Interesting facts about the Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro. Christ statue in Brazil


Legendary statue of Christ the Redeemer, recently included in the list of the Seven Wonders of the World, rises on Mount Corcovado in brazilian city Rio de Janeiro . This statue is one of the Christian symbols of modern times, as well as a symbol of the city of Rio de Janeiro and one of the most easily recognizable monuments in the world. The wide spread arms of Christ symbolize love for each and every individual. Looking at the statue of Christ, there is no doubt that He embraces everyone who comes to Him. In this article we offer some Interesting Facts about this monument.

The statue was built in 1931. Construction began in 1922 and was completed in 1931. Thus, it took the creators nine years to bring their project to life.

The cost of the monument was $250,000 at that time.

This statue is considered one of the largest in the world. It is made of reinforced concrete and soapstone.

In order to take a closer look at the statue, you need to climb 220 steps.

The height of the statue is 38 meters and its weight is 635 tons.

It rises above the city on the top of Mount Corcovado Corcovado, in Lesnoy national park Tijuca.

The left hand of Christ points to the northern zone of Rio de Janeiro, and the right - to the south, and from the height of the mountain there are breathtaking views of Ipanema beach, football stadium Maracana and mountain range Serra do Orgãos.

The history of the statue began in 1921, when the country's religious and civil leaders proposed the erection of a majestic sculpture on the mountain to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Brazilian independence.

The original design for this statue was designed by artist Carlos Oswald. According to his plans, the pedestal of the statue should have the shape globe, symbolizing peace. But this plan was not accepted.

The idea to create a statue of Christ with open arms belonged to Heitor da Silva Costa. It was embodied in art form by the French sculptor Paul Landowski.

Five years were spent on preparatory work, and then, finally, the implementation of this monumental project began. Soapstone was chosen as a building material, which, despite its softness, is wear-resistant and resists well weather conditions. Across the country, donations began to be collected for the construction of the statue.

The statue symbolizes Christ's love for every person, and his outstretched arms seem ready to hug everyone who approaches him.

In 1926, workers were recruited and began lifting all the building material on the Corcovado Railroad. Five more years of labor-intensive work passed, and On October 12, 1931, the statue was unveiled.

Today, the same electrified train carries tourists to the top of the mountain: the final stop is just 40 meters from the statue. But from there you have to climb 220 steps of a staircase to observation deck, which lies right at the feet of Jesus. In 2003, an escalator was also installed at the foot of the statue. The train to the top of the mountain runs every 20 minutes from 8:30 to 18:30.

In 2000, major restoration work was carried out here to clean and protect against corrosion, in addition, new lighting was installed, thanks to which the famous statue can be seen even at night.

In October 2006, at the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the statue, the Archbishop of Rio, Cardinal Eusebio Oscar Scheid, dedicated a small chapel located in the pedestal of the statue and named after the patron saint of Brazil, Señora Nossa Aparecida. This means that Catholic religious ceremonies such as baptisms and weddings can now be held here. The chapel seats about 100 people. There is also a small gift shop under the statue.

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The most famous statue of Jesus on the planet is the statue of Jesus Christ in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. But anyone who thinks that it is the largest in the world is deeply mistaken. The statue on Mount Corcovado, overlooking Rio, is only the fourth largest statue of Christ on Earth. In our review the most tall statues, installed in honor of Jesus in different parts of the world.

1. Cristo Rey - Mexico, 20.5 meters

This statue of Christ is located in the geographical center of Mexico - on the 2700-meter mountain Cerro del Cubilete.

The statue was completed in 1944 and its style is attributed to the Art Deco movement. Now Cristo Rei is considered one of the most significant religious monuments in the country.

2. Statue of Christ the Savior - Maratea (Italy), 21.23 meters

The statue, also known as Cristo Redentore di Maratea, was made of white and blue-gray marble taken from a quarry near the city of Carrara.

Unlike some other statues, which were built with donations from the public, Cristo Redentore was built with the help of one man, Piedmontese entrepreneur Stefano Rivetti.

3. Cristo de las Noas (Mexico), 21.8 meters

The statue was named after the hill on which it was erected - Cerro de las Noas. Construction of the 580-ton statue began in 1973 and was completed only seventeen years later.

