1c rental and property management. Training course on the program “1C: Rental and real estate management. Rental and property management

Thanks to the program, it became possible to significantly increase the efficiency of the organization’s business by automating the maintenance of register records of real estate, management of lease agreements, operation of real estate, as well as settlements with tenants. The program effectively solves the problems of such circuits:

  • managerial,
  • accounting,
  • administrative;
  • legal.

The software makes it very convenient to manage various types of real estate:

Software description

Designed based on latest version platform 1C 8.3 and is implemented in two different versions: based on the “Enterprise Management” and “Enterprise Accounting” configurations. Consequently, in addition to industry-specific functionality for the effective management of real estate, the program fully includes all the capabilities of the configuration that underlies it.

One of the most effective methods for increasing the efficiency of real estate management is the automation of processes for using objects and rental services, as well as reducing costs in document circulation operations. Thanks to this, with the help "1C Rental and real estate management" the company can significantly reduce the time of ordinary routine documentation processing operations, orient specialists and operation and rental employees to more important work.

The program also allows you to reduce the time for concluding contracts and other agreements, optimize control over the accrual and payment of rental space, improve the system for using real estate, and make property management a transparent, simple and manageable process.

Program « 1C real estate 8 » contains a set of subsystems that collectively provide comprehensive management of various real estate assets, and also allows:

  • maintain a register of real estate, integrate it with graphic plans;
  • automatically generate objects in the information database based on the placement plan;
  • take into account primary documentation under lease agreements, use arbitrary templates in the Microsoft Word application to print documents, generate graphical reports on areas;
  • "1C Arenda 8" makes it possible to manage settlements with tenants, automatically generate documents for calculating various payments, and divide services into chargeable and permanent ones;
  • manage the operation of real estate: ensure processes for maintenance, repair of objects, as well as processing requests for repairs or.

This software is a comprehensive software solution for very effective and convenient management of all kinds of real estate objects. The owner of the property will always have the necessary information thanks to the program "1C Rental and real estate management", and not from the words of managers. The result of the implementation of this software is a significant reduction in paperwork, complete automation of processes for the provision of rental services and operation of facilities.

If you are looking for a reliable partner for implementing 1C in your organization, we can offer our services. We are a team of professionals with extensive experience in implementing this solution. Just call us!

The “Rental and Real Estate Management” module for “1C:Manufacturing Enterprise Management” is intended for owners commercial real estate, management companies, development structures. The “Rental and Real Estate Management” configuration was developed on the basis of the standard solution “1C:Enterprise 8. Manufacturing Enterprise Management” based on the experience of operating automated management systems in organizations operating in the field of real estate rental and operation.

One of the most effective ways to improve the efficiency of real estate management is to reduce costs in document flow operations, automate the processes of providing rental services and the processes of operating facilities. This allows the company to reduce the time of ordinary routine operations for paperwork, focus leasing and operation specialists on more important work, reduce the time for concluding contracts and additional agreements, optimize mechanisms for controlling the accrual and payment of rental space, improve the facility operation system, and make the property management process transparent. and manageable.

Module Rental and property management for 1C: UPP 8 (USB)

Module "Rental and real estate management" for "1C:Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" intended for owners of commercial real estate, management companies, development structures and other organizations (markets; shopping malls; exhibition areas; warehouse complexes; business centers, office premises), whose activities are related to property management.


One of the most effective ways to improve the efficiency of real estate management is to reduce costs in document flow operations, process automation provision of rental services and facility operation processes. This allows the company to reduce the time of ordinary routine operations for paperwork, focus leasing and operation specialists on more important work, reduce the time for concluding contracts and additional agreements, optimize mechanisms for controlling the accrual and payment of rental space, improve the facility operation system, and make the property management process transparent. and manageable.

Rental and property management

— interaction, including in the first person, with various government agencies on issues related to the operation of real estate: law enforcement and tax authorities, district administrations; operational services; regulatory and supervisory authorities and organizations; protection of the owner’s interests during inspections, audits, etc.;

1C: Rental and property management

  • Flexible configuration of details of mutual settlements with tenants: according to contracts, payment periods, objects, services, accounts;
  • Automatic calculation rent in accordance with the calculation methods, currency and rates specified in the agreement;
  • Calculation of rent for an incomplete period. Possibility of calculation both based on the actual number of days in the specified period, and on the basis of the “average month”;
  • Calculation of payment for tariffed services taking into account meter readings, the possibility of distributing meter readings across several objects or tenants;
  • Accounting for collateral (deposit) payments;
  • Conducting settlements with property owners under an agency scheme;
  • Batch generation and printing of documents for calculating rent with the ability to select according to various criteria;
  • Reporting on mutual settlements with tenants with a breakdown of documents, periods, services and rental objects;
  • Possibility of printing rental documents (invoices, acts and invoices) both in summary form and with details on objects and/or services;
  • Report on the efficiency of space use with calculation of the coefficient beneficial use and the amount of financial losses from facility downtime;
  • Sales analysis with the necessary detail and grouping of data;
  • Planning rent payments, conducting plan-factual analysis.

