Egyptian souvenirs. What to bring from Egypt? What to bring from Cairo

What can you bring from Egypt, Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh?

We tried make up as many as possible full list souvenirs so that this article is as useful to you as possible. So, a list of souvenirs that you can buy V Egypt.

Notorious Egyptian cotton has become a brand and is not inferior in quality to other countries - to manufacturers. The same T-shirts (costing 20-50 pounds) or towels are of high quality and practically unwearable. So you can take a closer look at the bathhouses towels(price around 100-120 pounds), women's dresses - Galabeyam and others products from cotton. Although recently a lot of things have begun to appear frankly bad quality, therefore it is necessary choose attentively.

People go to Egypt to see the history and culture of this ancient country. Visit Luxor, Cairo, Alexandria. Or to go diving in the Red Sea. And the dry Egyptian climate helps a lot in the prevention of certain diseases. But a holiday at sea is wonderful. Best to bring from Egypt good impression about country.

What concerns skin, then the quality is worse than in the same Turkey or Spain. Locally made shoes very bad quality, and imported brands can be bought for the same money at home. Therefore, you should not bother and move in this direction. Crocodile skin is quite expensive. For example, men's trouser belt V good store costs about $20, and a women's bag costs $150. But you can quite bargain.

Of course papyrus. The thing is pretty useless, but in principle for suitable interior would be an interesting solution. The main thing is to know what is really written on it, for fear of buying a souvenir in the form of hieroglyphs with spells and curses, or a picture with funeral scenes.))) Many advise buy papyri during visit to the papyrus factory or museum (institute) in Cairo. It is not recommended to purchase such goods from street vendors, as well as dubious and cheap stamping at a local shop.

Prices are Cairo.
1. Museum certified papyrus, A3 format, 20 pounds per package.
The same thing, but on a banana peel or toilet paper near the museum from the “Egyptian friend of great Russia” - 5 pounds. Bargaining is appropriate :))
2. Egyptian cotton is a branded item. Lots of fakes.
The coolest store where you can buy T-shirts is Funky Brothers. Price £70. There is no demolition. The pattern can withstand repeated washing.
Bargaining is inappropriate, but if you buy several, it’s a bonus.
3. Leather. The quality is much worse than Turkey, Spain, Cyprus...
Except for the (relatively) cheap crocodile. Men's trouser belt in good store- 20 dollars, women's bag - 150 dollars.
Bargaining is appropriate.
4. Gold. None in terms of quality or performance.
Even in a good store, prices are clearly inflated, but they are easily reduced, creating the illusion of bargaining.
You will still overpay :).
5. Silver. Lots of silver shops. Sold by weight, because... usually stamping. For example, a silver cigarette case and a lighter case cost me 800 rubles.
It’s clear that in Russia I simply wouldn’t even think about buying this. :))

You you can ask how to distinguish qualitative papyrus from fakes? Very simple. Please contact attention on the technique of execution of the drawing, on the applied paints, and on the fact that it can be rolled up without the slightest harm, without damage, on the fact that the product should be made of special paper - from papyrus stems, and not from rice paper or palm leaves. In addition, good papyrus stores always issue a certificate confirming that the product real.

Now the price is papyri. Stamped, not very good quality can be purchased for $1 per piece, but handmade ones will cost you at least $10 USA for papyrus medium size.

Jewelry products.

Gold. There are many reviews where they complain about how overpriced prices, and on rude work. Even in a good store, prices are clearly inflated, but they are easily reduced, creating the illusion of bargaining, but in the end you will still overpay. If you still decide to buy something for yourself or as a gift, then you should carefully look at the product and the sample. It is also noteworthy that try gold in Egypt higher than in Russia or Ukraine, in addition, silver is used as an admixture to gold, not copper, how in Russia.

Silver. In Egypt there are a large number of shops with silver. Products are usually sold by weight, since the products are usually stamped. The quality is quite good and you can find interesting things for a gift, for example, to decorate interior.

What to bring from Taba

Very peculiar And interesting souvenir from Egypt this camel blanket. You can buy it in almost any market and this miracle costs ridiculous money. Products are also interesting from camel skin.

