But it is still not known how large boulders weighing up to 80 tons were delivered to the construction site. Here again a lot of questions arise about the level of technological progress of the Egyptians. Or to the question of magic or higher intelligence.

What is the Cheops pyramid really? Tomb? Observatory? Occult object? Message from alien civilizations? We will probably never know this. But each of us has a chance to go to Giza and touch history and make our own assumptions.

The Pyramid of Cheops- the tallest pyramid in Egypt, at the same time it is the most mysterious and majestic structure in the world. This is the only remaining miracle from oldest list seven wonders of the world, a masterpiece of engineering and architectural art not only because of its gigantic size(its height is 150 meters, area is 4000 square meters, gigantic stones are stacked in 200 rows).

The Pyramid of Cheops was built around 2550 year BC. It seems that it is simply not subject to time, and, by the way, it is already at least 5 thousand years old. Who built them, and even so skillfully, is a question that has no answer.

It is believed that the Cheops pyramid weighs 6,3 million tons, and contains more building material than all the cathedrals, churches and chapels of England! The pyramid was faced with white polished limestone until the 13th century. But after an earthquake in the 13th century, which loosened some of the casing stones, the Arabs began using casing to build and restore Cairo's mosques and palaces (including the Sultan Hassan Mosque).

Historians claim that the construction of the pyramid lasted 14 - 20 years, and their architect was Hemiun- Vizier of Cheops. In history books ancient egypt pictures of pyramid construction are shown, where Egyptian workers use cranes made from palm branches to build the pyramid - how naive it is! Not long ago, a team of Egyptological scientists conducted a small experiment - they tried to build a miniature pyramid 10 meters high using cranes made from palm branches, simulating the construction conditions of that time. The result was disastrous; the palm cranes simply could not withstand the weight of the stones, so the scientists soon had to stop their attempts.

The Pyramid of Cheops is the only pyramid with ascending and descending passages. It is impossible not to highlight the huge descent present in its design, called the “large gallery”. At its end there is a narrow passage that leads to the “king’s room”, where the walls are decorated with polished granite. Scientists believe that the "king's room" was a triumph of Egyptian geometry because, according to their calculations, it was built according to the golden ratio. The sarcophagus is made of a monolith of red granite, and its dimensions are even larger than the entrance to the room itself. The sarcophagus was first discovered open and no valuables were found in it. Nowadays, no one knows whether it was intended for the body of the pharaoh.

In the very center is the smallest room - the “Queen's Room”. The eastern wall of the Cheops pyramid has a niche where, according to Egyptologists, there was a statue of the pharaoh's wife. The third room has an unfinished appearance and is located underground at a depth of 27.5 meters. It is decorated crudely, without the luxury of the other two rooms. There is an opinion among Egyptologists that this particular room was supposed to serve as a burial chamber for the pharaoh, but Cheops changed his mind and ordered it to be built higher.

Some constructive facts testify to the deep astronomical and mathematical knowledge of the priests who supervised the construction of the Cheops pyramid. For example, adding up the four sides of the base of this pyramid and dividing the resulting number by its height, we get 3.1416 - the well-known number “Pi”. And the next feature is simply amazing - the height of the Cheops pyramid exactly coincides with a billionth of the distance from the Earth to the Sun! It turns out that the Egyptians already 5000 years ago possessed the knowledge that even the scientists of Newton’s era did not have. It is not surprising that these days there are a wide variety of assumptions about how the Cheops pyramid was built, including hypotheses about the intervention of aliens in this process.


The ancient Egyptian pyramids are the most mysterious and unusual buildings in the entire history of mankind. How they were built and why, their external and internal descriptions are questions that have worried scientists for many years. The Pyramid of Cheops is the largest of all the pyramids, an architectural monument.

Today there is no clear and proven version of how these huge giants were built. But there are a lot of hypotheses and assumptions, each of which has both evidence and contradictions.

Preparation for construction

Pyramids were built from stone blocks. Some believed that all the blocks were the same size. But the theory was refuted. Preparations for construction included the extraction of such stone blocks from the rocks. To do this, they drew the shape of the future block on the rock, hollowed out the edges of the boundary with chisels and picks, and inserted wood into them.

