The tallest monuments in the world in height. The tallest statues and monuments in the world: a list with the names of countries, cities, photos, descriptions. Victory Memorial - the pride of Russia

Which countries and cities have the most tall monuments, statues in the world? Rating of the highest statues with list, description, photo

The tall statues amaze with their grandeur and excite the imagination of tourists. Many people remember the story of Gulliver when looking at the majestic sculptures. Huge statues are located in different parts of the world. Sculptors, architects and authors of projects wanted to glorify their creations so that they would stand for centuries. They managed to do it. We invite you to get acquainted with the list of the tallest monuments and statues around the world.

If we list all these buildings, then besides Buddha statues there will be no others in our rating. We will not describe here all the sculptures dedicated to Buddha in order to introduce you to other, no less majestic structures. So let's get started.

The tallest monuments and statues with height indication, names of countries, cities:

  1. Victory Monument (Russia, Moscow) - 141.8 m;
  2. Cristo Rey (Portugal, Almada) - 138 m;
  3. Wellington's Column (Great Britain, Liverpool) - 132 m;
  4. Lezhong-Sasazha (Myanmar, Khatakan Taung village) - 129.24 m;
  5. Goddess Guanyin Statue (China, Sanya) - 108 m;
  6. Sculpture "Motherland" (Ukraine, Kyiv) - 102 m;
  7. Goddess Kannon Statue (Japan, Sendai) - 100 m;
  8. Statue of Liberty (USA, New York) - 93 m;
  9. Buddha statue (China, Wuxi) - 88 m;
  10. (Russia, Volgograd) - 87 m;
  11. Statue of Saint Rita (Brazil, Santa Cruz) - 56 m;
  12. Genghis Khan statue (Mongolia, Tsonzhin-Boldog area) - height 50 m;
  13. Christ the King Statue (Poland, Swiebodzin) - 52 m;
  14. (Russia, Murmansk) - 42.5 m;
  15. Statue of the Virgin Mary of Quita (Ecuador, Quito) - 41 m.

These sculptures were erected in different years and centuries, they glorify saints, warriors and great people, pay tribute to significant events of the people and country. Each of these statues contains a story and sometimes incredible miracles.

Victory Monument

In the capital of Russia, on Poklonnaya Hill, a Victory Monument was erected to commemorate the victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Important: The height of the monument is 141.8 m. And there is a reason for this figure. For every day of bloody war there is 10 centimeters.

This monument is the tallest in Russia. It also ranks first in our ranking. The shape of the monument is quite complex. The statue is made in the shape of a triangular bayonet with bronze bas-reliefs. Almost at the very top of the bayonet is the goddess Nike with a victorious crown in her hands, as well as cupids trumpeting victory.

The Victory Monument is located on a hill. This hill contains service buildings. Here they monitor the condition of the sculpture.

The Victory Monument ranks 1st in the list of tallest statues

Goddess Nike and two cupids

Tall monument in Russia

Cristo Rey

This statue was built in Portugal near the city of Almada. The figure represents Jesus Christ addressed to people. Cristo Rey is 138 m high, of which the sculpture of Jesus Christ is 28 m, the base is 110 m. The base of the structure is presented in the form of four pillars connected to a common base.

At the foot of the Cristo Rei statue there is an observation deck from which you can admire the beauty of the surrounding area and the Tagus River. Admire the statue from afar better at night when the lights come on. Special lights allow you to see the statue better.

Important: The construction of this structure has interesting story. The project for the construction of the sculpture was signed in 1940. Thus, they wanted to ask God that Portugal would not be involved in the Second World War.

Funds for the construction of the statue were collected by the people of Portugal. People donated money and asked God to save the lives of their family and friends.

Inside the statue there is a guest house, a chapel and a church. There is an elevator inside that will quickly take you to the observation deck.

Majestic statue of Cristo Rey, Portugal

Close-up view of the huge statue

Cristo Rey from behind

Wellington's Column

Important: There is a monument to Wellington in Liverpool. Its other name is the Waterloo Monument. After the death of the Duke of Wellington, they decided to erect a monument in honor of the Duke and his victories.

The townspeople collected funds for the installation of the column. The first stone of the column was laid in 1861, construction was completed by 1865.

The monument features steps, a pedestal and a tall column on which the figure of the Duke of Wellington is installed. The height of the figure is 25 m. There are bronze eagles on all sides of the pedestal. One side depicts the Battle of Waterloo.

Liverpool, Wellington's Column

Eagles around the perimeter of the column

Figure of the Duke of Wellington


This statue is in the form of a huge standing Buddha. You can see the large-scale statue in the vicinity of Khatakan Taung in Myanmar. All tourists traveling to Myanmar are recommended to visit this unique place to see the majestic statue in person. After all, the photo does not convey the full scale of the structure.

The height of the statue is more than 129 m, of which the Buddha is 116 m, and the remaining meters are reserved for the pedestal. Construction of the statue lasted 12 long years. The official opening took place in 2008.

