What things are needed on vacation? What to take to the sea: a list of the most necessary things. What to exclude from the list of things “at sea”

Summer is vacation time and school holidays. Right now, many are thinking about trips to the seaside or are already actively packing their bags. The process of packing things for a long trip is always stressful. What to take on a seaside holiday? How not to forget anything important from clothes, medicines and household items? What might a child need on vacation? You will find answers to all these questions in this article.

Try to start collecting the necessary things in advance. Sometimes things to take to the sea, can simply fly out of your head. To make sure you don’t forget anything, you should make a list of the things you need. It is unlikely that you will remember all the necessary little things as soon as you take a piece of paper and a pen. It’s best to think about the things you need for a trip periodically over several days - this way you can gradually add new items to your list and definitely won’t miss anything important.

Once you have made a list, review it carefully. Perhaps some things there will be superfluous and can be crossed out. You shouldn't take several large suitcases with you if you're only going away for a couple of weeks. Moreover, if you suddenly forget an extra swimsuit, sunscreen or antibiotics, most of the necessary things can be bought right on the spot.

What should a woman take to the sea?

That's all the most necessary things to take to the sea:

  1. Sunscreen is essential when on vacation. Even if you are not going to sunbathe all day on the beach, your skin should be protected from bright sun. This is especially important in the first days of rest. If you want a good tan, it's best to take several creams with different sun protection factors, starting with the highest protection and gradually moving down to the lower ones.
  2. You should also take a minimum set of medications with you. IN emergency situations There may not be a pharmacy nearby. In addition, if you are traveling abroad, many medications may only be available with a prescription. In these cases, a travel first aid kit will help. There must be painkillers, cold remedies, antiseptics and plasters.
  3. Of course, you need to take a swimsuit on vacation. It’s even better to take two - often the climate in the south is humid and things take a long time to dry. It's always a good idea to have a spare dry swimsuit with you.
  4. For the beach you will also need comfortable flip-flops, a Panama hat, a towel, sunglasses and a beach bag. It might be worth packing a couple of books that you can read on the beach while you sunbathe.
  5. Take lightweight clothing that doesn't wrinkle and doesn't take up much space. Usually these are shorts, T-shirts and sundresses. If you are going to restaurants and parties, take a couple of dressy dresses.
  6. It is worth taking with you the shampoo, face wash and moisturizer that you usually use. On vacation, skin and hair need special care, because exposure to heat, bright sun and sea water is not very beneficial for them. Decorative cosmetics, on the contrary, should be taken in small quantities.
  7. You will also need a small manicure kit. A nail can break unexpectedly, so it’s always a good idea to have a nail file and strengthening nail polish with you.

These are the basic things you will need during a holiday at sea. Most likely, your list will turn out a little different - it should be based on your individual needs and the characteristics of the place where you are going.

What clothes should you take to the sea?

What you should definitely take to the sea? Of course, the bulk of the suitcase will be taken up by clothes. However, very often we take more things than we have time to put on. On vacation, just a few sets of light clothing and comfortable shoes will be enough. Shorts, T-shirts, sundresses and sandals are suitable for almost any situation.

Try to ensure that your vacation clothes are not only beautiful, but also comfortable and versatile. Make sure that you feel comfortable not only at sea, but also on the road - on a train, bus or plane.

To choose the right clothes for leisure, use the following tips:

  • Try to choose clothes made from natural fabrics such as cotton and linen. In hot weather, synthetic items will not be very comfortable; they can even cause irritation on the skin.
  • Choose clothes in light colors - they will be less hot during the day.
  • Be sure to bring at least one lightweight, long-sleeve shirt. If you receive sunburn or simply want to avoid too much sun, you will find it comfortable to wear covered clothing. It is not always possible to apply sunscreen evenly to all areas of the skin. In addition, it needs to be applied regularly, so to avoid tanning, light, closed clothing will be a better option.
  • Try not to bring new shoes with you. Take only those sandals and shoes that you feel comfortable walking in.
  • If your beach has pebbles, you should take special swimming slippers. This way you don't risk stepping on sea ​​urchin or cut your leg off on a sharp stone. In addition, walking along the beach in slippers will be much more pleasant.
  • To make your tan as even as possible, take two separate swimsuits of different styles and alternate them. It would be good if the top straps of swimsuits could be easily removed.
  • Take a hat or Panama hat to protect yourself from the hot sun.
  • If you are planning excursions to the mountains, it is worth taking comfortable sneakers and a jacket with you - in the mountains the temperature is usually much colder.