Later, the tree was filled with water, as a result of which it swelled, and the rock cracked along a given boundary due to stress. The block was then separated.

Also, during preparation, they marked the ground with the designation of the four sides of the pyramid. We tried to outline them so that they were oriented to the cardinal points. Then the area under the base was leveled.

For this purpose, a square-shaped shaft was erected from sand and stones. Next, we divided this square into equal parts and filled it with water. The stones that were under water were removed, and the trenches were filled with a new layer of stones, which served as the foundation of the tomb.

Working with stone

The resulting blocks were carefully processed to obtain the required shape. Further along the river the blocks were transported to the construction site. Research has shown that the stones had a mass suitable for movement. Then construction began, starting from the lower tier. Having laid the blocks, the problem arose of lifting the blocks to the next levels.

The Pyramid of Cheops was built with enormous effort using minimal available technology at that time.

There are many theories about how the Egyptians lifted stones. Some scientists believe that 4 specially built brick ramps were used for the ascent. Some have suggested that the ramp was 1. Opponents of the theory argue that such devices cannot exist and suggest that there were lifting mechanisms. Although this version has not found evidence.

Drawings on the pyramid

Numerous drawings and diagrams on stone blocks also leave a lot of questions. In addition to the depicted figures of people and Gods, pictures of unknown technical structures and devices of unknown purpose. There are examples that resemble a modern helicopter. There are whole huge portraits.

The technology of painting also remains a mystery. After all, some parts of the drawings are darker, and some are lighter: unknown methods were used to lighten or darken the surface of the stone. Many unsolved paintings and recordings still exist today. Most researchers tend to assume that the drawings are a secret message for modern man.

Where is the Cheops pyramid located on the map?

The Pyramid of Cheops, the description of which is fascinating, is the only one of the “Seven Wonders of the World” that has survived to this day. It is located in the city of Giza in Egypt.

Today, on the map Giza is designated as a suburb of Cairo. It is located 30 km from the capital.

History of the pyramid and its age

The Cheops Pyramid is the oldest and largest of the 3 pyramids located on the Giza Plateau. Pyramids, as you know, were built as tombs of pharaohs in order to ensure a good and comfortable life for rulers in the afterlife.

The construction of the pyramid took several decades. Scientists are still debating exactly how much.

Some believe that construction took about 20 years. But the scale of the pyramid and the reign of Pharaoh Cheops (he himself supervised the construction) give reason to assume that the work took all of 40 years. Herodotus and his associates believed that the main builders were slaves, a large number of whom died at the construction site.

Modern researchers, on the contrary, believe that free Egyptians made up the majority of the workforce. After all, Cheops provided them with housing and food during their work. And the main reason was the spiritual component: everyone sought to show their involvement in the shrine of the immortal ruler, because only the pharaoh and his entourage had the right to immortality and life after death.

And by participating in the construction of the tomb, people hoped for the favor of the Gods or the pharaoh himself, wanting to be part of the retinue.

The architect is considered to be Cheops's nephew, Khemion, who meticulously worked on the project, calculating everything down to the smallest detail. Perhaps this explains the longevity of the pyramid.

The age of the pyramid is about 4500 years. And the start date of construction is considered to be August 23, 2560 BC. This day is considered a national holiday in Egypt.

Appearance and dimensions of the pyramid, characteristics dimensions

The pyramids are striking in their scale: the base area is 53 thousand square meters. m. Height - 138.8 m, although initially the building was another 9 m higher, but after many hundreds of years, earthquakes and sandstorms contributed to the partial destruction of the top of the pyramid. Base - 230 m, rib length - 230 m. Volume - 2.58 million cubic meters. m. The Pyramid of Cheops is adjacent to 2 others: the Pyramid of Khafre and the Pyramid of Menkaure. Also nearby is another architectural monument - the Great Sphinx, the description of which also contains.

unexplained facts

Data for the 3 pyramids of Giza are given in the table: Name of the pyramid Construction time
Pyramid height Pyramid of Cheops (Khufu) 26th century BC
138.8 m Pyramid of Khafre Mid-26th century BC
143.9 m Pyramid of Menkaure (Mykerinus) 2540-2520 BC

66 m

The body of the pyramid is built from limestone and granite blocks. On top it was covered with sparkling cladding, and the top was decorated with a golden stone. At present, neither the facing nor the decoration of the top has been preserved.

