Requirements for female flight attendants. How to get a job as a flight attendant? Recommendations from Aeroflot flight attendants

Stewardess. It seems that you can’t imagine a more romantic profession: the sky, airplanes, travel... You look at these slender girls in a beautiful bright uniform and think: “I’ll become a flight attendant!” If such a thought has crossed your mind, then this article is for you. GUiR figured out how to get into the profession, where to study, as well as what are the pros and cons of working as a flight attendant.

Who is hired as a flight attendant?

So, what does it take to become a flight attendant? There are certain criteria: attractive appearance, slender physique (no more than clothing size 46), height from 165 cm (you need to reach the top shelf on the plane), good health (contraindications include poor vision, flat feet, problems with musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems), proficiency in English at a high level.

Where to study to become a flight attendant

There are two ways to get into the profession: undergo training at your own expense or take courses from the airline.

In the first case, you first study at a university or take courses and, already with an education, go to interviews with airlines. This option has some risks: you may not meet certain criteria for most airlines, and then it will be difficult to get a job. But there is also a plus: you are not committed to anyone and can easily leave the profession if you realize that it is not for you.

In Moscow, flight attendants are trained by the Aeroflot Aviation School, the Aviation Training Center of the Flight Attendant School, and the Jet Service Aviation Personnel Training Center.

The second option to become a flight attendant is to choose a specific airline and successfully pass an interview there, after which you will be sent to study for courses. In this case, there will be no problems with employment and there is no need to pay for studies. But there is one nuance: after completing the courses, you sign an agreement with the airline under which you are required to work for 2 years. And if you decide to quit, you will have to pay a fine and reimburse the entire amount spent on your training.

How much do flight attendants earn?

Contrary to popular belief, making good money in this profession is not so easy. Salary depends on the airline and length of service. For example, at first, 3rd class flight attendants (that is, newcomers) receive about 20 thousand rubles. To increase your class, and with it your salary, you need to fly 2,000 hours for second class and 3,000 hours for third.

It turns out that flight attendants begin to earn good money only after several years of work.

Cons of the profession

It is customary to romanticize the profession of a flight attendant: the sky, constant travel, non-standard schedule... However, we should not forget that regular flights and changing time zones take a lot of energy and health. It’s also constant stress and not always adequate passengers. In general, not everyone can handle this.

A flight attendant is considered the most romantic and extravagant profession for girls. After all, many of us have dreamed of seeing the world since childhood, traveling constantly, etc. Numerous flights, meeting new interesting people, advanced training, stylish uniforms and many other pleasant bonuses await future flight attendants. Don’t forget that men can also get a job in this specialty. But what is needed for this? You can learn about this from our article.

The main requirements for becoming a flight attendant or flight attendant

This specialty first appeared in the 30s of the last century. Only girls over the age of 18 were accepted to work as flight attendants. This profession was considered unacceptable for men. Today everything has changed dramatically. Stewardess and flight attendant are one of the most popular professions in our country. The following requirements are imposed on potential employees:

  • height must be no less than 165 cm and no more than 175 cm;
  • age from 18 to 35 years;
  • good health, which is confirmed by passing a special medical commission;
  • pleasant, well-groomed appearance;
  • availability of a valid foreign passport;
  • knowledge of spoken English, as well as basic French and German;
  • education not lower than secondary;
  • lack of criminal prosecution;
  • ability to swim well;
  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • clear, competent speech.
The job of a flight attendant is interesting and challenging


Even though a secondary education is allowed for employment as a flight attendant, preference will be given to candidates with a higher education diploma. Knowledge of spoken English is required. If you know other languages, at least at a basic level, this will only be a plus for you.

Good health

The profession of a flight attendant involves constant changes in time zones and climate zones, which can negatively affect your health. That is why this specialty undergoes a serious selection process based on medical criteria. Candidates with problems with the cardiovascular system or nervous disorders are strictly not allowed. If you have successfully passed the medical examination, then another difficult test awaits you - passing through a strip of turbulence and a psychological test. A psychologist will check how restrained you are in stressful situations and determine your emotional state.