What medications should you take at sea?

On any long trip you need to take a travel first aid kit. Some medications may be needed urgently on vacation, some will be more expensive in local pharmacies, and some are not available at all without a doctor’s prescription. It's better to play it safe and take everything you need with you.

Make sure your travel first aid kit contains the following medications:

  • Antipyretics. They are necessary in case you catch a cold. To prevent illness from ruining your vacation, you should definitely have them in your first aid kit. It will be more convenient to use them in the form of tablets, however, if you have a kettle in your hotel, you can also take popular bags with different flavors.
  • Tablets for sore throat are also often needed for summer vacation. Usually, the throat starts to hurt from the temperature contrast - hot weather outside, cold sea water and rooms with working air conditioners contribute to the development of bacteria.
  • During sea ​​holiday you may need anti-poisoning and stomach pain remedies. Unusual food, even if it is of high quality, often causes digestive problems during vacation.
  • It is worth taking skin care products after burns. If you've spent too much time in the sun, these medications will help minimize the effects.
  • Take repellents and ointments to treat insect bites. If you plan to spend a lot of time outdoors, you may need them.
  • Take allergy medications. Even if you don't suffer from allergy symptoms at home, you may be allergic to flowering plants or new foods in a new place.
  • On the road, antiseptics for wounds and abrasions can be useful. This could be ordinary iodine, brilliant green, or more modern means. In addition, you should definitely take a set of plasters.
  • Take the pain pills you usually take - they can help you in many situations.

People suffering from chronic illnesses should take the medications they usually take at home. If you are registering health insurance During your vacation, carefully read what is included in it. If you have a mild cold or digestive problems, it may be easier to treat it yourself rather than calling a doctor. Therefore, try to ensure that your first aid kit has everything you need.

What's up Is it possible to take a child to the sea?

When traveling with a child, you need to take into account his needs. The most difficult thing will be to collect things for small children, and the list of things for a school-age child will be almost the same as yours.

If you are packing things for a child, you can use the following tips:

  • Bring motion sickness remedies that you may need when traveling by car, bus, or plane. You may also need lozenges on the plane to prevent ear pain.
  • Think about how to entertain your child. If he gets bored on the road, he will be capricious - so it is important to take care of what to do with your child in advance. The necessary things will depend on his hobbies - books, magazines, sketchbooks or mobile phone games are suitable. You can take a few of your favorite toys.
  • It is important to ensure that the child has comfortable shoes, as well as light clothing with long sleeves.

  • Children most often get sunburned on vacation. You need a cream with a high sun protection factor to avoid this. In addition, do not forget to regularly apply the cream to your baby's skin.
  • Sunglasses and a bucket hat are especially important for children to protect their eyes from the sun.
  • If the child does not yet know how to swim, you should take an inflatable vest, mattress or arm pads with you.
  • Children are most susceptible to allergies, so be sure to take pills that relieve the main symptoms. Your child may also need the same medications for colds and poisoning that you take for yourself.
  • Children on vacation may especially need remedies for bruises, abrasions and calluses. Just in case, take extra plasters and bandages with you.

What should you take on a trip abroad?

Traveling abroad sometimes requires special preparations. If you are traveling to another country, you should pay special attention to fees. Here are some recommendations to help you get ready for a long journey:

  • A pocket dictionary is always useful abroad. Sometimes the staff doesn't understand English well, and sometimes it's just nice to immerse yourself in the local flavor and try to communicate in the local language. A small travel dictionary will help even in cases where the Internet does not work.
  • Find out if the country you're traveling to requires an adapter for chargers for your phone, laptop, or other equipment. Adapters are much cheaper in Russian electronics stores than in tourist shops.
  • Make sure you take everything Required documents for a child. When traveling abroad with one of the parents, a notarized consent from the other parent will be required.
  • Many medications that can be easily purchased in our pharmacy are sold abroad only with a doctor’s prescription. Therefore, you should pay special attention to the list of medications for the trip.
  • If you smoke, it may be worth taking cigarettes with you - in some countries they are much more expensive than in Russia.