The statue of Lezhong-Sasazha is painted primarily in yellow. The statue is hollow inside. There is a museum on Buddhism here.

Important: For local residents, this statue is a place of religious worship, and for tourists of other faiths, it is a landmark of Myanmar. The statue can be seen from afar and is surrounded by a huge garden with many plants.


The face of the statue close up

Goddess Guanyin Statue

In the city of Sanya on the resort island of Hainan, the statue of the Goddess Guanyin is majestically located. Its height is as much as 108 m. The statue was built over the course of 6 years. The opening of the statue took place in 2005. This sculpture can be seen from anywhere in the city. The first thing that greets guests of the island is a statue. It is worth noting that there are always a lot of guests, because the island is a famous resort.

The peculiarity of the statue is that it has three faces. One face is directed towards the island, and the other two are directed towards the sea. This represents the protection and patronage of the goddess from all sides.

Important: Traditionally, the goddess Guanyin is the patroness of women and children. Those who have problems conceiving can turn to the goddess. Many tourists from all over the world go to the island specifically to ask the goddess to fulfill her dream and give her a child.

However, tourists are not always able to quickly get to the statue: access to it opens at certain hours.

The statue of the goddess Guanyin, located on Hainan Island, is included in the Guinness Book of Records. This structure is the tallest statue dedicated to this goddess in the entire world.

Magnificent Island Hainan

Majestic statue

Tourists go to the goddess Guanyin


On the right bank of the Dnieper River in Kyiv, the majestic Motherland structure was erected. The statue is dedicated to the Great Victory won in 1945.

Important: The statue represents a woman with a sword and shield in her hands.

The years of construction of the statue were 1981. The famous sculptor Evgeniy Vuchetich worked on the project of the statue. After his death, the project was headed by Vasily Borodai. The height of the statue with the pedestal is 102 m, the statue itself is 62 m. A sculpture of this size was the largest work in the USSR in those years. The statue is made of steel, although they planned to cover it with gold leaf. The entire statue is entirely welded.

According to forecasts, the structure will stand for more than 150 years. The statue is not afraid of even an earthquake measuring 9 points. There are elevators inside the structure that take people to observation platforms. From the height of the statue you can admire the beauty of the city of Kyiv.

At the base of the structure there is a three-story museum. In front of it is a square that can accommodate 30 thousand people at a time. Events dedicated to Victory Day are held here.

Tall statue - Motherland

Rating of statues of the world

This is what the statue looks like up close

Goddess Kannon Statue

In the city of Sendai, near Tokyo, the main attraction is the statue of the goddess Kannon. Height - 100 m. The statue has been considered the patroness of the city since 1991, this is the year the structure was erected. The statue is white.

According to Japanese mythology, the goddess of mercy Kannon helps people and gives them happiness. The goddess can take different forms; she can come to a person in 33 forms. The image of a cat with an outstretched paw, which attracts good luck, takes its roots from here. According to legend, one prince took refuge from the rain under a large tree. Suddenly he saw a cat beckoning him with its paw. The prince followed the call of the animal, and suddenly lightning struck the tree, and it crumbled into small chips.

Important: The Cannon company, which is primarily known for its cameras, is named after this goddess.

The statue is located on the territory of the temple, where they pray to the goddess of mercy. Tourists and everyone can take the stairs or elevator to the top, where they can look at the Japanese city of Sendai.

Tall statue of the goddess Kannon, Sendai

View of the statue from afar

Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty is called the symbol of America. From the ground to the top of the torch, the height is 93 m. The image of this statue can often be seen on postcards, souvenirs, and in movies. The Statue of Liberty was unveiled in 1886.

Important: Everyone is accustomed to calling this sculpture the Statue of Liberty, but not everyone knows its full name - “Liberty Enlightening the World.” This statue is a gift to the people of the United States from the French people who supported America in the fight for democracy.

Funds were raised for the construction of the statue in France and the USA. For this purpose, exhibitions, balls, sports competitions and other events were organized. It was assumed that the statue would be made for the 100th anniversary of the US Declaration of Independence. However, by this date (1876) only a hand with a torch had been made. The Statue of Liberty came to New York only in 1885, and was opened in 1886.

The statue is located on Liberty Island, which until 1956 was called Bedlow. The statue has been restored many times. In connection with the terrorist attacks, the statue was repeatedly closed to tourists. Currently, the statue is open to the public, but before you can get there you have to go through a security check.

Statue of Liberty, America

World famous statue

View of the statue from afar

Buddha statue

The bronze majestic Buddha is located at the top of Lingshan Hill in Chinese city Wuxi. The city became popular after the statue was erected in 1997. Tourists and pilgrims from different parts of the world began to come here to worship Buddha.

Sculptors and architects worked on the creation and installation of the statue for 3 years. The height of this structure is simply amazing; the head of the statue goes into the sky. The statue measures 88 meters and weighs about 800 tons. The statue had to be erected in parts. The blocks were installed and welded to each other. The unveiling of the statue was attended by many representatives from other countries.

