Cape of Good Hope vacation. Cape of Good Hope. Cape of Good Hope in photographs

There is probably not a single person in the world who does not know the name of the most famous cape on planet Earth, Cape Good Hope. When you hear this name, a bright picture appears before your eyes - a raging ocean, a ship with brave sailors and the cabin boy’s cry: “Earth, earth!” And, of course, we could not ignore this iconic place. It was decided to devote one day to a trip to the Cape of Good Hope, and at the same time, also to visit.

We are heading towards the Cape of Good Hope.
The name came from the mate of an English ship who arrived here in 1607 to explore the area. Entering the bay, the captain sent John Chapman up the mountain to inspect the surrounding area. He left and disappeared. After waiting for several hours, the captain decided that his messenger had quite possibly crashed in the mountains, and for some reason gave the order to set sail. Already at the exit from the bay, the sailors noticed the signals of Chapman, who was rushing down to the ocean. The ship sent a boat to pick up the man, and the place was named Chapman's Luck. After the First World War steep cliffs paved the way. Open since 1922, it has become one of Cape Town's landmarks

You can appreciate the views that open from this road by going to.

The Cape of Good Hope Nature Reserve, where we are heading, occupies the entire extreme part of the peninsula. Antelopes, zebras, ostriches, and monkeys roam freely on more than 7,700 hectares; More than 1,100 plant species grow. All nature is protected, so you can’t take anything with you, don’t pick flowers, don’t feed the monkeys.

There is a fee to enter the reserve. You can spend the whole day on the territory of the reserve, which the locals do with pleasure; they come here on weekends and walk in nature, sunbathe, swim, and fish. The area is quite safe.

This is probably the most visited place by tourists in South Africa. The legendary Cape of Good Hope was for a long time considered the most southwestern point of Africa, until scientists determined that this point was located 1.5 km from it in a straight line and this point was Cape Point. Here's a pun, period - Cape Point.))

Tourists usually visit both places at once - the Cape of Good Hope, and the most southwestern part of Africa, Cape Point.

Among the tourists there are some very colorful ones.

You can approach the Cape of Good Hope by car along the road along the ocean, or you can walk along the wooden footbridges that pass by beautiful beach, which bears the name "God's Beach".

There are 230 steep stairs leading to this beach. But it's worth it. Snow-white sand, like on Bounty, and two famous capes along the edges of the beach. Incredibly beautiful place.

Representatives of the local fauna, funny lizards, crawl out onto the wooden walkways to warm themselves.

You can climb to the cape along a rocky path and admire the views that open up from there.
Interestingly, much fewer tourists go to the Cape of Good Hope than to Cape Point. They probably don’t want to bother themselves with a two-kilometer walk through the mountains.

In vain. It is very beautiful in here.

But not everyone is afraid of difficulties.

You can get to Cape Point and the lighthouse by cable car or along a comfortable staircase, admiring the Cape of Good Hope and beautiful views on national park. As always, I chose to climb on foot. The husband decided that one cape was enough for him and he would rather spend this time on the beach.)

The road to Cape Point goes up to the old lighthouse - the tallest sea lighthouse in South Africa. When they built it, they thought: the higher, the better, it will be visible further. It turned out not quite so. The lighthouse is obscured by dense low clouds for up to 900 hours a year, while visibility at ocean level can remain excellent. Near the shore, under the very surface of the water, there is a rock, on which ships have repeatedly crashed on cloudy nights. The lighthouse continued to shine in the fog, but was invisible. After the sinking of the Portuguese cargo ship Lusitania (the ancient name of Portugal), a new lighthouse was built sixty meters above the water. The old one was turned into an observation deck where it goes Railway. From above there are paths for those wishing to walk along the rocks to the edge of the cape, from where a new lighthouse and the remains of radar installations from the Second World War can be seen.

It goes without saying that I went up to the lighthouse.

Even though it was not the season, there were tourists nearby great amount. And this was the first time in South Africa when I heard Russian speech. A group of Russian tourists came on the excursion.

Well, I completed the minimum program, photos of the lighthouse and the surrounding area.

And, of course, I went further, where no lazy tourist had gone before, to the edge of the cliff, under which a second, small lighthouse was built.
The heat has already thoroughly bothered me, but the Russians are not giving up to put an end to their tourist map I wanted to, because you can’t consider it a big lighthouse if the real Cape Point is still 1.5 kilometers along the rocks.

