What to take with you on vacation. Let's relax wisely. How to pack a minimum of things for vacation

A vacation spot has been chosen, the hotel has been booked, tickets have been purchased, and you’re in a suitcase mood. It's time to pack your things, but then arguments begin - both with your household and with yourself - what to take on vacation? Good if you travel by car. In this case, the extra things may not be useful, but at least you won’t have to carry them on yourself. When you go for new experiences by train or plane, the question of what to take with you on vacation becomes especially relevant. In this case, you not only need to remember to put the essentials in your suitcase in the place where you are going (a swimsuit on the beach and comfortable shoes on an excursion), but also not to take too much, because you will have to carry the bags on yourself. Read this article before packing your bags “How to prepare for vacation? Useful tips" on the Sunny Hands website. Armed with our advice? Now let's start making a list of things that you are thinking of taking with you on vacation. Happy training!

Rest begins

In the process of preparing for a vacation, everything is important, especially your mood. Planning a vacation date, choosing a place for it, making a list of things that will be useful to you should be done with joy and in anticipation of new experiences. How many times have I personally experienced this law - when getting ready doesn’t bring pleasure, then the rest turns out to be uninteresting. Therefore, leave worries and doubts. You will indulge in sad thoughts at other times, but vacation comes once a year! Anastasia Gai, editor of the Sunny Hands website, reveals the secrets of positive thinking in her article “I have nothing to be grateful for... Or how not to lose heart?” .

When you have decided on your vacation destination and decided how you will get there, make a list of things that you will take with you on vacation. Think about what your vacation will be like - will you only sunbathe or plan to go on excursions, and if you are just lying on the beach, what would you be interested in doing during this time (read a book, listen to music). Based on the answers to questions like these, decide what to take with you on vacation. Allow a few days for this. As soon as you remember what else you need, write it down in a notebook. When the list is ready, re-read it again and cross out unnecessary things. Would you say that this is the most difficult part of the training process? I agree, but that’s why I recommend you make a list. When you see it on paper, rather than just storing it in your head, it’s much easier to understand which things won’t be useful. And when packing your suitcase, you are more likely not to forget anything; it is enough to cross off items from the list that you have already packed. And this process lifts your spirits, because you are going on vacation!

When making a list, write everything down, even if you are sure you will not forget this item. In the holiday rush, you can get wrapped up and take with you what you don’t need, leaving the most important things at home. Several years ago I visited the USA on an exchange program. We, students, were warned that upon arrival at the New York airport we must wear branded T-shirts with the symbols of the company that processed the documents in Russia. It was with these T-shirts that the host party greeted us. Already halfway to the airport, I remembered that my T-shirt was left at home. I went to the airport, and my brother had to return to get her. When checking in for the plane, they met me halfway and waited while my brother brought a T-shirt. Since then, in the list of what to take with me on vacation, I have included every thing that I will need on the road and at the vacation spot.

Be sure to indicate in your notebook a list of documents, both those that you will need in your country, and those that you cannot do without abroad if you are traveling outside your homeland. Make photocopies of them and put them in a separate folder. Attach a sticker to the package with the original documents indicating your phone number and the phrase that a reward is guaranteed for returning the documents. Anything can happen on a trip. One of my friends got into such a situation on Black Sea coast. He rented a car for the duration of his vacation and on the second day after his arrival, getting into it, he put his bag with documents on the roof of the car and drove off. The purse fell to the ground. Fortunately, there were business cards in it, and the finder called the specified number. The documents were returned. Haven't decided on a vacation spot yet? Perhaps it will help you.

Comfort during the trip will be ensured by proper distribution of things among bags. From experience, I can say that it is more convenient to travel with a suitcase on wheels. You can pack your main luggage in it, and put what you need directly on the road into a small bag. It can be replaced with a bag, but then it is better to immediately pack things in a “double” bag - put one bag inside the other to make four handles. This way there is a greater chance that they will not break. Buy special containers for cosmetics, these are now sold in many stores. Place in each one the amount that will last you for the duration of the trip. This way you will significantly lighten your luggage, and you will also be confident that the funds will not spill during transportation. Special containers usually have a tight lid, unlike jars of most cosmetic products. I've been using travel containers like this for a long time, and in the past my shower gels, face lotions and shampoos almost always spilled out during transport. And the things in the suitcase got dirty, and I felt sorry for the cosmetics that were used for other purposes. In any situation, advice from Natalia Maksimova, the author of the article, will help you stay beautiful “How to look stylish?” on the portal “Sunny Hands”.

On any trip, be sure to pack a first aid kit. I hope you don’t need it while you’re enjoying your vacation, but you should have a first aid kit just in case.

Put in it:

— pain reliever (especially for headaches, because when climate changes and time zones change, almost everyone gets a headache);

- bandage, cotton wool and adhesive plaster (the latter preferably in different shapes - strip, square);

— antiseptic for treating wounds (hydrogen peroxide);

- it is a remedy for runny nose and colds. If you know that you have a weak throat, then be sure to take medicine for a sore throat, as well as lozenges that relieve a sore throat. Put a fever-reducing agent in your first aid kit;

- drugs that improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;

— a remedy for burns (if you are going to the sea. For example, “Panthenol”);

- insect repellent;

- a remedy for allergic manifestations;

- a remedy for motion sickness;

- paper handkerchiefs;

- feminine hygiene products.

