On a yacht in Croatia. On a yacht in Croatia (Dubrovnik-Krka-Split). Russian yacht rally, participation in the regatta in Croatia

Extended coastline, ancient ports hidden behind the ruins of fortress walls, olive groves and hills with vineyards visible from the sea, turquoise waters shimmering in the morning light, ideal for swimming and snorkeling, picturesque coastal cliffs... Considering all these features of Croatia combined with pleasant climatic conditions, It is not surprising that this country in the Adriatic Sea is so attractive to yachtsmen from different parts of the world.

Here are 5 of the most attractive and interesting Croatian islands to explore, which can be called the true pearls of this country and which are definitely worth visiting when traveling on a yacht in Croatia.


As soon as you see the coast of Cavtat, the landscapes of these places will seem incredibly familiar to you. And this is not surprising. Many artists have found inspiration here while admiring the stunning sunsets. Probably, many paintings with sailboats in the harbor were copied from life in Cavtat, an ancient town located on south coast Croatia.

If you want to escape the hustle and bustle and dissolve in the peaceful atmosphere of a medieval town, then Cavtat is ideal for such purposes. Besides romantic walks nestled among olive groves, this town offers a fascinating insight into the country's historical past. Here you can admire the remains of medieval fortifications, as well as visit ancient churches and monasteries.

On the Cavtat embankment there are many restaurants and cafes where you can taste original dishes local cuisine and admire the picturesque colors of the sunset over the sea while enjoying the exquisite taste of local wine.


The Croatian island of Mljet, located in the south of the country, can quite rightly be called a true natural pearl Adriatic Sea. This one is the most beautiful island The region is simply immersed in the emerald greenery of ancient forests and shady groves, and most of this forest kingdom is a national reserve. Here you can forget about the noise of big cities and simply dissolve in the tranquility of nature, exploring the local natural attractions.

On the territory of the same name nature reserve There are many excursion trails along which you can take exciting walks. An equally interesting water adventure will be kayaking, during which you can visit coastal caves and admire silver fish swimming right on the surface of the water.

One of the most popular tourist sites is the cave of Odysseus, in which, according to ancient Greek myths, the legendary hero was captured by the nymph Calypso for 7 years. Mljet is especially popular among connoisseurs, because in the coastal waters there are coral reefs of fantastic beauty and many interesting sunken objects.


Just 20 km from Mljet there is another, no less attractive island for lovers of solitude and relaxation - Korcula. Pine forests, olive groves, numerous vineyards and everything from sandy to pebbly and rocky - this Croatian island is famous for all of this.

Here you can go snorkeling and scuba diving near the bay, stroll in the shade of olive groves, visit a café and taste local sausages and fresh nut cheese, and be sure to watch traditional sword dances. In addition, the island of Korcula will be appreciated by lovers, because there are ideal conditions for this water activity almost all year round.


The small island of Biševo is known for its numerous caves and grottoes, among which the most popular among tourists is the Blue Grotto, considered one of the “business cards” of Croatia. This place captivates at first sight. There is a feeling that the Blue Grotto of Biševo really emerged from some kind of fairy tale, and its landscapes are more reminiscent of pictures from science fiction films.

The play of light and shadow creates truly mesmerizing pictures in this grotto, in which all sorts of colors and shades are intertwined, from silver to green-turquoise.

The best time to visit the Blue Grotto of Biševo and admire its magically enchanting waters is from 11 to noon. On the island itself you can visit the ruins of an ancient Byzantine church of Benedictine monks, who founded the first settlement here.


The small island of the Adriatic Sea - Vis - is a real paradise for lovers of secluded relaxation, since it is considered the most remote from the mainland of the country. Here you can enjoy Mediterranean cuisine and taste fine local wines.

Lovers of leisurely walks can explore the ancient streets of Vis, which in the old days served as a base for the Yugoslav national army, and connoisseurs of more active pastime can go diving or go on a sea voyage. Lovers of antiquity can visit the remains of the ancient Greek settlement of Issa on the island of Vis, as well as visit the fishing museum.