And now, hurray! I'm standing on Cape Point and in front of me is the ocean and Antarctica.

Although the fusion of Indian and Atlantic Oceans located on Cape Agulhas, it is generally accepted that the two currents merge precisely in the area of ​​the Cape of Good Hope. The warm Agulhas Current, flowing from East to West, reaches the Cape Peninsula, where it dries up. The Benguela Current moves from South to North. The current itself is not cold, but its effect on water temperature is associated with the process of displacement of the upper layers of water. Due to this, on one side of the peninsula the water temperature is always a couple of degrees different from the water temperature on the other. From the lighthouse it even seems that you can see the difference in the color of the water. There is no border as such - water and water. It's like looking for where whiskey meets soda in a glass. Standing on the top of the peninsula and looking out into the open ocean to the south, you feel like the edge of the world. Next is only Antarctica, although it is more than 4,500 km away. And under your feet are the cold waters of the Atlantic on one side, and a bay called False Bay on the other. The water there is warmer, due to the current from the Indian Ocean, and the city's most popular beaches are located along it. The name of the bay appeared under the Portuguese. It is so wide that in foggy weather the opposite shore is not visible, and the impression of an open ocean is created.

I go down from the lighthouse, where I meet my husband. And we go to the local souvenir shop. Quite a decent assortment.
I was surprised that there was no cafe nearby. There are a huge number of tourists, probably many, after climbing the mountain, would be happy to sit at a table overlooking the ocean and the Cape of Good Hope. But there was no cafe or any grocery store nearby.

While we were walking along the bridge towards the cute birds, we met a close relative... of the elephant. She sat on the railing and even posed for us a little.

Full of impressions, we returned home. But we couldn’t help but stop in front of the Cape. This was the last time we could look at the panorama of the city.

And at home, in a small garden, other representatives of the African animal world were waiting for us.

Evening came, and then the sky cleared and the night showed us constellations that people living on the other hemisphere never see.
That's it, it's time to say goodbye to the Cape Peninsula.
We're leaving tomorrow. The southernmost point of Africa awaits us.

Let's say right away that the Cape of Good Hope is not the southernmost point of Africa. But he is definitely the most famous in all of it south coast.
In the era of the Great Geographical Discoveries (from the end of the 15th century), ships, skirting the continent, changed course for the first time, turning east towards the Indian Ocean, right here. Therefore, people considered this cape to be the southernmost. Since then, science has stepped forward and clarified that in fact Cape Agulhas, located 150 km to the southeast, should be considered the southern point of the mainland. And the Cape of Good Hope bears the honorary title of the most southwestern point of the African continent.

Cape of Good Hope on the map

  • Geographic coordinates -34.357890, 18.475453
  • The distance from the capital of South Africa, Pretoria, is approximately 1340 km
  • Distance to nearest international airport Cape Town about 45km

An interesting fact is that there are 3 capitals in South Africa. Pretoria is the official capital of the state. But here is the parliament in Cape Town, and Supreme Court in Bloemfontein. And these cities are also called capitals. This is explained as follows: at the beginning of its formation, South Africa was a confederation, which included 3 territories - the Republic of South Africa (Pretoria), the possessions of Britain (Cape Town), and a country with a very exotic name Orange Free State (Bloemfontein). When South Africa was formed, it was decided to distribute authorities evenly across these cities.

Let us return to the Cape of Good Hope. It was originally called the Cape of Storms. And for good reason.
The history of the name is as follows:
Europeans were looking for a sea route to India. For this purpose, in the middle of the last millennium, an expedition set out from Portugal. And in 1488, captain Bartolomeo Dias rounded this cape for the first time. But these guys failed to get to India, because the team was tired and rebelled. Dias was forced to turn back. On the way back, a storm raged in the area of ​​the cape. The ship and its crew were pretty battered. The sailor did not invent an original name, calling the rocky ledge simply Cape of Storms. A little later, King Juan II of Portugal decided to rename it the Cape of Good Hope, rightly believing that such a name would not only not scare off other sailors, but would also give them hope for a quick completion of the journey.

The king's initiative paid off. Already in 1497, Vasco Da Gama paved the way from the Old World to India. The expedition was successful, and since then the name Cape of Good Hope has been firmly attached to this rocky outcrop. Many sailors began to use this route.