At its foot is a restaurant that is considered one of the most popular among residents of the city of Torreon.

4. Christ of the Pacific (Peru), 22 meters

The Cristo del Pacifico was President Alberto Fujimori's farewell gift to the people of Peru. When he lost the 2011 presidential election, he decided to give one last gift to the Peruvians by building a replica of Rio's Christ the Redeemer statue in Lima.

However, he was criticized because the Peruvians felt that the people should have their own unique statue, and not a copy of someone else’s.

5. Christ of the Sacred Heart (Mexico), 23 meters

10 kilometers from the Mexican city of Rosarito is located giant statue Cristo del Sagrado Corazon, made of steel and fiberglass.

Sculptor Gregorio Tijuana claims to be the creator of the most unique statue of Christ, not because of its height, but because it is made in color (usually all other statues are white or gray).

The statue of Christ of the Sacred Heart is a source of pride for Mexicans.

6. Cristo Rey de Los Alamos (Mexico), 23 meters

The resin and fiberglass statue is located in the border city of Tijuana.

Moreover, they built an almost 24-meter statue on the dome of the Church of San Martin de Porres Tijuana.

7. El Cristo Roto (Mexico), 25 meters

An unusual one-legged and one-armed giant statue of Christ was built in the Mexican town of San Jose de Gracia.

El Cristo Roto (The Broken Christ) attracts thousands of pilgrims every year.

8. Christ Roy de Houches (France), 25 meters

The monumental statue of Christ the King is located in the town of Les Houches, Haute-Savoie in France.

Abbot Claude Delassia, pastor of Les Houches, who initiated the construction of this monument, wanted to erect a statue that would embody the idea of ​​the universal reign of Christ on Earth. The first stone was laid in August 1933, and the statue was unveiled just a year later.

9. Christ of Mercy (Nicaragua), 26 meters

El Cristo de la Misericordia is a huge statue in the city of San Juan del Sur that is the largest statue of Christ in Central America.

This statue was the dream of a local businessman, Erwin Gonzalez, who made his fortune in tourism. As a result, he built it on his personal plot of land.

10. Christ the King (Colombia), 26 meters

A 464-ton statue of Cristo Rey was erected on top of Los Cristales, one of two mountains overlooking the Colombian city of Cali, in 1953. It was supposed to symbolize respect for peace and the safety of local residents.

Only the most energetic tourists get to the statue, because it is located at an altitude of 1440 m above sea level.

11. Cristo Rey Dili (East Timor), 27 meters

The Christ the King statue was a gift from the Indonesian government to the people of East Timor. At the time of construction (1996), East Timor was a province of Indonesia before gaining independence in 2002. Since then, the Cristo Rey statue has become one of the main tourist attractions of the newly independent state.

Unlike most of the statues on this list, the Cristo Rey is made of copper rather than stone.

12. Christ the King (Portugal), 28 meters

Plans for a Portuguese statue of Christ first appeared in 1940, but the statue was not completed until 1959.

The figure of Christ on the top of a rock near the city stands with his arms outstretched towards the city, as if hugging it.

13. Cristo Recusitado (Mexico), 30 meters

This statue is the only one on the list that was installed in a cemetery (in the city of San Rafael). Sculptor David Gutierrez Becerril made Cristo Recusitado (Christ Resurrected) from pink stone in the early 1970s.

14. Christ blessing (Indonesia), 30 meters

In the Indonesian Manado language this statue is called Christus Kase Berkat. It was built in 2010 from 25 tons of metal fiber and 35 tons of steel.

The statue is unusual in its location - Christ seems to lean forward to bless his flock.

15. Christ Otero (Spain), 30 meters

You can find Cristo del Otero on the outskirts spanish city Palencia.

The statue was built in 1931 in a style reminiscent of the Art Deco movement.

Cristo del Otero is one of the most visited holy places by pilgrims.

16. Christ the Redeemer (Brazil), 30.1 meters

Arguably the most famous Jesus statue in the world, the Cristo Redentor is the fourth tallest Jesus statue in the world.

This is also the oldest of the statues on this list, having been built between 1926 and 1931.

