Swimming with Bali dolphins. Lovina: dolphins in the marine dolphinarium. Here is the detailed route

Finns in Bali sail to Bali almost every day south coast islands. You have a great opportunity to meet these animals in their natural habitat. I offer you a short excursion, or rather a walk in the sea in the south of Bali, during which you will meet the sunrise with dolphins and look at them up close.

I’ll say right away that this is not an indoor dolphinarium, where animals are kept in artificial pools. You will be taken to the open sea, to the habitats of dolphins. You won’t be able to touch them, much less swim, but you will be absolutely sure that they are not harmed and are not restricted in their freedom.

How is the excursion organized?

Dolphins appear near the shore very early, then swim back to the sea. Therefore, you should leave around seven in the morning. A car will pick you up from your hotel and drive you to the pier at Benoa Harbour. There will be a convenient high-speed raft waiting there, which departs at 07:30. Before boarding, everyone is treated to hot coffee, tea and cakes. Then the tour participants take their places on the ship. For safety reasons, passengers are asked to fasten their seat belts. The raft is designed so that from any seat it opens beautiful view to the ocean. You won't miss a single detail during your trip.

Indian bottlenose dolphins (a subspecies of the large bottlenose dolphin) are found off the coast of the island. During the walk you will have the opportunity to see sea animals that swim very close to the boats. They can jump out of the water, somersault and greet people. Flocks number from 3-4 to 20 individuals. Sometimes even whales swim here. The sea is inhabited by fish that periodically emerge and fly over the water like birds. There is a chance that you will see them too.

The boats approach the dolphins at a safe distance so as not to scare or harm them. Getting too close increases the risk of animals getting caught between the blades outboard motor. Thanks to my experienced team, you will be able to admire the dolphins, take good photos and shoot videos without the slightest risk of causing them trouble. You cannot touch dolphins, so as not to harm them with a careless movement.

The best chance of catching dolphins is during the dry season. When it rains and the sky is overcast, marine mammals are less likely to swim to the shore and prefer to hide under water. Predict their behavior wildlife with absolute accuracy is impossible. However, in 90% of all such excursions, tourists manage to see dolphins. If you're unlucky, you'll breathe in the fresh sea air, admire the sunrise, the island Nusa Dua, the beach and the Uluwatu temple, which the boat floats past.

How to book a tour

This sea ​​cruise I don’t host it personally, so you can buy tickets yourself.

There are several ways to book a cruise:

  • Buy tickets directly from Benoa Harbor
  • Contact the organizers directly - the cruise company
  • Contact me

How can I help you

What benefits can you get by booking a sea cruise with me?

One of the main advantages is the absence of a language barrier. Employees cruise company They only speak Indonesian and English. If you contact me, I can become a translator for you, find out all the conditions you are interested in, and tell you about the details of the tour. After all, without fully understanding the nuances of the trip, you may be disappointed or find yourself in an unpleasant situation.

On the eve of the cruise I find out about weather conditions, the likelihood of meeting dolphins at sea largely depends on them. I will arrange all organizational issues and help you get answers to your questions regarding the tour. And the most pleasant bonus of our cooperation is that the price of the tour will be the same as when ordering directly from the company or purchasing a tour at the port.

m_tsyganov : Hooray! Already known to you for a long time tasmania-gal returned - not only to Bali, but also to the pages of this blog. So read below how she splashes with dolphins and shallow water:
tasmania-gal : “I’ll say right away that I had the opportunity to swim with dolphins in Mexico about ten years ago. It cost less then, there was more time + the dolphins did all sorts of tricks. But: we really liked it here too, the trip was planned (and paid for) for the sake of a child, the child was delighted, squealed and rejoiced, so $79 per adult and $69 per child completely paid for itself.

In order. They take you following a sign to a clearing filled with asphalt. On the left is an unattractive restaurant, in the center is an aquarium with fish to eat, and on the right is a parking lot.

While the child looks at the fish, you realize that the most interesting thing is... suspension bridge directly. But then the manager appears in a shirt and invites you to another restaurant on the right, where the girl looks for your name in the list of those who have booked and offers to pay for the procedure in advance.

