San Gimignano on the map of Italy. San Gimignano is the jewel of Tuscany! Tourist Office of San Gimignano

A Tuscan town located on a hill, among green hills lined with orderly rows of vineyards. San Gimignano is part of the province of Siena.

The picturesque place of San Gimignano is located 40 km from Florence.

You need to look for San Gimignano on a map of Italy closer to Northern regions, between Siena and Florence.

Location of San Gimignano on the map of Italy

The origins of San Gimignano, a city in, go back to the Middle Ages. Then, according to legend, the young Roman patricians Muzio and Silvio were forced to flee Rome from a conspiracy. They built two castles within walking distance of each other, one of them called Silvia (now Italian: San Gimignano).

The name San Gimignano was first mentioned on August 30, 929 AD. in a document issued by King Hugo of Italy to Bishop Adelard of Volterra. It indicated a place called “Mountain of the Tower” (Italian: Il Monte della Torre) in San Gimignano.

The real development of the city and the urban network began around the tenth century. This was a period of prosperity for the city thanks to the trade in saffron and Vernaccia wine. The city was surrounded by fortress walls built in 1262, almost 2200 meters long. Then, the protective functions of the walls were strengthened with high towers.

The plague did not bypass San Gimignano; it greatly undermined the economy and the overall development of the city network.

4 years after the terrible pestilence, when the city finally weakened, power passed to Florence.
Two more plague epidemics hit the city, after which San Gimignano, from a developing city, took on an absolutely deplorable appearance.
There was virtually no new construction. That is why the city remained almost in its original form.
Since the 19th century, San Gimignano has been an important destination for tourists coming to Tuscany, an example of Medieval architecture.

What to see

In San Gimignano, the attractions are very unique due to their Medieval appearance. The brightest ones that have preserved the spirit of that era are today available to everyone. San Gimignano is a very small town, so most of the local attractions are located very close.

You can touch the history of Tuscany and San Gimignano, which is not for nothing called the “city of a hundred towers”, by seeing:

You can admire all the sights of San Gimignano by watching the video:

Holidays and Events

Thanks to the medieval appearance of the city, street festivals look much more colorful and therefore are even more visited by tourists and townspeople:

Where to stay

For visitors, those who are not afraid of noise and constant traffic under their windows, hotels and apartments located in the very center of San Gimignano are suitable:

For those who like to stay in places that are quieter and possibly involve relaxation, we can recommend the following hotels:

Local cuisine

Tuscan cuisine is a symbol of true Italian cuisine. And the local famous wine - white Vernaccia di San Gimignano - is the standard of quality for Tuscan wines.
To produce this white grape wine, the Vernaccia di San Gimignano variety is used (at least 85%). 11 months of aging are required for the desired quality.

Vernaccia di San Gimignano - the standard of quality for Tuscan wines

In San Gimignano, of course, there is great opportunity taste and appreciate all the main local dishes and wines in best restaurants and trattorias.

These include:

  • Fattoria Poggio Alloro, not far outside the city on Via Sant’Andrea 23. Farm-restaurant where they grow everything: from cows to their own herbs and spices. Here, the grapes grown are processed into wine. For 23 euros you can dine on the full menu of the day;
  • In Via San Martino 17, in an area close to the center where many restaurants are located, visit Cum Quibus. Be sure to order pasta with truffles and any dessert. Dinner for two with wine will cost about 80 - 90 euros;
  • Restaurant Da i' Mariani, in the very center of the city at the intersection of two streets Via Quercecchio, 19 and San Giovanni. Try an assortment of cheeses, sun-dried tomatoes and sausages. The average bill is 80 euros.

Restaurant Da i’ Mariani offers traditional Tuscan dishes


The weather in San Gimignano is the most optimal for living and traveling. The winter is mild, without freezing temperatures, and it often rains.

Summer is dry and warm, sometimes the heat reaches 39 degrees (in the shade), but due to low humidity it is relatively easy to tolerate.

The best season to travel is spring, when it is not yet so hot, for example, the end of May, the beginning of June.

What else?

People usually come to San Gimignano to see unusual city with towers, eat delicious food and taste the famous wine.
In addition to these usual processes for tourists, you can spend time in San Gimignano like this:


There are no large outlets or shopping centers in San Gimignano, but for shopping lovers there are still nice shops:

How to get there?

