Taupo volcano in New Zealand. Lake Taupo in New Zealand. Trout - a prized fishing trophy for Taupo

  • How to find: New Zealand, North Island, Taupo region;
  • Visit: for free;
  • Types of recreation: eco-tourism, fishing, sailing

Taupo is a lake in the basin of the volcano of the same name, located on the north-eastern coast of the city of Taupo.

What makes Lake Taupo unique?

Taupo is the best large lake in New Zealand, which is considered one of the richest freshwater reservoirs on the planet.

Lake Taupo was formed as a result of an eruption ancient volcano Oruanui about 27 thousand years ago. For a long time, water accumulated in the crater due to heavy rains and rivers, which changed their direction and began to flow into the lake.

The area of ​​the lake is 616 km 2, the largest deep point is located at a distance of 186 meters from the surface, in the very center of the lake. The length of the large diameter is 44 km. By lenght coastline Lake Taupo covers 193 km. Its catchment area is 3327 km2.

The lake is unique in nature; the main part of its coast is covered with beech and coniferous forests. The ground is mostly overgrown with various ferns and olearia bushes. The fauna of Lake Taupo is also diverse: the lake is home to various species of crayfish, small kilka, kokopa and white smelt. Taupo's greatest popularity came from brown (river) and rainbow trout, brought from Europe, California and the USA in the 19th century for breeding. Sponges and other invertebrates gather in large colonies at the bottom of the lake.

Only one river, the Waikato, the largest river in New Zealand, flows out of the lake, and about 30 rivers flow in.

Among New Zealanders and tourists, Lake Taupo is popular primarily for its excellent fishing, trout weighing 10 kg are not particularly surprising, and the annual 160 km bike ride around the lake attracts about 1 million tourists a year.

Volcano Taupo

Lake Taupo is located on the site of the Taupo supervolcano. Currently, the volcano is considered dormant, but the possibility cannot be ruled out that in a few hundred years it will rise from a long sleep.

First largest volcanic eruption Taupo occurred about 70,000 years ago. The VEI score was 8. About 1,170 km 3 of ash and magma were released into nature. Also, a major volcanic eruption was recorded in 180 AD (7 points on the VEI scale), when the amount of ejected lava reached 30 km 3 within 5 minutes. The last time the volcano erupted was around 210 AD.

In the area of ​​the Taupo volcano there are various geothermal springs, geysers and hot springs.

Located in the crater of an ancient volcano and surrounded by three dormant volcanoes, Taupo impresses not only with the picturesque views that open when sailing on a yacht on this body of water, but also with its scale, being the largest among all the lakes in this country.

Its area is just over 600 km², which is comparable in scale to Singapore. Taupo's records don't end there: it is also the second largest freshwater lake in all of Oceania.

Interesting fact! The history of Lake Taupo is described in detail in the novel by Jules Verne, which tells the story of the search for Captain Grant. New Zealand was also among the probable locations of the captain, and the famous French science fiction writer did not skimp on inclusion in the story interesting facts about this country.

In the footsteps of the Maori

The true name of the lake in the Maori language is “Toupo-nui-a-Tia”, which means the shoulder cape of Tia, the first Maori who discovered these places. The Maori tribes arrived here around the end of the 13th century.

This is interesting! The British colonialists managed to defeat the Maori using special water technology. Armored boats with a flat bottom were ordered in Sydney, so arrows and bullets from old Maori guns simply bounced off the sides, so Lake Taupo became a strategic point that brought the British closer to victory.

On the north-eastern outskirts of Taupo is the town of the lake of the same name. Here you can visit the museum of this New Zealand lake, which witnessed many historical events, and learn a lot of interesting things about the history of these places and their indigenous inhabitants - the Maori tribe. An exciting trip to Lake Taupo on the vintage yacht The Barbary, built in 1926, can be an interesting contact with the historical past of New Zealand.

Yachting in New Zealand's "Mordor"

Lake Taupo is especially popular, because here you can not only get in touch with the country’s historical past (for example, see Maori rock paintings from board a yacht), but also admire the breathtaking landscapes. Beech and coniferous forests on the coast, the lakes are adjacent to three majestic volcanoes surrounding Taupo to the south.

