Katerina's online magazine. Rules of comfortable hospitality. Tips for receiving guests I am expecting guests about the rules of hospitality

Guests look at the comfort of their hosts differently. For example, every summer relatives came to us and brought everything with them, including potatoes and vegetable oil (apparently, the vacation menu was drawn up in advance), so as not to bother anyone. And one day two families showed up at once, and one brought a bag of gifts, and the other (the gifts, not the guests) actually ate them. We leaf through the chronicle further: to two of my friends in rented apartment a young man arrived. It turned out to be impossible to escort the guest out; he did not make contact, instead he tried to get into trouble. After a couple of months, the girls chose to move out on their own... However, such extremes rarely happen; most often, problems can be anticipated.

So, you are the hostess

The right attitude

Oddly enough, difficulties often arise with very close acquaintances. Somehow, a priori, you expect from them complete mutual understanding and merging of souls, and not a lost cap of pasta and regular discos in the room assigned to them. To prevent this from happening, remember: there is no need for the phrases “Make yourself at home”, “Everyone is welcome here” and “You are like a member of the family” if you are not ready to answer one hundred percent for them. Is something unsatisfactory or even making your life unbearable? Say it directly, with a softening “I’m boring, forgive me, but...” - this is better than a ruined relationship.

Prepare yourself in advance for the fact that having guests limits your personal life. Especially if the footage is small. Although, of course, there is always a way out, for example, tickets to an evening screening for them or a honeymoon hotel room for you - there is no such thing as too much romance.

You shouldn’t hope for perfect order: most likely, the mugs, spoons and plates will not lie/stand in their places, and the corridor will become somewhat narrower.

We agree in advance

If circumstances or finances do not allow you to feed everyone present every day, do not be shy about it. It is better to warn your guests in advance that you are ready to pamper them with a light breakfast and coffee, or prepare a three-course lunch, but for an additional fee.

You still can’t hide a broken shower, a mattress on the floor in the kitchen and a loud-voiced canary, a talkative parrot or a not-so-clean dog. Just like your lifestyle. But you're not going to change it, are you? And if you call on the spirits at night, and at six in the morning you sing the Russian anthem, cough from the smell of tobacco or cat hair, guests should remember this before they put things away, and not after they hastily collect them.

Ask in advance how long the guests are going to stay with you: “Just to drink tea” and “Until we get bored” are not considered answers. So that it doesn’t look offensive, you can refer to your pedantic husband (he’s happy, but likes specifics), the strict mother-in-law (this is her apartment), or the next guests (the Ivanovs and their Rottweiler Kesha were also going to visit, you don’t want it to be crowded). If the time is up, but the guests are not, start a renovation, ask for a loan, or tell them that you are leaving on your own and taking the keys to the apartment with you.

It will be redundant...

...trying to surprise guests with culinary masterpieces. Believe me, in a couple of days the ardor will fade, and after lobster with sauce de chon blue, mashed potatoes and sausages will be perceived as an insult.

...turn into a mass entertainer. My friend Lyuba, with the best intentions for the arrival of guests, bought a pack of tickets for upcoming events, but ran out of steam somewhere in the middle of the pack, to the great chagrin of the cheerful guests.

...to give up your bedroom to visitors. I don't have any logical arguments on this matter. So just trust my experience.

It happened to me that I was a guest - residents of resort towns also want to go somewhere. This role requires a certain amount of skill and the art of compromise.

So you are a guest

The right attitude

Be realistic. Aunt Angela is again interested in your matrimonial plans, and Uncle Leva is grinding Belomor in the kitchen? Actually, you knew where you were going, so it’s better to look for the reasonable, kind, eternal in the hosts, even if it’s not you who need the trip, but your husband and France.

Are you craving a city tour or, on the contrary, are you hoping to do without the company of Aunt Lucy and her triplets? Take an interest in their plans, and if they do not coincide with yours, try to find a compromise in the form of a tour desk or a demonstration trip to the park at the very beginning of your vacation.

We agree in advance

About the day and time of arrival. It is best to do this before purchasing tickets, so that you do not have to see the sights with the whole family, waiting for the owners to return from work.

About how you will get there. You shouldn’t ask to meet you (and 42 suitcases) two hours before arrival; it’s better to find out the bus schedule and phone numbers to order a taxi.

