What can you rent out to make money? However, according to tradition, let's start with quite logical rental business ideas. For example. Deciding what can be rented


“You don’t need a thing, but only its function”

How to Save and Earn Tens of Thousands by Renting and Renting Anything

The world is gripped by consumerism. However, more and more people are coming to the realization that it is not things that are important, but only their functions. Pete Maclaine/ZUMAPRESS.com/Global Look Press

The sharing economy, built on the principles of sharing things, is spreading faster and faster. People started sharing apartments (Airbnb), cars (Uber), and now you can rent anything on the Internet. On the one hand, this helps you save money, because why buy expensive things if you can only buy them for a few hours or days? On the other hand, this is a new opportunity to earn money: if you have any useful item, you can turn it into an asset, renting it to other people and receiving benefits. In this material, prepared with the support of the OneTwoRent portal, we tell you how the service for renting everything in the world works. To do this, we will answer several key questions.

Why rent something if you can buy it?

One of the founders of the international rental website OneTwoRent, Alexey Nikonov, explains that often people do not need the thing itself, but the function that the thing performs. “What we need is not a drill, but a hole in the wall, not a car, but the ability to get to a certain place at a certain time. You can get a function by renting an item rather than buying it,” says Nikonov.

According to the businessman, there is no point in spending your whole life on endless work in order to constantly buy things, because you can refuse unreasonable purchases and fly off on a trip with the saved money and get the most important thing - knowledge and impressions.

Today, the idea of ​​sharing is very popular in the world, based on environmental friendliness, savings and ergonomics. People try to make their consumption of things conscious, so they start using some things together.

What can you rent?

All! On the OneTwoRent website you can rent a car (and even a motorhome), construction tools, a game console, a camera, a printer, clothes, textbooks, a parking space, a bicycle and a catamaran.

Screenshot of the site otr24.com

OneTwoRent has things you probably never thought about renting. For example, if you wish, you can rent an oar for 50 rubles a day, a cow for 2000 rubles an hour, and for 100 rubles a day you can put a figurine of a happy Chukchi in your office. In the product description, its owner writes: “Chukchi with happy karma. What if someone needs a little fortune? I feel calmer with him. I don’t know how it will be for you...”

How to rent an item you like?

In the catalog of products presented on the website otr24.com, choose the one you like. It is better if you find several similar products at once so that you can choose. There are two ways to contact landlords: call the phone number indicated in the ad or start a chat on the website.

When you have discussed all the details with the owner of the item, you only need to conclude an agreement where all the details will be spelled out, and take the item for yourself.

Is it possible to make money by renting out your belongings?

Businessman Alexey Nikonov is confident that annually you can earn an average of 45 thousand rubles by renting out your expensive items. And if you don’t buy things yourself, but also rent them, you can save another 30 thousand a year.

Earnings could be higher. For example, if you have a game console and a lot of video games, then you can rent them for 10 thousand rubles per month. But you can also rent joysticks, virtual reality glasses and other attributes, which will increase your income.

Screenshot of the site otr24.com

It is very profitable to rent sports equipment: bicycles, snowboards, skis, skates, as well as tourist equipment: inflatable boats, catamarans, tents. For renting out such things you can get from 200 thousand to 5000 thousand rubles per day.

There's probably a dusty suitcase full of tools in your closet. Rent them out! Jigsaws, drills, hammer drills, screwdrivers, and wire cutters can bring you up to 500 rubles a day.

How is the OneTwoRent portal different from other rental sites?

Firstly, you can already rent and rent out things on OneTwoRent in 44 cities of Russia. The creators of the project have ambitious plans and say that in the near future OneTwoRent will become the only international service in the world that people from all over the world can use. There are similar services in Europe, the USA and Australia, but they are local (so far, in addition to Russia, Kazakhstan is represented on the site). In addition, OneTwoRent brings together a variety of things on one site, from real estate to services, clothing and even construction equipment. Thirdly, OneTwoRent is a turnkey service that provides opportunities to promote your product on the portal, legal advice and a system for verifying counterparties, PR and advertising for the rental company brand and much more, said Alexey Nikonov.