San Gimignano is easier to get to from nearby major cities, such as:

  • Florence. From Florence to San Gimignano 54 km;
  • . From Siena to San Gimignano 61 km;

Bus. The commuter bus makes communication between these cities convenient.
From Florence it costs 6.80 euros and takes 110 minutes.
From Siena - duration about 1 hour, price 6 euros.

On commuter train, Poggibonsi (San Gimignano) station can be reached from the following cities:

  • From Florence in 1 - 1.15 min, price 7.50 euros;
  • From Siena in 0.5 hours, 3.50 euros;
  • For 1 hour 20 minutes, price 8.40 euros;
  • From Rome in 2 hours - 3.10 hours, price 19.60 euros - 52 euros.

Still the most in a convenient way How to get to San Gimignano is by bus from Florence. Along the way, you can also look at the beautiful scenery from the highway.

The views of Tuscany amaze the imagination with a riot of colors

Cities nearby

Near San Gimignano you can visit the Tuscan cities:

  • Poggibonsi(Italian: Poggibonsi) 16 km, with its fortress La Rocca di Staggia;
  • Colle di Val d'Elsa(Italian: Colle di Val d’Elsa) 16 km away, here you can see the Concattedrale Dei Santi Alberto E Marziale - the ancient cathedral;
  • 22 km Castelfalfi(Italian: Castelfalfi). Boccaccio was born here, “the secret of Tuscany” - that’s what this hill town is called.

Another Italian city- San Gimignano, another mystery that is carefully kept for everyone who wants to touch history.

Wonderful photos of San Gimignano can be viewed on the city's city portal:

In 1282 the government passed a law prohibiting the demolition of old houses only for the purpose of building even more beautiful ones in their place. From that day on, over the course of a century, the city reached its greatest prosperity and decline, avoiding radical changes. The medieval town, which today attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world, looks just like it did in those days. True, out of 72 towers (one for each noble family) built in the Middle Ages, only 13 remain. Otherwise, the city makes a very strong historical impression. suffers from mass tourism, from constant flows of people coming and going. And the town requires a leisurely inspection: it is better to choose the off-season or weekdays.

Cathedral of San Gimignano

The one who came after Florence, Pisa or Siena, may not be particularly impressed by the appearance of the Cathedral. The modest Romanesque facade of the 12th century, however, does not contradict the beautiful interior.

Divided into three naves, the Church of Santa Maria Assunta has preserved some of its masterpieces: in the upper part of the rear wall is the Torment of St. Sebastian by Benozzo Gozzoli, and in the center is the peculiar Last Judgment by Taddeo Bartolo. Along the right wall are the Stories of the New Testament by the students of Simone Martini, along the left - the Stories of the Old Testament by Bartolo Fredi. The transverse nave hides two more masterpieces: a wooden crucifix of 1200 and the Santa Fina Chapel (see point 2).

Chapel of Santa Fina in San Gimignano

Santa Fina lived a difficult life. After the death of her mother, she decided to pray until her death, stretched out on a wooden table. According to legend, the Great Saint Gregory took her to him because she died and found eternal life she is on his day.

This is what Ghirlandaio tells with his frescoes in the chapel of the same name in the Cathedral. This scene is depicted on the right wall, and on the left is the saint’s funeral, at which three miracles occurred: the old nurse was healed of paralysis, the crying child’s sight was restored, and the bells of all the towers were rung by angels.

Cathedral Square of San Gimignano

If the Cathedral is the religious symbol of the city, then the People's Palace (Palazzo del Popolo) is secular. Together they form Cathedral Square.

The Palace of the Commune (or City Hall) is located to the left of the square, between the main tower and the Lodge of the Commune. The latter gathered the authorities for public ceremonies. Today the palace houses Civic Museum(Il Museo Civico di San Gimignano). In truth, this is the new city hall building - from 1337, and before that it was located in the old palace in front of the Cathedral.

Civic Museum of San Gimignano

The Civic Museum is located inside the People's Palace, which already on the approaches shines with the beauty of the 1361 reservoir and frescoes.