Also, on your trip, wherever you go, you will need:

— chargers for phones and batteries;

additional cards camera memory, batteries;

- notebook or notepad, pen;

- mailing addresses of your best friends and family - send them a postcard instead of magnets.

What to take with you on a trip to the sea?

Beach holidays are one of our favorites. To make your trip to hot countries wonderful, do not forget to take the following things with you on vacation:

- a swimsuit, or even better, two - one to dry, the other to wear. A makeup bag for your swimsuit won't hurt either. Nowadays, in branded lingerie stores, all swimsuits usually come complete with such a cosmetic bag. This is very convenient, as you can change clothes on the beach and put a wet swimsuit in it so as not to wet other things in the bag. If you were not given such a cosmetic bag for your swimsuit, then take a regular one designed for storing cosmetics (only made not of fabric, but of polyethylene). It is better to take swimsuits of the same style - this way you will have identical areas on your body that are not tanned because of it;

— flip-flops. To avoid bringing multiple pairs to match each swimsuit, take shoes that are neutral in color and design. If you are vacationing in a country where it is recommended to wear shoes when going into the sea, do not forget to buy one (usually rubber sandals with a fastener);

- a product with a sun protection factor, preferably one for the face (with a higher factor) and the other for the body. Some of my friends also use after-sun products, but I don’t consider them a mandatory purchase before a trip to the sea. If you sunbathe correctly and use sunscreen, you will not burn and your skin will not experience stress. Therefore, it is quite possible to get by with moisturizing body milk that you use at home. And I don’t recommend purchasing products labeled “For quick tanning.” You will really become chocolate quickly, but the tan will fade just as quickly;

- Sunglasses. Some people neglect this subject. But sunglasses are not even an accessory, but, first and foremost, a means to protect our eyes and the skin around them. This article will help you purchase them. “How to choose a frame for glasses: the main secrets of a successful choice” on the “Sunny Hands” website;

- a bedding for the beach, but personally, I always buy it on the spot so as not to drag unnecessary weights in my suitcase, and after the vacation I leave it in the room. If you decide to bring bedding from home, then include it in the list. The bedding can be replaced with an air mattress. Its advantage is not even that you can lie on it and swim, but the main thing is that it is comfortable to sunbathe on any beach - stone and sand. It is not always comfortable to lie on a litter on a rocky beach;

- Panama hat, hat or scarf on the head. We often forget to take such things with us, but they are very necessary under the scorching sun. I prefer scarves. Firstly, they fit with any clothing, not just a swimsuit. Secondly, they are more feminine than Panama hats or baseball caps. Hats are also feminine, but they suit few people;

- a beach bag and a small cosmetic bag for small things that you may need when sunbathing (comb, handkerchief, wet wipes, cream). I often forgot my bag until I started making a list of necessary things. Then I had to buy any bag that I found at the vacation spot. Therefore, do not be lazy to add this item to the list;

— means for leisure on the beach: a book, a magazine, scanwords, knitting, a player, etc. Purchase your favorite magazines or a new work by an author you like in advance, create a playlist with music. It seems that these are all little things, but in fact, your holiday mood will also depend on them. After all, it’s wonderful when there is an interesting book in your purse, and not one that you grabbed at the last moment before the train departs, and your favorite music is playing in your headphones, downloaded in advance and distributed into folders (for the beach, the way home, etc.);

- comfortable shoes if you plan to attend excursions. It's better to wear old sneakers than new ones that may rub your feet. And you won’t get any pleasure from the excursion, and your calluses will torment you;

- information about interesting places ah, which could be visited. Even if you still doubt whether there will be excursions in your vacation schedule, such preparation will not hurt. Select a few interesting places, find information about them, print them out and take the sheets with you;

- a small pack of washing powder and laundry soap, as well as bags (several regular and small plastic ones).

As for clothing, be guided by the planned pastime. If you will only sunbathe and swim throughout your vacation, then a couple of sundresses, some linen trousers and a feminine top to go with them will be enough (two blouses are enough). Take some shorts and a few T-shirts. If you are planning excursions, then add a set of shorts to this set, complementing the look with a polo or a checkered shirt. Instead of shorts, you can buy capris. A raincoat or windbreaker wouldn't hurt. When creating your travel wardrobe, choose items that go together. This way you can put together ensembles and look like you’re wearing new clothes every time in photos.

What to take with you on an excursion trip?