This section discusses general issues such as what is a vacation on a yacht, what is better to choose a motor or sailing yacht, who is the skipper, types of yacht charter and rental, yacht etiquette, standard terms of a yacht rental contract, how best to choose travel companions, sailing conditions along the sea coast of Croatia, weather conditions of the Adriatic Sea, etc. The cost of renting a yacht, if divided among a group of several people, is usually no more expensive, and in some cases even cheaper than the price of staying in a 4-5 star hotel. The impressions you get while cruising along the sea coast and around the islands cannot be compared with anything. Being a kind of floating hotel, the yacht in front of the hotel has many undeniable advantages. Compared to staying in a hotel, where every day there is the same beach, the same view from the window, the same city, there is no monotony and boredom when traveling on a yacht. In just one or two weeks of yachting, you can visit many cities, islands, and attractions on the Adriatic coast that cannot be seen while living in a hotel or renting an apartment on the shore. Only on a yacht can you get closer to places that cannot be reached by ferry or passenger ship.

Traveling on a yacht in Croatia

If you are traveling on a yacht in Croatia under sail with the goal of having fun and simply relaxing from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, then simply sail in the direction where the fair wind blows; there will always be an island or a quiet closed bay on your way. Today you will stop at some place you like, and tomorrow you will move to another. You make the decision yourself because the hotel “room” moves with you and you have freedom of choice. The style of sailing on a yacht depends only on your personal preferences and mood. If you like silence, then choose quiet bays on the islands or small villages, next to which you can always anchor. If you prefer proximity to civilization and active entertainment, then moor in a more major cities. Daily change of place is an undeniable advantage for those traveling on a yacht. Today you can walk in the forests or olive groves of the island of Hvar, and the next day you can visit and explore the palace of Emperor Diocletian in the city of Split, or simply enjoy the beauty clean sea and nearby islands. Moving from place to place, you will very quickly get used to greeting people who sail past you with your hand; greeting is a yachting tradition that all yachtsmen adhere to. Along the way of your voyage you are sure to meet many new friends who will stay with you for a long time. Typically, during a cruise, sea crossings last no more than 4-8 hours. This mode allows you to better enjoy sailing, have time to explore local attractions and have time to plunge into nightlife on the shore.

Every day the yacht docks at the marina, where the crew has the opportunity to relax and have fun on the shore or on board the boat. In addition, such a duration of day trips practically eliminates the development of seasickness.


Yachting is a great opportunity to gain new unforgettable experiences and gain new skills. Sailing is the most ancient and respected skill in maritime affairs. “Taming” a yacht is a pleasure for everyone who likes to feel and control the power of the wind, stand at the helm, set and retract the sails, and steer with the wind. To operate a sailing yacht, you need knowledge of marine navigation and the technical features of the vessel, good physical fitness and quick reaction. Almost everyone who has sailed on a yacht with a captain usually cannot resist the temptation to control the yacht on their own, learn to tie sea knots and try to understand the intricacies of sail control. After swimming, you will be proud of the experience you have acquired, which will always be useful in everyday life, and most likely your friends and acquaintances will quietly envy you. Take the opportunity to try and learn something new and have an unforgettable experience sea ​​travel under sail.

I returned at night from the most amazing vacation of my life!.. I heard that yachting is addictive. I believed in this... Now everything in my head has been turned upside down and, probably, has finally fallen into place... Yachting is, apparently, some kind of incurable disease that you catch from the first careless time.

It’s a completely crazy state inside, it’s extremely difficult to describe it by putting it into detail - but I’ll try... What exactly made me fall in love with this type of vacation?

Firstly, this is the sea. Huge, clean, bright blue, surrounding you every day with its omnipotent body and making you want to get lost somewhere there and never return... I will never forget that feeling of insane ecstasy that arose when I was sitting on the bow, the yacht was flying under like a sail, and salty spray splashed around me in a big way... Wet through, in jeans, a sweater and a jacket, I crawled out of there, staggering, as if after violent sex, and realized that this love was mutual, real and for a long time...

