What to do if your luggage goes missing during a flight? Tips and secrets of Biletyplus specialists. What to do if your luggage is lost during a flight


Your luggage is lost at the airport - an unpleasant end to your trip! You arrive home from vacation, go to the baggage claim area - and after 5-10 minutes, you realize that your suitcase (and with it all your belongings, a camera with colorful vacation photos, souvenirs and favorite slippers) has disappeared in an unknown direction.

What to do, where to run, where to look for a suitcase and who to ask? Let’s sort out one of the most “popular” aviation problems without panic and depression!

Why do suitcases get lost?

According to statistics, out of 1000 passengers, 13 usually have their suitcases lost.

Moreover, 85% of them are lucky - their things are found literally in the first two days.

As for the rest, not everyone is lucky. Some have to seek compensation for damages.

Why do suitcases get lost?

Among the main reasons:

  1. Airport staff made a mistake.
  2. Passengers are looking in the wrong places. It is quite possible that the suitcase ended up in the large size department.
  3. The tag was lost.
  4. Someone took your suitcase by mistake.
  5. Your suitcase was taken with malicious intent.
  6. Your suitcase cannot keep up with you because the time period for the transfer is too short.
  7. There was a tag left on the suitcase from another trip and there was a scanning error.

Video: Lost luggage at the airport - what should you do?

Where do lost suitcases go?

More than 10,000 unclaimed items are found at domestic airports every year. One suitcase is not taken away because the cargo was prohibited, another because it is even more expensive to return for it, a third because the passenger does not know where to look for it, etc.

Where do forgotten things go?

  • First, they are sent to the unclaimed baggage area - the one designed for suitcases left behind on international flights, or the one where items from domestic flights are stored.
  • After 30 days, in the absence of a request from the owner, the suitcase “goes” to the storage room for another six months.
  • If the owner never shows up, the item is disposed of. New items (if they have a label) are sold in a consignment store.

Where do you actually need to pick up your suitcase after landing?

Not everyone knows where to get their luggage after the plane lands.

  1. Go through passport control.
  2. Next - to the baggage claim line. Keep an eye on the board - it should indicate the flight number (it is on your boarding pass) and the tape number.
  3. If there is no suitcase, make sure you are standing at the correct belt.
  4. Still no suitcase? Check " final destination", where things forgotten on the conveyor belt are unloaded.
  5. Check to see if your fragile or large-sized cargo is delivered elsewhere.

Video: Lost luggage at the airport - what to do?

Lost your suitcase at the airport - what to do?

Has your favorite suitcase gotten lost? Follow the instructions!

  1. First, stay calm. You are far from the first person with a similar problem, and the mechanism for solving it has long been debugged and in most cases works well. If you remain within the law, then the law in this case is on your side. Therefore, resist the urge to attack the staff if your luggage is valuable to you. The more calm and confident you are, the more respectable you look in the eyes of the staff, the faster they will help you.
  2. Have you pulled yourself together? Now go to the Lost & Found counter. It is usually located next to the baggage collection area.
  3. If this service you couldn’t find it, then you have a direct path - to the representative office (right here at the airport!) of the airline that managed to lose your suitcase. The carrier that checked and loaded your items onto the plane is responsible for your baggage.
  4. Your task is to report the missing suitcase and file a claim. This can be done at the Lost & Found counter or at the airline representative.
  5. We make a claim in writing and in free form (or on the form provided) , describing your luggage and all data as accurately as possible (flight number, number of missing suitcases, their signs, presence of tags or cellophane on bags/suitcases, short description content). Make a claim in 2 copies (one remains with the airport staff, and they certify and give the second to you) and do not forget to indicate your data in it - full name, passport, contact details, residential address within the city.
  6. Documents for submitting an application: passport, tear-off coupon of your luggage tag, 2 acts of your claim with the date and time of its preparation, as well as with the number for checking your luggage through World Tracer.
  7. Now all that's left to do is wait and periodically call the Lost&Found search department (don’t forget to get their contact number).

How to find lost suitcases at the airport?

Almost everything major airports worldwide work with a unified international search system. All data from the claim is entered into the database, and a search for a match with available information about unclaimed items immediately begins.

If a match is found, the search service staff will immediately find out where the suitcase is and notify the “lost” person. If the suitcase is stuck in another country, it will be sent on the next flight and the applicant will be contacted immediately upon arrival of the suitcase at the airport.