Money for the construction of the Buddha statue was collected in many regions of China. Interestingly, the statue has underground floors.

To get to the big Buddha, you first need to go to the small one - 8 meters high. Only then does access to the steps leading to the Buddha open. There are 216 steps in total.

Important: According to legend, after passing 2 steps, a person loses 1 suffering. So, having gone through all 216 steps, you can get rid of 108 sufferings.

Long climb to the big Buddha

Huge Buddha close up

View from afar

Sculpture “The Motherland is Calling!”

Sculpture “The Motherland is Calling!” rises in Volgograd on the Mamayev Kurgan.

Important: Motherland is a woman with a raised sword in her hand. She steps forward. The statue represents the Motherland, which calls its faithful sons to fight the enemy.

The statue is located on a large mound, the height of which is almost 14 m. This mound is a bulk mound; the remains of 34,505 warriors rest here. Imagine this figure!

To get to the sculpture, you need to walk along a serpentine path. From the foot of the mound you can count 200 steps - exactly as long as the Battle of Stalingrad lasted.

The total height of the statue is 85 m, and the height of the figure is 52 m. The weight of the Motherland is 8000 tons. The steel sword that is held in the hands weighs 14 tons. Construction of the statue lasted 8 years. The discovery took place in 1959.

There is a copy of the statue in the Chinese city of Manchuria.

“The Motherland is calling!”

Close view

Huge statue

Statue of Saint Rita

The statue of Saint Rita is installed in Brazil in the city of Santa Cruz. The height of the statue is 56 m.

Important: Saint Rita is revered in countries Latin America. On the day of remembrance of this saint, people decorate their homes with roses and also give them to each other. The saint is often depicted holding roses in her hands.

According to legends, Saint Rita was born into a family of middle-aged and poor parents. From childhood, the girl was raised in the spirit of Christianity and was a devout child. The girl wanted to devote her life to serving God, but her parents persuaded her to get married.

Subsequently, Rita's husband was killed, and the now adult sons wanted to deal with their father's killers. However, Saint Rita asked God not to make her sons murderers. As a result, both of her sons soon died from the disease.

After the death of her sons, Saint Rita spent the rest of her life in the monastery, helping people. One day she was tasked with watering a long-withered vine. And a miracle happened - the vine came to life.

Before her death, Rita was visited by a relative. Rita asked her to go to the garden and bring her a rose and 2 figs. The relative thought that Saint Rita had gone crazy, because it was winter, but nevertheless fulfilled the request. Imagine her surprise when she found a rose and figs among the snow. Rita believed that this was a sign from God that the souls of her children and husband were saved.

Construction of the statue of St. Rita

This is what the statue of St. Rita looks like at night

Genghis Khan statue

It’s not hard to guess where you can see the statue of the famous khan and conqueror. This is Mongolia. Statue of Genghis Khan on horseback. Its height is 50 m, of which the figure of a horse and rider is 40 m. The opening of the statue took place in 2008.

Important: The Genghis Khan statue is the largest equestrian statue.

The location for the statue was not chosen by chance. According to legend, not far from this place Genghis found a golden whip. There are 36 columns around the statue of the conqueror. They were built in honor of the khans of the Mongol Empire.

The pedestal houses restaurants, souvenir shops, a museum, art Gallery. And on the horse’s head there is a playground.

The area adjacent to the pedestal is planned to be developed to attract tourists. According to the project, there will be a whole entertainment complex, including a golf course, a lake, a theater, theme park Mongolian life.

For the people of Mongolia, the statue is very important and honorable, because the history of the nation began with the name of Genghis Khan. Genghis Khan on an iron horse is the symbol of this country.

Monument to Genghis Khan

Genghis Khan statue

Close view of the statue

Statue of Christ the King

There are many sculptures personifying God. They are located in different parts of the world. One of these statues can be seen in Poland. This sculpture was opened in 2010. It took about two years to construct and erect the statue.

Construction was suspended for some time due to a power line passing nearby. However, this issue was soon resolved and construction continued. The height of the statue reaches 33 m. There is a gilded crown on the head of the statue. The monument is hollow.

Important: A statue of Jesus facing people with outstretched arms. This represents main symbol Christian faith - the cross.

Statue of Christ the King, Poland

Close view of the statue

Golden crown on the statue

Memorial complex "Alyosha"

The legendary "Alyosha" is located in the city of Murmansk. The full name of the memorial is “Defenders of the Soviet Arctic during the Great Patriotic War.” But most people know this monument by its abbreviated name.

Important: “Alyosha” is a symbol of the city of Murmansk. The monument represents the figure of a Russian soldier in a raincoat with a machine gun over his shoulders. Alyosha’s eyes are directed into the distance, to where the enemies came to our land.