The clothes are of rather poor quality, but the cotton ones are quite cheap.
The year before last I bought corduroy trousers and a jacket for my adult son for about 1000 rubles.
Enough for a couple of seasons.
Nice(!!) men's cotton shirt approx. 600 re.
And further. Learn the numbers there.
On the shop windows the prices are in local notation.
On the price tags - “in ours”. But when you go into a store, assume that you won’t leave without buying something.

Hookah- a great gift for a man, although women are also not averse to blowing smoke. Hookah you need to be able to choose and not always what is offered to tourists can be considered a real hookah. " Shisha» – considered a classic hookah in Egypt. The cost of a hookah can vary from 60 to 600 pounds. It all depends on the quality, material (glass or metal) and where you bought it. Our advice: do not take small hookahs, they are considered souvenirs and quickly break down. Check the tightness of the structure and ask the seller to show it in action.

What to bring from Cairo

Now for hookah tobacco. It’s not enough to choose a hookah if you don’t buy good tobacco. The main thing is not to miss the freshness of the tobacco. It is believed that fresh tobacco is very wet and sticky, and juice often oozes out of it. Take on note, What black, Not flavored tobacco varieties will be drier than flavored ones and are not recommended to be stored for very long. We advise you to take a closer look at two brands of tobacco on the market: Nakhla And Al Fakher.

Tobacco Al Fakher- more qualitative And respectively costs more. This tobacco must be sealed in a vacuum package so as not to lose its properties and remain moist. Therefore, carefully inspect the packaging, check it integrity And shelf life of the product. Tobacco is also popular taste apple, melons, cherries And grapes. So there is something to experiment with and mix, achieving different taste qualities. I also want to warn you that smoking is harmful to your health, so think about whether you need it, because there are a lot of other souvenirs that can be brought from Egypt.

We really like the camel blanket 2x2 m, bought for some ridiculous money. Just don't forget to dry clean it before use.))
In general, Cairo earlier, in the 20th century, as far as I know from the literature, was considered a city in which you could buy any fashion brands. There was even a street of the most famous fashion houses.

What to bring from Alexandria

Carpets. There are many different rugs to consider. These are artistic carpets, carpets self made, made of natural camel hair. You can also find wonderful, perfectly cut cow hides at a low price.100-150 $.

Aroma sticks. Anyone who likes specific smells will undoubtedly be able to buy such souvenir. These sticks are sold almost everywhere, and the price for them is ridiculous, around $1 per pack.

"Kaf Maryam". Unaltered attribute many shops. What is this such? These are like this baskets with dried bunches Egyptian herbs. This is an interesting plant, which translated from Arabic means “ Mary's hands", which can be brought from Egypt. At first glance, this souvenir is a simple dry grass, but if you put this grass in water for a couple of days, it begins to come to life and bloom with small blue flowers. Be sure to buy this souvenir from Egypt, as they say that “ Cafe Maryam"brings good luck in business.

What to bring from Giza

Very popular amulets and figurines in the form of scarab beetle. You ask Why? It's simple, first of all, it's symbol Egypt, and secondly, they are believed to bring happiness, harmony and good luck. Scarab beetles are made from various materials, but the most beautiful are made from gold, silver, turquoise And onyx.

Everyone carries hookahs from there. Then it all stands somewhere on the cabinets or in them.
In Egypt itself, smoking a hookah is fun, the atmosphere is appropriate, but in the “world” I don’t know a single person who would do this. Again, you need to know how to choose a hookah. But what tourists are being sold is just another fake, even if it’s beautiful and puffing.

Coffee. Ground coffee with cardamom- this is one of the best gifts for coffee lovers that you can buy in Egypt, especially if you attach a coffee pot to it - it will be absolutely super. Coffee V Egypt They grind it to a powder state, it costs less than in Russia or Ukraine.

You can buy at trading shops. After selecting the type of coffee, the beans are ground and spices are added, thereby giving you an aromatic and hot powder. In general, Arabic coffee is ground to the consistency of flour, and sometimes cardamom is added.

