Lost luggage. Airline lost luggage - search instructions. What to do if there is no luggage on the belt

The reasons can be very different: from a scanner-sorter error to a human factor (they didn’t have time to load it onto the plane, they loaded it onto the wrong one). Most often, errors occur during connecting flights.

According to statistics from WorldTracer, an international baggage tracking system, 23.1 million suitcases and bags were lost in 2016. The number looks scary. But if you take a closer look, it turns out that only 6.5 suitcases out of every 1,000 did not reach their owners on time.

What to do if there is no luggage on the belt

Don't panic! Didn't you find a suitcase or some large items like a baby stroller or sports equipment? If the latter, then everything is fine. Non-standard luggage is always issued in a separate window so that it is not accidentally damaged during transportation.

If you're missing a suitcase, go to the Lost & Found baggage counter, sometimes called Passenger Service. As a rule, this service is located at the exit from the baggage claim area. If there is no such counter, ask any airport employee where to go.

Do not leave the terminal until you have dealt with your lost luggage!

The Lost & Found staff will ask you to show your baggage voucher and will first try to search your bags with you. If these searches do not lead to anything, you will be asked to fill out a special Property Irregularity Report (PIR) form in two copies: you give one and keep the second for yourself.

In the form you will need to provide information about yourself, flight details and describe your suitcase in detail. Airport staff will enter this information into the international baggage tracking system WorldTracer. And you will receive registration number, by which you can independently check whether your suitcase has been found.

The registration number is a combination of the three-digit airport code, the two-digit airline code and the five-digit code for your baggage. For example, LEDLH15123 means that the bags were lost by Lufthansa at the St. Petersburg airport.

After receiving the registration number, you can leave the terminal. All you have to do is wait for your things to be found. By the way, the tear-off tag for your luggage remains in your hands. Be sure to save it. This will allow you to get a suitcase in the future.

At the Lost & Found counter you may be offered money to buy essentials. This is not the responsibility of the airline, but its good will.

Each carrier sets its own rules and amounts for this situation. You can find out more information at the Lost & Found counter or on the airline’s website.

If suddenly payments are not provided, save all receipts from purchases of essential items. Then on the airline’s website you can apply for compensation for this amount.

When will luggage be returned?

If your suitcases did not have time to transfer with you during the connection, they will be picked up on the next plane operating a similar flight and delivered to your hotel free of charge.

Free delivery of delayed luggage is the responsibility of the airline.

WorldTracer tracks luggage for 100 days. After this, it is considered lost.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated June 28, 2007 No. 82, art. 154, luggage is considered delayed for 21 days. After this, it receives the status of lost. On the 22nd day you need to write a claim to the airline for compensation. The claim is written in free form; it can be submitted either in person at the airline office or through the website. Don’t forget to indicate your full name, contact information, and attach copies of documents: baggage and boarding passes, baggage loss report, WorldTracer registration number.

What to do if your suitcase is damaged

The suitcase still arrived with you, but it was clearly damaged during transportation: there are deep chips, the wheels or handle are broken off. In this case, the Lost & Found service staff will help you again. They must register the fact of luggage damage and draw up a damage report in two copies, one of which will remain at the airport, and the second will be given to you.

Then find your airline representatives at the airport building. If you can’t find it yourself, contact the airport staff: they will help you.

You will need to fill out a claim form with the airline representative. In addition to the standard full name, mail address and telephone and flight numbers, there should be a detailed description of the damage to the luggage and the amount for which you are claiming.

A receipt for the purchase of the suitcase will help confirm this amount. A copy of this can be sent to the airline later.

The airline representative will make copies of your claim, boarding documents and the baggage damage report that the airport employee previously gave you. Now you have to be patient and wait for a decision.

In the future, the airline may ask you to provide a receipt for payment for the repair of the suitcase or a certificate of impossibility of repair. The act is written in free form; any workshop can issue it.

How much will they pay for lost or damaged luggage?

The law doesn't care whether your suitcase was lost or simply damaged. The maximum amounts are the same.

Payments for international flights

More than 120 countries (the Russian Federation is among them) joined Montreal Convention on unification of rules air transportConvention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air, which determines the amount of compensation.

The amount of compensation is calculated in artificial means of payment - special drawing rights (SDR). Their rate is based on a basket of five currencies: dollar, euro, yen, Chinese yuan and pound sterling - and changes daily. The cost of 1 SDR can be viewed on the International Monetary Fund website or use an online calculator.

In case of loss, delay or damage to baggage, the airline is obliged to pay up to 1,000 SDR.

The maximum you can get is about 83,000 rubles. You need to understand that the airline will try to reduce this amount as much as possible. The clause in the convention “up to 1,000 SDRs” gives it this right.

