Half board beverages what kind of food. Decoding the category of food in hotels and resorts around the world

As you know, without food you can’t go there and you can’t go here. The same goes for without water, and for some, without something stronger. Especially away from home. Thus, when going on vacation or a business trip, you should take a responsible approach to choosing a hotel based on such criteria as the type of food.

In hotel descriptions, the type of food is indicated by a letter abbreviation - for example, HB or FB. Let's look at what abbreviations there are and what they mean.

NA (Not Available)- not available, OB (Only Bed) or BO (Bed Only)- bed only (i.e. accommodation only), RO (Room Only)- Only room. These abbreviations in the “Food” column mean that, at least in the basic version, you will not be offered food at the hotel - only accommodation. Sometimes food can be ordered additionally upon arrival, but it may not be available at all.

Hotels offering accommodation only attract tourists with their prices. However, before choosing this option, calculate how much it will cost you to eat in cafes and restaurants for the entire duration of your stay. It often turns out that it is more profitable to immediately choose a hotel with meals. On famous resorts This type of nutrition is very rare. It is more typical for small city hotels and apartments.

BB (Bed and Breakfast) - bed and breakfast. This type means that the price includes breakfast. This food option is most often offered by hotels in Europe, where excursion tourism is very developed. Such tours involve early departure from the hotel, numerous excursions throughout the day and late return to the hotel. In this case, it is more convenient to have lunch and dinner on the route. Option BB is also suitable for those who do not eat after 18.00, because dinner in hotels is usually served later.

There are several options for this type of food:

  • CBF (Continental Breakfast)- Continental breakfast. This is the easiest breakfast option. Usually they serve tea or coffee, juice, buns, jam, butter, cheese. Most often this type of breakfast is offered in France.
  • EBF (English Breakfast)- English breakfast. Consists of coffee or tea, juice, toast, butter, jam and, of course, scrambled eggs and porridge.
  • ABF (American Breakfast)- American breakfast. In addition to the usual tea or coffee, buns and jam, it includes scrambled eggs, bacon or sausages, pancakes with syrup, cereal or porridge, orange or grapefruit juice. Sometimes cold cuts, salads and a main course may be included.
  • BBF (Buffet Breakfast)- Buffet. With this option, you can take as much food as you like, but you are not allowed to take food out of the restaurant. Product Set buffet depends on the country and the star rating of the hotel. Of course, this type of breakfast is the most satisfying and loved by tourists. And it is the most common, so it is often not specified in the hotel description: in this case, BB means bed and breakfast buffet.

You should know that if breakfast is included in the price, it is impossible to refuse it. That is, of course, no one will force you to eat, but money will not be returned for a missed meal. Breakfast is usually served at seven in the morning. In case of early check-out from the hotel or departure for an excursion, you must notify the receptionist, and they will pack you a lunch bag (juice, yogurt, sandwiches) or, if possible, arrange breakfast earlier.

DNR (Dinner)- dinner. Like BB, the one-meal option, meals can be organized as a buffet or a la carte. The buffet usually includes a variety of cold appetizers and salads, as well as one or two hot dishes. Quite a rare type of nutrition.

BBL (Bed and Breakfast + Lunch)- breakfast + lunch. An option with two meals a day according to the buffet system, while the lunch menu differs from the morning menu, mainly due to the addition of soups. This type of food is more typical for non-resort destinations and is also offered infrequently.

BRD (Brunch Dinner)- breakfast, turning into lunch, + dinner. This is a non-standard type of nutrition, in which a large period of time is allocated for the morning meal (from morning until about noon). This option is especially convenient for skiers, which is why many hotels offer it winter resorts. In addition to food, local soft and alcoholic drinks are provided free of charge.

HB (Half Board)- half board. Like the BBL option, this system provides two meals a day, but usually it is breakfast and dinner (buffet). It is extremely rare that hotels offer to replace dinner with lunch; without problems, this service is provided only in hotels in the UAE. With this type of food, tea, coffee and water are provided free of charge only for breakfast. All drinks at dinner are at an additional cost, unfinished bottles of alcohol will be served at the next dinner. There is no need to pay for the drinks you drink each time; all you have to do is tell the waiter your room number, and you will be given a total bill upon check-out from the hotel.

