Full review, operating hours and prices. Waterpark Djerba in Tunisia. Full review, opening hours and prices Water park in Djerba Tunisia

Fourth, there is a large wave pool. As we wrote above, it turns on only 4 times a day, but it is there, and this is already some advantage.

Fifth, there is a “lazy river” here, which is not present in AquaSplash.

Sixth, in Acqua Palace the problem of overcrowding of the park with people is not so acute; it is free here on weekdays.

Although we have listed many advantages, all of them are not that significant. We cannot make a definite conclusion about which of these two water parks is better. We won’t recommend one of them; it’s better to go to both, since the ticket prices are low.

Slides and entertainment

Space Boat

Such an attraction Russian tourists called the word “toilet”. Start from a height of 12 meters, then a long closed slide, inside of which there are luminous rings. At the end you find yourself in a “saucer”, in the center of which there is a hole through which you fall down.

The main feature of this slide is the luminous rings, it looks futuristic. You can see them in the second photo in this article. See photos of the entire attraction nearby, click on the photo to enlarge.

Black Hole

This is a long indoor slide. The record height for Tunisia is 17 meters, the record length for Tunisia is 150 meters. It is not dark inside, there is lighting with luminous rings.

See this slide in the photo on the right. Unfortunately, only part of the attraction was captured in the frame. It turned out that there is no point in the park from where it would be possible to photograph it in its entirety.

From the top of the tower where the start of the Black Hole slide is located, you can see the neighboring wasteland. And any vacant lot in Tunisia almost instantly turns into a waste dump. This is the country. .

Rolling Kamikaze (Toboggan Kamikaze)

A slide with a high angle of inclination, height – 10 meters. Most water parks have kamikaze slides. Here it is not much different, only longer and has an original name. Persons under 1.4 meters tall are prohibited from using this attraction.

Crazy River

This is a wide and slow slide in which chutes alternate with pools. Nothing crazy here. Height – 8 meters, length – 80 meters. .

Toboggan Drop

Wide slide 80 meters long. They roll down it without tubing. It is possible to ride in a group - up to 4 people racing. See the photo next to it, click on the photo to enlarge.

Fantastic FOAM (Le Fantastique FOAM)

There is no foam on this ride. This is a regular multislide for 4 people.

Lazy River

This is an artificial river 200 meters long. It is customary to simply swim along it in a circle and relax. Even diving under water is prohibited here by the rules of the water park.

There are no waterfalls, caves, or any other attractions along the river. Let's put it more simply. Boring! .

But there is also an undoubted advantage - the river is circular. Theoretically, you can ride all day and not get up from tubing.

Wave Pool

It is turned on 4 times a day - at 10, 11, 15 and 16 hours. 10 minutes before the start of its work, a special siren sounds to notify visitors. The waves last only 10 minutes. There are a lot of people in the pool at this moment.

The area of ​​this pool is 2000 square meters, which is another record for Tunisia. Diving underwater during wave action is prohibited for safety reasons. See the photo of the pool next to it, click on the photo to enlarge.

Children's zone

This part of the Acqua Palace water park is frankly “weak”. There is no such small and boring children's area anywhere else. There are only two slides here - one winding, the other straight for two children. There is also a swimming pool with a mini waterfall.

The administration is trying to embellish this zone in some way, for example, by publishing this photo on the official website. Of course, the photo is good and will please the eye of any man, but this doesn’t make the children’s area any better. The administration still has to work on this part of the park. In fact, the children's area looks like "

We wish you fun rides on the slides in the water parks of Tunisia, and read useful and interesting articles about this country on our website website ( links below).

if you love leisure and went on vacation to Tunisia, then you should definitely visit the water park in Djerba. This is a new and well designed water park that has quickly started to gain popularity among tourists. Besides water slides and a large number of swimming pools, it attracts with its landscape design.

A brief overview of the Le Pirate water park in Djerba

Many people call it Djerba Water Park, but this is incorrect, as it is actually called “Le Pirate”. The water park in Djerba was officially opened in 2017 and many tourists who like to travel to Tunisia were looking forward to its opening. Djerba is the most big Island not only in Tunisia, but throughout northern Africa. This is literally an island resort that even has its own airport.

The water park in Djerba was built on the territory of the four-star Sunconnect Djerba hotel Aqua Resort and initially tourists thought that if they settled in this hotel, then entry for them will be free, but their hopes were not justified. Even if you are staying at the Aqua Resort hotel, entry will be on a general basis, i.e. They won't even give you any discount. So far, the water park in Djerba is the largest in its region, and if you decide to relax in Tunisia, check with your operator whether you will have the opportunity to visit this water park.

