Tips on the best way to rent out an apartment. How to quickly rent out an apartment: step-by-step instructions. What to do if you own several apartments intended for rent?

Demand in the Moscow rental market appeared even before the formation of the market itself and has always been quite active - with the exception of very disastrous periods when... it simply was there. In principle, if price and quality are in an adequate ratio, there should be no problems with delivery. We have already written about how to speed up this process by adjusting the characteristics of the apartment to the tenant’s requirements. But there are also non-standard requirements - today we will talk about them.

Even and odd

“Since the share of tenants with non-standard requirements for rented housing is very small and amounts to no more than 5% of the total number of requests, there are very few unusual offers,” says Galina Kiseleva, head of the apartment rental department at Inkom-Real Estate. Most often, in these 5% of non-standard requests, there are demands based on ideas about “lucky” or “unlucky” numbers.

“Many tenants ask to find an apartment whose number includes the number 7,” the expert cites his statistics. - Particularly popular among this group of clients are housing on the 3rd, 5th or 7th floors, as well as in houses with this number, which are necessarily located on the odd side of the street. Regarding the number 13, opinions differ - some are categorically against living in such “bad” apartments, others, on the contrary, strive to settle here, citing the special aura and mystical spirit of such a home.”

The next most popular “trouble” is Feng Shui. Apartments located in houses located far from busy highways, industrial zones, landfills, garbage dumps and swamps are considered favorable for living (however, this is understandable even without Eastern practices).

A funny case of this kind is given by Georgy Dzagurov, CEO Penny Lane Realty: “Before signing the lease, the client invited a Feng Shui consultant, who stated that the women's area in this apartment was in the toilet, which meant that her privacy would be at risk. As a result, the deal did not take place, and the client spent a long time looking for a suitable option.” In general, as Galina Kiseleva says, such tenants are usually strict about the location of the house and the layout of the apartment: “There must be a front garden in front of the house (so that positive energy “flows” into the house), and a river must flow nearby. Also, these clients place high demands on the layout and interior decoration of their homes. For example, interiors should have a minimum of dark colors and sharp corners that exude “negative” energy.”

“Many people follow the rules of Feng Shui and come to the apartment with a compass in order to arrange interior items without disturbing the positive energy in the house,” adds Galina Fabritskaya, head of the rental department of the Peresvet-Nedvizhimost company.

...Test drive, poltergeist and hundred-liter aquarium

“In 2011, we were faced with various atypical and original requests from tenants,” continues Georgy Dzagurov. - For example, one foreigner asked for a “test drive” of housing. He wanted to live in the chosen apartment for several days to check how convenient it was for him, whether the neighbors were noisy, and how the equipment worked. The owner refused this request, although the client claimed that this was common practice in the West. As a result, the tenant moved into the apartment without a trial stay.” Another case from the agency’s practice: a Korean family consisting of 4 people demanded the installation of an additional refrigerator, since one would not be enough for them. And a second washing machine (so as not to wash clothes and floor rags in one unit).

“Behind each request there are different people, sometimes their requirements or descriptions of themselves are very funny,” he shares his observations Maria Zhukova, first deputy director of the company, and gives examples of requests to the agency: “a room in the city center, costing up to 13 thousand rubles. /month will rent 2 girls and a neutered cat” or “a family will rent an apartment at a price of up to 150 thousand rubles/month, a prerequisite is the presence of an aquarium in the apartment with a volume of up to 100 liters.”

“Fans of mysticism and the supernatural are asking to find an apartment with ghosts and poltergeists. Some of them are keenly interested in whether a brownie can live in a rented apartment, and how active he is, says Galina Kiseleva. “And finally, the list of curious requirements is completed by tenants who want to rent an apartment with a “zest” in the interior - a mirrored ceiling, a gold toilet, fur walls, furniture decorated with rhinestones, a Gothic fireplace, etc.”