About your preferred daily routine. Some owners are happy to give you the keys and sleep peacefully while you stumble across cabinets in a dark hallway at three in the morning, others believe that decent girls should be home at 9 or live in a hotel.

About nutrition. It’s better to ask the owner about this: believe me, he will be grateful for it. And don’t be shy about the details: can you cook it yourself, what kind of cake should you buy, do your children have allergies. Find out before the owner's son gets stained by the chocolate bunny you gave him.

It will be redundant...

...come on vacation with pets or small children. Of course, Glebushka is an amazing child, and Puska’s barking resembles organ music, but only for the first 15 minutes. An exception is possible if the “host” also has children and they get along very well with yours. Animals, with the exception of the Hello Kitty characters on the T-shirt, stay indoors.

...to all organizational questions, timidly rustle “As you say,” “I don’t care,” and “Whatever is convenient.” It will be inconvenient for both the owners and you. How is it on Treasure Island? Rum, pork belly and scrambled eggs are all I need. Yes, three more towels and a cuckoo clock so that in the morning it will tell me how long I have left to stay.

...take an hour-long bath in the morning while the owners timidly pull the handle, or spray the hallway with a cloud of perfume and hairspray. And it’s not a bad idea to ask about the costs of water and electricity: if they are high, take this into account.

...raising children, giving culinary advice to the lady of the house, or washing the stove in the kitchen should be done by asking permission. Or find a more interesting activity and get from summer holiday ordinary human pleasure.

Yana:“Once my sister and I went to visit my uncle: to swim and console ourselves after unsuccessful romances. This was not the case - my uncle volunteered to accompany us everywhere - from excursions, where he argued with the guides, to discos, where he winked at dancers of both sexes. At sunset, he loved to take pictures knee-deep in the sea, and in a fur coat... In general, after a week I missed the old young man and went home to make peace.”

Dina:“My mother’s relatives have been calling my husband and me to Altai for a long time to relax and enjoy nature. When we arrived, we found the renovation of the house in full swing. “It’s good that Olezhka is a strong guy, he’ll help you!” the satisfied owners said from the doorway. In general, now I know how to sand window sills, paint benches and even drive dowels.”

Lena:“My mother’s brother, who came to visit, taught our cat to eat the right food. Now, instead of dry food, Murzel only eats specially prepared dishes. Thank you for not getting me hooked on mice!”

TEXT: Olga Solgalova

Etiquette is the norms and rules that reflect ideas about the proper behavior of people in society. This concept is close in sound to the word “Ethics”. However, ethics includes a system of moral and ethical standards as a whole. Etiquette regulates precisely the external manifestations of a person in relationships with other people.

Accordingly, hotel etiquette includes:

rules of conduct for guests;

rules for how staff treat guests;

office etiquette that regulates the relationships of employees with each other, managers with subordinates, with customers and partners.

Let's look at them one by one.

Rules of behavior in hotels and inns for guests.

The basis of any rules of conduct, including in a hotel, are general principles politeness, tact and respect for others. These norms are universal: they work in any country and apply to absolutely everyone.

As for tourists and the rules of their behavior, friendliness and friendliness will not hurt at all stages of interaction with hotel staff and other guests.

Before calling a hotel to book a room, you must familiarize yourself with the living conditions, services provided, and hotel rules. Especially if an establishment has been operating for many years, it, in addition to general rules and norms, may have its own traditions and principles.

If your plans or duration of stay change, you should notify the administration in advance.

The question that often becomes problematic for tourists is whether to tip and for what. General rule: you should give service personnel a “tip” in cases where they provide additional service, which is not obligatory for him. For example, if a hotel doorman helps carry things from the car to the hotel.

Another important issue of etiquette is how to address staff: “you” or “you”? In most foreign countries, tourists are unlikely to be puzzled by this question, since in many languages ​​there is no difference between these two concepts.

In Russia, the general rule of politeness is to address all strangers as “You”. However, there may be exceptions here too. Currently, the majority of tourists are young people, who are lenient about both the status of the hotel (“the main thing is inexpensive”) and issues of etiquette. When communicating, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the interlocutor: national mentality, gender, age and others. This is especially worth paying attention to when visiting countries where Sharia law applies or the way of life is fundamentally different from the usual.

And, of course, in any country one should not forget about general rules decency: say hello when meeting, do not make noise after 22:00, do not smoke in non-designated places, and others. For example, a woman should not open the door in her underwear to the waiter who brought the order to the room. Just like a man, by the way.

