Lakhta center where. Gazprom has begun the countdown to the opening of the Lakhta Center. Lakhta center opening: commissioning of the observation deck

"Lakhta Center" - A public and business complex is being built in Lakhta, the historical part of the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg, the key object of which will be the headquarters of the state concern Gazprom.

The complex includes a skyscraper and a multifunctional building, divided by an atrium into the South and North blocks. total area premises - 400 thousand m. The project is planned to be fully completed in the 3rd quarter of 2018.

The skyscraper became the northernmost in the world and the tallest in Russia and Europe, 88 meters higher than the Moscow Federation Tower skyscraper, although in terms of number of floors it is inferior to it and the 100-story Grozny skyscraper “Akhmat Tower” under construction. If we take absolute height, then the Lakhta Center ranks second among the tallest buildings in Russia and Europe, second only to the 540-meter Ostankino TV tower. The height of the building is 462 meters with 87 floors, and 118 meters are for a spire made of metal structures weighing more than 2000 tons.

The architectural design of the completed Phase 1 complex, including the tower, was developed by the design team of JSC Gorproekt under the leadership of the chief architect of the project, Philip Nikandrov, who was a co-author and chief architect of the Okhta Center project (2006-2010). The interior design of the complex is being developed by the European bureau Exclusiva Design Srl, which in 2014 won an open competition to design the interiors of public areas of the mixed-use complex.

According to the concept, the interior of the Lakhta Center multifunctional complex will be designed in a futuristic style. The glazing of the tower will be smooth, without joints or edges. Thanks to this, an original optical effect will be achieved in the form of reflected clouds rising along the wall of the building. Double-glazed windows are parallelograms and triangles (in the corners). There is no window in the glazing, since the building is equipped with a climate control system. Two buildings located on the sides of the high-rise dominant will be built with a height difference from 22 to 85 meters.

Maximum high point the southern building will be distant from the tower, and the northern one will be, on the contrary, directed towards the tower and the city. In March 2017, the first three of a future forty elevators were launched. Between the elevators there will be transfer nodes from the lower zone to the middle one, and from the middle zone to the upper one. A shuttle is also planned that will transport passengers non-stop to the observation deck.


Historical environment in Lakhta? Do you know our city well? The city center is far away, the issue is simply not relevant now.

- Local city defenders continue to insist that the tower will become a dominant feature and will cover something. According to the project, it is 462 meters in height.

In fact, the height of the tower is 462.7 meters. How to understand the statement of city defenders that the tower will cover something? Blocking the view of Primorskoye Highway? View of residential development? Does this concern you? It will be visible against the background of other objects - I agree, but it will definitely not cover or dominate significant historical objects. If the house is beautiful, why strive to ensure that no one sees it? Our project is very beautiful, the time will come when everyone will be proud of it.

I saw one photoshopper. The picture showed our tower against the backdrop of the Bronze Horseman and the caption: “See what the angle is, everything is ruined there, it’s impossible to take a photo.” I don’t know... I myself have photographed myself many times next to the Bronze Horseman, but I have never photographed the statue from the tail side. Why do people care?

- What is the most important difference between the Lakhta Center project and the notorious Okhta Center?

These are fundamentally different projects. A simple business center was designed on Okhta - a tower with office premises. In fact, it turned out to be a closed space, a thing in itself. An employee would come there, work, get everything he needs, and at the end of the working day go home.

The rest of the townspeople could go to the Okhta Center to visit the observation deck or sit in the revolving restaurant on the 74th floor.

It was not intended to create social infrastructure in the Okhta Center, but the Lakhta Center provides for a very large volume of additional functions, which, in terms of area ratio, will dominate the office component.

The main volume of offices in Lakhta Center is located in the tower, and underneath it there will be the whole city for residents of nearby areas and tourists. The public component of the project includes sports and medical centers, shops, conference rooms, an entertaining science center for children and a planetarium.

- How did the idea with the planetarium come about?

Architects always strive to offer some kind of feature, a zest. We have several of them on our project. The idea of ​​a planetarium was not born immediately. We were provided with a multi-light space, and we were all thinking about how to make the best use of it. We worked on this issue for a month and a half, and then - time! And the planetarium was born! A huge ball, which seemed to be thrown at full force into the building, and it stuck to the facade. Very impressive. It will be visible both from the street and from passing cars, it will become another reason for people to come to us.

- Has the tower itself become larger than the Okhta Center project?

The tower became taller, larger in diameter, changed in shape and structure. This is absolutely new project. Outwardly, there are some similarities, it seems that it is the same tower, but in fact the towers are completely different.

- Are there design differences?