Are you looking for an educational trip this summer? Then you need to take with you on vacation:

good guide. Do not consider this an advertisement, but among similar literature I recommend the guidebooks of the publishing house “Around the World” and “Afisha”. These books contain reliable information, since they are based not on reprints from the Internet, but on the personal experience of the authors. They go to other cities and countries, explore excursion places, transport systems, hotels, etc. Tourist reviews from forums will also come in handy. Information from the “Sunny Hands” website will also be useful. Natalia Maksimova visited the USA and shares advice in the article "Journey Across America";

- dictionary and phrasebook. Last year I took with me on a trip e-book, where I downloaded the dictionary. But this is inconvenient, since the book takes more space than its printed counterpart, and you can also accidentally forget it somewhere or drop it. My conclusion is that the dictionary is more convenient;

- comfortable shoes, preferably two pairs. Shoes need rest too, so I'm in sightseeing trips I always take two pairs. If your vacation takes place in a country where the weather is unstable, also bring closed shoes;

- umbrella, raincoat, hat - baseball cap, panama hat (depending on what you like best, it is suitable and will be appropriate for trips). If you are flying to a hot country, bring sunscreen. Apply it to exposed skin. It is very easy to get sunburned when you are on your feet all day and under the scorching sun;

— a spacious bag that can accommodate a guidebook, documents, a bottle of water, and an umbrella. By personal experience I will say that large bags are more convenient than small ones. Maybe the latter look more elegant, but convenience is still more important. A backpack is even more convenient, but not all travelers like this kind of thing;

— if you travel by bus, take a blanket and pillow. They will provide you with convenience on the road. In this case, I recommend packing two cosmetic bags - put one, the main one, in your luggage, and take the other with you on the bus. On the road, you usually need wet wipes, hand cream, thermal water, Toothbrush and paste, towel and soap, hygienic lipstick, comb;

— an adapter for sockets, if your trip will take place in a country where the sockets are different from ours;

- a cosmetic bag for various small things - extra batteries, subway tokens;

- extra bag. Everyone returns from a trip with new clothes, cosmetics, and gifts for their relatives. In order not to figure out where to pack it all on the spot, take an extra bag from home;

— hand disinfectant gel. Sold in pharmacies, costs around 100 rubles. During walking excursions, when you often have to snack on the go, this will be very useful;

- foot cream that relieves fatigue. Cooling agents with essential oils of mint and rosemary deserve special attention;

I probably won’t recommend taking anything from books. You will get so many emotions and new impressions from the excursions that you will hardly have any energy left for literature. Choose comfortable, loose-fitting clothes. Give preference to trousers made of light fabric, match them with shirts - a stylish look is ready! A few simple-cut dresses, as well as one evening dress and stiletto heels, will not hurt if you plan to visit concert halls.

And a bit more useful tips on the topic “What to take with you on vacation.”

If you are traveling by car, then buy or rent a car refrigerator from one of your friends. You can put water, juices, food in it. Spanking won't hurt - your legs swell when you sit for a long time. In flip flops it is easier for them to “endure” the road. Also put a pad in the car. You may also need a thermos. If the road is long, brew coffee - it will help the driver to cheer up.

When traveling by train, put your travel clothes in a separate bag, such as a T-shirt and shorts, as well as a change of shoes. It can get very hot on the train, so bring an extra T-shirt if one gets stale. Take also several magazines (one for yourself, and another for your neighbor if you bother her with conversations. It’s a joke, but there is truth in it), hand sanitizer, hygiene products, and a mug for tea.

Does your vacation start on the plane? Take it to the salon thermal water and hand cream. For clothes, give preference to wrinkle-resistant ones; you will have to sit in one position for a long time, so the clothes will become very wrinkled. Don’t take warm clothes - why do you need an additional burden? Many people put a cardigan and sweater in their travel bag on the plane, because it is often cool at altitude. But even if you get cold, you can always ask the flight attendants for a blanket. Grab scanword puzzles, glossy magazines - let your flight be easy in every sense of the word! Socks wouldn't hurt. Your feet also swell on the plane, and you want to take off your shoes. But bare feet can freeze, and socks look more aesthetically pleasing in a public place. Lollipops or chewing gum will help with nausea and stuffy ears.

How to pack a suitcase?

Start packing your suitcase with shoes. Pack clean, dry shoes, toe to heel, into bags and place them at the bottom of the suitcase. Place wrinkle-resistant items nearby - underwear, knitwear, jeans, cosmetics and a first aid kit on top. If you won't be putting anything else in the main compartment of your suitcase, then place wrinkled clothing at the very top. Place books, device chargers, cards and similar small items in pockets.

When your suitcase is packed, you are ready, your mood is cheerful, sit down on the path. You worked all year to go on vacation. You carefully prepared for it, you even completed this article... Well, your vacation can’t help but turn out great! You can say that you are doomed to the most wonderful, positive, kind and unforgettable experiences! Bon Voyage!

Sincerely, Oksana Chistyakova.

And everything would be great, if not for one circumstance - you need to pack your suitcase and bag.

It would seem that what is so difficult about this? However, the whole problem lies in one main question: what necessary take it with you on vacation? You shouldn't forget anything, but your bags shouldn't become a burden.

In this regard, I would like to say: you need to take a vacation not what you can will be needed, namely something you can't do without.

Do you feel like all things are necessary? Then, we'll help you clear away the unnecessary stuff and present a list of things you can't do without during your seven-day beach vacation.

Before you start packing your suitcase, check out this list.

TOP 15 most necessary things on vacation at sea

1. Swimsuit or swimming trunks

Perhaps, let's start with what it will be impossible to do without on the beach - a swimsuit for girls and swimming trunks for men, as well as a children's swimsuit. Your family will spend more time in them than in any other clothing.

The brand presented us with chic swimsuits for girls, but H&M took care of the ladies with. Read about this in our previous materials.

Available swimsuit options can be found at.

If you take your child with you on vacation, read our review.

