Equipment. What to take on a trip by bus. Traveling by bus: what to take with you on the road

Nowadays, inexpensive excursions are becoming increasingly popular. Low price and an easy package of documents for a visa makes such tours quite affordable. Many tourists begin their acquaintance with European cities exactly by bus. This way, they can visit several countries on one trip and determine where they would return in the future for a more detailed acquaintance with the sights.

Very often, when planning a trip, travelers wonder: what should they take with them? bus tour and what nuances should be taken into account in advance. We have prepared detailed tips for tourists traveling by bus and answers to frequently asked questions.

What to take with you on a bus tour to Europe?

This is perhaps the most frequently asked question, since it is extremely important to have useful things on your trip. When going on a bus tour in Europe, be sure to take the following:

  • Adapter - you need to take both an adapter for the “European socket” and for charging. Please note that it is often possible to charge your phone and camera only during an overnight stay at a hotel, since you are on excursions all day. If you need to charge several devices at once, you can take a tee.
  • A backpack is an extremely convenient thing during excursions. In your backpack you can put an umbrella, a sweater or jacket (after all, during the day it can be warmer than in the morning when you check out from the hotel), purchased souvenirs and food for the evening. You can replace the backpack with a comfortable shoulder bag.
  • Thermos - this item is especially relevant in the cold season and when there are long journeys between cities. In each hotel you can get boiling water for breakfast in the morning and save on the cost of tea and coffee in the afternoon, which is offered for a fee during sanitary stops.
  • A pillow under your head will make it easier to move, especially at night, as it takes the load off the spine. Travel pillows come in both rubber, inflatable and soft types. You can purchase them in specialized stores that sell health products, at exhibitions or in online stores.
  • You should definitely take an umbrella (or raincoat) with you, as rain can catch you on the road at any time of the year. However, in almost every city you can buy a souvenir zone as a keepsake and use it during your trip.
  • Comfortable clothes and shoes - we emphasize that shoes must be comfortable. You should not wear new, unworn shoes or high heels, because you will have to walk many kilometers in a day.
  • Spare memory card for camera - whatever you might want to do large quantity more pictures or videos than the memory card can hold. In this case, a spare card can help you out. Also don't forget to take your charger.
  • Photocopying of passports and visas - we advise you to make a copy of the first page of your passport and valid visa in advance and store them in a separate place from the original.
  • Non-perishable food will come in handy during your first move, especially if your first overnight stay will be in a transit hotel. You shouldn’t take a lot, since in cities you can buy fresh food in supermarkets. It is worth considering that only a liter of strong alcohol per person and two packs of cigarettes are allowed to be exported from Ukraine.
  • Swimsuit, towel and rubber slippers - be sure to take them in advance if the tour involves visiting thermal resorts or a water park.

What hotel will we stay in?

You can find out the name of the hotel 3-5 days before the start of the tour in the information sheet. As a rule, accommodation is offered in standard 3* hotels not in the center, but close to transport stops.

How much money should I take with me and where is the best place to change it?

We advise you to take money with you at the rate of 30 euros per day per person. You need to take cash (dollars or euros) or a credit card with you, just don’t forget to notify your bank that you will be using your card abroad. Please note that for optional excursions you must pay the group leader in euros. As a rule, guides during sightseeing tours suggest which exchange offices It's better to change money. Poland, the Czech Republic, Switzerland, Bulgaria and Hungary have their own currency, which is better to buy upon arrival; in the rest of the Schengen countries it is the euro.

Will there be a hairdryer and iron in the hotel?

It is worth noting that not all hotels have a hairdryer and iron; sometimes you can ask for an iron at the reception. Some hotels may have a refrigerator or minibar in your room that you can use as a refrigerator for your groceries, but you cannot remove its contents because you will then have to pay for it. The use of a safe, if there is one in the room, is usually paid for. Therefore, we recommend purchasing a lock for your suitcase in advance and keeping valuables with you.

Sometimes there may be a kettle in the room, you can also ask for boiling water in the kitchen. Most hotels have free Wi-Fi. You can also use free wireless Internet in a cafe or shopping centers. Slippers and bathrobes are not provided in hotels. All hotels offer towels and bathroom amenities (soap, shampoo) to their guests.

What mobile connection should I use?

