How to return a non-refundable air ticket and get money. North Wind airline tickets - how to buy, return or change? Main flight directions

Nordwind airline tickets are in great demand among passengers, due to their affordable price and wide geography of operation. This is a well-known organization established in 2008 and providing cargo and Passenger Transportation to different parts of the planet. The main office is located in Moscow (Sheremetyevo Airport).


  • The airline's tickets are affordable, which explains the increased passenger traffic.
  • Reliable aircraft that are young are used.
  • The company's management and staff monitor safety and comfort levels.
  • There is an informative official website through which you can get the necessary information, buy travel document on the plane, go through online check-in, clarify baggage rules and resolve other issues.

The high level of the air carrier is confirmed positive reviews clients who note the professionalism of the crews, the cleanliness of the cabins and high quality nutrition.

How to buy tickets for North Wind Airlines?

Many people prefer buy tickets on the official website of North Wind Airlines, where presented actual information, A The booking process takes place in several stages:

  • Finding a suitable flight. Here you enter the points of departure and arrival, dates of departure and arrival, number of adults and presence of children.
  • Selecting the proposed option.
  • Indication of information on passengers.
  • Choice of services.
  • Making payments and receiving a receipt.

It takes no more than 10 minutes to buy a ticket through the official website. After this, you can check in online and save time on subsequent standing in airport queues.

Conditions for returning tickets to North Wind Airlines, how to do this through the official website?

There are different situations in life, and a trip may be canceled at the last moment due to a change in plans, force majeure circumstances or current life problems. And although it is not difficult to buy a ticket online, there may be some problems with the issue of refund. The carrier's clients do not always understand where to go on this issue and how much it will cost to exchange (return) a travel document.

Much depends on the current tariff. Let's consider the options.


In this regard, a ticket refund is not possible at all, either before or after departure. A similar feature applies to exchange. The only chance is to change your travel document earlier than a week before the plane departs.


A special feature of this plan is greater opportunities for passengers. If after the departure of the aircraft it is not possible to return tickets to North Wind Airlines (neither through the official website nor in any other way), in other cases it is possible to do so. If the return occurs earlier than 24 hours, the tariff will be 1000 rubles. or 1500 rub. + 10% of the tariff. If there is less than a day left before the aircraft departs, you will have to pay 1,500 rubles. “plus” 10 or 25 percent of the price.

As for the exchange, it is not possible after departure, but in other cases it can be done by paying 1000-1500 rubles (depending on the class of flight).

Standard "Plus"

As in the previous tariff, exchange after departure is not possible, but in other cases it can be done for free. Tickets are refunded under the following conditions:

  • 1500 rub. - a day or more.
  • 1500 rub. and 10% of the amount - in less than 24 hours.
  • 1500 rub. and 25% of the amount - refund after departure of the North Wind airline aircraft.


The conditions for exchange and return are identical to the tariff discussed above.

It is worth noting that international destinations also have their own tariffs.


When asking questions about how to buy and return tickets, you should rely on the carrier’s information provided on the official website of North Wind Airlines.

Contact information can be obtained in the contacts section, where phone numbers and mailboxes for communication.

Before conducting an automatic return or filling out a manual return form Please read the terms of return and exchange of tickets.

Automatic return.

It can only be done automatically voluntary refund of air tickets that were paid for with a plastic card or Yandex.Money on the Airline website. To do this, you need to find your tickets in the search (order search page), click the button "Return tickets", then:

  • Select passengers who need to return tickets;
  • Click "Next". The refund amount will be calculated.

If you agree with the calculated amount:

  • Check the box “I agree to the terms of refund of air tickets”;
  • Click "Confirm Ticket Refund". Refund has been made.

If the amount of fees/fines seems incorrect to you:

  • Close the pop-up window by clicking on the cross;
  • Complete the manual return form below.

By making an automatic return, you agree to the collection of fines and fees. After which, reimbursement of the withheld amounts, even if there is a forced reason for the return, is possible only through the Airline.

In the presence of forced reason for return and if there were tickets paid through the Rapida system (Svyaznoy, Euroset) or QIWI Only manual return of tickets is possible (transfer deadline Money- from 3 to 30 working days). To do this, you should fill out the form below.

Manual return of a ticket purchased on the website

Based on the received application, seats on the flights specified in the ticket(s) will be canceled, after which it will be impossible to cancel the return of the ticket(s)/restore seats.

then the question arises: how to return air tickets purchased via the Internet? how to get a refund for an air ticket?

the fare is the conditions for exchanging or returning an air ticket.

many travelers do not bother reading a long text, but simply check the “read” box at the end of it.

there are uniform rules for returning a ticket for all air carriers: the amount of the fine for returning a ticket will be less if it was purchased at an expensive fare; The longer you delay returning your ticket, the less money you will be able to get back for it.

chip flights

In Asia, the airline plans to fly from St. Petersburg to Guangzhou, Qingdao, Tianjin, Harbin, Shenyang, Xi'an, Hangzhou, Shanghai and Beijing, from Ufa to Guangzhou and Beijing, from Omsk to Shenyang, Harbin, Qingdao and Hangzhou. North wind official website if you want to contact representatives of North Wind Airlines, you can do this by phone: +7 495 730 43 30, +7 495 730 43 30, e-mail:

Now is the time to return to the tariff conditions and read them carefully.