Of course, where without magnet on fridge or on a magnetic board

Tourists with pleasure they bring high-quality halva in beautiful boxes, and by weight. And what can we say about such sweets as kunafa, basbousa, baklava, dates in chocolate, kahk or lokum. Incredible delicious sweets– chip Egyptians. There at the bazaar, do not miss the opportunity to buy famous oriental spices such as turmeric, saffron, sage and rosemary. For every taste you you will find goodies With nuts, raisins and coconut. Such diversity sweets won't leave anyone indifferent, even the most discerning gourmet.

Exotic spices. We recommend bring from Egypt, both for a gift and for yourself, rich aromatic oriental spices that will give your dish a unique taste and aroma. Such spice mixtures are called baharat" Also, don't go past saffron, turmeric or kamoun. These spices, like no other, will remind you of your vacation in Egypt.

Tea. I can't help but mention the tea hibiscus. This tea having bright-red hue and sour taste, consists of hibiscus or Sudanese rose flowers. It is useful because it has the property of purifying the blood, giving strength, and also regulating blood pressure. Hibiscus can be drunk both hot and cold. The best hibiscus is considered to be from Aswan. They speak poorly of the Sudanese hibiscus. Also from teas interesting anisic tea.

Decorations « Cartouche“- these are pendants with your name or wish. Counts what are they pendants bring happiness and protect from damage, but you cannot buy them for yourself - only in present people you love.

For lovers depths and secrets underwater world(and as is known, in Red sea there is something to see) useful souvenirs in the form of a diving mask and a snorkel with fins, as well as slippers for bathing will be like it is forbidden By the way.
Interesting souvenir called " rose desert" According to stories, if this root is placed in water, it should open up and begin to give off its aroma. I wonder if someone is bought?)))

1. Number one in terms of uselessness in our ranking is PAPYRUS!!!
Firstly, they are heavily sold to everyone and many are carried out “on emotions”, without thinking at all:
— how will this “masterpiece” fit into my interior?
- and what exactly is depicted and written on it? Or maybe there’s some scary spell there :)? we are told: this one is for love, this one is for wealth, etc. and we grab everything without hesitation.
(our papyri have already been buried in the bookcase for 10 years :))
2. Number two - figurines, pyramids...
Everything is similar to papyrus. You just need to tinker with the papyrus to get it into a frame :), and the pyramid goes straight onto the shelf without any extra fuss.
(our “pyramids” are given away to children’s friends; adults are no longer very happy with such gifts:)
3. Aromatic oils.
You are unlikely to “scent” them in your homeland, because in Cairo, through the smell of spices, the Nile, and sorry, all sorts of garbage dumps, this aroma seems divine to you :) And at home you open the bottle......***well and well :), I better go get my Kenzo (Armani, Chanel...:)
The exception is if you are a fan of aromatherapy, then yes: you can find a lot of interesting things.
(our “jasmine” has stood on the shelf for 10 years, and now we use it to aromatize the air. I think 50 ml will be enough for us for another 5 years - okay, at least we didn’t grab 100 ml :)
4. T-shirt.
Yeah, the quality is not bad. But Nefertiti framed by Osirises and hibiscus :) full chest has not been worn in decent places for a long time. But lying on the couch or doing the cleaning is an awesome option!
5. Gold.
The question is controversial :) I buy myself...exclusively bracelets. Not as a luxury item, but as some kind of alternative to expensive jewelry. And the rings, chains... VERY SOFT AND BRITTLE! These purchases should not be considered as an investment, but more as pampering. Because the quality is of course x*** :)

They fit well into our household - a tray and a box, bought in Cairo at the market (for ridiculous money, by the way:)

And the most successful purchase turned out to be a HOOKAH! At home the thought of buying it would never have occurred to me, but it’s still nice to have a smoke and relax in the summer evening on your balcony in central Russia :)


For connoisseurs music, it will be nice to buy CDs with music based on an oriental motif for yourself or friends. What can you say about fruits? Many take with them on the way back Exotic fruits. Upon returning home, usually winter cold, I want to treat myself to strawberries and guava. And the mango!.. mmm, deliciousness!

