Successful rental business. Rental pitfalls that can sink your business. “You don’t need a thing, but only its function”

One of the most popular topics on business forums is daily apartment rentals. This could be an empty granny flat, a house taken on a mortgage, or simply a desire to rent cheaper and sublet at a higher price. As a rule, young people who do not have serious funds to start another business are interested in this topic. Indeed, there is no need for large investments here. But is it so easy to build your own? hotel business? IQR studied the issue.

How to make money on short-term rentals?

Where can I find an apartment for daily rent?

So, initially there is no free apartment. Where can I get it? You have few options:

  • rent someone’s apartment on a monthly basis and sublet it on a daily basis;
  • take out a mortgage;
  • make an object out of your apartment, renting a cheaper one on the outskirts.

This is exactly what Dmitry Filimonov does, who built a business in this area from scratch. He is still far from even thirty. Dmitry came to Yekaterinburg several years ago, got a job from scratch and spent a year gaining experience. Then he took out the first apartment on a mortgage, already knowing that he would rent it out on a daily basis, and he continued to live in the rented apartment. Today he has 3 apartments with a mortgage, from which he has made a mini-hotel chain. The income ranges from 180 to 400 thousand rubles per month, which allows him to freely pay the mortgage, and in a few years he will own a lot of real estate without being encumbered with collateral.

Where to start your rental business?

First you need to thoroughly know the rental market of the selected area. You need to ring up advertisements, walk around apartments, write down prices and understand what they offer. It is better to tell the owner openly that you are looking for an apartment to sublet to avoid problems in the future. Not everyone will agree, but many will be interested, provided that you offer a little above the market price.

Which apartment is suitable for daily rental?

The main thing is the location, it should be convenient, close to the metro, railway station and infrastructure. Clients often arrive from a train station or airport tired; few people want to walk to who knows where.

The apartment itself should be modern and pleasant to look at. That is, either you take initially nice apartment, or you are doing repairs in a “dead” one. “So-so apartment” is the worst option. At the same time, you should not be afraid of “Khrushchev” buildings; they can be renovated quite well.

Naturally, not the first floor - no one will like this. The view from the window is not important, but it’s better not to be in a trash heap. The most important element is the absence of a musty and old smell in the apartment - no one will rent this one.

In terms of area, small two-room apartments (you need to break down the walls) or large one-room apartments are preferable. This is due to the type of clientele.

Short-term rental client - who is he?

Most clients are:

  • young couples;
  • business travelers and businessmen passing through the city;
  • quarreled spouses;
  • tourists.

They can rent an apartment either for a few hours to spend the night or for a couple of weeks. Lots of regular customers. If your apartment is good in price and quality, people will remember the convenient option and come back or recommend it to their friends. Therefore, it is important to unwind, it will be easier later.

How much money do you need to start in this business?

Option 1

Typically, new entrepreneurs start with renting someone else's apartment. This is, at a minimum, a deposit, a month of payment in advance, there may be another 50 to 100% agent fee if you do not find a suitable apartment from the owner. As a rule, no one will allow you to make various changes in the apartment (repairs, change of furniture) if you are renting. The exception is to agree with the owner of the “killed” apartment for partial repairs as payment. In this case, it is necessary to stipulate this point in detail in the contract so as not to lose the investment. For advertising at first, 5 thousand rubles is enough. In general, you can start with an investment of up to 100 thousand rubles.

Option 2

You more money and determination, you take out a mortgage. As a rule, this is a contribution of 30%. Monthly payment may vary, see mortgage calculators. Usually this is one and a half times the rental price of a similar apartment, which means the income should be higher! Therefore, in this option you need to have another source of permanent income; it is not worth recommending to beginners, you can lose money. On the other hand, you get expensive real estate in a few years, having already “recovered” the costs!

In this case, it is best to take a “killed” apartment, perhaps “from under” alcoholics or a grandmother. Such an apartment will be cheaper than the market, and with the right approach you can make good repairs. The cost of repairs may vary. In general terms it is:

  • the cost of dismantling old furniture, plumbing, flooring and other things, plus garbage removal;
  • payment for work;
  • purchase of materials, plumbing and decorative elements;
  • replacement of furniture.

Dmitry manages to sell old furniture on Avito and buy decent, slightly used furniture there for pennies. This takes a lot of time - you need to carefully study the advertisements, call them, go and see them live, but it saves a lot of money. Sometimes there are scratches and chips, in which case it makes sense to contact a restorer and buy covers. However, you can also buy beautiful furniture inexpensively at IKEA.