Most often people travel abroad by plane. If you have a long flight, make sure you are comfortable on the plane and at the airport. An inflatable pillow, moisturizer and slippers can help with this. hand luggage.

When going abroad, think about how much money you will need and how best to carry it. In some countries it is customary to pay in cash, and in others - by credit and debit cards. In any case, it is better to play it safe in advance so as not to be left without money in a foreign country:

  • It’s better to immediately exchange cash for local currency - you may need something already at the airport or on the way from the airport to the hotel.
  • Just in case, take a few credit cards. Sometimes the bank regards transactions carried out abroad as suspicious and blocks the cards.

How to place things in a suitcase?

The hardest thing is to place everything you need to take on a seaside holiday, in a suitcase. If you have a lot of items, check with your airline or other carriers in advance to see how much free baggage you can carry on your ticket. If you chose cheap tickets, you may find that you will have to pay an additional fee for heavy and bulky suitcases. However, if you have correctly compiled a list of things, you will see that there are very few truly necessary items for the trip.

Let's look at how to properly place things in a suitcase:

  • Clothes will most likely take up the most space. If you're carrying any fragile items, such as a bottle of perfume or a baby doll, it's best to place them in the center and wrap them in clothing.
  • Heavy items should be placed at the bottom of the suitcase, and lighter items at the top.
  • To begin, lay out bulky items. You can always place medicines, shoes and other small items on the sides or in additional pockets.
  • Choose the right suitcase for the volume of things you have - they should fit well and tightly into it. If there are too many things, the zipper of the suitcase may come apart. If there are too few of them, they will fall inside the suitcase - this is how fragile things can break, and cosmetics and medicines can spill out of bottles.
  • It is better to always carry documents in your bag - do not leave them in your luggage. If your luggage suddenly gets lost, it will be difficult for you to settle in a new place without documents.
  • Divide the money into small parts and put them in different places: in your pockets, in your bag, in your suitcase. This way, if your wallet is stolen or if you lose your suitcase, you will still have at least some of the money.

When you're not sure what to take to the sea, list necessary things will help you navigate. When packing your bags for a trip to the sea, it’s worth finding out in advance what amenities your hotel provides, how long the journey will take, and what places you want to visit. Also, do not forget to consider your individual needs when choosing cosmetics and medications. If you think through the list of things you need for the trip in advance, you will be able to pack everything you need into one small suitcase and will feel comfortable on vacation.

Video: What to take to the sea?

The long-awaited vacation is ahead, it's time to pack your bags. You will learn how to do this correctly and what you need to take on vacation in this article.

Before you start packing, check the prices in the area where you will go on vacation. It is possible that it will be irrational to bring some things; it will be easier to buy them on vacation. You can easily find information about prices on the Internet or your travel agent will kindly tell you about them. And now we offer a list of what you must take on vacation.

The most important

  • We take documents first. Don’t forget about your voucher, passport, vouchers for accommodation and transfer, driver’s license, tickets. Check that you have all the documents 7 times, only then put them in your bag.
  • Money. It is convenient to have not only an account on a card, but also cash. To avoid an awkward moment, change a couple of large bills in advance for a tip.
  • Means of communication. Mobile phone (think about the card in advance: use a local one or buy it at a travel agency) and a charger. If you have a long journey ahead, it is convenient to take a laptop or tablet. Write a couple there interesting films and enjoy the trip.
  • Medicines. Insure yourself against unfavorable situations related to your health. The first aid kit should contain an antipyretic, a medicine for a sore throat and a cold, a medicine for an upset stomach, pills for headaches and motion sickness, brilliant green, iodine, a bandage, a bactericidal patch and insect repellent. Other drugs are at your discretion.

For personal use

  • Cloth. Don't take too many things. If you are going to be active and beach holiday, we take with us T-shirts, shorts, sandals, caps, and a swimsuit. For evenings (restaurants, clubs), bring a few evening dresses (or a shirt and trousers if you are a man).
  • Personal care products and cosmetics. Not all hotels offer a set of cosmetics, so you should take care of toothpaste, brush, shampoo, deodorant, and shower gel. Bring sunscreen and decorative cosmetics with you.