Today it can be quite profitable to use a special tariff from Ukrainian mobile operators. To learn more about roaming options, contact your operator representative. The second option is to purchase an international roaming card. It is beneficial if you mainly plan to receive calls from Ukraine, since incoming calls will be free. If you have a smartphone or tablet, it will be convenient to contact your family via the Internet.

How many people are in the group and who will accompany us?

The maximum number of people in a group is 44-45. The minimum depends on the profitability of the tour and is usually 20 people. The group is accompanied by a Russian-speaking representative of the operator from the moment they board the bus.

Are there amenities and will we be fed on the bus?

There is no toilet on the bus, but there are sanitary stops every 3 hours. You should not count on long gatherings and snacks, since the road is long and stops will be made for 15-20 minutes. Food and drinks are not offered on the bus; they can be purchased at the bus stops. Before the trip, you can buy various food in bags for the trip that will not spoil quickly: nuts, crackers, sandwiches, juices, etc. You can also take stickers with coffee, tea bags, sugar from home.

How much does it cost to have lunch (dinner)?

Of course, the cost of lunch or dinner depends on the country and the level of the establishment. In Eastern Europe, lunch will cost around 20-25 euros for two, in Western Europe - about 40-50 euros. Some cafes and restaurants have such a thing as an “express menu” - you pay a small amount for a set of two or three dishes. Also in all major cities There are fast foods and fast food cafes, where meals will cost less. You can buy food in supermarkets (prices are approximately comparable to Ukrainian ones) and have dinner in your room.

What should I do if I get lost?

We recommend recording your manager’s phone number in your mobile phone, so you can always contact him in an emergency. The golden rule for a traveler is to have a business card from the hotel with you, which you can show to a taxi driver or passers-by and ask for directions. Even if you are not going on optional excursions, write down the place and time the group will gather for the excursion.

I continue the topic and publish verbatim an article I liked by such an avid traveler:

Shoes, shoes, and more shoes! Two, three, even four pairs for different weather and mood. Worn down, ugly, but proven - not threatening with bloody blisters. The most heartbreaking experience of all my trips is when a group that had run around Budapest the day before gets off the bus in Vienna with joyful anticipation, and one tourist remains sitting on the bus and waiting for the wounds on her feet to heal: she bought new sandals before the trip, which seemed comfortable. Imagine: in Vienna you don’t have to get off the bus for 8 hours, just hobble to the nearest shoe store!

Everything else comes second in importance: and pillow under the head, And warm socks, which are so nice to put on tired legs in the bus, and a boiler, and a hairdryer - all this will add to the journey maximum comfort, but the beauty of Prague or Paris will not fade if you forget something at home! (I agree with everything, except for a boiler and a hairdryer. A boiler is definitely not needed, since the bus stops quite often - you won’t go hungry))) It’s better to eat at a roadside cafe. Yes, and there is a hairdryer in any, even run-down hotel - if not in the room, ask at the reception and they will always give you one. Don't carry unnecessary things with you. So the author writes even further): Yes, and you can buy tea on the way, you’re not going to the Arctic.

By the way, about the Arctic: still provide for weather disasters, capture a couple of warm clothes, regardless of the season. If you hope that “it’s warm in Italy in September,” you risk freezing not only in Poland on the way back, but also in Italy itself. (By the way, it’s true! I personally was “lucky” to be in Venice in mid-June - at the height of the Italian summer!! The weather deteriorated sharply, heavy rains rolled in and the temperature dropped to +12 brrrrr). From the story of a travel agency manager: when choosing a route, the lady strictly and demandingly asks: “Can you guarantee that it will be warm in Italy in September?”

Before every boarding of the bus, I indulge in painful thoughts: what to leave in the bag that I check in the trunk of the bus, and what to take with you to the salon in a separate bag. Mug, camera, film, bottle of mineral water- it is necessary. And also: umbrella and sweater, even if it's worth it sweltering heat(what if the weather turns bad during the 3-hour journey), one more film (what if there isn’t enough), another bottle of non-mineral water (to maintain intellectual contacts with neighbors), a guidebook, a map. (Now, of course, most people no longer have film cameras, so stock up on memory cards, so as not to rush around the city looking for an Internet cafe in order to urgently transfer photos to a flash drive, upload them to a netbook, etc. Take two 16G memory cards with you - that’s definitely enough! And take two batteries- sits down alone, immediately exchange it for a freshly charged one and continue taking pictures and shooting videos. As for the water, that's right! Be sure to stock up on a couple of bottles of water, since the next stop, as we already know, will be in about 3 hours, and you will definitely want to drink during this time. But as for the stronger stuff - somehow I don’t remember anyone drinking such strong drinks on our bus))) In any case, you can make contact with your neighbors with the help of goodies and interesting stories Oh yes, and a sweater for sure needed! On the bus, the air conditioner works great; sometimes you can get very cold without a warm jacket!).

If I managed not to forget anything, I am proud of my experience and foresight during the entire move, and I maintain contacts. As a result, when I go on a multi-hour excursion, I forget something really necessary (the same photographic film) already in the bus. Yes, if you are traveling overnight, do not forget to take washing and shaving supplies to the salon.

Food - Take it or leave it?

Even if you are not going to save on food, some kind of food supply still won’t hurt. Sometimes a walk along unfamiliar city It can be so delightful that it’s simply a pity to spend half an hour in a cafe, even if you have a long journey ahead. This is where a slice of bread with some kind of smoked meat will help out. And the boiler on the bus is at your service - here you can brew “doshiraki” (mind me!) and drink coffee. One tourist ran to the boiler with a huge mug, spreading the aroma of borscht. And what about your health! This is what smokers in Moscow absolutely need to stock up on - cigarettes! Prices even in cheap Poland are outrageous.

(Well, I’ll express my opinion here. Apparently, the article was written about 10 years ago, because even on my bus tour there was an excellent bus - with hot water! So, a boiler is definitely no longer needed - there was always hot water on the bus. The only thing , that, naturally, it ends, and someone has to wait until the next batch heats up. But it’s not scary, as they say, take a turn and there will be hot water for you)) Well, for all the doshirak people - that’s right: no, no, and more. no! Take instead fresh fruits and vegetables or dried fruits: for example, figs and dried apricots - they perfectly satisfy the feeling of hunger. And there it’s not far to the stop, where you can have a good meal in a cafe. The main thing is not to overdo it with prunes (if you want to take them as a snack with dried fruits), because they are an excellent laxative)).

To prepare for a long bus tour, first make a list of the things you need that you will take on the trip. Traveling by bus means that the main luggage is located in a special luggage compartment, to which there will be no constant access. Be sure to pack, in addition to a large suitcase, a light backpack or bag in which to put everything you will need on the bus.

Let's take a closer look at what to take with you on a trip, what things to take into the cabin, how hand luggage and what products to take with you.

  • Comfortable shoes.
  • Hat, scarf, and sunglasses.
  • Clothes are of such a format that you can put one thing on top of another (T-shirt, blouse, sweater) and easily take it off if the weather changes.
  • Raincoat or folding umbrella.
  • Spare batteries for a camera or video camera, a flash card (you must admit that it’s unpleasant if during a photo shoot the battery in the device runs out or the free space on the memory card runs out).
  • Medical kit (painkiller, anti-diarrhea, hemostatic, bandage and medications that you need).
  • Unbreakable mug, spoon, fork, knife, deep plate.
  • Pen, notepad.
  • Make sure you have availability mobile communications(tariff with affordable roaming) in case of emergency, charger.

What to take with you on the bus:

Documents (ID card, medical policy, tickets, etc.), mobile phone, charger, camera (you might want to take some pictures along the way beautiful view from a window or while stopped).

Replacement socks or slippers. If along the way you want to take off your shoes and give your feet a rest, you can change into slippers or put on woolen socks. This will be especially true during sleep. Blanket, travel pillow, sleep mask. If the size of your luggage allows, then take a cozy blanket with you to cover yourself with or put under your head. A blanket can easily be replaced by a warm sweatshirt. You can also take a small orthopedic travel pillow with you for sleeping. If you are not a fan of such pillows, then you can replace it with a small sofa cushion. When you want to take a nap during the day, a sleep mask will come in handy. It takes up little space and will help protect from sunlight.

Be sure to grab toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, soap, shampoo and towel. When you stop for a long time, you will have the opportunity to wash your face, brush your teeth, and take a shower. Wet wipes will come in handy if you get dirty on the road. They will help clean both your face and hands, as well as clothes. Not all toilets at stopping points have toilet paper, so you just need to have it with you. Although the role toilet paper Can do the same with wet wipes.

If you have the opportunity to exchange money in advance for the currency of the country you are going to, then do so. Then you won’t have to waste time searching for exchangers and waiting in queues.

Bring trash bags with you so that you can safely throw out the trash that has accumulated during your trip at any stop.

Women will want to take with them the necessary cosmetics and a small mirror. Men may need a razor. Take a thermos with you. You can always ask for boiling water to be poured into it at one of the stops. This boiling water can be used for brewing tea or instant foods.

What to take with you from products:

You should not take a large amount of food with you on a bus tour. Buses make scheduled stops at gas stations and campsites near the cafe. You can take with you sandwiches, boiled eggs, yoghurts (which it is advisable to consume soon to avoid food spoilage), vegetables and fruits, nut mixtures, buns (all of this is good for a quick snack).

Eggs must be consumed first, as this product is perishable and can become a source of unpleasant odor. For vegetables, take boiled potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes. If you decide to take sausages with you, then make a choice in favor of raw smoked sausage; it is stored out of the refrigerator for a long time and retains freshness than boiled sausage. Various crackers, chips, crispbreads, bagels, cookies, dry breads, and gingerbread cookies will come in handy for just something to chew on. Nuts are quite high in calories and nutrition, and also take up little space. It is better not to take chocolate bars with you, as they may melt on the warm bus. They can be purchased at the bus stop and consumed immediately. From fruits, grab apples, bananas, oranges, pears.

Under no circumstances take a watermelon or melon, as the driver will not stop somewhere at your request if you want (and you will) to go to the toilet.

To be able to eat something hot, take a variety of custard soups, cereals and instant noodles. You can brew them using boiling water from a thermos.

Various soft drinks are suitable for drinking, such as mineral water, juice, iced tea. It is better to take them in small quantities so as not to weigh down your luggage. Drinks can always be bought at stops.

All of the above is just an example of what you can take with you. You always have the opportunity to edit this list based on your preferences and individual needs.

Entertainment on the go

If the trip is long, then you may get bored on the road. To distract your thoughts and have a little fun, you can read a book, look through a magazine, or solve a crossword puzzle. But don't take books that are too big. You will most likely not be able to read them in their entirety, and they will add significant weight to your luggage.

You can also listen to music or an audiobook, for which you will need a player, tablet or the internal memory of your phone. You just need to pre-record your favorite music or audiobook onto a flash card.

Get to know the people sitting next to you. If an interesting interlocutor, a cheerful person sits next to you, then the path itself will seem a most interesting journey, and time will fly by unnoticed in conversations. But the most important thing you need to have with you is patience and a good mood, then the road will seem pleasant and easy.

Bus tours are becoming increasingly popular among travelers. There is even a certain category of tourists who prefer this particular type of transport for traveling abroad. Indeed, a bus tour around Europe is an opportunity to see several countries and go on numerous excursions in a short period of time. But how to prepare properly and what to take with you long trip by bus?

Luggage and clothing

When getting ready for a trip, we immediately divide all our luggage into two parts. The main suitcase with things that you will need already at the hotel is sent to the luggage compartment. In another, more compact bag, we put things that will be useful directly in the salon.

There should also be another very small bag (for example, a belt bag), in which we put the most important things: a wallet and a passport. With such a handbag, you can easily leave the cabin during a stop without fear for your valuables.

In general, the main difficulty of traveling on a bus is that the passenger is almost completely deprived of freedom of movement. Sitting in one place for several hours in a row is a very difficult task purely physiologically. Walking around the cabin is prohibited, and this is correct, because during movement the risk of injury increases significantly. How can you help yourself make the trip easier?

  • We choose comfortable clothes according to the season, always from natural fabrics. Clothes should not rub or squeeze, so the option of jeans is discarded immediately. Also, do not take things that are very wrinkled. The ideal option is a T-shirt and shorts. Remember: if you are traveling at night, be sure to stock up on a sweater and socks - the cabin will be cool. Some people take a blanket with them – that’s also an option.
  • When going on a bus trip, it is very important to take comfortable shoes. On the road, it is best to take light ballet flats, slippers or flip-flops (if the season allows). Sitting in one position for a long time may cause swelling in your feet, so your shoes should not be too tight.
  • An indispensable thing on such a trip is an inflatable pillow in the shape of a crescent. It will significantly reduce discomfort during an overnight move, help you take a comfortable position and relieve headaches.