You can find out more about resolving issues related to repairs on his blog.

How to furnish an apartment for a client?

Apartment for daily rent

First, study a significant array of photographs of beautiful apartments and note for yourself their common features. Typically, this will include the following items:

  • spacious living space - there is no unnecessary furniture or junk, clients love studio-type apartments;
  • the apartment is furnished in a modern style;
  • the design is made in bright colors (under no circumstances should you tear your eyes out, choose colors harmoniously);
  • sterile cleanliness, always clean windows;
  • absence of yellowed plumbing elements, window frames, window sills, etc.;
  • no drips.

What does Dmitry do to make the apartment look “cool” and please the client?:

  • selects a beautiful design;
  • puts large double beds everywhere;
  • pays great attention to detail;
  • Be sure to install a new kitchen with full equipment.

The most important thing is where to get clients?

In the Internet

First, create a business card website. This is a simple site consisting of 1-5 pages. You can google manuals and do it yourself (up to 1000 rubles), you can order it (3-5 thousand) or from a web studio (from 5 thousand). Your phone number and photos of apartments must be visible on the site. Photos must be of good quality, beautiful, and taken in the right lighting. Hire an amateur photographer or get free advice on a photography forum.

You can promote a website, but it is not very effective if there are already competitors in your city. So start with contextual advertising. The largest networks are Direct and Adwords from Yandex and Google, respectively. Select all relevant keywords and direct advertising traffic to your site. As a rule, Direct is more effective, but more advertising means more clients. If you only have one apartment and it’s rented for a week, you can pause advertising.

Add your apartment to bulletin boards. The largest free one is Avito, but don’t be lazy to post on smaller boards - “From Hand to Hand”, city forums and other platforms. The largest paid board is Cian, don't forget it. The more sources, the more clients.

Airbnb's international portal will help you attract foreign clients who pay in dollars and euros. The main thing is that the apartment is close to the city center, looks beautiful in the photo and is cheaper than local hotels.


Daily rental advertisement
  • place advertisements in local newspapers;
  • print flyers and stick them everywhere;
  • You can post on commercial notice boards at entrances. This is paid, but your ads will be throughout the area or even the city;
  • try advertising on the asphalt in crowded places, preferably near stations public transport. You need a stencil and a can of spray paint.

Business plan for daily rentals

Apartment house


Here everything is counted on fingers and a business plan is not required. It is clear that there is no extra money, we count everything at the minimum. Take the price of a good one-room apartment in your city. You will pay it back for the first month, and the same amount for the deposit. We avoid realtors. For the second month, money must be kept in reserve. Total - 3 prices. Let’s say the rental price is 25 thousand per month, that’s 75 thousand.

We create a website on our own for free. We purchase decorative elements, clean sheets, towels, dishes and other small items for 5 thousand rubles.

Let’s say the price is 2 thousand rubles per day, occupancy in the first month is 40%. Revenue - 24 thousand. We pay bills monthly. If we get 40%, we will hardly go broke. Another minus 2 thousand. By the second month, you can gain profit by studying all the nuances and problems from your own experience. After a couple of months, the costs will be recouped (plus the deposit will still be returned to you if you don’t spoil anything). Dmitry speaks of a stable occupancy rate of about 70-80%.


Let's take Moscow as an example. A well-located, but “killed” one-room apartment can be purchased from 5 million.

You will spend a minimum of 200 thousand rubles on repairs. A realtor is not necessary, but it is better to contact one to accompany the transaction - from 30 thousand rubles. Taking into account this amount and advertising costs, we must consider the mortgage.

Advice: in 2015, mortgage rates rose by several percent, and now they are not best time to get involved with a mortgage - the final overpayment is huge compared to last year if your income is in rubles. It is better to start with subletting or buy an apartment for cash if possible.

You must have 1,575 thousand rubles for the entry fee. Be sure to set aside an amount no less than six months’ payment in advance! This is approximately 400 thousand.

The revenue calculation is the same. The risks here are higher; let’s take a pessimistic forecast: you will not be able to raise the occupancy rate above 60%. This is 35-50 thousand revenues per month (at a price of 2-3 thousand rubles per day), depending on the price. With current rates, you won’t be able to cover your mortgage - the monthly payment with utilities will probably exceed 60 thousand, but this is higher than rental prices (about 28-32 thousand are now being charged for such apartments). The question is that when you invest 2 million, you want more!