Immediately behind the stairs is the Dante Hall, named after the poet, who stayed in the city on business with the Guelph Union. The hall was painted by Lippo Memmi in 1317. After this comes the hall of the Secret Assembly, from where, through the main tower, you can go to art gallery with masterpieces by Pinturicchio, Benozzo Gozzoli, Filippino Lippi.

Area of ​​the reservoir in San Gimignano

So unusually picturesque, located on the top of the hill around which the city grew, the square is a must-see.

It takes its name from the octagonal well dug by the will of the mayor Guccio Malavolti, whose coat of arms (staircase) is carved into the stones. Harmonious and peaceful, it is without a doubt the most beautiful in and one of the most beautiful in Tuscany. If Cathedral Square is a religious and political center, then Reservoir Square is shopping mall, since there were numerous shops here, a market and tournaments took place. Further along Via Castello you can see the Tortoli Castle with 13th-century windows, the Pucci Tower, the Albergo della Cisterna, the Ridolfi Palace, the towers and houses of Becci and Cugnanesi, the Pellari Palace Pellari) and the Ardinghelli Palace (palazzo Ardinghelli) with two towers. On the other side of the square rises the Devil's Tower (Torre del Diavolo), so named because, as its owner said, one day, when he returned home, the tower became taller: who else could have done this in his absence, if not the devil himself? If you stop in the square, buy ice cream at the gelateria Dondoli, famous throughout the world.

Museum of Torture in San Gimignano

If you want to know about everyone possible ways torture a person and have strong nerves - you should go to the Museum of Torture (Museo della Tortura).

In general, there are two museums: the first is located on three floors and tells about the history of torture methods in different countries, demonstrates tools, photographs and gives detailed explanations and picturesque demonstrations on mannequins. The second one, higher, is dedicated death penalty. The ticket price is a bit high – 10 euros – but people pay for the uniqueness of the place.

Church of St. Augustine (Chiesa di Sant'Agostino)

A small treasure trove of works of art, the church, however, is usually undeservedly left out of the agenda of the ever-hurrying tourist. And in vain.

Its vault is painted by Sebastiano Mainardi and depicts the doctors of the Church (Ambrogio, Augustino, Girolamo and Gregorio), and the floor is tiled by Andrea Robbia. Two masterpieces of the church are the Coronation of Mary by Pollaiuolo on the high altar and the History of the Life of St. Augustine, a cycle of frescoes by Benozzo Gozzoli in the choir.

Montestaffoli Fortress (Rocca di Montestaffoli)

It was built to defend the city from attacks by Siena. Little remains of the ancient citadel, but the site is worth a look. The only turret remains at the foot of the complex, from which you can see beautiful view to the surrounding area. Today, festivals and celebrations are held here, in particular the stick tournament (Giostra dei Bastoni) on the third weekend of June.

What to eat in San Gimignano

Vernaccia wine and saffron are two products typical and famous throughout the world. Saffron, yellow gold, has more than once acted here as the equivalent of money: it was used to pay off debts acquired in the long wars with Siena and Florence.

The value of this spice can be understood by imagining how many flowers are needed to make one kg of saffron: 150,000! Vernaccia, a dry white wine produced in , was sung by Dante, Boccaccio, Louis the Black and Lorenzo the Magnificent. Among local dishes– classic Tuscan croutons with poultry liver, local sausage and pecorino, first courses with wild boar meat and second, mainly meat dishes.

San Gimignano- has a nickname la citta delle Belle Torri, “the city of beautiful towers.” Of the 72 medieval towers, symbolizing the power and wealth of the noble families who lived here, only 14 have survived, but this is enough for the city to be called “Tuscan Manhattan.” Thanks largely to this, San Gimignano attracts many tourists, especially in the summer months.

San Gimignano is located 56 km south of.

"Transshipment point"

For a long time, pilgrims traveling from the north to Rome along the Francigena road preferred to stop overnight in a small village San Gimignano. Here there was everything necessary for tired travelers - both inns and money changers. Medieval " tourism business"brought considerable income, and soon San Gimignano was decorated with the first towers. But in the middle of the 14th century, the golden age ended: the route of pilgrims changed, who now walked along the calm banks of the Elsa River, instead of climbing steep hills.

On the new route, the pilgrims chose the city of Poggibonsi for an overnight stay, and the abandoned San Gimignano remained on the top of the hill, clinging to the clouds with its many towers.