Payments for domestic flights

If a suitcase is lost or damaged during a flight within the Russian Federation, then the amount of compensation is determined by the Air Code Air Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 119. The amounts are much more modest and depend on the weight of the lost suitcase. You will receive 600 rubles for each kilogram of luggage and up to 11,000 rubles for damage or loss of hand luggage.

Baggage with declared value

These rules do not apply to baggage with declared value. You can declare value as follows: international flights, and on internal ones. You will have to pay for this (each carrier determines the amount of the fee independently). But if your bags are lost or damaged, you will receive the amount you indicated during registration.

No airline will refund money for expensive equipment, jewelry or securities checked in as baggage. According to transportation rules, these items must travel in hand luggage.

  1. Suitcases hung with old tags look extremely romantic. But if you want to see the luggage on the belt, help the scanners and peel off the old barcodes.
  2. Buy a luggage tag if your suitcase does not have a built-in one, and take the time to fill it out. This will significantly reduce the time it takes to find your luggage.
  3. If you are flying to a business event, pack hand luggage a decent jacket and trousers (how to do this without things getting wrinkled, Lifehacker). Even if your suitcase is late, you will have spare clothes and you won’t have to blush in front of your partners for looking like pajamas.
  4. Take photos of the things you put in your suitcase. This will speed up the preparation of an inventory of missing property.
  5. Make the suitcase more visible so that it is not taken from the belt by mistake. A bright belt or a special case will help you here.
  6. Arrive at the airport early. This will save your effort and nerves during check-in, and will give the baggage handlers extra time if it suddenly turns out that your luggage was sent to the wrong plane.
  7. When checking in for your flight, place the baggage tag on your reverse side ticket if the airport employee has not done so before you.

Have you ever lost your luggage? How much did you manage to get? Or do you prefer to travel light and make do with hand luggage? Tell us about it in the comments!

These agonizing minutes of waiting. Everyone has already left, and you stand and peer into the blackness. Into the blackness of rubber bands from which your luggage should appear. The thought flashes through my head: “Lost luggage at the airport. How to live with this? But half an hour has passed and it seems that even if you’ve been here for an eternity, nothing will change. What to do if your luggage is lost and where to go if you are the owner of that same lost luggage?

How to check in luggage correctly

You've arrived at the airport and the first thing you need to do is find out where your check-in counter is. This can be seen on the big electronic scoreboard at the airport. When you get to the counter, you can check your luggage. On all flights, baggage weight is regulated general rules. There are exceptions, so it is best to check your baggage allowance with the airline.

Overload is paid separately. If you are bringing fragile items, you can ask the front desk for a “Fragile” tag. Regarding sports equipment and musical instruments, baby strollers: you can take them into the cabin or check them in as baggage above the established norm.

Also, initially try to buy a suitcase of an unusual color so that you can immediately recognize it at the delivery line and so that your luggage does not get lost at the airport. Or you can attach a ribbon or some recognizable detail to the suitcase. You can provide your suitcase with a card with your personal information. If your luggage is lost at the airport, it will be easier to find it. After registering at the counter, the suitcase will float off into the distance, and you will only meet it upon receipt.

Flights with transfers

Proper baggage check-in is very important when flying with transfers. If connecting flights is not an independent matter, but you just bought tickets for a route with transfers, then there is nothing to worry about. At the check-in counter, simply remind the airport employee that your flight has several connections and you are worried about the airline losing your luggage. In this case, your luggage will be transferred automatically.

There may be exceptions. The likelihood of losing luggage at the airport increases if:

  1. The airport does not provide direct transfers between flights of the same airline. Luggage will have to be collected and checked in at the construction site transfer luggage.
  2. There is no agreement between partner airlines. You will be warned about this at the check-in desk and at the connecting point you will have to check in and collect your luggage again.
  3. If there is an agreement between the countries of travel on the declaration of prohibited items. Baggage is collected at the transit point and checked in at the transfer baggage counter. If this is not done, then the loss of luggage at the airport will be your fault.

Losing your luggage at the airport can happen if you have two different tickets for different flights. You will collect your luggage at your arrival airport and check it in again and check it in for your next flight. Please remember to do this, otherwise you yourself will cause the airline to lose your luggage.

Receiving baggage at the airport

You will collect your luggage from the baggage collection area. The tape number lights up on a special display, just like your flight number before the flight. Go to her and calmly wait for him to come to meet you with open arms.