If the apartment was purchased at your own expense, 12% per annum with a pessimistic forecast is not bad at all! If you keep the occupancy rate at 80%, that’s 24 days a month, for example, 3 thousand per day, we get almost 65 thousand after deducting expenses. Not every job in Moscow pays that much. You can use this money to rent similar housing nearby and have a difference of 35 thousand.

However, this is a pessimistic option. Alexander Zhinkin from Krasnodar, another practicing entrepreneur in this area, in his seminars laid out a much more promising table of actual income and expenses for his objects:

Business on sublease of apartments

Probably the reason is lower competition in the regions and the ability to set higher prices per day when low prices monthly rent and mortgage. You can watch the full seminar (it's quite long).

If you have living space and it is simply idle, you should think about an apartment rental business. Choose the type of apartment rental and earn money!

♦ Capital investments: from 20,000 rubles. (if there is an apartment).
♦ Payback: 8-12% profitability per year (in general – from 10 years).

If you have your own living space or are considering the option of purchasing with a mortgage, it is worth considering apartment rental business.

This will allow you to recoup the purchase costs, as well as earn extra money.

There are two rental options – short-term (daily) and long-term.

Each of them has its own advantages and pitfalls.

It is impossible to say clearly which option is preferable.

You will have to make the choice yourself, after evaluating all the arguments.

Daily or long-term rental: what to choose?

The idea of ​​a long-term rental housing business is as old as the world.

In addition, square meters can be rented out not only for residence, but also for offices.

Renting for short term is also just gaining momentum. First of all, due to high prices in hotels.

In some situations, living in seemingly cheap hostels still costs more than a rented apartment.

But at the same time, a person gets the opportunity to independently manage his space, his own schedule, and prepare his usual food in the kitchen. And, in general, you can feel at home.

Positive aspects of business

Negative aspects of business

How to start a business renting apartments?

If you have analyzed all the arguments and decided that renting apartments long-term or daily is your business option, you should check the housing for compliance with the requirements.
  1. The cost of an apartment is influenced, first of all, by its location.
    The closer to metro stations, the center, main transport hubs- the more you can ask for it.
  2. The location on the ground floor is considered a disadvantage when renting out meters for living.
    But for offices this is the main advantage.
  3. The set that you need to equip an apartment for daily rent is extensive.
    This includes towels, a basic set of dishes, a hairdryer, microwave, iron, and washing machine are welcome equipment.
    If people stay for a long time, it is assumed that they will arrange comfort for themselves.
  4. An apartment for short-term rental must be under your control at all times.
    You are responsible for maintaining cleanliness, putting things in order before each check-in, regularly washing textiles, and replenishing consumables (bagged tea, sugar, garbage bags, toilet paper).
  5. Renting for offices often assumes that you need the absolute minimum - walls, windows, a door and plumbing and sewerage.

Analysis of potential clients

Interesting fact:
Playing music for more than two hours a day is unacceptable to neighboring tenants and amounts to noise - these are the laws governing rental housing in Germany.

For long term rental The range of potential business clients is quite wide. In general terms, it can be represented as solvent people 18-30 years old.

As for renting square meters for offices, the demographics here are also broad.

Actually, the gender and age of the renters in this case will not matter much. The main thing is their occupation – entrepreneurial activity.

But as for the daily rental business, we can distinguish four main categories:

What are the pitfalls of business apartments for daily rent?

  • As a rule, when signing a lease agreement, the tenants are asked to make a photocopy of their passport information or simply photograph the pages (for short-term rentals).
    But the law states that this is prohibited.
    And if you take another, less important document, the risk of being defrauded or with damaged property increases even more.
  • To earn a good reputation and have a regular flow of clients, you constantly need to invest.
    In cleaning, washing, improving living conditions and solving various problems.
    This must be taken into account when deciding to rent out square meters.
  • It is difficult to control how decently the residents will behave.
    A noisy party can result in problems with neighbors and additional costs for cleaning and even repairs.
    In general, residents of old houses are usually quite critical of apartments in which new people constantly appear.
    This is especially dangerous if you are renting out your home under less than legal circumstances.
  • If you decide not to use the services of an intermediary agency, the likelihood of your apartment being idle increases.
    But even a realtor, to whom you will pay an average 20% commission, is not a guarantee of a regular influx of tenants.
    Additionally, you will have to advertise, and this is another expense item.
  • The biggest pitfall is the risk of fraud.
    Of course, it exists in any field.
    But when renting out housing, it is especially high.
    However, you should not focus on the worst situations.
    It is enough to remain vigilant and careful.