One of the most famous statues in the world and definitely the most recognizable in Brazil - the statue of Christ the Redeemer. Installed on Mount Corcovado at an altitude of more than 700 meters, she looks at the large city, located under it. The Christ statue in Rio de Janeiro, due to its fame, attracts millions of tourists to Mount Corcovado. From its height it opens beautiful view to a city of ten million with its bays, beaches, Maracana stadium.

In 1884, a small railway was built to the mountain, along which construction materials were delivered later. The reason for the construction of the Christ monument was the approaching anniversary of the centenary of Brazilian independence in 1922. A fundraiser was announced to create a monument in what was then the capital of Brazil. For example, the magazine O Cruzeiro collected about 2.2 million reais from its subscription. The church, represented by Archbishop Sebastian Leme, also actively participated in the preparation of the financial fund.

The idea of ​​Christ with outstretched arms, resembling a cross from a distance, belongs to the artist Carlos Osvaldo. According to this first model, the statue of Christ was supposed to stand on the globe.

The final design, according to which the sculpture was created, was created by Heitor da Silva Costa. According to it, the height of the structure is 38 meters, of which 8 meters goes to the pedestal, and the arm span reaches 28 meters. With such amazing dimensions, the total weight of the structure was 1145 tons.

The technologies of Brazil at that time did not allow most of the work to implement such a project, so all the parts of the statue of Christ the Redeemer in Brazil were created in France, from where they were safely delivered to Brazil and transported to the installation site via the constructed railway. From the end railway A path of 220 steps, called “Caracol”, was built up to the statue itself. Interestingly, there is a chapel inside the basement of the monument.

The construction of the monument took about nine years. The opening and consecration of the statue took place on October 12, 1931. The statue quickly took on the role of a symbol of Rio de Janeiro and all of Brazil. And in 2007 it was elected one of the new seven wonders of the world.

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Statue of Christ the Redeemer: history and where it is located

Where is the statue of Christ the Redeemer located?

Many have seen images of a huge statue of Jesus Christ with his arms spread wide. Its correct name is the statue of Christ the Redeemer. It rises above the city of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil and is located near it on the peak of Mount Corcovado. This statue presents a gorgeous view in the evening. The figure of Christ, illuminated by pillars of light, seems to be descending into a falling asleep city. In Rio de Janeiro, no matter where you look, you will always see this huge statue, which seems to be trying to embrace the whole world with its gigantic arms.

The history of the creation of the statue of Christ the Redeemer

Since ancient times, the mountain on which the statue stands was called the Mountain of Temptation and was mentioned in the Bible. Later, in the Middle Ages, it was called Corcovado, which means “hunchback.” This name was given to her in connection with weird shape, which resembled a hump. The first expedition to this mountain went in 1824.

The idea of ​​​​creating a statue of Christ on Mount Corcovado first came to the mind of the Catholic clergyman Pedro Maria Boss in 1859. When he arrived in Rio de Janeiro, the magnificent view of the mountain overwhelmed him. Then Father Pedro decided to ask Princess Isabella, daughter of the Emperor of Brazil, to finance this project. And to ensure the success of his business, he proposed to name the statue in honor of the princess. However, at that time the state could not afford such large expenses, so the decision to erect the statue was postponed until 1889. However, even then Father Pedro’s plan was not destined to come true. The church, during the change in the form of government, was separated from the state, and the clergy could no longer ask for funding for such projects.

In 1884, construction of the railway was completed, which ran right up to Mount Corcovado. Later, it was along this road that materials for the construction of the statue were brought.

The idea of ​​​​building a statue of Christ the Redeemer was remembered only in 1921.

Then, on the initiative of Catholic organizations in Rio de Janeiro, it was decided to erect a statue on Mount Corcovado, colossal in size, which could be seen from any part of the city. This monument was supposed to become not only a symbol of Christianity, but also a symbol of the liberation and revival of the country. During the week, activists collected signatures and donations; this period was called “Monument Week.” Residents of the city liked this idea; they willingly donated various amounts of money. Of course, the church also made considerable financial investments. The erection of the statue of Christ the Redeemer is a real people's project.