In most hotels, it is considered indecent to wear a swimsuit or swimming trunks indoors, much less visit a restaurant in this form.

Information about the rules in force in each specific hotel can always be obtained from its receptionist.

Rules for how staff treat guests.

The ethical attitude of service personnel towards hotel guests and visitors has a positive effect on the overall quality of service, is remembered by clients for a long time and is one of the decisive factors in shaping the image of a hotel enterprise.

  • 1) In relation to staying guests and visitors, any hotel employee must be attentive, polite and friendly. This is important for all types of interaction: both in person and when talking on the phone. For example, if a client called a hotel to book a room, a polite address will leave him with a pleasant impression and confirm his desire to visit this particular hotel.
  • 2) When communicating with customers, staff should adhere to the rule “The customer is always right.” You should not take criticism with hostility, deny your guilt, argue and prove something. If a hotel guest has complaints, it is better to listen to them calmly, agree and offer some kind of solution. The ideal would be to reach a compromise. And if it is impossible, then it is better for the guest to give in.

Studies have shown that one dissatisfied guest takes about four customers with him. But the success and profit of the entire hotel depends on everyone, including the salary of each employee.

  • 3) When meeting guests, it is necessary to help them get comfortable in the room, tell them about the structure of the hotel, the rules of residence and the services provided in it. It is also worth familiarizing the guest with the equipment and equipment of the room. Hotel services should be offered unobtrusively, but in a way that informs and interests the client.
  • 4) The rules of hospitality require meeting and seeing off guests. If the client visited the hotel manager’s office, it is necessary to escort him at least to the door, and preferably to the elevator or exit from the hotel. If the guest had to wait, you should definitely apologize.
  • 5) The staff should thoroughly study the information about their hotel in order, if necessary, to help the guest navigate, as well as resolve any questions and problems that arise.
  • 6) Employees must be sensitive to the personal lives of hotel guests. Do not show immodesty or inappropriate curiosity. The hotel room temporarily becomes the client's home, so you should always knock when entering the room and observe other rules of decency so as not to violate the right to privacy and space. Do not discuss guests with anyone.
  • 7) The appearance of hotel employees must be impeccable. After all, as you know, one meets people “by their clothes”, and their attitude towards a person is formed from the very first glance at him. The staff judges the establishment as a whole.
  • 8) It is very important to always set yourself up for a positive attitude towards what is happening. He treats his work with love and attention, shows conscientiousness and does not show others a bad mood.

A smile generally relieves stress and can be a solution to many issues.

Office etiquette.

Office etiquette, as already mentioned, is a system of interpersonal relationships in the work team, relationships between employees, between managers and subordinates, with partners, customers and clients. It affects both the relationships between employees, the atmosphere within the team, and the reputation of the hotel among its clients and partners.

Tasks of office etiquette:

determine and ensure a high professional level of reception and customer service in hotels;

assist in solving production issues of the enterprise;

create a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team;

to form a positive attitude on the part of clients and partners, the basis of a good reputation.

Questions of official etiquette arise for every employee already at the stage of placement and hiring.

Every potential hotel employee should realistically assess their strengths when applying for a job at a hotel, including their ability to communicate politely and kindly, and the ability to resolve difficult issues without conflict when interacting with colleagues and clients.

Otherwise, the rules of etiquette for hotel staff are similar to corporate standards of behavior for any other enterprise:

  • 1) each employee must carefully study his duties and treat his work conscientiously;
  • 2) you should be friendly with everyone, do not complain, do not gossip and do not join “cliques”;
  • 3) do not enter into too close relationships with colleagues of the opposite sex;
  • 4) in controversial situations and when solving problematic issues, remain polite and calm, speak only to the point, do not blame, but offer your solution;
  • 5) not engage in extraneous activities during working hours;
  • 6) do not engage in anything that is unpleasant to others;
  • 7) treats colleagues and clients with respect.