Secondly, this is the yacht itself. The feeling that there are people next to you who can control this colossus, who, like wizards, can turn the sails, these pieces of matter, and make them obedient to their will, like well-oiled mechanisms - this is something crazy... Probably I was some kind of wrong woman, as it often happens to me)) But I simply organically could not sit inside, in the wardroom, when Magic was happening outside. When three or four people accomplish the impossible. All these lighthouses, tossed sails, moorings in marinas... “Fenders overboard”, “Give up the mooring lines”... Hands turning winches, and the birth of energy from thin air - for me this was real life! As a result of my endless sitting on the deck, my whole face is completely weathered, like a real sailor. I’ve been sitting for three hours now under a thick layer of cream and trying to return myself to the state of a woman =)))

The third thing that captivated me about a yachting holiday is the variety. On the one hand, you are at sea, you can swim in the cleanest and beautiful places, wherever you want. On the other hand, you are somewhere in a new city every day. For Croatia - in a new piece of Europe. Original towns, smiling people, coffee with milk... Narrow streets paved with ancient stones, churches, parks, fountains... You are not tied to a hotel with a pig-and-pig all-inclusive system. You are completely free. You can see half the country - or stay in the town you like for the entire duration of your vacation. Your choice, your right.

But the most important thing in this holiday is the people. I don’t know where else you can find such a warm, harmonious company. If you go on vacation to a hotel, you’ll marinate the whole time in a company of two or at least three people. There were ten of us here. Ten people, filtered by the very concept of “yachting”. Adequate, smart, tuned in leisure and adventures. I don’t remember the last time I felt so warm on vacation. When I laughed and talked so much. When every minute was filled with meaning...

In general, I’m in a state of damn sadness that it’s all over. One week turned out to be insanely short - I want more, excitedly and with trembling hands. Just a bummer =)
I traveled with the company www.sailtravel.ru

First I'll say briefly and most importantly - it's amazing! This is a must try!

Well, now the details. :) I met the yacht in 2010 thanks to _boxa_ -, crossing the Black Sea and back, traveling along the coast of Turkey... This is not bullshit. After that, unfortunately, I never managed to get to his yacht again, despite the fact that he called. Alas, business, projects and this very freelance...

And I was in Croatia in 2008 - then we drove through national parks, looked at nature and life in this wonderful country.

Now it's time to put it all together. And when I received an offer from the yacht tour operator Friends Travel to spend a week on their yacht somewhere near the coast of Croatia, I agreed without hesitation. Fortunately, a week-long window had just opened up in my travel schedule.

I’ll say right away that yachting is not a vacation at an exorbitant price, as it might seem. Now there are two packages: 800 and 1170 euros per person. The first is only yachting. The second is the same, but plus flight and insurance if you don’t want to do it yourself. You can read what you get for this money on the website. And I will tell you and show you my emotions from a week-long trip to the beautiful islands of Croatia in the middle Dolmatia.

1. You start your journey at Kastela’s home marina - it’s not far from the airport. You get here on your own, but it’s very easy to do - either a taxi or a bus. Here you meet the skipper, first mate and crew of the yacht - those who decided to prefer an exciting trip to a banal beach + hotel holiday.

2. A yacht is first and foremost a sail! In Croatia, the season lasts from April to October, and each month has its own conditions. July is the hottest, but also the quietest in terms of winds. But you can swim from dawn to dusk. And, to be honest, you can swim at night too.

3. You don’t know how to set a sail and don’t know any maritime hub- It's not a problem. The yacht has a professional skipper who will take care of everything. If you want, you can participate in the life of the crew and help them. If you don't want to, don't. As the senior mate said, one day they were walking a group of seven glamorous girls in stiletto heels, who needed new town with a nightclub. During the day they slept and gained strength before a new party. Such a vacation can also happen. Everyone chooses and gets what they want.