You need to look for ticket refund rules on the airline’s website, even if you bought it online through an intermediary. Each air carrier has its own return conditions; only two principles are common to all:

  1. the sooner you return your ticket, the more you will receive
  2. the more expensive the tariff, the lower the penalty for return
There are so-called “non-refundable” air tickets (non refundable or non ref).

North Wind Airlines: official website

north wind, like any major airline, has its own official website -, where consumers can find out detailed information.

“North Wind” has not yet received any awards on the international market. Thus, the British consulting agency Skytrax, which studies reviews of the quality of services from air carriers in different countries, does not list this carrier as a rating company.

Nordwind airlines

The northern wind airline's fleet consists of 10 aircraft, the following models: airbus a321-200, 4 in number.

Boeing 737-800, 3 pieces. Boeing 777-200er, 3 pieces.

an additional 15 aircraft have been ordered.

North Wind Airlines operates charter flights passenger flights from Moscow and other Russian cities to resorts in Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East and South America.

nordwind airlines

firstly, if you are looking for the most cheap option using services such as skyscanner, I’ll say right away that the airline’s website itself is not among the options provided by this particular search engine.

but do not rush to buy from those agents that Skyscanner dumps, because the cheapest offer - and this will most likely be onetwo trip - will be 600 rubles more expensive than on the official website of ak.

traveling around the world

How can I get my money back for an air ticket if the circumstances of my trip have changed and the air ticket purchased at a low price during the promotional period or several months in advance is no longer needed? all travelers and tourists have the absolute right to receive money for unused air ticket. The most important thing that a passenger needs to know is that any air ticket can be returned within the current day without any fines from the airlines.

Is it possible to return airline tickets purchased online?

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Air ticket refund rules

The need to return a ticket may arise for two reasons:
  • Forced return that occurs due to the fault of the air carrier.
  • Voluntary return, the culprit of which is the passenger.
In the case of a forced return, everything is much simpler. Airlines always have no problem compensating for any inconvenience caused to customers.

How to return a ticket

In most cases, the basis for forced return are:
  1. death of a passenger.
  2. flight cancellation or delay for more than 3 hours;
Some airlines recognize a sufficient basis for an involuntary refund of an air ticket: All such cases require additional approval from the airline and are considered on an individual basis.

Nord Wind Airlines

Want to buy a plane ticket without visiting the airport? Making a purchase on the website will only take a few minutes. Here you can find out the schedule in the corresponding section.

When electronic air ticket will be purchased, an itinerary receipt will be sent to your email. It contains information necessary for the passenger: flight name, departure date, etc.

If something goes wrong and your vacation has to be canceled or rescheduled, the first question that arises is getting your money back for air tickets. Some can be easily returned or exchanged, for others this is not possible, and if you refuse to fly you will lose their entire value. Together with colleagues from the OneTwoTrip travel service, we understand the intricacies of refundable and non-refundable fares.

As it was before

Until June 2014 all air tickets Russian airlines were refundable: the passenger could return the ticket even immediately before departure, and in this case received 75 percent of the cost back (if returned in less than 24 hours, the airline withheld 25 percent as a fine). If the refund was processed several days before departure, then there was no financial loss at all.

True, there were service fees for return, each airline has its own, but in general it was possible to get almost all the money spent on tickets. The risk of passengers canceling the flight was built into the tariff, which meant that tickets were more expensive.

After the amendments to the Air Code came into force, so-called non-refundable tickets appeared. It was assumed that the amendments would create conditions in Russia for the development of low-cost airlines. But as a result, all airlines made their cheapest tickets non-refundable. Also, flexible fares have spread on the market - not only non-refundable and non-exchangeable, but also without baggage. As a result, the price of flights to domestic destinations decreased by about a quarter.

How to find out what the fare is for your ticket

The amount you pay for a ticket is made up of two parts: the fare plus fees and taxes. The fare is the cost of the flight. The tariff is set by the company depending on the length of the route, season and booking class (economy or business). But there are also airport fees for aircraft ground handling, fuel, insurance and service fees.