Very interesting souvenir, which can be brought from Egypt, is a specific dental powder, after which the teeth whiten perfectly. This powder is made from a local plant called miswak. These are wooden sticks that promote oral hygiene. Cool stuff!

Continuing the theme of teeth, I can’t help but dwell on the excellent Egyptian paste “ Depurdent" The price of this paste is approx. 3 dollars, but the effect is amazing. If you buy it, you will not regret it, especially since the price is not bad. The whitening effect is so obvious that it is comparable to going to the dentist to have your teeth whitened. It doesn't look very attractive, but the taste is pleasant. It is better to use this paste once a week and you will definitely like the result. Buy " Depurdent» you can do it in almost any place Egyptian supermarket.

What can you bring from Egypt for the interior?

Eat interesting souvenir, which may be suitable for your his interior. They sell such interesting bottles into which they pour multi-colored sand in the form of all sorts of ornate pictures on Egyptian subject. These patterned glass jugs will fit perfectly into the interior of your home and will remind you of hot holiday.

Figurines from alabaster will be great memory about the trip to Egypt. The main thing is to determine whether it is really alabaster. To verify its authenticity, you just need to shine a flashlight on the figurine. If the light passes through, then your souvenir is not a fake. Many people recommend buying such alabaster products from a factory in Luxor.

Where without coinage. Diversity plates with Arabic ornament Perfect for cookware connoisseurs. Copper products are no less interesting. Handmade copper trays and jugs are excellent products for your house.

IN galleries Can keep an eye on interesting African style wooden products that will fit perfectly into your room. For example, an excellent souvenir from Egypt would be a wooden mask carved in African style.

Onyx candlesticks look incredibly beautiful when lit by candles. Just imagine the green, pink or blue colors of the stone illuminated by candlelight, beautiful sight!

What to buy for a girl in Egypt

If you paint hair henna, then it is of excellent quality, the main thing is to ask the seller for additional dye for it - for red shade.

Who is interested eastern dancing, he should take a closer look at the loincloth, embroidered with all kinds of monists, sequins, beads and bugles. If you buy such a souvenir from Egypt, your dance belly will irresistible!)))

There is also medicinal oils For hair. Many people recommend Moroccanoil cosmetics - excellent hair care products. The main thing is to consult with the seller, who will tell you which oils are suitable for what. Aloe vera gels, jojoba oil and rose oil are also popular in Egypt.

A washcloths from loofahs- same Just fairy tale. We advise you to get them not only for yourself, but also for your girlfriends, they will definitely be delighted.)))
Incense and aromatic oils. We recommend buying aroma oils and incense not in cheap eateries, but in large perfume stores. There are two types of oils: medicinal and perfumery. Perfume oils are used to scent linen and can be added to the bath. Therapeutic oils are jojoba oil, aloe and black cumin oil. They can be purchased at pharmacies or retail outlets. It’s worth taking a closer look at the company’s oil “ Isis" Such medicinal incense help with headaches, soften the skin, and eucalyptus oil can be used in saunas and baths, even in the Hammam. It is worth noting that it is recommended to take such goods in Cairo- on factory. What's interesting is that almost any scent you bring from Egypt will smell something different. This can be explained by the fact that Egypt has different humidity and temperature.

Attention! What you can't bring from Egypt!

Take out of the country shells, corals and stuffed fish, which are national treasures, are prohibited: you will be warned about this everywhere. Export of flora and fauna Red seas strictly prohibited, and for violations may follow fine.

Besides, Egypt- a country Muslim, That's why alcohol it's better not there either buy. Also small advice on tanning products. Try to bring all tanning products in the form of creams, oils and the like from home. Because in Egypt local traders prices won't add up for this products.

Be careful and don't buy those souvenirs which you don't understand. This concerns various figures with sarcophagi, sphinxes and jackals. U local residents such things are considered symbols of death. So costs think about the meaning of this or that souvenir. For example, if you decide to purchase scarab figurines, then you should purchase them only at legs. Scarabs without legs are considered funerary. But cat figurines should be without snakes, only then you can have them name guardians hearth.