1C: Rental and property management

15 In addition, you can attach an arbitrary set of files (photos, electronic and scanned documents, etc.) to a directory element. To open the download dialog or open previously downloaded files, click on the “Files” button. The configuration also provides for the automatic creation of rental objects: Using the “Input of similar rental objects” processing. For more details, see p. Error! Link source not found.; Using automatic loading of real estate objects from a file with layouts. For more details, see p. Error! The reference source was not found. Assortment structure The directory contains a list of trade items that the tenant undertakes to present at the leased retail facility. This directory is subordinate to the “Rental Objects” directory. Used in the printed form “Assortment Structure” of the documents “Conclusion of a Lease Agreement” and “Additional Agreement” (see below for a description of these documents). Phone numbers of counterparties The directory contains a list of phone numbers of counterparties. The directory is subordinated to the directory “Contractors' Agreements”. Methods for calculating rent The directory is intended to store various methods for calculating rent (for example, “In USD per square meter / month”). The form of the directory element is presented below: Fig. Form of the directory element “Methods of calculating rent” Directory details: Currency - calculation currency; Unit of measurement - unit of measurement of accrual; Accrual period - the period for which rent will be accrued; For the object as a whole—checking this box means that the rental rate is set for the entire object as a whole, regardless of its area. Price categories This linear directory is used to store a list of various categories, within which you can set prices for services for the delivery of rental objects. Meters The directory contains a list of meters used to measure the readings of tariffed services. 9.2 Documents Setting rental prices The document is intended to document changes in rental rates. When posting a document, information about rates is recorded in the information register “Rental prices” for each service. A list of services is entered into the document, price categories are indicated, and rates and calculation methods are assigned for them. The document form is presented below: ELIAS Group of Companies (495)

Rental and property management

Designed for owners of commercial real estate, management companies, construction and development organizations. The product allows you to increase the efficiency of companies' business by automating processes for maintaining register records of real estate, managing lease agreements and settlements with tenants, and operating real estate. The program provides solutions to problems of accounting, management, legal and administrative accounting.

Property management

Service " Property management» is intended primarily for those property owners who wish to rent out this property. And at the same time receive a stable income and be one hundred percent confident in the safety of your property. We are ready to offer property management :

1C Rental and property management 8

“1C Rental and Property Management” is the first software product that is a joint industry solution of the ELIAS VC organization and the 1C company. This application is intended for management companies, commercial real estate owners, and development companies.

Our services

Group of companies "Reshenie" specializes in the management of commercial real estate for various purposes: business centers, office buildings and premises, industrial buildings, warehouses, etc. Carrying out property management in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, we act exclusively in the interests of the client, ensure the stable operation of the property, help increase its value, as well as the profitable use of real estate and increase your profits.

1C: Rental and property management

Solution "1C: Rental and real estate management" based "1C: Accounting 8"— a universal mass-use program for automating accounting and tax accounting, including the preparation of mandatory (regulated) reporting. "1C: Rent and Real Estate Management" can be used to automate the accounting and management of business centers and office premises, shopping malls, warehouse complexes, markets, and exhibition spaces.

Module 1C: Rental and real estate management for ERP

The joint solution "Module 1C: Rental and real estate management for 1C: ERP" is intended for owners of commercial real estate, management companies, construction and development organizations. The product allows you to increase the efficiency of companies' business by automating processes for maintaining register records of real estate, managing lease agreements and settlements with tenants, and operating real estate. The program provides solutions to problems of accounting, management, legal and administrative accounting.

Commercial property management

Design and construction or purchase of commercial real estate, its further operation and rental require a careful and serious approach in order not only not to lose money, but also to ensure a decent income. In the absence of professional knowledge and skills, this work should be entrusted to professionals with extensive experience - such as the Karachev Group company. An integrated approach to commercial real estate management involves the provision of the following services.