What is inside the Cheops pyramid

The Pyramid of Cheops, the description of the appearance of which is given above, also has a complex internal structure with rooms and corridors.

  • It contains:
  • Underground burial pit.
  • The king's chamber.
  • Queen's Chamber.
  • Large gallery.
  • Ventilation ducts.
  • Unloading chambers.
  • The entrance is original.
  • Entrance for tourists.

Passages or corridors.

All ancient Egyptian tombs have an entrance on the north side. The Cheops Pyramid is no exception. The entrance is located at a height of 16-17 m and has a non-random angle of inclination: it was at this inclination that the Egyptians could observe the North Star.

This original entrance to the tomb is unused and sealed with a stone plug.

Tourists today enter through an entrance located 10 m below, made by Abdullah al-Mamun, who wanted to enrich himself with the treasures of the pharaoh. For the convenience of tourists, the main passage was equipped with railings, steps, and lighting.

Burial pit

At the intersection of both entrances, the ascending and descending corridors begin. The descendant makes his way to the tomb, which is located underground and is a room measuring 14 by 8 m.

Engineers carried out further excavations from this room and dug a well and another narrow passage, hoping to discover the body of Cheops. However, their attempts failed. The burial pit was not completed and abandoned. It was decided to install the main burial chamber in the center of the pyramid.

Ascending Corridor and Queen's Chambers

The ascending passage is laid to the south and its length is 40 m. It flows into the Great Gallery. At the very beginning, the passage is blocked by three large stone blocks. Al-Mamun, having encountered them, dug a bypass line, which is still in use today. The purpose of these blocks is unknown.

It has not yet been possible to move them from their place.

The lower part of the Great Gallery gives rise to a corridor 35 m long and 1.75 m high. It leads to the 2nd tomb, which is often called the Queen’s Chamber. This is a room measuring 5.74 m by 5.23 m. Height is 6.22 m. A large depression is hollowed out in the east of the Chamber.

Grotto, Grand Gallery and Pharaoh's Chambers

The next branch of the lower part of the Great Gallery is a vertical passage 60 m long, leading to a descending passage, which contains 1 single extension - the Grotto. The nature of its origin is not completely clear, but most likely it is science education. The ascending passage leads to the Great Gallery - an inclined high corridor. Height - 8.53 m. Length - 46 m.

On the sides of both walls there is a square recess with 27 pairs of holes of unknown purpose. At the end of the gallery there is a ledge - a step in front of the entrance to the Antechamber, through which the entrance to the Pharaoh's Chamber itself opens. The burial room is lined with black granite. It contains a stone sarcophagus without a lid. There are ventilation holes on the walls.

The ceiling is almost destroyed, the condition of the slabs is worn out. Several empty cavities were found above the burial room, separated from each other by monolithic slabs. It is assumed that their purpose is to distribute the weight load to avoid excessive pressure from the overlying plates on the pharaoh's chamber.

Ventilation ducts

The chambers of the king and queen contain ventilation openings - narrow channels of small width. These channels are through only in the King's Chamber. In the Queen's Chamber, the ends of the channels do not reach either the wall of the room on one side or the edges of the pyramid on the other. In the upper part they are closed with doors with copper handles.

The canal studies were carried out by a special robot, which was able to detect these details.

Such a strange arrangement of ventilation ducts may indicate that the ancient Egyptians were very religious people and believed that the soul went to the afterlife. These doors at the ends symbolize a kind of entrance to the Kingdom of the Dead.

What can you see around the pyramid

The Pyramid of Cheops, the description of which includes many secrets, contains amazing finds around itself.

Pharaoh's boats

In the immediate vicinity of the pyramid, 7 recesses were found with parts of real Egyptian boats, one of which was the “Solar Boat”. Its peculiarity is the lack of fasteners.

On this cedar boat, according to legend, Cheops was supposed to begin his journey to the Kingdom of the Dead. On one side of the pyramid a museum dedicated to this boat was opened.

