Filev Vladislav Feliksovich. Space alien Vladislav Filev. Family contract: Vladislav Filev will replace his wife

03/26/2015, Under the general director of the S7 Group, the chassis has taken shape, Photo: TASS, Video: LifeNews

Yuri Senatorov, Elizaveta Kuznetsova

The Moscow Interregional Investigation Department for Transport (MMSUT) began a pre-investigation investigation into the incident with the six-seat single-engine Epic LT aircraft. The general director of S7 Group CJSC was at the controls of the plane. Vladislav Filev. Due to the incident, the runway where it occurred was inactive for three hours.

The incident with the Epic LT, owned by Globus-Avia LLC, occurred at about nine o'clock in the evening on March 24 at Domodedovo airport. Airplane business aviation made a flight from the Czech city of Brno to Moscow. At the helm was the General Director of S7 Group CJSC Vladislav Filev, with whom an instructor from the same company was flying. According to Kommersant's sources, Vladislav Filev flew to Brno on a business trip, the purpose of which is a commercial secret. At the same time, Globus LLC emphasized that the Epic LT is a private aircraft used for the airline’s own needs. People around Vladislav Filev note that he is a professional pilot with big amount flying hours, he has everything Required documents for piloting aircraft of this type.

When approaching the second runway of Domodedovo Airport, the Epic LT extended its landing gear, but immediately before landing one landing gear collapsed for unknown reasons. As a result, Vladislav Filev, who was piloting the plane, was forced to land the plane on the fuselage. The airline reported that the flight itself took place as usual.

[LifeNews.Ru, 03.25.2015, “The CEO of S7 forgot to lower the landing gear when landing at Domodedovo”: LifeNews found out that at the controls of a private plane that crash-landed last night at Domodedovo airport was CEO S7 group of companies Vladislav Filev. It was he who, when landing at the Moscow air harbor, forgot to lower the landing gear. [...]
According to sources in the Investigative Committee, Filev himself explained his mistake by extreme fatigue. After all, the general director made several flights: from Moscow he flew to Kaliningrad, from there he went to Karlovy Vary and Brno, and then again to the capital of Russia. - Insert]

As Kommersant's sources in Domodedovo explained, as a result of an unsuccessful landing, the plane rolled off the runway and was carried onto the taxiway. This incident did not create any particular inconvenience for the airport, except that the second runway was closed for takeoff and landing of aircraft from 20:55 to 23:55. According to a Kommersant source at the airport, the emergency did not affect the reception and departure of other aircraft. However, sources at the airport noted that the incident did cause some damage - idle runway and its subsequent purge for safety purposes cost money. At the same time, airport employees found it difficult to immediately assess the expected damage.

The Epic LT itself was only slightly damaged, but the pilot Vladislav Filev and the instructor escaped with only slight fear. That same evening, an MMSUT investigator conducting a pre-investigation check of the incident for signs of Art. 263 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (violation of traffic safety rules and operation of railway, air, sea and inland water transport and metro), examined them for the presence of alcohol in the blood. The result was negative.

The MMSUT expressed doubt that the pre-investigation check will lead to the initiation of a criminal case. “We don’t see any visible reasons for this,” Kommersant’s interlocutor emphasized.

- General Director of CJSC S7 Group of Companies.


Biography of Filev Vladislav

Born in 1963 in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk;

Graduated from the Academy of Military Space Forces named after. Mozhaisky (Leningrad) in 1985;

1985-1993 - served in the Strategic Missile Forces, in 1992 he was in a car accident, as a result of which he was forced to resign from the Armed Forces;

1993-1996 - Deputy General Director of the Metallist plant for economics (Novosibirsk);

April-October 1996 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of the investment company OJSC Eurofinance-Novosibirsk;

Since October 1996 - Deputy General Director of OJSC "BoguchanGESstroy" for financial issues, then - for long-term development and planning;

Since 1997, he was a member of the Board of Directors of Siberia Airlines (Novosibirsk) as a representative of Rusinprom-Invest Investment Company;

In March 1998, he was appointed general director of Siberia Airlines; in June 1999, he was appointed part-time general director of Vnukovo Airlines (Moscow), however, he resigned from this post in August;

Since May 2009 - General Director of CJSC "Group of Companies S7".,

Married, has three children.

