Vietnam where the sea is cleaner. The three best resorts in Vietnam with descriptions of the most interesting beaches and hotels. Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City

A clean, cozy, uncrowded beach and a warm, pleasant sea are such important things for every tourist and every traveler. Let's figure out which Vietnamese beaches are worthy of attention?

Useful information about Vietnam

About the beaches of Vietnam

We will compare 4 beaches Vietnamese resorts: Nha Trang, Phu Quoc, Hoi An and Mui Ne. We lived in Nha Trang and Hoi An for many months; we spent only a few days in Phu Quoc and Mui Ne. Therefore, we provide the most complete information, of course, only for the first two resorts. Please, if you have anything to say, add it in the comments to this post.

Hoi An City

A small town with a big history. A very beautiful center, a sea of ​​small temples and museums. This city is almost unknown to our tourists, and I was even once scolded for telling everyone about this wonderful city (quote: “Russian tourists will come and ruin everything, it’s better if they stay in Mui Ne”). I don’t know why Russian tourists have such dislike for Russian tourists, but I continue to praise Hoi An and its magnificent beach.

Beach of Hoi An city

The best time to visit, in our opinion: from May (maybe April) to August.

Pros of the Vietnamese beach in Hoi An

  1. long coastline, gentle entrance, pleasant sand, moderately clear water (not perfectly clear, don’t forget that this is the South China Sea, perfect transparency is simply impossible here);
  2. clean and uncrowded.


  1. It is located far from the city center (where most hotels are located), so you need to either rent a bike (drive 10 minutes) or take a taxi or walk, exploring the city at the same time.

The town of Hoi An is very nice, we didn’t live in the city itself, but almost in the rice fields :)) we rented a room from the Vietnamese:

Therefore, we went to the city itself once or twice a week, but still in 3 months we managed to see all the coolest places, which we will write about a little later.

City map

Click on the menu icon in the upper left corner.

Nha Trang city

When we were in Nha Trang: August - October '13, December '13, January - March '14, July - December '14.

The best time to visit, in our opinion: from February/March to September.

This city, like Mui Ne, is extremely popular among our compatriots. Russian signs, Russian menus - sometimes it seemed that you were not in Vietnam, but in Sochi. The city has both pros and cons, but, as it seemed to us, there are much more advantages. We fell in love with Nha Trang with all our hearts for its beautiful city center, very cheap food and accommodation (do not forget that we live not as tourists, but as local residents), for the friendly staff of any place we turn to, for a large number of most interesting places, and most importantly, for a good beach.


  1. the city beach is moderately clean, cozy, and not very crowded during the day;
  2. the entrance is gentle, there are no marine life, stones or large shells;
  3. the sand is pleasant, not contaminated with small pebbles, leaves or grass;
  4. thanks to the long and wide coastline tourists are evenly distributed along the beach without interfering with each other;
  5. In addition to the city beach, there are several more beaches near the city and on the islands (all information on them is in a separate post, the link is given above).

This is the city beach:

This is Zoklet beach (located a few km from the city):


  1. Perfect cleanliness is not about Nha Trang. Setting yourself up for a European-level resort means ruining your vacation. This is Vietnam, the local population has a unique attitude towards cleanliness, so if the shore is not cleaned on time, you will be unhappy. Look big photo, fortunately there are a lot of them on our blog and on the Internet in general. Negative reviews mainly come from those who lived on Zoklet beach and studied that territory well: the beach itself is very cool, clean and cozy, but if you move a little away from it, there is already a trash can there. Conclusion: don’t leave and you will be happy :)
  2. In the evenings, the city beach becomes crowded: Vietnamese people have picnics, relax and swim.

We have seen many beaches in South-East Asia and if you are interested in our opinion, then we highly recommend lying on the beaches of Nha Trang, but strictly from March to September. Other months it's not so cool.

Very detailed information about all the beaches of Nha Trang

Nha Trang Map

Phu Quoc Island

When we were on the island: November`13

The best time to visit, in our opinion: never)) or in 2-3 years, when everything is completed there.

Visiting Phu Quoc Island was perhaps our biggest mistake during our travels. In short, the island can be described as follows: an actively developing resort, which now consists mainly of construction sites and trash cans. It's worth going there only when there is at least one large store there, at least one good restaurant, at least one completed road and at least 10 times less garbage. At the end of 2013 this was not the case. The prices are greatly inflated, the level of service is greatly reduced. However, you may be interested in the fact that there are many beautiful places with untouched nature. Now only the coastal areas of the island are developed, so if you go inland, you will see forests and fields, there are almost no people there. Eat state reserve Phu Quoc National Park, which is highly praised. We talked in detail about the island itself here:

It seemed to us that the only advantage of Phu Quoc Island is Long Beach.

Pros of the Vietnamese beach on Phu Quoc island

  1. it is long (albeit quite narrow), the bank is flat;
  2. the sand is very soft, I just wanted to bury myself in it and forget myself;
  3. crowded, but in moderation, no one bothers anyone;
  4. the shore is clean, it is clear that it is taken care of and cleaned frequently;
  5. well-groomed houses, lawns, flowers and bushes pleasantly complement the rest; if you wanted to sunbathe - sunbathe, if you wanted to relax in the shade - hide under a palm tree on the lawn.


  1. concrete barriers designed to prevent sand from being washed away. They are apparently very necessary, but it is very easy to break your leg on them (they are not in the pictures below, see details);
  2. There is no feeling of freedom and space at all, a narrow strip of good sand is not something worth traveling all the way from Russia for.

