Pyramids in Antarctica: who built them and when. Let's expose! Mysterious ancient pyramids in Antarctica? Lake under four kilometers of ice

The first news about man-made pyramids in Antarctica appeared on the Internet in mid-June 2013. The main evidence was a slide show of several photographs and small explanatory texts.

It was reported that the incredible discovery was made by eight researchers from universities in the US and Europe, their identities have not been revealed. This secrecy was explained by the fact that they allegedly planned to send a scientific expedition to the pyramids to study the mysterious objects in detail. Judging by latest news, completely repeating the information from two years ago, the campaign never took place.

The video shows the logo of a group of scientists from the UK, Alien Disclosure Group (ADG), which reveals secret materials about UFOs and extraterrestrial technologies. The author of the sensation is one of the community members, Stephen Hannard. He has been caught many times with fake UFO evidence.

It turned out that the pyramids are two views of one mountain of the highest ridge in Antarctica called Vinson. The massif is located in Antarctica. Hannard took the photos from 2010 from a blog of climbers who climbed near the unusual peak.


Anyone can view the mountain from above using Google Maps.

And also the whole mountain range(in the red circle is the same mountain).

The third photo with the pyramid near the shore is most likely a photomontage. The mountain is located on an ice shelf, and it flows from the shore into the sea: any building simply could not survive on the edge of such an ice sheet.

What scientists say

If this was not created by man, the question arises as to why such things are formed. fancy shapes. Geologist Yuri Kozlov and geomorphologist Konstantin Lovyagin gave comments to the RT television channel.

“Usually all the weird rock shapes are formed because they are made up of different minerals of different densities. Accordingly, during the weathering process, when natural factors(rain, snow, wind) destroy the rock, first minerals with a lower density are destroyed, and the hard ones remain and take on different interesting shapes, in which a person then tries to find something familiar,” explained RT Kozlov.

According to Lovyagin, “perhaps this is the most common result of the denudation process, that is, the remains have a natural shape close to pyramidal. This is far from unique phenomenon, which can be found in different parts of the Earth. It is determined by the mineralogical composition of the rock. Different rocks take on different shapes during the weathering process. It could be a basalt or granite intrusion that retains these chiseled shapes because weathering slows down at low temperatures.”

Information that man-made pyramids had been discovered in Antarctica appeared on the Internet in mid-June. With reference to the website it was reported that a group of researchers discovered three pyramids, one of them located near the very coast of the ice continent, and the other two in the depths, at a distance of about sixteen kilometers from the coast. More detailed information about the pyramids was not provided.

The main source of information was a short video that showed several photographs accompanied by short text explanations. It was also mentioned that preparations are currently underway for an expedition to explore the pyramids. This is precisely why most of the information remains hidden.

Here are some sources and discussions on this topic:

Let's all figure out whether these are really ancient objects or something else.

This pyramid stands 16 km from the coast. Photo: ADG (UK).

Pyramids are said to have been discovered in Antarctica that are exactly like the great ones of Egypt. And there are also three of them, just like on the Giza plateau. Only they are not located so close to each other: two of them are located 16 km from the coast, and the third is on the coast itself. And they look very similar to man-made ones.

But it's incredible. After all, Antarctica was green continent tens of millions of years ago. There was no trace of Homo sapiens at that time. Only dinosaurs lived there at that time. But it was not the lizards who built these gigantic structures. Then it turns out that either aliens or some kind of ancient civilization, about which we know nothing? In order to reveal the secret, an expedition is allegedly being sent there now.

But who made such a shocking discovery that could lead to us having to rethink and rewrite the entire history of the Earth? In a message with a link to indicates a certain team of eight researchers from the USA and Europe. But neither the names of the universities where the scientists work nor their names are given. There are no pictures of the pyramids either. Only one photo and a short video leaked online.

But one thread leading to the authors of the sensation was found. There is a logo on the video ADG (UK). As it turned out, this is a group of scientists from Great Britain called A lien Disclosure Group, which works like WikiLeaks - an international network project that publishes documents revealing the secrets of politicians. ADG will publish secret protocols about UFOs and extraterrestrial technologies. On their website, scientists claim that they have sources in more than 500 governments, military and intelligence agencies. Apparently, information about the Antarctic pyramids leaked from one such structure? Or maybe it’s photoshop and fake, as many people claim on their blogs and forums. And what do you think?

And this pyramid stands on the shore. Photo: ADG (UK).


It is known that the Nazis of the Third Reich were very interested in Antarctica. And according to one legend, at the end of the 1930s they built their bases there. They say they were looking for something left either from aliens, or from an ancient highly developed civilization that once existed there. Perhaps even Atlantis. And “flying saucers” seemed to be hidden in the mines.