Yes, of course, the souls of the sailors were filled with hope when approaching this cape, because more than half of the journey was behind them. Joy spread across the faces of the team. But no matter how amazing and bewitching the Cape of Good Hope attracts attention, it is quite dangerous for sailors. Storms and storms are quite normal for these places. To this day, about three dozen sunken ships can be seen in the surrounding waters.

To facilitate navigation, a lighthouse 238 meters high above sea level was built in 1857. But it turned out to be too high, and sometimes clouds and fog completely covered it.

Old lighthouse of the Cape of Good Hope

After another shipwreck in 1911, a decision was made to move the lighthouse. From 1913 to 1919 the lighthouse was built in a different place and not so high. The new lighthouse rises only 87 meters above sea level. But it can be seen from a distance of more than 60 km. This is the most powerful lighthouse on the entire southern coast of Africa. Since then, the sea route in the area of ​​the cape has become much safer.

New Cape of Good Hope Lighthouse

There is an interesting misunderstanding. In fact, ships, passing from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean, round Cape Point, located a little further. But it is the Cape of Good Hope that enjoys worldwide fame.

Behind Cape Point is located cozy bay Falsbay, similar to Hawaii's Hanauma Bay. There is a beautiful beach washed by the warm current of the Indian Ocean.

Excellent beaches on the border of two oceans, stunning views of the surrounding area, and the diversity of flora and fauna in the Cape of Good Hope area attract a huge number of tourists.

Cape of Good Hope in photographs

Somehow, with my business and travels, I completely forgot to continue the story about my trip to South Africa.
I'm correcting myself.

So. Having ascended in the most roundabout way, swam with, met New Year in a crowd of thousands on the embankment, early in the morning of January 1, we found the strength to load ourselves into cars and set off towards our hopes.
Or rather, one hope. But very kind.
Namely, to the Cape of Good Hope.

What were these heroic efforts for and why was it necessary to go early in the morning?
Yes, because during the day so many people rush there that all hopes can be wasted while standing in an endless traffic jam.

The Cape of Good Hope is located on the Cape Peninsula, just south of Cape Town.
And this is where a little confusion often arises. For there is a geographical point - the Cape of Good Hope itself.
Where there is nothing but hope.
And there is Cape Point, where there is a lighthouse called the Cape of Good Hope. There are also all sorts of souvenir shops, cafes and life in general. So many limit themselves to coming to this very place.

We, like real travelers, decided to land at the Cape of Good Hope. And then go to the lighthouse.
At first, the idea was to go to both places by car. But after looking at the map, I categorically stated that we had to go on foot.
Who would doubt that.

The Cape on the morning of January 1st was surprisingly deserted. And the ocean delighted the eye with its crazy color.

By the way, forgive my geographical criticism, I still don’t remember what kind of ocean it was.

However, coastline The continent here turns east for the first time, opening a passage from the Atlantic Ocean towards the Indian Ocean.
So let's consider it a mix of two oceans.

The Cape of Good Hope is not the southernmost point of Africa. But in order to give this place some status and meaning for tourists’ stay, it was designated the most southwestern point of the continent.
What was established commemorative plaque.

All. There is nothing else on the cape.
Therefore, without stopping for long, we followed the path along the coast past the bizarre rocks to Cape Point.

Wow, he can be seen in the distance.

Wind, rocks, waves beating against rocks - this place would be much more suited to its original name - Cape of Storms.
Because when a storm rages here, there is not much to hope for.
But history, as we know, is made by optimists. That's why the cape got this name.

From the Cape of Good Hope to the lighthouse you can walk in about forty minutes. But we weren’t chasing records.
They walked, turned their heads to the sides, and constantly stopped to take pictures or capture another impressive view.
So the walk lasted for two hours.

Approximately in the middle of the path there is an absolutely charming beach where you should definitely go down.

Of course we went down there and wandered around.
And Pasha, despite the icy water and huge waves, even seemed to take a swim.
Well, Pasha is completely crazy.
At the top of the Lion's Head mountain, literally buying into the "weak" approach, I stood in the plank position for five minutes.
Five minutes! Before that, he didn’t even know what a plank was.

However, I digress. We're on the beach.

On a very romantic beach. Someone even made a heart out of seaweed.

By the way, for me personally it was a discovery that one of the most terrible and romantic legends is associated with the Cape of Good Hope.

Do you know which one?
I didn’t know - the legend of the Flying Dutchman. Somewhere here he surfs the waves of the ocean.