If you are just going to buy an apartment to rent it out and make money from it,

for a successful and profitable purchase:

  1. You need to know business from the inside.
    If you have never rented an apartment, it will be difficult to understand how to effectively rent out yours.
    You can rent a house for a day or two in your own city and play the role of a “mystery shopper”.
    Assess what the average prices are and how landlords behave.
  2. If you are planning to take out a mortgage on an apartment specifically to rent it out to tenants, it is better to abandon this idea now. The current conditions of economic instability can play a cruel joke on you.
    In addition, the overpayment turns out to be too large.
  3. There is no point in starting any business without apartment insurance.
    This is especially true for short-term rental space.
  4. If the loading of the apartment has become regular, it makes sense to delegate the washing to the laundry or.
    This is an additional expense, but a big time saver.
  5. Do not hesitate to ask questions to potential residents, talk to them, take a closer look.
    It is difficult to understand from several conversations what kind of person is in front of you.
    But it is often possible to weed out the most suspicious and inappropriate ones.
  6. Set yourself up for the fact that calls at “indecent” times will become the norm for you.
    And there is a chance that you will have to call the tenants more than once to solve some problem.
    If you are not ready for this, place the responsibilities “on the shoulders” of the agency.

From all of the above, we can conclude that the specific business apartment rental– this is not a “golden” ticket.

In any case, you will have to constantly invest your efforts in its development. Then the earnings will be more or less solid.

Or delegate the solution of all issues to a real estate agency.

In this case, you will have to forget about high earnings, because you will have to pay a rather large commission.

But if there are square meters and for some reason you don’t need them, it makes more sense to rent them out for housing or offices, rather than just leaving them idle.

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Passive income is a profit that interests many people in different countries. And therefore, more and more often they think about an important question for them: what can be rented out? After all, this way of making a profit is the most interesting and profitable solution. It allows you to earn cash without having an official job. But the question is different - what kind of properties can be rented out? This will be discussed further.

In fact, almost all of a person's property can be rented. But in reality, the most profitable business is renting out real estate. What objects and how can you convert them into passive income? If you prepare correctly, a person will be able to bring the idea to life without any problems.

Who is eligible?

Don't know what you can rent out yet? Before thinking about this issue, you need to figure out who, in principle, has such a right. Not everyone has the opportunity to earn passive income in this way. The fact is that the rental of real estate or property is carried out by:

  • Owners of certain objects.
  • State (if we are talking about municipal property).
  • Intermediaries (realtors, real estate agencies).

It turns out that only the owner of a particular property, as well as authorized representatives, have the right to rent out certain objects. Quite an obvious fact. But what is it possible to earn passive income from?


You can rent out an apartment in the most common scenario. It quite often helps people in different countries make a profit to one degree or another. The procedure for concluding a rental agreement is usually carried out with the participation of real estate agencies. Or personally by the owner of the apartment. It can be either an individual or a state. It is best to rent out the apartment officially. Yes, then you will have to give 13% of your profits to the country. But at the same time, the landlord and tenant will have rights and responsibilities. Performing such an operation is not as difficult as it seems.

Registration of apartment rental

Is it possible to rent out an apartment? Yes. This, as already mentioned, is the most common scenario in different countries. Rented housing is unique. Drawing up a rental agreement for an apartment is not so difficult. It has already been mentioned that a person can bring an idea to life either by contacting real estate agencies, or independently. But for the latter situation you will have to pay a visit to the notary. This is the only way a lease agreement can be drawn up. What documents may be required? Among them, the following papers are distinguished (regardless of the method of renting out the apartment):

  1. Documents on ownership of real estate.
  2. Lease/lease agreement with detailed terms and conditions.
  3. Extract from the Housing Office from the personal account.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that there are two types of agreement: lease and rental. The second option is suitable for cases when the apartment is rented to an individual. No mandatory registration required. But a direct lease agreement is subject to registration if it is concluded for more than 12 months. Signed when concluding an agreement with legal entities.