The worst thing: the airline lost luggage - what to do

What to do? And how to find lost luggage? First of all, don't panic. Losing your luggage by an airline is not the end of the world. Calmly go to the counter with the inscription “Lost&Found” and fill out a report of lost luggage. In the application you will need to indicate your passport information, which airline lost your luggage, information from the luggage tag (it is attached to your air ticket) and a description of the suitcase. How to find lost luggage if you don’t see such a rack around? Contact an airport representative or air carrier employees and file a claim that the airline has lost your luggage. Based on your application, a luggage search will be organized.

Data from the international World Tracer system will tell you how to find lost luggage. They will search for your items by tag numbers and among baggage that was not collected at other airports.

If they can’t find him this way, they will look for him using your description. They will search for 21 days. Once found, it will be sent to your nearest airport. Some air carriers are willing to deliver luggage to your address, but to do this you need to write a letter with a request. Until this moment, the luggage will be with the carrier.

Compensation for lost luggage

All the tears were shed, and yet the airline lost the luggage. And 21 days passed, and the letter with the request to the airline was sent. It's time to claim compensation for lost luggage.

Typically, airline baggage loss occurs due to the fault of sorters at the airport. Each kilogram of luggage is paid in the amount of 600 rubles on the territory of the Russian Federation. In the West, in case of loss of luggage, the airline pays about $20 per kilogram of lost cargo. The amount of compensation for lost luggage can be fixed. If you are carrying valuable equipment, jewelry, or simply expensive things, then it is better to declare them and pay a fee. In this case, if your luggage is lost, then at least with the help of compensation for lost luggage you will get all your money back.

By the way, some airlines offer compensation for lost luggage and compensation for waiting for cargo. What to do if your luggage is lost and there are no things at all? Check with the airline to see if they provide small bags for baggage-free passengers: socks, toothbrushes, toothpaste, razor, soap.

Sometimes, if the airline has lost your luggage, it will pay for the purchase of essential items. But not more than 250 US dollars. You can file a complaint against the airline for lost luggage within 18 months from the date of loss. If the airline does not respond and does not want to pay compensation for the lost luggage, then you have the right to go to court. A claim for lost luggage at the airport can be submitted to the airline within two years. The claim must be accompanied by all original documents confirming that the luggage was lost at the airport and you are entitled to compensation, itinerary receipt, baggage receipt, tag and other documents that can expedite the processing of your claim.

  • To prevent your luggage from being lost, do not leave tags on it from previous flights.
  • The likelihood of your luggage being lost increases if you take multiple flights in one day.
  • If you transfer passenger, remind us of this when checking in for your second flight and show the baggage tags issued to you.

Finally: 90% of passengers who lose their luggage find it in just two days.

Airlines around the world have been struggling with the problem of lost luggage for many years. It causes a lot of inconvenience to passengers and significantly reduces the popularity rating of the respective air carriers, which brings them colossal financial losses.

But no matter how modern the methods of servicing, registering, packing and transporting luggage are, its loss is still quite common. This does not mean that every flight must necessarily be accompanied by lost luggage.

The constant flow of passengers and human factor doing their job. After all, people work with luggage, and they tend to make mistakes. In most cases, luggage is still found, but passengers receive it later than they would like, and air carriers have to pay dearly for their mistakes.

General rules and actions in case of lost luggage

Almost every international airport has a special baggage search desk, the so-called Lost & Found. This is where a passenger who has not been able to wait for his luggage should turn first.

The next step is to fill out a luggage search report, in which you should indicate all the external features of the travel bag or suitcase: color, size, shape, type of suitcase, handles, wheels, material and, of course, information about the name tag.

The airline representative will require the passenger to present a tear-off baggage tag slip - it is usually glued to the cover of the ticket. The search report must be filled out in duplicate. One will remain with the filling passenger, and the second will be sent to the airline management for consideration. It is better to get a contact number from one of the employees to be aware of the search process.

The most common reason for lost luggage is that the small tag that is attached to the bag during check-in has come off. Usually the passenger himself is responsible for the quality of its sticking, so you should take this seriously. The better you attach this tag to your luggage, the fewer problems you will have.

The label contains all the necessary information about the owner of the baggage and the flight to which it belongs. One can only imagine how confused airport workers are if they receive a travel bag without any markings. Such cargo is transferred to the Lost & Found service, where it patiently waits for its owner. It’s good if the tag came off at the point of departure or landing, and not during one of the stages of transfer. Then it will be much more difficult to find him.

Many international airlines connect to the global baggage search system - World Tracer. It works by searching for matches between the passenger's request and notifications about found luggage. A printout containing the request number is given to the passenger, and when the system finds the lost baggage, airline employees contact him and make an appointment. He can pick up his things by presenting a printout.

The airline has 3 weeks to find the loss. If during this time the employees are unable to find the luggage, the fact of theft or loss is recognized, and the company is forced to compensate the owner for losses. As a rule, luggage is found within five days from the date of filing the application.. If not, the passenger is asked to make detailed list things that were in it. This technique is successful in 99% of cases.