4. One of the advantages of yachting is a non-fixed route. Initially, we were supposed to go to Krka Park to see the waterfalls, but since almost everyone was there, we decided to forget about it and immediately taxi to the islands.

5. Charlie, a professional skipper, explains to Olga the basics of sailing a yacht. How to catch the wind and what to do with it all. And the pleasure of sailing a yacht... it’s hard to compare it with anything, you have to try it.

6. In addition to paying for the tour, when checking into the yacht, about 200 euros are contributed to the general treasury. This money is used to purchase food, pay for fuel after the trip, pay for parking in marinas and other general expenses. The specific amount depends on the number of people in the crew. Moreover, according to tradition, the crew feeds the skipper, and the first mate only pays for food. It is worth saying that the yacht is not a five-star hotel. The conditions are comfortable, everything you need is on board, but expect chandeliers, candelabra and room service, etc. not worth it. This is just a comfortable and slightly unusual house. A day later it already seemed to me that I had been living here for a long time. Everything was so familiar and understandable.

7. You also need to understand that a yacht is not a car and moves slowly. Typically the speed is between 5 and 10 knots. The engine is stable at 4-6. Under sail - from zero to ten. But the surrounding reality is so beautiful that there is no time to be bored. This includes oncoming traffic - just look at this beautiful liner! Nature, sailing, talking, etc. and so on. If you get bored, you can always sleep.

8. But the main thing is the crew. If you rent a yacht with a group, then everyone already knows each other. It is easier. In this case, no one knew anyone except the married couple, but that didn't stop everyone from having a wonderful week together and making friends. Although it happens that there is no common language. But you have to be a very strong beech not to get along with the others on such a trip.

9. Our first stop was planned in Hvar, but it was a bummer. It turns out that at that moment there was a yacht week in Croatia. This great amount boats that move from one party city to another and party, party, party. Having fun. But there’s no room in the marina!

10. Also yachting, of course. But the price of one linear meter of such a vessel is from a million dollars. Maintenance, fuel... If you are not an oligarch, this is not your choice.

11. A modern sailing yacht (or catamaran, as in the photo) is also not cheap: from 150,000 euros and above. Maintenance per year - from 20,000. And also parking, repairs and other expenses. Br...

12. But to rent... Yes, almost all of Croatia and Italy sail on rented yachts. This is quite accessible to everyone. Now, as they say, in Russia too. But still on a yacht to Croatia. Or to Turkey. Or the Caribbean. There is a sea everywhere, and it’s good there.

13. And we came to the bay of Hvar itself and dropped anchor in it. Like a dozen other yachts.

14. We got to the shore on an inflatable boat - a “tuzik” (it is called a tuzik, like a dog, because at sea it is tied to a yacht and runs behind it along the waves). Dinner in Hvar and back to our house to sleep.

15. Shkiperskoe workplace. The yacht is equipped with the most modern equipment. Radar, navigation system, autopilot (!), walkie-talkies and much more useful things. You can try twisting and pressing almost all of this.

16. Our yacht is Kali. Almost 48 feet, the flagship of the fleet. Luxury salon, all business... :)

17. We disembark to swim to the Blue Cave. Fantastic place, just a game of nature's mood.

18. I'm already crazy about this picture. A minute earlier, I was stunned by the fact that a boat was floating near the entrance of the cave, where a cashier was sitting, who was writing out a ticket for 40 kuna (payment from the ship’s cash register)!!! There is also a poster hanging nearby that states that swimming and photography are prohibited. But no one cares. And they take pictures and even swim in the cave.

19. Light penetrates into it only through small natural holes in the rock and, reflecting from the white limestone bottom, colors everything around in silver-blue tones.

20. I can’t help but admire once again how he takes off the third nickel in such conditions. ISO 12000... I’m even afraid to imagine what people there are filming on point-and-shoot cameras with flashes.