There are separate rules for communicating by phone:

  • 1 if the client called to find out about the hotel, clarify details or book a hotel, it is necessary to give him comprehensive information about the living conditions and all services of the hotel;
  • 2) when talking on the phone, you must speak directly into the receiver, loud enough, clearly and intelligibly;
  • 3) before picking up the phone, you need to get rid of irritation (for example, exhale sharply), talk calmly and kindly, smile;
  • 4) during communication, listen carefully and interestedly to the interlocutor, answer the questions posed briefly and specifically;
  • 5) In response to rudeness, be restrained and correct;
  • 6) If during a conversation with a client the connection is lost or you are disconnected, the caller must call back. However, in a hotel it is better for a hotel employee to do this.
  • 7) it is not ethical to tell clients and visitors “I don’t do that.” Polite would be: “I will try to help you” and connect you with the right specialist.

Special rules of etiquette exist for hotel managers. The head of not only a hotel, but also any enterprise, from the first days of his work is under the close attention of his employees, clients and partners. They judge the status and level of the institution by it, and they are not guided by it in their work. Therefore, ethical standards and observance of official etiquette are necessary for the leader in the first place.

Tact, politeness, respectful attitude towards all hotel employees and the duties they perform, equidistance, absence of “favorites” - these are the “golden” rules of a good hotel manager. He is at the head of the process of creating a comfortable psychological climate in the team, sets an example and inspires work.

· The manager is obliged to almost always greet guests. If for a number of reasons the manager cannot meet the guests, then he must delegate authority to responsible employees (hostess, senior waiter, etc.).

· Greeting guests is carried out based on the rules of business etiquette. Using a hospitable, unobtrusive smile, greet guests: before 12.00 - good morning, from 12.00 to 18.00 - good afternoon, from 18.00 to 00.00 - good evening, and then - good night. Remember: “A person makes his first psychological impression of a person in the first 30 seconds of a meeting. Therefore, it is very important to immediately impress the guest good impression

· After the greeting, you should invite the guest to place his outerwear in the wardrobe (if there is one), or on a hanger in the hall.

· If there is no free seats, guests are asked to wait, warning them how long it will take.

· Using the method of leading and open questions, we clarify with the guest: how many people to prepare the table for, where it will be more convenient for them to sit - in a smoking or non-smoking area, near the window or near the bar, on chairs or on a sofa, etc.

· When escorting a guest into the hall, you should walk in front of him, not behind him!

· Having received the guest's approval. We invite him to the table, helping him to sit down. If there are ladies present, then first of all we help them find accommodation.

· While the waiter is preparing to serve the menu, the manager can offer something for an aperitif.

Telephone etiquette standards.

Since the manager is required to answer telephone calls, he must know the rules

phone etiquette! Below are the most basic ones.

· You should pick up the phone after the third ring (before the fourth)

· You need to speak clearly, clearly, without rushing.

· The dialogue needs to be structured correctly: “Good afternoon, restaurant…………, manager…….. I’m listening to you!”

· To answer the phone, the manager must have the most up-to-date information.

There are expressions that should be avoided during telephone conversations so that the wrong impression is not formed about your company. These include, in particular:

· "I don't know". No other response can erode the credibility of your organization so quickly and profoundly. First of all, your job is to know. If you are unable to give an answer to your interlocutor, it is better to say: “Good question... Let me clarify this for you.”

· “We won't be able to do this.” Instead of refusing out of hand, suggest, for example, to wait until you understand how you can be useful and try to find an alternative solution. It's a good idea to always focus on what you can do first, rather than what you can do.

· "You must...". Serious mistake. Your client doesn't owe you anything. The wording should be much softer: “It makes sense for you...” or “It would be best to...”.

· “Wait a second, I'll be back soon" Think about it, have you at least once in your life managed to manage your affairs in a “second”? Hardly. Tell your interlocutor something closer to the truth: “It may take two or three minutes to find the information you need. Can you wait?”

· "No", spoken at the beginning of a sentence, unwittingly leads to the fact that the path to a positive solution to the problem becomes more complicated. There are no universal recipes to get rid of “negative bias”. Each phrase containing disagreement with the interlocutor should be carefully considered.

Telephone dialogue is one of the important elements of a manager’s work. Therefore, you need to treat it with all responsibility, since this is also part of the service that you give to your guests. If you delegate phone calls to someone, you must be absolutely sure that this person can answer the phone as well as you can.

Plastic manager card.

· A manager's plastic card is needed to monitor the work of departments through the enterprise computer system.

· The card must be kept only by the manager personally and cannot be transferred to another person

· The manager is personally responsible for transactions carried out through the card.

· On the manager card, there are certain access rights to various operations. These rights are approved by the financial director of the company.

· If the card is damaged or lost, the manager is obliged to reimburse its cost.