The basic design diagram remained unchanged, we were only able to optimize and reduce the number of technical floors, were able to abandon some columns, and simplified the beam system. And in the Lakhta project, decisions on organizing construction have changed significantly, new technologies have been applied. Currently, we have successfully completed work on the arrangement of the pile foundation of the tower and multifunctional building. In Lakhta, bored piles with a diameter of 2 meters were laid under a high-rise building, and in Okhta, foundations in the form of barettes were provided, which are much more expensive. This became possible because the soil situation in the new location is much better. Thanks to this and other optimization solutions, we get good savings Money per square meter.

- What are the parameters of the tower?

The office part will occupy about 120 thousand square meters, and the total usable area will be approximately 200 thousand square meters.

The tower is an office tower, and everything connected with it is the maintenance of office premises. The top of the tower was created for public functions, there is an observation deck, a revolving restaurant and a conference room area that can be rented out for short-term rent for any events. The rest are the offices of our investor.

- Do you plan to rent out space to other companies?

Currently, everything is being done to suit the needs of the investor, but perhaps some areas will be rented out to third-party tenants.

- The project on the official website involves placing a complex of apartments in the building, will these premises also not be sold?

Not an apartment complex, but a hotel with two hundred rooms, a simple four-star hotel. Can you imagine how many business trips we have? We need to place them somewhere. This is the headquarters.

- That is, the apartments will not be purchased by anyone, including the top management of the company?

No. This is a clean hotel with its own logistics solutions, delivery and cleaning of premises. If there were apartments for sale there, we would change a lot in the project.

- Tell us about the space around the tower.

On the adjacent territory of the business district there is parking for tourist buses, there is access to the berthing structure, there will be museum complex"Poltava".

The entrance lobbies in the Eastern part are intended for employees; they are decorated with a very beautiful arch, a span of 99 meters, a unique engineering structure. Business and tourist life will unfold around this arch.

From the southeastern part of our territory, a large walking area begins, stretching along a pedestrian bridge to the park of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg. Walking route will be about 8 kilometers, the issue of building a pedestrian bridge to Krestovsky Island is being considered.

The pedestrian zone is not 1.5 meter wide paths, it is a space where any events could be held, up to the May demonstrations. There is an amphitheater in the southern part of our territory.

- Can you tell me a little more about the amphitheater?

The amphitheater appeared in the project by accident. There was a very complex volumetric-spatial solution for the roof of a covered parking lot. It was necessary to create a smooth transition from the highest level of the roof to the water, and our architect proposed placing an amphitheater for 2 thousand people. We happily agreed, and we had one more “trick”.

As a result, we got a space where we can hold any events related to open air and water. We want it to be possible to watch from the amphitheater and water fountains, and water shows, and theatrical performances, competitions...

The northern part of the territory will be used to ensure pedestrian accessibility. There will be railway platforms and a metro station. On Northern Square we plan to hold open-air exhibitions.

- The lake also appeared in the project on the official website

You don't have enough water Gulf of Finland? There was no lake, there were and are expanses of water, but this is something completely different. The water surfaces did not appear by chance. We carried out aerodynamic tests to determine the wind loads on the tower itself, as well as the comfort level of pedestrian areas.

As a result of this work, we have identified areas where very strong winds are possible due to downdrafts air. We marked these zones in red on the plan, and then changed the “red” to “blue” and made a water surface there. People will not walk through these zones, and the project will have decorative and protective functions for pedestrian zones.

- How will the transfer be organized?

The metro station is expected only by 2025, so the facility will have to operate for 7 years without a metro. The transfer issue will definitely be resolved, but for now the first thing that comes to mind is to use transportation from metro stations " Old village" and "Black River".

The project also provides for a sufficient number of parking spaces (according to the standard, one parking space should be created for 5 employees and 1 parking space for 10 visitors, but we plan to create more parking spaces), and for tourism purposes, together with the city, a project for an interchange hub is being developed - these are these new Lakhta railway platforms ", intercept parking. There will also be public stops ground transport. All this should be operational by 2017.

- How many people will work in the tower?

In total, about 10 thousand people will be on the territory of the complex every day: more than 5 thousand office employees and about 4 thousand visitors and tourists.

- Can you name the approximate amount of investment in the project?

I'm not involved in this issue. I only determine the validity of specific decisions. For example, we calculate the efficiency of refrigeration systems. I know how much money we will save on this. And the total cost of the project is the competence of my management.

- And if you compare it with the Okhta Center project, which project is more expensive?

This cannot be compared at all - the objects are completely different, but the cost of construction per square meter in the Lakhta Center project is lower, because the situation with the soil is different here. We were just very lucky. And the amount of usable space here is much larger.