The NDV-Real Estate company recently stated that when renting out premises, investments in offices pay off 3 times faster than in apartments. Real estate market experts generally agreed that offices pay for themselves faster, but they noted that the difference in payback is not so high, and also cited a number of pitfalls that make investing in commercial real estate much more difficult. TOLD AND CHECKED

NDV-Real Estate Company:

. when renting out premises, investments in offices pay off 3 times faster than in apartments;

Making money by renting out housing is beneficial for those who received an apartment as an inheritance or as a gift, but if we are talking about an investment purchase, then it is better to forget about residential real estate. Investments in an apartment will pay off for many years. Another thing is office space.

For clarity, the company’s experts provided the following calculations:

The standard cost of an ordinary "one-room apartment" in residential area(on the secondary real estate market) is 5.5 - 6 million rubles, and an adequate rental rate is approximately 27 thousand rubles. Thus, the payback period for the apartment can last 19 years.

Evgenia Borzova, head of the commercial real estate department at NDV-Real Estate, gave several illustrative examples of office space. For example, an office in the Dorohoff business park with an area of ​​65 sq. m and cost 7.35 million rubles, taking into account the indexation of the rental rate, will fully pay off in 6.5 years (current rental rate: 13.5 thousand rubles sq.m / year). And if you buy an office in the Atmosphere business park (Mendeleevskaya metro station) with an area of ​​119.8 sq.m for 285.5 million rubles, then it will be possible to “recoup” the investment in 7.5 years (at a rental rate of 24 thousand . rub. sq.m / year, taking into account indexation). It takes the same amount - 7.5 years - for more expensive real estate to pay for itself: for example, a retail space for 50 million rubles and an area of ​​80 square meters. m, located near the Novokosino metro station.

Judging by the above calculations, it turns out that buying commercial real estate is 3 times more profitable for rental business than residential. Let's see what other market participants say about this.

Offices really pay off faster than apartments, but the difference is still not 3 times, but 1.5 - 2 times.

Managing partner of DNA Realty Anton Belykh And head of the rental department at Delta Estate Stanislav Titorenko They believe that investments in an office pay off 3 times, and 1.5 - 2 times faster.

“The fact is that with apartments, the payback period can be significantly reduced by selling a new building purchased at an early stage of construction immediately after the house is handed over to the state commission (as a rule, this is 2 - 3 years with a yield of 20 - 30% per year), - explained Anton Belykh. - With commercial space the situation is more complicated, since the demand for them is limited, so the sale may take longer, unless, of course, we are talking about particularly liquid places and areas. But this is if we consider the investment cycle of construction. As for the rental business, the payback period for retail and office premises is definitely higher.”

Retail facilities are more profitable than offices

“For example, the payback period for a two-room apartment is approximately 14-16 years, and commercial premises V good location- 6-7 years, and office - 8-9 years,” Anton Belykh clarified. I agree with this and Development Director, Miel-Commercial Real Estate Elena Mishina, adding that from retail real estate you need to focus on street retail. “If a rental apartment brings an average of 4-5% per annum and pays off in 18 years, then liquid street retail properties yield 10% per annum with a payback period of 9-11 years.”

Offices in residential areas pay for themselves no faster than housing in the same areas

Head of the consulting and analytics department of the ABC of Housing company Artem Rzhavsky also confirmed that the payback period for investments in commercial real estate located in the central part of Moscow will be shorter than in residential real estate. However, I noted some exceptions. “This is not typical for residential areas on the outskirts of Moscow,” the specialist explained. “The payback period here is approximately the same.”