Module Rental and property management for 1C: Accounting 8

  • Calculation of rent with arbitrary setting of the period, terms, rates and methods of calculation;
  • Calculation of rent for an incomplete period. Depending on the accounting policy of the organization, the rental amount for an incomplete period is calculated either in proportion to the actual number of days in the current period, or in proportion to the average number of days in the period;
  • Calculation of payment for tariffed services taking into account meter readings;
  • Calculation of payment for the telephone, taking into account the numbers listed under the counterparty agreement;
  • Calculation of the amount of penalties using various algorithms;
  • Accounting for payments (including advances) from tenants in the context of lease agreements, payment periods, invoices, services and rental objects (the details of periods, invoices, services and objects are indicated in the agreement);
  • Calculation of rent with automatic offset of advances;
  • The ability to print rental documents (invoices, acts and invoices) both in summary form and with details on objects and/or services;
  • Batch generation and printing of rental documents with the ability to select a group or an arbitrary list of tenants;
  • Report on mutual settlements with tenants with a breakdown of documents, periods, services and rental objects;
  • Accounting for collateral (deposit) payments, including calculation of collateral using various algorithms;
  • Recalculation of the security deposit (deposit) in case of changes in the terms of the lease;
  • Plan-actual analysis of rental income and expenses, with the ability to drill down by period.

Automation of rental activities consists of three tasks: accounting for lease agreements, mutual settlements under leases, accounting for the operation of leased objects. Let's take a closer look at the program's capabilities at each stage.

Conclusion of a lease agreement

Document " Conclusion of a lease agreement" is intended for registration of various lease agreements, as well as for entering into the database information about the terms and conditions under which objects are leased.

The document specifies the main terms of the lease agreement:

  • Lessor organization
  • Tenant
  • Lease contract
  • Duration of the lease agreement

The lease agreement provides for a variable and a fixed component.

The program provides the ability to select different lease terms (within the boundaries of the contract term as a whole) for different lease objects or different types additional services. To do this, the details “Start date of lease term” and “End date of lease term” have been added to the tabular parts of the document.

Deposit accounting.

If, when concluding a lease agreement, the tenant pays a deposit (security deposit), you must check the box "Take into account the deposit". In this case, the fields necessary to calculate the deposit amount will become available. The program provides two ways to calculate the deposit: "Fixed amount" And . If the calculation method is selected "Fixed amount", then in the field "Deposit Amount" the user independently indicates the required deposit amount. If the calculation method is selected “Payment amount for the last rental period”, then when you press the button "Calculate" the deposit amount is calculated automatically.

From the document form you can print an invoice for payment of the deposit. To do this in the submenu "Seal" you need to select an item “Invoice for payment of deposit.”

Accounting for penalties.

The program provides two ways to automatically calculate penalties: "Fixed amount" And .

If the calculation method is selected “Proportional to the amount and term of the debt”, the program will automatically calculate the amount and number of days the tenant owes in the document “Rental Invoice” or “Calculation of Penalties” (for more details, see the description of the documents). The number of overdue days of payment can be counted either from the date of the rental invoice (for this you need to check the box “Use the invoice date for the period as the due date”), or from a fixed day of the accrual period specified in the field "Due date". In the latter case, the user can additionally specify whether the payment term of the previous accrual period or the current one will be used. The amount of the penalty will be calculated using the formula:

Amount of penalty = (Penalty rate) * (Amount of debt) * (Number of days of delay),

In the case of the “Fixed amount” calculation method, in the “Fine rate” field, the user independently indicates the amount of the penalty and the formula is used:

Penalty amount = Penalty rate.

It is possible to use a deferred payment (in days). In this case, you must indicate the number of days of deferment in the field “Payment deferment (days)”. In order not to take into account non-working days delay when calculating the amount of penalties, you must check the box “Only consider working days of delay”.

Room layout diagrams

The program implements the function of creating room layouts. The MS Excel Plans.xls workbook is used as a planning template. This workbook contains macros to make working with layouts easier. To create your own template in your catalog work base Copy the Plans.xls file from the configuration template directory (the file is included in the package) and rename it as you wish - for example, MyPlans.xls.

Template design.

The sheets of the workbook of the template file are renamed at the user's request; each sheet will subsequently contain the layout of a certain territory (zone, floor, etc.). It is not recommended to use special characters and spaces in sheet names. To prepare plans, you can use scanned BTI floor plans, which are placed in the template as a background.

The next step is to apply graphic objects to the layout that will correspond to the rental objects (stairs, corridors, etc. are not required to be applied to the plan). These graphic objects are autoshapes - closed polylines.

To apply them, use the floating menu "Drawing", which is displayed on the screen by selecting the item in the menu "View" - "Drawing". On the menu "Drawing" sequentially: AutoShapes – Lines – Polylines. More details about drawing and editing graphic objects can be found in the MS Office help system.

After application, graphic objects must be named appropriately.

Changing information about a rental transaction and terminating the agreement

Document "Additional agreement" is intended for recording information about changes in the terms and rates at which objects are leased.

From the document, you can print an agreement to extend the lease agreement, a price agreement protocol, a transfer deed, a floor plan in MS Excel format, or a built-in printable form in MS Word format.