Therefore, the most necessary thing On vacation, a swimsuit can be considered.

2. Beach dress or jumpsuit

This time you can’t do without not only a swimsuit, but also a fashionable beach dress - this is a must-have for this year. Designers offer fashionistas to choose bold outfits to suit their taste: short, long, with waistbands. A home, strapless and so on.

It would be great to take a fashionable crop top with you as well. This top is comfortable in hot weather. , read our previous review

To complete your wardrobe, bring shorts or a skirt.

4. Vacation shoes

5. Sunglasses

A walk in the sun, relaxing on the beach - how can you do without sunglasses? Many of us do not part with this accessory even in the fall. And this is correct - glasses not only hide your eyes from the sun, but protect them from harmful effects.

Buying sunglasses online is very easy, you just need to follow the advice of our experts - check out the review.

6. Towels

Although most resorts provide towels, for hygiene reasons you should always bring your own. Choose a towel large enough to lay out on the beach. Or bring a beach mat with you.

You can buy a good beach towel in the online store. There you will find not only quality, but also an excellent selection.

7. Sunscreen

A seaside holiday means spending a long time under the sun. Each of us already knows that the sun can be harmful to our body and skin, so it is important to protect ourselves from its negative effects.

Each of us different type leather, which means it is very important to know before purchasing.

High-quality cosmetic products for sun protection for adults and children can be ordered in the online store.

8. First aid kit

When talking about safety at sea, we must not forget about the first aid kit. The scorching sun, unfamiliar food and a foreign city can bring their own surprises. To be able to provide first aid to one of your family members, be sure to take a first aid kit with you! It is advisable to put in it: antipyretics and tea for colds, nasal drops, a patch, hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green.

You can order medications for delivery at an online pharmacy.

9. Swimming equipment

What kind of vacation would it be without inflatable mattresses and circles? This is both fun and relaxation at the same time, and for children it is also safe.

If you already know which watercraft to choose for yourself and then it’s time to place an order online: a large assortment of different mattresses can be found on.

10. Entertainment

A holiday at sea is not only about a beautiful tan and enjoying the sea, but also about having fun!

To avoid getting bored at sea, take badminton with you. You can play it together or even in pairs - and you are guaranteed fun for the whole day.

If you are relaxing with friends, then your option is a frisbee, or simply a “flying saucer”. Playing in a fun company will provide you with a great mood for the whole day.

But for children, a real kite will be a great entertainment! You just have to show your child how to control it - and you will have the opportunity to relax a little in silence, or have fun with your baby.

You can buy a badminton set at. The set includes two rackets and a case for them. If you suddenly decide to play it at night, then you simply cannot do without a glowing shuttlecock, but you can order it. You can buy an inexpensive Frisbee flying saucer in the online store. Behind kite go to .

11. Beach bag

You won't be able to get by without a bag at sea. Even if you are staying in an expensive hotel, and everything you need will be provided on the spot, you will still have to carry sunscreen, a bottle of water, a towel, and so on to the beach. It’s much more convenient to put it all in a spacious bag.

And, of course, girls cannot do without a handbag: they will have to put a smartphone, keys, wallet and other small things in it. We invite you to plunge into the world. Not only are they on trend, but they will also free up your hands and you won't have to worry about losing the accessory.

We have already written about how to make purchases on, so we are sure that it will not be difficult for you to order there too.

12. Hats

Under no circumstances should you go anywhere during the day without a hat. You risk getting sunstroke, and this is very dangerous to your health!

A cap, a Panama hat, or a scarf can serve as a headdress. A hat has become a popular option for girls this summer. You can read more in our review. From it you will learn where to buy stylish hats online so as not to spend extra money and time on shopping trips.

13. Cosmetic bag

We cannot do without hygiene products and cosmetics on vacation. Often it is the cosmetic bag that takes up a considerable part of the space in the suitcase, but we have already told you how to save space in the suitcase and not forget anything.

Don't forget: in long trips, and especially at sea it is important to take only the most necessary things.

The only one additional advice- take thermal water with you so that the sun does not dry out your skin. You can buy good thermal water directly from a well-known manufacturer -.

14. Gadgets

To avoid getting bored, be sure to take your smartphone and tablet with you on vacation. But don't forget to bring a charger or spare battery with you.

A device that can help you out when the battery is almost empty and you urgently need to make a call can be bought in the online store.

15. Camera or video camera

Don't forget about such an important thing as a camera, because it will help you capture your vacation for life!

Everything we've listed fits perfectly into one vacation suitcase, and you won't have to drag additional bags along with you.

We are making a list of things to take on vacation: what do you need to take on your trip?

The most pressing question for anyone planning a vacation is what to take with them. After all, you need to take into account every little thing, including UV cream and a first aid kit, and also redo all your affairs so as not to worry about your beloved cat, cacti on the window and unpaid bills on vacation. So, what do you need to remember when going on vacation?