By the way, the agency receives atypical requests more often than the atypical objects sought. As an example, Maria Zhukova cites a one-room apartment on Preobrazhenskaya Square, located on the 2nd floor of a five-story building: “The apartment is unfinished, without plumbing. Rent for 10 thousand rubles per month. Possibly for a warehouse, the owner suggests. Such an atypical property has not been able to find its tenant for several months.” “On Patriarch’s Ponds, an apartment was rented out in an old building with a separate exit to the roof, where there was a barbecue area. This apartment cost $6,000 a month,” Galina Fabritskaya shares her example. But, however, we have to admit: almost any unusual proposal will find its extravagant tenant, and vice versa. True, the search may drag on for months, but this stops few people.

IN modern conditions, becoming the owner of your own home is not easy, but there are situations when you have property that is not needed at that moment in time. Every month you will have to pay a certain amount for it and in the end it will turn out that the property is “idle” without use, so you still have to pay for it. This problem can be solved in a radical way - renting out housing, while getting good money. Some in Russia make a business out of this, but this article is not about that, but about how, as the owner of a home, you can rent it out without unnecessary hassle.

There are several ways to rent out an apartment. In one of them, the owner of the property, who is also the landlord in the future, searches for clients, who are also tenants, on his own. Or contact the relevant real estate companies, the main task which will facilitate the process of finding a client. Both of these methods are good in their own way. As you understand, if the landlord decides to look for clients himself, he will save certain money on this cash. To implement this method, some knowledge is required. Also, in most cases, if the lessor is found independently, the owner can avoid paying taxes; we would not advise doing this, however, at this stage of development, such transactions have little control from the tax authorities.

If the apartment is rented to the client independently, without intermediaries, and you do not want to pay taxes, then you will not have legal support - an agreement. According to Russian laws, when drawing up a lease agreement and notarizing it, the owner is required to submit a declaration to the tax authorities at the place of residence. A tax of 13 percent is paid - income tax, the lessor in this situation acts as the recipient of income.

However, situations arise in life when looking for a tenant yourself is the only way out. Let's say you decide to rent out one room from an apartment, but you are not the owner of the entire premises, therefore, you will not be able to properly draw up a lease agreement.

When contacting real estate agencies, you shift all the difficulties that arise on the way to drawing up a lease agreement, finding a client, and paying taxes to the responsibility of the company. I would like to make a small reservation; in the previous paragraph the topic was touched upon that independent search renter is cheaper than contacting realtors. This benefit does not arise in all situations; in some companies, payment is made by the tenant at the time of conclusion of the transaction. So pay attention to what payment methods exist in a particular real estate company. At the same time, observing some rules for choosing such companies. You should not contact new companies that have just started their activities in the real estate market and have not had time to establish themselves. The main criterion for finding a realtor will be numerous reviews of his work and a long period of activity in the rental housing market.

If you decide to use the services of searching for clients through real estate agencies, then the lease agreement will be drawn up in any case. Real estate firms, in most cases, have a lawyer on staff who will prepare the contract. This is done at the initial stage, before searching for clients. You, as the homeowner, can participate in drawing up the terms of the contract. However, if you act without the help of a realtor and lawyers, then you will have to draw up an agreement yourself. Please note the following points.

The contract must be drawn up in accordance with the law Russian Federation. What does it mean. For example, some indicate sums of money in a currency other than the ruble (dollar, euro), which is unacceptable when drawing up a valid contract. The use of the word rent is unacceptable. Lease can only be used in transactions legal entities, and the tenant and the landlord are private individuals. In this context, only the words renting or renting real estate/housing make sense.

To simplify the execution of such transactions, the law does not require the execution of a rental agreement by a notary. On a blank sheet of paper, after listing the conditions for renting out housing, both parties, the tenant and the landlord, enter their full passport data (including place of registration), all this is certified by the signatures of both parties.