However, when you walk along picturesque paths on a sunny day, the last thing you think about is all sorts of creepy stories.

You can take a small trailer from the parking lot to the lighthouse.
But then you can pass by the baboons.

It's not that I like baboons that much. Quite the contrary. Of all the representatives of the monkey family, they are the least attractive to me.
But, as you know, the tourist’s commandment is that if there is a baboon, you need to see it.

Or maybe it’s not necessary, I thought, seeing what the father of the family was doing while the mother was babysitting the children.

However, when he saw that I was photographing him, he somehow quickly became embarrassed, dropped what he was doing and covered himself with his paws.

But the impression of communicating with the beautiful animal world was somehow already spoiled.
I had to go straight to the lighthouse in order to offset the moral damage with natural beauty.

Lighthouse, like a lighthouse. Nothing special.
Nearby there is a traditional stand for tourist places with distances to different settlements.
Such things are put up, apparently, to amaze the tourist - he has gone far. But for some reason this does not touch a single string of my tender soul.

It is much more interesting to go around some old buildings and go to the very ends of the earth.

At least there you can take a photo from the "Edge of the World" series.

I already had such a photograph from a geographical point right under the name Cape World’s End.
It is located on the island of Shikotan in the Kuril Islands. In my opinion, it is much more picturesque there, but that’s a matter of taste.

After a long walk, it's time to eat.
So I passed the time while waiting for everyone to gather, eating pizza, which some very harmful birds blatantly tried to take away from me.
They behaved very brazenly.

I also sent a postcard.
The postcard never arrived. Apparently I got lost :(

When I had done all my work and was almost bored, everyone else finally found me and joyfully informed me that plans had changed.
Our cunning plan, which was that Misha would come to the lighthouse by car, take a second driver with him, they would quickly drive to the cape for the second car, and we would all go home, failed miserably. As is usually the case with brilliant plans.

It turned out that there was such a traffic jam at the lighthouse that it would take two hours. So Misha didn’t follow us.
Vika and Arseny left in a car that was foreign to us.

Well, we went back on foot to good hope. Just like the Flying Dutchman, wandering the seas without rest.

Apparently this hope wanted to let us go just like that.
But now, with a sense of accomplishment, we could definitely say that we had sailed the length and breadth of the Cape of Good Hope.

Well, what else do real tramps need?

The Cape of Good Hope is the most extreme point of southwestern Africa. It is located on the Cape Peninsula and is washed on two opposite sides by the waters of the Indian and Atlantic Oceans. Many people say that in calm weather you can see how the two parts of the body of water differ in color.

In ancient times, due to big waves and constant winds, the rocky cliff was called the Cape of Storms; later King Juan II renamed it the Cape of Good Hope. He truly was the hope of the Portuguese navigators who were heading to India. Today this is reminded by the largest lighthouse in South Africa (240 m above sea level), built in 1860.

In the vicinity of the rocky coast there is a reserve of the same name. Due to the vegetation, it is almost impossible to get there by car.

There are beaches on the cape where you can relax and sunbathe.

Sasha Mitrakhovich 06.04.2016 08:52

Cape of Good Hope(Cape of Good Hope) is famous for having long been considered the southernmost point of Africa. Then they calculated that the southernmost point of the continent is Cape Agulhas, located one and a half hundred miles to the southeast from the Cape of Good Hope.

But no one knows Cape Agulhas, and the Cape of Good Hope is included in all school geography textbooks; it is associated with the era of the Great Geographical Discoveries, this is what hundreds of thousands of tourists and travelers from all over the world strive to see.

Sasha Mitrakhovich 06.04.2016 08:56

It is known that the first European saw this african cape Good Hope in 1488 by Bartolomeo Dias, the famous Portuguese commander of the era of the Great Geographical Discoveries.

The expedition of Bartolomeo Dias was given the task of finding a sea route to India around Africa. Dias did not reach India, but became the first European to circumnavigate Africa from the south. Indirectly, he was helped in this by the terrible storms that battered his ships for several days. When the storms subsided, the disorientated Dias headed north and on February 3, 1488 ran into the coast, which “turned” to the northeast.

And so the way was opened to Indian Ocean. Dias was forced to give in to the demands of the rebellious team and did not go further. On the way back, he saw this cape protruding into the sea, which he called the Cape of Storms, because severe storms were constantly raging in this place.

