The most beautiful places in the queen. Sights of Korolev, Moscow region: description, history and interesting facts. Marina Tsvetaeva Park

If you are interested in everything related to space: rockets and space fireballs, satellites and stars, the history of astronautics and much more - the atmosphere of the city of Korolev is saturated with all this. This city will be especially interesting to visit for little boys who dream of becoming astronauts and conquering the uncharted depths of the mysterious space.

Korolev city named after the founder of practical astronautics - Sergei Korolev . The city of Korolev is a leader in domestic science, as well as the largest center of the rocket and space industry. This city is not only an excellent opportunity for educational and have an interesting trip, but also for relaxation. The city of Korolev is located in one of the most environmentally friendly areas. Hospitable, comfortable hotels await you here, and apartments in Korolev can be an excellent option for solving the housing problem both for vacation and for permanent residence.

Once in the city of Korolev, be sure to visit the monument to Sergei Pavlovich Korolev on Korolev Avenue. There you can also see a monument to the very first artificial satellite.

In the city of Korolev there is an incredible number of the most amazing and interesting museums. Eg, Mission Control Center .

The Mission Control Center, of course, can hardly be called a museum, but nevertheless, fascinating excursions are held here every day for tourists interested in astronautics. It is here that you will have a unique opportunity to observe the work and control of the Mir orbital station.

Do you want to learn more about the history of rocket and space technology? Then you should visit rocket and space corporation "Energia" named after S.P. Queen .

Here you will have the opportunity to see the office of S.P. himself. Korolev, Yuri Gagarin’s descent module, as well as multiple models of the Sayuz-Apollo orbital complex and the Salyut station.

Worth to visit Royal Historical Museum , where among the exhibits you can see cars from the Great Patriotic War, models of aircraft, photographs, historical documents, models of combat missiles and much more.

For those who are interested in the life of V.I. Lenin, there is an opportunity to visit Museum of History and Local Lore . Here you can see how Vladimir Ilyich Lenin lived in 1922.

It is worth noting a museum dedicated to the work of the famous Russian poetess Marina Tsvetaeva . Here you can not only see objects that belonged to the Tsvetaeva family, but also art paintings and autographs of famous cultural figures.

Be sure to visit the city of Korolev, a city that will not leave indifferent any romantic and dreamer thirsting for new incredible discoveries and adventures. This is a place that everyone should visit.

Many of us want to get acquainted with the history of other cities, their memorable places. But most people simply don’t have time for this. After all, the road, excursions and vacations can drag on for a long time. But why go far? You can take a day and go to the nearest city in your region.

This article is intended for Muscovites. Located very close to the capital a beautiful city Korolev, whose sights we will consider. Various sightseeing tours and tours around memorable places quite popular here. So, let's find out what this city is famous for and look at the sights of the city of Korolev in the Moscow region.

The first thing S. Korolev is associated with is rockets, the first flight into space, Gagarin. But there is also a city in the Moscow region that bears the name of the great scientist and designer.


In the twelfth century, several villages of Slavic tribes were located on the territory of the settlement, scattered along the banks of the Klyazma River. It is believed that in this area there was an ancient trade route connecting the principalities of Moscow and Vladimir-Suzdal. At the beginning of the eighteenth century, one of the first industrial enterprises in Russia was launched in this place - a manufactory producing linen and cloth. In 1918, the Ordnance Plant from Petrograd was moved to the territory of the Podlipki holiday village.

Podlipki appeared as a holiday village at the end of the century before last, after which the name changed three more times: in the twenty-eighth year of the last century - the village of Kalininsky, in the thirty-eighth year - the city of Kaliningrad. And in 1996, in honor of the general designer of rocket and space systems S.P. Korolev, it was renamed the city of Korolev. Its attractions are closely related to the history of the name.

The structure of Kaliningrad includes two more settlements - Bolshevo and Kostino. They have entertaining story, which became an integral part of the chronicle of Kaliningrad-Koroleva. For more than three hundred years, the Bolshevo land had the glory of an ancient center of weaving production. Even in the times of Peter the Great, canvas from Bolshevo was used to equip the nascent Russian fleet.

Kostino became known in the country and abroad for the presence of a labor commune for street children, which was organized in the twenty-fourth year of the twentieth century at the suggestion of “Iron” Felix.

Now let's move on to the main thing. Let's begin to describe the sights of Korolev.

Mission Control Center

It was founded in October 1960 in this town as a computer center that allows processing and analyzing information received from the first space devices.

At present, the Center is still functioning and controls the flights of the department of the Russian part of the International space station both manned vehicles and those operating in automatic mode.