  • They may not call you. It is better to check the search status in World Tracer and call Lost&Found employees.
  • If the item is lost Russian airline, you can monitor the search on its website.
  • Some airlines do not deliver lost suitcases without a special letter from the applicant with a corresponding request. Check with the search service in advance whether such a letter is needed.
  • The search for the suitcase usually takes 21 days. After this period, the item is considered irretrievably lost and compensation can be demanded.

How to get compensation for a lost suitcase?

An application for compensation should be submitted to the airline that caused the loss of luggage.

You can make such a demand within 2 years from the moment you register your loss.

How much will they pay for a lost suitcase?

  1. 17 dollars for each kg (approx. - according to the Warsaw Agreement). $35 for a suitcase that was not weighed.
  2. 1200-1300 euros for 1 piece of luggage (approx. - according to Montreal Convention, according to the airline's rate).

If the value of the items exceeds the amount of compensation offered to you, you can go to court.

If there is evidence, of course.

For damage to the suitcase, shortage of items or loss, the carrier is obliged to pay the following compensation:

  • For things that were with the passenger - according to their value. If the price is not determined, then it will be set at no more than 11,000 rubles.
  • For things with a declared value - according to the specified amount.
  • For items without a declared value - no more than 600 rubles per 1 kg.

We are not satisfied with the compensation – we go to court!

According to Article 118 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation, the injured passenger files a claim directly against the airline.

The following documents will be required:

  1. Your statement.
  2. Passport.
  3. Baggage tag.
  4. Your boarding pass (original!).
  5. No. of the act on the search for your suitcase.
  6. Details (your bank account) for transferring compensation.


  • If you have unexpected expenses due to the loss of your suitcase, then if you have receipts and evidence that the purchase was necessary (for example, you have an important business meeting, and the only suit was in your suitcase), you can request a refund of 50% of these expenses, or give the purchased item to the company and return 100% of the money.
  • Remember that you can demand compensation not only for the loss of a suitcase, but also for damage to things, for theft, for a broken or damaged suitcase, as well as for inconvenience caused to you due to the incompetence of the carrier. Therefore, be sure to save all receipts so that you have something to present later.
  • Before filing a claim, you should serve a statement on the carrier immediately after discovery of violations in order to try to resolve the dispute out of court.

Don't forget about compensation for moral damage!

You have the right to demand such compensation in accordance with the consumer protection law. You will need to prove not the fact that this harm was caused to you, but the fact that your consumer rights were violated.

There is no point in counting on millions maximum amount – 15,000 rubles , but it will not be superfluous if the case comes to court.

Important: The legal costs in the claim are borne by the defendant.

How to protect your suitcase from loss?

We reduce the risk of loss by following simple rules:

  1. We save all receipts! Both for the things in the suitcase and for the suitcase itself.
  2. We remove all stickers and tags from the suitcase after arrival, so that after scanning the old sticker the baggage does not go to another place.
  3. We attach to the suitcase our own personal (in addition to the traditional luggage) strong tag with the exact contact information(in Russian and English) – full name, telephone numbers, your residential address, date of travel, etc.
  4. When flying with a transfer, we clarify at which airport the baggage was checked in. Perhaps at the dock you need to get and check your suitcase again.
  5. We provide the suitcase with brightness and visibility. First, choose a memorable, bright suitcase; secondly, we use all possible identification marks (bows, ribbons, badges, etc.).
  6. We insure luggage if there are expensive items in the suitcase. the carrier will cost a pretty penny, so it’s better to choose a tour/insurance that will also cover your luggage.
  7. We pack the suitcase in film.

Don't you notice your original suitcase at the baggage claim? Don't panic. You have everything if you fill out a loss report and provide all the necessary information to airline representatives. Read below about how to do this correctly.

So, your luggage is not on the belt. The Lost&Found desk can help you. The employees behind the counter are required to advise passengers in case of damage or loss of bags and suitcases. If you do not see such a counter, you should find a representative of your airline or a service agent on duty who works in the baggage claim area full time.

Basically, the reason for lost luggage is simple: the tag that was attached to it during check-in has come off. If this happened during transportation, then most likely your luggage was left at the departure airport. In this case, it is easy to find it. It is worse if there is a failure in the computer registration or loading systems. In this case, your luggage may be incorrectly checked in and sent very far away. But at airports where baggage systems are not automated (especially in Asia and the Middle East), your baggage may end up in another country due to a simple loader error.