What can you rent? The next scenario is to rent out part of the apartment. Or rather, rooms. A common way to make a small profit. The procedure for drawing up the relevant agreement is similar to the previously defined algorithm of actions. You just need to specify in the agreement which room is being rented out.

If there are several owners in the apartment, in addition to the previously listed list of papers, you will have to report the consent of all people to carry out the transaction. But when there is only one owner of the apartment, then renting out a room is not such a big problem. The profit from such a source of passive income is less than from renting out an apartment. But it does happen.


Is it possible to hand over land plot for rent? Or part of it, for example? This question also often worries owners. For example, a house has been built, and there is a small plot nearby. Is it possible to submit it? Yes. There are no special restrictions on this matter. It is recommended to immediately decide whether the entire plot is planned to be rented out or only part of it. The complexity of concluding an agreement, as well as the text of the agreement, will depend on this. For legal entities this feature extremely important.

If a person does not act through realtors or relevant agencies, then he will have to sign the agreement with a notary. Otherwise, the transaction may be declared invalid. And this is important to understand. Special problems may arise if the land plot has several owners. However, a similar picture arises when renting out any property. Additionally, you will have to obtain the consent of the remaining owners to carry out the transaction. Without these documents, the lease or rental agreement will be invalid.

Not housing

You can rent out premises that are not residential. For example, a basement, storage room, utility room. This is a less common scenario, especially among those who live in apartment buildings. But this is only if the lessor is an individual. Among other things, for rent non-residential premises type of offices. Just such situations occur in everyday life all the time. Please note that for any of the transactions under consideration, citizens will have to pay income tax. IN this moment it is 13%. This is a mandatory item for every taxpayer.

It is now clear that non-residential premises can be rented out. It's not as difficult as it seems. The algorithm of actions for the owner of the property will be exactly the same as in all other cases. It is enough to collect a similar package of documents. Only the certificate of ownership of a particular property changes. Then a lease/lease agreement should be concluded in the prescribed manner. We will talk about all the features of this process, regardless of the property being rented out.


Is it possible to rent out the plot? Yes, especially if there is only one owner of the property. But what other objects can a citizen consider? For example, at home or cottage. They can also be rented out if desired. In practice this is quite difficult to do. And individuals rarely deal with such cases. Typically, houses and dachas are rented out along with land plots by the city administration. But ordinary property owners also have the right to this.

Is it possible to rent out a plot of land, but not rent out the house located on it? Yes, this is also possible. But only in the case when the agreement specifies a specific territory to be surrendered. If there is space on the plot exclusively for a house, then the agreement will have to indicate exactly the building.


More and more often, citizens are thinking about whether it is possible. And the answer will please them - yes, there is such a possibility. The list of documents will change. As a rule, you will have to seriously think about the lease agreement - it sets the payment rate. Most often he is hourly. The following documents will be required from the owner and tenant:

  • Papers indicating ownership of the vehicle.
  • Insurance.
  • Lease contract.
  • Technical passport of the car.
  • Identity documents of the parties.

Usually this is enough. It is advisable to think through all the features and nuances of renting a car in advance. To do this as competently as possible, invite lawyers. They contribute to the correct composition. This will make it possible to bring the idea to life without any problems.


What can you rent? In fact, as already mentioned, almost all properties can be rented. Accordingly, rent, for example. If you do not take into account real estate objects, then you can identify many more ideas regarding the question posed. Among the most common objects rented out are: clothing (mainly suits and dresses), garages, boats, bicycles, sports equipment, dishes, furniture, appliances, construction equipment, books, pets (for example, for promotions).

This is not all that can be rented out. The list goes on and on. IN modern world it is limited primarily by the owner’s imagination. And this must be taken into account. Only after receiving money from the tenants can the owner of the rental property have problems.

Underwater rocks

We are talking about taxes. It has already been said that from each transaction you will need to pay 13% of the profit. It would seem that this is where the problems end. However, not everything is as simple as it seems. The fact is that in Russia there is such a thing as systematic profit-making from the same activities. True, for criminal liability to arise, the income must total 1,500,000 rubles. Therefore, until this moment, you can rent out this or that property without any problems.

What's next? Much depends on the type of rental property. To pay taxes and sleep peacefully, some recommend opening an individual entrepreneur. And choose the simplified tax system. Then you will have to pay 6% of the profit as taxes per year. Legal and safe. In some cases, it is recommended to purchase a patent for this type of activity. In Russia, at the moment, all citizens who rent out housing or property are offered to work on How to proceed? This is decided by the citizen himself. But in any case, you need to pay tax. Especially when it comes to leasing offices, as well as working with legal entities.