When we expressed our negative opinion about the island on Facebook, we received in response 2 photos from the beach of the Canary 3 * hotel (the girl vacationed on Phu Quoc island in 2012 and was very pleased with it):

The sewer pipe and the sticks sticking out of the water also delighted the girl:

Well, to each his own.

Mui Ne

When we were in: January`14

Best time to visit: November to April.

Tourist area in southern Vietnam. It is called a kitesurfer's paradise. And this is also a very popular holiday destination for our compatriots, therefore, like in Nha Trang, there are many Russian signs and every cafe has a menu in Russian. Prices are inflated only for housing, but not for food in cafes. The food is very tasty and filling. Mui Ne is one street. Seriously. Just one long street.

We were only in Mui Ne for a few days and were not happy with it.

After this article, someone agreed with our opinion about bad beaches, someone thought that our photos were unrealistic (they even expressed the opinion that the chickens were painted :)) and talked about their excellent vacation. We asked acquaintances and friends, searched for information on the Internet and made a short excursion with specific facts and figures. Only photos of beaches will be shown here; only like/dislike will be said about hotels. To make it easier to navigate, we now have a map where the expensive hotels, yellow - hotels from $50 and red - from $12.

Expensive hotels

Only one person (who scolded me at first, but later turned out to be a very good conversationalist and is now also our subscriber) spoke about his experience of staying in an expensive hotel. Most other people vacationed in Mui Ne on a budget.

Romana Resort & Spa

Hotel: liked it

Cost: $3,760 for several days. Private house with private pool and breakfast.

Beach: liked it

Time of visit: spring 2014

Quote: “There is always security on the beach and they strictly monitor the safety of the guests. The shore is constantly cleaned throughout the day, especially during rough waves. We had a great time Honeymoon V the most beautiful hotel with a great setting and excellent service. And, by the way, about the fact that all beaches are similar ( comment on our photos) - a deep lie! We walked around so many of them, everything was clean and beautiful, we didn’t come across any unkempt ones.”

Hotels from $50 per night.

1. Haiau Resort

Hotel: didn't like it

Cost: unknown, but current prices are: $50 per day.

Beach: didn't like it

Time of visit: December 2013 - January 2014

Quote: “When choosing a hotel, no one could definitely advise anything, and nothing was said on the forums. Among the advantages: the hotel was created for surfers, separate houses (rooms), prices in the area for food and things are much lower than in the center, New Year's concert. Disadvantages: the rooms are very old, not cleaned - only towels are changed, far from resort area, the coastline is very dirty (everything is covered in shells, jellyfish, they clean the fish right there, the smell is appropriate).”

3. Mui Ne Central Beach

Information only on the beach.

Time of visit: December 2013

Quote: “If you are going to Mui Ne with a child, and even during kite season, keep in mind that you will mostly be swimming in the pool. There is another option - to rent a hotel not in the center of the Russian beach, but not far from the Red Dunes in Mui Ne. There are several luxury hotels there. The waves there are noticeably smaller and the sea is cleaner. You can already swim there with your child.” Another quote: “It was practically impossible to swim on the central beach. To be honest, even in calm weather there was no desire to land and rest. There is quite a lot of garbage there, the sea is muddy and dirty.”

Author of the quote and photo.

Hotels from $12 per night

1. Rang Dong Resort

Hotel: didn't like it

Cost: $12 and $16 per night.

Beach: didn't like it

Time of visit: January 2014

This is our hotel and our beach, we wrote more about them in the post about Mui Ne. Here are just a couple of photos.

Roosters and hens grazed on our beach.
Later we were assured that this could not happen in Mui Ne. They are probably right, we were the only ones with chickens; there were ducks at other points. Very nice.

Cost: $16 per day.

Beach: liked it

Time of visit: March 2014

“Behind the gate there was the sea. It’s difficult to call this place a beach; there were round fishing boats and nets drying. Moving a little further away you could swim. And in the evenings by the sea it was simply magnificent - palm trees, stars, the sound of waves and - no one around. It’s a miracle, what a place!”

Source of quote and photo.

3. Sunrise Village

Hotel: liked it

Cost: $18 per night.

Beach: didn't like it

Time of visit: May 2013

“We will also think about the location of the future hotel. It seems like our place was not so great. But let’s say almost right behind our hotel there was a shore paved with concrete. Some people may like it, but others may not.”

And a few more photos of Mui Ne.




Vietnam is an exotic and hospitable country in Southeast Asia, located on the Indochina Peninsula, and it is washed by a sea called South China, which is part of the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

The length of Vietnam's coastline stretches more than 3,000 km. Any region of Vietnam is a tourist resort destination, where the warm, calm sea is the main advantage, the temperature of which never drops below 20°C.

Water salinity is 32-34%. Tourists prefer the south of the country. South part Vietnam is conducive to recreation almost all year round, and in northern regions It can be cool in winter.

Fauna of the South China Sea

Marine life is only partially visible to the human eye, but it is very diverse. Unfortunately, each species of sea inhabitants has a limited small number.

There are a huge number of inhabitants living in shallow and coastal waters of the South China Sea.

You can accidentally “collide” with:

  • jellyfish, polyps, armored, cephalopods, invertebrates and other mollusks;
  • aquatic worms and snakes;
  • arthropods - sea crayfish, shrimp, crabs and others;
  • echinoderm creatures - sea ​​urchins, stars and serpentine tails.