The erection of the statue of the “city fathers” was also inspired by the fact that very soon, in 1922, Brazil was to celebrate 100 years of independence from Portugal. Therefore, they decided to begin construction of the monument as soon as possible. The start date for the creation of the statue of Christ the Redeemer is considered to be April 22, 1921. It was decided to build the monument from reinforced concrete and soapstone.

For the version of the statue that now towers over Rio de Janeiro, we should be grateful to the engineer Heitor da Silva Costa. It was he who suggested depicting Christ with his arms outstretched to the sides. The meaning of this pose lies in the phrase “All things are in the hands of God.”

The image of Christ was completed by the artist Carlos Oswald, and calculations for the installation of the monument were made by Costa Hissses, Pedro Viana and Heitor Levi. In 1927, everything was ready for the construction of the statue of Christ the Redeemer - from drawings and calculations to materials.

Records from those times say that everyone involved in the project was inspired and made every effort. Some engineers and artists even pitched tents and lived near the site where the statue was being erected.

An interesting fact is that foreigners also helped the Brazilians in the construction of this monument. For example, the head and hands of Christ were made from plaster in France by sculptor Paul Landowski, and were later transported to Brazil. Also, many French engineers participated in the development of the drawings. They suggested using a reinforced concrete frame, although before that it was decided to make the frame from steel. And the soapstone from which the outer layer of the statue was made was brought from Sweden. This material was most suitable for such a colossal structure due to its strength and ease of use.

The construction of the statue lasted about 4 years and, finally, in 1931, the solemn opening ceremony of the statue of Christ the Redeemer took place. The size and complexity of the monument’s execution amazed everyone present at the ceremony. Tears appeared in the eyes of many believers. And many years later, people continue to be amazed by this truly gigantic structure, which carries a hidden meaning.

The majesty of the statue of Christ the Redeemer

Every year, thousands of tourists and pilgrims travel a long way to admire the majesty of the statue of Christ the Redeemer. At the same time, the huge and meek figure of Christ spreads his arms over Rio de Janeiro, and perhaps the whole world, as if hugging and protecting it. This monument was recognized as one of the 7 New Wonders of the World. Its height is 38 meters, its arm span is 30 meters, and the monument weighs 1145 tons.

An interesting fact is that during the severe storm that swept through Rio de Janeiro on July 10, 2008 and caused a lot of destruction to the city, it did not affect the statue of Christ the Redeemer in any way. Even the lightning that struck her left no trace. Pragmatists associate this with the dielectric properties of soapstone, and believers, of course, give this fact a sacred meaning.

From an unprecedented height. The statue spread its arms wide, as if hugging and protecting the city. Today this monument is perhaps the main attraction.

History of the statue of Jesus Christ in Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro is beautiful. Founded in 1502, the city has been a capital of beauty and a center of tourism for 4 centuries. “God created the world in six days, and on the seventh day he created Rio de Janeiro” - this is how Brazilians lovingly say about their fabulously beautiful city.

It is believed that the most cheerful people live here. Until 1960, Rio was the capital. The city is surrounded by a semi-ring of mountains rising from the azure depths of the bay, and on the sea side it seems to be bordered by a white edge of sandy beaches.

In 1922, during the celebration of the centenary of Brazilian independence, it was decided to build a statue that would become the main attraction of the country. A month later, a competition of projects for the best monument - a symbol of the nation - was announced in Brazil's leading weekly. The jury unanimously approved the project of Hector da Silva Costa, who proposed installing a statue of Christ hugging the city, as if protecting it from troubles and misfortunes. The Catholic Church fully supported new project, even started collecting donations for the installation of the statue. As a result, nine years later the statue already stood in its designated place.

The monument was designed and manufactured in Paris. The design of the monument had to be as strong as possible, because, standing at the very top, the statue would be exposed to strong and torrential rains.

The sculpture was modeled by the French sculptor Paul Landovsky. In parallel, engineers led by Heitor Silva Costa and Pedro Vianu developed the frame.

The finished statue was transported from Paris to Rio de Janeiro and installed on Corcovado Hill. On October 12, 1931 it took place Grand opening. In 1965, Pope Paul VI repeated the consecration ceremony. Another great celebration took place here in the presence of Pope John Paul II on October 12, 1981, when the fiftieth anniversary of the monument was celebrated.