The land of the pharaohs welcomes guests very hospitably, while almost every resident considers it his duty to make money from you, namely to sell souvenirs, trinkets and other goods that are of no particular value and most often gather dust in the closet for several more years, reminding of vacation and useless money spent. Therefore, let's plan in advance what to bring from Egypt so that your purchases are at least a little useful. It should be noted that local residents the highest level know how to sell great amount all sorts of nonsense to the guests, who were tired from the hot sun. For them, this is a matter of survival, so if you don’t think in advance about how much and what you are willing to buy, you risk leaving the merchants with much more money than you can afford. So, let’s begin our conversation today on the topic: “What to bring from Egypt?”

Category No. 1: souvenirs

They are so banal that sophisticated tourists no longer pay attention to them. However, if this is your first trip abroad, numerous relatives are waiting for gifts, and money is tight, then perhaps this option will be the most acceptable. So, what to bring from Egypt? Products from the category mentioned above are pretty boring magnets, plates and cups, which are painted with images of Egyptian gods, pharaohs, tombs and slaves. They are sold here at every turn, so be prepared for daily offers.

Typically, tourists who are more deeply interested in the culture of a new country for them want to purchase something that more accurately conveys its specifics, something that is imbued with its energy. When discussing what to bring from Egypt, one cannot ignore figurines of pyramids and sphinxes, scarab beetles and cats, as well as ushabti - the name given to miniature figurines of people designed to serve their deceased masters in the afterlife.

The meaning of souvenirs

Get ready for the shops to tell you many legends and explain ancient Egyptian symbols. Usually tourists listen to such stories with such pleasure that they forget about how much money they were preparing to spend, which is what sellers take advantage of. So, let's look at souvenirs from Egypt. What to bring for your family and friends?

The scarab beetle signifies the patronage and protection of the solar god Ra; in ancient times it was considered a sacred insect. The “ankh” cross is no less popular - it is a symbol that bestows vitality, protection from disease and adversity in this and the afterlife. There are also more mystical souvenirs from Egypt. What to bring for a person who knows the history of this country well? This may be the Eye of Udjat - a mandatory attribute when swaddling mummies; it represents the eye of the god Horus, who guarded people in both worlds and accompanied them during the transition to the afterlife. Cobra-shaped souvenirs are very popular here. She was considered the guardian of the power of the pharaoh. The lotus also had a strictly religious meaning - it was considered an element that participated in the creation of the world, as well as in the rebirth of the soul in eternal life. Today this flower has lost its mystical meaning and has become simply a symbol of love. Of course, all these meanings are just conventions, so be guided by your taste, how pleasant it is for you to contemplate this or that thing.

Cost of souvenirs

The cheapest figurines of sphinxes and pyramids are made of plaster and bent by local craftsmen. Their price is quite arbitrary, so don’t forget to bargain; in any case, they will try to get you three times more than the souvenir actually costs. If you are looking for what to bring from Egypt for more discerning friends and family, then you can choose similar souvenirs, but made of semi-precious stones and various alloys. The most expensive are bas-reliefs carved from the material of the pyramids themselves, ancient household items from looted tombs, as well as mummified remains of people found in the desert. Yes, there are such “gifts”...

The first to create a fashion for Egyptian souvenirs were European kings, who began to bring elegant items and exhibit them at Versailles. Rich people poured into Egypt in a flood, taking out everything they could get: mummies of pharaohs and entire slabs from tombs and temples, with images and hieroglyphs painted on them.

Modern Artifact Market

The black market, barbaric looting of tombs and temples are all a thing of the past, although there are still offers to buy goods recovered from small burials. However, every tourist who thinks about what they can bring from Egypt must understand the full responsibility of such actions. It is much easier to use the services of professional workshops that make copies of famous Egyptian artifacts. There is a particularly large selection of such goods in Luxor. At the same time, you can listen to the tales of local residents about how this ancient object from the monastery of the pharaohs got onto their counter, and then do not forget to take a receipt and a workshop certificate so that there are no questions for you at customs.