Nowadays it is almost impossible to find a person who has never thought about starting his own business. After all, working for yourself promises a high income if everything is organized correctly.

The main problem is that you can start any business only when you have formed your thoughts good idea and a competent plan has been drawn up for its implementation.

One of the most popular ideas is organizing a rental own car. Many people try to open a rental business, because it seems so simple: lend a car for a while and eventually get money for it. And indeed, this type of business activity is one of the most accessible, since most people who need a car prefer to rent a car to use it as a taxi, or are looking for leasing.

But, like any other type of entrepreneurship, it has its own characteristics. Before you decide to transfer your car to someone else, you need to consider a few very important things: important nuances. Initially, it is necessary to correctly draw up an agreement and indicate the main terms of the transaction. This type of earnings carries certain risks and in the end you can lose a lot of money.

To prevent this from happening, you need a properly drawn up business plan, in which you will include all planned expenses and income, and also take into account possible errors. But how do you know exactly what expenses you will have to incur and what the profit will be? What do you need to remember so as not to create unnecessary problems for yourself? Let's try to figure this out.

Initial Investment

We previously wrote that many consider this type of business to be one of the most profitable. Initially, only a small initial investment is expected. This is partly true. But only partly.

There are several important “buts”. If a person is going to rent out a car that has been traded for decades, he should be prepared for unpleasant consequences. When driving such a car, especially without technical training, a potential renter is practically guaranteed a breakdown on the road. This in turn may lead to demands for a refund and even compensation.

To avoid getting into such a situation, you will need to carry out a complete diagnosis and necessary repairs of the machine, especially an old one. Identified faults in a domestic car can cost an average of 20,000 rubles. Correction and bringing into proper order technical condition An old foreign car can cost up to 50,000 rubles or more. The best option would be if you, having an understanding of the vehicles you are renting out, can replace and repair everything you need yourself. This will save you a lot of money.

You will also have to spend money on acquiring individual entrepreneur status or creating an organization. In theory, it is also possible to engage in illegal business activities, but it is better not to take risks. The legislation establishes great responsibility for this.

Annual investment

And, of course, you should not create illusions that to organize a business you will need to spend money only on one-time technical training. Rented cars will inevitably require maintenance at least every year. Or maybe more often. In this case - depending on your luck.

There are necessary costs, without which a rental car will quickly turn into a pile of useless metal. There is hardly a client who wants to pay his money for a vehicle that rattles and constantly breaks down.

Also, over time, it is worth thinking about expanding your business and saving the necessary amount for major repairs and purchasing another car. And then - again and again. Business should not “tread water”; it should strive for constant development and improvement.

Some funds will have to be spent on advertising. For example, advertisements in newspapers and magazines, creation and maintenance of a website on the Internet, and in the long term, advertising on a local TV channel, otherwise clients will not be able to find out about the existing service.

In addition, you will have to renew your car insurance every year by purchasing an unlimited MTPL policy. Without it, you simply cannot move by car. In some cases, you will have to spend some money annually to organize convenient parking.

Monthly investment

When organizing a rental, you will also have to bear operating expenses. The need for them will definitely arise every month. A certain amount will be needed for both routine repairs and maintenance of your car. Don’t forget about such “little things” as changing oil and other technical fluids.

The appearance of the car should also be as presentable as possible. After each use, it must be completely washed, or better yet, the interior must be dry cleaned.

Someday, a successful tenant will save up for his own parking lot, but for some time the car will be forced to spend the night in “other people’s” parking lots. And of course you will have to pay for security.

If things “go uphill”, then it will be necessary to use the services of accounting organizations. With their help, you can correctly calculate all taxes and fees from income-generating activities.

To find potential tenants, you may have to spend money to access various databases.

Organizing document flow will require costs for various office supplies and consumables: printer ink, paper, staplers, stamps and much, much more.


So, how much can the income from good organized business for car rental? This depends on several factors.