- Will the facility be introduced in stages or in one phase?

If we had it like in the MIBC Moscow City, when the entire development is divided into separate stages of construction, each building is put into operation independently - we would be terribly happy, but with us all the buildings are a single whole of one object. The design documentation was developed without highlighting queues, without highlighting launch complexes, without highlighting construction stages.

In our project engineering support, transport accessibility and everything else is created comprehensively; one tower cannot be put into operation. We wanted to divide it into stages, but it didn’t work out, so we will introduce everything at the same time, for which the builders thanked us very much (in quotes). We will have to put into operation all 400 thousand square meters at once. This will be a feat, because in Russia it has never happened that 400 thousand square meters were introduced at once.

- Tell us what is happening at the site now? What stage is going on?

The work is in full swing. The piles have been completed and the excavation of the tower foundation has been completed. This colossal structure is five football fields 20 meters deep. It's so beautiful it takes your breath away. There are spacer discs, a wall in the ground, everything is massive and solid... A colossal building structure. You physically feel the work of the structures. There are people working down there, they are very small, because the height still makes itself felt. There is a bay nearby, and the pit is dry. A person who is far from construction does not fully understand how difficult it is. This is simply Beautiful with a capital B, beautiful from the point of view of human capabilities and his engineering.

Lakhta Center:
what is it worth
for high-rise

Partnership project

Skyscrapers are the vanguard of the construction industry. Super-tall buildings always require a special approach from their creators. In 2018, construction of the Lakhta Center will be completed in St. Petersburg, which will become the tallest skyscraper in Europe. What technologies are used to build the St. Petersburg giant?

New height Europe

The Lakhta Center social and business complex is being built in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg, on the coast of the Gulf of Finland. Its center will be the headquarters of the Gazprom group and the Gazprom Neft company; the other part of the area will be occupied by public spaces: a scientific and educational complex for children and youth, a planetarium, exhibition spaces, medical and sports centers, a multifunctional transforming hall and others.

The complex consists of four structures: a multifunctional building with an atrium, a stylobate (there will be a parking lot and auxiliary premises), an arch of the main entrance and a skyscraper 462 meters high. It is he who will become the tallest not only in Russia, but throughout Europe. The Lakhta Center supertoll will be 88 meters taller than the current European record holder - the Federation Tower in Moscow City - and will be in 11th place in the world high-rise ranking.

Construction site in the swamp

There is an opinion that St. Petersburg is built on viscous soils, and it is impossible to build skyscrapers here. Experts answer: you can build anywhere, but you need good planning. The construction of the St. Petersburg supertoll was preceded by a year and a half of engineering and geological research. The authors of the project studied the geological, geodetic, environmental, historical and cultural features of the site.

It turned out that weak soils make up only the top layer. Beneath it lies the Vendian horizon - these are the oldest clays, which are 635-540 million years old. As strong as rock or concrete, these clays are an excellent support for a skyscraper. But getting to them is not easy: in the way of construction equipment there are deposits of the Ice Age in the form of giant boulders and sandy loams with gravel. A set of studies, calculations and full-scale tests became the basis for creating the Lakhta Center design.

Device: base

Piles and protective wall

The foundation is protected from pressure and water in the upper layers of soil by a pentagonal underground structure along the perimeter of the base of the skyscraper. Its height is 30 meters, the length of the walls is more than 300 meters. There are 264 piles installed inside the pentagon, going to a depth of 82 meters. Their diameter is 2 meters. These are the widest piles in the world. The foundation piles of a skyscraper are not driven in, but created right on the spot - in the ground. The shaft is drilled, then a reinforced frame is installed and filled with concrete.


The foundation of a skyscraper rests on piles. It consists of three slabs separated by ten radial walls radiating out from the core. The most famous of the slabs is the lower one, 3.6 meters thick. It was she who got into the Guinness Book of Records: builders laid 19,624 cubic meters of concrete at the base of the building in 49 hours. Moreover, the uniqueness of the slab is not in its physical size, but in the technique that provides the necessary load-bearing capacity with optimal dimensions of the structure.

Read more about the record at the Lakhta Center site

Each pile under the tower is a separate complex engineering structure the height of a 30-story building. Control over its construction is a whole system, including video monitoring cameras lowered into the shaft and ultrasonic sensors installed in the reinforcement of the pile frame to determine the density and absence of voids.