In the procedure " swimming with dolphins » includes 45 minutes of swimming (taking turns with two other pairs of visitors), welcome drink (orange juice), fishing (catch and release, we caught two), one photo per person. It is necessary to make a reservation; the dolphins rest on Tuesdays and work four times a day on other days.

You pay, drink juice (it’s so-so) and wait. It’s better to wait not in the open room of the restaurant, but in a closed one nearby - there is air conditioning and the owners’ regalia hangs there.

Hour X comes, you come to the restaurant under a white canopy and...

...two cheerful dolphins swim towards you, slap their tails on the water and... demand fish, of course.

Fish and have fun.

The staff knows the key phrases in Russian: come on, sit down and don’t bite. So you will have to feed the dolphins.

Then everyone puts on life jackets (the manager-manager likes to fasten them on the girls, so push him to the neck right away) and take a shower. Shower outside, changing rooms behind a curtain. Keep this in mind later when you change your clothes after swimming with the dolphins. If you want to wash yourself properly, take bottled water with you and go straight to the toilet. You can ask for a towel.

Then the instructor shows you what to do. Everyone takes turns jumping into the water and repeating after him. Small children climb onto their parents' backs first, then flop around in the water themselves if they are not afraid. The instructor is with you in the water at all times.

They slap the water so that the dolphins swim over and greet them by their fins.

They grab the fins and swim with them (I tried everything carefully, but they are strong, beasts, hold on tight).

They grab the edges of the vest so that the dolphins swim close to “kiss” and something else.

Finishes with a goodbye kiss when you are no longer in the water.

And then you can feed the dolphins and/or fish for a long time - whoever wants what.

The photographer works well, takes a lot of pictures, we were pleased with ours. Take a camera with you, ask someone to film you, and in exchange you film them.

What I liked : almost everything.

What I didn't like : a little expensive (okay), dirty toilets, inconvenient to shower.

Potential injury :
1. Water is pouring out of the pool, the floor is slippery, wear slippers, only hold a small child’s hand.
2. The child could theoretically fall into the pool. Make sure this does not happen when he is not wearing a life jacket.
3. The suspension bridge is unstable, you are unlikely to fall, and you can twist your ankle.
4. Stone and wooden surfaces become very hot.
5. It is inconvenient to take a shower, i.e. wash all parts of the body thoroughly after the salt water in which dolphins live.
6. When fishing, everyone stands close to each other, careful when a neighbor pulls out an empty hook for bait.
7. If you have abrasions, cover with a band-aid, the water is very salty.
8. The steps leading to the suspension bridge are high, it is better to help the child.
9. Food and water are only from restaurants, be sure to take water with you - both to drink and to wash.
10. If the child is small and meeting dolphins will be a pleasant, but emotional shock for him, he will most likely either have difficulty calming down, or he will want to go to sleep in the car. Provide time for your child to rest.

In addition to “swimming with dolphins,” you can also simply watch dolphins during lunch or dinner. It costs less.
You can choose and buy more photos, how much it costs - I don’t know, we did it on our own.

Address : Dolphin Bay Restaurant , Jalan Pelabuhan Benoa, No. 7x. Phone 0361 2088561″

photo by flickr/www.dolphindiscovery.com

As practice shows, not everyone knows that in Bali you can swim with dolphins, and here, by the way, there is a unique hotel of its kind, in the pool of which dolphins live, and there is also a natural natural area With ocean water, where you can gently hug these amazing intelligent creatures.

Dolphins - who are they?

Dolphins are one of the most mysterious creatures in the world. These animals have their own language - a system of sounds that has a trillion words. It is believed that every newborn dolphin receives a name from birth by which he is recognized in the pod. One of the amazing properties that is already a proven fact is that dolphins can heal people, especially their effect has a good effect on the psyche of children. Dolphin therapy centers exist all over the world. In particular, there is one of them in Bali.

See dolphins on the island of Bali

In the water area Indian Ocean, in the Bali Sea, which washes northern shores islands where dolphins live. And if you, like me, do not like zoos and aquariums, but strive to observe life in natural conditions, Lovina is for you. It’s worth coming here a day in advance, so that early in the morning you can be ready to watch the sunrise with dolphins.