The underwater fish world is impressive:

  • commercial fish - sardine, mackerel, tuna, southern herring, conger eel, etc.;
  • large fish - stingrays of many species, swordfish, marlin, tuna, moray eels, sabrefish;
  • Zoologists count more than 1000 species of small fish.

Vietnam and the South China Sea on the map

Sharks deserve special attention. In the South China Sea, which borders Vietnam, there are quite a lot of them, they are diverse - deep, bottom, coastal. The most famous types of sharks: tiger, great white, blue.

There are also many species of gray sharks here:

  • prickly;
  • reef;
  • feline;
  • hammerheads;
  • zebra and others.

Due to such a large population of sea waters with sharks, sometimes unpleasant encounters with them occur for humans.

“Communication” with poisonous inhabitants of the sea, collisions with which occur more often than with sharks, will not bring anything good to a person.

Something to watch out for:

  • spiny fish such as lionfish, stingrays, scorpionfish;
  • jellyfish and siphonophores;
  • blue-ringed octopus;
  • poisonous shellfish and other creatures that threaten human life.

This article may be of interest:

Temperature of the South China Sea

In the winter months, sea water temperatures range from 20 °C in the north to 27 °C in the south, and by the end of summer along the entire coast it is 28–29 °C.

The beach season, when tourists can swim in the sea, lasts all year round, you just need to choose the right resort. For example, the winter months should be spent on the southern coast. Here the rains end in November, and since then the water temperature has never been less than 26°C.

The Velvet season falls in the last winter months, during this period there is no precipitation, this is the period of delicious exotic fruits.

And in central region and in the north of the country, the winter months lead to a decline in resort life, people do not swim, the water is considered cold, maximum +20°C.

Travel health insurance in Vietnam

Order an inexpensive transfer - taxi in Vietnam

Beach resorts in Vietnam

Vietnamese resorts can be divided into three main areas:

  1. Resorts of northern Vietnam;
  2. Central Vietnam;
  3. South Vietnam.

All these resorts are surrounded by the South China Sea.

Let's look at the most popular resort towns.

A small town that is ideal for tourists who prefer a secluded holiday. The sea, white sand, pine trees and sandalwood trees create a peaceful environment.

Adding a little adrenaline will help casino, where locals are prohibited from entering. You can get additional impressions in an ancient temple from the 13th century, and by visiting a villa that has survived from the time of French colonization.

One of the largest cities in Vietnam. Suitable for lovers of a quiet, serene holiday and family time. Those interested can engage in water sports.

For a change you can visit national parks Belen and Poluong. Plants that can only be seen in Vietnam grow here.

A resort town, a favorite of tourists. A port city with an airport, clean sandy beaches and gorgeous nature. The developed infrastructure will not let you get bored either day or night: restaurants, clubs, water park.

Da Nang is loved equally by families, young party-goers and surfers.


  • Michon temple complex;
  • Museum of Cham Culture;
  • Marble Mountains;
  • Haivan mountain pass.

In Da Nang, early August is the time of strong typhoons in Vietnam; swimming in the sea is safe and pleasant from May to July.

The most famous and beloved resort in Vietnam, famous for its coastline of coral reefs. Nha Trang is included in the list of the most beautiful bays in the world. There is a choice of beaches - municipal or private.

Nha Trang is a city of festivals, recreation and entertainment: restaurants, nightclubs, diving, fishing, jet skiing, skiing, flying hot-air balloon, yachting trips.

Fans of excursions can visit the Institute of Oceanography, Monkey Island, Cham Panogar Towers, Long Son Pagoda, and the water palace-aquarium on Chinguyen Island.

In parallel, Nha Trang is medical resort with a variety of wellness treatments: massage, mud therapy, mineral water and thermal springs.

From October to December there are strong typhoons, beach holidays become impossible, the coast is strewn with sea debris - mud and algae.

Phan Thiet and Mui Ne

Phan Thiet is a small town, the best place For family vacation. Pine trees and coconut palms grow along the coast. The beaches are free. There are sand dunes.

It is possible to stay in a bungalow, which will turn your vacation into an unforgettable fairy tale. Attractions– the city of the lady, Cham towers, Buddhist temple.

The tourist beach area is located between Phan Thiet and the small village of Mui Ne, so they are considered one resort. Almost all hotels are located on the embankment, which is convenient and close to the sea. Here you can kitesurf, windsurf, or play golf.

Fine sand and wind from the sea are considered disadvantages.

A city with clean sandy beaches. Available wild beaches. The disadvantage of the resort is the distance from the sea from the hotels, which is why many tourists rent bicycles. But the main highlight of the city is that it is considered museum city, keeping many secrets of past years.

Hoi An is a must for history buffs as it is full of museums and palaces. It is a UNESCO world heritage site. The city is also famous for its clothing and footwear workshops.

A quiet city for a secluded holiday that will not bother you big amount tourists. There is not much entertainment, but for little tourists they built a children's playground with various entertainment and a water park. Nearby beach Cana great for snorkeling.

The purest water, a gorgeous variety of plants and fauna, colorful corals and the absence of dangerous sharks - this is what attracts tourists to this large Vietnamese island, with a developed infrastructure, which boasts a diving center.

The island has the shortest rainy season, from July to September, and therefore the flow of vacationers does not stop almost the whole year, the sea pampers with constant warmth.

Snow-white beaches are planted with exotic palm trees, low hills around, rainforests in the mountains, rushing waterfalls are the heart of nature that will make anyone fall in love with it.