Pressure test

The weight of the Lakhta Center tower will be 670 thousand tons, pressing on the ground of a relatively small area. Under pressure, the soil will compact and the skyscraper will settle - just like any other building. The main task is to ensure that this settlement occurs evenly and the building does not deviate from the vertical. To monitor the behavior of the soil, underground structures and their interaction, a geomonitoring system has been created that combines 4,800 sensors.

Sensors are placed both in the ground and in all elements of the tower’s underground structures. Thus, 95 sensors “monitor” vertical movements, 40 – pore pressure of the soil, 336 measure deformations in piles, 10 – pressure under the base of the foundation, 2136 – the dynamics of forces in foundation structures. All sensors are combined into an automatic system. After the construction of every five new floors of the tower, the system provides a full report of what is happening with the soil, piles, and foundation. Such knowledge is useful not only for builders, but also for scientific research.

Vertical management

The precipitation can proceed evenly. But the building itself can be built with a slope. This would not be surprising at a height of almost half a kilometer: an uncorrected deviation of 1 mm at the bottom would result in a deviation of 1 meter at the top. “Lakhta Center” cannot afford a strong deviation: a skyscraper is stable “in an inclination” only if it is specially designed this way (like, for example, Capital Gate - the building with the largest inclination in the world: at 160 meters in height - 18 degrees of inclination). The maximum deviation of the Lakhta Center core allowed by the project is 6 millimeters over the entire 462 meters. And the goal is to shift the deviation delta to zero, although in world practice no one has yet succeeded in achieving absolute zero.

How can the St. Petersburg supertoll not turn into Leaning Tower of Pisa?

There are examples of buildings in the world that successfully exist in a state of deviation from the vertical by meters. For example, a church from 1382 in Bad Frankenhuasen: the deviation of the spire from the vertical is 4.45 meters with a “height” of 25 meters.

Device: design

A skyscraper cannot simply be built “as long as there are enough bricks.” There are different systems that ensure the stability of supertall buildings. At the Lakhta Center tower it consists of a core, outriggers and load-bearing columns along the perimeter of the building.

It is a “pipe” with a diameter of 24.5 meters with a reinforced concrete wall thickness of 0.8 meters. Responsible for vertical stability.


Outriggers located on technical floors consist of a ring beam around the core and diagonal metal trusses and columns extending from it. These elements transfer forces from the core to the outer columns and reduce the supporting moment at the bottom of the building, and also impart horizontal rigidity - for example, they dampen the sway of the tower from the wind. There are five outriggers in the Lakhta Center tower, of which four have the form of double floors, and the fifth is atypical, in the form of a powerful reinforced concrete “puck”

Made of composite materials - steel core with reinforced concrete shell. This solution was used for the first time in civil engineering in Russia. Thanks to it, the cost of columns is significantly reduced, and the construction period

is reduced by 40%, all other things being equal.

Twisted form

According to the creators, the Lakhta Center tower was conceived as a modern interpretation of the high-rise dominant, standing out against the background of the traditional horizontal development of St. Petersburg. Its “brothers” - the spire of the Peter and Paul Cathedral, the Admiralty Needle, the dome of St. Isaac's Cathedral - adorn the city center, while the new supertoll will become an organizing element in the rapidly developing Primorsky district. The new skyscraper will play the role of the main accent of the business space that will appear along the “sea façade” of the city.

“The shape of the building symbolizes the energy of water, the flow of spaces, openness and lightness,” explain the authors of the project. “The effect of weightlessness and maximum merging of the future complex with the environment will be enhanced through the use of a special type of glass, thanks to which, depending on the time of day, the high-rise building will change color, which will create the feeling of a “living object.”

Device: facade

The Lakhta Center tower twists around its axis by 90 degrees. There are certain features in the construction of such a building. For example, due to expansion, contraction and “torsion”, all 189 thousand components of the tower’s metal structures differ from each other (strictly speaking, only two are the same). The facade elements also differ in shape and curve: 16,505 panels cover an area of ​​72,500 square meters, while 71% of the double-glazed windows differ from each other in size and geometry. The size of each double-glazed window is 2.8 by 4.2 meters, weight is 740 kilograms. To maintain such a demanding structure, a special facade maintenance system (abbreviated SOF) has been developed. With its help, the facades will be kept clean and, if necessary, repaired.

How to collect 189,000 parts and never make a mistake?

Reserve for the future

Conquering heights is always a matter of having the appropriate technology. Elevator, ventilation, electricity - at one time, high-rise buildings were the first to experience all these “new products”. After a successful start, the production of technologies became widespread: from the category of exclusive benefits, they moved into the category of minimum standards for the construction of standard housing and public buildings.