Compensation for lost luggage

So, first of all, every passenger must understand that the airline is not obliged to compensate the cost of baggage in full. According to the law, for every kilogram of weight there is compensation in the amount of 20 dollars, regardless of how much and what kind of things you had there. A baggage pass is attached to it, upon presentation of which the passenger has the right to receive compensation for the weight of baggage indicated there. If it happens that his bag was not weighed, the average value is taken - 35 kg.

Passengers can express all their dissatisfaction with disagreement with the amount of payments at the main office of the airline. In rare cases, people have been able to obtain financial compensation of $5,000. In general, you should always remember that in cases of lost luggage, air carriers are not responsible for the safety of jewelry and expensive equipment, so they advise transporting such things in the cabin as hand luggage. If it is the hand luggage that is lost, then the airline is obliged to pay the passenger about $400.

Well, we’ve sorted that out, but who should you turn to for help and financial support if your lost luggage is not found right away?

If you happen to find yourself in a similar situation in an unfamiliar country, then feel free to go to the main office of the airline that provided your transportation. You shouldn't expect a significant refund, but you'll definitely get around $50 to buy essentials. In cases of unsuccessful search for luggage, you should contact the same place for payment.

All the above details regarding compensation for lost luggage apply to all international airlines. If you flew on an Aeroflot flight, then you should contact the baggage tracing service with all your claims, and the details of possible compensation will be accepted in accordance with the aviation legislation of the Russian Federation. Most likely, when your luggage is found, you will have to come to the appropriate airport service to pick it up in person.

If the carrier was Transaero airline, then you should contact its relevant services for help. The main thing is to have baggage receipts with you, without which there can be no talk of compensation. The passenger can receive a refund in the amount of the declared value of their belongings if the total cost does not exceed 600 rubles per kilogram. Maximum dimensions compensation for hand luggage is 11 thousand rubles. For international transportation - 20 dollars per kilogram of weight and 400 for hand luggage, as stated above.

As for the huge international airlines, such as Lufthansa, Air France and British Airways, they are among the top ten airlines in the world that most often lose luggage. The amounts of compensation for such a loss are different from those paid by Transaero on international flights. The Warsaw Convention and the regulations that were adopted there are responsible for this similarity.

However, there are also other airlines that take their passengers' luggage very seriously. Therefore, their sizes compensation payments much more. For example, the American company Northwest/Southwest pays its passengers $50 on the first day, and if the luggage cannot be found within a week, they pay another $150. Continental Airlines pays its passengers at least $250 if their luggage is not found on the first day.

One of the most successful airlines in the world in terms of baggage problems is the Israeli company “El Al”, which has only 9 per thousand passengers. problem situations with luggage.

Airport compensation

If your luggage is lost at the airport, the passenger's procedure completely coincides with his actions in cases of lost luggage on a flight. You need to contact the baggage search service, and if there is none, then draw up a corresponding search report with the administration. The carrier airline whose services you used will be responsible for searching your luggage. The airport itself is not responsible for your luggage and its safety, but each of them is basic for some airline.

For example, Vnukovo airport is served by RusJet airline, Pulkovo airport is considered the base for such companies as Ural Airlines” and “Transaero”, and “Domodedovo” is served by such airlines as “Transaero”, “S7”, “Moscovia”, “RusLine” and others. However, this does not mean that other airlines cannot take off and land at these airports. In any case, responsibility for safety and timely delivery will always rest with the air carrier you choose.

There are many cases where passengers lost luggage during a flight. If such a situation arises, first of all, contact the special registration desk marked Lost&Found and write a statement. After this, the search will begin.

According to statistics, 13 units are lost per 1000 passengers. But 85% of lost items are found and returned within the first 46 hours.

Where do you receive your luggage?

Not all passengers know where to go after the plane lands and where to pick up their things.

IMPORTANT: to avoid getting lost, follow the other passengers.

  1. We go through passport control.
  2. We go to the baggage claim line. The number of the tape and the number of the arriving flight are written on the display (it is indicated on boarding pass). If you do not find the suitcase, first make sure you are at the right belt.
  3. Suitcases and bags that were not taken from the belt are unloaded by airport staff at final destination. Look carefully there again, in case you missed your things.

IMPORTANT: airports and airlines have their own rules. Often, for example, strollers, large or fragile goods are issued elsewhere. Check with the arrival airport staff for such details.