The area of ​​the water park in Djerba was 25 thousand square meters, the water park is very huge. Up to 1000 visitors can be here at the same time, but now imagine how many tourists will pass through in a day.

The water park has 14 large water slides, some of which are of increased difficulty. The most popular and scary slides are Kamikjo, Black Hole and Toboggan.

Immediately upon entering the water park, everyone is amazed at the number of pools; there are a lot of them here and they are extremely beautiful.

We made several for children at the water park in Djerba play areas, one of the most beautiful is " Pirate ship» from which several water mini-slides begin. The ship has a lot of fun toys, water cannons, barrels of water and much more.

And of course, don’t forget about the pirate-themed bar. After all, what pirate can get by without rum?)

But not only rum is sold here; the bar menu is very huge. You can order a large selection of both alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails.

A few parting words:

  • You cannot enter the water park with your own food or even water; this has already become a standard rule for all water parks
  • It is best to visit the water park in Djerba on weekdays, since on weekends there are huge queues at the slides, and there are practically no free tables in the cafe.
  • Do not forget that your swimsuit should not have any metal or plastic parts, otherwise you will not be allowed on the water slides.
  • If you live in a hotel, then most likely there is an inexpensive transfer from it directly to the water park, check with the receptionist at the reception.

Opening hours 2020

On regular days at the water park in Djerba open from 10:00 to 18:00

But since he is under open air, it may be closed due to bad weather. Therefore, before visiting it, it is better to check in advance whether the water park is open in Djerba.

Ticket prices

In 2020, the following prices apply for tickets to the water park in Djerba. Ticket prices are determined not by age, but strictly by height. In the table below you can see ticket prices for the water park in Djerba for 2020.

Height 140 cm + 40 TND
Height up to 140 cm 30 TND
Height up to 80 cm FOR FREE!


The water park in Djerba has 14 water slides for adults, half of them high and fast, and the other half of medium difficulty.

Video review of Djerba water park in Tunisia

Recreation areas

There are many pools on the territory of the water park, there are ordinary ones in which you can lie down, and there is a very interesting wave pool. A special device imitates sea waves and you can lie on the shore so that the waves beat against your feet, or swim in the center resisting the waves.

For a more relaxing holiday, you can take an inflatable ring and go on a journey along the fast river. The fast river is a long pool that runs throughout almost the entire water park and has an artificial current.

Contacts, address

Official website of Djerba Water Park in Tunisia: https://www.aquapark-djerba.com/

Phone number of Djerba water park: +216 75 732 600

Djerba water park address: Tunisia, Medenine, Djerba

Djerba Waterpark on the map:

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Water parks in Tunisia are not huge in size or have record-breaking attractions. But entry tickets they are some of the cheapest in the world. If you want to spend half a day outside the hotel in a fun and relatively inexpensive way, then this is a great option in Tunisia.


Resorts from which you can easily reach: , .

Located in the city of Sousse at the Thalassa Sousse Hotel. For hotel guests, access to the Aquasplash water park is unlimited, and the slides are located in walking distance from the numbers.

In terms of the number and composition of slides, the Aquasplash water park is definitely the best in Tunisia. But in terms of amenities for external visitors, it is definitely the worst. It is also the most expensive water park in the country.

Read in detail about all the pros and cons in our article “”. On this page we will tell you briefly.

The Aquasplash park has 13 large water slides, which is a record for Tunisia. There are no record-breaking slides in terms of height or length, but the range of entertainment can be called “balanced”. All slides are grouped into two towers.

The children's area at the Aquasplash water park is the best in the country, here more than a dozen small slides, mini waterfalls and a large vat of water poured from above. In addition, this is the newest water park in Tunisia - opened in 2013.

There are a lot of inconveniences. Firstly, two towers with slides work only alternately - in the morning the first tower with 4 slides, at lunch the second with 9 slides, in the afternoon the first one again. This is acceptable for the guests of the Thalassa Sousse Hotel, since they stay at the hotel all the time. But for outside visitors this is extremely inconvenient.

Secondly, amenities for external visitors are minimal. There is only one toilet, shower, and locker room in a single copy and they are located very far from the slides, you still need to try to find it. You even have to try to find the entrance to the water park.

Thirdly, it’s just “hellish” workload in the summer months. Hotel guests and external visitors together form huge queues of up to 20-30 minutes, the problem is especially acute on weekends. It is free here only in May (if the water park has already opened), in September and October (if it has not yet closed) and in the month of Ramadan.

Another one interesting feature Aquasplash are special tubes of closed slides, where sunlight penetrates through translucent rings, it turns out to be light inside, and it is much more interesting to ride in such a tube. This is a new trend in the technology of building slides for water parks. The next water park in our review, Acqua Palace, also has such slides and pipes.

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