Another important point of the contract is the indication of the characteristics of the object being handed over. It is necessary to indicate the address and the number of square meters of cores. area, number of rooms. As mentioned, not only the entire apartment can be rented out, but also a separate part of it. At the same time, the rental agreement indicates what exactly is being rented: a room or rooms, indicating the footage.

And the most important thing is the duration of the contract. It is determined by the period for which the housing is rented. This must be clearly reflected in the contract.

Another point worth remembering. The Civil Code stipulates that if the owner rents out housing for more than one year, then his responsibilities include drawing up and formalizing the lease agreement. This is also a specific procedure, and in order not to worry too much, we advise you to draw up an agreement for less than a full year, and then, if necessary, extend it.

How to value your rental property at market price?

The price of rented real estate for housing needs is assessed based on several factors. Good infrastructure: availability of stops public transport, institutes, kindergartens, hospitals, hypermarkets, etc., all this affects the price increase. The number of square meters is also a direct factor affecting the price. However, you need to understand that one-room apartments are in demand on the rental market.

When determining the cost of renting out a home, we recommend using the standard method for determining the amount. Several local newspapers are purchased, a city website is opened, and a search for similar offers begins. You should refer to the prices quoted for apartments in your area and apartments similar to yours. This type of estimate is approximate. It is better to use it in conjunction with other methods of determining cost. For example, ask your friends or even neighbors if they have experience in renting out housing.

If you turn to specialists, they will take on all the calculations of the correct market price. You should listen to their advice, but you need to understand that those companies whose work is paid not by a percentage of the transaction, but by a fixed amount, will try to rent out your property as soon as possible, and they will most likely try to do this at a reduced price. Keep your nose to the wind and if you suspect that the amount offered by specialists is underestimated, influence this and indicate the approximate desired cost. But in this case, the search for a tenant may take longer.

Considering the speed of development of the Russian economy, we can recommend that you do not specify a fixed payment amount for long-term rent when drawing up the contract. Write down some progression of price growth, or simply indicate the possibility of its increase and set a threshold.

Landlords often face the question of what to do with utility bills. Here everyone decides at their own discretion. Either you pay for them yourself, or the tenants do it.

A very serious issue when renting out housing is the safety of property. We recommend that you necessarily draw up a special inventory agreement, which contains all the information about the condition of the home, including repairs. It may be necessary to take photographs showing the original condition of your property. Any damage caused by tenants will be paid by them, provided they have a properly executed inventory document.

By reading these general tips and putting them into practice, you will be able to rent out your home quickly and efficiently.

Happy trading!

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How to rent out an apartment without intermediaries? What are the features of renting an apartment through an agency? How much will I earn if I rent out an apartment or room for a long term?

Hello to everyone who stopped by! In touch, an expert from the popular online magazine “HeatherBober” - Denis Kuderin.

Today we will talk about how to rent out an apartment competently, safely and profitably. The article will be useful to anyone who has additional real estate on which you want to start your own small business.

At the end of the article, a guaranteed bonus awaits you - an overview of the most reliable companies in the Russian Federation that will help you rent out your property on the most favorable terms for its owner.

1. Renting out an apartment as a business

If you have an apartment in addition to the one in which you live, and this living space is idle, eating up money for maintenance, you can always turn it into a source of additional income.

At the same time, you will have to work hard only at the initial stage - preparing the property for rent and searching for tenants. And then your only task will be to receive regular payments in a timely manner. rent. An ideal example of passive income is “we sit and the money flows.”

True, you will still have to periodically monitor the condition of the apartment, troubleshoot problems and breakdowns in a timely manner, and monitor the level of loyalty of residents. But if you wish, you can delegate this part of the work to a property management company.

In this situation, you can rent out an apartment and go abroad, to the village to visit your grandfather or to South coast Crimea for permanent residence. In this case, all rental concerns will be transferred to a trusted person, and you will only have to withdraw money from the account and spend it at your own discretion.