Dias announced this “working” name upon his return to Portugal in his report to King João II. But His Majesty was wise and far-sighted. He decided that it was not good to leave such a harsh name for the turning point, beyond which a direct sea route to India opened. And he suggested calling this place the Cape of Good Hope. Or in Portuguese Cabo de Boa Esperanca.

The cape lived up to its name. In 1497, Vasco da Gama's expedition rounded the Cape of Good Hope and finally reached the treasured shores of India!

Sasha Mitrakhovich 06.04.2016 09:01

Today it is the territory of the Cape Province of the Republic of South Africa. Nearest Big city Cape Town. The Cape of Good Hope itself is the national pride and tourist attraction of South Africa. It is organically integrated into the national park or reserve with the same name “Cape of Good Hope” or in English “Cape of Good Hope”.

As already mentioned, the Cape of Good Hope is not only not the southernmost, but also not the most southwestern point of Africa. The most southwestern point is the completely inconspicuous ledge of Cape Point, located fifty meters to the north. And it is on it that a lighthouse with the name “Cape of Good Hope” is installed. And an observation deck from where all tourists take their memorable photos.

And at the Cape of Good Hope there is a shield with the name and exact coordinates and the inscription “the most southwestern point of Africa.”

Location of the Cape of Good Hope on the World Map:

Sasha Mitrakhovich 06.04.2016 09:04

You can get to the Cape of Good Hope, located on the Cape Peninsula, from Cape Town. The journey by car will take about four hours. Time will pass unnoticed, because along the way you will encounter a very beautiful area: a savannah where ostriches, antelopes, baboons and other animals roam, mountains, a nature reserve.

The Cape of Good Hope is the most southwestern point of Africa. It is impossible to make a mistake, since this fact is confirmed by both scientists and an inscription with exact coordinates installed on the site in front of the cape. But the Cape Peninsula at this point reaches its most southern point and, going north, ends at Cape Point.

Excursions to the Cape of Good Hope

Typically, excursions to the Cape of Good Hope include a visit to the reserve, as well as the shore with a penguin haven. We'll tell you about a few more places that are worth seeing. On the coast of False Bay, or “False Bay,” a winding road is laid through the mountains. Along it you can get to the town of Simon's Town, where the British Royal Navy was previously based.

The coast of the Cape of Good Hope itself has its own characteristics. For example, on the western side the climate is milder, there are beaches, sandy shores, atmosphere of peace and tranquility. In the east it is warmer, but strong winds blow, which make it difficult to swim and enjoy the scenery. On this part of the coast, not everyone takes the risk of swimming; tourists prefer to just sit on the shore and breathe the ocean air.

The island of fur seals is of great interest to travelers. Its area of ​​only 4 square kilometers is small for an island, and it has a turbulent history dating back to the 17th century. The fact is that for three centuries there was a prison here, military base and a hospital. And it was on this island that freedom fighter and future South African President Nelson Mandela served his sentence. In 1999, the island became a UNESCO World Heritage Site. A museum has opened here telling about the history of the country. Tourists can visit the prison yard and cells.

You can get to the island by ferry, which leaves Waterfront every day until 15:00. On average, the excursion lasts 3.5-4 hours.

Sasha Mitrakhovich 06.04.2016 09:25

It is the embodiment of the hopes of Portuguese sailors who were looking for a way to India in the 15th century. Initially it was nicknamed the Cape of Storms, but King Juan II was very superstitious and issued a decree to rename it.

Today, the cape is the most important strategic site in the region. Previously, it was a landmark for merchant ships traveling from Europe to countries Far East. Now it's popular tourist place, whose landscapes are visited annually by millions of travelers from different parts of the planet.

Cape of Good Hope: description, photo, video

Despite the euphonious name, this section of the African coastal zone cannot be called calm. The Cape of Good Hope in South Africa often experiences strong sea storms and hurricanes, which is facilitated by two deep-sea currents that collide in the vicinity of the peninsula. For many centuries, these places were dangerous for navigation, just like in the area; even modern ships have a very difficult time passing this area. Only experienced sailors could cope with the power of the elements.

Quite often the Cape of Good Hope is called extreme point Africa in the south, but this is not entirely true. Geographically, a similar status belongs to Cape Agulhas, located 200 kilometers towards the southeast. The Cape of Good Hope is more of a “psychological” mark, after crossing which the traveler moves more towards east direction, not the southern one. It rises 250 meters above sea level, making it one of the largest coastal cliffs in the world.

