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The Isle of Harris is a small Scottish island scented with wildflowers and a variety of landscapes. In the north and east - Rocky Mountains(Mount Clisham is the highest point of all the Hebrides), in the west there are numerous lakes, yellow sand beaches and emerald water, dolphins and eagles, whales and seals.

The island does not have such clearly marked historical monuments, and there is no need for them in moments of enjoying the untouched civilization of these wildly beautiful places.

There is a ferry from Harris to the largest of western islands Scotland - Isle of Skye.

Coordinates: 57.91042500,-6.82997700

Isle of Skye

The Isle of Skye attracts with its enchanting deserted landscapes, the Kulin Mountains, ancient castles and endless coastlines.

The island is the fourth most populous island in Scotland. According to the 2001 census, it is home to more than 9,000 inhabitants. The largest populated city is Portree. The most widely spoken language on the island is Scottish Gaelic.

The highest point of the island is the Kulin Mountains, 993 meters above sea level. The mountain tops are almost always shrouded in fog, as Skye's climate is maritime, humid and with frequent rainfall. Nature is captivating with sea lakes, coastlines, hills, lush vegetation, peat moors, forests, cliffs and rock formations, waterfalls, as well as beautiful castles. On the Waternish peninsula is Dunvegan Castle, home to the leaders of Clan MacLeod.

The island can be reached from Glasgow or Inverness via the Skye Bridge, or from Glasgow to the village of Mallaig, and then by ferry to Ardvasar pier.

Coordinates: 57.25528100,-6.20178200

Isle of Bute

The Isle of Bute is located in the Bay of Argyll, which west coast Scotland. This island was once an aristocratic Victorian resort.

The climate on the island is temperate, sunny and almost windless. The island is dominated by hills and coastal lowlands. Its largest town is considered to be Rozsay, where the ruins of a 13th-century castle are preserved, which testifies to the aristocratic history of the island. This castle previously served a defensive function. Now on the island there is the residence of one of the richest families in Great Britain - Mount Suart Castle. There are also many architectural monuments on the island that testify to military history Bute and surrounding areas.

The waters surrounding the island are cold and difficult to swim, but the fresh sea air, parks and gardens make for a successful walk that can bring real pleasure and relaxation.

One of the main components of the local economy of the island is fishing.

Coordinates: 55.83383100,-5.10014500

Isle of Arran

The north side of the island is home to high mountains and deep gorges, while the warm, mild south has swamps, forests, farmland and even some excellent sandy beaches, which are however quite difficult to reach. On the southeast coast there are more accessible resorts Lemlesh and Whiting Bay, and to the west are the vertical stones of Mechri Moor, where six stone circles survive from Neolithic times.

Britons, Romans, Varangians lived on the island for thousands of years and they all left their mark, which currently represents a large collection of archaeological monuments. The island offers a variety of outdoor activities, and there is an excellent cycle path that circles the entire island.

On east coast, near a wide bay, surrounded by mountains, located main city Arran and ferry pier - Brodick. And at the foot of the very high mountain Goat Fell, just to the north, is Brodick Castle with its wonderful gardens containing one of the finest collections of rhododendrons in Europe.

In the northern part of the island you can visit Lochranza - this is a remarkable village with the ruins of a 13th-century castle that stood on the isthmus. The northern territory of Arran is the territory of amazing golden eagles. The bare granite cliffs and enchantingly rugged surroundings provide stunning walking and climbing opportunities.

Coordinates: 55.58261400,-5.20820600

Sights of Scotland

If you love picturesque natural landscapes, go to the Isle of Skye. This is one of the most beautiful places not only Great Britain, but all of Europe. In addition, the island is also interesting for its architectural monuments.

Isle of Skye: photos and description

Skye is an island in the western part of Scotland. Geographically, it belongs to the Inner Hebrides archipelago, and administratively to the Highland region. The Isle of Skye is the second largest off the coast of Great Britain. His total area: 1656 sq. km. The length and width of the Isle of Skye are 80 and 42 kilometers respectively.

The terrain here is hilly and highest point reaches a height of 993 meters. The sky over the island is almost always covered with gray clouds. The local climate is characterized by high humidity and frequent precipitation.