It is important to understand that the airline that last operated your flight is responsible for your baggage if you are flying in transit. According to statistics, airlines lose passengers' luggage every 90 seconds. As a rule, this happens on connecting flights. In order to return your luggage, you must submit a written claim. You will need the baggage tag tear-off slip that is affixed to your boarding pass and your passport.

The report must describe in detail the special features of the suitcase: what color, size, shape it is, what material it is made of, whether it has additional parts, wheels, handles, tags, stickers, stripes... It is also better to indicate the manufacturer, if you remember . In general, it is always better to play it safe and attach a name tag to your bag in advance, this will greatly simplify the search process.

The loss report is drawn up in two copies so that one of them remains with you. In the act, write down the application number, your coordinates and passport details. Write down the phone number of the baggage tracing service or airline representative. The procedure is completed and you no longer have to sit on pins and needles at the airport - it’s better to go home or to a hotel.

Please note that the airline is not obliged to provide essential items to passengers whose luggage is lost. But some large foreign (!) carriers meet their customers halfway and sometimes give out a set consisting of a toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, deodorant, razor and shaving foam, and a T-shirt.

You can track the status of your luggage using the Internet. True, not all Russian air carriers have this service (only if your airline is in the World Tracer system, find out right away. Transaero and S7, for example, are here). On the carrier’s website, you enter the identification number assigned to you when filing a loss report and your last name.

Thus, Domodedovo Airport has been connected to it since 2001. By the way, this hub processes about 14 million pieces of luggage per year, and the rate of baggage loss here is the lowest in the world: 0.6-1.2 per 1000 pieces of luggage in winter and summer, respectively.

The found luggage will be brought to your home (you will indicate the address in the report). Delivery within the city of flight and its suburbs is free. If you need to carry it further, the luggage will remain at the airport (or airline office) until your arrival, but only for a year. Before returning the “prodigal luggage,” you must be called and notified of the courier’s arrival.

The luggage must be found within 24 hours. But sometimes things happen differently. If the suitcase has not been returned within 5 days, you should contact the air carrier and make a list of the things that are inside the luggage (the list will be included in the additional search parameters). In this case, your luggage will almost certainly be found (at least that’s what the airlines assure).

The maximum period for searching a suitcase is 21 days. If time has passed, and “Herman is still not there” - write - “disappeared”... Either the luggage was stolen, or lost forever. The airline is obliged to pay you for the damage. According to the Warsaw Convention on Air Transport and Article 119 of the Russian Air Code, the airline pays compensation for lost luggage at the rate of 600 rubles per kilogram. Even if there were very expensive things in your suitcase. Weight calculation is made by weight. If it suddenly turns out that the bag was not weighed, then its weight is estimated at 35 kilograms. In principle, if you still have receipts for the items packed in your suitcase, you can demand additional compensation, but even in this case, if you are lucky, you will only be reimbursed 50% of the cost of the goods.

You can reduce the risk of lost luggage. Firstly, before the flight, do not forget to remove all excess stickers from your suitcase left over from previous flights (tags can simply be mixed up at airports).

If you are a transit passenger, and luggage is most often lost on connecting flights, check that the tag indicates the final destination where your luggage will be handed over to you. Purchase tickets so that between two connecting flights there was at least an hour and a half of time. Otherwise, the luggage simply may not have time to be reloaded from one plane to another.

You can also insure your suitcase. However, the insurance service does not apply to flights within Russia. Leading domestic insurance companies Ingosstrakh, Renaissance and Uralsib do not insure against lost luggage on domestic airlines. Treat yourself to the hope that, according to statistics, Russian air carriers lose luggage less often than international ones. We simply have fewer “baggage-hazardous” connecting flights in our country.

If you have lost your hand luggage, please contact the flight attendants. Perhaps the bag was left in the cabin of the plane. If you have already passed the control zone and there is no way back, go to the same Lost&Found counter. Everything is arranged according to the scheme already described. Departure staff will be contacted by airport staff. Regardless of weight, carry-on luggage is always valued at $400 - the amount the airline must pay. In case of loss of documents, jewelry and equipment, nothing will be reimbursed to you. But you can demand compensation for moral damage through the court. Of course, you need to soberly assess the situation and understand under what circumstances your bag was lost: it was stolen or you yourself forgot it somewhere.