Other things

  • Essential products. They will be needed for active, independent and thrifty tourists. Groceries will save money on vacation if your price does not include lunch and dinner. Canned goods, cookies and snacks are good options.
  • Photo or video equipment. Don't forget to capture the happy moments of your trip.
  • Multifunctional knife. If you fly by plane, do not forget to transfer it from your carry-on luggage to your main luggage.
  • Travel mat, boiler, mug, spoon, plate.

Vacation with a child

Packing a suitcase for a trip is not an easy task, especially if you are traveling with the whole family. In this case, an important question arises about what to take on vacation for the child.

  • One of the main things is a favorite toy. If you forget it, you will initially ruin your vacation.
  • We take panties, T-shirts, and tights in abundance.
  • Baby hygiene products.
  • Several pajamas - light and warm.
  • Shorts, T-shirts, sundresses.
  • Be sure to wear light clothing that covers your body so as not to get sunburned in the first days.
  • Warm clothes for evening walks(sweater, pants).
  • Sun protection hat.
  • A pair of swimsuits.
  • Beach toys (buckets, shovels, balls).
  • Comfortable shoes. At least one pair should be closed in case of rain.
  • Medicines prescribed by your pediatrician.
  • If the child is still very small, do not forget special food for the child, diapers, pacifiers and drinking bowls, and a mosquito net.

We have offered you a list of what you absolutely must take on vacation. Make a list of necessary things in advance. Check that all clothing is comfortable. It must be washed and ironed in advance, Jewelry It’s better to leave them at home (as practice shows, they are often lost). Have a nice holiday and bright impressions!

During the hot season, rest time begins. Anyone planning to soak up the warm sun should not forget the necessary things. We have compiled for you full list things on vacation that you simply need to take with you.


What to take on vacation if you are driving a car or flying by plane to the sea? The list of things to pack for a vacation doesn’t have to be lengthy. You are flying on vacation, but why drag huge suitcases with you? The following clothing options are suitable:

  • T-shirts/undershirts;
  • shorts;
  • jeans;
  • swimming trunks for men;
  • light dress/sundress;
  • warm jacket or sweatshirt;
  • underwear;
  • socks.


Useful accessories include the following:

  • headwear (panama hats, caps, hats);
  • glasses (vision and sunglasses);
  • pareos, scarves, stoles;
  • umbrella.

If a girl wants to do beautiful photos graphics on vacation, it is advisable to think through your images in advance. You can decorate your body with a light pareo. And also add chains, earrings, bracelets and other jewelry to your look.


If the holiday destination is warm, then it is better to take 1-2 pairs of light shoes:

  • slates;
  • sneakers;
  • lightweight sneakers;
  • sandals.


A necessary list of things to take abroad at sea: to Turkey, Egypt, Cyprus or Europe, which will help maintain your hygiene even in the most distant countries:

  • Toothbrush;
  • toothpaste;
  • shampoo;
  • air conditioner;
  • soap;
  • comb;
  • handkerchiefs;
  • wet wipes;
  • deodorant;
  • razor;
  • nutritious cream;
  • sunscreen;
  • tanning product.

First aid kit

The list of things to pack for a seaside holiday abroad, especially with a child, should contain pharmaceuticals that can instantly relieve any pain.

List of medications for vacation at sea:

  • Paracetomol/No-spa/Pentalgin (painkillers);
  • Amoxicillin/Aspirin/Paracetomol (antipyretic);
  • Mezim/Pancreatin/Activated carbon (for better digestion and stomach pain);
  • Smecta/Imodium/Loperamide (against intestinal disorders: vomiting, diarrhea);
  • Nurofen/Citramon/Ibuprofen/Spazmalgon (for headaches);
  • Otrivin/Nazivin/Tantum-Verde/Coldrex/Lazolvan (fight ARVI);
  • Dramamine/Aviamore (against motion sickness in transport);
  • Askofen/Andipal (reduce blood pressure to normal);
  • Telfast/Tavegil/Suprastin/Fenkarol (against allergies);
  • Fenistil (against annoying insects);
  • Nimulid/Ibuprofen/Diclofenac (from bruises and sprains);
  • Panthenol/Ibuprofen (from burns);
  • Novopassit/Persen/Valerian (sedative);
  • Plasters/Bandages;
  • Green pencil/Iodine pencil.