Achievements of Vladislav Filev

  • Member of the Board of Directors of Vnukovo Airlines OJSC;
  • Member of the Political Council,
  • Member of the Executive Committee of the "Russia" movement (leader - G. Seleznev) since January 2001.

Hobbies of Filev Vladislav

Vladislav Filev gets carried away aquatic species sports - water skiing and swimming, as well as music. Pilots small aircraft and supports projects in the field of small aviation.

Vladislav Filev

founder of S7 Airlines

S7 Airlines 25 years on domestic and international flights
Fleet size - 64 ships
Passengers in 2016 - 13.1 million people
Flight geography - 172 destinations in 28 countries

Other assets Globus Airlines
S7 Training Center
Technical holding "Engineering"
"S7 space transport systems"
"S7 Service" and others

“We are professionals in our niche. If only they remain large enterprises, it will be like a forest without grass. There must be corporations, big companies, small businesses and private business. Otherwise the balance will be upset.”
We inherited a huge country, history and resources that we lost

- Hello, Vladislav! I didn’t come empty-handed, I brought you our joint S7 Airlines Tinkoff Black Edition card. Congratulations!

Hello! Thank you.

- Tell us about yourself: where were you born, where did you serve?

I was born into a military family on Sakhalin. My father was often transferred to serve: to Ukraine, Moscow, Siberia. We went with him. I studied at the Academy of the Military Space Forces. Served as an officer in the Strategic Missile Forces.

And just yesterday I spoke to the students of Baumanka. Before the performance, I met with rector Anatoly Alexandrov. He told me about our Korolev and Tupolev. I asked about rockets, and he replied that our RD-272 is a perfect engine. There is no need to do anything new, because you can fly with peace of mind for another 50 years. He convinced me that Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos do marketing and it’s all empty.

No, these American entrepreneurs are wonderful guys. And the way they approached the development of new technologies is great. They learned to do it much cheaper than us.

- By the way, tell us about your space project? We read everything in the newspapers, but I want to hear the truth from you.

You will not believe. This is not a fashion statement, I'm going to make money. We bought a floating spaceport and launch vehicles. Rockets were developed back in Soviet times. Yes, Musk recently created a new rocket, but ours has been working perfectly for 40 years.

We will not change the design for now, but we will work on improving the fuel. Yes, in the future we will make a qualitatively new product, a new generation. It’s like in the army there are two soldiers of the same level of training, but one has an old generation weapon, and the other a new one. The one armed with the old one has no chance of defeating the one with the new weapon.

- Such a revolutionary change.

Yes. In the next 15 years there will be a revolution in space aviation. Imagine if this becomes available and we can fly to the moon and watch ballet there.

- Flying to the moon is cool. I don't understand the space tourism that Richard Branson is proposing. For 200 thousand dollars, people fly into the stratosphere, spin there and return to Earth. I don't believe Branson, he's a dreamer. And Musk is generally an adventurer. I only believe in Bezos, he is a strong manager.

But Elon Musk made a cool rocket. I just bought it launch pad. When we make the rocket, we'll see. Or maybe it will just be a platform for other missiles. Elon gathered people and knowledge around him and made a cool product.

Probably not. What we have now is the result of what people like us have done. Yes, you made an excellent product - a bank. Yes, my wife and I made an airline. But in general, it was not possible to create a country in which it would be a rule to create success.

- In the nineties it was easier for us than for our parents. We were young and took risks. I remember how all my relatives condemned me when I started trading: “You will be jailed, you are a speculator.”

I remember my dad came to Novosibirsk to see me. I was already the director of Siberia Airlines and showed him what I had done, what I had achieved in a fairly short period. He walked and looked. At home in the evening, my wife fried us some potatoes and poured us a glass. He drank and said: “Well, yes, you’ve done a lot, but what are you doing with the surplus value? Are you appropriating? Yes, it was difficult for our parents to accept entrepreneurship.

Competition should be healthy, not destroy the enemy

- People often ask me: “What is it to be an entrepreneur?” I say, “This is risk tolerance.” You always take risks and you have to accept it.

I disagree about risk tolerance. You know there are two large type entrepreneurs: warriors and soldiers. You are a typical warrior. For you, risks are a way of life. And I’m a soldier: if I can avoid taking risks, I won’t take them.