However, if the pyramids turned out to be man-made, this would require a significant revision of existing ideas about ancient history Earth. Antarctica was a green continent several tens of millions of years ago, when people did not yet exist. Consequently, such large-scale structures could have been created either by people belonging to a hitherto unknown ancient race, or by representatives of extraterrestrial intelligence.

It was soon established that the video was created by one of the members of the British association Alien Disclosure Group. This is a group of scientists who see their main task as discovering and publishing what is classified by governments different countries information about UFOs. The group's organizers say they have multiple sources in various government agencies.

Chairman of the Ufological Commission of the Russian Geographical Society Mikhail Gershtein. Photo: From the personal archive of M. Gerstein.

The author of the video turned out to be Stephen Hannard, a UFO researcher from the already mentioned Alien Disclosure Group UK. He had previously been caught producing fake evidence of UFO sightings. Photos of “pyramids” in Antarctica also turned out to be fake. Mikhail Gershtein, a specialist in the study of anomalous phenomena, stated this with confidence. The two photographs, which were presented as photographs of pyramids located in the depths of the mainland, actually depict one of the mountains of the large Vinson massif. It's just an oddly shaped mountain in the Vinson Massif, Antarctica's highest mountain range, taken from two different vantage points. The pictures were stolen by a forger from the blog of climbers who conquered these mountains in 2010.

Photo from blog.

The pictures were taken by climbers during their ascent in 2010 and borrowed from their blog by Stephen Hannard.

The third picture, which shows a pyramid located near the shore, is a product of photomontage. Mikhail Gershtein says that the pyramid simply could not survive on the edge of the ice sheet - this contradicts the known laws of ice movement. The ice here is in constant motion, and any structure built in this area would soon be swallowed up by the ocean.

Stephen Hannard of Alien Disclosure Group has already been caught posting fake videos featuring aliens and UFOs. Apparently, the revelation did not calm him down.

Here are some more recent revelations that we discussed: or, but they say The original article is on the website InfoGlaz.rf Link to the article from which this copy was made -

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The most mysterious continent on Earth attracts researchers, discoverers and even lovers of conspiracy theories. The study of Antarctica clearly demonstrates that science is being created before our eyes. Amazing discoveries and finds amaze not only ordinary people, but also prominent scientists: a “bloody” waterfall, a Martian meteorite, fossils and even huge lake lurked in the ice for many millennia.

website I decided to find out what discoveries modern scientists have made and what conspiracy theorists are talking about when it comes to Antarctica.

Martian meteorite with traces of life

The Martian meteorite we know as Allan Hills 84001 was found in the Allan Hills of Antarctica on December 27, 1984. This discovery caused widespread public outcry due to the fact that fossilized microscopic structures that could be bacteria were found on the surface of the meteorite. Question about extraterrestrial origin bacteria has still been discovered, but it is supported by the fact that the size of the structures found is 20–100 nanometers in diameter, which is much smaller than any form of cellular life known to us.

ALH 84001 is also unique in that, according to research data, it broke away from its home planet 4 billion years ago, when there was still liquid water there, while the rest of the meteorites found on Earth no longer belong to the era of “wet” Mars.

Lake under four kilometers of ice

One of the largest geographical discoveries 20th century - subglacial Lake Vostok, which was discovered in Antarctica. The most amazing thing about this find is that it was hidden under a layer of ice 4 km thick. Scientists are confident that the lake was cut off from the outside world by a glacier for several million years.

The size of the East is amazing: total area The lake is about 16,000 sq. km, and the depth can reach 1,200 m. Most likely, it remains unfrozen due to underground geothermal springs. Drilling the well was a complex and lengthy process; it began in 1989, was suspended in 1999 (due to fears of polluting the unique ecosystem) and returned to it only in 2006, to be completed in 2013.

Since 2015, an active stage of studying the lake began. In the water sample, scientists found microorganisms, one of which was of an unknown species. But these were samples from the surface, the most interesting thing will begin when they can get samples from the bottom, where, according to assumptions, the water is heated thermal springs and suitable for life. Perhaps scientists will soon be able to find unprecedented species of creatures. Who knows how evolution developed in the closed ecosystem of the East.

Burnt forest

Scientists have guessed that Antarctica was once a green continent since the time of the first expeditions to new land. However, they recently made a discovery that has greatly puzzled modern science: time after time, in different areas of Antarctica, burnt and petrified forests are found, which not only prove the theory of a “green Antarctica”, but also pose a new task for scientists - to determine what happened to the forest.

Fossil studies have shown severe levels of fire damage, suggesting that the ancient forests died around 250 million years ago in a massive fire, which in turn could have been caused by a meteorite or volcanic activity. Research on this issue is still ongoing.

91 volcanoes under ice

Since 2013, numerous reports have circulated online that scientists have found a copy of Egyptian pyramids with the same parameters and layout. As evidence, photographs of one of the pyramids and its satellite images are provided. The “sensational” news caused a storm of discussion and speculation, but the truth was not revealed immediately.


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