Pleasant appearance

This aspect concerns not only women, but also men. The flight attendant's appearance must be impeccable. A young man should be shaved, have a neat haircut, his uniform ironed, and his shoes shiny. For female flight attendants the following requirements apply:

  • slim figure (clothing size 44-46);
  • a well-groomed and pleasant-looking face;
  • neat hairstyle;
  • makeup should not be flashy;
  • permanent makeup, piercings, and tattoos are excluded;
  • manicure in calm shades.

Training institutions for flight attendants

If you have successfully passed the interview and medical examination, then you need to take short-term courses at a flight attendant school. All expenses for training are fully borne by the employer, and even a stipend is paid. The duration of the courses ranges from 2 to 6 months. After passing the certification, you can enter into a contract with the airline and start working. Specialized educational institutions for flight attendants and flight attendants:

  • Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation (abbreviated TUGA).
  • Non-profit educational institution "School of Stewardesses".
  • Aviation Transport School, St. Petersburg.

Training program

The learning process includes 2 main courses: theoretical and practical. Moreover, theory occupies the main place. During the classes, they talk about the types of modern aircraft, their technical specifications, about how to use life-saving devices, about the correctness of first aid medical care, and also teach how to give birth in an emergency. The program includes the following stages:

  • training on water and carrying out emergency rescue operations;
  • master class on creating a stylish look;
  • short course in English;
  • technique of direct cardiac massage, as well as artificial respiration;
  • passenger service issues, resolving possible conflict situations.
to get a job as a flight attendant you need appropriate education, knowledge and skills

Working conditions

If you are interested in this specialty, then you need to find out all the subtleties and pitfalls that await you during your work.


The work schedule is irregular. Flight attendants are often busy at night. Weekends must be agreed upon in advance and agreed with management. In a month, a flight attendant spends at least 80 hours flying. But, according to Russian legislation, they are entitled to a vacation of 70 days.

Salary amount

Salaries vary from 30 to 100 thousand rubles. Everything will depend on the following factors:

  • airline and its prices;
  • the number of hours you worked;
  • your skills: knowledge of languages, possible thanks for Good work from passengers and management;
  • what flights do you serve: international or intercity.

Pros and cons of being a flight attendant

Like any other profession, the profession of a flight attendant has its positive and negative sides. Let's look at each of them in more detail.


The main advantages of this specialty include:

  • the opportunity to see the world or our country;
  • communication and meeting people;
  • stable high wage;
  • state support: payments for the complexity of the profession;
  • pension insurance;
  • life and health insurance.


The disadvantages of being a flight attendant include:

  • negative impact on health;
  • constant stressful situations;
  • danger to life during the flight;
  • If you are planning a pregnancy, you will have to leave work long before maternity leave.

The specifics of working as a flight attendant are quite interesting and exciting, but they are not suitable for everyone. To become flight attendants, desire alone is not enough. You must be physically developed, have good health, as well as a stable emotional state, since this specialty involves the presence of stressful situations.


What girl has not thought at least once in her life how to become a flight attendant in Aeroflot! And there are enough young men who want to do it. How to become a flight attendant at Aeroflot? How can you become a flight attendant? Let's find out.

When the word “stewardess” is uttered, one immediately sees a certain ideal of femininity and, at the same time, responsibility and composure. And no wonder, because the image created in songs and films forms just such an idea.

For example, these lines: here comes a stewardess, all in blue, like a princess, reliable, like the entire civilian fleet - we are talking here, of course, about an Aeroflot flight attendant. And, of course, these words are simply the quintessence of the very essence of the profession. A reliable princess – the romance of the profession cannot be overestimated. Of course, this attracts and makes you dream about how to become an Aeroflot flight attendant.

How to get a job as a flight attendant at Aeroflot?

So how can such dreams be achieved? On the one hand, this is quite simple, but on the other, it’s complicated. The algorithm itself, so to speak, of “getting” into a flight attendant is not complicated, but becoming one is quite difficult, because the selection for the profession is tough and thorough and not everything depends only on the desire of the candidate. There are objective obstacles that can block the path to your dream. Factors such as body type or any health problems may become an obstacle.

The easiest way for female residents to become a flight attendant is major cities. The algorithm for becoming a flight attendant in Moscow is especially simple - Aeroflot regularly recruits personnel for the flight attendant service. For those who live in Moscow, the easiest way is to sign up and come for an interview. Representative offices of all leading airlines are located in Moscow.

How to become an Aeroflot flight attendant?