The construction of skyscrapers led to the development of modern lifting construction equipment, the invention of building stability structures, the introduction of new fire safety technologies, and modern high-strength building materials. High-rise construction is an area where orders for high-tech solutions are formed, which will then be transferred to other areas of our life.

"Walking" mechanisms for building a skyscraper

The St. Petersburg “Lakhta Center” is actively introducing technologies - some for the first time in the regional and Russian construction market, some - in the global one. The significance of this construction for the construction industry can be assessed later, but it is already clear how the environment is changing: joint production ventures are emerging, qualified personnel are growing, suppliers are using new technical solutions - this is how new heights in quality standards are being mastered.

They prepared for pouring the bottom slab in advance, because it is impossible to “redo” the work. The participants rehearsed everything they could. For example, 13 concrete supply plants practiced producing a concrete mixture using a unique recipe until they achieved its absolute identity.

The pouring speed was more than 400 cubic meters per hour, and the mixers made more than 2,450 trips. The process was organized in such a way that the event local residents we learned from the media - there was no additional traffic jam on the busy Primorskoye Highway, no noise from the construction site.

The deviation delta is monitored by surveyors. They have seven equipment systems (optical and laser) in their arsenal; duplication helps double-check instrument readings. Three of the seven geodetic systems are presented in Russia for the first time, but have proven themselves well at the world's leading construction sites.

World geodetic premiere – pulsed high-speed laser scanner with a two-axis compensator. The device is being used for the first time in the construction of a skyscraper. With its help, Lakhta Center builders check the position of metal structures inside a concrete environment when manufacturing, for example, composite columns with a steel core inside a concrete structure.

To guide the core in a strictly vertical course, “space” technology is also used - the Trimble 4D Control geodetic device. It uses a satellite signal and a system of geosensors installed at the construction site. Using GPS and GLONASS readings, the system determines exact coordinates kernels and delta bias, which is constantly adjusted based on the received data.

For assembly they use BIM, a relatively new technology for Russia. It is a virtual three-dimensional model of the building that combines all the data from the design documentation. By adding a time dimension, a virtual technology for constructing an object is built: projects for organizing construction, work execution, and supply logistics. At Lakhta Center, one more application has been added to the standard use of the model. Due to its complex geometry, the tower is assembled from metal structures, each of which has a single possible installation location. The correctness of the assembly is controlled, including using BIM. Structures delivered to the site have barcodes associated with the BIM model. The part code clearly indicates its installation location in the overall structure.

Builders say about the St. Petersburg supertoll that it is “ self made" We are talking about the uniqueness of solutions, and as for labor, everything that is possible is automated. For example, a “sliding” (automated) formwork system is used to construct the core.

Formwork is a form for concreting, formed by two rows of panels, the space between which is the future core wall. Concrete is poured between the panels and hardens.

Conventional formwork needs to be unfastened, moved to a new location and reassembled - a huge loss of time and productivity. And the automatic one “moves” with the help of hydraulic jacks as concrete is poured.

The Lakhta construction site is very fond of such self-moving tools. The wind protection on the tower works on a similar principle - its panels slide along with the formwork. The “walking” mechanisms include a crane in the core of the tower - the first of its kind in St. Petersburg.

The Lakhta Center skyscraper rose 35 floors (147 meters) and set a new record among all buildings in St. Petersburg.
There is one building higher - the TV tower, but that doesn't count. In addition, in 2017 the building will be 2 times higher, and by 2018 the height of the skyscraper will be 462 meters. It will be taller than the Federation Tower in the Moscow City business center in the capital and will become the tallest building in Europe.

Until now, the city record belonged to the Leader Tower, which glows in the Moscow district, which, by the way, is the tallest building in the world in northern latitudes. Leading among historical buildings Peter and Paul Cathedral with its 122 and a half meters, conceived as the main dominant feature of the city. But technology is stronger.

Let us recall that the construction of Gazprom’s headquarters was accompanied by battles between city defenders and the authorities, because initially its construction was planned not in Lakhta on the shore of the Gulf of Finland, but in Malaya Okhta on the right bank of the Neva. The authorities believed that this would become a new symbol Northern capital, and the residents were against the tower almost in the center. Now people and authorities have agreed. It is planned that the “mega-structure” will attract financial tycoons from all over the world. It has already been included in the Guinness Book of Records for the largest foundation in the world. It was flooded non-stop for 49 hours. Lakhta Center today
Lakhta Center as planned in 2018
Record-breaking foundation of Lakhta Center
Construction plan
Internal view of Lakhta Center according to plan
The most high building in the northern latitudes of the world - “Leader Tower” on the square. Constitution
The architectural dominant of the Northern capital until 1962 (that year the TV tower was built)


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