To many of these, the landscapes may seem very familiar. Can't guess where? The Lord of the Rings saga is the answer! It’s hard not to remember the Tongariro volcano emitting colored smoke, the landscapes of which served as a natural backdrop for the filming of Mordor. The Taupo volcano itself, as a result of whose ancient activity the lake arose, is considered dormant, i.e. such that one day it may unexpectedly wake up and revive its activity.

This is interesting! There are only 5 volcanoes, the eruption of which, according to scientists, can completely change the world. So, along with the formidable volcano of Yellowstone Park, which many have heard about, stands the Taupo volcano.

Trout - a prized fishing trophy for Taupo

One of the most popular on Lake Taupo, whose average depth is 110 m (maximum - 183 m), is. If until the 19th century all that could be caught here were crayfish and white smelt, then after trout was brought from California, Taupo turned into a real fishing paradise.

Large brook and rainbow trout (the weight of one fish can reach up to 10 kilos) and eels are what can be caught on a fishing rod, so fishing on Lake Taupo is unlikely to leave true connoisseurs of such an active pastime indifferent.

Interesting fact! The source of the river flowing out of Lake TaupoWaitahanui is known among fishermen as the "guard fence". This fancy name is due to the fact that fishermen here line up close to each other shoulder to shoulder to catch fish jumping out of the lake into the river.
In addition, the Waitahaui River has many pools where you can catch a lot of large trout. So, each pool bears the name of a famous person who once fished in these places. For example, Major Jones's pool.

Trout fishing on Lake Taupo is popular all year round, but do not forget that for such water entertainment you must obtain a license here, even if your plans are only for recreational fishing.

Other entertainment

Also one of the popular ones on Lake Taupo. On the coast, you can go to the noisy Huka Falls located near the city, and also visit the hot springs located in the vicinity of the lake, reminiscent of the age-old geothermal activity in these places.

If you want more extreme adventures, then you should pay attention to the air entertainment offered in these places: bungee jumping, skydiving and flights on light aircraft over Lake Taupo. IN local restaurants You should definitely try classic English cuisine and traditional New Zealand wines, distinguished by their pleasant taste and aroma.

On a note! The warmest month here is February, and the rainiest month is March. At other times of the year, precipitation is evenly distributed.

Very beautiful country. There is wonderful nature, a temperate climate, and well-established infrastructure. The country is beautiful and you want to go there and admire its charms. But it is precisely this wonderful nature that is fraught with great danger, which at any moment can not only cause serious damage to some cities and regions, but also turn these charming islands into dust in a matter of hours. And so deadly danger lurking in the very center. She is as beautiful and attractive as the devil. To admire its beauty, to relax on its seemingly peaceful and gentle back, people come there from all over the country and even from all over the world. But the devil is the devil, and under the guise of humility, warmth and love of God lies the inhuman, bestial essence of destruction and destruction of everything that was so carefully created by the will of a loving and benevolent Genius.

And this monster is the huge supervolcano Taupo, which sleeps peacefully in the very heart of the North Island, among pure and breathtaking nature. The Taupo volcano is a part that extends from the south and through the areas of Taupo and Rotorua all the way to the Bay of Plenty. The volcano is old and is already 300,000 years old. It is classified as a supervolcano and is one of the most powerful and dangerous volcanoes peace. Throughout its long, centuries-long life, the Taupo volcano has been responsible for a number of major eruptions on globe. The first known mega-eruption occurred “shortly” after its birth, approximately 254 thousand years ago. The formidable monster then threw out 2000 km³ of stones and ash from its devilish mouth and probably influenced climate change on the planet. The next known eruption of Mount Taupo occurred 227.5 thousand years later - twenty-six and a half thousand years from today. This eruption is known as the Oruanui eruption. The Oruanui eruption is considered the largest eruption in the world in the last 70,000 years. It reached the very high level volcanic activity VEI, highest 8 points. 530 cubic kilometers of volcanic emissions flew into the air. Tephra ejected from the volcano covered most of the North Island with a layer up to 200 meters thick, and volcanic dust fell over most of New Zealand. Ash emitted from the crater of the volcano spread over a distance of up to a thousand kilometers. The eruption greatly changed the landscape of the North Island, destroying forests and changing river courses. On the volcano itself, as a result of soil subsidence, a huge caldera was formed, which very quickly filled with water. A large and beautiful lake, later named . Great Cloak of Tia, in honor of the mythical discoverer of these places.