Before filling out the form, analyze whether you meet all the necessary criteria that Aeroflot requires of its employees. Let's see what requirements are listed on the Aeroflot aviation school website for those who are thinking about how to become a flight attendant at Aeroflot.

Candidates aged from 18 to 26 years are being considered, height for women should be 160-175 cm, and clothing size should not exceed 48; for men, height should be from 170 to 185 cm, clothing size up to 54.

Education must be at least high school, higher education welcome. Candidates must have Russian citizenship or citizenship of the Republic of Belarus. For young people, you need to have a military registration document. It is advisable for future flight attendants to speak at least one (or preferably several) foreign languages. This factor is also taken into account.

Also, future flight attendants are expected to be friendly, responsible, sociable, willing to work in the service sector, able to work in a team, and discipline. In addition, during the interview they ask unusual questions to check the emotional background and adequacy of the candidates, and psychological testing is carried out.

So, you meet all the points. How to become a flight attendant at Aeroflot? Now it's easier than ever. You need to go to the official website of Aeroflot, open the “Vacancies” tab, find and fill out an application form for an applicant for the vacancy of a flight attendant.

If the information you provide in the application form suits the airline, you will receive an invitation to an interview. You will be able to choose a convenient date from several proposed dates and come on that day for an interview at the Aeroflot head office. After successfully passing the interview, you will receive a referral to the flight medical expert commission (VLEK). VLEK can be taken at any medical center that is accredited by the Federal Air Transport Agency.

Successfully passing this commission is one of the main conditions for getting a job as a flight attendant at Aeroflot. This work requires good health, and if you are diagnosed with chronic diseases that are incompatible with the upcoming flight loads, then the path to becoming a flight attendant will, unfortunately, be closed.

After passing the commission, the candidate is enrolled in a training group at the Aeroflot aviation school. Currently, this school also provides the opportunity to choose a job at Rossiya or Pobeda airlines.

Flight attendant training takes about 50 training days and costs about 65,000 rubles. The Aeroflot Aviation School does not provide dormitory accommodation for the duration of your studies. This amount is deducted from the conductor's future salary. A flight attendant must fly as a trainee for 30 flight hours and only after that he can begin working independently.

Geographically, the Aeroflot school is located near Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport. Classes for future flight attendants are held at the Aviation Personnel Training Department, from Monday to Friday, from 09:30 to 16:10.

Now you know how to get a job as a flight attendant at Aeroflot. This procedure must be completed before you can fully understand all the advantages and disadvantages of this work.

Due to the undisputed leading position of air transport among all existing modes of transport long distance, the profession of a flight attendant is one of the most in demand. We will tell you what this job is, and where to get training to become a flight attendant (flight attendant), in this article.

A flight attendant (stewardess, steward) is an ordinary member of the aircraft crew responsible for the safety and comfortable stay of passengers on board the aircraft.

Is it difficult to study?

As practice shows, higher education is not a prerequisite for becoming a flight attendant. In order to gain professional skills, it is enough to take special courses for flight attendants, open at airports and airlines. At the same time, you can train to become a flight attendant either on a commercial or free basis.

For free receipt profession, you must enroll in airline courses, and upon completion of training, work for at least three years in this organization. If the employment relationship is terminated prematurely, the steward will have to reimburse the airline for the cost of the training completed.

It is also possible to study on a paid basis - for this you need to enroll in courses and pay for the training yourself.

As a rule, the duration of the courses is about three months.

The first part is devoted to practice, where cadets are trained in almost real conditions to provide first aid to passengers, including in the event of a shipwreck. In addition, the course includes training in the duties that cabin crew must perform on board a ship.

The second part of the course is theoretical in nature, during which future stewards study the types and structure of aircraft, and also learn to establish contact with passengers.

In general, the training program consists of 6 main thematic courses:

  • emergency rescue complex of works;
  • water preparation;
  • make-up;
  • express training of the English language;
  • health care;
  • service.

It is important to understand that this type of training is only suitable for subsequent work on domestic airlines. To work on international flights higher education required. Flight attendants with linguistic, psychological or medical education are most in demand.

Pros and cons of the profession

The profession of a flight attendant has a number of advantages, including;

  • the opportunity to travel a lot and for free;
  • shopping abroad;
  • discounts on hotels and air tickets;
  • wide circle of contacts;
  • high level of wages;
  • early retirement age (45 years for women, 50 for men).