Features of the statue of Jesus Christ in Rio de Janeiro

The statue of the Savior (Cristo Redentor) is rightfully considered the symbol of Rio. It stands on the top of the Corcovado hill (“Corcovado” translated from Portuguese as “hump”; the name quite aptly characterizes the shape of the hill) at an altitude of 704 meters. The sight of the stone Savior, with his arms outstretched, as if embracing the entire city, is undoubtedly impressive.

The monument attracts a large number of tourists. Built in 1885, the tram line now leads almost to the top of the hill: the final stop is just forty meters below the statue. From there you need to climb 220 steps of a staircase to the pedestal on which the observation deck is located. There are also ski lifts at the disposal of visitors.

Rumors that the monument is visible from anywhere in Rio de Janeiro are, of course, greatly exaggerated. Even if you come close to the mountain, the statue will appear as a small figure against the sky. However, its size is impressive. The height of the statue is 30 meters, not counting the seven-meter pedestal; the head of the statue weighs 35.6 tons, the hands weigh 9.1 tons each, and the arm span is 23 meters.

The Statue of Christ the Redeemer is the second largest Art Deco structure in the world. This monumental symbol of Christianity, the statue with outstretched arms over the city, is the main decoration of the city. So, which city was honored to have a unique monument? What country? The statue of Christ the Savior is installed in Rio de Janeiro. Tourists are eager to visit Brazil to see it with their own eyes.

Seven Wonders of the World

Everyone knows amazing monuments of art Ancient world: Egyptian pyramids, the sphinx, Semiramis, at Olympia, the mausoleum at Halicarnassus, the Colossus of Rhodes and

The statue of Christ the Savior is a unique, but not the only structure on our planet that deserves attention. In 2007, it was decided to create a list of famous modern architectural structures to select the New Seven Wonders of the World. These included the pyramids of Giza, Chichen Itza, Taj Mahal, Petra, Machu Picchu, the Colosseum and the statue of Christ the Redeemer. It’s the latter that we’ll be talking about today, so let’s move to Brazil and see what’s interesting here.

Rio de Janeiro - the pearl of Brazil

Every tourist dreams of visiting this fantastic city. European architecture, a sea of ​​lights, luxury jewelry stores and even a Jewelry Museum. Even more famous local beaches: delicate snow-white sand and gentle ocean give true pleasure. Botanical Garden with fountains and magnificent alleys, it is perfect for leisurely walks.

Rio has a ton of architectural monuments, which can be visited, and the most famous among them is the statue of Christ the Redeemer on Mount Corcovado. You can see it hundreds of times on TV or on the Internet, but you will never experience the awe that covers everyone who finds themselves at the foot of the giant at an altitude of 704 meters above sea level.

A little history

Every year thousands of tourists come to the city where the statue of Christ the Savior is located. This stunning sculpture does not leave indifferent even atheists who are far from the Christian faith.

The peak on which the statue was later erected was called “Mountain of Temptation” back in the 14th century. Its unusual shape later led to a name change, and it became known as Corcovado, which translated into Russian means “hunchback.”

In 1859, before a series of research expeditions, the clergyman of the Catholic Church, Pedro Maria Boss, visited here. Captivated by the picturesque beauty of these places, he decided to erect a statue of Christ on the mountain, which would serve as a symbol of protection and protect the city. It is not without reason that the city of Rio de Janeiro was chosen as the location where the statue of Christ the Savior is located. Stunning panorama of the city, bays with picturesque mountain Sugarloaf and openwork coastline associated with nothing other than a picture of a modern paradise.

Project competition

The church was not ready to implement such a large-scale project at its own expense, so the project was postponed and construction of a railway began, which was supposed to help in the delivery of building materials.

In 1921, a festival called "Monument Week" was organized. During the event, donations were collected for construction.

Since the city where the statue of Christ the Savior found its permanent place was so actively involved in the implementation of this plan, it was decided to announce a competition for the best project. Architects and engineers immediately responded, offering dozens of different options for consideration. The city administration chose the design of Heitor da Silva Costa: his statue maximally expressed the idea of ​​Christianity, since the figure with outstretched arms resembled a cross.