This food option is very common in 3* and 4* hotels. This system is also suitable for tourists who plan short trips. sightseeing trips, or for those who only need a snack at a cafe on the beach for lunch.

HB+ (Half Board Plus) or ExtHB (Extended Half Board)- extended half board. It differs from standard HB in that, in addition to breakfast and dinner, the price includes local alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks throughout the day.

HBS (Half Board Superior)- half board highest quality. Includes champagne upon check-in, breakfast, brunch, dinner and late dinner. Dinner is offered in the main restaurant (buffet style) or in the a la carte restaurant (choice of dishes from the menu). Local alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks are offered free of charge at dinner, but in limited quantities.

FB (Full Board) - full board. This is three standard meals a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner (buffet). This option is indispensable for those for whom it is important to eat regularly without getting carried away with alcohol: all alcoholic and non-alcoholic (except for a jug of water) drinks at lunch and dinner are offered for an additional fee.

FB+ (Full Board Plus) or ExtFB (Extended Full Board)- extended full board. It differs from regular FB in that free alcoholic drinks are offered during meals.

ALL, All or Al (All Inclusive)- all inclusive. The All Inclusive system means that, in addition to three meals a day, local alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks in unlimited quantities are offered free of charge, as well as additional meals in the form of second breakfast, afternoon tea, barbecue in bars, and late dinner.

Many people mistakenly believe that only 4- and 5-star hotels operate under the All Inclusive system. But often hotels offer this type of food low level. The difference lies in the quantity and quality of free services. Undoubtedly, the buffet in a 5* hotel will be more varied and of higher quality than in a 2-3-star hotel.

However, even in hotels of the same star, the quality of All Inclusive may vary. After all, it is also influenced by the level of training of cooks and service personnel and the importance that hotel management attaches to food. It even happens that a 3-star hotel offers more varied and tasty food than a 4-star one (the same can be said about 4* and 5* hotels).

Expert commentary (Tusson Voyage company):

The All Inclusive type of food is most widespread in Turkey, where most hotels operate according to this system. It is also typical for Tunisia, and in last years began to meet often in Egyptian hotels.

There are analogues of this type of nutrition in countries Caribbean(Mexico, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Bahamas). Moreover, here the quality of the products offered and especially drinks is noticeably superior to the Turkish and Egyptian options. After all, high-quality Cuban and Jamaican rum and Mexican tequila are considered local to this region...

In Europe, the All Inclusive type of food is found in the south - in Italy, Spain, Greece, Cyprus, Montenegro... Recently, it has become increasingly widespread here. The European All Inclusive food system is noticeably different from the Turkish one and is more like full board with added local soft and alcoholic drinks.

The classic All Inclusive option has already been developed both in the direction of simplification and vice versa. In the first case it is Mini All Inclusive- mini all inclusive. The system offers three meals a day (usually a buffet) and locally produced drinks with meals. At other times, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks are provided in limited quantities.

The food type has become a richer All Inclusive option UAL, UAI (Ultra All Inclusive)- ultra all inclusive. In this system, the price also includes round-the-clock meals and imported alcoholic drinks. The choice of such drinks is usually limited, and in bars elite brands of wines and cognacs are offered for an additional fee.

Only the most luxurious and fashionable hotels operate under the Ultra All Inclusive system. The variety and choice of dishes here is enormous, the quality is excellent. Often dishes are prepared right in front of visitors.

Some hotels, in addition to the usual buffet, offer a la carte restaurant services. This is a small restaurant with a festive atmosphere, where you order from the menu and are served by a waiter. As a rule, such restaurants are themed: fish, barbecue, Chinese, Italian, Mexican, etc. Drinks are offered at a higher class than in a regular restaurant and bars. The number of free visits to such restaurants must be checked with the hotel administrator.

Sometimes hotels include in the Ultra All Inclusive system, in addition to the gastronomic component itself, a number of additional bonuses not related to food: separate procedures in SPA centers, flowers in the room, additional entertainment on the beach, etc. Each hotel has its own set of included services. For this reason, there are many varieties of the Ultra All Inclusive system: Super All Inclusive, VIP All Inclusive, Deluxe All Inclusive, Elegance All Inclusive, High Class All Inclusive etc.

As you can see, food in hotels can be very different. And it's important to do right choice so as not to be disappointed later. When choosing the type of food, first decide how you imagine the rest itself. Do you plan excursion trips, frequent trips to the city, or do you prefer passive relaxation by the pool with a glass of wine?

It should also be taken into account that all people have different eating habits. For some, it is enough to eat a substantial meal once a day, and the rest of the time be content with snacks. Some people are used to eating nutritious meals three times a day. And some people feel the need to eat in the middle of the night, especially if they are awake at that time.

The choice of food type also depends on gender. Men are more willing to choose All Inclusive, where not only food but also alcohol is offered in abundance. Girls, fearing extra pounds, prefer half board. It is more difficult to make a choice if you are going on vacation with the whole family and you need to take into account the interests of all its members. When going on vacation with children, do not forget that they need good nutrition. Most 5-star hotels with ALL and UAL systems offer separate children's and diet menus.

Before booking a hotel, look for reviews from other tourists about it and its cuisine. Of course, absolutely everyone cannot like the same food, but if there are a lot of negative reviews, this should alert you. Poor quality and simply too exotic food can really ruin your vacation(or business trip, which is even worse). Don't forget, nutrition is something that directly affects your health and it's best not to skimp on it.

All hotels in the world have generally accepted designations for types of food and rooms. Experienced tourists easily understand the variety of terms, but newcomers, when faced with them, cannot immediately understand what it is. When choosing a trip to foreign country they should clarify the meaning of each abbreviation in advance to avoid misunderstandings.

Depending on the classification of the hotel, there are different types of food, which are indicated in Latin in an abbreviated version. Any tourist who has a voucher knows in advance which room he will live in and how many times a day he will eat. He can choose food: BB, HB, FB, and HB+ FB+ Al or UAL.

Power supply HB

HB nutrition stands for "half board" (half board). This type implies only breakfast and dinner . There are no lunches or afternoon snacks.

This system is most popular in European countries. Most tourists prefer not to be tied to a hotel. They have breakfast in the morning and go sightseeing. Returning to the hotel in the evening, travelers have dinner and go to their rooms.

What does HB nutrition mean? Usually in the morning, hotels offer a buffet with a large assortment of dishes, soft drinks and hot drinks. In the evening there may also be a buffet or salad bar with some dishes from the main menu. Drinks are usually not included in the evening, so you will have to pay for them separately.

The assortment of breakfasts and dinners, as a rule, remains almost unchanged, but the choice of dishes is so varied that you don’t have time to get bored with them during your vacation.


Food called "Buffet" distributed throughout the world. This is a very convenient system during breakfast and dinner. The following dishes are displayed on large tables:

  • Different types of meat and fish;
  • Salads;
  • Side dishes;
  • Dessert;
  • Fruits;
  • Cheese plates;
  • Sliced ​​meat products.

Guests come to the table independently and choose from a wide variety of food to suit their taste. Approaches to dishes are not limited, which means you can eat as much as you like. A buffet is the most popular and rational type of food on vacation. It is used in all hotels, be it food AI, HB, HB+, BB, FB+

All tourists love buffets for their variety and the opportunity to choose their favorite dishes.


HB power type means availability of soft and hot drinks only for breakfast . The rest of the time they are not included. At dinner you can order juice, lemonade, mineral water or alcoholic drinks. They will be included in the bill, which can be paid immediately after the meal or upon departure from the hotel.

If guests order a bottle of wine or spirits and do not finish it, the restaurant staff will serve it the next day during the evening meal.

Recently, some hotels have offered extended options - HB+

In this case, in addition to food at dinner local drinks available . However, they are also served in limited quantities. For example, only a certain amount mineral water and table wine (house wine).

Who is the HB food type suitable for?

HB meals are most often found in three or four star hotels. It is ideal for tourists who come for sightseeing and plan to go on educational excursions every day. At lunchtime, they can always eat elsewhere without having to return to the hotel for it.

Some tourists wonder if they can skip breakfast and replace it with lunch when eating HB. Alas, this is practically impossible. In rare cases, hotel staff will make concessions.

If tourists come to the resort and prefer not to leave the hotel premises, then the meal type FB (full board) - full board or All (all inclusive) - all inclusive is suitable for them.

Hi all! When planning a vacation, tourists sometimes have questions: What kind of food system is available in modern hotels? What is a buffet, continental or American breakfast? What does RO BB HB FB AI UAI mean?

For a long time I was confused myself; I couldn’t remember what letters meant breakfast, dinner, or three meals a day. Therefore, I decided to write a short post where I will decipher all these “hieroglyphs” and describe the possibilities of this or that option.

Modern hotels provide guests with different food concepts. Here is a short table; I will explain each point in more detail below.

RO (room only)
without power
BB (bed breakfast)one meal - breakfast
HB (half board)two meals a day - breakfasts, dinners or breakfasts, lunches and soft drinks during meals
HB+ (half board plus)two meals a day - breakfasts, dinners, local soft drinks and alcoholic drinks during meals
FB (full board)three meals a day - breakfast lunch dinner and soft drinks with meals
FB+ (full board plus)
EXTFB (extended half board)
three meals a day - breakfast lunch dinner, local soft and alcoholic drinks during meals
AL (all inclusive)three meals a day with intermediate
snacks -
breakfast lunch dinner, additional meals, all alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks during the day
UAL (ultra inclusive)enhanced three meals a day with snacks -
breakfast lunch,
dinner, free meals in A-lacarte restaurants, all alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks around the clock

Room only (RO) – translated means “room only”. Accordingly, meals are not included in the price.

Bed breakfast (BB) – translates as “bed and breakfast”. Moreover, breakfast is at different countries or even hotels can be either buffet, continental (CB), American (AB) or English.

  • CB (Continental breakfast) – translates as “continental breakfast”. Everything is modest: a cup of coffee or tea, toast, a bun, butter and jam.
  • AB (American breakfast) - differs from the continental breakfast only in the presence of hot dishes: omelet, sausages.

Half board (HB) – in Russian “half board”. In some hotels you can choose: “breakfast dinner” or “breakfast lunch”. Coffee, tea, water are usually included in the price, but in most hotels you can get them for free only during your meal. In other cases, payment is required.

Half board plus (HB+) - “half board plus”, differs from HB only in that some alcoholic drinks are included in the price. Usually locally produced and most often only during meals.

Full board (FB) – translated as “full board”. The price includes breakfast, lunch and dinner, plus coffee, tea, water. The conditions are the same as in NV, only three meals a day.

Full board plus (FB), Extended half board (EXTFB) - “full board plus” or “extended board”, locally produced alcoholic drinks are added to the previous concept.

All inclusive (AI) – translated means “all inclusive”. The name fully justifies itself. This includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, intermediate meals: late breakfast, afternoon snack, late dinner, and other snacks. Unlimited soft and alcoholic drinks throughout the day. As a rule, this food system implies the opportunity to eat from 6 am to 12 midnight.

Ultra inclusive (UAL) - “ultra all inclusive”. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, with the opportunity to visit A-lacarte restaurants (themed restaurants on site) for free. This concept includes more choice and more variety in nutrition than AI. Of course, any drinks are included in the price.

Food regulations in hotels may vary. Most often, especially in resort areas, the buffet food concept is common. The buffet is an opportunity to independently choose and compose your diet. With this system, dishes are placed in the hall, and tourists themselves choose and put food on a plate.

In Russia, few places have yet switched to the buffet system. Many hotels and resorts still operate a custom menu system. Moreover, in sanatoriums, the choice of dishes most often occurs in advance (2-3 days in advance); as a rule, a list of only ¾ dishes is offered according to a predetermined list.

What does FB nutrition mean? Before going on vacation, many people begin to think ahead of time about how to spend it correctly and with maximum efficiency. Some want to go to their dacha and start improving it, while others dream of distant countries and beautiful five-star hotels. When planning a trip, you need to find out in advance details about the surrounding area, attractions, and of course not forget about food. We will talk about the last point in this article, what does FB hotels mean??
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So let's continue FB nutrition what does it mean? This abbreviation stands for " full board”, and translates as “full board”.

FB in hotels- this is full board, which includes breakfast, lunch and dinner

What does the type of food in BB hotels mean?

As you probably understand, food at a hotel plays one of the most important roles. This point must be clarified when choosing a hotel and purchasing a voucher.

Since ancient times, a gradation has been developed indicating different types food consisting of letters of the Latin alphabet. Today, almost every hotel adheres to these rules. Therefore, you need to take into account that the main set of dishes will vary significantly depending on the class of the hotel.