The document can be entered based on the document “Conclusion of a lease agreement”. The form of the document is similar to the form of the document “Conclusion of a lease agreement”.

Document "Termination of the lease agreement" is intended for recording information about early termination lease agreement, as well as termination of the lease period of any of the leased objects or terms of provision of additional services.

From the document, you can print a termination agreement, a transfer deed for return, or an embedded printable form in MS Word format. The document can be entered based on the document “Conclusion of a lease agreement”. The form of the document is similar to the form of the document “Conclusion of a lease agreement”.

Mass processing of rental documents. Group processing.

To ensure high labor productivity of personnel working in the field of concluding contracts and preparing documents, the possibility of group actions (processing) with a set of similar documents is provided.

Entering rental objects of the same type. Processing is intended to create a specified number of rental objects with identical characteristics.

Group renewal of lease agreements. Processing is intended to generate a package of documents “Additional Agreement” for the extension of the lease term for a specified date or for a certain period.

Group termination of lease agreements. Processing is intended to generate documents “Termination of the lease agreement” for a specific date

Analytics of contractual relations.

Reports of the contract accounting subsystem are built using data composition schemes (hereinafter referred to as DCS) and have a flexible configuration system.

Report: History of rental properties

The report displays information about the status of rental objects for the specified period:

  • Rental object
  • Square
  • Status
  • Service
  • Bid
  • Period

Report: Register of rental objects.

The report displays information about the status of rental objects on a specific date:

  • Rental object
  • Building and floor
  • Square
  • Object type
  • Status
  • Service
  • Bid
  • Property
  • Property value

State diagram of rental objects

The diagram displays information about changes in the status of rental objects over time.

The different statuses of rental objects are highlighted in color on the diagram. The statuses of rental objects are analyzed in terms of additional services.

The user can indicate the analyzed period in the report header. In this case, the diagram will display only those objects and services whose status is valid in the period specified by the user. On the bookmark "Selection" the user can set a random selection for rental object, service and status. The chart can be customized by the user using the built-in Gantt chart customization mechanism.

Mutual settlements for rent

Taking meter readings

The document is intended for registration of an act of taking readings from meters - tarifficators for rental objects. Can be entered on the basis of the document “Conclusion of a lease agreement” or the previous document “Act of taking meter readings”.

Two types of operations are defined for this document:

The operation type “Traffic of telephone numbers” is used to account for telephone services. Type of operation “Counter readings” - in all other cases. In the first case, an additional field “Phone number” is added to the “Indications” tabular part and the traffic is indicated for each number separately.

Rental invoice

The document “Invoice for rent” is intended for issuing invoices for payment of rent and additional services (type of transaction "Payment of rent" B) or to pay penalties (type of operation "Payment of fines")for a certain period

Transaction type “Payment of rent”.

The document provides for automatic calculation of the fixed and variable parts of the rent under the contract.

Algorithm for calculating rent: Amount = Rate * Quantity

For the constant part of the payment, “Quantity” is the area of ​​the rental object or the number of additional services that affect the rent. If the “For the object as a whole” checkbox is selected in the calculation method, then the quantity will be equal to one.

When calculating rent for an incomplete period (when the beginning or end of the lease does not coincide with the beginning or end of the period in the calculation method), the rate is recalculated: Rate = Rate * (Number of rental days) / (Number of days in the current period of the accrual method)

For the variable part, before issuing an invoice for rent, you must enter the document “Meter Reading Report” with the agreement and the period corresponding to this invoice. The beginning of the period indicated in the header of the act must coincide with the beginning of the period indicated in the header of the invoice. The amount of the service, in this case, coincides with the corresponding amount in the document “Certificate of Meter Readings”. If this document is not entered for any service valid under the contract, the amount of the service will be considered zero, and it will not appear in the tabular part of the invoice at all.

If you need to issue an invoice for an advance payment for a tariffed service, you must set the “Paid in advance” attribute for this service (see the description of the “Nomenclature” directory above). In this case, when autofilling, the service will appear in the tabular section, but the user will enter the payment amount independently.

If during the accrual period the rate for some services changed (during the accrual period “Additional Agreement” documents were created), then the tabular part of the invoice will contain as many rows as the number of times the rate was changed. In this case, the validity period of the rate will be taken into account.

Type of transaction “Payment of fines”

The document provides for automatic calculation of penalties under the contract for the selected period (button "Fill in"). After this, the information can be adjusted manually by the user.

Algorithm for calculating penalties

"Fixed amount per period", then the amount of the penalty is equal to the fixed amount specified when concluding the lease agreement.