Pyramids of the Queens of Cheops

In the east there are 3 small pyramids for the close circle of Pharaoh Cheops. They are located in descending order of size towards the south.

The length of the base of each is 50 cm longer than the base of the previous one. Currently their condition is satisfactory.

Opening hours of the Giza Museum complex

The Giza Museum Complex, covering all the pyramids, is open for tourists daily from 8.00 to 17.00. IN winter time works on a shortened working day - until 16.30. During the Muslim holy month of Ramadan - until 15.00.

Ticket prices

Cost of visits:

  • Login museum complex- 7.5 USD.
  • Entrance to the Solar Boat Museum - 3 USD.
  • Entrance to the Cheops pyramid - 11 USD.
  • Entrance to the Pyramid of Khafre - 2 USD.

When going on an excursion to explore the pyramids of Egypt, it is advisable to take advantage of the nearby useful tips:

Secrets of the Cheops Pyramid

The main secret of the Cheops pyramid is that the mummy of Pharaoh Cheops was not found either inside the pyramid or anywhere else. Many theories have been developed about the place of his burial. When discovered, the sarcophagus was empty. The lid was also missing. In general, scientists believe that the construction of the sarcophagus was not completed.

And modern researchers have even put forward the hypothesis that this pyramid was not built for Cheops. This confirms the absence of any decorations in the burial room. Usually the tombs of the pharaohs were real treasuries full of jewelry and riches.

The ventilation ducts of the tombs are another unexplained item. Why they were built is still unknown. In the King's Chamber, outside air enters through them. There is no answer to the question of why the buried pharaoh needs air. The construction of such a mass also leaves many questions. The dimensions of the pyramid can be compared to a skyscraper with 50 floors.

And the base area could accommodate a dozen football fields. There is no definite answer as to how and with what help people raised stone blocks to a height. Another mystery is how the stones were joined. The surfaces fit so tightly that there is no way to even insert a thin blade between them.

Transporting the blocks to the base of the building also contains mysteries.

In 2017, evidence was found indicating that the Nile was drained and artificial canals leading to the pyramid were created to move heavy granite stones. Construction materials were transported along them on boats. The Pyramid of Cheops (the description of the interior will not convey the entire atmosphere inside) contains a very small number of rooms inside.

It has often been suggested that the largest pyramid contains more secret or simply undetected rooms. The guesses were confirmed: studies based on the study of the temperature difference between the surfaces of the blocks showed the presence of additional voids inside.

However Egyptian authorities imposed a ban on further excavations. Although the opening of such new rooms will become a world sensation, which will lead to an even greater influx of tourists to Giza. This is a tempting alternative for Egypt as a whole, so the issue is not completely closed. The presence of 3 tomb rooms in the pyramid is a strange fact from the point of view of the history and life of the pharaohs.

In other pyramids, each ruler prepared 1 burial room for himself, putting all his efforts into the construction of this particular main part. Controversies and disputes over 3 such chambers in the Cheops pyramid led to the conclusion: there were 3 pharaohs who owned the pyramid. And Cheops, apparently, was the last.

There is evidence that Cheops did not build from the foundation, but rebuilt the existing pyramid of previous rulers.

The ventilation ducts of the Chamber of Queens do not communicate with the atomosphere. This is strange and suggests that the pyramid was covered with a new layer of blocks, while bricking up the ventilation outlets. Despite great amount

unclear and mysterious, there are also skeptics who believe that there are no secret messages, and not a single pyramid carries any hidden meaning. To confirm this, they propose to compare all the pyramids found. It is clear that they all differ from each other in many ways.

There is no symmetry or similarity either in orientation relative to the cardinal directions or in the internal structure. If some kind of riddle was encrypted, all of them, or at least several, would be identical in cross-section.

Interesting facts about the Cheops pyramid

This is interesting to know:

The mystery of the Cheops pyramid will be unraveled for centuries to come. The description of the appearance and internal structure of the pyramid is not yet perfect and is fraught with many mysteries. Article format:

Lozinsky Oleg

Video about the Cheops pyramid in Egypt


Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt description: