Transcript bb. All types of food in hotels - decoding of food categories in hotels

Often, when booking a hotel, tourists are faced with incomprehensible abbreviations and wonder what RO, BB, HB, BF, AI, UAI are? It's simple - these are the types of food in hotels, their interpretation and detailed description from see below: Meals RO (room only), RR (room rate), OB (Only Bed), AO (Accommodation Only) Such hotel abbreviations mean accommodation in a room without meals. The most common is RO. Meals BB (bed breakfast), means "bed and breakfast", i.e. When staying at a hotel using the BB system, a bed in a room and breakfast are provided. Breakfast, as a rule, is supposed to be a buffet and the abundance of dishes depends on the level of the hotel and the country of residence. For example, BB breakfast in central Europe is significantly inferior to BB accommodation in Greece or the UAE. Power supply HB (half board), which means "half board" - breakfast and dinner. Some expensive hotels may offer free champagne for breakfast. As a rule, meals are organized according to the " Buffet". Non-alcoholic drinks are free under the HB system; paid alcoholic drinks can be ordered with payment on the spot or to the room. Power supply HB+ (half board plus) Same half board, but the HB+ option includes some free alcoholic drinks, usually locally produced. Power FB (full board), or "full board". Meals are breakfast, lunch and dinner, usually buffet style. The FB system does not provide free alcoholic drinks, with the exception of champagne for breakfast in some expensive hotels. Alcoholic drinks can be ordered for dinner using the FB meal plan for an additional fee. Power supply FB+ (full board plus)- similar to FB, but FB+ includes some free alcoholic drinks, usually locally produced. Meals AI (all inclusive)" ", multiple meals without restrictions. Depending on the level of the hotel, AI can range from three meals a day to multiple meals throughout the day - restaurants, barbecues, grills, night bars, etc. Free local and less often imported alcoholic drinks. Imported alcoholic drinks and cocktails using the AI ​​system are free only in expensive hotels, in more simple hotels imported alcoholic drinks for an additional fee and subject to availability. Meals AIP (all inclusive premium)"all inclusive premium" is rare. AIP is similar to AI, but with a larger selection of spirits. Meals UAI (ultra all inclusive, UALL) type of food on the "ultra all inclusive" system - multiple meals throughout the day at will in restaurants of different cuisines of the world, grill bars, night bars, etc., ice cream and sweets throughout the day. UAI means free non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks of local and foreign origin. What is a buffet? The website will tell you - buffet This is a type of self-service in which there are several large tables and/or closed trays in the hall on which dishes are displayed by type - salads, side dishes, fish, meat, desserts and fruits. As you walk past the tables, you need to choose the dishes you like and put them on your plate. Expensive hotels have restaurants A la Carte, often themed and varying across cuisines around the world. Everything here is like in a regular restaurant - you choose dishes from the menu and the waiter brings your orders. Depending on the type of food at the hotel, A la Carte restaurants can be either paid or free. It happens that if the A La Carte restaurant is paid (which is rare with paid AI or UAI meals), and you paid for HB or FB meals, you can dine in such a restaurant with a discount on the buffet dinner. It is important to remember that you can dine in such restaurants only by appointment, and if the restaurant is good, then it is better to do this a few days before visiting it. A

Travel is travel, and breakfast should be on schedule. Tourists think so. When booking a hotel, they pay attention to the “Food” column. The incomprehensible abbreviations next to the nutrition section confuse many. Revealing the “secrets”, in this material we give a detailed explanation of the types of food in hotels: RO, BB, HB, BF, AI, UAI. English letter combinations acquire meaning, the choice of services becomes easier after a detailed acquaintance with incomprehensible symbols.

Hotel food offers: what the letter abbreviations mean

Nutrition is an important part of human life, on which energy, mood, performance, the desire to rejoice and relax depend. Predetermining questions about the food system in hotels, their designations and explanations, we introduce international hotel standard abbreviations. The main designations used by hotel complexes around the world are as follows:

  • UAI (“ultra all inclusive”). This is the maximum range of services. There is everything here - from round-the-clock food with drinks (alcoholic, non-alcoholic, domestic and imported) to swimming pools, saunas, night clubs, etc. Accordingly, the cost of such accommodation is calculated by numerous zeros. Such benefits are designed for wealthy vacationers who do not want to think about cooking and spending leisure time.
  • AI, ALL INC (all inclusive) (“all inclusive”). It is convenient because the meal is not limited to meal times: the vacationer can satisfy his appetite with delicious dishes and desserts throughout the day, morning, and evening. These types of meals in hotels include 5 meals a day without restrictions. You don’t have to pay for domestically produced alcoholic drinks. A second option for a hotel meal is possible - three times a day, with free drinks throughout the day.
  • FB, FB+ (full board). The meal in this case is three times a day with all kinds of goodies. The plus option includes free strong and semi-strong alcoholic drinks from a domestic producer.
  • HB, HB+ (halfboard) - half board accommodation. This type of accommodation in a hotel complex requires 2 hearty meals a day. Hearty breakfasts and dinners are offered as standard. Sometimes guests are given the opportunity to choose when to eat a second meal - lunch or dinner. You will have to pay separately for alcoholic drinks (HB) or not pay for domestic drinks (HB+), non-alcoholic drinks are free.
  • BB (bed and breakfast). Breakfast variations depending on the level of the hotel complex. Cheap - light Breakfast Continental (fresh pastries, butter, jam, coffee (tea)). Expensive and filling - Americanbulet (after such a breakfast you can safely skip lunch: hot dishes, cheese and sausage slices, hot and fruit drinks). Average in cost and satiety - breakfast English.
  • RR, RO, AO, BO, OB (“only room, accommodation, bed” - room only, Only Bed, etc.). Tourists who do not intend to spend time on the territory of the hotel complex do not need a meal. Choosing a cheap type of accommodation that provides a place to stay does not include meals, not even a light breakfast.

All establishments accommodating travelers use the standard hotel food designations listed above. These are the first letters English words. Knowing the decoding and translation, you can easily navigate the number of services provided and understand whether it is worth booking a hotel stay.

About the types of food and the historical past of some words

We have sorted out the letter designations, all that remains is to understand the standard food systems in hotels with decoding of the meaning of words and phrases.

The words “board” and “half board” come from the past; in pre-revolutionary times they meant a small hotel with full or partial maintenance of guests. Today this is a standard range of services offered by hotels to residents. These types of meals in hotels mean, respectively, a full meal - two times a day (breakfast, dinner), three times a day (breakfast, lunch, dinner). You have to pay separately for drinks.

By filling in the gaps in knowledge about how hotel meals are labeled, it's easy to understand what an all-inclusive service is all about. It includes mandatory hearty morning meals with an unlimited number of drinks, barbecue, snacks; range of services offered by the hotel.

The same service with the prefix “ultra” increases the number of hotel benefits that a guest can use, in addition to breakfast, lunch and dinner. The hotel complex determines their list individually - from massages and saunas to a swimming pool and a nightclub. Everything for tourists who want to relax to the fullest.

Travelers abroad are well familiar with the concept of a buffet. Comfortable view self-service during a meal, when from the many offered dishes it is possible to choose your favorite dishes by type - salad, first courses, side dish, meat, fish, dessert, fruit, drinks (juices, coffee, tea, milk, cocoa). There are no restrictions on the amount of food, it is prohibited to take it out. Special dishes and cutlery are prepared for meals.

For tourists, spelling out food in hotels - helpful information. First, these are the standard notations for hotel complexes worldwide. Secondly, when you book a room, you know what to expect and are spared any unpleasant surprises. Thirdly, knowing the nuances, you can save money.

The Key Element Hotel offers favorable flexible rates for accommodation in comfortable rooms, delicious hearty breakfasts delivered to your room. The menu is varied daily.

Everyone chooses their own type of food in a hotel - depending on their character, habits, food preferences, and lifestyle. We wish correct elections, delicious food, happy travels!

Meals at the resorts - BB, HB, FB, All Inclusive

“Healthy eating” is an important (and for many, the most important) component of a successful vacation. Alas, there are no standards that allow you to be sure that the chosen hotel will provide food to your heart's content, tasty and varied. Of course, any tourist today knows that most leave Turkish hotels having significantly improved, but the French are unlikely to give you such an opportunity. Although, in any case, the choice of dishes in a 5* hotel will obviously be higher than in a 3* hotel.

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Most often, types of food in hotels are designated in Latin letters (BB, HB, FB) - such abbreviations can be found both in the tour description and in the catalog where the hotels themselves are presented.

Ep, RO, BO, AO, OB (only bed)- without power
BB (bed end breakfast)- breakfast only (buffet)
Continental Breakfast - light breakfast consisting of coffee or tea, juice, buns, butter and jam
English breakfast - full breakfast, usually includes fruit juice, ham and eggs, toast, butter, jam, coffee and tea
American breakfast - analogue of a continental breakfast + various cuts (sausages, cheeses) and hot dishes (omelet, sausages)
HB (half board)- half board, breakfast and dinner (buffet), free tea, coffee, water for breakfast
HB+ (half board plus)- extended half board, breakfast and dinner (buffet). Locally produced alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks
FB (full board)) - breakfast, lunch, dinner (buffet)
FB+ (full board plus)- full board, breakfast, lunch, dinner (buffet), and drinks during meals
Mini all inclusive- full board with local drinks not only during meals, but also in limited quantities throughout the day
AI (all inclusive)- all inclusive, breakfast, lunch, dinner (buffet), local alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. Also additional food
UAI (ultra All Inclusive)- meals throughout the day with wide choice dishes, including imported alcoholic drinks.
A la carte– a menu in which each dish is indicated with a price

Meals BB (Bed&Breakfast)

BB means the hotel only serves breakfast. Typically, this option is offered for sightseeing tours or business trips. Continental breakfast (usually this is what is served in 2*-3* hotels) is most often not rich, some thinly sliced ​​sausage and cheese, a bagel with jam, a small package of yogurt, coffee. If it is a buffet (known throughout the world as a buffet), then vegetable and fruit salads, several types of pastries, and boiled eggs are added. In hotels high level You can already count on hot dishes of sausages and scrambled eggs. Juice, which is usually poured from a machine, is also required at breakfast, but it almost certainly turns out to be a highly diluted concentrate.

It is important to note that in a hotel of any level breakfast is included in the price of your stay and it is impossible to refuse it. Usually breakfast is served no later than 7 am, but if a tourist leaves for the airport or on an excursion earlier, then the receptionist must be informed about this - he will be served breakfast earlier (though without a hot dish) or will be given a lunch bag with him.

Power supply NV (Half-Board)

HB - half board, that is, breakfast and dinner most popular look food in almost all resorts, with the exception of Turkey, which loves to “include everything”. Breakfast in this case is usually a traditional buffet, dinner can be a buffet and a salad bar with some choice of hot dishes according to the menu. Any drinks in this case are paid (this also applies to plain water, if it is brought not in a jug, but in glass bottles) and are not cheap. True, if you order a bottle of wine at dinner and it is not drunk entirely, then it is left for the next days. There is no need to pay for drinks each time, you just need to tell the waiter the room number, and upon departure the receptionist will issue an invoice for all days (which is recommended to be checked carefully!).

Power FB (Full-Board)

FB is full board (three meals a day). Lunch, like dinner, in this case can be either a buffet or à la carte, but in any case, drinks during the day and evening are again paid separately. Given the opportunity to choose between “half board” and “board”, tourists usually choose the first, since in Spain, Greece or Cyprus, finding a good tavern near the hotel even at the height of the season is not a problem. Unfortunately, it is not possible to replace a hotel lunch with dinner or vice versa in all hotels, although hotels in the UAE provide a similar service.

Sistama AL (All Inclusive)

All Inclusive "all inclusive" - ​​most common in Turkish resorts, in other countries it is much less common. In inexpensive hotels 2*-3* assumes the usual three meals a day with a standard choice of dishes and 1-2 bars that serve free tea and coffee throughout the day, mineral water, cola and local spirits.

The selection of local alcohol is the same everywhere: rakia grape vodka (in Turkish “raki”), which is drunk diluted with water, as a result of which it acquires a milky color, local cognac (konjak), a drink under the strange name VoTka, dry red wine, in principle, not bad, but without any "frills" and, of course, national pride, Efes beer. Of course, in these hotels you can also order imported alcohol, but for an additional fee.

All other types of All Inclusive offered by Turkish hotels under the names “Ultra”, “Maximum”, “Imperial”, etc. provide almost round-the-clock food (and drinking, including imported alcohol). Tourists who find themselves in a Turkish “club” hotel can attend two consecutive breakfasts, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner and “late soup” after a disco during the day, and during the breaks enjoy sandwiches, pizza, ice cream and sweets.

The variety and choice of dishes here often exceed reasonable limits, the quality is excellent, especially since best hotels many dishes are prepared directly in front of you. If you wish, you can book a table in advance and spend the evening not at the general buffet, but in an Italian or Japanese restaurant located on the hotel premises. As for imported alcohol, the choice is usually limited to several types of whiskey, martinis, and gin. However, such hotels often warn that several types of elite alcohol (expensive cognacs, wines) are offered for an additional fee.

By the way, often in all-inclusive hotels you are asked to give the room number and sign on the receipt, even when ordering “free” alcohol. You shouldn’t be afraid of this; it’s just one of the forms of monitoring the work of waiters.

On excursion tours, when hotel accommodation is temporary, the following types are used:

- Continental Breakfast(Continental Breakfast) - light breakfast consisting of coffee or tea, juice, buns, butter and jam;
- English breakfast- full breakfast, usually includes juice, scrambled eggs, toast, butter, jam and coffee (tea);
- American breakfast- similar to a continental breakfast, includes a variety of cold cuts and hot dishes.
- "Buffet"- This is an organized free breakfast in many hotels around the world. It is included in the price of the room you occupy at the hotel.
this could be a fenced part of the restaurant, a special room. In the middle of the hall there is a table, which can be located along the wall of this room. Various foods are laid out on it: fruits, cottage cheese, juices, gastronomic snacks, hot dishes under a lid in special bowls, and packaged products in foil (butter, pates, jam, honey). And on a separate table or on the same table there are dishes and cutlery.

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Hi all! When planning a vacation, tourists sometimes have questions: What kind of food system is available in modern hotels? What is a buffet, continental or American breakfast? What does RO BB HB FB AI UAI mean?

For a long time I was confused myself; I couldn’t remember what letters meant breakfast, dinner, or three meals a day. Therefore, I decided to write a short post where I will decipher all these “hieroglyphs” and describe the possibilities of this or that option.

Modern hotels provide guests with different food concepts. Here is a short table; I will explain each point in more detail below.

RO (room only)
without power
BB (bed breakfast)one meal - breakfast
HB (half board)two meals a day - breakfasts, dinners or breakfasts, lunches and soft drinks during meals
HB+ (half board plus)two meals a day - breakfasts, dinners, local soft drinks and alcoholic drinks during meals
FB (full board)three meals a day - breakfast lunch dinner and soft drinks with meals
FB+ (full board plus)
EXTFB (extended half board)
three meals a day - breakfast lunch dinner, local soft and alcoholic drinks during meals
AL (all inclusive)three meals a day with intermediate
snacks -
breakfast lunch dinner, additional meals, all alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks during the day
UAL (ultra inclusive)enhanced three meals a day with snacks -
breakfast lunch,
dinner, free meals in A-lacarte restaurants, all alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks around the clock

Room only (RO) – translated means “room only”. Accordingly, meals are not included in the price.

Bed breakfast (BB) – translates as “bed and breakfast”. Moreover, breakfast is at different countries or even hotels can be either buffet, continental (CB), American (AB) or English.

  • CB (Continental breakfast) – translates as “continental breakfast”. Everything is modest: a cup of coffee or tea, toast, a bun, butter and jam.
  • AB (American breakfast) - differs from the continental breakfast only in the presence of hot dishes: omelet, sausages.

Half board (HB) – in Russian “half board”. In some hotels you can choose: “breakfast dinner” or “breakfast lunch”. Coffee, tea, water are usually included in the price, but in most hotels you can get them for free only during your meal. In other cases, payment is required.

Half board plus (HB+) - “half board plus”, differs from HB only in that some alcoholic drinks are included in the price. Usually locally produced and most often only during meals.

Full board (FB) – translated as “full board”. The price includes breakfast, lunch and dinner, plus coffee, tea, water. The conditions are the same as in NV, only three meals a day.

Full board plus (FB), Extended half board (EXTFB) - “full board plus” or “extended board”, locally produced alcoholic drinks are added to the previous concept.

All inclusive (AI) – translated means “all inclusive”. The name fully justifies itself. This includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, intermediate meals: late breakfast, afternoon snack, late dinner, and other snacks. Unlimited soft and alcoholic drinks throughout the day. As a rule, this food system implies the opportunity to eat from 6 am to 12 midnight.

Ultra inclusive (UAL) - “ultra all inclusive”. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, with the opportunity to visit A-lacarte restaurants (themed restaurants on site) for free. This concept includes more choice and greater variety in nutrition than AI. Of course, any drinks are included in the price.

Food regulations in hotels may vary. Most often, especially in resort areas, the buffet food concept is common. The buffet is an opportunity to independently choose and compose your diet. With this system, dishes are placed in the hall, and tourists themselves choose and put food on a plate.

In Russia, few places have yet switched to the buffet system. Many hotels and resorts still operate a custom menu system. Moreover, in sanatoriums, the choice of dishes most often occurs in advance (2-3 days in advance); as a rule, a list of only ¾ dishes is offered according to a predetermined list.

O.B. (Only Bed) - hotel accommodation without meals. May also be designated N.A. (Not Available) , OR (Only Room) , O.A. (Only Apartments) .
Hotel accommodation without meals - a good option for people who are not used to living according to someone else's schedule. This option is also suitable for people who are picky about food or for gourmets who want to plunge into national cuisine, eating in traditional colorful taverns or restaurants.

BB (Bed and Breakfast ) - Only breakfast is included in the hotel price(usually this " Buffet"). However, the hotel may offer lunch and dinner for an additional fee.
This type of food is good for excursion tours. A hearty breakfast before the excursion will give you a boost of energy and strength for the whole day. And if the excursion starts earlier than breakfast at the hotel, you can ask the reception to collect for you launch Box(this must be done in advance) and have breakfast on the way. In long excursion programs The organizers themselves provide lunch or dinner, and food may be included in the price of the excursion, or may be paid separately. And if you are going to spend most of your trip on excursions, then you should not overpay the hotel for food that you will not even try.

HB (Half Board ) - half board. The hotel price includes breakfast and dinner(usually this " Buffet"). However, the hotel may offer lunch for an additional fee.
This is an ideal option for a seaside holiday. You can spend the entire day from breakfast to dinner on the coast without worrying about missing lunch. Moreover, after a hearty breakfast in the heat, you don’t feel so hungry and you can snack on fruit, which is usually sold right on the beach.
It is worth noting that some hotels do not include drinks with dinner - you will have to pay for them. Very rarely, but still available, half board is available, which includes breakfast and lunch.

HB+ (Half Board+ or Extended Half Board) - extended half board. This is half board (HB) and includes free local soft drinks and alcoholic drinks. As a rule, drinks are provided throughout the day.

FB (Full Board) - full board. The hotel price includes breakfast, lunch and dinner(usually this " Buffet"). Full board- This is our usual three meals a day. Drinks at lunch and dinner may be charged.

FB+ (Full Board+ or Extended Full Board) - extended board. This is a boarding (FB) that includes free alcoholic drinks (usually wine and beer) with meals.

Light All or Mini All (Light All Inclusive or Mini All Inclusive) - This is an extended boarding (FB+) in which free alcoholic drinks are provided throughout the day, and not just during meals.

ALL or A.I. (All Inclusive) - all inclusive. The hotel price includes: breakfast, brunch, lunch and dinner, light snacks between meals, as well as local soft and alcoholic drinks throughout the day.
Be careful with All Inclusive, because such meals may upset you with extra pounds on the scale when you return home.

UALL or UAI (Ultra All Inclusive) - ultra all inclusive. This is All Inclusive, to which imported alcoholic drinks are added.
Ultra All Inclusive is most often found in hotels in Turkey and Egypt.

BD (Brunch Dinner) - breakfast, flowing into early lunch, and then into dinner. This type of food is common at ski resorts.

Summary table of food types in hotels:

Types of breakfasts:

CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST - Continental breakfast. This is a light breakfast that usually consists of:
- coffee or tea,
- juice,
- bread,
- butter and jam.

ENGLISH BREAKFAST - English breakfast or AMERICAN BREAKFAST - american breakfast. This is a complete breakfast, which usually consists of:
- coffee or tea,
- juice,
- bread,
- butter and jam,
- porridge or dry cereal with milk,
- scrambled eggs or omelet,
- sausages,
- hot toast,
- slicing cheese and sausage.


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