It's hard to say whether I'm a warrior or not. I’ve been doing one thing for 11 years now and I’m focused only on it. Although many people think that I am not serious at all. You and I are similar and compete with monopolists and giants: I am second in credit cards in the country after Sberbank. Your S7 is the second successful air carrier in the country. You compete only with Aeroflot. How do you manage to survive in competition and what are your plans next?

I approach competition differently. Competition has now gone beyond domestic competition. Peoples and formations of countries are already competing. Competition should be healthy, not destroy the enemy. We must push each other.

It is necessary that the country be represented different types enterprises, different types of business. There are huge banks that are engaged in attracting huge capital and investment in infrastructure projects. There are banks that work with medium-sized enterprises. There are banks for private individuals. These are all different types of business.

Just like airlines. There are airlines that fly long distances that have special competencies for this. We have practically no long-haul aircraft for this. And for Aeroflot this is a serious part of its business.

We have our own niche in which we feel professional. This is important because if only large enterprises remain, it will be like a forest without grass. Yes, there should be huge trees, smaller trees, very small bushes, grass, moss, humus. Otherwise the balance will be upset. In that same forest the balance would be upset and he would die as a result.

- But still, why don’t you do long-haul flights?

This is a different business with a different technology, psychotype and economy. Flying for three hours and flying for fourteen hours is different.

Here you are playing football or tennis. There is a ball here and there. The difference is in the size of the ball, in its weight, in the way you kick or throw it. It’s the same in long-range aviation: it’s just a different job and qualifications. We are highly qualified in our niche, we primarily fly medium distances. We are developing it and we like it.

Vladislav Filev is a Russian entrepreneur, founder of S7 Airlines. In 1985-1993 he served in the Strategic Missile Forces as a military engineer. From 1993 to 1996 - Deputy Director of CJSC Metalist in Novosibirsk. In 1997 he became chairman of the board of directors of Siberia Airlines. In 1999 he worked as general director of Vnukovo Airlines. From 2009 to 2016 - General Director of CJSC S7 Group of Companies. In 2016, he created Charlie Airlines in Cyprus and bought the Sea Launch cosmodrome in the port of Long Beach in the USA. In the same year, he became chairman of the board of directors of the S7 Training training center, S7 Service and S7 Cargo. Married, three children.

Date of Birth: August 31, 1963
Education: Military Engineering Red Banner Institute named after A.F. Mozhaisky (St. Petersburg)
Equity: 108.11 billion rubles (turnover of S7 Airlines in 2016)
Existing education does not teach a person, but gives the opportunity to learn

- What drives and motivates you to invest in the space program? And what risks were there when you bought Siberia Airlines?

The airline was more of a despair. She owed me money through mutual settlements. I couldn't pay, I had to buy it. And then it flew and got stuck.

With space everything is different. It's probably age. What does a five year old want? Become an astronaut. What does a fifteen year old want? Finish school faster and go to college. What does a twenty-year-old want? Finish college faster and go to work. What does he want at thirty? Become a bigger boss. What does a fifty-year-old man want? Become an astronaut.

- It is important to do what you like. You are developing very actively, well done. We like your advertising campaign, you feel the client. That's why we entrusted you with the marketing of the joint card. Tell me, what is the secret of the S7's success?

We do what we love. We enjoy it and want to do it in the best way.

Of course, the culture that a company has is important. One day, early in my career, I walked into one of the workshops. It was dirty and unkempt. And a man of about 60 years old was doing something. I say: “Listen, why is it so dirty? You spend most of your life here.” He: “What do I need? I’ll work, get out, and then I’ll have a different life.”

It’s good when a person works in a place where he wants to bring his family. We can easily have three generations working in our company. I think this is a very great advantage. If a person wants to bring his child, this means a good place. This means that he thinks that it is comfortable, pleasant and interesting here.

- Vladislav, you have a whole S7 holding. There is a technical center for pilot training. Tell about him.

Take the kids and come fly! We have a powerful center on which we spent a lot of money. We teach everything ourselves because we want pilots and flight attendants with practical knowledge. The problem is that existing education no longer aims to educate people. It gives opportunity. Therefore, we ourselves train people with a raw education.

Our cadets and people from other airlines study at the center. We prepare everyone according to the standards that we set for ourselves. It is cheaper to maintain your own center than to send it somewhere to study. And we can control the whole process: we look at who is studying how, and whether they are ready to work with us.