Before purchasing, review the information on the website where you purchase tickets and find the fare rules. Pay attention to the following phrases (in the rules they are always written in English):

TICKET IS NON-REFUNDABLE IN CASE OF CANCEL/NO-SHOW- the ticket is non-refundable if the passenger cancels the trip or does not show up for boarding. That is, it will not be possible to return such a ticket without a compelling reason. Only the first part of the wording can be indicated - Ticket is non-refundable. The meaning is the same.

CHANGES NOT PERMITTED- the ticket cannot be exchanged.

CHANGES ANY TIME CHARGE EUR 50.00- You can exchange such a ticket, but for 50 euros. The amount may vary between airlines.

NAME CHANGE NOT PERMITTED- You cannot change the name on the ticket.

WHERE FARE IS NON-REFUNDABLE ANY TIME IN THIS CASE YQ/YR SURCHARGES ARE ALSO NON-REFUNDABLE- Here “YQ/YR” stands for dachshunds. This means that if the ticket fare is non-refundable, then taxes are also non-refundable.

What are non-refundable fares on Russian airlines called?

We have two non-refundable tariffs: “Economy Promo” and “Economy Budget”.

Does not accept returns of tickets sold at the “Basic” fare, including “Economy Basic” and “Business Basic”.

Non-refundable tariffs are “Light Economy”.

At "" non-refundable tickets are sold at promotional rates.

Pobeda offers non-refundable tickets at Standard and Package Plus rates.

U Nordwind Airlines- “Promo” tariff.

What about foreign air carriers?

Everything is different there. Foreign airlines do not have permanent non-refundable fares. Tickets purchased as part of promotions and sales are usually not refundable. In other cases, you need to study the tariff rules.

The exception is low-cost airline companies. Most of their tickets are non-refundable by default. Sometimes, however, the carrier allows you to change the passenger's name on the ticket for an additional fee.

How much more profitable are non-refundable tickets?

Most airlines have refundable and non-refundable fares for both economy and business class. Refundable and non-refundable tickets in the same class differ only in the ability to return the ticket if you suddenly cancel the flight. Everything else - the chairs, the menu - is the same.

Refundable tickets are always more expensive. For example, Aeroflot has a flight from Moscow to Rome with a departure on August 11 non-refundable ticket The Economy Budget tariff costs 14,890 rubles. If you want to take a return ticket, there are two options: the “Economy Optimum” fare (18,155 rubles, 70 euros will be charged for a return) or the “Economy Premium” fare (22,640 rubles, free return and exchange).

How to return a ticket

If you can’t fly away, immediately report the need to return to the support service of the service where you bought the ticket. The fact is that in some cases you will still have to pay a fine for a return: this is usually specified in the tariff rules. And the closer to departure, the greater the fine - sometimes up to half the cost of the ticket. The deadline for a refund is considered to be the end of check-in for the flight (for some airlines, the time of departure).

When contacting support, formulate your request as clearly as possible: do you want to return the ticket (and not fly at all) or exchange it for other dates. The support specialist needs to know exactly what is required of him.

Some airlines return or exchange tickets only at the sales office, while others allow you to arrange everything remotely. Again, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with this in advance by reading the tariff rules. If you buy a ticket from a ticket sales service, a refund is usually made through the service.

When can a non-refundable ticket be returned?

In some cases, you can still get a refund for a non-refundable ticket. This is called a "forced return." There can be two reasons: the death or serious illness of one of the passengers, or violation of the terms of transportation by the airline.

If an accident occurs and you are unable to fly due to the illness or death of another passenger, you must inform the airline as quickly as possible. You will be removed from the flight and asked to send documents confirming the impossibility of flying. It is important to contact the carrier before check-in for your flight closes.

A long delay or cancellation of a flight is considered a violation of the terms of the contract of carriage. Duration of delay in different airlines its own, everything is described in the rules.

Please note that the decision on forced return is made by the airline. For example, many foreign carriers do not consider refusal of a flight for medical reasons to be grounds for forced return. The fact is that in Europe and the USA the culture of insurance, including travel, is well developed. And in case of unforeseen circumstances, the insurance company will have to cover the costs of the canceled flight.

Is it possible to get back at least part of a non-refundable ticket?

Yes. We remind you that the ticket price consists of two parts - the fare and airport taxes. According to the Air Code, only the fare part is non-refundable, so you can get fuel and airport taxes back, unless otherwise stated in the fare rules. For example, with S7 Airlines, for the Economy Basic fare, the YR (service fee for booking) and YQ (fuel surcharge), as well as the fee for issuing an air ticket, are non-refundable; Only airport taxes and fees for unused flight segments will be refunded.

But even if all taxes are reimbursed, the amount will be small.

When should you buy a non-refundable ticket?

Are you absolutely sure that you will fly, and are you not afraid of losing money if the trip still has to be cancelled? Choose a non-refundable ticket. In all other cases, it makes sense to spend a little more money, but buy a ticket at a refundable rate.


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