Every day, around 6 am, hundreds of tiny fishing boats take eager tourists to see pods of dolphins welcoming the new day. The conditions are completely natural, no fences - it’s just a water area where dolphins often visit in the morning - they gather in schools and do their acrobatic moves. Of course, there are no guarantees that you will see marine life, but the probability is high. Our boat circled around and around for a long time, and when it was almost ready to turn back to the shore, those whom we had been waiting for so long appeared.
Dolphins jumped out of the water unexpectedly and right next to us, frolicking happily in the first rays of sunlight. Unforgettable impressions and joy. I highly recommend going there if you come to Bali.

Swim with dolphins in Bali

Have you ever dreamed of hugging a dolphin? According to my observations, this is one of the most powerful desires of any girl, I think it is also common for guys, but girls simply cannot resist. Attentive men, know how to please your companions - arrange a meeting with dolphins.

There, in the north of the island, in Lovina, there is a very interesting hotel– Melka Hotel, in a pool where dolphins live. You can play and swim with them under the guidance of specially trained people. The hotel also offers dolphin therapy courses.

Dolphin therapy is considered one of the very effective measures to return to life and relieve mental disorders. Stress, depression, mental trauma, as well as mental health problems in children are treated under the supervision of a doctor together with dolphins.

(All details should be clarified separately depending on the disease! The hotel employs therapists)

One more interesting place is Serangan Beach, which is near Sanur. Set in a natural natural pool setting, there is a fenced-in area to interact with three amazing dolphins. This is an unforgettable experience that impresses not only the children, all the adults also come out with a big smile on their faces, overwhelmed with joy.

I highly recommend making this item a must-do during your trip to Bali. The impressions are unforgettable, the kindest childhood dreams come true. Communication with these animals, in truth, carries a colossal charge of kindness and unity with nature.

Almost everyone has heard about swimming with dolphins. And about healing properties Dolphin therapy has also been used for a long time to treat various diseases, prevent them and relieve stress. In addition, it is a wonderful pastime for adults and children and an experience that will last a lifetime. In a bay near Sanur there is a pontoon with 2 pools with dolphins in natural environment a habitat. It is there that you can meet and swim for 40 minutes with some of the smartest and friendliest animals.

Transfer from the hotel can be at your request at 09:00-09:15, 12:00-12:15 or 15:00-15:15. After arriving at Benoa Beach, a 5-minute boat ride on the ocean will follow to the dolphin pontoon. There are lockers on the pontoon where you can put your personal belongings. Before you start swimming, you will be given instructions. After this, you will enjoy swimming with dolphins for 40 minutes. At the end of the tour, the guide will take you to your hotel.


Please do not use various skin creams. Before swimming, you must remove rings, chains and other sharp objects. Since the service is provided to a small number of people each day, please book as early as possible. Swimming with dolphins is possible for children over 12 years old.

The northern resort of Bali, where dolphins live in the open sea – Lovina. Here these mammals are kept in their natural habitat. Dolphins swim to the local beach in the early morning. Dozens of boats with tourists go out to sea at this time to watch them.

I will tell you what the dolphinarium in northern Bali is like, how it differs from the places where dolphins live in captivity. At the end of the article you will find detailed route to Lovina, as well as interesting sights to see in the surrounding area. In conclusion, I will give a couple of tips that will be useful when visiting the dolphinarium.

Description of the dolphinarium

The resort area of ​​Lovina is located in the northern part of the island, in Buleleng district, at a distance of 85 km from Denpasar. The dolphinarium appeared here in the 80s, when fishermen began taking tourists out to sea to look at amazing sea animals. The main purpose of such excursions was the opportunity to somehow earn money, because the Balinese in the north live very poorly. Another goal was to attract people to a region that is not very popular among visitors to the island. To a certain extent, this was successful; it was the dolphinarium that made Lovina famous. It’s not for nothing that local beach there is a monument to frolicking dolphins.

In the coastal waters of the island there are many different types fish Some of them provide food for dolphins. Since the amount of food does not decrease all year round, animals do not even need to migrate to other areas.