What to do before your trip - a list of important things to do before traveling

So that you don’t have to frantically call your neighbors and relatives as soon as you jump out of the train (descending the plane’s steps), remember in advance about your most important matters:

  • Settle all financial issues. This applies to paying bills, debts, loans, etc. Of course, if you have a computer and access to the network, you can, on occasion, pay bills from anywhere in the world, but it is better to do this in advance. You can also leave a statement with your housing office so that your rent can be recalculated due to your absence. Just don’t forget tickets, receipts and other evidence that you were not in the apartment.
  • Complete all your work tasks, if you don’t want to hear the voice of your superiors while lying on a sun lounger on the seashore.
  • Get your home in order(including washing clothes in a basket). So that when you return from vacation, you don’t have to clean up.
  • Check the refrigerator. It is better to give away all perishable products.
  • Make an agreement with relatives(friends or neighbors) so that one of them waters your flowers and feeds the cat. If you don’t have an agreement with anyone, you can buy a watering machine and take the cat to a hotel for animals or to stay with friends for a while.
  • Take care of protecting your apartment while you are away. The ideal option is an alarm system, but it would be nice to agree with your neighbors so that they keep an eye on your house and at the same time get your mail. Just in case, try not to talk too much about your departure (neither to friends, nor on social sites), close the windows tightly, and take the most valuable things and money for safekeeping with relatives or in a safe deposit box.
  • It is worth taking into account force majeure cases- flood, fire, etc. Therefore, leave the keys to the apartment to those neighbors you trust in this case.

Also don't forget:

  • Get vaccinated, if you are going to an exotic country.
  • Learn about safety precautions in this country. And at the same time about what can be imported and exported, and what is prohibited by law.
  • Check all electrical appliances, electricity, gas, water before leaving. You can even turn off the electricity completely if you want to play it safe.
  • Charge the phone, laptop, e-book.
  • Put money on your phone and inquire about roaming.
  • Get a manicure, pedicure, hair removal.
  • Place all documents in a bag(not under a heap of things at the bottom of the suitcase).
  • Leave your relatives with your coordinates.
  • Write down phone numbers of organizations, which you can contact in case of force majeure while on vacation.
  • Collect information about places, which you want to visit, and about places where it is better not to go.

Don’t forget to take documents and money on vacation - add everything you need to the list

Regarding documents, don't forget to make photocopies of them– There’s absolutely no point in carrying originals with you to the beach. But you can stick it on the folder with the originals (just in case) a sticker with your coordinates and a promise of reward to the finder.

In addition to your passport, do not forget:

  • The ticket itself and all the papers/directories from travel agencies.
  • Cash, plastic cards.
  • Insurance.
  • Doctor's prescriptions if you require special medications.
  • Train/plane tickets.
  • Driver license if available (in case you want to rent a car).
  • If your baby is traveling with you, his birth certificate with citizenship stamp and permission from the second parent.
  • Hotel reservation.

What medications to take on vacation - a travel first aid kit for all occasions

You can't do without a first aid kit on vacation. Of course, it’s good if it’s not needed, but it’s impossible to predict everything.

What should I put in it?

  • Adsorbents(enterosgel, act/coal, smecta, etc.).
  • Analgesics and antispasmodics.
  • Remedies for fever, colds, burns and allergies.
  • Antibiotics.
  • Anti-diarrhea medications, bloating.
  • Corn and regular plasters, iodine, bandages, hydrogen peroxide.
  • Itching relievers from insect bites.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Anti-nausea pills and laxatives.
  • Cardiovascular drugs.
  • Enzyme products(mezim, festal, etc.).

What to take on a trip - list of hygiene items and cosmetics

As for cosmetics, each girl decides individually what she might need on vacation. In addition to decorative cosmetics (preferably protecting against UV rays), you should not forget:

  • Disinfectants.
  • Products for feminine hygiene.
  • Napkins, cotton pads.
  • Special foot cream, which will relieve fatigue after excursion trips.
  • Perfume/deodorant, brush paste, shampoo, etc.
  • Thermal water.

Adding tech accessories and electronics to the list of what to take on a trip

In our time, we cannot do without technology. Therefore, do not forget:

  • Phone and its charger.
  • Camera (+ charging, + clean memory cards).
  • Laptop + charger.
  • Navigator.
  • Flashlight with batteries.
  • Electronic book.
  • Adapter for sockets.

List of things to do at sea - don’t forget to take beach accessories on vacation

For a holiday on the beach we fold separately:

  • Swimsuit (preferably 2) and flip-flops.
  • Panama hat and sunglasses.
  • Sunscreens.
  • Insect repellents.
  • Beach mat or air mattress.
  • Beach bag.
  • Things that will brighten up your beach holiday(crosswords, book, knitting, player, etc.).

What extra things to take on a trip?

Well, you may additionally need:

  • Comfortable shoes for excursions.
  • Clothes for every occasion(go out into the world, climb mountains, lie in bed in the room).
  • Dictionary/phrase book.
  • Umbrella.
  • An inflatable pillow for the road.
  • A small cosmetic bag for small items(tokens, batteries, etc.).
  • A bag for souvenirs/new items.

And most importantly, don’t forget to leave all your fatigue, problems and grievances at home. Just take it on vacation positive and good mood!

When the long-awaited date is finally approaching, it’s time to think about what to take with you on vacation at sea? A list of the most necessary things you will need on vacation. In order not to forget anything, it is best to start packing your suitcases in advance, so that at the last moment you do not rush headlong in search of missing things, or even worse, run to the store. We hope our list will help you pack your suitcase for your trip without any hassle, and most importantly, don’t forget to take a good mood!