In Fukuoka, you can book an excursion to the plantations where pearls are grown, which is why the island is called the pearl island. "Coconut" prison- local historical landmark.

This article may be of interest:

An island of peace, silence and inspiration. Con Dao has approximately 20 sandy beaches. The main part of the island is occupied by national park exotic plants.

Those who like to sit by the sea have a good chance of seeing friendly dolphins and even meeting a sea cow. Vacationers during the season from April to November can witness the birth of turtles.

This is a wonderful spectacle that you need to sit quietly and have a lot of patience to watch.

Vung Tau

A quiet city that is so loved by families with children, newlyweds, and elderly couples. The beaches are sandy, with the exception of one rocky one. All hotels are located on the promenade, along the sea.

Vung Tau knows what to offer tourists who don’t want to sleep at night: karaoke bars, discos, clubs with show programs.

Here you can play golf, exercise sea ​​view sports and sightseeing:

  • statues of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary;
  • Temple of the Reclining Buddha;
  • 18-meter lighthouse;
  • Buddha Altar;
  • French cannon field.

Top hotels

There is a very decent selection of hotels in the resorts of Vietnam. Here is a short list of the best hotels according to tourist reviews:

  • Inter Continental Nha Trang 5* – Nha Trang city


“The Intercontinental Nha Trang Hotel is located on the waterfront right in the city center. The huge lobby, decorated with white marble, inspires pleasant idleness. The sea and the beach are literally across the road; hotel employees help you cross the road. On the beach, hotel staff provide their own sunbeds and towels.”

“Wonderful hotel, with a large room, well thought out and planned space. The furniture in the room is new and of high quality. The service at the hotel is simply excellent, helpful staff, Russian-speaking staff. Delicious breakfasts"

  • Furama Resort Danang – Danang City


“Many thanks to the hotel management for creating such paradise. Two weeks of vacation flew by in a flash. Everywhere is clean. The staff is friendly. There is so much greenery that it is impossible to describe. Everything was so beautifully decorated that we couldn’t resist taking pictures under every bush.”


“Fiction meets luxury! Rooms with sea view. The natural beauty of nature combined with national color is amazing! The landscapes of the peninsula are AMAZING! I strongly advise everyone to visit this TALE!!!”

“Although it’s expensive, it’s worth the money, it’s a magical hotel, where it’s very beautiful. The hotel area is very large, all the staff are friendly, they are constantly trying to guess what you would like. You can sit on the balcony and admire the sea while drinking champagne, the view is simply gorgeous.”

  • Du Parc Phan Thiet Ocean Dunes & Golf 4* – Phan Thiet city


“Service and maintenance are beyond any praise, the highest level! Before you have time to go out somewhere or sit down, they’re already bringing you a mattress! The hotel grounds are very beautiful and comfortable, everything is so well maintained. There are 2 swimming pools, there are usually not many people there, there are hammocks"

  • The Imperial Vung Tau 5* – Vung Tau city


"The Imperial Vung Tau is the most best hotel on the coast. Chic architecture, superbly decorated rooms, friendly staff, the highest level of service. Every day there is a nice little thing for lunch in the form of chocolates, as well as hearty delicious breakfasts and a delightful swimming pool!

The hotel and the beach are separated by a road, but from the second floor of the hotel there is a pedestrian bridge that leads directly to the beach. In the hotel's interior there are many photographs of young beauties, these are the winners of the Miss Vietnam beauty contests, which are held annually in this hotel.

In 2009, the Mrs. World competition was held."

  • Aniise Villa Resort 4* – Phan Rang city


“Those who want to get real relaxation cannot find a better place. The hotel is practically new, excellent service, the beach is superb and clean, the water and air temperature is 24 -28. The atmosphere is calm because there are few tourists.

The Vietnamese always smile when they see you, they are very friendly, they are wonderfully happy about everything, like children. Nature is like a picture from a fairy tale. Delicious Exotic fruits“There are flowers and strange plants everywhere.”

Once again, I would like to emphasize that there are a lot of hotels in Vietnam, and what is good for one is bad for another, so you should not be upset if your soul asks to go “there”, and someone wrote a bad review. Listen to yourself more often.

In this article we talk about the best resorts in Vietnam, where and when is the best time to relax. We share information about holidays in Vietnam and where it is better to go this year, compare the pros and cons of the best and popular resorts Vietnam. For convenience, we have marked on the map of Vietnam the resorts we are talking about in the article.

The best resorts in Vietnam - where to go?

Nha Trang

Photo © by cloud.shepherd/

One of the most popular and best resorts Vietnam.

A favorable time to go on vacation to Nha Trang, Vietnam is the period from February to August. At this time the climate in Nha Trang is most favorable for beach holiday.

It's better NOT to go to Nha Trang from October to January. At this time, the resort becomes unsuitable for a relaxing holiday due to rainy weather and large waves.

Pros and cons of holidays in Nha Trang

Nha Trang is well developed beach holiday. Nha Trang city beach stretches 7 km along the coastline. The beach is cleaned regularly, so it is always clean. The sand is fine, yellowish-white. North of Nha Trang there is famous beach Zoklet (Doc Let). The city is washed warm South China Sea. Nha Trang is perfect for both young and active people and for couples with children. Read more about clean beaches in Vietnam.

Note: from 11:30 to 13:00 it is better not to stay in the sun for a long time, at this time it is the most dangerous in Nha Trang. You can burn instantly.