The opening took place in 1974. In those years, many monuments, statues and memorials were erected to honor the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. The total height of the monument is 42.5 m. The inside of the monument is hollow, but its weight is enormous - 5000 tons.

The opening of “Alyosha” was very solemn. Old-timers remembered this day as one of the most significant and solemn in the life of the city. At the opening it was installed Eternal flame. Many locals and tourists come to the monument to lay flowers. People remember the heroic deed of their ancestors.

Memorial "Alyosha", Murmansk

Monument "Alyosha"

Statue of the Virgin Mary of Quita

The statue of Our Lady of Quita is the tallest structure in Ecuador. Its height is 41 m. The statue was erected in 1976.

Despite the height of the statue, its weight is relatively light. The statue is made of durable material - aluminum.

Important: The sculpture personifies the Virgin Mary, who stands on globe. You can see a snake under the feet of the Virgin Mary.

The main idea of ​​the sculptor is to show that the Saint will protect the city and people from all evil. A distinctive feature of the statue is that the Virgin Mary has wings behind her back. This is not a typical image for Christian iconography. The statue is located on Panecillo Hill in the city of Quito in Ecuador.

Statue of the Virgin Mary of Quita

Close view of the statue

This is what the statue looks like at night

In the photographs, the listed statues may seem small, but in fact they are very large and majestic. It's worth seeing with your own eyes. Over the years, others have taken first place in the list of the tallest monuments. Thus, in 2018, it is planned to open the world’s largest statue of Patel in India. The estimated height of the statue is 182 m.

Video: Top 10 tallest statues in the world

Any country in the world tries to show its uniqueness and stand out from other states, glorify itself, its gods and great figures who played a significant historical role. There are different ways to attract interest large number people, one of which is the erection of statues, so colossal that they can be seen from the far corners of the planet. The most tall statues of the world are erected for centuries, as a sign of the steadfastness and power of the country, as well as as historical value for subsequent generations.

The Statue of Liberty and the Washington Monument are the pride of Americans

Many people believe that the Statue of Liberty is the tallest statue in the world. Indeed, this majestic monument, an American symbol, evokes awe and admiration.

However, its height of 93 meters today does not cause the same surprise, because there are higher monuments in the world. Which statue is the tallest in the world?

Against the backdrop of monuments existing on Earth, the monument to the first President of the United States of America, George Washington, stands out in its enormous size, which was considered the tallest building on the planet before its construction Eiffel Tower. Located between the Capitol and the White House, it is a giant marble-clad stele. Its base is surrounded by fifty flags representing the 50 states of the Union. The shape of the obelisk resembles a pencil, which is why it is called that among Americans.

History of the Washington Monument

The design of the monument lasted almost a hundred years, including a 25-year break due to Civil War and the slow recovery of the country. The first call for construction took place back in 1738, when the Continental Congress decided that in honor of the American victory under George Washington in the Revolutionary War, an equestrian statue should be erected in his honor. Due to limited resources in those days, the monument was never built. Implementation old dream Americans about the creation of a monument that the world had not yet seen, found its continuation in 1838, when a collection of donations for its construction was started and a competition was announced for best idea. Robert Mills won, proposing a stunning project that turned out to be unaffordable, but was nevertheless taken as the basis.

The first stone of the future masterpiece was laid on July 4, 1848, using a shovel that was used to lay the foundation for the Capitol half a century before the event described by Washington himself. Construction was completed in 1884, and the monument was officially opened in October 1888. At the same time, a steam elevator was installed on it, which gave way to an electric one in 1901. From the top of the monument on the observation deck you can see the Capitol building, Thomas Jefferson, and the White House.

Victory Memorial - the pride of Russia

What is the tallest statue in the world after the Washington Monument? With a difference of 30 meters - this is the Victory Monument, erected in 1995 on May 9th. It is part of the one located in Moscow on Poklonnaya Hill. The height of the monument - 141.8 meters - was chosen deliberately: 10 centimeters for every day of the war.

The shape of the obelisk resembles a triangular bayonet covered with bronze bas-reliefs. On a granite podium at the foot of the monument there is a statue of St. George the Victorious, slaying a snake with a spear - a symbol of evil. At the 100-meter mark there is a 25-ton group of sculptures, which includes a bronze figure of Nike, the goddess of Victory, bearing a crown, and two cupids proclaiming a joyful event.

Tallest statues in the world: Spring Temple Buddha

The statues of the world, which are huge in size, mostly depict Buddha. For example, the height of the tallest statue in the world, the Buddha of the Spring Temple, is 128 meters, of which 28 meters are given to the lotus-shaped pedestal. Such a grandiose structure is located on a 25-meter pedestal, to which a staircase leads, consisting of 365 steps and 12 flights, symbolizing the number of days and months in a year. Erected in 2002, the tallest Buddha statue in the world rises above the village of Zhaocun in China's Henan Province.