The top things on your list are passports and money. Everything else can be bought, but without a passport or money, your vacation will be hopelessly ruined.

Without documents, your vacation can be ruined already at the airport (it’s good if in your own country), so passports and money should always be in your area of ​​attention, not only during preparations, but throughout the entire vacation. Therefore, let's start with the main thing:

  • Passports (check the validity in advance, at least 6 months from the date of entry into the destination country);
  • Photocopies of documents (in case of loss and so as not to carry the originals with you);
  • Tickets (train or plane);
  • Vouchers (agreement with a travel agency);
  • Driver's license (yours and his, in case you want to rent a car);
  • Bank cards and money;
  • Medical policy (insurance).

It is better to break the money into several parts and divide it among family members, and one bank card can be put in your luggage. In this case, if you lose your wallet, you will not be left penniless. Remember that a bank card placed in luggage must have a chip code so that no one can use it if it is lost.

What to take with you on vacation at sea: a list of clothes

The most difficult thing about packing a suitcase is choosing clothes. We love to take our entire wardrobe with us and by any means convince ourselves that everything will be useful. In fact, no one except your other half will appreciate your outfits, and he has already seen it all. Therefore, we recommend taking clothes at the rate of one outfit for 2 days.

For a standard 7-10 day seaside holiday, we recommend that you include the following items.

List for women and girls

  • Swimsuit 1-2 pcs.;
  • Pareo, tunic - one at a time;
  • Skirts (short and long), shorts – 1 piece each;
  • Jeans or trousers – 1 pc.;
  • T-shirts, T-shirts – 3-4 pcs.;
  • Blouse (dressy) – 1 pc.;
  • Dress (cocktail) – 1 piece;
  • Briefs - 1 pc. for a day;
  • Bra - 2 pcs.;
  • Night pajamas - 1 piece;
  • Sandals - 1-2 pcs. (including elegant ones);
  • Sandals without heels or ballet shoes 1-2 pairs;
  • Beach slippers or flip flops 1 pair;
  • Warm blouse, cardigan or windbreaker (for the evening) 1 pc.;
  • A light shirt with sleeves (in case you get sunburned), or better yet, sunscreen – 2 pcs. (to have enough);
  • Sports pants/breeches (or tracksuit) - 1 pc.;
  • Headdress (1-2 pcs.).

A sports outfit may come in handy on some excursions and for morning wars for a place in the sun, when you need to throw a towel on a sunbed by the sea at 7:30 in the morning :).

When choosing clothes, preference should be given to light-colored fabrics made from natural threads, either linen, or preferably cotton. In such clothes you will feel comfortable and not burn from the heat, because they “breathe” and allow air to pass through well.

List for men

  • Light trousers (for walking in a hotel, on excursions, around the city) – 2 pcs.;
  • Classic trousers (to go to a restaurant or to an evening program at the hotel) – 1 pc.;
  • Shorts - 2 pcs.;
  • Swimming trunks – 2 pcs.;
  • T-shirts and T-shirts, 0.75 pcs. for a day;
  • Light shirt - 2 pcs.;
  • Socks 3-4 pairs;
  • Briefs – 1 pc. for a day;
  • Sandals - 1 pc.;
  • Slates - 1 piece;
  • Summer shoes 1 pc.;
  • Headdress 1 pc.

It is also better to take men's clothing from natural, light-colored fabrics. A dark shirt can be useful for going to a party or disco. During the day at sea under the hot rays of the sun, it will be useful to you only if you are traveling to cold countries.

What to take with you on a seaside holiday: a list for a child

  • T-shirts 1.5 pcs. per day (getting 2 dirty during the day is not a problem for a child);
  • Shorts, skirts;
  • Socks;
  • Cap or Panama hat (2 pcs.);
  • 2 swimsuits (one to dry, the other to swim in);
  • Cotton clothing with long sleeves (in case the child gets sunburned);
  • Clothes for the evening;
  • Warm clothes (if you are not traveling during the hot season);
  • Sandals;
  • Sneakers for excursions;
  • Pencils, notebook, coloring books, etc. (what to do with a child on the road);
  • Armbands for the pool (if you can’t swim);
  • What other things will be useful for a child at sea?

Let's make a small useful aside about how you can ergonomically pack things in a suitcase. For this you will need vacuum bags and a vacuum cleaner. Please note that you will also need to return the vacuum cleaner during packing. Otherwise, you simply won’t be able to stuff all your clothes into your suitcase.

"Women things"

In order not to lose face at the evening outing into the spotlight of the all-inclusive restaurant, do not forget to take with you:

  • Beach bag – 1 pc.;
  • Clutch – 1 piece;
  • Beads;
  • Earrings;
  • Belts;
  • The scarf is light;
  • Sunglasses (for yourself and for him);
  • Hairpins, elastic bands, bobby pins, etc.;
  • Sewing kit;
  • Hair curling iron (if needed);
  • Foam sponges.