At the same time, working as a steward is not without its disadvantages, including the following:

  • unfavorable working conditions for health (occupational disease of flight attendants - varicose veins);
  • irregular work schedule;
  • constant climate change;
  • minimal prospects for career growth.

Tasks and Responsibilities

The main responsibilities of a flight attendant are:

  • explaining to passengers the rules of behavior and safety during the flight;
  • explaining the rules of behavior in emergency situations;
  • maintaining order and cleanliness on board the vehicle;
  • participation in organizational and entertainment events for passengers.

In some cases (when working on particularly large ships), the duties of a flight attendant include serving the captain and senior officers.

What does a flight attendant do?

The main concerns of a steward are: ensuring the safety and serving passengers.

As practice shows, the work of a flight attendant begins several hours before the flight. Their responsibilities include checking the availability and serviceability of emergency equipment, checking the aircraft for the presence of suspicious substances, and obtaining materials necessary for passenger service ( in-flight meals, napkins, towels and the like).

In addition, flight attendants supervise the boarding of passengers, load the luggage compartment, and also check that seat belts are fastened correctly.

During the flight, stewards serve passengers - bring them food and drinks, and provide first aid if necessary. In addition, the flight attendant often plays the role of a psychologist, since many passengers have a fear of flying.

After the plane lands, the stewards see off the passengers, after which they carefully inspect the cabin for items left behind.

How much does a flight attendant earn?

As practice shows, a flight attendant’s career begins with 30 thousand rubles per month, and subsequently wages can be raised to 90 thousand rubles.

Important: International flights cost more.

Thus, the average salary of a flight attendant is about 60 thousand rubles per month.

In addition, many airlines provide their employees with various bonuses - discounts on company services, payment for kindergarten for children and provision of medical insurance.

How to become a flight attendant?

In order to become a steward, you need to receive the appropriate education - take specialized courses based on secondary specialized or higher education.

The airline has the following requirements for its own employees:

  • fluency in foreign languages, including English;
  • ability to establish contact with clients of any level;
  • no medical contraindications to work;
  • absence of skin defects, including scars and tattoos in open areas.

Having a military registration document is also a mandatory requirement for persons liable for military service.

The ability to swim is an advantage when selecting future employees.

Due to the specific nature of the job, a flight attendant must have the following personal qualities:

  • communication skills;
  • neatness;
  • stress resistance;
  • endurance;
  • politeness;
  • goodwill;
  • tolerance;
  • diplomacy.

Training to become a flight attendant: where to study?

Where to go?

To obtain the profession of a steward, you must complete, at a minimum, special training courses. Flight attendant training is provided by airports and airlines.

To work on international flights, in addition to the courses, you need any higher education, ideally psychological, medical or linguistic. In this regard, almost any higher educational institution is suitable for obtaining a job as a steward.

What to take?

When applying for training, future flight attendants must pass an interview and test in English.

Upon completion of training, a final certification is carried out in accordance with the program.

Study in Moscow

Several airlines provide training for stewards and flight attendants in Moscow, including:

  • Educational and training center "Vnukovo":
    • tuition fee: 48 thousand rubles;
    • requirements:
      • age from 19 to 25 years;
      • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
      • registration in Moscow or the region;
      • having at least secondary general education;
      • passing the VLEK medical examination.
    • The course is aimed at preparing stewards to work on domestic and international flights on different types aircraft, including IL, TU and Embraer;
  • Siberia Airlines Training Center:
    • cost of training: 45 thousand rubles (if employed by this airline, training is free, a scholarship is paid)
    • duration of training: 3 months;
    • requirements:
      • age from 18 years;
      • having at least completed secondary education;
      • availability of a certificate of completion of VLEK.
    • The course is aimed at preparing flight attendants for IL, TU, Boeing and Embraer aircraft;
    • training takes place on aircraft simulators
    • graduates receive a flight attendant trainee certificate,
    • The center does not provide employment assistance.