After this event, the monster did not rest for long. He snarled, growled and periodically threw his fiery, hot saliva. This lasted until about the 180th year of the era of Christ. During this time, the devil spat and vomited his deadly insides 26 times on everything living and inanimate. A strong volcanic eruption occurred 8100 years before Christ. Then it calmed down for three thousand years and exploded again in 5100 BC.

The most recent major eruption of Mount Taupo occurred around the end of the second century AD. This was the Hatepe eruption. It turned out to be slightly weaker than the Oruanui eruption, but it also turned out to be quite destructive and received a rating of 7 points. According to experts, the Hatepe eruption is considered the most powerful eruption in the world that has occurred over the past 5,000 years. 100 cubic kilometers of hot lava were thrown into the air. The explosion column rose to a height of 50 kilometers. All of New Zealand was covered in ash. In the area of ​​the volcano itself, a hot pyroclastic flow spread 90 kilometers from the vent. Perhaps this hot mass was the cause of the red clouds over Rome and China, since the echo of the eruption reached these distant shores. Volcanic emissions blocked the exit and raised the water to 34 meters. The water poured into, creating a huge flood.

Now the Taupo volcano is calm. In the very center, in the caldare of the volcano, there is a large and beautiful lake, and on its slopes there are cities, farms, and unique forests. It's not active, but it's not extinct either. True, unlike cone-shaped stratovolcanoes, eruptions of supervolcanoes of the Taupo class occur much less frequently, but they are more powerful. And when in the future, God forbid, such a misfortune occurs, then, depending on its strength, it will lead to severe earthquakes, floods, destruction, steam explosions in geothermal zones, climate change and other irreparable disasters. But people are carefully watching this monster. The Taupo volcano is under constant monitoring by the New Zealand Research Institute GNS, as it is one of the most terrible volcanoes in the world. Although when it explodes again, it’s hard to imagine what will happen. But what’s so difficult about it? And then... What will happen next, only God himself knows about it.

According to experts, the extraction of precious metals in this region The islands can generate profits of up to 3 billion dollars a year.

On the picture: Taupo is a volcanic area and lake of the same name on the North Island of New Zealand.

Geophysicists from the USA and New Zealand examined the volcano's geothermal wells and analyzed the concentration of gold in the water. They stated that the precious metal content was 0.02 milligrams per liter of liquid.

The richest reserves of the precious metal are contained in several underground reservoirs of this volcanic zone. Scientists explain that gold fell into water heated by magma during volcanic eruptions and settled on the walls of its wells.

In the photo: geothermal waters of the Taupo volcano, which has been active for the last two million years.

Experts note that it is currently impossible to develop these deposits. The main problem is the lack of a safe and effective technology for extracting gold from the geothermal waters of the volcanic zone. In addition, Lake Taupo is one of the largest freshwater bodies of water on the island. Gold mining activities can have a negative impact on the local environment and reduce tourism.

Lake Taupo is New Zealand's largest lake. It is located in the administrative district of Waikato in the center North Island in the caldera of a dormant volcano of the same name. Along with our Baikal, Lake Taupo is a unique and valuable repository of fresh water reserves on Earth.

Lake Taupo on the map

  • Geographic coordinates (-38.785717, 175.896058)
  • The distance from the country's capital, Wellington, is approximately 300 km in a straight line.
  • The nearest airport is 5 km south of Taupo in the northwestern part of the lake

About 30 rivers flow into the lake, and only one flows out, but the longest and large river New Zealand - Waikato. In the Maori language it means "water flowing into the sea."
Lake Taupo is not only the largest in New Zealand. This is the biggest freshwater lake throughout the southern part Pacific Ocean. And the second largest (after Lake Murray in Papua New Guinea) throughout Oceania.