21. But July is hot. And the heat means swimming. If you want to stand all day in a deserted bay and swim - welcome. If you want to ride fenders, welcome. As Charlie says, "It's your vacation!"

22. But fender riding brings a lot of emotions and positive emotions!

23. Our skipper is Charlie. Extra-class yacht master. He crossed the Atlantic several times. An eternal optimist and a wonderful person. He spent half his life working as a mechanical engineer and designing off-road vehicles, then volunteered for the British Army, where he rose to the rank of regimental commander, fought in Afghanistan, and has now been sailing for many years. Traveled more than 40,000 miles at sea. By the way, all skippers are mega-positive people. There is no other way to do this kind of work.

24. Well, we are still riding fenders :)

25. One of the parking lots. Marina is busy again, so we stand on the buoy. By the way, 200 kuna! And another 75 for an unlimited toilet and shower.

26. I don’t remember where, but it doesn’t matter. Just beautiful! Some smaller parinas offer free parking as long as you dine in their restaurant. One such dinner cost us just over 1000 kuna for six. Moreover, there was a lot of food and it was very tasty. And the local white wine was simply divine.

27. Well, specialists. What kind of animal? How much it rushes, how much it eats, and in general, why is this vessel so strange?!

28. Mimimi beetle. Violet! Is this a replica or an original?

29. Well, we move on. By the way, I highly recommend not drinking on a yacht. No, this is up to you, but... firstly, seasickness with alcohol can be very insidious, and secondly - why? In the evening at a restaurant is one thing. There's great wine, dinner and company. But during the day it's just hot. As the senior mate said, in one company there was a man who had not dried out since the morning. They tied his leg with a scarf so that he wouldn’t fall overboard. So he lay on the deck all day. But sunbathing is welcome. But remember, the sun doesn’t sleep either. Getting heatstroke is nothing to do. Okay, relax. Everything is simple and good there :)

30. Charlie is a fan of traditional navigation. Despite the fact that he has a hard time, he uses a sextant for pleasure. It was made in the 80s... and when crossing the Atlantic he had to use a device made in the 20s of the last century. And it worked great!

31. One of the bays on the island of Lastovo. There is an abandoned military bunker here. I'll post a report from there soon.

32. But even without a bunker, this bay is worth stopping and swimming.

33. Naturally, you need to climb the mast.

34. Unforgettable sensations and emotions. Especially when the boat is rocking.

35. My happy and unshaven face is at the top of the mast.

36. Magic Korcula.

37. Very elderly people live on this yacht. They go to sea very rarely, but the yacht itself is in impeccable condition.

38. Mooring of another yacht in the marina.

39. Old city in Korcula.

40. Sunset view from the cocktail tower.

42. Then I remembered that I have a fish eye!

43. Olga, who is in the foreground, is on the yacht for the second time. And Ilya and Masha are the first.

44. Misha, first mate. Professional golfer and yachtsman.

45. Hurray, wind! Everyone sets the sails and turns up the heat. Alas, it doesn't last long. :(

46. ​​The last night takes place in a deserted rocky bay. Here we have dinner and sleep for a couple of hours. We get up at four in the morning, swim at night and go early.

47. Sunrise at sea... It's just beautiful.

This is where the trip around the islands of Croatia ended. It was a wonderful week. Thanks to Charlie, Misha, Olga, Ilya and Masha for the wonderful company. Thank you


Until this year, I had never traveled by sea. And then suddenly I was invited on a cruise. This time to Croatia. I make a decision in 1 minute, give the money and go on vacation for a week. October - in Moscow there are already cold nights, rains, the first frosts, but here it’s summer, gentle sun, warm sea, velvet nights...

I rarely ride without some kind of landscape purpose. All trips are connected with my favorite work: exhibitions, conferences, seminars, gardens and parks... I write articles about this on the website, talk about what I saw and learned. I also want to tell you about a trip to the Croatian islands in the Adriatic Sea and show photos. Of course, I tried to photograph various landscape techniques, urban and private landscaping, but the landscapes themselves, natural landscapes, are a stunning spectacle that inspires and spiritualizes, and gives a powerful creative charge.