MCC employees will help organize visits to the center for both Russian and foreign citizens. As you tour this Korolev landmark, you will visit the hall from which the laurel-crowned Mir orbital station has been operated for the past fifteen years. You will also be able to see the Main Mission Control Hall of the International Space Station, and most importantly, it is rare for anyone to be able to observe the work of managing the orbital complex in real time.

You will hear many different stories about the arrangement and activities of the Center, you will be able to watch fascinating videos about the life of astronauts in orbit, but nothing compares to the opportunity to observe in real time the control of the orbital station.

Space Technology Museum

The name of this attraction, Queen of the Moscow Region, speaks for itself. Here are exhibits that characterize the history of the creation of our rocket and space technology: from the primary Soviet long-range ballistic missiles to the Energia launch vehicle and the Sea Launch strategic rocket and space complex, from early artificially created Earth satellites to pilot-controlled space transport ships of various modifications.

The museum is represented by a showroom, the Labor Glory Hall and the S.P. Korolev Memorial Room.


In the showroom of this Korolev landmark there is everything: rockets, satellites, and the whole history of domestic and Soviet rocket and space technology unfolds before your eyes.

The Hall of Labor Glory is history in the faces of those people who made it happen but remained behind the scenes, the history of ordinary hard workers, without whom it would be very problematic to bring the plans of great scientists and designers to life. Everything is present here: photographs, documentary sources, awards, souvenirs, etc.

The Memorial Room of S.P. Korolev depicts the life of a common man, everything that a common man needed in modern conditions to create.

In addition, visiting any Korolev attraction is not just an opportunity to touch history, it is a chance to observe it. Seeing and touching the device on which Yuri Gagarin returned home is something beyond words. And full-scale models of the original international orbital complex "Soyuz-Apollo" and the station located in orbit, "Salyut", with their similarity, provide an opportunity to touch the history of mankind.

Royal History Museum

Be sure to visit the Royal History Museum. In it you will find models of flying equipment, cars from the Great Patriotic War, prototypes of combat missiles, artillery pieces, various photographs and documents.

The museum also tells the story of the contribution of the residents of the city of Korolev to the development of defense and science. The exhibits tell about the life of summer residents at the beginning of the last century, who went through the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars. The rocket and space time of the city's development is represented by models of various combat missiles, spacecraft and ships.

Memorial House-Museum of S. N. Durylin

The Historical House-Museum of S. N. Durylin is a museum of all-Russian educational significance. Sergei Nikolaevich Durylin is a writer, theatrical and literary “critic” (as he called himself) of the first half of the last century.

His house in Bolshevo was built at the beginning of the twentieth century, the basis of which was the surviving remains of the destroyed Strastnoy Monastery. Durylin collected an amazing collection of icons from the 17th - early 20th centuries, as well as works by K. Malevich, R. R. Falk, M. A. Voloshin, V. D. Polenov, K. F. Bagaevsky, L. O. Pasternak and others. His House Museum contains photographs and personal belongings of B. L. Pasternak, S. T. Richter, N. D. Teleshev, as well as servants of the Maly, Bolshoi and Art Theaters. So here you will not only enrich yourself culturally, but also discover many interesting facts.

Marina Tsvetaeva Museum

Well, the most magnificent from a cultural point of view is an extraordinary museum of its kind, dedicated to the work of the talented Russian poetess Marina Tsvetaeva. This museum is known not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders.

It was located in the village of Bolshevo, where the poetess lived in the first days after emigration. The most important fragments of the museum collection are memorial items that belonged to the Tsvetaeva-Efron family. In addition, among the exhibits of the house-museum you will see paintings by Y. Zhudro, V. Cleroy, G. Zaitsev, autographs of Tsvetaeva’s famous compatriots - N. Mandelstam, B. L. Pasternak, L. Libedinskaya, M. I. Belkina and others, as well as things that once belonged to A. S. Efron and S. Ya. Efron, M. A. Voloshin, B. L. Pasternak.

The Marina Tsvetaeva Museum is not only exhibits associated with the priceless past, but also a meeting place for people of the creative intelligentsia, organizing interesting exhibitions and traditional Tsvetaeva readings.

Museums are the most significant attractions of the city of Korolev, Moscow region.

Trinity Church

Trinity Church was erected in 2007 on the territory of Valentinovsky Field. In 2003, a wooden church was erected in the name of St. Life-Giving Trinity, consecrated it in 2005. In the same year, construction began on a large parish two-story brick building in the style of pre-Mongol churches.