If the method of calculating penalties is “Proportional to the amount and duration of the debt for the period”, then Amount of penalties = Rate (in%) * Amount of debt * Number of days of delay, where Number of days of stitching (per period) = Date of accrual of penalties – (Payment due date + Deferred payment).

The payment period is determined from the counterparty's agreement. This can be either the invoice date for the rental period or a specific day of the month.

Amount of debt = Amount accrued – Amount paid.

If the tenant paid the rent in part, then the tabular part of the invoice will contain as many rows as the number of times the rent was paid with a delay.


According to the agreement, the tenant must pay rent by the 5th day of each month.
01.08.08 – payment 1000 rub.
In total, 5,000 rubles were charged for rent on 08/31/08.
Penalties are accrued as of 09/01/08, the penalty rate is 0.5%:
from 06.08.08 to 31.08.08 – debt 4000 rubles.
Amount of penalty = 4000 rubles * 0.005 * 26 days = 520 rubles.

From the document “Rental Invoice”, it is possible to print an invoice for payment - detailed (by rental objects) and summary.

Calculation of rent

To form the tenant's debt to the landlord, the "Rent Accrual" document is used.

The document can be entered based on the document “Invoice for rent” with the transaction type “Payment of rent”. In this case, the tabular part is filled with data from the tabular part of the account. In addition, the tabular part can be filled in automatically using the buttons on the command panel.

When posting a document, the system analyzes the status of mutual settlements rental payments. At the same time, all additional analytics are analyzed, in the context of which mutual settlements are carried out (payment period, rental objects and services, rental invoices). If the flag is set "Deposit offset", the security deposit can be counted as an advance. If this flag is cleared, the amount of the security deposit is not taken into account as advance payments.

Accrual of penalties

To calculate penalties for late payments, use the “Calculation of penalties” document.

The document can be entered based on the document “Invoice for rent” with the transaction type “Payment of fines”. In this case, the tabular part of the document is filled with data from the tabular part of the invoice. In addition, the table part can be filled in automatically using the button "Fill in" on the command panel.

The document is the basis for entering the “Invoice issued” document. To quickly enter an invoice, you can use the hyperlink in the footer of the document.

Mass processing of documents for mutual settlements. Group processing.

Group billing. Processing is intended for group generation of “Rental Invoice” documents for the selected period in an amount equal to the number of valid this moment agreements with tenants.

Group rental payment. Processing is intended for group generation of “Rent Accrual” documents for the selected period.

On the processing form there is a field for selecting rental objects, services and tenants. Only selected tenants will be invoiced for selected services and rentals.

Analysis of mutual settlements for rent

Report on accruals and payments of rent.

The report provides information on mutual settlements between tenants in the context of services and rental objects:

  • Deposit
  • Counterparty agreement
  • Rental object
  • Square
  • Rental invoice
  • Service
  • Debt at the beginning of the period
  • Accrued
  • Paid
  • Debt at the end of the period

Utility expense report

The report allows you to obtain information about payment expenses utilities:

  • Counterparty
  • Counterparty agreement
  • Phone number
  • Rental object
  • Service
  • Payment period
  • Bid
  • Quantity
  • Sum

Planned cash receipts

The report allows you to obtain information about planned revenues Money:

  • Counterparty
  • Counterparty agreement
  • Organization
  • Planning period
  • Scenario frequency
  • Planning scenario
  • Sum

Plan-actual analysis of cash receipts

The report is intended to analyze the execution of cash flow plans for a certain period of time:

  • Organization
  • Counterparty
  • Counterparty agreement
  • Planning scenario
  • Payment period
  • Periodicity
  • Sum
  • Plan
  • Fact
  • Deviation

Support for already sold software solutions based on “1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management” will be carried out as usual.

In individual cases (when expanding a business, connecting new enterprises, divisions), it is possible to purchase additional licenses.

For advice, please contact the 1C-Rarus branch in your region or the central office in Moscow.

The module is intended for owners of commercial real estate, management companies, development structures and other organizations (markets; shopping malls; exhibition spaces; warehouse complexes; business centers, office premises) whose activities are related to property management.

Software "Rental and property management" allows you to increase the efficiency of companies by automating processes for maintaining register records of real estate, managing contracts and settlements with tenants, and operating real estate.

Module "Rental and property management" for "1C:UPP 8" contains a set of subsystems that together provide comprehensive management of real estate, including solving problems of accounting, management, legal and administrative accounting:

  • Maintaining a register of real estate objects, integration with graphic layout plans, automatic generation of objects in the information base based on the layout plan;
  • Accounting for primary documents under lease agreements, using arbitrary templates in Microsoft ® Word ® format for printing documents, generating graphical reporting on areas;
  • Management of settlements with tenants, automatic generation of documents for calculating payments, division of services into permanent and tariffed ones;
  • Management of operation of real estate: ensuring processes for maintenance, planned and routine repairs of real estate, processing requests for service.