In the residential area of ​​Mitino there is a commercial premises with an area of ​​about 38 sq. m. m, located on the 1st floor of a residential building will cost about 9.5 million rubles, rent will bring about 492 thousand rubles. in year. At the same time, the cost of an apartment of similar size in the same area will be about 6.8 million rubles, and rent- 360 thousand rubles. in year. “Thus, the payback period for investments in a commercial space or apartment in a residential area of ​​Moscow will be almost the same - about 19 years,” the specialist explained, noting that the NDV statement is only true for properties in central regions capital Cities.

Office leasing is a high-risk business, while housing is more stable. Therefore, the profitability of both is commensurate

Within the framework of the survey, a slightly different opinion was voiced. First Deputy general director GC "Pioneer" Alexander Pogodin believes that the profitability of residential premises and offices is comparable, since with higher rental rates for office premises, the payback period for housing is less dependent on the general economic situation. “Rental rates for offices are more susceptible to decline during periods of economic downturns and falling occupancy rates for office space,” the expert explained. “At the same time, the cost of housing rentals, if they decrease, is to a lesser extent, and the level of demand remains high even in crisis years; in addition, the apartment rental market is more understandable for private investors.”

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the RRG group of companies Denis Kolokolnikov also adds: “This is the risk of acquiring initially illiquid premises, and the risk of incorrectly determining the optimal purpose, and difficulties with paperwork,” the specialist explained. - In addition, the ongoing management of commercial real estate is much more complex, and the process of finding tenants takes longer. In addition, it is often not enough for new tenants to just make cosmetic repairs: for example, they have to make certain changes to the layout, which also increases the cost of maintaining the premises. For these reasons, many private investors hire management companies or begin to manage real estate on a professional basis themselves.”

Commercial tax expenses are higher

Elena Karpova, head of the marketing department of SEZAR Group, also recalled that one cannot ignore the fact that the costs of repairing residential and non-residential premises are not comparable. In the second case, they are an order of magnitude lower, which allows for significant savings. But at the same time, by renting out an apartment, owners have a real opportunity to evade taxes. “You can specify a smaller amount in the contract,” the expert explained. “But this trick won’t work with offices, and landlords will still have to pay income tax.”

Economy class is the most profitable housing option

Although, the first deputy director of the Miel-Arenda company, Maria Zhukova, especially drew attention to the fact that the higher the amount of funds invested in housing, the lower its rental yield will be.

"Despite long term payback and low profitability, investments in residential real estate are considered the most reliable type of investment, notes Maria Zhukova. - Renting housing in the capital will be relevant in the future. In addition, economy class is the most popular segment in which tenants are looking for an apartment for rent. This suggests that there will always be a demand for such living space, and the owner will always receive income from it when setting a rent that corresponds to the market.”


And here we come to the most important question: under such conditions, is it profitable for private investors to buy commercial housing with the aim of renting it out?

Yes, it is profitable, but this requires much more money and market knowledge than buying most apartments. That is, in essence, these are different classes of investors - those who can afford to invest in commercial real estate, and even wisely, and those who have enough money for another home, but may not have any knowledge and experience in the market at all.

According to Vice President for Commercial Real Estate GVA Sawyer Elena Shevchuk, the minimum amount of possible investment in the purchase non-residential premises in Moscow it fluctuates around $1 million. There is also a possibility of finding a premises for 300 - 500 thousand dollars, but this will require a lot of time and effort, as well as excellent knowledge of the market.

With such figures, it is not surprising that the main flow of private investors in Moscow is still considering investments in housing, since the minimum investment volume here is obviously lower than in the commercial segment. In principle, you can buy a decent apartment for 200-250 thousand dollars, and at an early stage of construction - even cheaper. Although the expert believes that the return on investment for apartments in certain areas may be higher than commercial space, but then the cost of such housing will initially be higher.