Monitoring the work of the hall.

· When waiters serve guests, the manager is obliged to control the quality and safety of the food and drinks served, as well as the quality of service.

· When there are guests in the room, the manager should be within their visibility range. If you need to leave for any work-related issues, then delegate your authority to the shift supervisor (waiter, bartender, etc.).

· As soon as you see that one of your subordinates is not coping, or difficulties have arisen in any department, immediately begin to eliminate them! It is important to solve the problem at the initial stage in order to avoid possible conflict situations in the future!

· During a large influx of guests, it is very important to be focused in everything. Be sure to maintain feedback from all departments.

· Promptly edit the electronic stop list to avoid unwanted cancellations and refusals.

· Constantly encourage staff to do quality work.

· Be sure to ensure that employees responsible for any item keep it clean and stocked with everything necessary for maintenance at all times.

· According to the checklist for the day, control the most critical areas that are used to serve guests. After all, as usually happens, miss some little thing and it will pop up at the most inopportune moment.

· Constantly improve the work of the hall, applying “quality management”: the keyboard of the waiter’s electronic station should be easy to use and clean. Everything in the system itself should also be conveniently located, as this will speed up and simplify placing an order. Waiter stations are arranged based on ease of service, etc.

· Remember! The manager is responsible for the entire operation of the enterprise as a whole, but when there are guests in the room, the main priority must be directed to quality service.

Administrative aspects of a manager's work.

The manager, in addition to his work in the hall, is also required to conduct some administrative affairs.

· All blank forms must be kept by managers in a separate folder, in sufficient quantity.

· During each month, enterprise managers maintain several documents:

At the end of the month, a master schedule is drawn up for the next month, which is reviewed and approved by the head of the enterprise. The schedule must be posted 5 days before it begins with the signature of the supervisor and manager.

Managers must submit timesheets to the accounting department twice a month: 1) To calculate salaries. 2) To calculate the advance. Also, at the end of the month, the following are submitted to the accounting department: a statement of disciplinary sanctions, a statement of broken dishes, etc.

Every Monday, print out a report for the week for your manager and yourself, which includes: a report on refusals, with explanatory notes attached, a cash register report, a report on discounts, a list of transportation expenses (if one is available at the enterprise), a book of reviews and suggestions, a report on food consumption by category, etc.

Receive explanatory and service notes (properly compiled) from staff and archive them in a separate folder.

· Meetings and five-minute meetings are required every shift.

· Once a month, a general meeting of all employees of the hall is held with the participation of heads of other structural divisions. The meeting necessarily covers the financial issues of the enterprise, organizational, situational, etc.

· The Round Table of Company Managers is held twice a month. This is a kind of platform for communication, discussion of various issues, exchange of experiences, etc.

Mentoring and training.

An important factor in achieving quality service is the selection and training of personnel. From the first days of an applicant’s internship, it is necessary to develop a clear approach to his adaptation in the workplace, so as not to waste “precious time” on retraining in the future, or worse, to resolve conflict situations one after another that arose due to the fault of a careless employee.

· On the first day, introduce the applicant to the company, tell the history of the company. Introduce all structural divisions of the enterprise and their managers.

· Immediately agree on the duration of the internship and training, as well as the structure of the training.

· Explain what standards and rules are used at the enterprise to conduct work (uniform company standards, internal standards, job responsibilities, fire safety rules, labor protection standards, sanitary epidemiology. norms, etc.)

· For better assimilation of information, the applicant must fill out an “observation sheet”. Based on the information received, it will be easier for the manager to understand in which area additional training is needed.

· The training program should be structured in such a way that the beginner gradually develops the acquired knowledge in practice under the guidance of a mentor. the main task educational process- gradual mastery of a profession or position.

· The training process should be divided among all managers. Assign responsibility for on-site training (experienced waiter, bartender, etc.).

Mentoring is not supervision or control; mentoring is, first of all, education. And how you “educate your employee is how he will work – either well or poorly!

Practice has proven that the more a home owner cares about the comfort of his guests, the more rental orders he receives and the more more tourists prefer to live with him. Over the course of our work, we managed to find out what guests value most when communicating with homeowners. Therefore, if you want to rent out your apartment continuously and with little or no interruption, we recommend that you follow DubaiApartment's basic hospitality rules.

What hospitality rules should be followed at DubaiApartment to attract more tenants?