Read about what professional means in a separate article.

The main thing in renting an apartment is to correctly assess the profitability of this enterprise. When renting out real estate for temporary use, you need to take into account all the factors that in one way or another can affect the cost of rent: only in this case will you be able to set an adequate market price for rent.

And you also need to decide in advance whether you will act independently or involve professional realtors in the procedure. Both options have their pros and cons.

The basic rule is this: if you need to rent out an apartment right now - you are leaving, you urgently need money - it is better to attract agents from a reliable real estate company or with an impeccable reputation. If time is of the essence, act on your own. The only condition is that you must have at least minimal experience in real estate transactions.

And one more important nuance– you need to be able to understand people. You will have to decide for yourself whether the tenant you have chosen is reliable or whether it is worth looking for another candidate.

Mistakes cannot be made: a dishonest tenant means late payments or a complete lack thereof, damage to property, complaints from neighbors, floods and fires, perhaps even calls to the police. Do you need this?

The table shows the main advantages and disadvantages of renting an apartment independently and with the help of an intermediary:

Step 3. We are looking for tenants

I have already told you where to look above. Here I will note that although the search for candidates is the most important stage of the process, you should not get hung up on it. Tenants who are 100% ideal are rare.


One of my friends got married and moved into an apartment with her husband. She decided to rent out her one-room apartment and approached the search for tenants thoroughly. She consistently rejected about 30 applicants.

Some had a cat, others were too young and cheerful, others seemed to her to be insufficiently wealthy, etc. As a result, the search for tenants dragged on for many months, and the friend lost sleep, peace and almost quarreled with her new husband.

Universal advice - give preference to married couples in which both spouses work and have a stable salary.

Step 4. We arrange a meeting and show the apartment

Before agreeing on a showing, conduct a preliminary conversation and ask the applicant security questions. If there is something alarming in the answers, do not take risks - say directly: “I’m sorry, but your candidacy does not suit me.”

At the meeting, have a second conversation with the potential tenant. If the impression is positive, lead and show.

Step 5. Collecting documents

Tenants are also not immune. They must be confident in the purity of the transaction and your integrity. Therefore, collect documents in case the tenant asks to see them.

The required package includes:

  • passport (a copy is possible);
  • certificate of ownership of housing;
  • receipts confirming the absence of debts for housing and communal services.

If someone other than you is registered in the apartment, you will also need the written consent of these people to rent out the apartment.

Step 6. We conclude an agreement

You can rent out an apartment informally and officially. In the first case, you will receive more (13% tax will not be deducted), but you will not have any guarantees of the safety of your property.

An agreement is evidence of civil law relations between the parties. This is your insurance in case conflicts, misunderstandings and disputes arise. The absence of an agreement can become a tool of pressure from the tenant - they say, you are not deducting tax on the rental, which means you can wait for payments.

The contract must specify the conditions under which you rent the apartment, the timing of the monthly payment, and the amount of the first advance payment, if any. Certain points relate to the safety of your property, the liability of the parties in case of violation of the agreement, conditions early termination agreement.

For example, if neighbors complain about noise, the owner has the right to evict the tenants within 3 days or a week without refund of rent.

Step 7 We receive an advance payment

The agreement suits both parties, everyone is happy and smiling. All that remains is to receive an advance payment - this will be the beginning of a long, mutually beneficial partnership. It is advisable to document all financial calculations. So that there is no: “I paid you last week, did you forget?”, “How about another 2000, I paid the full amount?”

If you doubt your abilities or some points are not clear to you, it is better to clarify them in advance. Take advantage of modern digital technologies - get online advice from professional lawyers on the Lawyer resource.

Thousands of qualified specialists in all areas of law, including housing lawyers, collaborate with the resource. You can contact them via chat or by phone numbers listed below.

You can get competent legal support right now - the site operates around the clock.