History of San Gimignano

San Gimignano was founded by the Etruscans in the 3rd century BC. It received its modern name in the 10th century, in honor of the Bishop of Modena, St. Geminiana, who, according to legend, saved the city from Attila. The city became a commune in 1199 and was often at war with neighboring Volterra. The next two centuries were marred by hostility between the Ardignelli (Guelphs) and Salvucci (Ghibellines) families, which sometimes led to bloody skirmishes. Most of the city's towers were built at that time, and in the 13th century one of the city's rulers forbade the construction of towers higher than his own (51 m).

In 1348, San Gimignano suffered greatly from the plague, the city commune weakened, and as a result the city was ceded to (1353).

Tourist Office of San Gimignano

  • Piazza del Duomo, 1
  • 0577 94 00 08
  • daily 09.00–13.00, 15.00–19.00 (winter until 18.00)

Attractions San Gimignano

There are not many attractions in San Gimignano: everything is located within the old town, which is on average about 1 km in diameter.

Tourist route in San Gimignano

Porta San Giovanni

Main city Porta San Giovanni (1)(Porta San Giovanni ) were built in 1262. From them to piazza del Duomo (Piazza del Duomo) leads via San Giovanni(via San Giovanni).

Porta San Matteo

Via San Matteo (via San Matteo) goes from piazza del Duomoto northern San Mateo Gate (2) (Porta San Matteo, XIII century).

Piazza della Cisterna

The center of the city is considered to be a triangular piazza della Cisterna(Piazza della Cisterna), in the center of which there is a tank for drinking water (XIII century). The square is surrounded by houses and towers from the 13th-14th centuries.

Collegiata di Santa Maria Assunta

TO piazza della Cisterna adjoins piazza del Duomo, on which the Romanesque stands Church of Santa Maria Assunta (3) (Collegiata di Santa Maria Assunta).

The church has a severe and simple façade (13th century), but the interior of Santa Maria Assunta is famous for its wonderful frescoes, which almost entirely cover the walls of the temple. on the left wall from the entrance there are scenes from the Old Testament (Bartolo di Fredi, 1367), on the right wall - from the New (Barn da Siena, 1381).

On the western wall, the artist of the Siena school Taddeo di Bartolo depicted the scene of the Last Judgment (1393). Chapel of Santa Fina(Capella di S. Fina) are decorated with frescoes by Domenico Ghirlandaio.

  • Santa Maria Assunta
  • Apr.–Oct. Mon–Fri 09.30–19.30, Sat 09.30–17.00, Sun 13.00–17.00,
  • Nov–March Mon–Sat 09.30–17.00, Sun 13.00–17.00

Palazzo del Podestа and Torre della Rognosa

Opposite the church is Palazzo del Podesta(Palazzo del PodestA, XIII century) c Rognosa Tower(Torre della Rognosa, 51 m). The name of the tower comes from the Italian word rogna, which translates as “problems”, especially “problems with the law” - for a long time the city prison was located here.

Palazzo del Popolo

Palazzo del Popolo (4) (Palazzo del Popolo) is located to the left of Santa Maria Assunta. In 1299, here in the Council Hall ( Sala del Consiglio), Dante Alighieri addressed local residents, calling for support for the Guelph party. The hall is decorated with the fresco “Maesta” (a traditional image of the Madonna on the throne) by Lippo Memmi (14th century).

  • Palazzo del Popolo
  • Piazza del Duomo, 1
  • daily March–Oct. 09.30–19.30, Nov.–Feb. 10.30–17.30

Musei Civico and Torre Grossa

From the courtyard of the building you can climb the stairs to City Museum (5) (Musei Civico), which presents paintings from the Siena and Florentine schools of the 12th-15th centuries, as well as Gross Tower(Torre Grossa, 54 m, 14th century) - the highest of the towers of San Gimignano, offering a wonderful view of the city and surrounding area.

Montestaffoli Fortress

If you walk a little westward from piazza del Duomo, you can see the impressive ruins Montestaffoli fortress (6) (Rocca di Montestaffoli, 1358), where concerts and exhibitions take place in the summer.

Church of Sant'Agostino

Church of Sant'Agostino (7) (Chiesa di S. Agostino, XIII century) is located in the north of the historical center of the city. Inside you can see a cycle of frescoes by Florentine Benozzo Gozzoli on themes from the life of St. Augustine (1467).