Dolphins in the Lovina area are:

  • Bottlenose dolphin (Tursi ops) – the most common species
  • Long-billed stenella (Stenellalongi rostris) from the genus of dolphins
  • Gray dolphin (Grampusgri seus) – quite rare

There have been cases where rare pilot whales (Globi cephala) and Bryde's whales (Balaenopterabrydei) swam here.

Some believe that dolphins come to the shore to communicate with people. However, this is unlikely to be the case: the friendliness of these animals is often exaggerated. Most likely, they simply drive schools of fish into shallow water for breakfast. In the morning, from ten to hundreds of individuals can be found in the sea. Most animals visit here during the dry season, from April to October.

What does a “date with dolphins” look like?

Now in the Lovina area there are several cooperatives that have licenses to serve tourists. There are more than 180 fishing boats. At the same time, 40-5 0 boats sail out to sea every day, sometimes more. In the village of Kalibukbuk there are three official associations that hold licenses - Banyualit, Aneka and Kalibubuk. The fourth point is located in the village of Kaliasem. Also, some local fishermen take tourists out to sea without official permission. You need to negotiate with them individually, the prices for such trips are lower.

The “work” of the dolphinarium begins at 05:30-06:00 in the morning. At this time, several dozen traditional fishing boats (jukungs) set sail from the shore. Each boat can accommodate no more than four passengers. The length of the boat is about 9 m, width - 1 m. There are special frames on both sides for balance. These boats are actually modified canoes, a common type maritime transport in Indonesia and throughout Polynesia.

The journey to the “date” location takes about 10 minutes; dolphins appear approximately a kilometer from the shore. The real “hunt” for dolphins begins on the open sea. If fins appear somewhere above the water, several boats rush to this place at once. It happens that animals hide, frightened by a large number of people and the sound of engines. But in most cases, tourists manage to see marine mammals at a distance of several meters.

The average trip duration is 2-2.5 hours. If you're lucky, during this period of time you can meet dolphins several times, see how they jump out of the water and do somersaults. But there are also unsuccessful swims, when there are no animals at all or only their fins are shown at a distance of several tens of meters. You need to understand that this is not an artificial pool where trained animals perform shows “on demand”. The behavior of wild dolphins in their natural habitat is very difficult to predict. But don’t be upset if the “date” turns out to be unsuccessful. You will be able to experience one of the most beautiful sunrises on the island on the open sea.

One more thing about swimming with dolphins in Lovina. Many tourists believe that they can swim with these animals and touch them. In fact, everything is not so: dolphins in their natural environment do not allow people to approach them, so it is unlikely that you will be able to take a photo hugging them.

I bring to your attention a few more interesting photos about how the trip is going.

There are many cafes and restaurants on the local beach. After returning to shore, you can have a delicious breakfast and a cup of coffee. Both local Balinese and European dishes are prepared here. Renting accommodation at the resort is also not a problem. There are hotels and private villas of any level here, and prices are lower than in the south. There is almost no entertainment, nightclubs, or boutiques in Lovina, but it is not difficult to buy food and inexpensive souvenirs. If you wish, you can go to the district capital, Singaraja, which is located 10 km from the northern resort.

Features of the sea dolphinarium

IN last years You can hear many calls from animal activists to close dolphinariums. They are partly right. Animals are often kept in terrible conditions, they are forced to perform shows several times a day, leading to exhaustion. Chlorine is added to pools, which causes dolphins to go blind. According to statistics, they live in artificial pools for an average of 1-3 years, while in the wild - up to 30 years.

The Lovina Dolphinarium is a unique opportunity to see real dolphins without worrying about the conditions of their detention. But here, too, problems arise. Boats often get too close to the animals, threatening to injure them with the blades of their engines. The sounds of running engines frighten marine mammals, which have very sensitive hearing. To avoid contact with people, they try to stay in the water longer, holding their breath for too long.

Some researchers warn that dolphins could simply leave the shores of Lovina at one point if rules for observing them are not developed. Already, a decrease in the number of animals is noted. Many countries have such laws, but Indonesia is not one of them. Of the four licensed companies that officially take tourists to the dolphinarium, only two (Anak and Kaliasem) maintain a register of boats and regulate their number at sea.