The Cape of Good Hope area in South Africa has dense vegetation with low bushes. Its entire territory, as well as the main part of the Cape Peninsula, are components National Park"Table Mountain". The climate here is harsh, wild and practically untouched by man. It is this feature that attracts tourists.

The total area of ​​the protected area covers more than 7 thousand hectares. There are fantastic deserted beaches and majestic cliffs that look out into the vast expanses of the ocean. The amazing landscapes of Cape Dobraya Nadezhny are just as mesmerizing in photos, but it’s better to see them in reality. The coast is home to simply a huge number of seabirds, among which penguins are especially interesting. As for vegetation, among great variety, is full of endemics that are found nowhere else in the world.

Where is the Cape of Good Hope

This attraction is located on the territory of the Republic of South Africa in the Western Cape. To be more precise, where the Cape of Good Hope is located, it is located 50 kilometers from Cape Town, in the area of ​​another cape called Cape Point. This territory is notable for the fact that there is a so-called passage between two oceans - the Indian and Atlantic.

Distance from major cities:

  • Pretoria - 1340 kilometers;
  • Johannesburg – 1397 kilometers.

Coordinates of the Cape of Good Hope on the map:

  • Latitude – 34° 21′ 32″
  • Longitude — 18° 28′ 21″

Cape of Good Hope on the map

How to get to the Cape of Good Hope

The natural attraction is quite remote from civilization. You can get here from Cape Town, where there are many flights from Johannesburg and other cities. It is worth noting that different airlines flights operate only on certain days. The cost of a ticket depends on the distance - from major cities in South Africa it varies between 50-200 dollars, from other countries it is correspondingly more expensive.

How to get from Cape Town to the Cape of Good Hope:

The first option is suitable for those who have a driver’s license; in the city you can rent a car for up to $120 per day, travel time is about 1.5 hours. You can also get there by bus; two flights depart to the cape daily – in the morning and at lunchtime. Cape Town landing site - Green market Square, return buses leave at 13:00 and 17:15, the price of a one-way ticket is 7-8 dollars.

Best time to visit

Since the territory is under protection, the Cape of Good Hope has a specific work schedule. In summer it is open to visitors until 6 pm, in winter – until 5 pm. There are practically no days off. There are several beaches on the coast where you can come to relax and sunbathe. Many beaches are wild, so you can get away from tourists here. The cape is great for a family holiday.

The swimming season here begins in September and lasts until May. At this time the weather is warm and sunny. In winter, which here lasts from June to the end of July, it is cool here and strong winds blow. This time is suitable only for true extreme sports enthusiasts who are not scared by huge waves.

Features of visiting the Cape of Good Hope

Has an official website where you can learn a lot useful information. The cost to enter the park is approximately $11. For children under 11 years old there is a 50% discount. The Flying Dutchman funicular operates on site. It received this name due to the fact that the mysterious ship of the same name is most often visible from it.

According to legend, in the 17th century, a captain sold his soul to the devil to get out of a storm. As a result, the ship and crew members were cursed and forced to float forever in the ocean, appearing before the sailors who were about to suffer a misfortune. The cost of a one-way ride on the funicular is 4 dollars, and for children under 16 years old - 1.5.

How to get to the Cape of Good Hope on your own

Vehicles that do not leave the parking lot before the park closes will be fined. It is also prohibited to litter within the park. There is a restaurant in the park where you can have a snack. local dishes, as well as several retail outlets where you can purchase souvenirs and other products. However, it is better to stock up on food and water in advance. You should also definitely take a camera with you - beautiful pictures are guaranteed.

What to see in the area

One of the main attractions of the cape is the lighthouse. It was built in the second half of the 19th century. The lighthouse rises 240 meters, so it can be seen from almost anywhere in the area. It is the largest in South Africa. Today it is not functioning and is more valuable from an aesthetic point of view, being an excellent observation deck. You can get here on foot or by cable car.

Co observation deck You can simultaneously admire the waters of two oceans, which, by the way, differ from each other in color. On the coast of False Bay in the mountains there is a winding path along which you can walk to the small town of Simon's Town. The Royal British Navy was once stationed here.

Another place that is definitely worth seeing is the island of fur seals. On 4 square kilometers there is a closed military base and a prison where Nelson Mandela served his sentence. Now there is a museum where you can learn the history of South Africa. Tourists also have the opportunity to visit the prison cells and courtyard.


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