The most useless souvenir

This is probably papyrus. Thinking about what can be brought from Egypt, besides the figures of the pyramids and the Sphinx, many remember ancient scrolls covered with mysterious writings. There are more than enough offers on the market... This is ancient paper made from paper reed, sedge or Cyperus papyrus. Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and intricate designs are applied to it. At the same time, the highest quality paper is elastic and easily rolled into a scroll. There are also cheaper options on the market - such scrolls are made of bamboo fiber, they are fragile and short-lived, so if you need a memory of mysterious country for many years, then such a souvenir will not work.

Fragrant oils and traditional hookah

Souvenirs intended for interior decoration are not always a desired gift for your loved ones; many are interested in more practical things, which are available in a large assortment. The production of aromatic oils is very widely developed on the banks of the Nile. Most often, they offer tourists perfume compositions, and pharmacies and spice shops sell real medicinal oils. Please keep in mind that each of them has its own effect on the body. Some are used effectively to treat headaches or joint pain, while others are excellent skin care products. Please note that each package comes with instructions in English. Read it before using the product. Be sure to ask your friends what to bring from Egypt as a gift, then you won’t have to run around the shops and rack your brains.

Another common gift is a hookah. However, if you are not familiar with this device, it may be difficult to choose. The fact is that there are exclusively souvenir options that cannot be smoked, despite the fact that at first glance they are absolutely identical. However, if the question is what to bring from Egypt as a gift for a smoker, then it’s difficult to come up with the best option. The hookahs sold here are very beautiful, but before buying you need to check it very carefully, especially the tubes: they must be sealed and made of camel skin. By the way, brass hookahs with a glass bulb are considered the most reliable. They are more reliable than metal ones, but there is a risk of breaking them during the flight. It’s also worth purchasing aromatic tobacco here, the selection of which is simply amazing.

For tea ceremony lovers

So, we continue the story about what to bring from Egypt. Hurghada, like no other region of this country, is famous for its healthy and delicious teas. Yellow tea, called helba, is in demand among tourists. Modern Egyptians love it very much, and guests of the country are not far behind them. You can buy the product at any store that sells spices. It is believed that this drink helps with high fever, relieves coughs and colds. Tea decoction is also used in cosmetology.

However, this is not the only tea gift that can be purchased here. However, be sure to consider this option if you are thinking about what to bring from Egypt. Hurghada is simply replete with shops, in each of which you can buy hibiscus, or Sudanese rose, popular today all over the world. They drink it both hot and cold; it is practically a national drink that is sold everywhere.

Other options for what you can bring from Egypt

Hurghada is a magnificent area on the shores of the Red Sea, which amazes tourists with an abundance of goods, exotic fruits, and a variety of souvenirs. To walk around ancient city, visit small shops with inexpensive goods, go to Old city Downtown. Winding along its narrow streets, you will find a lot of cozy shops. Here you will be offered a huge variety of amulets. Be sure to imagine how a particular amulet or symbol of the afterlife will be perceived by the person to whom it is intended as a gift. The cost of the item is approximately 1 dollar per piece. Agree, this a good option for those who are looking for what to bring from Egypt. Hurghada allows you to give cute souvenirs to all your friends without spending too much money.

Drawings on leaves are quite popular among tourists. Despite the fragility of such paintings, people buy them with pleasure. However, you need to take into account that transportation home will be quite difficult. But this is rather entertainment, which also costs about a dollar. It’s better to think more about what to bring from Egypt. Photos of retail shops show a huge selection of hookahs for every taste and color. Both souvenir and real items can be purchased for about $30.

Personalized souvenir

Everyone has their own version of what to bring from Egypt. Reviews from experienced tourists suggest that many people choose the cartouche. This is a really great gift that comes in the form of a silver or gold oval with the name of the person it is intended for engraved on it. You cannot order a cartouche for yourself, but you can ask someone to order it for you and give it as a gift. The minimum cost for this decoration is $3. A traditional Egyptian souvenir will remind you of your trip for many years.