Post truthful information about your property

Guests will be disappointed if they do not find the apartment as you described it on the website. And on good feedback It will be difficult to count on tourists after this.

Remember: guests are not looking for the perfect apartment. They will easily survive certain shortcomings if they know about them in advance. Therefore, be honest about your accommodation and be sure that your guests will be satisfied and write good reviews about the premises.

Always check your booking calendar with the calendar on DubaiApartment

Judging by the reviews of tourists, what irritates them most is the return of money due to the fact that the apartment turns out to be booked outside the system. Visitors to our site always want to see up-to-date information about the occupancy of the apartment, and good manners for the owners of the premises - to provide such information.

Communicate with your guests before booking and after check-out

Treat your guests like new acquaintances who will recommend you to more and more more tourists. Answer their questions if they want to clarify something before booking - this will make it easier for people to make a decision about renting your apartment. Make sure guests have a way to contact you after they move in so they can count on you as a friend. Remember: staying with a friend is much more pleasant than staying in the apartment of someone who doesn’t answer questions.

Meet your guests and help them get comfortable in the new city

Try to make sure that your guests can move into the apartment as quickly and easily as possible after arriving in the city. Meet them, show them the accommodation, introduce them to the concierge, explain how to get to shops and the metro station. The faster tourists get used to it, the more pleasant it will be for them to live in your apartment.

You know your city better than your guests. Of course, they will be very grateful to you for a short excursion, a story about the city and interesting places in it, getting to know local customs, just unexpected amenities and attention. Give them an experience, and friends and acquaintances of your guests will come to you.

Keep order

All people love cleanliness and order in their rented premises. Guests respond better to rooms that are regularly cleaned and where appliances and interiors are in good working order. DubaiApartment's hospitality rules mean that your apartment must always be clean and tidy, and you will clean the house at least twice a week and before the arrival of new guests.

Remember Winnie the Pooh's song: “Whoever comes to visit in the morning acts wisely!”? Is this really true?

How often do we worry about how to properly receive guests, what to serve, how to serve, what to talk about, how to please. There is a feeling of restlessness, anxiety, and if it is not dealt with correctly, our time will only bring fatigue. In life, we don’t always succeed in being good hosts, just as we don’t always succeed in being good guests.

We have prepared for you several simple rules on how to show hospitality in the best possible way:

Test yourself: how many of the 15 did you already know?

1. When inviting guests, warn them about what awaits them for dinner/lunch; perhaps they will have a light snack or tea/coffee with pie. Guests should have at least a general understanding of the menu. In this case, expectations will not be unjustified. If you haven't done this before, start! Do it beautifully!

2. When determining the number of guests, take into account your capabilities. If you don't have the budget or conditions to host a large number, invite fewer people!

3. The first half hour is the most troublesome for you, so it’s better to finish your preparations half an hour before the first doorbell rings.

4. To avoid fuss, take care of your good mood. There is no need to be afraid of people's opinions, you need to love them. Shift your focus completely from yourself to them!

5. Naturalness and ease are a platform for a good time. Don't wear masks, don't try to play a role, the best you can do is be yourself!

6. For those who come for the first time, show the restroom, a place where you can wash your hands, a mirror, the kitchen - to avoid awkward moments of embarrassment.

7. Give equal attention to everyone. Everyone should feel welcome.

8. It happens that someone is late. Then the arrival of a new person must be introduced to others. Men should stand up if a woman is late)))

9. When guests arrive, the rule of good manners is to turn off the TV and radio and give them your full attention.

10. The housewife should not constantly be in the kitchen, talking on the phone or washing dishes. When serving food, try to keep the conversation short in the dining room.

11. It is bad form to brag or force guests to admire your successes, purchases, let the information be diplomatic if you have something to recommend to others.

12. Saying goodbye, go out into the hallway. Thank you for your visit. Both owners (husband/wife) must meet and only after the meeting can the hostess go to the kitchen.

13. It is not proper to leave a guest alone for a long time. Distribute roles among household members to ensure uninterrupted attention.

14. If during a conversation a new guest enters, the hosts are obliged to bring them up to date.

15. Don't speak too loudly, with your mouth full and across the table. Change utensils periodically and serve dishes to shy guests.

And remember the main thing in hospitality there are no hard and fast rules, the main thing is your sincerity, joy and desire to serve those who are dear to you!


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