Sights of Nha Trang: Ponagar Cham Towers (13th century), various pagodas, an aquarium, a silk museum, monkey island and much more. well developed, so most attractions can be reached independently. The most popular and useful transport for tourists - bus No. 4.

We wrote more about the attractions of Nha Trang in the article.

Due to the popularity of Nha Trang among Russians, many excursions at the resort are conducted in Russian. Examples of excursions:

Entertainment in Nha Trang a lot. Daytime- this is diving, snorkeling, excursions, a huge Gorky Park, massage parlors and beauty salons, entertainment in shopping centers, cinemas, and so on the list can be endless. Evening time these are karaoke, bars, restaurants, various discos and clubs, etc.

Nha Trang has a huge selection of hotels from no-star to luxury five-star hotels. The first line is occupied mainly by large five-star hotels. Please note that all hotels are separated from the beach by a wide road with active traffic.

The more modest hotels are located 2-3 lines away, but in general they are also close to the sea (5-6 minutes walk). More complete information about hotels in Nha Trang can be found in our article.

For shopping in Nha Trang built many shopping centers, supermarkets, small shops, many day and night markets. Prices in stores are affordable, except for the Nha Trang Center shopping center, prices here are high, but this is due to the fact that they mainly sell things from world brands.

Getting to Nha Trang possible from almost all major cities Vietnam. The most comfortable way is through Cam Ranh International Airport, which is located 45 km from Nha Trang. You can also get there by intercity bus or train. How to get to Nha Trang from Russia and other cities of Vietnam on your own, read ours.

Package packages are very popular tours to Nha Trang. A schedule with prices for tours to Nha Trang is shown below. To find out prices for a tour from another city, click on “Moscow” in the upper left corner. Click on the price to go to view tours.

Useful articles about holidays in Nha Trang

Photos from the resort of Nha Trang, Vietnam

©Photo by vietnam-lt/Pixabay

Phan Thiet / Mui Ne ( Phan Thiet/Mui Ne)

When they talk about vacation and where it is better to go to Phan Thiet, they mean resort place between Phan Thiet and the fishing village of Mui Ne. This place is incredibly popular among Russian tourists. Its popularity has reached such a level that the names of some cafes, shops, restaurants and their menus are in Russian.

You can go on holiday to Mui Ne almost all year round. The main tourist peak falls on November-April. The calmest sea with May to October.

Pros and cons of holidays in the resort of Mui Ne

Also like it here and lovers of a relaxing beach holiday from May to October the waves here are less obstinate, and there are fewer tourists than at peak. There is practically no one on the beaches. In Mui Ne there is no division into beaches (only conditional); there is one continuous long strip of fine white sand.

Mui Ne resort is perfect for young and active people, since here the main emphasis is on active entertainment such as windsurfing, kiting, surfing. There are many training schools here that teach you how to ride with a sail, a kite, or just a board. There are golf courses nearby the resort.

Mui Ne is not suitable for shopping lovers; there are no large stores or shopping centers here. Prices for food and souvenirs are higher than in other cities.

There are many pharmacies, restaurants, hotels, spas, etc. in Mui Ne.

Hotel selection, despite the small area of ​​Mui Ne, it is quite large: regular and luxury rooms, bungalows, large and small hotels, spa hotels. It is better to rent a room or bungalow near the sea (first line), as they have direct access to the beach.

On one's own you can get to Mui Ne by bus. Buses run from Ho Chi Minh City, Nha Trang and Phan Thiet. You can buy a ticket from different bus companies or any local travel agency.

Often Russian tourists going on vacation to Mui Ne on a tour. Tour prices are listed below. In the upper left corner of the chart you can select the departure city. Click on the price to go to view tours.

Useful articles about holidays in Mui Ne

Photos from the resort of Mui Ne, Vietnam

Dalat ( )

© Photo by fxxu/

Dalat is first and foremost mountain resort, there are no beaches or seas here. There are many parks, flower, tea and coffee plantations, evergreen forests, clean lakes, many pagodas and Buddhist temples.

Dalat is very different from other resorts in Vietnam. The architecture and landscape of the city are more reminiscent of European cities. Dalat is the only city in the country where wine is made.

In general, the resort can be visited all year round, but it is better to go from November to April.

Dalat attractions rich both in the city itself and in its environs. Religious sites such as the Catholic and Evangelical churches., Cathedral, pagodas and Buddhist temples, monastery of the Virgin Mary. Everyone can go on vacation to Dalat: elderly people who can’t stand the heat well but dream of Vietnam, young couples and families with children.

Architectural landmarks: Hang Nga Hotel (Crazy House), French Quarter, flower gardens Dalata, cable car, old Train Station etc.

Natural monuments and attractions: lakes, forests, tea and coffee plantations and much more. Read our articles about and. In the articles we share information on how to get there and how much entrance tickets cost.

These types of views are popular in Dalat active rest like rafting and canyoning. Tennis and golf courses that meet modern standards have been built in Dalat.

Read our review of the excursion in Dalat.

Tourists like to come to Dalat for 1-2 days as part of an excursion from Ho Chi Minh City, Nha Trang, Phan Thiet and Mui Ne. For some this time is enough to enjoy Dalat, but for others it is not. Our opinion is that it is better to live in Dalat longer. This perfect place for relax.

If you don’t know where is the best place to stay in Dalat, then you will find our article useful. The choice of hotels in Dalat ranges from hostels to luxury hotels.