When developing a software product "1C: Rental and real estate management 8" The experience of creating and successfully operating automated control systems in more than 100 organizations working in the field of rental and operation of real estate was summarized.


To scale and expand the number of workstations, you can purchase additional licenses.

Description of functionality

Real estate registry management

  • Maintaining a hierarchical directory of real estate objects with a wide range of characteristics and the ability to add arbitrary characteristics; all entered characteristics can later be used for groupings and selections in reports;
  • Ease of loading facility layouts using a scanner (for example, based on a BTI plan);
  • Automatic creation of real estate objects in the database based on graphic layout plans;
  • Quick viewing of the location of an object on the plan;
  • Registration of arbitrary statuses of real estate objects for a given period - free, in reserve, under repair, rented, etc.;
  • Formation of a register of real estate objects with the possibility of flexible grouping and selection according to various characteristics;
  • Generation of graphical reporting with color highlighting of real estate depending on status and the possibility of arbitrary selection (by free space, by area under repair, reserve, etc.);
  • The ability to link real estate to price categories, register prices for services linked to price categories, and store price history.

Management of rental agreements

  • Accounting for primary documents under lease agreements (Conclusion of a lease agreement, Additional agreement, Termination of a lease agreement, Certificate of acceptance and transfer of leased premises, Certificate of acceptance and return of leased premises);
  • The ability to divide the rent into a constant (rent of premises) and variable (tariffed services) part;
  • Flexible management of charging methods, rates and tariffs for services, storing the history of changes in rates and tariffs;
  • Use of arbitrary templates based on Microsoft ® Word ® for printing primary documents;
  • Printing graphic plans highlighting rental properties as appendices to contracts;
  • Storing a list of telephone numbers and linking them to tenant agreements;
  • Possibility of multiple changes in rates for services within one contract;
  • Possibility of accounting for rentals “intermittently”;
  • Use of special exchange rates in contracts (currency corridor, Central Bank rate plus a given percentage, fixed rate);
  • Ability to manage sublease agreements;
  • Generation of graphic reporting containing plans for the placement of objects, with color highlighting of objects depending on their status and displaying the necessary information on tenants;
  • Occupancy check and overshoot control total area object when creating a new lease agreement;
  • Possibility to rent out one property to several tenants;
  • Group extension and termination of lease agreements with the possibility of selection according to specified characteristics;
  • Formation of a register of lease agreements with the possibility of flexible grouping and selection according to various characteristics.

Management of mutual settlements for rent

  • Flexible configuration of details of mutual settlements with tenants: according to contracts, payment periods, objects, services, accounts;
  • Automatic calculation of rent in accordance with the calculation methods, currency and rates specified in the agreement;
  • Calculation of rent for an incomplete period. Possibility of calculation both based on the actual number of days in the specified period, and on the basis of the “average month”;
  • Calculation of payment for tariffed services taking into account meter readings, the possibility of distributing meter readings across several objects or tenants;
  • Calculation of payment for the telephone, taking into account the numbers listed under the counterparty agreement;
  • Accounting for collateral (deposit) payments;
  • Calculation of the amount of penalties using various algorithms;
  • Conducting settlements with property owners under an agency scheme;
  • Batch generation and printing of documents for calculating rent with the ability to select according to various criteria;
  • Reporting on mutual settlements with tenants with a breakdown of documents, periods, services and rental objects;
  • Possibility of printing rental documents (invoices, acts and invoices) both in summary form and with details on objects and/or services;
  • A report on the efficiency of space use with calculation of the efficiency factor and the amount of financial losses from facility downtime;
  • Sales analysis with the necessary detail and grouping of data;
  • Planning rent payments, conducting plan-factual analysis.

Property management

  • Planning activities for the maintenance of real estate (scheduled and routine repairs, routine maintenance, etc.)
  • Registration and control of service requests;
  • Storing estimates for materials and work for maintenance activities;
  • Accounting for actual operating costs;
  • Accounting for the services of contractors for maintenance;
  • Maintaining a history of maintenance activities;
  • Planning and conducting plan-fact analysis of operating costs.

Licensing Features

Module "Rental and real estate management" for "1C:Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" is not independent program, for it to work you need to have a configuration "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8"

To work in multi-user mode, users must have additional licenses. configuration "1C:Enterprise 8. Rental and real estate management" And client licenses "1C:Enterprise 8"» for the corresponding number of jobs.

To work in client-server mode, users must have server licenses.