About 10 thousand people live on Skye. Many of them speak a special language - Scottish Gaelic. Students and linguists from different parts of the world come to the island to study it.

There are two ways to get to the Isle of Skye. It is connected to the mainland (if you can call Great Britain that way) by only one bridge, near the town of Kyle of Lokolsh. You can also get to Skye by ferry, which runs between settlements Mallay and Armadale. The length of the crossing is 7 kilometers. There is an airport near the town of Broadford, but there is no regular passenger service with it.

The island is mentioned several times in the popular Harry Potter novels. So, according to the book, this is where the Hebridean black dragon lives.

Isle of Skye: attractions and interesting places

The pearl of Scotland, a reserve of natural, pristine natural beauty. This is what the British often call the Isle of Skye. Here you can admire amazing landscapes, woven from gentle hills, rocky outcrops and sea bays. Sometimes these landscapes are harmoniously woven or

The Isle of Skye is not only picturesque nature, but also great amount legends, traditions, tales. And all this is carefully preserved by local residents.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of must-see attractions on Skye:

  • Dunvegan Castle;
  • Magic Bridge;
  • Quirang plateau;
  • Fairy pools.

Dunvegan Castle

One of Skye's most famous attractions is located in the western part of the island, in the vicinity of the village of Dunvegan. The castle was founded in the 14th century and belongs to the MacLeod dynasty, famous in Scotland. One of its representatives, Hugh MacLeod, still lives there. True, his apartments are located in one of the buildings, and the rest are free for tourists to access.

Dunvegan Castle is very interesting from an architectural point of view, because several historical styles can be traced in it. There is a wonderful park around the fortress with flower beds, ponds, waterfalls and openwork bridges.

Magic Bridge

This one is popular tourist site is located near Dunvegan Castle. A miniature arched bridge made of large boulders spans a small stream near the A850 highway.

One of the local legends is associated with this bridge. Thus, one of the representatives of the MacLeod dynasty, Ian Kiar, was allegedly married to a fairy. They had a son, but a year later the fairy wife was called back to her magical land. Jan fell in love with his wife and did not want to let her go. But the fairy still soared into the sky and flew away to her people, leaving Ian with a piece of the finest silk. “He will save you three times in difficult times,” she managed to say goodbye. All this happened right on the bridge, later called the Magic Bridge.

By the way, the flap donated by the fairy was used twice in history. It is now kept at Dunvegan Castle.

Fairy Pools

A charming, heavenly place on the Isle of Skye - Fairy Pools. This is a whole complex of waterfalls and cascades formed water flow flowing down from the mountains. The attraction is located in the southern part of the island, near the Glenn Brittle forest (3 km from the coast).

The waterfalls are surrounded on all sides by picturesque rocky outcrops. The water here is clear and clean. It is best to come here after heavy rains, when the Fairy Pools become especially stormy and full of water.

An interesting point: an interesting photograph of this marvelous creature is circulating on the Internet. natural corner Skye. But in the picture, the Fairy Pools are surrounded by bright purple trees. Many tourists who come here spend a long time trying to find these unusual plants in the area. In fact, the purple trees are nothing more than a Photoshop trick.

Quirang Plateau

Quirang Plateau is another most picturesque place Skye, located on far north islands. This is a grandiose plateau with sharp rocky peaks, deep depressions and colorful meadows. The entire area is generously indented with tourist trails. A walk here will be very impressive and educational.

The plateau began to form at the end of the Ice Age and is an actively collapsing mass of solidified lava. Here you can see many strange geological formations. For example, the Prison ledge, which resembles a massive medieval fortress, or the sharp 37-meter Igla rock. From any point in Quiranga, landscapes of incredible beauty open to the gaze of the traveler.

Skye, the second largest island of Scotland, part of the Inner Hebrides archipelago, is devoted to only a meager couple of paragraphs in the Russian Wikipedia.

It says the following: the island from the point of view administrative division belongs to the Highland region (that is, “highlands”), by and large, the only region of the country where the population still speaks not only English, but also the almost extinct Gaelic language; Several castles remain on the island, and the main city of Skye is the small fishing port of Portree. In a word, nothing special, ladies and gentlemen, a typical Scottish outback.