4. Professional assistance in renting out an apartment - review of the TOP 5 real estate agencies

The promised bonus is a review of the five most reliable agencies that will help you rent out your apartment quickly and safely.

The oldest real estate company in the capital. It has extensive network representative offices - in Moscow alone, 120 branches operate according to a single standard. Engaged in any real estate transactions, including the rental of private apartments.

Experienced agents guarantee that your property will be delivered promptly, legally and profitably. Realtors with many years of experience will help you realize any property - from a room to residential area and ending with an elite cottage in the Moscow region. The legal purity of the contract is monitored by the company's in-house lawyers.

A specialized real estate agency with many years of experience in the capital's market. The company has an extensive information base and a staff of qualified employees. The main principle of the company is a responsible attitude to the fulfillment of each order.

Realtors are responsible for the competent preparation of the lease agreement and take into account, first of all, the interests of home owners. By choosing Alma, you can be confident in the safety of your property and timely payment.

3) Inkom

One of the largest real estate companies in the Russian Federation. Work experience in the housing market – 25 years. Leader of the Moscow region. It has branches in dozens of cities in the Russian Federation. The scope of activity covers all areas of the real estate market. Will help you rent out an apartment in a new building, in the suburbs, in the business center of the capital. The staff includes only verified agents with big amount successful contracts.

Moscow agency specializing in luxury real estate. The company guarantees that your housing will not be rented out to the first comer: employees will check each candidate to determine his solvency and integrity.

At the same time, the company guarantees to deliver your property in 1-2 days for the maximum market price. Within an hour after the call, a professional photographer will come to you and take pictures of the apartment, after which specialists will evaluate the property and determine its rental value.

Full range of services in the real estate market. Work experience since 1997. 8 branches in Moscow and dozens of representative offices in other cities of the Russian Federation. Additional services in the field of housing assessment, consulting and analytics.

There are 2 ways to rent an apartment through an agency: call (calls are accepted from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.) or fill out an online application. The apartment will be rented at the market price, and the final choice of residents will be made by the owner of the property. Each client receives property and civil liability insurance as a gift.

5. What you should be prepared for – 4 main risks for a landlord

When renting out an apartment, be prepared for certain risks. People don't treat other people's property as carefully as they treat their own.

In addition, it trades in the housing market great amount scammers ready to profit at your expense.

We list the main types of risks for apartment owners.

Risk 1. Damage to property

This is the most likely risk when renting a property. As a rule, owners rent out furniture and household appliances. Sometimes this is a very valuable property that you want to get back safe and sound. And decorating an apartment often costs a lot of money.

This risk can be minimized in two ways - include a clause in the contract regarding the tenants’ liability for damage to property and insure the decoration, furniture and household appliances with an insurance company.

The legislation clearly defines circle of persons who have the right to rent out real estate:

  1. According to Art. 30 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the owner has the right to provide premises belonging to him for temporary use on the basis of a rental or lease agreement.
  2. In accordance with Art. 67 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the tenant of residential premises under a social tenancy agreement also has the right to rent out housing. However, at this point one cannot do without a small clarification.

    He can sublet the apartment, but on the condition that the real owner of the apartment has given consent to this.

Is it possible for a person who is not the owner or tenant of the premises to rent it?

Maybe, if it is the legal representative of the owner with whom the notarized power of attorney was concluded.


There are two ways to rent out housing:

  • on one's own;
  • through an intermediary.

What's the best way to submit? Let's briefly consider the transaction procedure for both options.