This sculpture represents one of the five sacred Buddhas, embodying Wisdom. It was made from separate parts (about 1100 pieces), then folded into one whole. 15 thousand tons of steel, 33 tons of copper and about 108 kilograms of gold were spent on its production, and the total cost of the entire project was about $55 million. The idea of ​​erecting such a colossus arose after the Taliban blew up two of the world's tallest statues of Buddha in Afghanistan. In 2010, the hill on which it was installed giant statue, was converted into two stone steps, which increased the height of the sculpture to 208 meters. This served as the basis for its inclusion in the Guinness Book of Records.

Japanese Buddha

No less impressive in its size is the tallest Buddha statue in the world (after the Spring Temple Buddha), located in Japan in the city of Ushiku - the 120-meter Amitahba Buddha statue, created in 1995. Its construction took about 600 bronze plates connected to each other; The weight of the graceful colossus, according to rough estimates, is about 4000 tons.

Being a true work of art and a living embodiment of modern engineering thought, the sculpture inside is equipped with museums and observation decks, which offer stunning views of the surrounding world. There are also special rooms inside the monument; You can leave a sign with your innermost desires in them. There are also small tombs, a place in which can be purchased by any Japanese at a price of 3,000 to 10,000 euros. Each tomb is marked with a plaque with the names of the buried people. The place for the statue was chosen deliberately: it was in Usika, after many years of solitary life and meditation, that Dharmakara received enlightenment and became Buddha Amitabha. By the pose of the statue, one can determine that the Buddha passes on his knowledge and teachings to his followers, helping them achieve enlightenment.

The Buddha's headdress is not an ordinary one; on his head is a hat in the shape of his reduced face.

Lezhong Sasaja - 116-meter Buddha

A religious sculpture in Myanmar (Sikaing District) is the statue of Lezhong Sasazha. The 116-meter tall Buddha statue, mounted on a 13.4-meter-high pedestal, stands next to another Buddha that was built 17 years earlier.

Officially, the monument, which took 12 years to build, was opened in 2008 and was the tallest sculpture at that time. Predominant color architectural structure is yellow.

Tallest statues in the world: Goddess Guanyin

The pride is the beautiful statue of the Goddess Guanyin, erected in 2006. Its height is 108 meters. This majestic sculpture is located on an artificially created island, to which an originally designed road leads through green Park. The three-faced goddess, whose white color harmoniously combines with the blue sea and water, attracts many tourists from all over the world.

One face of the goddess is facing the island of Hainan, the other two are directed into the sea, symbolizing the protection of the whole world. In her hands the goddess holds a rosary, the number of beads of which is 108. According to Feng Shui, this is a sacred number, considered auspicious by the Chinese. By the way, 108 monks were also present at the opening of the monument in 2008. On the other hand, the goddess holds a book in her hands and the name Guanyin means “looking at the suffering of the world,” and the goddess personifies mercy and wisdom. People come to her to pray for the children; at the foot of the statue there is even a certain place where you can stand and ask the goddess for the most secret things.

Typically statues are created to commemorate an important historical event or to honor famous person. Some statues acquire fame on their own, separate from the person or concept they represent, as happened with the Statue of Liberty. And the tallest statues in the world become the main attraction of the city in which they are located.

We present to you the top 10 tallest statues, one look at which can cause an attack of dizziness.

10. Statue of the goddess Guanyin in Sanya, China

The height excluding the pedestal is 80 meters.

The statue of the Buddhist Goddess of Mercy is the tenth tallest statue in the world and shows believers three different faces of a serene bodhisattva.

One face turned to to a neighboring city Sanya, and the other two are facing outwards, towards South China Sea. The faces of Goddess Guanyin symbolize peace, wisdom and compassion.

The statue of the goddess Guanyin is framed by flower beds, tropical trees and flags. And Buddhist monks often pray at her feet.

9. The Motherland is calling, Russia

The height excluding the pedestal is 85 meters.

This statue, located in the city of Volgograd on the Mamayev Kurgan, is the central part of a monument-ensemble consisting of three monuments. The second and third are “Rear Front” (located in Magnitogorsk) and “Warrior Liberator” in Treptower Park, Berlin.

The multi-meter figure, symbolizing the Motherland, calling to fight the enemy, was designed by Nikolai Nikitin and Evgeniy Vuchetich. 5,500 tons of concrete and 2,400 tons of metal structures were used for its construction. The inside of the statue is reinforced with metal cables.

The huge 14-meter hill on which the sculpture stands is an embankment. The remains of 34,505 soldiers who participated in the Battle of Stalingrad are buried there. From the foot of Mamayev Kurgan to its top there is a serpentine road consisting of 200 granite steps - the battle for Stalingrad lasted for so many days.

8. Buddha statue in Wuxi, China

One of the largest Buddha statues in China is located on Lishan Hill near the city of Wuxi. The statue itself and its lotus-shaped pedestal consist of 2,000 sheets of bronze weighing more than 725 tons. An advanced lightning protection system is used to protect the Big Buddha, and various modern technologies ensure its protection from wind and corrosion.

