Tallinn at Christmas photo report when is the best time to go. Christmas Tallinn: where to go, what to see and where to eat. What stores can you visit at Christmas in Tallinn?

Latitude: 55.75, Longitude: 37.62 Time zone: Europe/Moscow (UTC+04:00) Moon phase calculation for 04/1/2013 (12:00) To calculate the phase of the moon for your city, register or log in.

Characteristics of the Moon on April 22, 2013

On the date 22.04.2013 V 12:00 The moon is in phase "Waxing Crescent". This 12 lunar day V lunar calendar. Moon in zodiac sign Virgo ♍. Illumination percentage Moon is 85%. Sunrise Moon at 16:40, and sunset at 04:32.

Chronology of lunar days

  • 12th lunar day from 15:24 04/21/2013 to 16:40 04/22/2013
  • 13th lunar day from 16:40 04/22/2013 until the next day

The influence of the moon April 22, 2013

Moon in the zodiac sign Virgo (+)

Moon in a sign Virgo. The time is favorable for any painstaking work that requires a thoughtful and serious approach. Absolutely all areas of financial activity, if taken seriously, will bring corresponding material rewards like never before.

Any banking and real estate transactions are successful. Trade, purchasing and intermediary activities are going well. Studying, advanced training and any self-improvement are also fruitfully promoted.

12 lunar day (−)

April 22, 2013 at 12:00 - 12 lunar day.

Not a particularly favorable day for love and other interpersonal relationships. The likelihood of conflicts and disagreements in the business sphere has also increased. It is better to devote the day to charity, giving alms, making gifts, fulfilling the requests of other people.

Waxing Moon (±) The moon is in phase Waxing Crescent

. The second lunar phase is the interval between the first lunar quarter and the full moon. During this period, the active growth of the Moon continues. The second phase is characterized by an even more significant increase in energy and internal forces, and strongly expressed activity.

In the business sphere, a favorable time begins for carrying out planned activities, solving difficult issues and problems. Things that require a lot of activity will not be difficult.

Not a bad time to move, travel, change your activity. Life energy gathers more and more and closer to the full moon its peak is noted. This period is characterized by emotional outbursts, increasingly frequent conflicts, and the emergence of traumatic situations.

Day of week influence (±)

Day of the week - Monday, this day is ruled by the “night Sun” - the Moon. It is called a hard day not at all because it immediately follows a relaxing weekend. On this day we are overwhelmed with emotions. Therefore, successes alternate with failures, successes with defeats. Everything becomes unreliable, relative. To the point that true friends can let you down, and enemies... help.

On Monday, astrologers advise relying only on your intuition in everything, since the arguments of reason do not work on this day. Business agreements concluded on this day, as well as heartfelt victories, may turn into shaky uncertainty tomorrow.

However, all the pitfalls and obstacles of Monday can be avoided by those who “feel in their hearts” what needs to be done. Those who trust their intuition, as a rule, achieve success on this day.

And those who put off some important things until Monday are forced to redo everything later, since the mind has no power over Monday.

Order of the Federal Migration Service of April 22, 2013 N 215
"On approval of the Administrative Regulations for the provision by the Federal Migration Service public services for issuing residence permits to foreign citizens and stateless persons Russian Federation"

With changes and additions from:

3. Entrust control over the implementation of this order to the deputy head of the Federal Migration Service in the area of ​​activity supervised.


*(1) Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2010, No. 31, Art. 4179; 2011, N 15, art. 2038; N 27, art. 3873, 3880; N 29, art. 4291; N 30, art. 4587; N 49, art. 7061; 2012, N 31, art. 4322; 2013, N 14, art. 1651.

*(2) Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, No. 22, Art. 3169; N 35, art. 5092; 2012, N 28, art. 3908; N 36, Art. 4903; N 50, art. 7070.