  • Day moisturizer in the morning;
  • Light caring shine in the morning too;
  • Sunscreen for body;
  • After-sun cream or body lotion;
  • Foam sponges;
  • Night cream;
  • Milk and tonic;
  • Beautiful lipstick in the evening;
  • Mattifying powder, preferably loose;
  • A small palette of shadows;
  • The mascara is simple and waterproof;
  • Waterproof cosmetic remover;
  • Eye and lip pencil;
  • Nail polish (2-3 types are possible);
  • Nail polish remover;
  • Favorite perfume;
  • Manicure set;
  • Paper handkerchiefs;
  • Cotton swabs and disks;
  • Wet wipes.

Hygiene products

For woman

  • Shampoo and hair conditioner (hotel shampoos are usually of poor quality);
  • Comb – 3 pcs. (massage, simple and for him);
  • Shower gel;
  • Body cream;
  • Deodorant;
  • Soap;
  • Antibacterial hand liquid (useful for the whole family on walks)
  • washcloth;
  • Toothpaste and brush 2 pcs each (for yourself and for him);
  • Machine for shaving;
  • Pedicure set;
  • Hand and foot cream;
  • Do not forget about critical days;
  • Beach towel 2 pcs. (if not provided by the hotel);
  • Pregnancy contraception (if needed).

For a man

  • Shaving gel or foam;
  • A shaving machine, maybe a pack, i.e. 5 pieces.;
  • After shave balm;
  • Shower gel;
  • Soap;
  • washcloth;
  • Perfume;
  • Deodorant;
  • Condoms (if needed);
  • Toothpicks or dental floss.

What to take with you on vacation at sea: list of medications

We have already written about what should be included in a tourist’s first aid kit, so we will limit ourselves only to the types of medications that should be on hand on vacation:

  • thermometer;
  • painkillers;
  • from poisoning;
  • on temperature (just in case, climate change);
  • from burns;
  • from allergies;
  • from thrush;
  • iodine patch;
  • from the throat.

Equipment and more

In the bustle of collecting clothes, cosmetics and hygiene, do not forget about the most important thing - a camera or a smartphone with a camera. After all, it is thanks to these technical creations that later there will be something to remember and show to friends at work.

The same goes for Russian-language books, which, oh, how you will miss them on the beach. So we suggest adding these devices and ideas (sometimes a little crazy) to your list.

  • Books on vacation;
  • Coffee (not everywhere it is like at home);
  • Umbrella or plastic raincoat (if there is a chance of rain);
  • Plastic hangers (for clothes);
  • Plastic box for food (you can take a snack on the plane and carry fresh fruit to the beach);
  • Spare car keys (if you leave them at the airport);
  • Pyrocheny knife (never superfluous);
  • Children's toys for the beach (you can always buy them on the spot);
  • A camera or camera (both are possible);
  • Monopod (stick) for selfie (if necessary);
  • Tripod for camera;
  • Charger for the camera (camera);
  • Cell phones;
  • Chargers for phones;
  • Memory card (one more, in case it’s not enough);
  • Flash drive, preferably 16 or 32 GB (larger);
  • Laptop, netbook or tablet;
  • MP-3 player;
  • Iron (usually available at the hotel, but you never know);
  • Small kettle (if the hotel is not all inclusive)
  • Hairdryer (if not provided in the hotel room);
  • Tourist SIM card;
  • Fumigator (from mosquitoes and other insects);
  • Multicooker (if you plan to cook yourself or have special dietary requirements).

If you get creative with packing and packing, you can fit much more into one suitcase than you might imagine.

Useful things

On vacation, you can finally do those things that you didn’t get around to during everyday work. For example, finish reading a book and take it to the beach or take a cuticle care course and take nail oil with you. Think about what you can do usefully on vacation and take the right thing with myself.

If you don't want to read in bright sunlight, you can take an audiobook that you can listen to through your MP3 player. If you are a writer, on vacation you will probably be inspired to finish a story you started or resume writing in your diary. By the way, vacation is great for sports.

Physical activity is necessary if you do not want to return from vacation with extra pounds. But I somehow don’t want to burden myself with exercises during the holidays. Although, if you turn it into an exciting game, why not? You can buy a pedometer and record how many steps you take every day.

While walking, you will simultaneously be doing something useful - strengthening the muscles of your legs and buttocks. Also, make it a rule before breakfast to do as many push-ups as you can - by the end of the vacation you will notice that the initial number of push-ups has increased several times, and the muscles in your arms have visually tightened.

Cock everything again

That pile of outfits that you mercilessly shoved into your travel bag was in vain not carefully inventoried. You brought half of your things back without even unpacking them, and besides, during your vacation you acquired a couple more outfits, which you wore throughout your vacation. In the photo you can see how you constantly wear the same T-shirt and shorts.

The question is: what should you take on vacation? Why take a lot of things if you still won’t wear even half of the wardrobe you took with you? Pack only the most necessary things: a swimsuit, a beach tunic, a cap or hat, shorts, several T-shirts, a couple of sundresses and sandals in which you can go to a restaurant.

You should not take too many clothes with you, because you will spend most of the time without them - swimming in the sea, lying by the pool, walking along the beach.

Cosmetics – should I take it or not?

Imagine that your skin constantly endures a ton of cosmetics. Even if you only use powder and mascara, vacation is the period when you can completely give up makeup. You won't stand out too much from other girls, since most ladies don't wear makeup on vacation.