Maria Lukina

“Do you have an apartment?”, “And a car?” - the answer to these questions somehow immediately changes the attitude towards a person. It is believed that if you bought yourself something expensive, it means you have achieved a certain position in society. Somewhere this is true, because for all these purchases you need to earn money. But what if the purchase is not necessary at all?

A few days ago I invited my new friend to take a boat ride along the Dnieper. From previous communication with her, I concluded that she was from a wealthy family. And this is the dialogue we had:

- Hello! I'm thinking about going on a boat while the weather is nice. Will you join me?

- Do you have a boat?

I go on a boat once a year or less, so buying a boat always seemed stupid to me. But this dialogue made me think about why some people strive to buy and own everything, while others live the way it suits them and, if necessary, rent things.

Ownership is essentially the same as renting.

When a married couple buys or takes out a mortgage on an apartment, this causes approval or at least understanding in society. A young family wants to build a nest for themselves, they want stability, so that their children have a place to live and something to pass on by inheritance. And in general, real estate is one of the few more or less reliable ways to invest capital. After all, if you have the means, why not buy an apartment?

We will not even consider examples of some wealthy people who do not buy apartments for themselves, but live in rented housing (like Artemy Lebedev). Apartments are now painfully overpriced, even people who do not have deep knowledge in the fields of real estate and construction understand this. If you calculate the cost of an apartment (let it be $200-500 thousand) and compare it with rent (let it be $10 thousand per year or $500 thousand over 50 years), it turns out that the costs of buying and renting are approximately comparable. Of course, owning an apartment, like renting, has its obvious pros and cons. The only catch is that ownership is, in essence, the same as renting.

Nothing I have is truly mine.

How long will the house you bought last? 30, 40, 100 years? If you think that in 50 years everything will be fine with your apartment, look at the Khrushchev buildings. In general, very few houses outlive their owners. It turns out that buying an apartment is the same as buying it long-term. It is not for nothing that in China, buying an apartment gives ownership rights for only 70 years.

How about a car? You buy a car - is it forever? Even if you don't change it, how long will it last you? 10–20 years? Then it will go to the landfill, but once upon a time it was all yours. It turns out that buying a car is also a long-term lease.

What about human life? The human body, which is given to us completely free of charge, is also not eternal. We, in fact, rent our bodies - some for 30 years, some for 60, some for 90 years. We do European-quality renovations ourselves, choose high-quality gasoline, and take the body for “technical inspections” to the doctors. But the body is still not ours, because it is not eternal. We cannot have something forever, so we cannot name it possession in the full sense of the word.

Is there one thing in this world that we can truly possess? Hardly. Houses will collapse, cars will break down and rust, and the former “owners” will pass on to another world.

Why do we buy?

A person living in a world of instability is ready to pay double the price for at least some guarantees. When buying an apartment, we hope that no one will evict us from there and that renovations can be done to our liking without entering into disputes with the owner. When we buy a car, we want to be sure that it will always be available when we need it. And we buy new clothes to be sure that no one has worn them before us and that they will always be at hand.

A person has only 24 hours in a day. How much time can you devote to your things? A couple of hours for a car, 10 hours for a suit, a few hours for a phone and e-book, 20 minutes by bike. The rest of the time these things sit idle when they could be serving someone else. But you paid for full time- Isn't this an overpayment?

When we buy something that can be rented, we pay extra for a sense of security. And this feeling often has little to do with reality, both in the case of cataclysms, wars and earthquakes that can raze your home to the ground, and in the case of ordinary everyday troubles like a stolen car or accidentally torn jeans - there are no guarantees anywhere.

Therefore, if you see a person who lives in rent with peace of mind, take off your hat. He has steel endurance, he does not need guarantees. But if a person has a clear love of shopping and an excessive desire to save for a house/yacht/boat/plane, then it is possible that in this way he seeks to compensate for his fears, feel security and gain control over his life. Give him a pat on the shoulder.


When renting, you do not overpay for guarantees and confidence in the future. Therefore, renting is more profitable than buying.