Lake Taupo in numbers

  • Length – 40.5 km
  • Width – up to 28 km
  • Lake area – 616 km 2
  • Absolute height above the sea - 356 meters
  • Coast length – 153 kilometers
  • The volume of water is estimated at 59 km 3
  • The average depth of the lake is 110, and the maximum reaches 186 meters

About 26,500 years ago, a powerful volcanic eruption occurred in these places (also known as the Oruanui eruption), as a result of which a depression was formed. It began to gradually fill with river waters, which changed their course and began to flow into the nascent lake. The rains also partially filled it with water. As a result, after some time a full-fledged lake was formed. In its southeastern part there is a small island called Motuteiko. Its dimensions are 560 by 400 meters.

In ancient times, the volcano, in the caldera of which Lake Taupo lurks, was quite active. About 70,000 years ago there was a major eruption. Scientists have calculated that it can be estimated at 8 points. Then about 1170 km 3 was ejected from the bowels of the planet volcanic ash and lava. Large eruptions were noted in 180 AD. Last thing, known to history, the volcanic eruption was recorded in 210 AD. Since then, the area around has been uninhabited for several decades. Only in 1280 did the Maori tribes return here.

Nature and climate of Lake Taupo

The lake has a temperate maritime climate. The daily maximum temperatures recorded here range from 23.3 o C in January and February to 11.2 o C in July, while the minimum temperature at night ranges from 11.6 o C in February to 2.2 o C in July. Rain can occur at any time of the year, but the highest rainfall is recorded in winter and spring, from June to December.

Life is in full swing both in the waters of the lake and on its coast. The surrounding area is covered with dense thickets of coniferous and beech forests, ferns and various shrubs.
In the depths of the lake there are geothermal springs that have become home to colonies of sponges and several species of invertebrate organisms.
The aquatic environment is abundantly inhabited by crayfish, small sprat and cocopa, rainbow and brook trout, which were brought from North America and Europe in the 19th century. And the food for the trout was smelt, brought from there. Now the fish population has multiplied greatly, which cannot but please fans fishing. Fishing is one of the most favorite pastimes on the lake, both for tourists and local residents. Here it is quite possible to catch trout weighing 10 kg.

Attractions of Lake Taupo

Tourism is a major component of Taupo's commercial sector. More than 2 million visitors a year come here. The largest influx of travelers is observed in the high summer season during the Christmas and New Year celebrations.


Not far from the lake are active volcanoes Ruapehu (2797 meters high) and Ngauruhoe (2291 meters high).

Rock art

Lake Taupo is also famous for its rock paintings. In particular, the Maori bas-relief on the Mine Bay rock, which depicts a face. It is more than 10 meters high and can only be seen by getting to it by boat, speedboat or kayak. It is noteworthy that this image did not appear in ancient times, but quite recently. They were created on the rocks in the late 1970s by Matahi Whakataka-Brightwell and John Randall. The face of the chief of the Tuharetoa tribe is carved into the rock. According to legends, he lived about a thousand years ago. The sculpture is designed to protect the lake and its surroundings from destructive volcanic eruptions. Now it is not only a kind of totem, but also another attraction popular among tourists.

100 km north of Lake Taupo is Hobbiton - a real hobbit village. These are large-scale sets for filming films about mysterious country Middle-earth. Worth a visit interesting place and remember the famous scenes about the “halflings”.

5 kilometers from the source of the Waikato River, downstream, in a place where the width of the river from 90 meters sharply decreases to 15, Huka Falls (in the original Huka falls) was formed. This is a turbulent water stream about 250 meters long.

And two kilometers from Huka Falls along Karapiti Road there is another interesting place called Craters of the Moon. You guessed it, this is natural formations very similar to the craters of our satellite.


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