Tours to Dalat are not so common among tour operators, but sometimes offers appear. Look at - they are collected there best deals from 120 tour operators. If you couldn’t find a tour to Dalat, you can find a plane ticket below and go on a journey on your own. Dalat Airport is located 30 km from the city.

Useful articles about Dalat

Photos from mountain resort Da Lat, Vietnam

© Photo by Mike Ho/

Phu Quoc

© Photo by Mgzkun /

Phu Quoc Island belongs to beach resorts, since on its territory there are many the most beautiful beaches Vietnam. The island is located in the south of Vietnam, 45 km from the mainland.

The best place to go on holiday to Vietnam is on the island of Phu Quoc from November to June. Rainy season on the island from July to October.

Pros and cons of holidays on the island. Phu Quoc

There are many interesting things to do on Phu Quoc Island besides beach holidays. You can take a jungle tour, visit a pearl farm and museum, a pepper farm or Fukuota Prison. Or go fishing and catch fish, squid, crabs and other sea delicacies.

It is better for beach lovers, divers and couples with children to relax on the island of Phu Quoc in Vietnam. The island has many beaches, both wild and with developed infrastructure, with cafes, restaurants, bars.

Also, lovers of diving and snorkeling will enjoy the conditions on the island. The price tag for these types of entertainment is low here.

If you don’t know where to stay to relax on Phu Quoc Island, then look at the map with hotels from

Tours to Phu Quoc Island are popular. Prices are shown below.

Photos from Phu Quoc Island, Vietnam

Hoi An

Hoi An is Small town With rich history. It is built in the central part of Vietnam. Since 1999, it has been recognized by UNESCO as a monument to the trade and port city of Southeast Asia from the fifteenth to nineteenth centuries.

More than 820 buildings in Hoi An are historically valuable and protected by law: old shops, old Chinese houses, Cham temples, burial structures, and other buildings. Because of such an abundance of historical buildings and structures, the city can be called an open-air museum.

The most favorable time to go to Vietnam to the city of Hoi An is the period from January to August. The rainy season reaches Noyan for a period from September to December.

Pros and cons of holidays in Hoi An

For those who like to bring gifts from Vietnam, Hoi An will delight you with its small traditional and souvenir shops, a large selection of sewing workshops, where you can order a variety of outfits and shoes. There are many markets in the city. You can also find high-quality and inexpensive cotton and silk.

Hoi An is also famous for its skilled chefs and low prices in the cafe. So, if you are a foodie lover, you will love Hoi An.

Since the city is cut through by a river, you can find many boats offering small boat excursions.

How to get to Hoi An? The lack of its own airport is compensated by the proximity of the city of Da Nang (less than an hour's drive), which has its own airport.

Accommodation in Hoi An very diverse: Hostels, hotels of different star ratings within the city or beach hotels near the sea. Despite the fact that there are not many hotels near the sea, beach holidays do exist here.

Many hotels in the city center offer transfer to the sea, there is a taxi. You can rent bicycles and get to the sea in 10-15 minutes. Some hotels provide free bicycles. The sea in Hoi An is clean, the entrance to the sea is gentle. Beaches with fine white sand and palm trees from the picture.

Below is a selection of hotels on the map of Hoi An from

Photos of Hoi An resort, Vietnam

Vietnam is a wonderful place with an incredible number of beaches both on the mainland and on the island parts of the country. All beaches are washed by the warm South China Sea.

Top 7 - beautiful places in Vietnam

1) Beaches of Phu Quoc (Phu Quoc)

Phu Quoc Island is located in the southern part of Vietnam, rich in beaches and picturesque seascapes. The beaches of Fukuoka are clean beaches with white sand, there are not many tourists here, so here you can retire and feel like the sole owner of all this splendor. Only a small part of the island has equipped beaches; tourists, hotels, and cafes are concentrated on such beaches.

Long Beach

Another name for this beach is Duong Dong. Perhaps one of the most big beaches Fukuoka, 5-7 km long. This beach is quite a busy place, it is equipped with sun loungers and is loved by tourists. The beach itself is clean and cozy - it is carefully monitored and cleaned regularly. This is where the main hotels and cafes of the island are concentrated.

How to get there: This beach cannot be missed due to the large number of hotels located close to the beach and sea.

Bai Sao (Sao Beach / Bai Sao)

This place is like a lost paradise. A clean beach with fine white sand, the sea enchanting with its turquoise color, palm trees desperately reaching out to the surface of the sea - give the beach its unique charm. It should be noted that you can find no more than 2 hotels nearby, so if you want to stay a couple of days in a secluded place, in your personal paradise, this place is perfect.

How to get there: Located in the northwest of Fukuoka. Many excursions include a visit to this secluded beach, so you can simply book a tour and be taken to Bai Sao (Sao Beach / Bai Sao). You can get there on your own by renting a motorbike.

Bai Zai Beach (Bãi Dài)

Bai Dai Beach or Bai Zai Beach, once considered one of Phu Quoc's secluded beaches, has recently become a popular destination for tourists. Infrastructure is being actively built here - hotels, cafes and various entertainment venues. The peculiarity of this beach is considered to be soft white sand, a clean and tidy beach and a wonderful landscape that captivates with its genuine beauty.

How to get there: getting to this place is quite problematic due to its remoteness (about an hour by moped).