Aeroflot flight attendant courses

At the Aeroflot Aviation School, conductor training takes place under the following conditions:

  • cost of training: 45 thousand rubles (if employed by this airline, the cost of training is partially deducted from the salary);
  • Duration of training: 1.5 months;
  • requirements:
    • age from 18 to 25 years;
    • citizenship of the Russian Federation or Belarus;
    • higher or secondary specialized education;
    • grammatically correct speech;
    • knowledge of a foreign language.
  • training takes place in the form of theory in classrooms and practice on an aircraft;
  • The training program includes:
    • basics of air legal training;
    • fundamentals of the design and operation of aircraft household equipment;
    • medical care for passengers;
    • ensuring aviation security;
    • features of flight operations on domestic and international flights;
    • organization of transportation by aircraft.
  • graduates receive a package of documents confirming their training.

Courses with employment

You can undergo training with subsequent employment at such training centers as:

  • Aviation training center "Transaero":
    • cost of training: at the expense of the airline, a stipend is paid;
    • Duration of training: three months;
    • requirements:
      • age from 18 years;
      • education not lower than secondary vocational;
      • presence of a foreign passport;
      • knowledge of English at a conversational level;
      • ability to swim.
    • training takes place on active and decommissioned aircraft, as well as in specially equipped classrooms with the possibility of distance learning;
    • The training program includes:
      • emergency rescue training;
      • practicing interaction between flight attendants and pilots;
      • basics of survival in harsh climates;
      • additional courses (optional):
        • "Impeccable service";
        • "Makeup";
        • “Service in Business and Imperial class.”
  • Flight Attendant School:
    • requirements:
      • age from 18 years;
      • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
    • graduates receive:
      • flight attendant certificate;
      • assistance in employment.
  • Aviation personnel training center "Jet Service":
    • tuition fee: from 45 thousand rubles;
    • Duration of training: from 2 weeks;
    • requirements:
      • age: from 19 to 32 years;
      • higher education;
      • knowledge of foreign languages;
    • the course is designed to prepare stewards for work in business aviation;
    • In addition to the standard block, the training program includes:
      • Business Etiquette;
      • specifics of servicing high-ranking persons;
      • psychological trainings;
      • sommelier courses;
      • professional English courses.
    • graduates receive:
      • flight attendant certificate;
      • assistance in employment.

Training in Yekaterinburg

In Yekaterinburg, you can undergo training to become a flight attendant in such organizations as:

  • Training center "Aeroschool":
    • cost of education:
      • Flight Attendant Basics civil aviation— 30,000 rubles;
      • Basics of work as a flight attendant in civil and business aviation - 70,000 rubles;
      • Aviation English course - 12,000 rubles.
    • Duration of training from two to five weeks (depending on the program);
    • requirements:
      • age from 18 to 40 years;
      • Foreign language skills;
      • absence of chronic diseases.
      • graduates receive a certificate of completion of training.
  • School-agency of flight attendants "Sky Jet":
    • requirements:
      • age from 18 to 26 years;
      • citizenship of the Russian Federation or Belarus;
      • English language proficiency;

"Ural Airlines"

Training to become a flight attendant in Yekaterinburg in " Ural Airlines» can be passed under the following conditions:

  • cost of training: at the expense of the airline;
  • duration: about three months;
  • requirements:
    • age from 18 years;
    • education not lower than full secondary;
    • knowledge of a foreign language.
  • subsequent employment.

Training to become a flight attendant in St. Petersburg

In St. Petersburg, future flight attendants can undergo training at the following institutions:

  • Flight Attendant School:
    • tuition fee: 60 thousand rubles;
    • Duration of training: from 44 days;
    • requirements:
      • age from 18 years;
      • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
      • passing the VLEK medical examination and professional aptitude testing.
    • training based on our own developments and standards of European airlines;
    • In addition to standard topics, the training program includes:
      • features of servicing passengers in first and business classes;
      • courses on the transportation of dangerous goods;
      • study of psychophysiological capabilities;
      • practicing behavior skills in emergency situations;
      • interaction between crew members;
      • thirty-hour internship in airlines;
    • graduates receive:
      • flight attendant certificate;
      • assistance in employment.
  • School-agency of flight attendants "Sky-Jet":
    • cost of training: from 30 to 70 thousand rubles;
    • Duration of training: 2.5 weeks;
    • requirements:
      • age from 18 to 26 years;
      • education not lower than full secondary;
      • citizenship of the Russian Federation or Belarus;
      • English language proficiency;
      • no medical contraindications.