The Buddha's right hand, which points to the heavens, depicts the "fearlessness mudra", allowing people to be brave and calm. The right hand pointing down to the ground shows "varada mudra", blessing people with security and happiness. When looking at the statue, you will find that the Buddha's eyes always follow you, whether you are far from the statue or near it. This interesting phenomenon associated with the exceptional skills of the sculptors.

Inside the statue's pedestal is a comprehensive three-story museum where you can learn about the basics of Buddhism.

Most of the attractions such as Brahma Palace, Xiangfu Temple, etc. extend along the southeast-northwest axis from the main gate to the Big Buddha statue.

7. Statue of the goddess Kannon in Ashibetsu, Japan

The height excluding the pedestal is 88 meters.

It is the third tallest statue in Japan. At the time of its construction (in 1989) and until 1991, the statue of the goddess of mercy Kannon in the city of Ashibetsu was considered the tallest statue in the world.

Inside the statue are over 20 floors with an elevator that takes visitors to a platform providing panoramic views of the surrounding area.

The construction of such a tall statue was aimed at attracting tourists to the city. However, this idea was not destined to come true; tourists still do not flock to Asibetsu.

6. Buddha statue, Thailand

The Great Buddha of Thailand is the tallest statue in the country. Its construction began in Ang Thong province in 1990 and was completed in 2008. It cost 131 million Thai baht(about $3.75 million).

The entire statue is made of cement and coated with gold paint, which gives it a majestic and shining appearance. It casts a shadow not only on Wat Muang, but also on the surrounding “Garden of Hell”, which contains sculptures depicting various scenes from Buddhist hell.

5. Statue of the goddess Guanyin in Changsha, China

The height excluding the pedestal is 92 meters.

This beautiful gilded statue is called the thousand-armed one, and there is a good legend associated with this image. The merciful goddess wanted to help every creature on Earth so much that the other gods gave her a thousand hands and a thousand eyes. Thanks to this gift, the goddess can see all those who need help and have time to help as many people as possible.

Changsha County Government, with the help of local business and religious organizations, invested 260 million yuan in the construction of the statue, which was completed in 2009.

4. Statue of the goddess Kannon in Sendai, Japan

The statue was erected in honor of the Japanese goddess of mercy - an analogue of the Chinese Guanyin. It stands on top of a hill in Sendai and can be seen from many parts of the city.

Goddess Kannon holds a gem (symbol of wish fulfillment) in her right hand and a small vessel in her left hand, which contains the water of wisdom.

At the feet of the statue is the gaping mouth of a dragon, through which one can see 33 different forms of the goddess Kannon and twelve demonic creatures, each of which relates to Chinese astrology. You can bring some coins with you if you want to make a donation to the goddess, but this is by no means required.

On the top floor there are 108 statues, each representing an earthly desire. Have a problem with jealousy? Tormented by selfishness? Are you tormented by greed? Find a suitable statue, drop a small offering into the box and say a prayer. Perhaps this negative aspect of your personality will disappear over time.

A tourist can take an elevator to the top of the statue and admire the city below. On clear days you can even see the Pacific Ocean.

3. Big Buddha in Ushiku City, Japan

The height excluding the pedestal is 100 meters.

Ushiku Daibutsu is the tallest statue made entirely of bronze. There are four floors inside the Buddha:

  • on the first level, visitors can hear beautiful music;
  • the second level is entirely devoted to religious studies;
  • the third level is filled with 30,000 Buddha statues;
  • and from the upper level visitors can be observed beautiful gardens, located in the vicinity of the statue.

2. Spring Temple Buddha Statue in Zhaocun Township, China

The height excluding the pedestal is 108 meters.

This massive copper Buddha stands on a 20 meter tall lotus flower, which in turn rests on a 25 meter pedestal. The majestic structure is China's response to the Taliban's barbaric destruction of two Buddha statues in Afghanistan. The Chinese have great respect for the Buddhist heritage and expressed this by creating the enormous Vairocana Buddha, who represents wisdom. The cost of the project cost the Chinese authorities $55 million.

1. Shakyamuni Buddha Statue (Lezhong Sasazha), Myanmar

The height excluding the pedestal is 115.82 meters.

When looking at the photo of the tallest statue in the world, one inevitably admires the titanic work that its creators did. It is noteworthy that the sculpture was erected solely with donations from local residents. This fact explains the very long construction period. It started in 1996 and ended in 2008.

Although travelers view this huge sculpture as an attractive visual attraction, local residents refer to Lezhong-Sasazha as sacred place worship.

The sculpture is painted in a beautiful bright yellow color. This color is considered a symbol of wisdom in Buddhism.

Not all travelers, even those who know which statue is the tallest in the world, have an idea of ​​the internal structure of this wonder. The "Skyscraper Buddha" statue hides 31 floors (which supposedly belong to the 31 planes of existence in Theravada theology) and a special elevator.