*(3) Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, N 30, art. 3032; 2003, N 27, art. 2700; N 46, art. 4437; 2004, N 35, art. 3607; N 45, art. 4377; 2006, N 30, art. 3286; N 31, art. 3420; 2007, N 1, art. 21; N 49, art. 6071; N 50, art. 6241; 2008, N 19, art. 2094; N 30, art. 3616; 2009, N 19, art. 2283; N 23, art. 2760; N 26, art. 3125; N 52, art. 6450; N 21, art. 2542; 2010, N 30, art. 4011; N 31, art. 4196; N 40, art. 4969; N 52, art. 7000; 2011, N 1, art. 29, 50; N 13, art. 1689; N 17, Art. 2318, 2321; N 27, art. 3880; N 30, art. 4590; N 47, art. 6608; N 49, art. 7043, 7061; N 50, art. 7432, 7352; 2012, N 31, art. 4322; N 47, art. 6369, 6397; N 53, art. 7640, art. 7645.

*(4) Registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 14, 2008, registration No. 11525.

*(5) Registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on June 21, 2010, registration No. 17605.

*(6) Registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on November 11, 2010, registration No. 18941.

*(7) Registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on July 21, 2011, registration No. 21426.

*(8) Registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on July 21, 2011, registration No. 21428.

Registration N 31077

A new procedure has been established for issuing residence permits in Russia to foreign citizens and stateless persons. Overall it should become faster and more convenient.

Adults who have a temporary residence permit in our country have the right to apply for this document. Highly qualified specialists, members of their families, citizens of Belarus and foreigners who have been granted political asylum in Russia do not require this permit to obtain a residence permit.

Residence permits are issued to minors or incompetent persons upon the application of their parents (adoptive parents, guardians, trustees).

The list of documents submitted by the applicant to the migration authority has been shortened. Thus, you do not need to present a temporary residence permit. In addition, the migration authority independently requests from the relevant departments a copy of the applicant’s income statement, information about the presence of real estate in Russia (for persons whose arrival has passed more than 3 years), information about the payment of state duty. The applicant may submit these documents on his own initiative, but is not required to do so.

The maximum waiting time in line when submitting documents has been reduced.

The general period for obtaining a residence permit remains the same - 6 months. However, for some categories of applicants it is less (for example, for highly qualified specialists, members of their families, citizens of Belarus - 3 months).

Resident card to a foreign citizen issued for 5 years (to a highly qualified specialist and his family members - for the duration of the work permit).

The procedure for obtaining a residence permit for stateless persons on new forms with an electronic storage medium has been prescribed.

The period for considering complaints against the actions and decisions of officials of territorial bodies of the Federal Migration Service of Russia has been reduced.

Current addresses and telephone numbers of migration authorities are provided.

Order of the Federal Migration Service of April 22, 2013 N 215 "On approval of the Administrative Regulations for the provision by the Federal Migration Service of public services for issuing residence permits in the Russian Federation to foreign citizens and stateless persons"

Registration N 31077

This order comes into force 10 days after the day of its official publication

By Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated November 9, 2017 N 846, this order was recognized as not subject to application from December 15, 2017.

By decision Supreme Court RF dated January 20, 2015 N AKPI14-1378, paragraph 120 of the Administrative Regulations approved by this order, is declared invalid from the date of entry into force of the court decision in the part providing for the issuance of a residence permit to a foreign citizen in respect of whom the decision to acquire Russian citizenship was canceled, after obtaining a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation in accordance with federal law

All the beauty of this city is difficult to put into words, it needs to be felt. If you decide to spend a holiday, don’t hesitate to throw everything unnecessary and unimportant out of your head, and enjoy the magic that this hospitable city has in store for you.

How to get from St. Petersburg to Tallinn for Christmas

If you are traveling to Tallinn for Christmas without a car (as we did), keep in mind that bus tickets during the holidays are akin to hot cakes, and in order to avoid the painful search for tickets reasonable price at a time convenient for you, start your search at least a couple of weeks in advance. But, we, as extreme people, did not look for easy ways, we purchased tickets 4 days in advance :) As a result: tickets St. Petersburg - Tallinn on www.ecolines.net and tickets Tallinn-St. Petersburg on www.luxexpress.eu. Each ticket approximately cost us 1200 rubles/piece. If we compare Ecolines buses and budget Luxexpress buses, then Ecolines has an undeniable advantage. The cabin is quite spacious, the seats recline well, and the flight attendant (or flight attendant? What should I call her?) carefully serves you throughout the journey. I associated Luxexpress with a not very comfortable school by excursion bus. But these are all details, because we are going to visit the beautiful old city.