Rarely does a passenger travel without luggage. And as you know, anything can happen to luggage: lost, damaged, mixed up. Compared to the financial crisis, of course, it’s nonsense - but it’s still offensive. What to do when an accident happens to your bags and suitcases? Read "i" immediately.

Situation one: lost. You are standing at the airport near the transport belt and waiting for your original suitcase to appear. Your companions have already received their belongings, but yours are gone. After an hour or two, you will clearly realize that your luggage has been lost. And rightly so.

Do not try to search on your own, but immediately go to the representative office of the airline on whose flight you arrived. It is the airline that is responsible for the passenger’s luggage, and only it will compensate for the loss if something happens. If you find yourself in some godforsaken country where your airline does not have a representative office, then go to the office of the company that is the national carrier of that country. And it doesn’t matter when trouble happened to you - day or night: airline representative offices work at airports around the clock.

At the office, you will be asked to present a ticket with a baggage coupon attached and will be asked in detail about the color, size and shape of your suitcase, whether it had any special features, and will also be asked about its contents. They will draw up a loss report and start searching. If the airline is decent and values ​​its reputation, then you will be given a small but completely free loan - so that you have something to buy new essentials: toothbrush, a comb and a pair of fresh socks. Don't expect a large sum, but you will get $50.

The most reasonable thing to do is to assume that your luggage was either not loaded onto the plane at the departure airport, or was loaded onto the plane, but not into yours. If this is the case, then it will take one to three weeks to find and return the luggage. Moreover, the search can be greatly facilitated by special luggage tags, which most airlines issue to passengers before check-in for a flight and which are tied or glued to things. Typically, the tags contain the name and surname of the owner of the luggage, his home address or contact telephone number. Don't ignore this offer.

If within 21 days from the moment of loss of luggage its fate is not clear, the airline is obliged to pay you compensation. Although make no mistake about this: all airlines pay passengers only $20 per kilogram of weight lost luggage. Moreover, the air carrier does not care what your bags were filled with - old linen or expensive evening dresses. For example, for losing 5 kilograms you will receive $100 and not a cent more. So we advise you not to check in cameras, video cameras, gold, diamonds and other valuables as luggage - the airline is not obliged to fully compensate for their loss. However, if you still have receipts for purchased items, the airline may partially or even fully pay you for these items.

But it often happens that the luggage was not lost, but the most valuable items were opened and taken out. In this case, you also need to contact the airline. Further events will develop according to a similar scenario: you present a ticket with a baggage coupon attached and describe in detail what was stolen. As material evidence, you must present a suitcase with broken locks or a cut case. The airline will draw up a theft report and send it to its central office. An investigation will be conducted and a special commission will decide how much compensation to pay you.

Situation two: they ruined it. You are standing at the airport near the transport belt and waiting for your original suitcase to appear. The suitcase finally appears, but it is badly disfigured: the locks are damaged, the body is cut, the handles are gone. Don’t give a damn about this matter, but go find out at the representative office of the airline on whose plane you arrived. The airline, represented by competent employees, will consult and decide how much damage is caused. Either they will give you money to buy a new suitcase, or to repair a damaged one.

The amount of compensation depends solely on the airline’s decision, which in most cases cannot be appealed. But don’t think in advance that the airline will clearly pay you less than you should. Reputable airlines value their reputation and are interested in their customers. Therefore, they will not openly cheat.

Situation three: mixed up. You are standing at the airport near the transport belt and waiting for your original suitcase to appear. The suitcase appears, you pick it up and leave. Already at home, having started distributing souvenirs, it turns out that the suitcase is not yours at all, although it looks similar. If you are a decent passenger, you will immediately go back to the airport and hand over someone else’s suitcase to the representative office of the airline that brought you. There you will either meet face to face with the rightful owner of the suitcase you grabbed, or hand over someone else’s luggage to the airline employees.

As for your luggage, there are two options. Either he will be waiting for you at the airline office, or someone also grabbed him by mistake. In this case, all you have to do is tell the airline representatives your address or phone number, and they will start searching.

Based on materials from the newspaper Foreigner

The reasons can be very different: from a scanner-sorter error to human factor(they didn’t have time to load it onto the plane, they loaded it into the wrong one). Most often, errors occur during connecting flights.