The first few levels feature some of the most gruesome images of Buddhist hell: lots of horned creatures beating people with hammers before throwing them into fiery pits, psychedelic wild animals chewing on human limbs and the like. Somewhat reminiscent of the joint work of Hieronymus Bosch and Quentin Tarantino. Next, the paintings begin to show a clear didactic sequence: if you commit sinful act X, you will receive terrible fate Y.

To calm your nerves, you can take the elevator to the top floor and enjoy panoramic view to the city.

Around the statue there is a garden in which about 9,000 bodhi trees are planted. It is believed that the Buddha achieved enlightenment while resting under a bodhi tree.

List of the world's tallest statues in history

StatueLocationHeight without pedestalOpening year
Lezhong-SasazhaMyanmar115.82 2008
Vairochana Buddha statue in ZhaocunChina108 2002
Daibutsu UshikuJapan100 1995
Goddess Kannon statue in SendaiJapan100 1991
Statue of Goddess Guanyin in ChangshaChina~92 2009
Buddha statue in Ang ThongThailand92 2008
Statue of the goddess Kannon in AshibetsuJapan~88 1989
Buddha statue in WuxiChina88 1996
The Motherland is calling!Russia, Volgograd85 1967
Goddess Guanyin statue in SanyaChina80 2005
Goddess Kannon statue at AwajiJapan80 1982
Statue of the goddess Kannon in KageJapan~73 1988
Buddha statue in Leshan, object World Heritage UNESCO.China71 713
Goddess Kannon statue at ShodoJapan~68 1995
Goddess Kannon statue in KurumJapan~63
MotherlandUkraine, Kyiv62 1981
Guanyin statue in ChinaChina62
Guan Yu StatueChina61 2010
Buddha statue in Roi EtThailand59.2
Maitreya Buddha StatueRepublic of China57.6
Aizu Jibo Dai-KannonJapan~57 1987
Statue of Guan Yu in Jingzhou.China58 2016
Tōkyō-wan-KannonJapan~56 1961
Buddha DordenmaButane51.5 2010
Statue of Saint RitaBrazil50 2010
Monument to Buddha MaidiriMongolia 2019
Sekai Heiwa Dai-KannonJapan~50 1982
African Renaissance Monument - a memorial bronze statue commemorating the 50th anniversary of Senegal's independence from FranceSenegal49 2010
Dai-Kannon in KamaishiJapan~48,5 1970
Statue of the Virgin Mary in TrujilloVenezuela~48.5 1983
The Statue of Liberty is New York's main attraction and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.USA46 1886
Birth of a New ManSpain~45 1995
Big Buddha in PhuketThailand~45 1995
Statue of Kailashnath Mahadeva (Shiva)Nepal~43,6 2010
Statue of Lord Murugan (Skandhe)Malaysia~42,7 2006
Samantabhadra Bodhisattva StatueChina42
Takasaki White Wear Kannon StatueJapan~41,8 1936
Veera Abhaya Anjaneya Hanuman SwamiIndia~41 2003
Guanyin of LianhuashanChina~40,88 1994
The statue of Genghis Khan in Tsonjin Boldog is the world's tallest equestrian statueMongolia40 2008
Statue of Jose MorelosMexico~40
Shiva Murudeshwar StatueIndia38 2002
Amitabha Buddha statueRepublic of China36.6 1975
The Christ the King Statue is the world's tallest statue of Jesus Christ.Poland36 2010
The Colossus of RhodesGreece, Rhodes~ 36 280 BC e.
Mao Zedong statueChina, Henan36 2016
Memorial to the Defenders of the Soviet Arctic during the Great Patriotic WarRussia35.5 1974
Cristo de la ConcordiaBolivia34.2 1994
Big BuddhaHong Kong34 1993
Colossus of NeroItaly Rome~ 33,5 75
Cosmoplanetary messiahFrance, Castellane33 1990
Statue of the Virgin Mary in Mas RillerFrance32.6 1941
Jalesveva-Jayamahe-StatueIndonesia30.8 1996
Statue of Christ the RedeemerBrazil30 1931
Statue of the Virgin Mary of QuitaEcuador30 1976
Statue of Jesus Christ in Tlalnepantla de BasMexico30
Blessing of ChristIndonesia30 2007
Monument to Alexander Nevsky on Mount SokolikhaRussia, Pskov30 1993
Erawan MuseumThailand29 2004
Thiruvalluvar StatueIndia29 2000
Cristo ReyPortugal28 1959
Monument to Vladimir Ilyich Lenin - the largest statue of V.I. LeninRussia, Volgograd27 1973
Soldier and SailorRussia Ukraine27 2007
Amit Buddha statueJapan, Nagahama27 1937
Magjid ZhanraysegMongolia26.6 1996
Monument to ArminiusGermany26.57 1875
Worker and collective farmer - “ideal and symbol of the Soviet era”Russia25 1937
Birth of the New World - Christopher Columbus statuePuerto Rico81.7 2016
Monument to Lenin - the second tallest monument to Vladimir Ilyich Lenin in the worldRussia, Dubna, Moscow Canal25 1937

These 15 statues are the most enormous and impressive sculptures that exist in the world. Their size makes tourists exclaim in amazement. Finding yourself next to them, it is simply impossible not to remember the story of Gulliver.