We launched a new service “Wardrobe”. His subscribers receive a selection of designer clothes once a week, in the right size and style. The service’s website says that when selecting clothes, “stylists take into account not only the height and size of clients’ clothes, but also the color of their skin and eyes, profession, zodiac sign and even phone model.” Such a subscription will cost 7,900 rubles per month. You can buy your favorite item at the next visit of the courier. True, people become clients of the service only by invitation, which can be received either at closed presentations or as a gift from friends who use Wardrobe.

Price: 7,900 rubles per month

Pledge: No

Carnival costume

The Pink Elephant company organizes children's parties: it brings Fixies to their homes, conducts master classes in drawing, pottery and other events. In addition to the holidays, at the Pink Elephant you can rent a carnival costume for Halloween, for which you should already start preparing. 2 thousand different models distributed into groups, among them - “Animal and insect costumes” (“Lobster” for 2,500 rubles per day, “Centipede” for 4 thousand rubles, “Olympic leopard” for 6 thousand rubles), “Cartoons and fairy tales” (“Sponge Bob" for 2,500 rubles, "Angry Birds" for 1,500 rubles, "Gingerbread" from "Shrek" for 2,500 rubles) and "Superhero Costumes" ("Superman" for 6 thousand rubles, and " iron Man“More than twice as cheap - 2,500 rubles, Wonder Woman for 1,500 rubles), Star Wars heroes (“Chewbacca” for 6 thousand rubles, “Yoda” for 1,500 rubles) and others. The workshop is open on weekdays from 14:00 to 19:00. The costume can be booked in advance, for this you need to pay the rental price and deposit in full. If you like the new look so much that you don’t want to leave it, then you can buy a suit. Pink Elephant will order a new one and deliver it within two weeks.

Price: from 1,500 rubles to 8 thousand rubles per day

Pledge: three times the deposit of the rental price

It's unlikely that the average city dweller needs an action camera every week or even every month. Leisure or classes extreme species sports usually occur on vacation. To avoid buying an expensive camera, you can rent it several times a year. This service is provided by RentGoPro. To rent, you need to fill out an application on the website, indicating the period for which the camera is required and the equipment. Batteries, head mount, waterproof cases, monopod will cost extra money.

You can pick up the equipment yourself at the office near the Sviblovo metro station, pay 500 rubles to the courier for delivery in Moscow (prepare a copy of your passport) or 1,500 if you want the entire set to be delivered directly to the airport. To reserve equipment, you must make an advance payment - 20% of the order value. But if your plans change, the cost of your reservation will not be refunded. At the same time, for early booking you can get a 25% discount. Reservations and rentals must be paid online or at the company office.

Price: set from 196 rubles per day

Pledge: 5,000 rubles per set

Tourist equipment

“We are a team of like-minded people who love to travel around the world,” the founders of Activrent write on their website. “Due to the fact that we have been engaged in expeditions for quite a long time, we have collected a lot of special equipment, which we decided to rent out.” If you are going to Altai or just spend a weekend in nature, then here you will find a tent of different brands and sizes, a catamaran, water equipment, a satellite phone - in a word, everything that will make life on a hike more comfortable.

The prices are reasonable: a tourist sleeping bag will cost 100–250 rubles per day, a gas burner - 50 rubles per day, a lightweight Marmot trekking tent - from 300–400 rubles per day, and a satellite phone - 300–450 rubles per day. First, the entire set should be booked by paying 20% ​​of the rental price. You can either pick up the equipment yourself or order delivery from Aktivrent. If something goes wrong during a hike and the equipment is damaged, the employees offer clients to fix everything themselves or reimburse the costs of repairs.

Price: from 50 to 900 rubles per day

Pledge: from 3,000 rubles to 50,000 rubles

Fitness equipment

If you don't have time for Gym or you love running, but in winter you have to give it up because of the weather, then you can rent sports equipment for a short time. At the Leje.ru rental office you can rent a treadmill, exercise bike or elliptical trainer.