What to do if you lost your luggage

If you still haven't found your suitcase, take the following steps:

  1. Look at the counter marked Lost&Found. It should be located in the field of view in the hall where the issuing tape is located. Look around carefully. If you don't find it, ask an airport employee. If such a counter is not available, please contact your airline.
  2. Write a written request to find your lost luggage. Sometimes you need to write a letter in free form, sometimes special forms are issued. If you are abroad, the form must be completed in English.
  3. Wait. The airport will call you. Often lost cargo is found and delivered to the owner within 46 hours.

IMPORTANT: the airline that checked it in and loaded it onto the plane is responsible for the baggage.

How to write an application

The application is completed on a prepared form, where you need to provide personal information and describe the suitcase. The process is not complicated. Pictures and images are provided to help. Therefore, you can fill out the form even in a foreign language. So please provide the following information:

  • last name, first name and patronymic of the registered owner;
  • contact information (residence address, telephone, e-mail);
  • route and flight number on which you arrived;
  • data from the baggage tag, which is attached to the boarding pass;
  • description (options of drawings are offered, choose the one most similar to yours). Color, size, shape, special features are marked with a tick in the proposed list. Describe the appearance of the suitcase in detail in the additional information line;
  • description of the contents of the suitcase. Sometimes you need to describe 2-3 things that were in your luggage to identify it. Indicate unusual objects with special characteristics. It is important to leave the address where you will live during the search so that things can be delivered to you when they are found.

The application is drawn up in two copies. You will be given a special identification number by which you can track the status of the search via the Internet on the airline’s website or through the World Tracer global search service. In addition, get a phone number from Lost&Found to call them if necessary to clarify information.

Why does luggage get lost?

Suitcases are often lost due to mistakes made by airport staff. But sometimes the passengers themselves are to blame.

  1. The passenger is looking in the wrong place. If you mistakenly stood at the wrong belt, or did not know that the item was issued in the large-sized department, it becomes unclaimed after being idle at the point of issue.
  2. The suitcases are mixed up. Another passenger took your bag by mistake.
  3. Lost tag. A special adhesive tag is attached to each suitcase. If it is not secured securely and is lost, during unloading the luggage will be sorted as lost.
  4. Short flight connection times. If you are flying with transfers and the connection time is 1 hour or less, airport workers may not have time to transfer the cargo to another plane.
  5. The mistake of the movers, who accidentally threw the suitcase in the wrong place, and therefore instead of France it ended up in Turkey.
  6. If the luggage has tags from previous trips, a scanning error may occur and the luggage will be sent in a different direction.

How to find lost luggage

Large airports operate an international search system. The data from the application is entered into a single database, and a search for a match with data on unclaimed baggage begins. If a match is found, Lost&Found employees find out where the suitcase is. They then notify the passenger and tell them the estimated time of arrival at the airport. desired country. Such items are sent on the next flight and delivered in 1 to 3 days. Upon arrival at your destination, airport staff will contact you to discuss the method of delivery using two options: either you come to the airport yourself and pick it up, or they deliver it to you at the specified address at the expense of the airline.

You shouldn’t rely on search service workers; they may not call you. Therefore, check the search status through the official World Tracer website. To do this, on the page that opens, enter the search act number and full name.

Or call the airport search service and clarify the necessary information. In addition, you can monitor searches through the website of the airline that lost the suitcase (relevant for Russian airlines).

IMPORTANT: according to the rules of some airlines, you are required to write an additional letter with a request to deliver your items to the specified address. Otherwise, they will wait for you at the airport until you pick them up.

According to international standards, 21 days are allotted to search for luggage. If it is not found during this period, it is considered irretrievably lost. In this case, you should think about obtaining compensation.

Compensation for lost luggage

An application for compensation is submitted to the airline that lost the luggage. The deadline for filing a claim is 2 years from the date of registration of the loss. The amount of compensation depends on which convention the air carrier’s country is a member of: Warsaw or Montreal.

  • According to the rules of the Warsaw Agreement, compensation for luggage is provided in the amount of $17 per kilogram. If the suitcase is not weighed, the weight is automatically estimated at 35 kg.
  • according to the rules of the Montreal Convention, compensation is a maximum of 1000 conventional units per piece of baggage, which is equal to 1200 - 1300 euros (the rate is calculated individually within each airline).

Russia operates under the Warsaw Convention.

IMPORTANT: if you estimate the value of the lost property to be higher than the proposed amount of compensation, you will have to go to court with evidence.

If you agree with the proposed amount of compensation, you will need to provide the following documents to receive it:

  1. Statement.
  2. Passport.
  3. Boarding pass.
  4. Luggage tag.
  5. Baggage search report number.
  6. Details for transferring refunded funds.

In addition, compensation is provided for the loss of a suitcase. cash, spent on purchasing essential items (shampoo, soap, toothpaste, brush, comb, etc.). Receipts will be required for this.