Buddha statue in Leshan

Leshan, China.

The statue was carved into the rock 1200 years ago. Its height reaches 71 m, it is the largest stone Buddha statue in the world.

Goddess Guanyin statue in Sanya

Sanya, China.

The fourth largest statue in the world.

Great Buddha of Thailand

This statue took 18 years to build and was completed in 2008. Its height reaches 92 meters.

Genghis Khan statue

The $4.1 million statue is made from 250 tons of stainless steel. Its height reaches 40 meters (excluding the ten-meter pedestal).


Kamakura, Japan.

The Amida Buddha statue from 1252 is made of 850 tons of bronze and reaches 11 meters in height.

Giant reclining Buddha

The statue reaches 180 meters in length and 30 meters in height.

God Shiva statue

The height of this statue is 37 meters.


After a 16-year break, construction of this statue resumed. Now only the head of the monument reaches 65 meters in height.

African Renaissance Monument

Dakar, Senegal.

The monument commemorates Senegal's independence from France. The height of the statue reaches 49 meters.

God Murugan, Batu Caves


If you combine 250 tons of steel, 1.5 million liters of concrete and 79 gallons of gold paint, you will get a statue of a Hindu god.

Big Buddha

Since ancient times, humanity has strived to create giant structures, including sculptural works. Thus, the height of the legendary Colossus of Rhodes, erected by the ancient Greeks in the harbor of the city of Rhodes, was 36 meters (the height of a 12-story building) and amazed people who lived in the old days. But famous statue far from modern sculptures, the size of which is several times larger.

Which statue is the tallest on Earth, and which sculptural works are included in the list of the tallest statues in the world? You will find the answers in this article. It should be noted that the list includes monuments that represent the object in full height; therefore, the list does not include, for example, a bust image of the emperors Yang and Huang, 106 meters high.

Top: 10 tallest statues in the world

  1. The “Spring Buddha” sculpture, located in the Chinese province of Henan, is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the tallest statue in the world and as the largest statue of a deity - Buddha. The height of the huge sculpture together with the pedestal is 153 meters, the size of the Buddha figure is 128 meters. There are future plans to increase the height of the largest statue in the world by adding a pedestal. The cost of implementing the project amounted to $55 million. The Buddha weighs about 1000 tons, and 1100 copper parts were used to create it.
  2. The second place is also occupied by a statue of Buddha. The 130-meter statue of Laukun Sektuar is located in Myanmar in the Sikaing district. Surprisingly, the structure was erected without the help of cranes.
  3. In third place is also the statue of Buddha - Amitabha, located in the Japanese city of Ushiku. The total height of the majestic structure is 120 meters. There is an elevator inside the structure that takes you to the observation platform. The impressive size of the statue is evidenced by the fact that each finger of the Buddha is 7 meters long!
  4. In fourth position is a 108-meter sculptural image of the goddess Bodhisattva, located in China in the Guanyin province. The artistic design of the sculpture is interesting: the three-sided statue symbolizes the presence of the deity in the past, present and future, essentially demonstrating the immortality of the Buddha.
  5. The Portuguese statue of Cristo Rey (Christ the King), whose height is 103 meters, fully corresponds to the sculptural image of Christ in. But the largest statue of Jesus Christ is officially considered to be the sculptural figure of King Christ in Poland. Although the height of the sculpture is 52 meters, it is located on a small pedestal, unlike the Portuguese statue. The span of the god-man's arms is mesmerizing - the distance between the hands is 25 meters!
  6. Sixth and seventh places were shared by patriotic sculptures: the stone Motherland in the capital of Ukraine Kyiv and the reinforced concrete “Motherland Calls!” In Volgograd. The dimensions of the majestic figures are colossal: the height of each is 102 meters. The Volgograd statue is the tallest statue in Russia, and the Kiev statue is the tallest in Ukraine. Both female figures are located in memorable places: Ukrainian near the Republican Museum of the Great Patriotic War, and Russian - in historical ensemble“To the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad” on Mamayev Kurgan.
  7. The height of Sendai Daikannon - sculptures of the goddess Kannon in Japan, in the Tohoku region is almost 100 meters.
  8. In honorable ninth place is the monument to Peter I in Moscow. The bronze and steel monument, 96 meters high, was erected on an artificial peninsula within the Moscow River.
  9. The world-famous American 93-meter high completes the list of the tallest sculptural statues. “Lady Liberty” is a gift to the United States from France for the centenary of the American Revolution. The crown, reached by stairs, offers wide views of the harbour. The pedestal houses a museum of the history of the structure, which is reached by an elevator.


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