You need to moisturize your skin even on vacation, so you can put your favorite cream in your bag. It’s also advisable not to forget your eyebrow tweezers, otherwise an extra hair that suddenly appears will ruin your mood for a long time, and this way you’ll be fully armed. The most important cosmetic product that you should take care of first is sunscreen.

Smear it as often as possible, it will simultaneously moisturize the skin and create protection from ultraviolet rays. It has been proven that a beautiful and even tan can only be obtained with the use of special products. Keep this in mind when you are planning to go on vacation.

Even if you haven’t thought about what you need to take on vacation and you don’t have some important item in your travel bag, don’t worry! Almost any thing can be purchased on vacation, unless, of course, you went on vacation desert island. We wish you a great rest and time with benefit for the whole body!

What to take with you on vacation at sea: list

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We're leaving in five minutes! Did you take your panties? What about towels? One, two, three... where is the seventh suitcase? I don’t remember, but did I take a hairdryer?...

Getting ready for a trip is a very exciting and nervous moment for the vast majority of people. I myself often, already at the entrance to the airport, ask myself: “So, did I take everything? Did you forget something important? It is difficult to somehow simplify or smooth out this moment, because it is human nature to worry and get nervous before a change of environment.

So, here are my personal top 5 things to take with you on a trip:

  1. First aid kit. Be sure to take the necessary supply of medications with you. Especially if you are traveling to another country. It is clear that you will not find our usual medicines in a foreign pharmacy. Thinking to yourself: “I hope it won’t be useful, but I’ll take it anyway” - put:

Cold remedies. Antipyretic, nasal drops, throat spray, cough syrup. It is also advisable to have an electronic thermometer (I advise you not to mess with beating mercury thermometers on the road);

Antihistamine. Even if you are not allergic, you should take a few tablets just in case. Who knows how your body will behave in an unusual climate, surrounded by strange plants and animals;

Remedies for poisoning. I don’t know if I, not being a doctor, can advise any medications. Still, I’ll risk writing: Smecta and Phosphalugel are drugs that help cope with gastrointestinal disorders quite well.

Painkiller. Some pills that will help overcome headaches, toothaches or other pain;

Antiseptic, plasters and bandage. In general, something that can be useful in case of cuts, bruises and other troubles.

I will add that when heading to another country, be sure to get yourself insurance. Even if local legislation does not require it. It is better to pay a couple of thousand rubles for insurance than, if something happens, to shell out huge amounts of money for treatment in a foreign land.

  1. Clothes for different occasions. Don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating that you take your entire wardrobe with you on vacation!

If you are traveling to a hot country, take a sweatshirt or windbreaker with you just in case. Weather is an unpredictable creature. And evenings in the south can sometimes be cool;

If you are traveling to a cold country, take a swimsuit or swim trunks. What if your hotel has a swimming pool? Or will there be an opportunity to go to the sauna? It will take up little space in your suitcase, and there will obviously be no advantage because of this;

I strongly advise you to take a pair of closed, comfortable shoes with you. Even if you are traveling to southern resort, where you plan to wear sandals and flip-flops everywhere. It is more comfortable and safer to walk for long periods in closed shoes. hiking. Especially when it comes to climbing mountains or crossing forested areas;

Just in case, let me remind you about the need to take hats to hot countries. Caps, hats - whatever. During the day in the sun, try not to take them off to avoid sunstroke.

  1. Sunscreens. Of course, you can easily buy them upon arrival. But in Russia you can native language Explain to the seller what you need. And again, receive answers in your own language.

I don't recommend buying the spray. According to my observations, it is less effective. Better cream;

I recommend buying two products. One with protection "50" or more. Upon arrival, first (the first couple of days) use it. The second is weaker, for example, “15” or “30”. When the body more or less adapts to the scorching rays, you can safely switch to it;

Don’t skimp and buy a quality product, not the cheapest one. It is better to purchase it at a pharmacy or a specialized cosmetics store. You should not buy sunscreen from a supermarket or similar place. My opinion is that it’s better for people to tell me after a vacation: “Why aren’t you tanned?” than: “Damn you’re red!”;

Please ensure that the cream is waterproof. It is much easier to apply cream in the morning before leaving the hotel and calmly swim and sunbathe all day than to wipe yourself off with cream every time after leaving the water;

Ask the seller if the cream can be applied to the face. You should not take a product that is only applicable to the body. If you smear it on your face, there may be an unpleasant reaction, such as redness or a rash.

  1. I highly recommend taking it with you electric shoe dryer(you know, that kind of mechanism that consists of a wire and two things that are stuffed into shoes). This thing is very compact. At the same time, it is really ideal for drying boots that are soaking wet overnight. After all, even in the south there is a chance of getting caught in tropical rain.
  1. If you are traveling abroad, I advise you to exchange rubles for foreign currency in Russia. As practice shows, we do this more profitably and easier. I recommend taking enough local currency to cover your vacation. If you use a bank card abroad, rubles will be converted into local currency at the most unfavorable rate. In addition, it will be very problematic, if not impossible, to find your bank’s terminal in another country. And, as you know, when withdrawing cash from other people’s ATMs, a commission is charged. All of these are absolutely pointless expenses that can easily be avoided. And, by the way, before your trip, be sure to notify your bank that you are leaving. There are cases when a card is blocked when a person starts using it outside of Russia.


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