The laying of the first stone of this Korolev landmark was carried out by Archbishop Gregory of Mozhaisk in November 2006. In the same year, the lower church was erected in honor of the Nativity of the Holy Prophet John the Baptist, St. Spyridon of Trimythous. A Sunday school and a library with video viewing facilities are open.

The temple houses the miraculous icon “The Image of Christ the Savior Not Made by Hands”, and the Matrona of Moscow, a large icon of saints, the icon of the rector of the church John Monarshek, which is an exact copy of the Rublevsky Holy Trinity.

The science city of Russia, the space capital of Russia... Such big names refer to a small town in the Moscow region, Korolev. The city is named after Academician Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, the founder of practical cosmonautics. Korolev is the leader of advanced Russian science, largest center rocket and space industry. And it is located in one of the most picturesque and ecologically clean areas of the capital region, which makes it a favorite vacation spot for Muscovites and tourists from all over the country. - this is the most profitable and popular option for solving the housing problem during travel for most tourists.

This town arose in late XIX century. Was here suburban village Podlipki, where Muscovites often rented small houses and lived in the fresh air all summer. In the 18th century, one of the first domestic industrial enterprises, a cloth factory, opened on this site, and in the 12th century, this territory was occupied by tribes of the ancient Slavs.

Walking around the city, pay attention to monument to Sergei Korolev, located on the avenue named after him, as well as on monument to the first artificial satellite of our planet on Cosmonauts Avenue. You can also see memorial to soldiers who died in the Great Patriotic War, monument to the “Creators of space technology”, monument to academician A. M. Isaev, some monuments to V. I. Lenin, monuments to F. E. Dzerzhinsky and Yu. A. Mozzhorin.

But most of all, Korolev is famous for its museums, each of which is truly unique. So let's go on a long and very interesting journey through the city museums right now. Let's start with mission control center. True, this is not a museum, this is a real center where all space flights are controlled today! There are excursions for tourists here, which include a visit to the hall in which the Mir orbital station was controlled, the main flight control hall, where you will see the work of specialists managing the orbital complex. You will learn about the structure and activities of the center and watch films about the life of astronauts in orbit. This educational excursion will be interesting for everyone!

IN Rocket and Space Corporation "Energia" named after S.P. Queen has its own museum. Here you will learn about the history of the creation of domestic rocket and space technology, get acquainted with the first long-range ballistic missiles, the first artificial Earth satellites, the later Energia launch vehicle and modern spacecraft of all modifications. In addition, you will see the descent module of the world's first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, full-scale models of the first international orbital complex "Soyuz-Apollo" and the orbital station "Salyut". The Hall of Labor Glory presents unique photographs, documents, and awards of this enterprise. Another part of the museum is the Memorial Room of S.P. Korolev, where the interior of the study of an outstanding scientist was recreated. His personal belongings, photographs and documents are carefully stored here. And if you want to buy something as a souvenir with cosmic symbols, then there is a kiosk with various souvenirs and thematic books open for you. Be sure to set aside time to visit Korolevsky historical museum . Among its exhibits: models of aviation equipment, cars from the Great Patriotic War period, models of combat missiles, artillery pieces, various historical photographs and documents.
Museum of History and Local Lore was opened on the basis of the house-museum of V.I. Lenin in Kostin. Here you will see the furnishings of the rooms where Lenin lived and worked in 1922, look at the archaeological collection, historical materials about the life of the city, etc.

Memorial House-Museum of S.N. Durylina- this is a museum of all-Russian cultural significance. Sergei Nikolaevich Durylin - writer, theater and literary critic of the first half of the 20th century. His house in Bolshevo was built at the beginning of the last century from the surviving remains of the destroyed Passion Monastery. Durylin’s efforts created a stunning collection of icons from the 17th – early 20th centuries, a collection of paintings by K. Malevich, R.R. Falka, M.A. Voloshina, V.D. Polenova, K.F. Bogaevsky, L.O. Pasternak and others. The House Museum preserves personal belongings and photographs of B.L. Pasternak, S.T. Richter, N.D. Teleshev, as well as actors from the Bolshoi, Maly and Art Theaters. So here you will enrich yourself culturally by discovering many interesting facts.

Well, very important from a cultural point of view is a unique museum dedicated to the work of the talented Russian poetess Marina Tsvetaeva. This museum is known not only in Russia, but also in other countries. It is located in the village of Bolshevo, where the poetess lived for the first months after emigration. The most valuable part of the museum collection are memorial items that belonged to the Tsvetaeva-Efron family. In addition, in the exhibition of the House Museum you will see paintings by Yu. Zhudro, V. Cleroy, G. Zaitsev, autographs of Tsvetaeva’s famous contemporaries: N. Mandelstam, B.L. Pasternak, L. Libedinskaya, M.I. Belkina and others, as well as things that once belonged to A.S. Efron and S.Ya. Efron, M.A. Voloshin, B.L. Pasternak. The Marina Tsvetaeva Museum is not only exhibits associated with the priceless past, but also a meeting place for creative people, interesting exhibitions and traditional Tsvetaeva readings.