Let's look at how the type of food " full board» is convenient, and who it is most suitable for. As already written above, this is breakfast, lunch and dinner. As a rule, the morning meal includes a variety of juices and hot drinks, while for dinner and lunch they are ordered for an additional fee.

Relatively recently, it was developed new standard - "FB plus". It is still the same three-time boarding house, but with one addition. It began to include alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, at your request. Unfortunately, the alcohol is not of particularly high quality, and is usually locally produced.

Everyone who chose the system FB, they will not regret it, since it guarantees a complete and varied diet. You don't have to think about where to grab a quick bite and save a little money.

Usually FB is the notorious " Buffet", which many have heard about, but not everyone has tried. This is a truly brilliant invention, not only for guests, but also for staff. Approaches to food and portions themselves are not limited. The main feature is self-service, which allows visitors not to depend on Hotel workers in this case make sure that the table is always full of food and, if necessary, remove dirty dishes.
In rare cases, in some hotels, lunch is served according to a previously prepared menu, including hot dishes, salad and soup.

Where can you find FB hotels?

This type of food is widespread throughout the “ball”, but this type of “gluttony” has gained the greatest popularity in such resort countries as Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey, that is, where Russian tourists often visit. In the EU, this type of boarding house is not particularly in demand due to European greed and poverty. How can I ask you to go on vacation if you are full of debts and loans? So the residents of the European Union are spinning around as best they can, preferring a cheaper form of recreation. It’s not for nothing that this happens in resort towns great amount cafes with inexpensive promotional dishes. It is clear that in an attempt to save money, tourists will begin to eat outside the hotel.

It is worth noting that big fans of all kinds of excursions also do not dislike FB food. Because it can be very difficult for them to make it to the lunchtime meal. Usually FB food popular in resort towns where no one wants to go anywhere. Everyone sits on the beach and sunbathes like obedient “kids.”

Yes, I almost forgot, FB hotels are also suitable for families with children. After all, having a burden in the form of small children on their hands, no one in their right mind would trample a couple of hundred kilometers to see the Pyramids of Giza. And in general, children want to eat much more often than adults, because they have a young and developing body.

After reading this article, you learned FB nutrition, what does it mean?, and now you will be in the know when you start planning your next vacation.

RO BB HB FB AI UAI - decoding of food types in hotels. Meals RO (room only), RR (room rate), OB (Only Bed), AO (Accommodation Only) such abbreviations in the hotel mean accommodation in a room without meals. The most common is RO. Meals BB (bed breakfast), means “bed and breakfast”, i.e. When staying at a hotel using the BB system, a bed in a room and breakfast are provided. Breakfast, as a rule, is supposed to be a buffet and the abundance of dishes depends on the level of the hotel and the country of residence. For example, BB breakfast in central Europe is significantly inferior to BB accommodation in Greece or the UAE. Meals HB (half board), which means “half board” - breakfast and dinner. Some luxury hotels may offer free champagne for breakfast. As a rule, meals are organized according to the buffet system. Non-alcoholic drinks are free using the HB system; paid alcoholic drinks can be ordered with payment on the spot or to the room. Meals HB+ (half board plus) are the same as half board, but the HB+ option includes some free alcoholic drinks, usually locally produced. Meals FB (full board), or “full board”. Meals are breakfast, lunch and dinner, usually buffet style. The FB system does not provide free alcoholic drinks, with the exception of champagne for breakfast in some expensive hotels. Alcoholic drinks can be ordered for dinner using the FB meal plan for an additional fee. Meals FB+ (full board plus) - similar to FB, but FB+ includes some free alcoholic drinks, usually locally produced. Meals AI (all inclusive), multiple meals without restrictions. Depending on the level of the hotel, AI can range from three meals a day to multiple meals throughout the day - restaurants, barbecues, grills, night bars, etc. Free local and less often imported alcoholic drinks. Imported alcoholic drinks and cocktails using the AI ​​system are free only in expensive hotels, in more simple hotels imported alcoholic drinks for an additional fee and subject to availability. AIP (all inclusive premium) meals are rare. AIP is similar to AI, but with a larger selection of spirits. Meals UAI (ultra all inclusive, UALL) type of food according to the “ultra all inclusive” system - multiple meals throughout the day at will in restaurants of different cuisines of the world, grill bars, night bars, etc., throughout the day ice cream and sweets. UAI means free non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks of local and foreign origin.


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