‼People who suffer from chronic diseases, first of all, need to put vital medications in their first aid kit‼


Do you want to take beautiful photos from another country and be always in touch? Don't forget about technology! Here required list things to take on holiday abroad:

  • telephone;
  • phone charger;
  • external battery;
  • headphones;
  • laptop with charger;
  • tablet with charger;
  • mp3 player;
  • camera;
  • memory card for camera;
  • eBook;
  • needles and threads.

Hand luggage

And now the most important thing! A vacation packing list would not be complete without the following items:

  • ordinary passport;
  • foreign passport;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • power of attorney for the child;
  • tickets;
  • debit and credit cards;
  • cash;
  • driver's license;
  • guide.

Useful applications

These programs will help you navigate in any country. Useful travel apps:

  • One Two Trip (tickets);
  • Aviasales (tickets);
  • Maps.me (offline maps that work without the Internet, but you must first download the desired map of the region);

Hurray, this long-awaited day has finally arrived - the first day of vacation, and you can rightfully start getting ready for your trip! However, this is not as simple a matter as it might seem at first glance.

In one novel, I remember, it was described how one millionaire traveled around the world - he did not have huge luggage, he carried with him a small case containing a million dollars, and in each city the first thing he did was go to the store and buy himself everything he needed - from a toothbrush to cognac.

If you do not belong to the glorious cohort of millionaires and are forced to carry everything you need with you, let’s try to pack this most “necessary” so that you don’t forget anything, don’t lose anything, and at the same time don’t collect a whole suitcase of unnecessary things.

Choosing and buying a suitcase

First of all, you need to decide where you will pack your things. Do you have a wonderful, comfortable bag? Forget! It will come in handy when you go to visit your grandmother in the village.

If you are going to a resort where you are going to impress everyone around you with your stunning look, you will need at least a couple of glamorous outfits. And they are unlikely to withstand a long flight in a soft bag without losing quality.

Conclusion - we buy a suitcase . How choose a suitcase? The “correct” suitcase is light enough, but at the same time dense, so that the things in it will not get wrinkled. The metal (preferably steel) handle should be disassembled and removed when you need to roll the suitcase on wheels - instead of a handle, a strong loop is provided for such a case. At the same time, the wheels should not be too small, otherwise they will fly off on the first bump.

First– fabric: this suitcase is lightweight, it is best to take it with you if you are going to travel by train.

Second– plastic: also lightweight, but at the same time holds its shape, and if metal shavings are added to the plastic – even better.

This suitcase will carry perfectly air Transport. There are also leather suitcases, but they are very expensive and also heavy. This option is suitable if you don’t drag it yourself.

What to take with you on vacation?

Let's say your trip lasts two weeks. What to take with you to look decent in any situation? We offer an approximate list of things that will make you feel comfortable:

Two swimsuits – separate and one-piece;
- a pair of sundresses made from wrinkle-resistant fabric;
- shorts or breeches made of light fabric;
- jeans;
- several T-shirts and T-shirts;
- Evening Dress;
- a smart blouse with a smart skirt;
- sweater or jacket (in case of cold weather);
- a long-sleeve shirt made of light translucent fabric (this will come in handy while walking around the city or sightseeing);
- elegant shoes;
- sneakers;
- two pairs of comfortable summer shoes (for example, ballet flats and low-heeled sandals);
- plastic or rubber slippers;
- underwear;
- medications you may need;
- pareo or just a large thin scarf;
- sunglasses;
- sunscreen cosmetics;
- ordinary cosmetics;
- hat or baseball cap.

This is, so to speak, " minimum program" In addition to the items listed, take, for example, a tracksuit if you plan to visit the fitness center at the hotel, or scuba diving equipment if you like this type of recreation.

But we would not recommend taking a beach bag, beach towel, mat and similar things with you. They are cheap, so you can easily buy these accessories on the spot, thereby saving space in your suitcase and getting nice souvenir as a memory of the holiday. By the way, in reputable hotels a beach towel is provided in the room.

Of course, you need to add personal hygiene items to the list.

Follow the list!

The easiest way not to forget anything is to make a list of necessary things in advance, including everything down to the last detail - a pen with a notepad, toothbrush with paste, handkerchiefs, etc.

Try to save this list until the end of the trip - it will help you pack your things before the return trip and nothing Don't forget at the hotel.