List of licenses

Name Price
1C:Rent and property management. Client license for 1 workplace(USB) 7,250 rub. Buy
1C:Rent and property management. Client license for 5 workstations (USB) RUB 24,840 Buy
1C:Rent and property management. Client license for 10 seats (USB) RUB 47,610 Buy
1C:Rent and property management. Client license for 20 seats (USB) RUR 78,660 Buy
1C:Rent and property management. Client license for 50 seats (USB)
RUB 165,600 Buy
1C:Rent and property management. Client license for 100 seats (USB)
RUB 248,400 Buy
1C:Enterprise 8 PROF. Client license for 1 workstation
6,300 rub. Buy
1C:Enterprise 8 PROF. Client license for 5 workstations
RUB 21,600 Buy
1C:Enterprise 8 PROF. Client license for 10 workstations
RUB 41,400

The software product "1C: Rent and Real Estate Management" is a joint industry solution of the 1C company and the ELIAS VC company. The product is intended for owners of commercial real estate, management companies, development companiesstructures. The product allows you to increase the efficiency of companies' business by automating processes for maintaining register records of real estate, managing lease agreements and settlements with tenants, and operating real estate. The program provides solutions to problems of accounting, management, legal and administrative accounting.

The program allows you to effectively manage real estate different types: shopping and office centers, land plots, exhibition areas, warehouses, markets and so on.

The product is developed on the latest version of the technology platform "1C:Enterprise 8" and is available in various versions: based on standard configurations 1c accounting And . For government agencies delivery is provided on the basis of .

The program includes tools for effective management of real estate and rental activities.

Main features of the real estate management automation program

Real estate registry management

  • Maintaining a hierarchical directory of real estate objects with a wide range of characteristics and the ability to add arbitrary characteristics;
  • Convenient and simple creation of graphic plans for the placement of objects;
  • Automatic creation of real estate objects in the database based on graphic layout plans;
  • Quick viewing of the location of an object on the plan;
  • Registration of arbitrary statuses of real estate objects for a given period - free, in reserve, under repair, rented, etc.;
  • Formation of a register of real estate objects with the possibility of flexible grouping and selection according to various characteristics;
  • Generation of graphical reporting based on facility layout plans with color highlighting of facilities depending on status and the possibility of arbitrary selection (by free space, by area under repair, reserve, etc.);
  • The ability to link real estate to price categories, register prices for services linked to price categories, and store price history.

Management of rental agreements

  • Accounting for primary documents under lease agreements (Conclusion of a lease agreement, Additional agreement, Termination of a lease agreement, Certificate of acceptance and transfer of leased premises, Certificate of acceptance and return of leased premises);
  • Division of services into fixed and variable parts;
  • Flexible management of charging methods, rates and tariffs for services, storing the history of changes in rates and tariffs;
  • Separate assignment of payment terms and parameters for calculating penalties for fixed and variable services, as well as for specific services;
  • Use of arbitrary Microsoft Word format templates for printing primary documents;
  • Printing graphic plans highlighting rental properties as appendices to contracts;
  • Storing a list of telephone numbers and linking them to tenant agreements;
  • Possibility of multiple changes in rates for services within one contract;
  • Possibility of accounting for rentals with breaks;
  • Use of special exchange rates (fixed rate, Central Bank rate plus a given percentage, currency corridor);
  • Ability to manage sublease agreements;
  • Generation of graphical reporting based on object placement plans with color highlighting of objects depending on their status and the ability to customize the composition of the displayed information (by tenants, terms of contracts, characteristics of objects, etc.);
  • Checking occupancy and monitoring the excess of the total area of ​​the facility when creating a new lease agreement;
  • Possibility to rent out one property to several tenants;
  • Group extension and termination of lease agreements with the possibility of selection according to specified characteristics;
  • Formation of a register of lease agreements with the possibility of flexible grouping and selection according to various characteristics.

Management of mutual settlements for rent

  • Flexible configuration of the details of mutual settlements with tenants: according to contracts, payment periods, objects, services, invoices for payment;
  • Automatic generation of invoices for payment and acts of provision of services with the possibility of random selection by tenants, services, objects, etc., printing of generated documents and sending to tenants by e-mail;
  • Calculation of rent for an incomplete period. Possibility of calculation both based on the actual number of days in the specified period, and on the basis of the “average month”;
  • Calculation of payment for tariffed services taking into account meter readings, the possibility of distributing meter readings across several objects or tenants;
  • The use of arbitrary formulas to calculate the cost of variable part services (in particular, accrual based on the tenant’s trade turnover using various algorithms);
  • Automatic completion of payment terms in invoices under the terms of the lease agreement;
  • Calculation of payment for the telephone, taking into account the numbers listed under the counterparty agreement;
  • Accounting for security payments (deposits);
  • Analysis of delays in payments for services and calculation of the amount of penalties using various algorithms;
  • Conducting settlements with property owners under an agency scheme;
  • Reporting on mutual settlements with tenants with analytics on periods, services, rental objects, invoices for payment and the ability to analyze calculations for penalties and deposits;
  • Possibility of printing rental documents (invoices, acts and invoices) both in summary form and with details on objects and/or services;
  • A report on the efficiency of space use with calculation of the efficiency factor and the amount of financial losses from facility downtime;
  • Sales analysis with extensive detail and arbitrary grouping of data;
  • Planning rent payments, conducting plan-factual analysis.