Egyptian sweets

We have already reviewed many souvenirs from Egypt. What should you bring (photos of Arabic sweets will certainly arouse great interest among your friends) for those with an incorrigible sweet tooth? Be sure to ask your guide where there is a decent shop with sweet goods - they will be very different from those offered to you on every corner. If you are unable to find such a retail outlet, then postpone purchasing the treat until you go to the airport. Along the way you will definitely be taken to a huge shopping mall, where there is halva and Turkish delight, baklava, kunafa, kahk, dates in chocolate, basbousa and other pleasures. Of what tourists bring from Egypt, these are the most favorite gifts. Everyone will be happy to receive a box with real Arabic desserts. In addition to these treats, you can buy ground coffee with cardamom and Turku to treat all your family at home.

By the way, if you like to cook, then you can’t ignore the oriental spice shops. We cannot find such a rich assortment, and the prices here are much lower. But there is one problem: fragrant gift sets will have to be packaged very carefully. Otherwise, your suitcase will smell fragrant for a very long time.

Jewelry and cosmetics

If beautiful ladies are waiting for you at home, then you have a huge number of opportunities to please them. Egyptian jewelry made of silver and gold is highly valued, since the standard of such products is very high. Oriental perfumes, aromatic oils, various incense and stunning compositions - this is what can only be found here. Be sure to stock up on natural henna - it’s really high quality in Egypt. Of course, there are also oils for skin and hair care that will remind you of the trip for a long time. Bring loofah washcloths for all your friends and they can experience the magic of the hamam at home. Finally, every woman will be glad to receive an oriental outfit as a gift or at least a loincloth for belly dancing.

Cotton textiles

Indeed, all travelers confirm that this is where you can buy the best cotton items at an affordable price. Therefore, experienced tourists do not buy souvenirs, but towels and T-shirts, excellent sweatshirts with a zipper and a hood. Many years of use and numerous washes do not affect their appearance in any way. Very good feedback about leather bags. Many people bring lamps and enjoy them for many years.

Holidays in Sharm el-Sheikh

Another resort town, located on the seashore and bathed in gentle sunshine. Here, as well as on the entire coast, guests are welcome, and even upon arrival tourists begin to rack their brains about what to bring from Egypt. Sharm el-Sheikh is famous for its hospitality and numerous souvenir shops, among the abundance of which you will definitely find exactly what will be the most practical gift for your family, friends and colleagues. There is also a huge selection of papyri, and alabaster figurines are sold. They are considered to be of the highest quality, at least compared to gypsum ones. As in the rest resort towns Egypt, there is a huge selection of aromatic oils. Be sure to please your loved ones with an original gift for good luck. We are talking about a basket with a bunch of dried grass. This is Cafe Maryam, and such a surprise souvenir should not be underestimated. Once you put the basket in water for one or two days, it will bloom blue. Finally, this is where you will find the largest selection of pocket squares. Even if the fair sex, gifted with them, will never dance oriental dances, they will certainly like the look and feel of the scarf.

What not to take with you

Do not forget that it is prohibited to export any representatives of flora and fauna, and not necessarily living ones. This also applies to stuffed animals. Fans of the underwater world will also be greatly disappointed. Corals and shells are considered national treasures, which means that if you put them in your suitcase, you risk paying a large fine. Therefore, limit your list to those souvenirs that we have already listed. You can add to this delicious fruits, of which there are a lot here. However, keep in mind that you will have to pay extra for the weight of your luggage, and it is almost impossible to bring a large number of ripe fruits.

You are coming to a Muslim country, which means you are required to follow some rules. It is not advisable to smoke in public places, especially during Ramadan. It is not recommended to approach an unfamiliar woman, especially if her face is covered or there is a male companion next to her. Away from the sea and the beach, it is not advisable to appear in shorts or beachwear. There are also some recommendations regarding the purchase of souvenirs. In places where tourists are brought for sightseeing, the price of souvenirs will always be many times higher. Don't forget to bargain. You can immediately offer a price 50% lower than the original one and see the reaction. Locals not greedy, for them trading is a gambling activity, and if you manage to win them over, they will gladly give in.