Activists call on both the operators themselves and responsible tourists to adhere to international rules. You cannot swim too close to animals and at high speed; it is important to regulate the number of boats that go out to sea at the same time. Another problem is environmental pollution. Garbage and plastic often litter the beach, oil and fuel tanks in old boats leak, and toxic substances end up in the sea. This kills fish and shellfish - the main food of dolphins.

If warnings from scientists and activists are not heeded, tourism in Lovina will suffer greatly. After all, without a dolphinarium on the open sea, the northern resort will lose a significant part of its attractiveness. Residents have already begun to take up the initiative. east coast. Local fishermen also take tourists out to the open sea to watch dolphins. Since there are much fewer people there, the chance of encountering sea animals increases.

How to get to the Dolphinarium in Lovina

You can get to Lovina by either public bus, and by rented car. Now about each option in more detail.

By bus

If you decide to take a bus, it is most convenient to choose the Perama route, which runs daily from Kuta:

Bus schedule and cost:

  • Price – 125,000 rupees
  • Departure from Kuta – 10:00 am
  • Departure from Lovina – 09:00 am

There is an option to try your luck at the train station in Denpasar. From there there are also buses to Lovina, but you need to find out the schedule on the spot. The price of these routes may be a little cheaper, but the buses stop often and are not as convenient.

By car

By car it takes 2.5-3 hours to get to Lovina from Denpasar. If on a bike, then another half hour longer. But such transport is not suitable for long trips.

Here is the detailed route:

  1. Leave the city north on Jl. Raya Denpasar.
  2. Stay on the main road and don't turn off anywhere, keep going straight, after about 4.7 km Jl. Raya Denpasar smoothly transitions into Jl. Perean Tengah.
  3. Follow the streets of Jl. Perean Tengah-Jl. Mekarsari-BaturitiBedugul-Jl. Baturiti-Mekarsari-Jl. Raya Pacung-Jl. Gunung Agung-Jl. Raya Baturiti-Jl. Pancasari-Baturiti-Jl. Baturiti Bedugul, stay on the wide asphalt road and don't turn anywhere.
  4. After about 18 km, near Bro Lake, there will be a fork with many billboards, a small blue gazebo on the right and a small altar in the center. Here you need to smoothly turn left.
  5. After another couple of kilometers you will find yourself at a small intersection, in its center you will see a “monument” to a corncob. Turn slightly right here onto Jl. RayaBedug ul.
  6. Continue straight along the streets of Jl. Raya Bedugul-Jl. Raya Singaraja-Denpasar-Jl. Pancasari–Baturiti, don’t turn off anywhere, stay on the main road.
  7. After about 13 km, just after the green sign indicating the road to Tamblingan Lake and Git Git Falls, there will be a sharp left turn (you will actually go in the opposite direction) onto Jl. Raya Wanagiri.
  8. After approximately 5.8 km there will be a fork in front of which there is a green sign with directions. Turn right here onto Jl. Asah Gobleg, follow the sign's arrow, which points in the direction of Banjar.
  9. After about 2 km there will be a small roundabout with a tall tree in the center, turn left here.
  10. After a couple of hundred meters you will come to a small fork with a small altar in the center, here you should turn right onto Jalan Bangkiang Si dem
  11. After another 1.5 km you will need to turn left. This turn is located among rural plantations. First you will see a house with a red brick fence on the right. Near the turn itself there is a small board with the name of the yoga center and a small altar.
  12. After driving about 8 km, in the middle of the village, next to a small yellow house, you need to turn left into a small narrow street. After leaving this street, turn right.
  13. After about half a kilometer, at the fork, turn left.
  14. Continue straight for another 4 km, at the fork next to the small market turn left onto Jl. RayaAnturan.
  15. After a few hundred meters, near the Round black sign with gold letters Desa Pakraman Anturan, turn left.
  16. Go straight and at the end of the street turn left onto Jl. Seririt-Singaraja.
  17. After approximately 700 m, just after the sign for Hotel Eluk Agung, turn right.
  18. After a couple of hundred meters the road turns sharply to the left, immediately after this there is a right turn that leads directly to Lovina Beach.

Dolphins in the open sea on Lovina beach on the map

1km 5km 10km 25km 50km 75km 100km 150km 200km 300km

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Attractions nearby

A visit to the dolphinarium on the open sea will take you a little time. At 08-08:3 0 am you you'll be back already To the shore. The remaining time can be devoted to exploring the attractions that are nearby.