If you had to buy expensive thing, for example, a business suit for an important meeting, the issue of compensation is decided individually. If you prove that you need the purchase and it was made involuntarily, the airline will offer two compensation options: you keep the item for yourself and receive a 50% refund, or you return the item to the company and receive a 100% refund.

IMPORTANT: in addition to loss of luggage, airlines provide compensation for damage to things, partial theft, breakage of a suitcase, inconvenience (payment is forced removed number hotels, payment for travel to the airport to pick up your luggage, etc.). You need to save your receipts and then present them to the airline. If she refuses to refund the funds, the issue is resolved through the court.

Where do lost luggage go?

According to statistics, up to 10 thousand unclaimed items are found at Russian airports every year. Most often, these are prohibited items that are confiscated from passengers upon boarding the plane. You can come back for them later. This number also includes unclaimed baggage. People often forget bags and things and then don’t return them.

First, such items end up in a special unclaimed baggage room. At each airport there are two of them: for things forgotten during domestic flights, and for things found at international terminals. Here things are stored for 30 days.

If after this time the owner has not shown up, they are transferred to a special storage room for up to 6 months. Then they are disposed of, or sold in thrift stores, if the item is new and with a label. This approach is due to the fact that storing unclaimed items is too expensive.

Part of the suitcases with international airports ends up in the American store in Scottsboro, Alabama. This is the only store in the world that buys unclaimed luggage for resale.

To minimize the risk of this problem affecting you, follow simple precautions.

  1. Keep the receipt for your suitcase and other items you bought for your trip.
  2. After each trip, remove stickers and tags from your suitcase, even the smallest ones. They confuse automated scanning when sorting.
  3. Be sure to attach a name tag with contact information to your suitcase (preferably in a foreign language for international flights). This way they will find him faster if he suddenly gets lost. Indicate your full name, telephone number, permanent residence address, hotel, length of stay in a foreign country and date of return to your homeland.
  4. When checking in, pay close attention to whether the operator has attached the correct tag to your bag.
  5. If you are flying with transfers, check with the operator where your baggage is checked in. Sometimes you have to pick up your suitcase at the connection and then check it in again.
  6. Make your bag stand out. Choose a suitcase with a pattern or a bright color, attach an identification mark in the form of a ribbon, bow, etc. to the handle.
  7. If you are carrying expensive items, additionally purchase a service such as luggage insurance.

Even with caution, unexpected situations arise suddenly. If you lost your luggage during a flight, don’t panic, contact the Lost&Found search service and fill out a report. Remember, 90% of things are found in the first two or three days and returned to the owner.

Tatiana Solomatina

How to return lost luggage: my experience with Aeroflot

Good day, friends! Lost your suitcase? It’s unpleasant, but you shouldn’t kill yourself, it’s not the worst thing that can happen to you. In addition, according to statistics, 90% of lost bags are found in the first two days. But in order to be among the lucky ones, you need to inform the relevant services about what happened. There is a certain procedure that it is better to know about in advance.

Today we will talk about how to return lost luggage. Read the article, at the end I’ll tell you how Aeroflot returned my bag a year after the incident. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry, but this is a real incident from my life.

When crossing long distances, people usually use an airplane. If you consider that you need to get to overseas countries, then he has no equal in this matter. Currently it is very popular and convenient transportation, but the ticket costs a lot. Passengers pay money and hope for a comfortable, conscientious flight. Unfortunately, sometimes when they arrive at their destination, they find out that their luggage has been lost by the air carrier.

What to do in such situations? How to return lost luggage? How can he even get lost? Let's look at these questions in more detail.

There are many reasons, from the banal human factor - the tag was poorly glued, the connection was not sorted out at a third-party airport, the passengers themselves mixed up the suitcases, to technical failures in electronic system moving luggage.

Let's look at the statistics that cause luggage to be lost:

  • No connection on connecting flights - 50%
  • Problem with tags - 15%
  • Owners do not take it - 15%
  • Other reasons - 20%

Along with the old method of sorting luggage, innovations have been introduced in large air harbors and a new system for moving luggage has been established. I suggest watching a short video that shows the entire journey of luggage, from the plane to the belt. This will allow you to better understand the principle of delivering suitcases to major airports. I'm sure you've never seen anything like this before.

What to do if your luggage is lost?

Important! It is best not to delay the search and begin to resolve the issue immediately. There is no need to go to the arrivals area. Most often, the baggage search counter is located in the hall where the tape is spinning. It is rare, but it happens that the airport does not have this service, then you should directly contact the airline that made the flight.

We prepare documents

First of all, you need to notify the baggage tracing service about lost luggage. He will need to present his passport, luggage tag, and boarding pass.