  1. Class of the car being rented. For example, if you rent out a domestic car, its rental will cost no more than 1,000 rubles per day. A foreign car will cost the renter more: from 1,200–1,500 rubles for a Hyandai Solaris class car and up to 2,000 on average for a foreign car like FordFocus.
  2. Number of cars for rent. Several middle-class cars will allow you to earn at least 30–90 thousand rubles per month, and maybe more. Over the course of a year, income from renting several cars can reach up to 1–2 million rubles. The income for renting one car will be much more modest - approximately 300–400 thousand rubles per year.
  3. The type of area in which the landlord operates. IN small town there will be no strong demand. In this case, maintaining a large vehicle fleet is completely unprofitable. 1-2 cars for rent will bring about 200-300 thousand rubles of income per year. And, on the contrary, in the center of the metropolis it will be necessary to try to increase the number of vehicles. High demand can provide you with a profit of up to 2 million rubles per year.
  4. Rental specifics. A rental car can be equipped with additional elements of decoration and luxury for special occasions such as weddings and anniversaries. Or cars are available for rent for traveling and conquering off-road terrain. Their price may be even higher than executive models. In connection with this, the income will be much greater.


Income level is a significant indicator. The only thing more important than that is profit. What is the difference between these two concepts? Income represents all the financial resources that a company or citizen receives from business activities. And profit is the amount that remains if taxes, fees, expenses and other costs arising in the work are subtracted from income.

What do you need to subtract from your income to see your profit? First of all, this is VAT - 18% and personal income tax, which is 13%. A legal entity will pay tax on its income in the amount of 20%.

In addition to taxes, you need to take into account the costs of servicing and maintaining cars, paying for parking, buying insurance, etc. Only if you subtract all this, you can find out how much profit the lessor will ultimately receive.

Many aspiring entrepreneurs feel intimidated by having to incur so many expenses. As a result, they abandon the idea of ​​their business. This is extremely wrong, because there are many ways to save money and ultimately get a decent profit. For example, you can switch to a simplified taxation system, according to which you can pay only 6% of profits and not worry about anything else.

Also, in this case, there is no need to purchase a cash register and special equipment.

As a last resort, you can save on parking and simply park your cars near your home or office. It is not so safe and somewhat risky, but such a risk is often well worth it.

Common mistakes when renting a car

So, according to statistics, the following mistakes are most often made when organizing a car rental.

  1. Unjustifiably purchasing a new or used car for renting out high price. Absolutely no point in buying new car. It will simply take a very long time to pay for itself. It will be ridden by many different people who are deeply indifferent to its condition. They obviously won’t spare the car. Therefore, there is absolutely no point in overpaying. Instead, it is better to buy several used cars without additional options.
  2. The appearance and aesthetics of a used car do not matter. Don't waste time trying to choose a car without a single scratch and with a perfect interior. The main thing is that the body is not rusty, especially the sills and bottom, and the engine and main systems must work smoothly. Thus, the main priority becomes the optimal price-quality ratio. The less a car costs, the better for business.
  3. Search for tenants. It must be remembered that the main objective- this is making a profit. The identity of the tenant should be of little interest to you, the main thing is that he pays the money on time and provides a passport with a mark of registration of his place of residence.

Dmitry Fokin - about what can be rented out, and how the era of consumer activity is being replaced by the era of rental

Entrepreneur from Omsk Dmitry Fokin believes that the current economic crisis will radically change the consumer behavior of Russians: in his opinion, everything large quantity people will rent the necessary things instead of buying them and standing in lines. Dmitry and his partners launched Rentalist - a website for renting out and renting almost any thing. People can choose and rent different good options- from toys to cars. The main advantage for the client is the cost of the service, and for the organization - constant income and goods in property. Dmitry Fokin told the Biz360 portal about what kind of profit you can get, how to open a business, find premises and equipment.

Dmitry Fokin, entrepreneur, co-owner of an online rental service Born in 1979 in Omsk. Graduated from the Moscow State Construction University and the Institute of Real Estate and Construction Business. Gained experience in various fields - consulting, economics, trade, law, e-commerce, etc. Since 2015 - one of the founders and head of the rental service.

Dmitry Fokin

Russians are cautious about rentals

This is not our first business. After completing the next project, we began to think about where to move next. By that time, the dollar began to jump.

My partner and I simultaneously came up with the idea of ​​creating a rental service, combining a large number of offers on one site. At that time, we believed that everyone desperately needed a service where they could rent something, and as soon as people found out that there was such a place, all our servers would immediately go down.