The aircraft is designed to ensure safe operation at all times. And maintenance is needed to make sure everything is in order. However, anything can happen to airplanes. An airplane is an expensive thing, you have to fly a lot. To fly a lot, it needs to be kept in good condition. It is better if we do this work ourselves than to pay someone, even a very well qualified one. We ourselves are quite qualified.

- Our last traditional question. What would you recommend to a young entrepreneur from Novosibirsk? Just imagine, he is 20 years old, he wants to start his own business.

I would recommend not giving up. Henry Ford said: “When it seems like the whole world is against you, remember that airplanes take off against the wind.” If you are an entrepreneur, then almost everything is always against you. The main thing is not to give up. Be ready to continue your work when others have already forgotten, moved on to something else and started pursuing fashionable ideas. If you continue, if you persevere, success will come.

Among those who attended the opening ceremony of the MS-21 model on July 19 were the Filev couple. At the same time, Vladislav and Natalia turned out to be the only heads of a large Russian aviation holding company who personally visited a separate pavilion at the Farnborough 2010 exhibition, where a mock-up of the cabin of a promising airliner was located. Aviation EXplorer asked their opinion about this car:

- Could MS-21 appear in the S7 Airlines fleet? Is there any interest in this project or did you visit the stand out of pure curiosity?

Vladislav Filev: I closely monitor what Irkut is doing. I treat its president, Oleg Fedorovich Demchenko, with deep respect; I think he is very successful man and his project also has every chance of success. Whatever Oleg Fedorovich undertakes, he usually succeeds. We wish this aircraft a long and happy life on the world market and in Russia, so that in the future these aircraft will also fly with our airline (laughs).

- Efforts to ensure that new Russian planes flew in S7, undertaken not only by Oleg Fedorovich Demchenko, but also by the head of Sukhoi, Mikhail Aslanovich Pogosyan...

Vladislav Filev:SSJ-100 and MS-21 cannot be placed in the same row. MS-21 is a fundamentally different aircraft. Now, of course, I’m talking about the declared characteristics of the Irkut Corporation... And it promises a fundamentally new aircraft, a next-generation aircraft. So far these characteristics look more or less plausible, although they are being discussed.

Natalia Fileva:Oleg Fedorovich, I think, has more chances because the MS-21 has a very good economical power point. The PurePower engine is fantastic! Pratt & Whitney promises surprisingly low specific fuel consumption.

Vladislav Filev:Indeed, engine manufacturers promise good performance. However, I would not rush into making loud statements, let the engine first be embodied in metal, and not just on paper. Although the promise of twenty percent savings (and they claim savings of 18% or more) is, of course, very attractive for the airline.

- What conditions must be met for the airlines of the S7 Group of Companies to place an order for the MC-21?

Natalia Fileva:If aviation industry will keep its promises and complete the aircraft, and the engine builders will complete the engine, we will immediately begin to consider the possibility of procurement. We, like any airline, before buying an aircraft, need to carefully study its real characteristics, make sure that it meets our requirements, that it will fly and make a profit.

Vladislav Filev:And only then, with all the calculations and business plans, turn to the shareholders with a request to support the management initiative to renew the fleet.

Model of the cockpit of the MC-21 aircraft at the Farnborough Air Show 2010, photo by Vladimir Karnozov

Afterword :

Sometimes the goals that airlines pursue when purchasing an aircraft partially contradict the goals that airline developers set for themselves. At one time, speaking about the reasons for Sibir's refusal to purchase 50 Russian Regional Jet (RRJ) aircraft, the head of the airline, Vladislav Filev, noted: airlines compete to fly cheaper, and the industry strives to make planes that fly “faster.” , higher, further."

Despite the positive reviews about the new promising Russian airliner, the MS-21 also has some complaints from potential customers. Wide fuselage MS-21, diameter 4.2 meters , versus 3.8 m for the Boeing 737, of course, allows us to provide more comfortable conditions for passengers. Both aircraft have six economy class seats in one row. But a wider fuselage has a larger washed surface and cross-sectional area, and this will inevitably cause an increase in the strength of the so-called. “harmful aerodynamic drag”, and, as a result, increased fuel consumption. However, it is quite possible that the developer will be able to bring the price-quality ratio of the service provided to an acceptable level.