Property management

  • Accounting for structural elements and engineering systems of real estate objects subject to maintenance and repair;
  • Planning activities for the maintenance of real estate (scheduled and routine repairs, routine maintenance, etc.)
  • Registration and control of service requests;
  • Storing estimates for materials and work for maintenance activities;
  • Accounting for actual operating costs;
  • Accounting for the services of contractors for maintenance;
  • Maintaining a history of maintenance activities;
  • Planning of operating costs, carrying out plan-factual analysis.

Service capabilities

  • Automatic creation of reminders and notifications for various events (for example, reminders about the approaching expiration date of the lease agreement);
  • Versioning (storing the history of changes) of directories and documents;
  • Integration with the 1C: Document Flow program.

The main innovations in the delivery of "Module 1C: Rental and real estate management for 1C: ERP":

  • the product is developed on the basis of an innovative solution for building complex information systems for managing the activities of multi-industry enterprises, taking into account the best global and domestic practices in the automation of large and medium-sized businesses;
  • separate assignment and control of payment terms for the fixed and variable parts of the rent;
  • the ability to calculate penalties for late payment based on both actual (according to acts) and planned (according to accounts) debt;
  • the possibility of assigning both individual and uniform tariffs for variable services;
  • management of property inspections;
  • Possibility of joint use with solutions "1C:ERP Construction Organization Management 2" and within a single configuration.

This is interesting. The possibility of seamless integration of software products "1C: Rental and real estate management" and . Integration allows you to use many of the capabilities of 1C: Document Flow without leaving the 1C: Rental and Real Estate Management configuration, in particular:

  • store arbitrary files related to rental objects, lease agreements and other directories and documents in 1C: Document Flow;
  • use “1C: Document Flow” business processes when working with configuration objects: assignment, approval, approval and many others;
  • create incoming, internal and outgoing “1C: Document Flow” documents based on lease agreements, service requests and other documents and manage their status.
Application for access to a remote demonstration of the program "1C: Rental and real estate management"

Prices for the program "1C: Rental and real estate management" and additional licenses

1C:Enterprise 8. Rent and management of real estate based on "1C:Accounting 8" +2 hours
1C:Enterprise 8. Rent and management of real estate based on "1C:Accounting 8" (USB)
43 700 +2 hours
Module "Rental and property management" for "1C: Accounting 8" +2 hours
Module "Rental and property management" for "1C: Accounting 8" (USB) 31 050 +2 hours
Module 1C:Rent and real estate management for 1C:ERP 70 000 +4 hours
1C:Rent and property management, client license for 1 workplace
6 300 -
1C:Rent and property management, client license for 1 workstation (USB)
7 250 -
1C:Rental and real estate management, client license for 5 workstations
21 600 +1 hour
1C:Rental and real estate management, client license for 5 workstations (USB) 24 840 +1 hour
1C:Rental and real estate management, client license for 10 workstations
41 400 +2 hours
1C:Rental and real estate management, client license for 10 workstations (USB)
47 610 +2 hours
1C:Rental and real estate management, client license for 20 workstations
68 400 +4 hours
1C:Rent and property management, client license for 20 workstations (USB)
78 660 +4 hours
1C:Rental and real estate management, client license for 50 workstations 144 000 +10 hours
1C:Renting and real estate management, client license for 50 workstations (USB)
165 600 +10 hours
1C:Rental and real estate management, client license for 100 workstations 216 000 +20 hours
1C:Rent and property management, client license for 100 workstations (USB)
248 400 +20 hours
1C:Rent and real estate management for 1C:ERP. Client license for 1 workstation 9 500 -
1C:Rent and real estate management for 1C:ERP. Client license for 5 workstations 32 400 +2 hours
1C:Rent and real estate management for 1C:ERP. Client license for 10 workstations 62 100 +4 hours
1C:Rent and real estate management for 1C:ERP. Client license for 20 workstations 117 000 +8 hours
1C:Rent and real estate management for 1C:ERP. Client license for 50 workstations 280 800 +20 hours
1C:Rent and real estate management for 1C:ERP. Client license for 100 workstations 540 000 +30 hours


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