2) Beaches of Nha Trang

Nha Trang is primarily considered a beach holiday; there are many hotels, cafes, restaurants, shops near the sea. The beaches are clean and equipped with everything a tourist needs. From November to mid-February, Nha Trang is not the best place for swimming, as strong winds raise quite impressive waves.

The beach extends 7 km along the city, covering almost the entire tourist area of ​​the city. In general, the beach is clean and well-groomed, the sand is fine yellowish in color. In the daytime, when the sun is especially strong, the beach is deserted, but in the evening, somewhere from 16.00-20.00 pm, the beach fills with people and becomes a very busy place in the city.

Along the beach there are small sports grounds with exercise equipment, where people are actively involved in their health. People are chatting nicely on the benches. The children laugh and run around like crazy. Sometimes companies sit along the paved paths and have picnics.

At about 9-10 pm the beach becomes deserted again, you can come at this time and sit in solitude with your significant other and eat fruit, the beach at this time is illuminated by spotlights, so the beach looks unusual and at the same time safe.

How to get there: You can walk from any hotel in the tourist area.

Bai Dai

Another Nha Trang beach that deserves attention, its full name is Khu Du Lịch Bãi Dài. He is in the place of the former military base

How to get there: Nha Trang, so the place is not yet filled with cafes and hotels, but sellers and small seafood cafes are slowly flocking here. Many people already know about this beach, so it is not as isolated as it might seem. The beach is not maintained, so in some areas of the beach you may stumble across trash. In general, the beach is cozy and comfortable, stretching for almost 15 km, 15 kilometers of white sand.

by taxi or motorbike 20 km (15 min.) south of Nha Trang.

Zoklet Beach, Nha Trang (Doc Let) It is also called Doklet Beach, the beach stretches 10 km along the sea. The place is quite developed and has everything a tourist needs - hotels, swimming pools, cafes, various shops, the beach is equipped, there are sun loungers and umbrellas. Zoklet is beautiful place

How to get there: with fine white sand and palm trees along the shore. Due to the distance from the city, tourists prefer to stay on this beach for the whole day.

45 km north of Nha Trang, can be reached by taxi or motorbike.

Mui Ne and Phan Thiet often travel together due to their short distance from each other. Mui Ne is a tourist resort, most of which are Russian tourists. Along the resort stretches a long strip of sandy beach, conventionally divided into three beaches: East Beach Ham Tien, Mui Ne Central Beach, Pu Hai.

This place attracts lovers extreme species water sports, surfers and kiters. The beach itself is quite large - about 5 km. The beaches themselves are clean, the only thing is that in some places of the beach there is construction going on, so be careful, under the sand in such places there are iron pins hidden, stepping on which can injure your feet. They try to remove them immediately, but sometimes they miss them.

We like this beach because it is not crowded, you can easily move a respectful distance away from everyone who also came to enjoy the paradise seascape of Mui Ne. You can often meet people jogging on the beach.

The only problem central beach is the way to get to the beach, since due to the abundance of hotels standing wall to wall, it is difficult to get to the beach. We walked through the territory of the first line hotels or through small alleys in the center of the resort. Here, of course, it is better to rent hotels near the sea, since they have direct access to the sea.

How to get there: Throughout the resort area of ​​Mui Ne.

4) Beaches of Da Nang

A large number of beaches in Da Nang are located within the city or in its environs. The beach was not spoiled by tourists until recently; now the beaches of Da Nang are slowly gaining popularity.

Chinese Beach (or Bac My An)

China Beach is popular among tourists from all over the world, thanks to its soft, fine sand and developed infrastructure, the beach has captivated many. The beach is cleaned regularly, so the beach area is very clean. From September to December, when the waves begin to rise, many surfers flock to the beach; it is here that the international surfing championship has been held since 1992.

If you are not afraid of being stung by a red jellyfish, whose burns are quite painful, then come here in June; the rest of the time the beach is ideal for swimming.

How to get there: is located 7 km south of the city center.

5) Lang Co Beach in Hue

The beach stretches for 10 km. Despite the proximity to the road, the place is quite quiet. The beach is suitable for families with children, since the sea depth on the coast is only a meter. In general, the beach is not crowded, very clean, palm trees grow along the beach, so if you get tired of the annoying sun, you can sit in their shade.

How to get there: the beach stretches along the highway, separated by a small hill.

6) Beach in Ha Long Bay )

This place can be called one of the most stunning places in the world; Ha Long Bay itself was included in the UNESCO list in 1994 as natural monument world heritage. Tourists are attracted primarily by the unusual landscape, bordering on something truly magical. This is the place that poses for advertising holidays in Vietnam on postcards, brochures and in various commercials. The beaches are covered with artificial sand, the water here is not transparent, but despite this, the place really looks like a paradise on Earth.

How to get there: from Hanoi by tourist bus (about 200,000 VND) for 3-4 hours, by regular bus from Hanoi from bus stations Long Bien, Gia Lam Station, My Dinh or Luong Yen to Ha Long City (about 50-60,000 VND) in 5-6 hours.

7) Cat Co and Cat Dua o Cat Ba

If you are attracted by crystal clear water, then this is the place for you, here the water is so clear that even at a depth of several meters you can see the bottom. Clean beaches with snow-white soft sand cannot leave anyone indifferent. On weekends there are many tourists (Vietnamese and Chinese) on the beaches, and on weekdays you can enjoy peace and quiet.

How to get there: Cat Ba Island can be reached by ferry from Binh Station or Dinh Vu Station in Haiphong City. You can also travel from Ha Long by boat.