According to statistics from WorldTracer, an international baggage tracking system, 23.1 million suitcases and bags were lost in 2016. The number looks scary. But if you take a closer look, it turns out that only 6.5 suitcases out of every 1,000 did not reach their owners on time.

What to do if there is no luggage on the belt

Don't panic! Didn't you find a suitcase or some large items like a baby stroller or sports equipment? If the latter, then everything is fine. Non-standard luggage is always issued in a separate window so that it is not accidentally damaged during transportation.

If you're missing a suitcase, go to the Lost & Found baggage desk, sometimes called Passenger Service. As a rule, this service is located at the exit from the baggage claim area. If there is no such counter, ask any airport employee where to go.

Do not leave the terminal until you have dealt with your lost luggage!

The Lost & Found staff will ask you for your baggage voucher and will first try to search through your bags with you. If these searches do not lead to anything, you will be asked to fill out a special Property Irregularity Report (PIR) form in two copies: you give one and keep the second for yourself.

In the form you will need to provide information about yourself, flight details and describe your suitcase in detail. Airport staff will enter this information into the international baggage tracking system WorldTracer. And you will receive registration number, by which you can independently check whether your suitcase has been found.

The registration number is a combination of the three-digit airport code, the two-digit airline code and the five-digit code for your baggage. For example, LEDLH15123 means that the bags were lost by Lufthansa at the St. Petersburg airport.

After receiving the registration number, you can leave the terminal. All you have to do is wait for your things to be found. By the way, the tear-off tag for your luggage remains in your hands. Be sure to save it. This will allow you to get a suitcase in the future.

At the Lost & Found counter you may be offered money to buy essentials. This is not the responsibility of the airline, but its good will.

Each carrier sets its own rules and amounts for this situation. You can find out more information at the Lost & Found counter or on the airline’s website.

If suddenly payments are not provided, save all receipts from purchases of essential items. Then on the airline’s website you can apply for compensation for this amount.

When will luggage be returned?

If your suitcases did not have time to transfer with you during the connection, they will be picked up on the next plane operating a similar flight and delivered to your hotel free of charge.

Free delivery of delayed luggage is the responsibility of the airline.

WorldTracer tracks luggage for 100 days. After this, it is considered lost.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated June 28, 2007 No. 82, art. 154, luggage is considered delayed for 21 days. After this, it receives the status of lost. On the 22nd day you need to write a claim to the airline for compensation. The claim is written in free form; it can be submitted either in person at the airline office or through the website. Do not forget to indicate your full name, contact details, attach copies of documents: luggage and boarding passes, Lost Baggage Report, WorldTracer Registration Number.

What to do if your suitcase is damaged

The suitcase still arrived with you, but it was clearly damaged during transportation: there are deep chips, the wheels or handle are broken off. In this case, the Lost & Found service staff will help you again. They must register the fact of luggage damage and draw up a damage report in two copies, one of which will remain at the airport, and the second will be given to you.

Then find representatives of your airline at the airport building. If you can’t find it yourself, contact the airport staff: they will help you.

You will need to fill out a claim form with the airline representative. In addition to the standard full name, mail address and telephone and flight numbers, there should be a detailed description of the damage to the luggage and the amount for which you are claiming.

A receipt for the purchase of the suitcase will help confirm this amount. A copy of this can be sent to the airline later.

The airline representative will make copies of your claim, boarding documents and the baggage damage report that the airport employee previously gave you. Now you have to be patient and wait for a solution.

In the future, the airline may ask you to provide a receipt for payment for the repair of the suitcase or a certificate of impossibility of repair. The act is written in free form; any workshop can issue it.

How much will they pay for lost or damaged luggage?

The law doesn't care whether your suitcase was lost or simply damaged. The maximum amounts are the same.

Payments for international flights

More than 120 countries (the Russian Federation is among them) have joined the Montreal Convention on the Unification of Rules air transportConvention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air, which determines the amount of compensation.

The amount of compensation is calculated in artificial means of payment - special drawing rights (SDR). Their rate is based on a basket of five currencies: dollar, euro, yen, Chinese yuan and pound sterling - and changes daily. The cost of 1 SDR can be viewed on the International Monetary Fund website or use an online calculator.

In case of loss, delay or damage to baggage, the airline is obliged to pay up to 1,000 SDR.