Let's pack

Start packing with the most large of things. That's right, these are shoes. Each pair should be placed in a bag and all this wealth should be placed at the bottom of the suitcase.

It is customary to pack clothes like this: Turn inside out, fold the sleeves towards the middle, then fold the item in half and place it in the suitcase. Skirts, shorts, and T-shirts can simply be folded neatly in half.

Anything that does not wrinkle can generally be rolled up with a tight roller and shoved around free seats. You can fill the remaining gaps with all sorts of little things: socks and underwear, jewelry and hygiene items, napkins and combs will go here...

Of course, an evening dress requires more care, so it needs to be carefully folded and placed on top of everything else.

If the hotel does not have the opportunity to use an iron, don’t worry, just hang your clothes on hangers over a bathtub filled with hot water. In half an hour or an hour they will be as if ironed.

What should you take besides a suitcase?

Every woman knows: to feel comfortable on the road, you need to have on hand a small bag with things that you may need at any time. Therefore, what will go into the suitcase is what can be safely checked in as luggage, and in this handbag you will put the following:

- comb;
- cosmetics and mirror;
- wet and dry wipes;
- deodorant;
- medicines;
- book or magazine;
- camera;
- products;
- drinking water.

Of course, all our advice is approximate and conditional; you yourself must choose from them what suits you and make your own list.

When the long-awaited date is finally approaching, it’s time to think about what to take with you on vacation at sea? A list of the most necessary things you will need on vacation. In order not to forget anything, it is best to start packing your suitcases in advance, so that at the last moment you do not rush headlong in search of missing things, or even worse, run to the store. We hope our list will help you pack your suitcase for your trip without any hassle, and most importantly, don’t forget to take a good mood!


The top things on your list are passports and money. Everything else can be bought, but without a passport or money, your vacation will be hopelessly ruined.

Without documents, your vacation can be ruined already at the airport (it’s good if in your own country), so passports and money should always be in your area of ​​attention, not only during preparations, but throughout the entire vacation. Therefore, let's start with the main thing:

  • Passports (check the validity in advance, at least 6 months from the date of entry into the destination country);
  • Photocopies of documents (in case of loss and so as not to carry the originals with you);
  • Tickets (train or plane);
  • Vouchers (agreement with a travel agency);
  • Driver's license (yours and his, in case you want to rent a car);
  • Bank cards and money;
  • Medical policy (insurance).

It is better to break the money into several parts and divide it among family members, and one bank card can be put in your luggage. In this case, if you lose your wallet, you will not be left penniless. Remember that a bank card placed in luggage must have a chip code so that no one can use it if it is lost.

What to take with you on vacation at sea: a list of clothes

The most difficult thing about packing a suitcase is choosing clothes. We love to take our entire wardrobe with us and by any means convince ourselves that everything will be useful. In fact, no one except your other half will appreciate your outfits, and he has already seen it all. Therefore, we recommend taking clothes at the rate of one outfit for 2 days.

For a standard 7-10 day seaside holiday, we recommend that you include the following items.

List for women and girls

  • Swimsuit 1-2 pcs.;
  • Pareo, tunic - one at a time;
  • Skirts (short and long), shorts – 1 piece each;
  • Jeans or trousers – 1 pc.;
  • T-shirts, T-shirts – 3-4 pcs.;
  • Blouse (dressy) – 1 pc.;
  • Dress (cocktail) – 1 piece;
  • Briefs - 1 pc. for a day;
  • Bra - 2 pcs.;
  • Night pajamas - 1 piece;
  • Sandals - 1-2 pcs. (including elegant ones);
  • Sandals without heels or ballet shoes 1-2 pairs;
  • Beach slippers or flip flops 1 pair;
  • Warm blouse, cardigan or windbreaker (for the evening) 1 pc.;
  • A light shirt with sleeves (in case you get sunburned), or better yet, sunscreen – 2 pcs. (to have enough);
  • Sports pants/breeches (or tracksuit) - 1 pc.;
  • Headdress (1-2 pcs.).

A sports outfit may come in handy on some excursions and for morning wars for a place in the sun, when you need to throw a towel on a sunbed by the sea at 7:30 in the morning :).

When choosing clothes, preference should be given to light-colored fabrics made from natural threads, either linen, or preferably cotton. In such clothes you will feel comfortable and not burn from the heat, because they “breathe” and allow air to pass through well.