The service employee will provide a receipt form that the passenger must fill out. Next you have to fill out a few more forms. The list of documents is different at each airport.

Standard documents are a statement from the passenger about missing luggage and a report (receipt) about its search.

You should not write in your statement about your dissatisfaction with the carelessness of the airline employees. This is of no use.

You need to provide information that will help you find your luggage - full name, date of flight, flight number, residential address, length of stay in the country, residential address in the country, contact information, for example, telephone number.

Appearance of luggage

The statement should describe the lost luggage itself - its shape, its color, any distinctive characteristics, and the contents of the suitcase.

The employee will ask you to identify the shape of the suitcase using a table. Each piece of luggage is digitally coded and entered into a spreadsheet.

Important! It happens that when packing, luggage loses its shape. This happens when the film used to pack luggage compresses it, thereby giving it a different shape. This means that it is very easy to confuse your luggage with other luggage. Therefore, it is worth telling the service employee about this in order to make appropriate amendments to the search system.

Baggage assessment, paradox

The procedure ends with baggage assessment. This has its own difficulties.

According to the Air Code of the Russian Federation (Article 119), if baggage is accepted for air transportation with a declared value, then in case of loss, the passenger must be returned the declared amount. But in practice, rarely does anyone evaluate a suitcase before returning it, this paid service and it is not mandatory; there is no such clause in the contract between the airline and the passenger. Therefore, the carrier returns only the amount set by him - no more than 600 rubles per kilogram of cargo.

In principle, each airport compensates for damages differently. It happens that the carrier sets monetary restrictions.

What happens next?

Based on your data, the employee will register a statement in the World Tracer search system. This automatic luggage tracing system allows you to find your lost suitcase anywhere in the world.

After registration of all necessary documents, the specialist will issue a copy of the receipt with the case number and telephone numbers that the passenger can call and inquire about the results of the investigation.

When you arrive home or at a hotel, you shouldn’t relax. It is advisable to call the service daily and inquire about the ongoing investigation. During each telephone conversation, a different employee will speak to the passenger. Get ready to tell the “baggage” story more than once.

In addition, you can independently track the path of searching for lost luggage using the World Tracer system, using an identification number. If the baggage is recorded in the system, there will definitely be information there.

Baggage change

There are common cases when someone else's suitcase may be taken away by mistake in the baggage claim area. This situation is called baggage swapping. It is registered differently in the search system. In this case, they will look for the owner of the abandoned luggage.

But there is one caveat. While the documents are being processed, the passenger who took someone else’s luggage can already leave the airport. Therefore, if possible, it is worth insisting on a speakerphone notification. Then we can hope that the person who took the wrong luggage will hear this information.

Baggage badges are not checked in international terminals. The level of baggage exchange here is quite high. It's much easier for domestic flights. There, tags are most often looked at and inattentive passengers are immediately identified.

It is worth remembering that the system is not perfect, and it can make mistakes. You shouldn't trust her completely. You need to allow for the human factor, and not be afraid to look ridiculous in this whole situation. At the airport, it is better to be vigilant, look around, and do not hesitate to approach people and ask them to double-check whether they have taken their luggage. Timely steps taken will help avoid unpleasant situations.

Transit flight

If the passenger is in transit at the airport, and boarding for the next flight has already been announced, you must immediately contact the airline and report the situation. Some carriers accommodate the passenger halfway and delay the flight while the passenger completes the paperwork.

If there is no time for this procedure, then you can report the incident in writing and attach the necessary documents. The time limit for filing a claim is limited by the interests of the passenger. The carrier begins to consider the application within a month.

Official dates

  • Within 21 days from the moment the plane arrives, they try to find the lost luggage.
  • It will be officially considered lost on the 22nd day.
  • The deadline for filing a claim for lost luggage is 6 months. This is for domestic flights. For international applications, this period reaches 18 months.
  • The airline considers the submitted application within 45 days. After this period has expired, they report their decision in writing. If the letter does not arrive, the passenger has the right to file a claim and resolve this issue in court.

What payments and compensations are possible?

  • Airlines Russian Federation They only give out 600 rubles per kilogram of cargo.
  • During your search, major carriers may issue non-refundable credit for essentials such as underwear, toothbrush and toothpaste. This loan is approximately $50.
  • Lawyers recommend keeping receipts for lost items. They can then be attached to the application, then the airline will compensate for the damage using these checks. But they determine the extent of the damage themselves. Perhaps it will be 50% of the amount on checks.

Baggage insurance

The easiest way to protect yourself from financial losses is to insure your luggage. But for this, again, you will have to fork out money.