Where to stay for Christmas in Tallinn

Tallinn is full of hostels, but at Christmas there is a rush in Tallinn. Last time we stayed at the Dorell Hotel for 45 euros/day (room with amenities for two) + 13 euros extra. place. Breakfast included. 2 stops from the old town, 10-15 minutes walk. We really enjoyed. Now we were a little late and everything in Dorel was busy. We found Olematu Rüütel. The owner's main business is the restaurant. In addition to this, a small hostel of three rooms was organized. Very cozy and spacious rooms. One of the rooms has a separate shower and toilet, while the other two have a shared shower and toilet on the floor (UPD from 2013: all rooms now have a separate bathroom). But, because Of the three rooms, we occupied two, and the third was empty, so we lived quite well :) We really liked the restaurant, especially the unforgettable cappuccino, which drove me crazy. The owner (?) Andrey was saddened that coffee in his restaurant was so cheap compared to ours in St. Petersburg:) 2.5 euros instead of 4-5. For 5 euros, the restaurant prepared breakfast for us of our choice. And before leaving we were treated to a bottle of local wine.

Where to go and where to visit for Christmas in Tallinn

Having completed the stories about travel and hotels, I’ll tell you about Tallinn as it seemed to me. - this is something fabulous. Tallinn is good at any time of the year, but at Christmas it is special. Remember those children's toys where inside, under a glass dome filled with water, there is a figurine of Santa Claus or some other Christmas characters, and there is a fine snowball around. And as soon as you shake the figurine, the snowball slowly begins to fall down from under the dome. Being in Tallinn, I felt like I was in that children's fairy tale. Plus everything unusually decorated. And at Christmas in Tallinn there is a fair on the central square, where you can buy fluffy mittens, drink mulled wine and eat a gingerbread man.

What museums can you visit on Christmas in Tallinn?

Of the museums, this time we only went to the beloved and original Estonian Museum of Applied Arts and Design, where there was an exhibition of the author’s collection of leather goods (extremely futuristic :)), and also an exhibition of a collection of unusual rings.

And the second museum on this trip was the Estonian Maritime Museum. It’s also quite a fun place. There was a children's room with coloring books on sea and pirate themes, which we did not ignore and visited, coloring according to the picture, sitting on small children's chairs.

Where to eat at Christmas in Tallinn

Of course, I won’t forget to mention the legendary medieval restaurant Olde Hansa, which is definitely worth a visit at Christmas in Tallinn! Atmospheric candles and music, dishes and dishes. In general, a must visit, as they say.

What stores can you visit at Christmas in Tallinn?

You will probably want to buy some local products. For groceries, it is better to go further from the center to a supermarket. For example, on Narva street there is an excellent supermarket Comarket. There is everything you need and the most delicious things :) But besides, there are supermarkets in the old town, prices are higher, but you don’t have to go far.

On the way on Narva street you will meet a huge shopping mall, where you can buy anything you want. And including excellent loose coffee beans with incredible flavors (creme brulee, blueberry pie, etc.) - I highly recommend it!

And I warn you, when going to Tallinn for Christmas, get ready for the fact that you will not want to come back at all;)

If you want to experience a fairy tale in winter, then discover and spend Christmas in the main city of Estonia. Here on New Year's Eve there is a special mood, magical, fragrant and simply soulful.

In addition, according to the Catholic calendar, it is better to celebrate Christmas in one of the European cities, and the capital of Estonia will be an excellent choice for winter walks.

Photo by Sergei Hunter

First of all, tourists are attracted medieval buildings Tallinn. Many people recommend starting your acquaintance with the city from the “gate of time”. It sounds somehow fantastic, what kind of gate of time appeared in Estonian capital.