List for men

  • Light trousers (for walking in a hotel, on excursions, around the city) – 2 pcs.;
  • Classic trousers (to go to a restaurant or to an evening program at the hotel) – 1 pc.;
  • Shorts - 2 pcs.;
  • Swimming trunks – 2 pcs.;
  • T-shirts and T-shirts, 0.75 pcs. for a day;
  • Light shirt - 2 pcs.;
  • Socks 3-4 pairs;
  • Briefs – 1 pc. for a day;
  • Sandals - 1 pc.;
  • Slates - 1 piece;
  • Summer shoes 1 pc.;
  • Headdress 1 pc.

It is also better to take men's clothing from natural, light-colored fabrics. A dark shirt can be useful for going to a party or disco. During the day at sea under the hot rays of the sun, it will be useful to you only if you are traveling to cold countries.

What to take with you on a seaside holiday: a list for a child

  • T-shirts 1.5 pcs. per day (getting 2 dirty during the day is not a problem for a child);
  • Shorts, skirts;
  • Socks;
  • Cap or Panama hat (2 pcs.);
  • 2 swimsuits (one to dry, the other to swim in);
  • Cotton clothing with long sleeves (in case the child gets sunburned);
  • Clothes for the evening;
  • Warm clothes (if you are not traveling during the hot season);
  • Sandals;
  • Sneakers for excursions;
  • Pencils, notebook, coloring books, etc. (what to do with a child on the road);
  • Armbands for the pool (if you can’t swim);
  • What other things will be useful for a child at sea?

Let's make a small useful aside about how you can ergonomically pack things in a suitcase. For this you will need vacuum bags and a vacuum cleaner. Please note that you will also need to return the vacuum cleaner during packing. Otherwise, you simply won’t be able to stuff all your clothes into your suitcase.

"Women things"

In order not to lose face at the evening outing into the spotlight of the all-inclusive restaurant, do not forget to take with you:

  • Beach bag – 1 pc.;
  • Clutch – 1 piece;
  • Beads;
  • Earrings;
  • Belts;
  • The scarf is light;
  • Sunglasses (for yourself and for him);
  • Hairpins, elastic bands, bobby pins, etc.;
  • Sewing kit;
  • Hair curling iron (if needed);
  • Foam sponges.


  • Day moisturizer in the morning;
  • Light caring shine in the morning too;
  • Sunscreen for body;
  • After-sun cream or body lotion;
  • Foam sponges;
  • Night cream;
  • Milk and tonic;
  • Beautiful lipstick in the evening;
  • Mattifying powder, preferably loose;
  • A small palette of shadows;
  • The mascara is simple and waterproof;
  • Waterproof cosmetic remover;
  • Eye and lip pencil;
  • Nail polish (2-3 types are possible);
  • Nail polish remover;
  • Favorite perfume;
  • Manicure set;
  • Paper handkerchiefs;
  • Cotton swabs and disks;
  • Wet wipes.

Hygiene products

For woman

  • Shampoo and hair conditioner (hotel shampoos are usually of poor quality);
  • Comb – 3 pcs. (massage, simple and for him);
  • Shower gel;
  • Body cream;
  • Deodorant;
  • Soap;
  • Antibacterial hand liquid (useful for the whole family on walks)
  • washcloth;
  • Toothpaste and brush 2 pcs each (for yourself and for him);
  • Machine for shaving;
  • Pedicure set;
  • Hand and foot cream;
  • Do not forget about critical days;
  • Beach towel 2 pcs. (if not provided by the hotel);
  • Pregnancy contraception (if needed).

For a man

  • Shaving gel or foam;
  • A shaving machine, maybe a pack, i.e. 5 pieces.;
  • After shave balm;
  • Shower gel;
  • Soap;
  • washcloth;
  • Perfume;
  • Deodorant;
  • Condoms (if needed);
  • Toothpicks or dental floss.

What to take with you on vacation at sea: list of medications

We have already written about what should be included in a tourist’s first aid kit, so we will limit ourselves only to the types of medications that should be on hand on vacation:

  • thermometer;
  • painkillers;
  • from poisoning;
  • on temperature (just in case, climate change);
  • from burns;
  • from allergies;
  • from thrush;
  • iodine patch;
  • from the throat.