Now the number of night trips on bus tours is reduced to a minimum; tourists spend the night in transit hotels in Europe. However, if your tour does involve traveling at night, don’t worry. A warm blanket, an inflatable pillow, and most importantly, the friendly shoulder of your neighbor will make the night journey much easier.

Collecting a first aid kit

The list of medications that you may need when traveling by bus is similar to what to take with you on a train trip. It must include medications against motion sickness and cold symptoms:

  • Lollipops or special medications for motion sickness
  • drops for runny nose and nasal congestion;
  • throat sprays or lozenges;
  • antiviral and antipyretic powders;

Iodine, patches, cotton wool, antihistamines (anti-allergic) drugs and repellents are added to the main list.

Traveling by bus is a real test for your digestive system. Due to the same long-term sitting position, metabolic processes slow down, and the lack of hot food also does not have the best effect. As a result, on the road you may experience bloating, heaviness, and problems with bowel movements. Therefore, the first aid kit must contain drugs that facilitate digestion and remedies for diarrhea. An anti-nausea medication may also come in handy. If you don’t have one at hand, in a pinch, mint candies can come to the rescue.

What to eat?

It is equally important to think in advance about what food to take with you on the bus. You need to choose those foods that will not only fill you up, but also will not create digestive problems. This eliminates all carbonated drinks. Don’t get carried away with curds and yoghurts - in summer time they will spoil very quickly. The best option for what to eat on the bus:

  • sandwiches with raw smoked sausage (it does not need constant storage in the refrigerator);
  • vegetables and fruits are an excellent source of fiber, are easily digestible and quench thirst;
  • dry cookies, cheese, nuts - hearty and healthy snacks;
  • For drinks, take regular drinking water, a small thermos with tea or coffee.

Euroclass buses have kettles and tea stops. Therefore, in addition to food, take with you several bags of your favorite drink, as well as sugar. In general, we do not recommend getting carried away with liquids, since sanitary stops can be carried out with a long break, and dry toilets in the cabin are not always convenient. These same simple gastronomic recommendations are also suitable for those who don’t know.

Necessary little things

Many European gas stations offer shower facilities, so it would be a good idea to have a small towel, soap and flip-flops with you. Of course, don't forget to bring essential hygiene items such as a toothbrush and toothpaste. Stock up on dry and wet wipes. But you definitely won’t need cosmetics on the road; take only minimal care products with you to the salon: a comb, a mirror, lip balm.

The main thing is a positive attitude!

If you prepare properly for the trip, traveling by bus will not be as painful as some tourists imagine. To avoid getting bored while watching the monotonous landscapes outside the window, take yourself something for fun. Some people pick up magazines, some do crossword puzzles, and some doze off to their favorite music on headphones. Look at the situation positively: have you been wanting to read a book for a long time, but never had the time? Well, a great opportunity to finally devote a few hours to it.

Many Euroclass buses have sockets under the seats. So if you have a tablet or small laptop, you can safely take it on the road.

And most importantly, go on a trip in the good company of loved ones! Have an interesting trip and have an easy road!

What clothes and shoes should you take with you to, and what wardrobe should you discard? Useful tips, subtleties and nuances of road equipment.

Have you finally decided to bus travel in Europe? Congratulations! It’s simply impossible to organize a more interesting and educational vacation! However, before you pack your usual “travel kit” into your suitcase, you need to remember the specifics of the upcoming trip, because traveling by bus requires special preparations.

Regardless of the tour program - whether you are going to travel around France or visit several at once European countries- you will spend most of the trip sitting in a bus seat. Therefore, it is necessary to select special clothes: suitable in size and not restricting movement. Plus, the main wardrobe items should be easy to put on and take off - you will have to change clothes on the bus more than once.

When choosing road clothing, you should pay special attention, in addition to the above, to the quality of the seams. For example, such a seemingly practical wardrobe item as jeans is not suitable for a bus tour: on the back surface of most models there are sharply protruding “stitches” and scars. If you sit in one place for a long time (and even more so while sleeping), due to such tailoring features, your blood vessels will almost certainly be pinched, which will lead to numbness in your legs, headaches and other manifestations of discomfort.

Worn house pants are also not a very suitable option for equipment: sitting on the bus in them may be comfortable, but every excursion will require changing clothes. Thus, perhaps the best option collecting for the road at the “Clothing” point is a trip to a specialized store. Inform the sales consultant that you are going on vacation according to the program bus tours to France 2017, and he will definitely choose the right wardrobe for you.


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