We have a very nice group. Mostly Muscovites and 2 ladies from Gelendzhik. All people are very interesting and cheerful. We flew to Montenegro in Tivat. Even from the plane one could see the mountainous terrain, where there are so few places suitable for life. The settlements are located mainly along the seashore and are connected by thin strings of roads. Following one of them, we went to Croatia, in the city of Slano we boarded our yacht “Enigma”. The Russian flag was raised on the yacht especially for our group. The yacht has double cabins with shower rooms for 14 passengers and 4 crew members. Our team was also wonderful. Croatian captain Ivica, his wife Alla, cook Nano, and cheerful sailor Antonio. Nano prepared us very tasty dishes and even delicious desserts. And Antonio infected everyone with his positivity. No one could get bored around him. Alla is a Muscovite; 5 years ago she went on vacation to Croatia and met her future husband there. Now the yacht is their family business. I was amazed at how deftly and skillfully Alla handled any maritime work. She stands at the helm, does the work, and drives the boat. Most importantly, you can see how much she likes it all. She glows with happiness, and Captain Ivica glows looking at her...

There is no winter here, navigation is carried out all year round, but tourists tend to get to the islands in the summer. It’s not clear why?.. It’s good here in the summer too. But in spring, autumn and even winter it’s nice to visit warm country. In my opinion, Croatia and Montenegro have a lot of advantages over other resorts. There is a very comfortable climate here, not scorching sun, amazingly clean water, friendly people. It feels like you're at home. Even the local speech is understandable, there are many words with the same root that are similar to Russian. We communicated easily in Russian-Ukrainian-Croatian.

The southern islands and coastal mainland of Croatia are called Dalmatia. Due to the ruggedness of the coast, there were a huge number of views and breathtaking landscapes. Without a yacht, of course, the possibilities in this regard are very limited. On the Enigma we came to a new harbor every day and spent the night there. Sometimes we went somewhere in the middle of the day. We visited cities, villages, best beaches, ancient fortresses, National parks. We also swam directly from board in the open sea. Once we even saw dolphins. In a week we visited Dubrovnik, Split, Mljet and Lastovo, Hvar, Makarska, Korcula, Trstenik, Šipan, Slano, Bol.

Croatian coastal towns have their own special charm. They are always located on the terrain. Narrow streets run up. Everything is paved with stone. Stone houses are covered with red tiles. There are pergolas entwined with grapes and flowered balconies everywhere. There is a central square with a church. And some ancient fortification structure often rises above the city. If you climb here, magnificent panoramas will open before you. In the towns they sell wine, cheese, fruit, and seafood. You can rent a bicycle. There are few cars. The population seems to move more by sea. They fish, go from city to city, and carry tourists.

Our daily routine was like this:
- before breakfast we walked or swam in the sea
- had breakfast at the stern
- went out to sea and sunbathed on the front deck
- dined on a yacht
- swam and sunbathed again
- moored in a new town (only once we stood in a roadstead and got to shore by boat)
- walked around the city, went shopping, had dinner

The vacation turned out to be of such high quality that I completely forgot about work and all Moscow worries. I discovered a new interesting opportunity for myself - traveling on a yacht. This is much more exciting than traveling by land. And so romantic! I would like to repeat such an adventure soon and definitely do it outside the generally accepted tourist season When the berths are free, prices drop and the weather in Dalmatia is always good. During the season, all cruises can be purchased very well in advance, and at other times there is every chance to organize a vacation spontaneously. Some people love it that way, and I am one of them.
Interesting idea - short trips and corporate events for several days. You don’t need a visa for the trip, and the flight from Moscow to this heavenly place is only 3 hours. Special thanks to Tour Operator TTS Partner for organizing the trip.

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