  • Sant'Agostino
  • Piazza Sant'Agostino
  • daily summer 07.00–12.00, 15.00–19.00, winter 07.00–12.00, 15.00–18.00

Devil's Tower and Torture Museum

IN Devil's Tower(Torre del Diavolo) on via del Castello is located Torture Museum (8) (Musei della Tortura), where torture instruments from the Inquisition are displayed with detailed comments, including in English.

The tourist city of San Gimignano is located in Italy. It is considered a true pearl of the Tuscany region. His appearance seemed to have been transferred from medieval paintings and frescoes to the real world. If you walk along the city streets and alleys, you get the impression that all the achievements of progress are in the past, and the ancient atmosphere of stone buildings and structures reigns around.

San Gimignano: historical background

In the 3rd century, the Etruscans founded the first village in the territory of modern Tuscany. Later the Romans came to these lands. They captured them and founded Fort Sylvia there. And in the 10th century the city received its current name. And it was named in honor of Bishop Geminian, who was considered the patron saint of these places.

In 1199, the town came under the jurisdiction of Volterra. At the same time, the first mayor appeared there, who was called “podest” in Italian. During this time period, San Gimignano received several directions of development:

  • Trading. The “Road of the Franks” ran through this city;
  • Pilgrimage. Pilgrims went to Rome through San Gimignano.

The city's population was then double what it is today, at 15,000. In addition, in the city at that time two influential families shared power: the Salvucci and the Ardingelli.

There were outbreaks of plague several times in San Gimignano. And the construction of new structures was not carried out at all. Therefore, the city has retained its historical appearance. And it became an important tourist destination.

San Gimignano today

Today, the tourist stronghold is included in World List UNESCO. San Gimignano is famous not only for its appearance, but also for the fact that saffron is grown in its surroundings. The city is also proudly called “Vernace di San Gimignano”, which translates as “city of white wine”.

The city itself has many towers, wells and narrow streets with a strong slope. There are also monasteries and churches, museums and restaurants with gourmet cuisine.

Sights of the ancient city

Why is San Gimignano called the city of a hundred towers? During the golden period of the Middle Ages, the city had 72 towers that served as defensive structures. Then, during World War II, their number was reduced to 25 due to bombing. Today there are only 14 towers in San Gimignano.

In addition to the above-mentioned towers, the city has other attractions that are worthy of tourists visiting them again and again.

Cathedral Square

It is this square that connects the main tourist sites cities. There is the most high tower, located to the right of the beautiful town hall. Also on the square there is the Collegiate Church, the Palace of the Commune, as well as the city museum, which displays elegant paintings by Florentine artists.

The square itself is paved with stone. Its shades harmonize well with old buildings. From this place, roads and streets spread throughout the city in all directions. The area can be considered central area cities.

Torture Museum

The sinister museum is located in the Devil's Tower on Via del Castello. The museum exhibits are authentic instruments of torture, collected according to the periods of their use.

Coming to this place, you can learn a lot about the history of the Inquisition. The oldest exhibits in the museum date back to the 13th century. Museum tours are also conducted in English.

Montestaffoli Fortress

To the west of Piazza Duomo are the ruins of a majestic fortress. Today, under the surviving arches of the structure, concerts are held and local residents relax. Previously, there was the castle of the Bishop of Volterra, which was then transformed into a fortified and reinforced fortress.

The walls of the structure are only 2175 meters long. These walls were built to protect the city and to control local residents. The architecture of the fortress is austere but attractive. And with her observation platforms there are beautiful views.

How to get to San Gimignano?

The most convenient way to get to San Gimignano is from Florence. From there, various regular buses go to this town.

There is a train connection to Poggibonsi, which is closest to San Gimignano. These cities are also connected highway SP1. From Siena you can also get to this place by bus. The travel time will be a little over an hour.

Public transport operates within the city. Residents of San Gimignano can park their cars behind the fortress wall without hindrance. But for tourists, entry by car into the historical part is prohibited. Therefore, they have to leave their cars outside this area in special parking zones in the south and north.

San Gimignano is a city steeped in history, frozen in its splendor. It can be called a museum under open air. Therefore, it is worth visiting it if you happen to visit Italy.


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