In fact, people need rentals, but many don’t think about it, they simply don’t allow the idea that they can just call and rent from other people for half a day, for example, a saw or a bicycle for the weekend. There is a stereotype that if you need something, you can find it from friends, or go buy it, or borrow it from work

After New Year holidays In 2015, we composed everything, and in April we started. Quite quickly we realized that people themselves were not yet ready to make money on the things that were lying on their balconies. There are professional services that provide rental items, some owners of these businesses willingly cooperate with us, but there are also those who say - why, we have our own website, why duplicate somewhere else.

Thickness gauge for rent

If our project is compared with something, then it can be compared with Avito - of course, in terms of structure, and not in terms of scale yet. On Avito, an auto shop can display its own cars, and a common person"Zhiguli" sells. So it is here: there is a possibility rental business exhibit your assortment, and anyone can rent out their skates through us, which they have had on their balcony for 20 years. Accordingly, you can rent anything - from mixers and board games to construction formwork, cranes, and heavy equipment.

The assortment is quite wide, we included almost the entire product range, made catalogs - you can find everything from rakes to helicopters. For example, renting a hookah per day costs 300 rubles. Or here’s a thickness gauge to see if the car is painted or not, 300 rubles a day. Soap bubble generator for events - 400 rubles per day. Go-pro camera - 500 rubles. From the original - a set of hex keys, 5 rubles per day. Books, board games, roller skates, photographic equipment, lenses, tripods, carnival costumes, wedding accessories, historical uniforms, life-size puppets, wigs, evening dresses, cocktail dresses, etc.

At the start, we devoted a lot of time to creating a digestible catalog so that a person could find what he needed. We have divided all this into 11 large sections, and they also have subsections that include more categories.

Marketing and promotion

As for promotion, we probably haven’t invented anything here, SEO promotion, content marketing, etc. The project is federal, we implemented geolocation, that is, if a person is from Yekaterinburg, for example, then he sees proposals for Yekaterinburg. While the programmers were finalizing the service, we were collecting a database of rental companies that do this as a business. We collected about 2 thousand companies across the country and sent out a newsletter. The result was this: website traffic increased, but the amount of content at the very beginning did not meet our expectations. That is, rental services decided that they probably don’t really need it now.

We went to the second round of promotion, sent out press releases to local and federal media. An online news platform responded and we recorded an interview. Then the local TV channel, then the Metro newspaper. Attendance has increased twenty times.

The bulk of visitors are people who want to take something, because demand is now leaning from purchases to the consumption of rental items. But ordinary people don’t want to rent them out yet.

When we launched the project, we studied how things were with rentals, for example, in Soviet time. There was a system of rental shops, many people used rental TVs for several years, this was due to a total shortage. In the 90s there was nothing at all, in the 2000s there was a surge in consumer activity, people simply forgot about rentals. Now, due to the economic situation, people will remember him little by little.

When we launched, we were aware that this culture needed to be developed - both by people who are consumers of rentals and by those people who provide things for rental.

This is a forgotten story, but if you remember it, people will start using it. A couple of months ago I took part in a comparative interview, where the guys studied how things were going with box office in Russia and America. They said that in America they rent out a lot of things, and it is very popular. When they receive their diplomas, those famous gowns with tasseled caps, for example, are also rented. There is a whole industry there, there are things that are needed once in a lifetime and there is no point in buying them. This has been an idea for more than one year to somehow develop this topic.

“We need to reach high speeds”

Now there are more than 1.5 thousand products on the site. The main cities are Omsk, Moscow, Krasnodar, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, St. Petersburg. At the same time, more people from neighboring countries are joining us - Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan.

So far there is only an investment in the service. This is a kind of investment in the future, it will work someday. When some quantitative limit is passed, it will begin to bring in money.

The system of interaction between the tenant and the landlord works through our service; settlements are also carried out through us, so that people do not exchange money. Reserving deposits on the website, signing lease agreements, providing some paid services, advertising. The commission percentage is 5-10%, the question is in turnover. Now the question is not about self-sufficiency, but about reaching some high speed. We set a deadline of a year or two. Investments in the site amounted to around 100 thousand rubles.

We are currently developing a system for automatically adding products to the service to expand the range. I see that there are many requests for products in cities where we are not present. That is, people go to search engines, they see us, go further and don’t find what they were looking for. It turns out that there is demand, but we cannot satisfy it yet. As soon as we satisfy it, the client flow will grow and recognition will expand. When people start renting, they will be able to rent.

Rentalist project team.


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