The maximum you can get is about 83,000 rubles. You need to understand that the airline will try to reduce this amount as much as possible. The clause in the convention “up to 1,000 SDRs” gives it this right.

Payments for domestic flights

If a suitcase is lost or damaged during a flight within the Russian Federation, then the amount of compensation is determined by the Air Code Air Code of the Russian Federation, art. 119. The amounts are much more modest and depend on the weight of the lost suitcase. You will receive 600 rubles for each kilogram of luggage and up to 11,000 rubles for damage or loss of hand luggage.

Baggage with declared value

These rules do not apply to baggage with declared value. You can declare value as follows: international flights, and on internal ones. You will have to pay for this (each carrier determines the amount of the fee independently). But if your bags are lost or damaged, you will receive the amount you indicated during registration.

No airline will refund money for expensive equipment, jewelry or securities checked in as baggage. According to transportation rules, these items must travel in hand luggage.

  1. Suitcases hung with old tags look extremely romantic. But if you want to see the luggage on the belt, help the scanners and peel off the old barcodes.
  2. Buy a luggage tag if your suitcase does not have a built-in one, and take the time to fill it out. This will significantly reduce the time it takes to find your luggage.
  3. If you are flying to a business event, put a decent jacket and trousers in your hand luggage (how to do this without things getting wrinkled, Lifehacker). Even if your suitcase is late, you will have spare clothes and you won’t have to blush in front of your partners for looking like pajamas.
  4. Take photos of the things you put in your suitcase. This will speed up the preparation of an inventory of missing property.
  5. Make the suitcase more visible so that it is not taken from the belt by mistake. A bright belt or a special case will help you here.
  6. Arrive at the airport early. This will save your effort and nerves during check-in, and will give the baggage handlers extra time if it suddenly turns out that your luggage was sent to the wrong plane.
  7. When checking in for your flight, place the baggage tag on your reverse side ticket if the airport employee has not done so before you.

Have you ever lost your luggage? How much did you manage to get? Or do you prefer to travel light and make do hand luggage? Tell us about it in the comments!


Make sure that your luggage is actually not on the belt. Perhaps not everything has appeared on the conveyor yet, or you simply did not notice your bag among others. If you definitely don’t have any luggage, then immediately go to the search desk, which is right there in the arrivals hall. In Russia it’s like this: “Luggage Search,” and abroad it usually says Lost & Found. Small airports may not have such a counter. Then track down your airline representative. If the flight is transit, then the last carrier is responsible for your baggage. As a last resort, you can contact an employee who is always located in the arrivals hall.

To return your luggage, you must submit a written claim. You will need a passport, as well as a luggage tag - this is a tear-off coupon-sticker with the luggage number, which is glued to the air ticket during check-in. Describe your suitcase in detail. What color, shape, size is it, what material is it made of, is it wrapped in film for safety, does it have wheels and handles, what is its weight. If you have a name, be sure to write about it. Provide your address and contact details. The employee will tell you what specific information you must provide about yourself. This is necessary so that the airline knows who and where to return the luggage. The baggage loss report is drawn up in two copies, one of which remains with you, the second is handed over to the airline representative.

A company representative will assure you that everything will be found within 24 hours. This is usually what happens. On the report of loss that remains with you, the number of the baggage tracing service or the telephone number of the carrier’s representative must be written down. If your luggage is not returned to you within 5 days, you can always call and find out how the search is progressing.

You can check your search status online if your carrier is connected to the World Tracer baggage tracking system. From Russian companies these are, for example, Transaero and S7, from airports - Domodedovo. When a loss report is issued, you are given a unique identification number, which you can enter on the airline's website to find out if your suitcase has already been found. The system checks each piece of unclaimed baggage and the request from each passenger for a match based on the specified characteristics. First of all, the number on the luggage tag is considered. Then the characteristics from the description and information about the owner are checked.

When the luggage is found, it should be sent to the address you specified. True, it must be located within or in the closest suburb. In this case, the courier will call you and inform you when the found suitcase will be delivered to you. If you live too far away (for example, in another place or abroad), then the suitcase will be waiting for you at the company’s office or at its representative office for a year.

If 5 days have passed since submitting the application and the baggage has not been found, contact the airline again. Make a list of the things that were in the suitcase. Baggage is found in more than 90% of cases. Many airlines claim 99%.


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