We looked at the main options for what you can bring from Egypt as a gift. Souvenirs purchased here will long remind you of your vacation spent on the hot shores of Egypt.

Hello everyone from the land of the pharaohs! Christina is in touch with you again. If you are visiting this country for the first time, you probably want to know what you can buy cheaply in Egypt. The topic of the article was not chosen by chance. This is the question I most often hear from friends and acquaintances who come to Dahab. And I understand them. The first thing that catches your eye is the shine and variety of goods. Tourists, enchanted, begin to buy everything in local shops. And when they arrive home, they realize that most of what they bought will never be useful. It would also be useful to find out so as not to overpay at the resort.

Guys, I am always happy to advise you for free on your trip to Egypt. Do you have questions about when and how to go here? Send me a request and I will contact you!

But, let's figure out what souvenirs you should bring and what to give preference to. Moreover, there are things that you simply need to buy for yourself or as a gift. Egypt is a classic shopping experience that is unusual for most; it has its own nuances and peculiarities. Has a lot of its own " business cards", unique, inimitable products. It is important to feel the atmosphere and place you are visiting. So that warm memories and emotions from the trinkets you brought will warm your soul.

Good memories

Shop in Dahab

I am pleased with this answer. Dahab is a city for me, not to say “everything”, but a lot.

This is where the best beach holiday, popular places for windsurfing, diving, kitesurfing, freediving. The place cannot but fascinate, if only because it is unknown to most tourists.

Charm, enchantment, and a bewitching atmosphere reign in this piece of paradise. Here you can completely forget about everything in the world, plunging headlong into unique bliss, becoming free and independent of everything. This means resting your soul!

That’s why you really want to take away something special. Yes, and you can buy a lot. I can recommend it for any taste. Study, choose!

Let's go shopping for ourselves

Colorful souvenirs for friends

  • Souvenir with Egyptian attributes. The most popular are the scarab beetle, the Cartouche amulet, and a cat figurine. By the way, it is not customary to buy “Cartouche” for yourself; it must be given as a gift.
  • Classic. These are figurines of the Sphinx, pyramids, drums, refrigerator magnets, loincloths, and daggers.
  • Paintings with drawings on banana leaves or papyrus. The latter option is not cheap (sometimes several hundred dollars), but a picture on a banana leaf would be an acceptable cheap substitute.
  • Various bright bracelets woven by Bedouin children. They look charming and are worn by everyone - both women and men.
  • Cafe Maryam will be a nice gift for a friend. It looks like a ball of dried grass. But when you put it in water, after two days, delicate blue flowers and leaves appear on it. In addition, it is a talisman and a remedy for headaches, lung and stomach diseases.
  • The unusual mineral “Desert Rose” is an original souvenir. It truly resembles a flower, although it is formed in the Sahara.

For me, so the best souvenir For your friends there will be photographs, postcards that you will send to them by mail with your warmest memories. Just imagine how cool it is when you return after a month or two from vacation, and your friends receive such wonderful news from a warm region!

In the first days upon arrival, do not rush headlong into buying everything. First, take a closer look and decide what is worth bringing.

Find out how much certain products cost. Check out the features. Feel the scale of prices.

When asking how much something costs, be sure to haggle! In Egypt, bargaining can be equated to a national “sport.” The more persistent you are, the more respect you will receive. You can reduce prices by two to four times! There is no fixed price; it depends only on your talent how much the purchase will cost you.

Souvenirs in Dahab are cheaper than in Sharm.

You can buy a lot in Egypt; shopping here is exciting, radically different from Europe. Shopping “the Arabic way” is a real game, art, and entertainment at the same time. When going shopping, be positive. The choice is yours.

In my opinion, what matters is not the trinkets, but what emotions and memories you get from this amazing place. Dahab - place active rest

, where travelers from all over the world come. I hope I helped you with my advice. Of course, in brief overview

, it is unrealistic to list everything that is hidden in the endless shops and shops.

Remember the main thing: Egypt does not like to rush, have fun in everything. subscribe to blog news. And expect new interesting publications! Yours, Chris.


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