What you need to do to rent out your property yourself:

  1. Determine the cost of rent. To do this, you will have to collect data on prices for similar apartments in your region, compare competitors’ offers and establish reasonable price, taking into account the location of the object, its condition and characteristics.
  2. Take a photo of the apartment. High-quality photographs will help employers quickly decide whether this option is suitable for them or not.
  3. Create an ad. The rental offer must describe the characteristics and benefits of the property.
  4. Publish a hiring offer on specialized bulletin boards on the Internet or in a printed publication. Publication on many resources is paid. It is important to choose only those sites or newspapers that really produce results.
  5. Receive calls from potential employers, immediately discussing details and living conditions.
  6. Arrange meetings. After the call, it is advisable to schedule a viewing of the property within 1-2 days, so that the potential employer does not have time to find another option.
  7. Present the apartment.
  8. Draw up a rental agreement and other accompanying documents. The agreement must specify detailed living conditions so that problems with the tenant do not arise later.
  9. Conclude an agreement, discussing all the nuances of accommodation, rights and obligations of the parties. After signing the papers, take payment for the first month and hand over the keys to the tenant.

Through the company

What does the procedure for renting out an apartment look like if the owner seeks the services of an intermediary?

To ensure the safety of your own property, you should contact trusted real estate agencies that have already proven themselves in the rental market.

An agreement must be concluded with the agency for the provision of services.

For apartment owners, the intermediary service will be free, since the commission is paid by the tenant. However, in some cases the owner also pays. For example, if he urgently needs to rent out housing (the funds paid will be used for additional advertising of the apartment), or if luxury real estate is rented, for which it is not so easy to find a tenant.

The agent assumes responsibility for placing advertisements, contacting potential residents and preparing documentation. The owner only appears at the showing, makes a decision on choosing one or another tenant and signs the lease agreement.

Which option is more profitable?

Before deciding on one way or another of renting out your home, you should evaluate the pros and cons of both options.

Advantages and disadvantages

Positive aspects of renting housing without an intermediary:

  1. Ability to quickly find a tenant. Since tenants have to pay a commission to the agency, many of them are fundamentally looking for an apartment from the owner. Offers to rent from the owner are popular, so you can find a tenant in a couple of days.
  2. Opportunity to rent out living space more profitably. Many unscrupulous agents, when inspecting an apartment, deliberately reduce the cost of rent in order to quickly conclude a deal and receive a commission. If the property is rented out by the owner, then, first of all, they calculate their personal benefit.


What is better and what are the pitfalls?

Why do owners prefer to work with realtors? Advantages of renting an apartment through an intermediary:

  1. The agent takes on all the work of finding a client, presenting housing and completing documentation. The owner of the apartment thereby saves time.
  2. The realtor is interested in the quick delivery of housing, since he receives commissions from the tenant only after the transaction is concluded.
  3. The specialist provides free advice to the owner on the issues of drawing up living conditions in the apartment and other nuances relating to the relationship between the tenant and the landlord.
  4. The apartment owner can contact several agencies at once to speed up the search for a tenant.
  5. Using the services of an intermediary is convenient especially for those owners who rent out real estate in a region where they do not live. Having issued a power of attorney for a specialist, you don’t have to worry about the absence of employers.

Disadvantages of renting housing through a realtor, pitfalls of such rentals:

  1. There is no guarantee that by contacting an agency, the owner will find a tenant faster. Not all residents are willing to pay a commission to an intermediary.
  2. Some agents, especially private ones, offer to sign a standard rental agreement, which the owner himself can download on the Internet. In this case, there is no need to talk about an individual approach to completing a transaction.
  3. There is a risk of running into fraudulent realtors who will take money from the owner for services not provided and disappear.

IMPORTANT! It should be understood that the agent only provides services for finding tenants and completing the transaction. The relationship between the owner and the tenant after the conclusion of the contract no longer concerns him.

Resolving conflicts between the parties is not within the competence of the realtor, so the owner will have to deal with it himself.

Renting housing through a real estate agency and conducting the transaction yourself have their advantages and disadvantages. If the owner himself decides to deal with this issue, then he should familiarize himself with all the legal subtleties of executing the transaction - from checking documents to drawing up a lease agreement. If the choice was made in favor of an intermediary, then it is advisable to choose a proven organization.

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