This is exactly what Vladislav and Natalya Filev discussed with Oleg Demchenko during their conversation over a cup of tea on the balcony of the Irkut Corporation chalet in Farnborough. Question about " making the right choice The general director of Ilyushin Finance Co. also raised the fuselage diameter. Alexander Ivanovich Rubtsov during his press conference on July 21. Perhaps a discussion will flare up in the aviation community about whether to accept the designers’ ideas embodied in the MC-21 in this form, or to ask them to think again about the shapes and numbers? True, there are already several supporters of the MS-21 in its current form, and the first of them are the Malaysians, who placed a three-billion dollar order for 50 aircraft. And recently Aeroflot hastened to “join” them.

Vladislav Filev is looking forward to 2014. The Olympics - it goes without saying, and in another seven years S7 Group will receive the first Boeing 787 Dreamliner. “This is the most beautiful plane I have ever seen,” admitted Filev, signing the contract at the end of May. In 2014, he intends to completely renew the S7 fleet, adding to it not only Boeing, but also Airbus. Filev is preparing for an unprecedented increase in passenger traffic within Russia, postponing plans for international expansion “for later.” In an interview with Vedomosti, Filev explained why he separated the transportation business from the service divisions, when he was going to leave the post of general director of Sibir, and why all the shares of the airline were registered in his wife’s name.

- It is expected that in 2007 the state will put up for sale its 25.5% stake in Siberia. Will you buy it?

It's always a question of price. We never buy expensive.

- But do you have a desire to buy a government stake?

I have no.

- Is it necessary from a business point of view?

When it's big, we'll buy it.

- But they can get ahead?

So, no luck.

- And if the auction is announced next week, will you go?

We have other tasks now.

- Well, yes, you bought a lot of planes...

And it is right. Compare: an airplane is beauty, power, and shares are a record somewhere on a computer.

- How many contracts did you sign for the purchase of new aircraft in 2007?

On 35 Boeing and 38 Airbus. Of these, we take 20 new Boeing 737-800, nine A319 and four A320 under operating lease. Boeing is leased by Cramington, Airbus - ILFC and Cramington for a period of six years. 15 Boeing 787 Dreamliner aircraft are under financial lease. A firm contract for 25 A320s was signed at Le Bourget.

- Are all loans taken for the purchase of aircraft really issued to Sibir, and the aircraft to S7 Group? Why is this being done?

Loans are given to those companies that take out aircraft. We took the Dreamliner to S7 Group, and then we have to decide who will operate them - Sibir or, for example, S7 Charter. Boeing 737 will be used for charter flights, the first 10 will arrive in 2010-2011. The A320s are intended for Siberia, we are expecting them in 2008. In the meantime, until the loan is repaid, each aircraft will be registered to a separate company. This is convenient for collateral.

- When will the option for 10 Boeing 787 Dreamliners be exercised?

I expect to implement it in 2010 or later. We also have an option for 10 Boeing 737s.

- Where do the resources come from? Are you involved in anything else besides the aviation business? I heard that the Filevs are going to produce their own alcoholic products and are involved in real estate.

We have no assets in S7 Group that are not related to the aviation business.

- And not in a group?

Also no.

- How much do you borrow? Or at least what fraction of the required amount?

The financial part of the transactions is a military secret. It is so military that I have no right to say the price of the aircraft at which I buy it.

- Below the catalog?

- Favorable discount?

The cheaper the plane, the lower the share I pay with my own money.

- For how long do you take out the loan?

For 12 years. With an aircraft payback period of 12 to 18 years. Most likely, I will no longer see the moment when the plane can pass from the ownership of the bank to the ownership of S7 Group in this position.

- Do you really want to resign from the post of general director of Sibir?

I have been heading the company for ten years now. I’m unlikely to serve more than 20 years.

- Will you have time to complete the renovation of the park?

It's like a renovation: you can't complete it, you can only stop it.

- Will the Airbus A320 replace the Tu-154?

Yes, the “carcasses” are many years old.

- Are old planes turned into scrap metal?

- How much can an old plane give?

- Will you find a use for all the new aircraft?