Equipment and more

In the bustle of collecting clothes, cosmetics and hygiene, do not forget about the most important thing - a camera or a smartphone with a camera. After all, it is thanks to these technical creations that later there will be something to remember and show to friends at work.

The same goes for Russian-language books, which, oh, how you will miss them on the beach. So we suggest adding these devices and ideas (sometimes a little crazy) to your list.

  • Books on vacation;
  • Coffee (not everywhere it is like at home);
  • Umbrella or plastic raincoat (if there is a chance of rain);
  • Plastic hangers (for clothes);
  • Plastic box for food (you can take a snack on the plane and carry fresh fruit to the beach);
  • Spare car keys (if you leave them at the airport);
  • Pyrocheny knife (never superfluous);
  • Children's toys for the beach (you can always buy them on the spot);
  • A camera or camera (both are possible);
  • Monopod (stick) for selfie (if necessary);
  • Tripod for camera;
  • Charger for the camera (camera);
  • Cell phones;
  • Chargers for phones;
  • Memory card (one more, in case it’s not enough);
  • Flash drive, preferably 16 or 32 GB (larger);
  • Laptop, netbook or tablet;
  • MP-3 player;
  • Iron (usually available at the hotel, but you never know);
  • Small kettle (if the hotel is not all inclusive)
  • Hairdryer (if not provided in the hotel room);
  • Tourist SIM card;
  • Fumigator (from mosquitoes and other insects);
  • Multicooker (if you plan to cook yourself or have special dietary requirements).

If you get creative with packing and packing, you can fit much more into one suitcase than you might imagine.

Useful things

On vacation, you can finally do those things that you didn’t get around to during everyday work. For example, finish reading a book and take it to the beach or take a cuticle care course and take nail oil with you. Think about what you can do usefully on vacation and take the right thing with myself.

If you don't want to read in bright sunlight, you can take an audiobook that you can listen to through your MP3 player. If you are a writer, on vacation you will probably be inspired to finish a story you started or resume writing in your diary. By the way, vacation is great for sports.

Physical activity is necessary if you do not want to return from vacation with extra pounds. But I somehow don’t want to burden myself with exercises during the holidays. Although, if you turn it into an exciting game, why not? You can buy a pedometer and record how many steps you take every day.

While walking, you will simultaneously be doing something useful - strengthening the muscles of your legs and buttocks. Also, make it a rule before breakfast to do as many push-ups as you can - by the end of the vacation you will notice that the initial number of push-ups has increased several times, and the muscles in your arms have visually tightened.

Cock everything again

That pile of outfits that you mercilessly shoved into your travel bag was in vain not carefully inventoried. You brought half of your things back without even unpacking them, and besides, during your vacation you acquired a couple more outfits, which you wore throughout your vacation. In the photo you can see how you constantly wear the same T-shirt and shorts.

The question is: what should you take on vacation? Why take a lot of things if you still won’t wear even half of the wardrobe you took with you? Pack only the most necessary things: a swimsuit, a beach tunic, a cap or hat, shorts, several T-shirts, a couple of sundresses and sandals in which you can go to a restaurant.

You should not take too many clothes with you, because you will spend most of the time without them - swimming in the sea, lying by the pool, walking along the beach.

Cosmetics – should I take it or not?

Imagine that your skin constantly endures a ton of cosmetics. Even if you only use powder and mascara, vacation is the period when you can completely give up makeup. You won't stand out too much from other girls, since most ladies don't wear makeup on vacation.

You need to moisturize your skin even on vacation, so you can put your favorite cream in your bag. It’s also advisable not to forget your eyebrow tweezers, otherwise an extra hair that suddenly appears will ruin your mood for a long time, and this way you’ll be fully armed. The most important cosmetic product that you should take care of first is sunscreen.

Smear it as often as possible, it will simultaneously moisturize the skin and create protection from ultraviolet rays. It has been proven that a beautiful and even tan can only be obtained with the use of special products. Keep this in mind when you are planning to go on vacation.

Even if you haven’t thought about what you need to take on vacation and you don’t have some important item in your travel bag, don’t worry! Almost any thing can be purchased on vacation, unless, of course, you went on vacation desert island. We wish you a great rest and time with benefit for the whole body!

What to take with you on vacation at sea: list


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