However, sometimes a lack of information is preferable to an overabundance, since it eliminates the possibility of inflated expectations. At least that’s what happened with the Isle of Skye. Going there, I didn’t expect anything special, but found myself in a real fairy-tale land.

You reach the island from the Scottish mainland via a bridge that is invariably shrouded in fog. Because of this, while crossing the bridge, there was a feeling that our little Fiat 500 was literally diving headlong into the clouds, and when the fog cleared, as in the old Soviet song, suddenly “everything around became blue and green.”

Only the black basalt rocks on the horizon gave the landscape a slight bit of drama, otherwise the feeling that we had suddenly found ourselves inside a photograph processed by a designer who could not resist intensifying colors would have been one hundred percent.

Isle of Skye and Old Man of Storr cliffs

Getting around Skye requires a car. public transport There’s not much to see on the island, but you notice hitchhikers voting on the road every ten minutes.

You don’t have to work out the route in advance, just move along the road and stop at each View Point. From mandatory places For a visit I would like to recommend the Old Man of Storr rocks, and the gorge near the diatomite road, the rest will fall like a map in the literal sense of this expression. It is easy to recognize the observation decks - opposite there are signs describing the place in English and Gaelic.

Famous rocks Old Man of Storr, whose silhouette resembles a Cambodian temple complex Angor Wat is the first thing that guests of the island try to see, among whom there are many Scots traveling around Skye in motorhomes.

As expected, it is connected with the Scottish old man Storr (this is how the name of the rocks is translated). mysterious story, in which the Vikings are involved. The fact is that at the end of the nineteenth century, among the stones of Old Man of Storr, researchers discovered a “stash of silver” left in the Scottish rocks by the Norwegians. Scientists dated the coins to 935 AD.

It is curious that, according to the chronicles, the first Norwegian Vikings arrived on the island a little later, at the very end of the tenth century, and now scientists are thinking: the chroniclers telling about the Viking migration were mistaken by a couple of decades, or the Vikings hid a treasure with old coins.

Lakes near Old Man of Storr

However, tourists are not too interested in this small discrepancy in dates, but prefer to hike to the rocks that arose after the ice that covered Skye during the last ice age disappeared from the top of the island.

The duration of the walk is about 40 minutes, but it is still more interesting to contemplate the Old Man of Storr rocks from the valley; from below they seem like menacing giants who have been silently watching over everything that is happening on the island for many centuries.

Second Observation deck- straight ahead, located next to Diatomite Road, that is, the place of extraction of diatomite - sedimentary rock, the main material for the production of dynamite.

Viewpoint next to Diatomite Road

Previously, there were mining villages here, but today only ruins can be seen on the green slopes near Diatomite Road, and only ruins remain from the local diatomite processing factory.

The cliffs covered with soft green grass, hanging over the azure sea, like the eyes of northern beauties, look like the scenery for a fantasy-style film with a story about how she “waited and waited until it came.”

Indeed, if beautiful ladies should live somewhere, going out to the sea every day in the hope of seeing on the horizon a boat with a betrothed returning from an overseas campaign, then best place than the cliffs of the mountains with the truly Scottish name Kilt and it’s not worth looking for.

Of course, in reality, on the coastal cliffs you can see not at all sad ladies peering longingly at the horizon, but tourists desperately photographing local beauties.

However, everyone, without exception, at some point catches themselves thinking that constantly clicking the camera in an attempt to capture the changing colors of the sky and sea is nothing more than a deliberate refusal of the pleasure of contemplating amazing beauty this place, and therefore put the camera aside and, disregarding caution, sit down at the very edge of the cliff and begin to peer into the deep blue sky, thoughtfully clinging to the transparent surface of the sea.

The Coast of Skye is a place of amazing energy

From the point of view of meditation and contemplation, the shore near the diatomaceous earth road is an ideal place, and this is not only due to the amazing beauty of Scottish nature. Here, every stone breathes majestic tranquility, it’s hard to believe that material for dynamite was previously mined in these mountains, and in the Norwegian saga of the thirteenth century with the difficult-to-pronounce title Hákonar saga Hákonarsonar, this place appears as a bloody battlefield.