Every insurance company offers this service. However, keep in mind that this measure will in no way save you from the problem of “staying naked” if your suitcase is lost on the way to vacation. Because you will receive the insurance payment only upon returning home.

The easiest way is to insure your luggage with the company where you purchased it. health insurance. You need to add this service when purchasing a policy. However, this option is not always profitable. It often happens that some insurance companies best offers for medical services, while others have better offers for other types of insurance. Here you need to carefully analyze the market and understand the issue. I wrote more about insurance.

Advice. Before you buy insurance, find out how much it will cost to check your luggage with the declared value of the compensation amount. This can be done for a fee. Perhaps this solution to the problem will be more beneficial for you.

How to avoid a situation with lost luggage?

  • You must make your suitcase “unique”. For example, attach a ribbon to its handle or stick bright tape over the packaging. This measure will not only allow you to quickly find it on the belt, but will also help other passengers not to confuse their luggage.
  • Before checking in, be sure to clear your suitcase of stickers from old trips.
  • It would be nice if you attach a tag with the owner’s contact information to your luggage.
  • Make sure that the sticker is properly attached to your luggage during check-in.
  • During a transit flight, your baggage is usually transferred to the next flight without your participation. However, it is still worth clarifying this issue when registering. But do not confuse a transit flight purchased with one ticket with a flight where you purchased tickets for each flight separately. In the second case, you will definitely have to receive and check in your luggage at intermediate points yourself.
  • Statistics say that every minute someone loses their luggage. Therefore, it is worth being safe. Just in case, take the most necessary and valuable things in your hand luggage.

My experience with Aeroflot

Like many frequently traveling tourists, I also lost my luggage. It happened in 2015, the carrier of the ball was Aeroflot airline.

We were returning home from Thailand, the flight was long and we were very tired. Plus, I wasn’t feeling well on the plane; I wanted to get home quickly, go to bed and take some medicine.

Right before the flight, we took a swim so as not to put wet swimwear, fins and masks in the suitcase, and packed all this stuff in a separate bag. That’s why we missed her at Sheremetyevo.

Realizing that the bag was lost, we went to the baggage search counter, where there were already about 50 of the same “lucky” ones from our flight. With the last of my strength I filled out the paperwork and only after 30 minutes was I able to get to the counter.

Then it turned out that instead of the passport data, I entered the data Russian document. I don’t know what hit me at that moment, I can’t explain my actions other than poor health and extreme fatigue.

Naturally, they gave me blank forms and told me to rewrite them. I didn’t stand in line again and fill out the huge footcloth again, it was beyond my strength, and the contents of the loss were not worth such agony. I gave back what I had filled out and said that I no longer wanted anything from the airline and that I was ready to forget about the lost luggage. She turned around, went home and forgot about the incident.

About a week later, a representative from the airline called me. I inquired about the reasons for refusing to search for lost luggage and the behavior of the employee with whom I spoke after the flight.

I said that I had no complaints against the carrier, that such a decision was related to my poor health and had nothing to do with them. I was offered to drive up to Sheremetyevo and fill out the paperwork again. I refused, because Sheremetyevo is not a nearby place, and I didn’t want to drag myself there because of cheap Chinese fins and probably rotten (they were wet) swimsuits and swimming trunks.

An Aeroflot employee warned me that I have a year. He said that if I happen to be nearby during this time, I can run in and arrange everything. On this, in fact, they parted, satisfied with each other.

11 months have passed, I have already managed to fly to other countries from Sheremetyevo 4 times, and I have never even remembered about the lost luggage.

Suddenly - a call. The Aeroflot lost baggage delivery service informs me that within 24 hours my bag will be delivered to my home (for a minute - Kratovo, 120 km from Sheremetyevo).

And they delivered it! And even though I didn’t need it anymore, naturally everything was rotten and moldy, and I immediately threw it away, and even though they brought it only 11 months later - it’s a fact, they delivered it without any movement on my part. My surprise knew no bounds. Only applause!


Of course, my case is not a panacea. And if my luggage were valuable, I would act differently. But in any case, there is no need to despair - you are not the first passenger to lose luggage, and you will not be the last. Unfortunately, this is not uncommon. You shouldn’t spoil your nerves and delve into the reasons, because everything has already happened. What difference does it make now?

I can only say that Aeroflot’s baggage search and return system is well established and, as you can see, it has been personally checked. I think other airlines are not lagging behind. So don’t be upset, this is not the worst thing that can happen in life!

I repeat. According to statistics, 90% of lost luggage is found quickly. The main thing is not to delay in registering the loss, do not be lazy and fill out an application.

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With this I say goodbye to you. I wish everyone never to find themselves in such situations!

Tatiana Solomatina


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