Within the Moscow Ring Road sport equipment Delivery is free; residents of the Moscow region or remote areas will have to pay extra. For example, delivery of a simulator to a premises located five kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road will cost 500 rubles. The price also takes into account the return of equipment to the warehouse.

Cost: 4,300–4,800 rubles per month for a bicycle track, 2,800–4,300 rubles per month for an exercise bike and 4,800 rubles per month for an elliptical trainer.

Pledge: monthly rental cost

Tools for repair

A grinder, a hammer drill, a glue gun, a grinder - it is unlikely that all these tools will be useful if you have already completed repairs or do not work in the construction industry. On the website Instrumentov-arenda.ru you can borrow for temporary use everything you need to put the premises in order.

In the catalog you can find tools from different manufacturers, but preference here is given to the Japanese company Makita Corporation, the German company Bosch and some Russian manufacturers. You can pick up the tool yourself and return it until 20:00 on the day of return. Those who used the company's services more than three times, they may not pay bail.

Price: from 100 rubles per day for a bolt cutter to 1,000 rubles per day for a jackhammer

Pledge: 20–40% of the cost of equipment

Rent out your things

If you bought something unnecessary, but are not ready to part with it, then you can rent out this item through the Rentmania.org service. Everything you can imagine is rented here - tools, sports equipment, trampolines and even motorhomes. To become a landlord, you need to register on the site, leave an ad and wait for applications. With those who are interested in the item, you agree on the cost, amount of deposit, date and time of the meeting.

Photos: Gardbe.ru (1), istanbul_image_video / Shutterstock.com (3), halloween (2), landscape with tent (4), Treadmill (5), manual tools (6), TV news truck (7) via Shutterstock.com

What can be rented other than real estate?

    Beach equipment (in resort towns This business is in great demand. after all, not everyone is ready to carry a swimming mattress, children’s circles back and forth); equipment (camera, video camera...); gardening tools (not everyone will buy a lawn mower, but it’s convenient to use from time to time); trade (like all trade equipment from hangers to display cases) or tourist tent(like, in principle, all tourist equipment. It’s expensive to buy, and you don’t go hiking often); boat or boat (for romantic walks couples in love); sporting goods: skates, skis, balls; husband/wife (not in the format of prostitution, but it happens that someone urgently needs to act out a performance in order to provoke emotions, and here your other half can play along in the performance; pets (for filming in films, advertising, exotic animals are often rented out, for example , photographers); furniture (maybe you have an extra table lying around, but someone urgently needs it, for example, for a first-grader); baby strollers, bicycles, scooters, swings (everything related to children’s active games and small dishes); super-duper service); paintings (both your own and others’); any construction equipment (in case you have one) crane, the construction company will be very grateful); places for advertising (from the notice wall at the institute or banners on websites to billboards); your own knowledge on any topic (by conducting paid seminars); books (many people don’t want to buy them, but they read them with pleasure)

    You can rent out everything (well, except your soul, probably), the main thing is to find someone to rent it out to.

    Yes, anything - clothes, strollers, cars, pots, spoons, tables, telephones, gardening tools, etc.

    From my own practice, I rented furniture and a safe separately for the office. I rent out a fax machine to one client. Neighbors rent out their dacha for the whole summer. A friend rents a dental chair in the appropriate clinic. The situation there is this: all the proceeds go to you, but for the opportunity to work in someone else’s clinic on someone else’s equipment you need to pay 90 thousand rubles per month.

    We (Smart Telephony company) rent out the services of an expensive and powerful corporate-class PBX. The service is called Virtual Office. Many enterprises (for example, start-ups) do not have sufficient financial resources for acquisition and subsequent maintenance corporate mini-PBX. And by taking advantage of our offer, for a small monthly subscription fee you have good call center. And it doesn’t matter that it is not owned, but rented, because no one except you and me knows about this, right?