Having meditated enough, we decided to become like mountain sheep and went down to the waterfall rustling at the foot of the mountains. Although the slopes of Kilt from the top seem absolutely impassable, you can go down and up along their paths, albeit slowly and carefully.

And the local waterfall, as it turned out, is an excellent place for swimming. Its shape resembles a deep bowl, into which you can easily and naturally dive from the stone side. While swimming in the waterfall, I remembered a scene from my favorite childhood film “Robin Hood” with Kevin Cosner in the title role; in approximately the same conditions, the king of the robbers “took a bath” when Lady Marianne, who arrived in Sherwood Forest, noticed him.

While swimming in a mountain waterfall, you experience an amazing feeling of unity with nature.

Unfortunately, few people dare to go down to the waterfall, and only the most stubborn get to the local bay, which is located near the gorge and an abandoned factory.

The fact is that the entire coast near the bay is strewn with large smooth boulders, on which you have to step with extreme caution so as not to injure your leg. Sitting thoughtfully on the shore of the blue- blue sea It’s also unlikely to fail - the local boulders, although smooth, are not at all a cushion chair or even a soft carpet of grass.

Of course, from the point of view of impressive views, it is best to stay at the top rather than crawl up and down the mountains, but the descent into the bay is a full-fledged exercise in the theme of “feeling like a real Scottish Highlander.”

A destroyed factory that used to produce raw materials for dynamite.

Having admired the duet of the blue sea and green mountains from the heart, go deep into the island. Here you find yourself in a land of a thousand shades of green, where the blue of the sky already seems like nothing more than a background, shading the green slopes of the mountains.

In the center of the island, the mountains are covered with a green carpet of grass.

Bold, but at the same time timid Scottish sheep jump out onto the road every now and then, but, on the contrary, there are no people or cars at all. It seems that you somehow ended up on a planet that people left a hundred years ago, and now you are the only one who can observe these green slopes frozen in silence.

You won't find people or cars in the center of the island.

Lonely sheep in the center of the island

By the way, the fantasy on the theme “the last man on earth” is not too far from reality, because on the island, whose area is 1656.25 km², a little more than 10 thousand people live, and in the largest local city— Portree, according to official data, has only 2,490 inhabitants.

Although in essence Portree is just a small fishing village with colorful houses and the embankment, where there are even more seagulls than people, after desertion mountainous areas this place seems full of life.

Harbor with fishing boats, Portree

The stalls selling fish are crowded with customers, in the pubs (here this word is pronounced with a Scottish accent, which makes it sound like “pub”), visitors drink an evening pint of ale, and from the cafes comes the recognizable oily smell of Fish & Chips, which local residents they take it to go and eat it right on the embankment, without being embarrassed by the greedy glances of the ever-hungry seagulls.

In Portree, it makes sense to follow the example of the Scots - sit on a bench on the embankment, devouring Fish & Chips and periodically feeding them to starving birds. After the deserted expanses of Skye, go to a relatively Big City- the solution is not very successful; it’s still worth returning to human noise gradually.

And finally, another interesting one historical fact, associated with the Scottish Isle of Skye. When I wrote about it, I did not mention one interesting document that was created in Ravenna in 700 AD. It is called Cosmography of Ravenna and is a map of the world. The Isle of Skye is also marked on it under the name Scetis, which means that the ancient Romans or Byzantines visited here long before the Vikings.

Photographer Davide Bacelle

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Yulia Malkova- Yulia Malkova - founder of the website project. In the past, he was the editor-in-chief of the elle.ru Internet project and the editor-in-chief of the cosmo.ru website. I talk about travel for my own pleasure and the pleasure of my readers. If you are a representative of hotels or a tourism office, but we do not know each other, you can contact me by email: [email protected]

Starships in No Man's Sky are an integral part of the gameplay, because it is thanks to them that players can explore outer space and land on various planets. All ships in the game are divided into several classes, namely:

  • C - budget starships with small capacity and satisfactory characteristics. It is on this “tub” that you will start the game.
  • B - the real average ones that most space travelers fly on.
  • A – excellent ships that have good protection, big amount cells and good speed.
  • S are ideal starships that excel in absolutely everything. Every pilot's dream.