Vietnam is considered one of the favorite beach holiday destinations for Russians lately. It is not yet as crammed with tourists’ money as it is. Therefore, prices here are still pleasantly pleasing. Russians are treated very well. The USSR once helped Vietnam in exchange for a promise to follow the bright path of socialism. We turned away from the path, but Vietnam, rather due to its religious beliefs, remained a very kind, unspoiled and safe country for tourists.

The only thing that can scare you in Vietnam is the rain and pickpockets. Northern part countries are exposed to the former regularly and intensively. In this regard, most tourists travel to the south, to the beautiful sandy beaches, an abundance of sun, fruit and positive emotions. But here the second ones are already lying in wait for them. You need to be very careful in places with large crowds of people - in markets, beaches, tourist sites. Do not show that you have large sums of money or expensive gadgets. This is not accepted here. Carry your bag over your shoulder, it’s more secure. All the same, compared to other countries in the region, Vietnam is very low level crime.

More than half of Vietnam's borders are seacoast. Accordingly, there are a lot of beaches here. In the north, around Haiphong and Halong Bay there are good beaches, but the warm season here coincides with a period of heavy rainfall. Therefore, the beaches of the north are not popular among vacationers.

"Good ones" beach spots start south of central Vietnam. These areas are not as susceptible to monsoons. The climate is more like tropical. There are three ancient towns here - Hue, Da Nang and Hoi An. They have good beaches for diving.

  • Hue

The last emperors of Vietnam lived here. It is located between the sea and the mountains, there is magnificent nature, wide beaches of white sand. Lang Co beach is used by divers to dive to the coral reef.

  • Da Nang is a major city and port of the country.

There are many attractions here, such as marble mountains. China Beach is famous throughout Vietnam for its soft sand. Surfing championships are held here, so we can say that the waves on the beach are quite big. In addition to China Beach, there are several other beaches that deserve attention.

  • Hoi An - this place is over 2000 years old

There are two beaches here - the popular Cua Dai and An Bang, recently opened by tourists. Both have clean, soft sand and well-developed infrastructure.

The next popular beach region is in. This is the most "promoted" among tourists region of Vietnam. There is everything here that your heart desires. And entertainment, and shopping, and the most snow-white beaches Vietnam. Directly opposite the resort there are several islands that are also popular with tourists. Hotels have been built there and infrastructure is being improved. If you are looking for peace and solitude, then Nha Trang is not for you. The beaches here are crowded with tourists in the “high season” no worse than in Anapa. Therefore, choose places away from the center or come when "boom" will already subside.

This place is one of the safest in Vietnam; there are no storms or long tropical downpours. The sun appears in the sky almost every day. average temperature sea ​​+26. Here are ideal beaches for families with children, diving and water activities. For those who like waves and wind, it is better to choose Phan Thiet.

By the way, about diving. It is the cheapest in Vietnam. There are a large number of diving clubs in Nha Trang and Van Phong Bays. The depths here are shallow, up to about 30 meters, but there are living coral reefs, caves, and various algae.

  • Phan Thiet and Mui Ne are one coast, with a conditional division into villages

Phan Thiet is considered family resort, European couples come here with children or romantic trip. Here you can stay in a bungalow next to the sea and enjoy the sound of the surf. The white sand dunes make this place unique. The best time to visit is at sunrise or sunset. This is an unforgettable sight. The fishing harbor will delight you with cute Vietnamese boats.

Favored by Russian tourists. It's almost ours here "ghetto". Russian restaurants, local Vietnamese have learned many Russian words, prices are not high in Vietnamese. There are many hotels of well-known chains in Russia. Here pleasant climate, but the winds blow very often, which surfers and kiters adore. Families with children will feel uncomfortable on the beach. If you are not into the above-mentioned sports, then choose a specific time and place to relax here.

  • Vung Tau is "Vietnamese Riviera"

Golf courses, villas, French names, cozy shops, luxury hotels. The beaches here are varied. There is even a small rocky beach with the cute name Rocher Noire. In addition to the beaches, there is a lot of interesting things here - huge Buddhist and Chinese temples, a royal residence, underground tunnels, a beautiful lighthouse.

It is located on the territory national park in the Gulf of Thailand. Its proximity to makes its climate similar to them. The center of the island is occupied by a real jungle, and the beaches can be called the best white sand beaches in Vietnam. Those who come here will find peace and tranquility from the bustle of the city. So far it does not violate them, nor the presence international airport, no hotels, no shops, not even casinos.

Fukuoka has ideal beaches for a relaxing holiday. Romantic couples, families with children, and elderly people will like it here. Fans of wild nights spent on the dance floor or in the bar have nothing to do here. For lovers of active shopping, it is better to choose the resort of Nha Trang or Ho Chi Minh City.

If you get tired of carefree doing nothing, then jungle excursions, kayaking around the islands, scuba diving or an excellent Thai massage are at your disposal.

How to get there?

Airplanes fly from Russia to Vietnam mainly to two airports - Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. From the latter it is more convenient to get to all major beach places Vietnam. In this southern country There are more than one and a half dozen airports, some of which have flights from Moscow. You can also find a flight from Russia and fly there, but only with transfers, again, in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi. If you love land travel, then it will be much more interesting to get to your desired location by public or rented transport. Yes, it is cheaper when compared with the cost of domestic air travel.

We have collected in this review all the most popular places Vietnam. If you find something else interesting that we missed, you can write about it in the reviews.

Have a nice trip!


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