If time permits, please take a look at rocket engine museum, private museum O.M. Kuvaeva And fire museum. They also work in the city Royal Dramatic Theater, where predominantly European drama and Russian classics are staged, amateur theater "Elf", on the stage of which you can watch a children's fairy tale or a philosophical dramatic play, Theater of Young Spectators.

The doors of the temples are open for believers: Christmas Holy Mother of God, Trinity, St. Vladimir Metropolitan of Kyiv, Cosmas and Damian, chapel in honor of Alexander Nevsky, Church of Christians of the Evangelical Faith "Exodus", Church of Evangelical Christian Baptists "Unity". The city of Korolev is a place that people interested in space exploration, as well as those interested in literature and culture, should definitely visit. Well, in general, this is a place that everyone should visit...

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A famous Russian science city, a large cultural and industrial center on the Klyazma River, located in the Moscow region at a distance of only 6 km from the capital.

It is an urban agglomeration, which includes smaller ones settlements- Mytishchi, Pushkino. Shchelkovo, Ivanteevka.

Korolev is famous for its convenient location in close proximity to Moscow and its well-developed transport network. The city has a wide industrial base, and the service sector is also well developed. In addition, Korolev boasts a skilled workforce and numerous cultural and historical attractions.

The city was named in memory of the great Soviet scientist S.P. Korolev, who became the founder of practical cosmonautics. Today Korolev is the center of the Russian space and rocket industry.

Korolev is interesting to tourists, first of all, for its attractions related to space topics - the Mission Control Center, the Energia Museum of Space Technology, etc. are located here. It is also interesting to visit the house-museum of the great Russian poet Marina Tsvetaeva.

In principle, tourists can go on a one-day trip to Korolev from Moscow - one day in the city is enough to explore its main attractions. However, if you wish to stay in Korolev for a day or two, comfortable Korolev hotels are at your service, where guests are always welcome.

Video from Korolev

Attractions Queen is interesting objects space-related religious sites and some museums and monuments. Thus, among the main attractions of Korolev are the Mission Control Center, the monument to S.P. Korolev on the avenue of the same name, the Energy Museum, the exhibition of which includes many...

Korolev: excursions and activities

This is a tour of the most interesting museums in the city, as well as sightseeing tour according to Korolev.

Perhaps the most interesting excursion in Korolev - visit to the Mission Control Center. Let us clarify for tourists that the duration of the walk will be as much as 6 hours. Guests will be shown the control room of the Mir station and will be told in detail about the work of the organization. The excursion will end in the cinema hall: tourists will see a film about the life of astronauts in orbit.

Other interesting and educational excursions in Korolev are held in the Local Lore and Historical Museums of the city.

Korolev's story

The history of Korolev began in the 12th century - in these ancient times, the banks of the Klyazma River were already inhabited by the Slavs. It is also believed that it was in these parts that the ancient trade route ran, connecting the Moscow and Vladimir-Suzdal principalities. The village of Podlipki was founded at the end...

Climate in Korolev

belongs to the temperate continental type, seasonality in Korolev is quite clearly and clearly expressed. Winters here are moderately cool, and summers are warm and sunny. In spring and autumn, the weather in Korolev often changes and it rains. Best time for tourists to visit Korolev - from May to September.

Korolev: entertainment and active recreation

- this is sports for everyone at three stadiums in the city, visiting 4 Korolev swimming pools. The most popular sports in the city are boxing, football and basketball, sambo, sports tourism, volleyball and handball. Rarer sports are also popular in Korolev - floorball, ice hockey, powerlifting, and aerobics in water. If you wish, you can ride a bicycle or two-wheeled vehicles in Korolev.

The city has 6 football fields, 2 skating rinks, 10 sports gyms, 6 volleyball courts. Let us add that in Korolev there are several children’s and youth sports schools, as well as a mountaineering school named after. V.L. Bashkirova. It is also interesting that in the summer there is an ice climbing track at the Metalist stadium.

Transport features of Korolev

Transport in Korolev is a widely developed bus network that connects some of the settlements that make up Korolev with each other. Let us also clarify that tourists can easily get to any point in Korolev by bus or minibus.

A taxi in Korolev can be called from any hotel in the city by contacting a taxi service. The cost of the trip should be discussed in advance.


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