In 1991, passenger traffic in the USSR was 90 million people. Then there was a 4.5-fold decline. Six years ago Russian airlines transported 20 million. This year more than 40 million are expected. By 2014, when the time comes to receive our “dream liners,” passenger traffic may be 60-80 million people. If it is 80 million, then the only problem we will have is a shortage of seats. Perhaps we will ask Boeing to increase the capacity of the aircraft by 40 seats (the capacity of the ordered ones is 246 seats - Vedomosti). By the way, Boeing has changed its forecast for how many new aircraft our market will need in the next 20 years, from 800 to 1000.

- Why don’t you buy Russian planes?

I would love to buy a MiG-29, but it doesn't carry people. And the new ones passenger aircraft we have yet to see and evaluate how well they will correspond to our route network and plans for its expansion.

- Are there any plans to build your own fueling complexes at airports?

This is a different business, we want to focus on what we have learned to do well - air transportation. On the contrary, we are getting rid of non-core assets and will not acquire new ones.

- Do you like the green color of Siberia aircraft?

Yes. I'm a military man. By the way, we will receive all new aircraft from the factory already painted in corporate colors.

- They say that this color was invented by your wife Natalya Fileva?

Everything is invented in London. You just have to pay for it.

- Is that what you did?

Yes. The only real thing we came up with is that we never come up with anything ourselves. We turn to the most expensive consultants, and they come up with everything for us.

- Rebranding of Sibir is estimated at $5 million.

I think this is underpriced. If you count the development of the idea, painting, related materials, promotions, this is more likely tens than a few millions of dollars.

-Where did you get the money from?

You come to the bank to take out a loan for $1 billion for 12 years, if they don’t know you, they’ll charge you 9% per annum, and if they know you, they’ll charge you 8.5%. They know us. And 0.5% on this amount over 12 years will be equal to $60 million. So they have allocated money for rebranding.

- Why do you need rebranding?

We stand out and attract attention - and not only from passengers. In the Boeing booklet about the Dreamliner there is a photograph in which the aircraft is painted in our colors. We didn't even know about it.

- Are you thinking about an IPO?

No. Maybe I'm not a real capitalist. And in this sense, I have not yet reached the point of working for the value of the company. So far I love surgery. Probably the most successful manager who deals with airline costs is [Aeroflot CEO Valery] Okulov. Someday our company will do this, but so far I haven’t felt the urge.

- Are there any plans to acquire a foreign airline and enter the transportation market of other countries?

Already passed. Armavia was sold two years ago. We want to focus on Russia.

- When will Sibir join the One World international airline alliance, with which the airline is negotiating? It is no longer possible to join another alliance - Sky Team: your competitor Aeroflot has joined it.

- Aeroflot is more like an older brother.

- But it’s better to be in different alliances with your brother. Especially with the older one...

We are called to alliances. There is no decision yet - we are still discussing it. This will give passengers new opportunities: access to the most complex foreign routes, discounts and lower fares for foreign flights. Alliances need our unique route network- for distribution to all Russian regions through Siberia hubs. But to enter any alliance, you need to fly international lines like Aeroflot.

- Are you going to fly to France or Great Britain?

They don't let me in. There are Aeroflot, Transaero, British Airways, Air France - KLM.

-Where is yours? regular flights abroad?

China, Korea, Germany, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Egypt, Austria, Turkey, Thailand, Canary Islands, UAE, all CIS countries...

- Are there any destinations you would really like to go to?

We would really like to go to Paris and London. And compete.

- Are there any opportunities?

There is a desire, but no opportunities. Let's wait for the "big brother" to grow old, and we will still be young. We're still teenagers.

- How did S7 Group appear?

It is ideal for an airline not to own anything [not related to transportation] and to buy spare parts and services on the market on competitive terms, including technical services, ticket agents, catering and refueling companies. This is exactly the case in Europe. In Russia there is no. Two years ago, I decided to create quasi-competition within the group by separating the service [from the airline] into separate structures. They are faced with the task of taking at least 50% of orders from third parties over time.

- That is, from competitors?

Yes. Our engineering division, which deals with Western-made aircraft, carries out more than a quarter of orders for other companies, in particular KD-Avia and VIM-Avia. But for now the main consumer of services is Siberia.

- When will the technical center be created jointly with Lufthansa?

Specialists from Lufthansa have been working with us for a long time; we will start registering the center in 2008.

- And the tourism division of Siberia, which became an independent operator in 2006, S7 Tour, also works “outside”?