In the Next update, the class system has not changed, but there are still some innovations. Let us immediately note that finding S-class vessels is still as difficult as before, but now it is possible to at least somehow influence the likelihood of their detection.

Where to Find the Best S-Class Ships in No Man's Sky

First of all, we will inform you that as with many other aspects in this game, we cannot show you the exact place where you can buy the highest class starship, since many of the elements in it are randomly generated. You may be incredibly lucky and stumble upon a similar ship in your nearest space station, however, the chances of this are no more than 1 percent.

For this reason, we recommend that you get an economy scanner for your cargo ship. It can be purchased from Gek for Nanite Clusters. Using it, you will open a line on the galaxy map with information about the type of economy, as well as the percentage of purchases and sales of any star system, without visiting it. What is it for? The fact is that the most expensive ships can be found in the most economically prosperous sectors. The better the economy in a planetary cluster, the higher the chance of finding an S-class starship in its station.

Don't use this method if you don't have the money to buy an expensive starship. Prices for these spacecraft range from 20 to 75 million units. However, we have written a small guide on how you can quickly earn millions of units. Be sure to read it if you don't have enough money to buy a ship.

Once you find a system with a thriving economy, head to the nearest spaceport and start selecting ships. The type of starships will depend on the race operating the station. For example, Geks mainly sell merchant ships, Vy'keen sell combat ships, and Korvax sell research ships.

The Isle of Skye is probably the most attractive of the Scottish islands, which can be explained by its majestic deserted landscapes with the unique Culins Mountains, a picturesque coastline, ancient castles and an interesting history.

The peaks of the Kulins Mountains are shrouded in fog most of the year. Therefore, the most popular assumption about the origin of the name of the island is associated with the Scandinavian words “sky” - cloud and “eu” - island. Perhaps that is why in Gaelic the island is now called "Eilean a" Cheo" - "Misty Island". If you look at a map of the island, you can understand the second version of the name, associated with the Gaelic word "sgiath" - wing. Skye seems to consist of wings These are the peninsulas of Sleat, Minginish, Duirinish, Waterenish, Trotternish, separated by sea lakes cutting into the land.

It is interesting to note that all Scottish lakes are both inland fresh and long narrow sea ​​bays- called "loch" - lake. On the Isle of Skye, the coastline is so indented by sea lakes that any point on the island is no more than 8 kilometers away from the ocean, although the distance between the most extreme points- about 100 km, and the length coastline is 600 km.

Each corner of the island is remarkable in its own way - from the gently rolling, lush Slate peninsula in the south, through the climbers' dream of the mountains of Red and Black Culin (which can be read in detail on The Cullins page in the "Mountains of Scotland" section), then through the peat moors and forest plantations to the Troternish peninsula with vertical cliffs in the Storr and Quiraing mountain formations, high cliffs and waterfalls falling into the sea. On the Waternish peninsula there is Dunvegan Castle, which has not changed its owners - the leaders of the MacLeod clan - for 8 centuries.

Even geologically, Skye is different from the rest of the Highlands. 50 million years ago, Skye was a cauldron of seething magma, here and there splashing out streams of boiling lava, from which these basalt mountains and rocks were later formed, delighting thousands of people who could not sit at home. Tourists are also attracted here by history, which you can get in touch with at Dunvegan and Armadale castles. And many English-speaking visitors are themselves descendants of those who were forced to emigrate from their homes due to the brutal policy of Clearances in the Scottish Highlands, and come to the homeland of their ancestors with nostalgic feelings, especially when you can see settlements abandoned by the inhabitants here and here on the island . Today only about 9 thousand people live here, but once this number was several times higher.

There are two ways to get to the island.
- By railway or by car from Glasgow (Edinburgh) to the village of Mallaig, and then by ferry to Ardvasar pier on the island of Skye. It is one mile from Armadale Castle (see map).
- By car or bus from Glasgow or Inverness across the Skye Bridge, built a few years ago.


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