    Equipment, cars, commercial and consumer equipment, a safe deposit box in a bank, a vegetable garden, a field, a bathhouse. This is perhaps the most profitable thing I know.

    As far as I remember, back in the 80s they used to rent out a lot of things, and we didn’t even mind using these services ourselves. We rented a piano, and they also provided refrigerators, washing machines, even vacuum cleaners. There’s probably no such thing now, but I think if there was, there would be a demand for it.

    1 cars

    2 different devices for example: metal detector

    3 sports equipment

    4 boats, yachts

    Hello! There are many options and now I will tell you them.

    First option: bicycles.

    Second option: PlayStation 1, 2, 3, 4.

    Third option: Xbox 360, 720.

    Fourth option: iPad 1, 2, 3.

    Fifth option: iPhone 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

    Sixth option: mobile phones.

    Seventh option: tablets.

    Eighth option: slippers.

    Ninth option: robes.

    Tenth option: laptops.

    A summer cottage plot for the summer season, an apartment (with or without furniture), a room and even a balcony (especially in summer in resort towns).

    You can rent out non-residential premises for an office (with tables, chairs, air conditioners, etc.), shelving for a store.

    Transport - tractors and tow trucks - for construction organizations.

    A car in a taxi service. For example, in our city you can rent out your car to a taxi service for 800 rubles/day.

    Clothes - your own or children's.

    You can even rent out your body! For example, how surrogate mothers do it.

    The funniest moment in my life regarding rent was when I read something like this in the newspaper:

    I am renting a dog. Nickname Yuzya. 5 years old. He is a good watchman, kind, faithful, devoted. For a period of time: 3 weeks. And a number was given.

    At first I thought it was someone’s joke. But I decided to call and find out, and it turned out that it was true.

    Well, you can probably rent out a lot of things :).

    your body (prostitution). They also rent out a pump for pumping up the car. You can rent out a car, a warehouse, land, a garden, gas generators, airplanes, helicopters, etc.

    Wedding paraphernalia (dresses, jewelry, suits, cars, fur coats) are in great demand; everything is expensive to purchase, and why do you need it in the future? Now it’s summer, many people spend time by the river, you can rent out barbecues, fishing rods and everything else for relaxation. And knowledge is also in high demand.

    A friend of mine is engaged in construction work, he has an emergency, he often rents out his workers to other sites when they offer good money. And the workers earn extra money, and they don’t forget about themselves, in the end everyone is happy.

    In our water park we will rent slippers, hats, swimming trunks and swimsuits,since it turned out that some companies make a very spontaneous decision to visit our establishment, funny, but true. There is a river next to us, therefore accompanying our general location business is renting boats with various fillings, such as a boat with sleeping bags, a boat with fishing equipment and a boat with a barbecue and disposable dishes, although the neighbors complain that the filling constantly needs to be updated or washed, since people are having a blast, even the deposit the cost doesn’t help, but everyone wants romance, especially in a competitive state, which is inherent in couples in companies, so to speak, who will outdo whom. Obviously, you can rent out everything in this life, tents, tables, chairs and dishes for weddings and anniversary celebrations, people who will serve these events, uniforms for waiters, participants in sports competitions, posters with inscriptions for processions and parades, flags and attributes for processions based on interests, in general the market is very vast, the main thing is the goal and imagination, which will be in demand by humanity.

    You can rent out any property: both your own and rented from others (with the consent of the lessor).

    It’s easy to rent out a car (I’ll tell you it’s a very profitable business), a garage, a boat, a motor boat or a regular boat, if you have one. Can also be rented out Mountain bike, climbing equipment, various belay ropes for steeplejacking, tents for camping. Yes, in principle, there is a lot more if you want. I rent out my cat when the neighbor's cats and their owners need offspring. I also rented out a wedding dress.


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