We sell tours both through our own retail network and through distributors. We ourselves sell no more than 20% in order to feel the market. Everything else goes through travel agencies.

- Does Sibir use the services of S7 Tour?

- Are there any discounts for her?

With Sibir, our retail stores earn 25% less than if they earned with another company. But Siberia is S7 Tour's largest client, so it receives the biggest discounts.

- The creation of the S7 Charter company in the spring suggests that the market charter flights you are interested. What share did you win?

Our share of both regular and charter flights at 13%. "Sibir" is the first in Russia in terms of domestic transportation volume. In charter it is inferior to VIM-Avia and Atlant-Soyuz. The company is already large, so our share will not grow quickly. Only if we team up with someone.

- Have you already looked at an asset for acquisition?

It's like love. He walked and walked - and suddenly... We always look closely. We haven't decided yet.

- Maybe you can describe the type?

Blonde with green eyes, big breasts and a rich dad.

- And what kind of airline is this?

- Aeroflot. Joke.

- Aren’t you afraid that AiRUnion will become the second carrier in Russia, displacing Sibir?

Rumors about this are slightly exaggerated.

- Do you consider AiRUnion a competitor?

I consider everyone as competitors.

- Are there any plans to launch a low-cost carrier?

Not today.

- And tomorrow?

Don't know. But I will firmly say that a low-cost carrier, as it is in the West, is impossible in Russia. The average ticket for the cheapest companies in the world, jetBlue and Ryanair, costs $60, including airport taxes - $86. They fly over distances of up to 900 km. Total 9.5 cents per seat-kilometer. At Siberia, a seat-kilometer costs 8.5 cents.

- Almost 63% of the shares of Siberia Airlines are registered in your wife’s name. What is provided in case of divorce?

I'll take whatever fits in my bag and leave.

- What about the shares?

And then my children will say that I robbed them? I have two children. The youngest daughter is seven years old, the eldest is 19. Let it burn. Am I not going to earn a living?

- Maybe something is registered for the children?

The mother will definitely not hurt the children. Especially our mother.

- That is, in the event of a divorce, all the shares remain with the wife?

She didn’t want to, I insisted. I was already divorced. I know what is it. I'm married for the second time.

- Then you left everything too?

- They say that the real owners of Siberia are other people, and Natalya Fileva is a nominal holder.

What will we leave our girls then? Of course not. This is family property.

- Do your daughters show interest? Do you want the business to remain in the family?

The eldest shows interest in mathematics. She studies at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics at Moscow State University. I suggested that she go to the department that deals with aerodynamics. But she refused.

- And then she will get married. He will say: “I don’t want to do this,” and everything will have to be sold.

I'll be sorry. But she has her own choice.


Vladislav Feliksovich Filev was born in 1963 in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. In 1985 he graduated from the Leningrad Academy of Military Space Forces named after. Mozhaisky. From 1985 to 1993 he served in the Strategic Missile Forces. Since 1993 - Deputy Director for Economics of the Novosibirsk Metallist plant. Since April 1996 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of the investment company Eurofinance-Novosibirsk. Since October 1996 - Deputy Director of OJSC "BoguchanGESstroy". At the end of 1997, he joined the board of directors of Siberia Airlines (Novosibirsk), and in March 1998 he became its general director.

About company

Siberia Airlines (operating under the S7 Airlines brand) is the second largest in Russia: in 2006 it carried 4.9 million passengers (a year earlier - 4.2 million). Siberia's revenue in 2006 was 25 billion rubles. (in 2005 - 19.8 billion rubles), net profit - 61 million rubles. (in 2005, net loss - 98.8 million rubles), EBITDA - 1.1 billion rubles. Deputy General Director Natalya Fileva (wife of General Director Vladislav Filev) owns 63.3% of the airline’s shares, 25.5% is held by the state, 5% is nominally held by Citibank, and the rest is held by company employees.

CJSC S7 Group of Companies is 100% owned by Vladislav and Natalya Filev. The group includes S7 Tour, S7 Charter, S7 Cargo ( freight transportation), "S7 Invest" and technical divisions - "Siberia-Tekhnik", "S7 Engineering", "Aviation Training Center". Financial data of the entire S7 Group is not disclosed. In 2006, about 40,000 tourists used the services of S7 Tour; the company’s turnover was about $40 million.


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