Within a radius of ten kilometers there are the following interesting places:

1. Dolphinarium at the Melka Hotel.

If you dream of not only looking at dolphins, but also swimming with them, you can stop by the Melka Hotel. Here, in outdoor pool There are several animals and dolphin therapy sessions are held.

2. Puri Kangi nan Buleleng.

A former royal palace built at the end of the 18th century. The structure of the building is similar to a Hindu temple; it retains the principle of three mandalas. The palace was rebuilt in 1840, 1902 and 1950. At one time, the Dutch colonial administration was located here. The building was heavily damaged by the earthquakes of 1963 and 1976. Now some of the rooms have been restored and are available for visits.

3. Puri Agung Si ngaraja.

A newer royal palace, its style is closer to European. Located next to the old castle, open to the public.

This museum is located next to royal palaces. It was opened in 1928. There is a huge collection of ancient examples of Balinese writing here. There are exhibits brought from other islands of Indonesia.

5. Pura Agung Jagatnatha.

The largest temple of Kur Orta. It is built on the principle of Padmasana - the heavenly lotus throne. Consists of several buildings located on three levels. Unfortunately, tourists are not allowed inside. You can admire this majestic building from the outside

Monument to the fighters for the independence of the island in Singaraja, it depicts three real heroes. The monument was opened in 2007. Its construction took 10 years.

7. Monumen Bhuwana Kerta, or Pura Republik Perjuangan Rakyat.

Another monument in honor of Indonesia's independence. Built in 1966, its height is 17 m, there is a huge area around it with various buildings and a park. The monument was made in the form of a column with a sacred lotus on the top. Initially, back in 1948, there was an idea to build a Temple of the Republic here, but then the concept was changed.

9. Sing-sing.

The waterfall is located a few kilometers from Lovina, its name translates as “singing”. It is very low and almost dries out in the dry season. At the top, among the frozen lava flows, there is a small pool of water. You can swim in it all year round.

10. Air Terjun Tembok Barak.

This is a small waterfall, the name of which translates as “red wall”, or “red barracks”. It is surrounded on all sides by massive reddish rocks. It is located near Singaraja and 10 km from Lovina.

The sacred mountain springs in Banjara are one of the most famous on the island. Water contains a lot of sulfur and is very beneficial for the skin, joints and respiratory system. There is a small temple near the springs; the pools themselves are an interesting example of local architecture; they are decorated with figures of dragons and demons.

R', located near the hot springs. It was built in 1970, in typical Balinese style. In the most high point The monastery territory contains a copy of the largest Buddhist complex Borobodur. All buildings are surrounded by tropical gardens. There is a very large library inside the monastery.

Here are some tips that will come in handy when visiting the dolphinarium:

  1. You can come here all year round, but more often in large quantities dolphins swim to the shore during the dry season, from April to October.
  2. If you plan to go to Lovina for one day, you need to leave Denpasar at 3 am. Then you will find yourself on the beach just as the boats are heading out to sea. But I advise you to plan your trip for 2 days, then you can take a break from the road before visiting the dolphinarium, see the sights near Lovina and swim in the sea.
  3. To hire a boat, you can contact a licensed operator or negotiate with one of the local fishermen. On average, the cost of an excursion is 5,000-100,000 rupees
  4. But even with official companies, prices for the swim can be different, so you can always bargain.
  5. Your chance of meeting animals will increase if you go out to sea half an hour earlier than the bulk of tourists or stay 30-40 minutes at the end of the swim, when most boats have already returned to the shore.
  6. You should be very careful when watching dolphins. They appear above the surface of the water for 10-20 seconds, then dive back into the sea.
  7. If you want to take a photo, set your camera to continuous shooting. Or film your entire trip. Otherwise, you may not have time to detect animals that appear for a short moment. Good photographs are also a very big success.

The Dolphinarium in Lovina will appeal to both adults and children. This is a great opportunity to see animals that live in the wild. In addition, the resort itself is quiet place with a quiet beach where there are no high waves, you can swim and snorkel. Lovina is great for a quiet family holiday.


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