I must say that the project has undergone some changes. After much debate, engineers replaced the ball-shaped pedestal, symbolizing the earth, with a rectangular one. A small chapel was built there, which is still in use today. The pedestal was made of marble.


Construction lasted about 9 years, from 1922 to 1931. It was truly a huge project. At that time, the country was not technically ready to create such a miracle as the statue of Christ the Savior, so it was decided to produce all the parts in France and then deliver them by rail to the top of Mount Corcovado. Here they were met by local craftsmen and sculptors who carried out the assembly. The figure is made of reinforced concrete and soapstone.

On October 12, 1931, the grand opening and consecration of the statue took place. From the final route of the railway to the top of the mountain, a winding staircase was made, consisting of 220 steps, along which numerous pilgrims, tourists and townspeople climbed. Since then, on the majestic Mount Corcovado, rising 704 meters above sea level, in a mysterious haze of clouds and fog, there has been a beautiful statue of Christ the Savior. The city, under the powerful protection of Jesus, spreads out with a fantastic vision that makes your heart skip a beat... The statue has become a symbol of Rio de Janeiro and Brazil.


The idea of ​​the figure of Christ standing with outstretched arms suggests that all things are in the hands of the Lord. The statue can be seen from anywhere in the city, at any time of the day. It looks especially charming in the rays of the setting sun from the helicopter window. Private companies provide this service: a slow flight around the monumental figure of Christ in a circle. Its height together with the pedestal is impressive - 39.6 meters, and its arm span is 30 meters. The giant weighs more than 1100 tons!

Time travel

To immerse yourself in the era of the creation of the monument, you should use ancient transport, preserved since 1896. The antique-looking tram still runs today, connecting the upper and lower levels of the city. Just imagine that it is more than 100 years old, and the past decades immediately appear before your eyes...

The journey will be slow and will give you the opportunity to enjoy the magnificent views. Creaking on turns and struggling up the steep climb, the tram brings you to the foot of the stairs leading to the observation deck. Just 220 steps - and you are at the statue. From this angle, the pedestal looks much more impressive, partly because the natural pedestal is the mountain itself. Many people talk about a special, mysterious aura enveloping the figure. It’s hard to disagree with this, because next to such a work of art you experience mystical awe.

You shouldn’t luxuriate in bed for a long time if you decide to take a journey to beauty. The statue of Christ the Savior is located in one of the most visited cities, so the influx of tourists here is very large. Closer to noon, you risk being stuck in line for a long time. Both the lift, the tram, and the stairs themselves have limited capacity, so early in the morning - best time for an excursion.

There are no problems with transport here: every 30 minutes a train leaves the city and takes those interested to the monument. The journey will take very little time, about 20 minutes. If you don't want to part with personal transport, then at the foot of the statue there is a good parking lot. From here you can climb on foot or use a modern elevator. Today it is possible to take an escalator or cable car, so if you have small children or elderly people with you, do not worry that the load will be too much for them.

Don’t rush to leave the site after viewing the statue: go on a tour of the museum Naive art, walk through the magnificent forest on your own or in the company of a guide. Clean air, clear rivers and lakes, exotic wildlife - all this will give you many vivid impressions.

Statue doubles

The popularity of the monument led to the construction of a number of later analogues. In Lisbon in the mid-90s of the twentieth century, a 28-meter statue was erected. Instead of a 700-meter mountain, a pedestal 80 meters high was used.

A similar statue with outstretched arms, 32 meters high, was erected in Vietnam.

In Indonesia, just a few years ago, the construction of a 30-meter monument to Christ was completed, and this despite the fact that the country is Muslim.

Time, nature, elements

For less than 100 years, the statue did not experience any serious shocks. Storms and hurricanes that destroyed everything in their path did not harm her, nor did the lightning that often struck her. Some consider this to be a property; others see it as having a sacred meaning. During one of the strong thunderstorms, lightning broke off two fingers from Christ’s hand. The church keeps a reserve of the stone from which the monument is made, and reconstruction of this most valuable historical object is expected in the near future.

Cultural heritage is a reflection of the people who created it. The statue of Christ the Redeemer is eloquent proof of the greatness of Brazil: a magnificent work of art located in the most beautiful city peace.


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