In Novosibirsk

In Novosibirsk, training for flight attendants is carried out by the Aviation Personnel Training and Certification Center:

    • duration of training: 3 months;
    • requirements:
      • age from 18 to 38 years;
      • availability of a medical certificate from VLEK;
      • knowledge of English;
    • graduates receive a flight attendant certificate and the opportunity to begin internship flights.

In Samara

In Samara, you can undergo training to become a steward at the branch of the Flight Attendant School under the following conditions:

    • tuition fee: 60 thousand rubles;
    • Duration of training: from 44 days;
    • requirements:
      • age from 18 years;
      • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
      • passing the VLEK medical examination and professional aptitude testing.
    • training based on our own developments and standards of European airlines;
    • In addition to standard topics, the training program includes:
      • features of servicing passengers in first and business classes;
      • courses on the transportation of dangerous goods;
      • study of psychophysiological capabilities;
      • practicing behavior skills in emergency situations;
      • interaction between crew members;
      • thirty-hour internship in airlines;
    • graduates receive:
      • flight attendant certificate;
      • assistance in employment.

Thus, to obtain such an interesting profession as Flight Attendant, you need to undergo quite a difficult training. However, as practice shows, most of the cadets subsequently successfully find employment and work for a long time, despite some shortcomings of the profession.

Job flight attendant or flight attendants one of the most romantic in the world. Just imagine: blue sky, you are in beautiful shape, there are many new people around you, interesting people and distant countries ahead. Why not a dream? Moreover, you don’t have to study for a long time to realize this dream. Flight attendants And flight attendants prepare all the big ones airlines. This is primarily due to the fact that there is a high staff turnover in the air transportation industry. Despite the apparent ease, the profession of a flight attendant is quite difficult both physically and emotionally. Frequent changes in time zones, pressure changes and stressful situations do not add to health and many cannot stand it, preferring earthly professions to heaven. But if you have firmly decided that heaven is your path, then there are several options for obtaining profession flight attendant and further employment.

Free training for flight attendants and flight attendants

If you want to learn this profession for free, then just apply for the appropriate courses at any airline. If the selection committee considers you a worthy candidate, you will undergo training at flight attendant courses and to pay for them, sign a 3-year employment contract with the airline. In cases of early termination of the contract, you will be required to pay the cost of the courses. Therefore, think carefully before committing yourself.

Paid training for flight attendants and flight attendants

If you want to decide for yourself under what conditions and where to work after receiving the specialty flight attendant, then you are welcome to “ School of conductors» on the basis of the Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation. This school has been operating since 1995 and has established itself as the best. The training programs at the school are based on the emergency procedures of the Lufthansa Center and the airline's service standards. Austrian Airlines", comply with ICAO requirements and are correlated with the requirements of Russian air legislation. You can also learn unique specialties, for example, “Organization of servicing the Main Passenger and VIP passengers in lounge aircraft in corporate aviation.” this moment An initial training course at a flight attendant school costs about 36,000 rubles.

What are the selection criteria for flight attendants and flight attendants?

Good health;
Pleasant appearance;
Clothes size 46 for girls;
up to clothing size 54 for young men, without a tendency to be overweight;
Height: girls 165-175 cm, boys 175-185 cm;
Adequacy, communication skills, stress resistance;
Knowledge of spoken English is required.

Career and salary expectations of flight attendants and flight attendants

There are no problems with employment in the air transportation industry; the labor market is in constant demand for flight attendants, and all doors are open for young flight attendants. This is explained by the fact that there are few young people in this professional field, and there must be at least two of them on board the plane.
As for the salary, for beginners it is on average 22 thousand rubles, the salary increase depends on the hours flown. After a year of work at domestic flights, you will be able to serve international ones, and your salary will reach 30,000-50,000 rubles.

Features of the flight attendant profession

There is a misconception that stewardess This is the same service staff as, say, a waitress. However, this is not true; flight attendants and flight attendants are primarily responsible for the safety of passengers on board the aircraft. They must be fluent in safety precautions, the basics of first aid, use emergency rescue equipment (fire extinguishers, smoke masks, oxygen cylinders), and understand the design features different models aircraft (IL 86, Il 62, Tu 154, TU 134, YAK 42, etc.), and also be able to competently tell passengers about the situation and reassure them.


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