In fact, the Viru Gate is often called the gate of time. The Viru Gate, or rather what remains of it over its centuries-old history, was erected in the fourteenth century and was part of the defensive fortress wall complex.

The Viru Gate served as the main entrance to the city on the eastern side. Now the Viru Gate consists of three towers, two of which had a connecting arch, which, unfortunately, has not survived to this day. The third tower was added already in the 19th-20th centuries.

From the history of the appearance of the Viru Gate, it is clear why they received a second name - the gate of time, because when you cross the gate line, you find yourself from modern Tallinn to a medieval city, where everything breathes antiquity.

Dwarves in red caps tower over Tallinn :) Dwarves have been guarding the city for many centuries. In fact, everything is more prosaic, the gnomes are the huge towers of the Viru fortress gates.
Photo by oleg-n

In front of the virus gate there is a park on the hill where loving couples like to spend time. Apparently for this reason, the hill was named Kissing Hill, which sounds like Musimägi in Estonian.

To ensure that lovers remember happy moments for a long time, two sculptures by Tauno Kangro are installed on the slide: “The Moment Before the Kiss” and “The Moment After the Kiss.” Surely, couples who decide to tie their lives will certainly go to this place to seal their union with a kiss in such a historical place.

Park in front of the Viru Gate in winter clothes.
Photo by Sergei Hunter

If you get hungry while exploring the medieval sights, you can refresh yourself at inexpensive restaurant fast food "Lido", which is located near the Viru Gate.

The Viru Gate leads us to the pedestrian street Viru. The street stretches for almost one and a half kilometers. Along this ancient street, paved with gray stone, you can get to the main square of Tallinn - Town Hall.

Fabulous Tallinn in winter
Photo by Svetlana SH

Walking the streets of Tallinn is a pleasure, especially during Christmas preparations. The ancient streets can charm even the most inveterate skeptic.

In old Tallinn, you want to look into every corner and capture every house as a memory.


For walks along the ancient streets of Tallinn, where you can immerse yourself in the Christmas atmosphere, you need to go to this city.



And when you go out onto Town Hall Square, you feel that the spirit of Christmas is everywhere here. Fairs are held on the square during Christmas week, and artists and amateur groups perform on a small stage.

Christmas in Tallinn. City Hall and Christmas tree.
Photo by Alexander Nikitin

On the Town Hall Square you can enjoy roasted almonds, marzipan, delicious pastries, drink hot mulled wine, chocolate, and buy a bunch of gifts. Estonians sell wonderful knitted items - hats, gloves, sweaters.

The Town Hall building is one of the main attractions of the old part of Tallinn. The town hall was built in gothic style 600 years ago. Nowadays, the Town Hall hosts exhibitions and concerts.

The night before Christmas in Tallinn Town Hall Square.

At the end of November, Town Hall Square is transformed, decorated with a Christmas tree and Christmas lights. The main Christmas events, fairs, New Year's sales, and folk festivities take place here.

Christmas train on Town Hall Square.
Photo by Andrey Green

Of course, tourists are told about the wonderful opportunity to experience magical power Town Hall Square. In the center of the square there is a slab with an image of a compass rose.

If you stand on the slab, make a wish and, looking around, see the five tallest spiers of Tallinn, then your dream will certainly come true. They claim that all this is true, and even more so on the magical days of Christmas.

From the center of the square you can see the main spire on the Town Hall (of course, since the Town Hall is closest), the spire of the Church of the Virgin Mary of the Dome Cathedral, the spire of the Oleviste Church (not surprising, because this is the tallest spire in the city), the bell tower of the Church of the Holy Spirit, and you can also see spire of the Niguliste Church.

Evening Tallinn in winter
Photo by ASTRALik

The ancient Oleviste Church (St. Olaf's Temple) is located on Lai Street, which means Wide in Estonian. The church impresses with its grandeur and tall spire, rising one hundred and twenty-four meters above the ground.

They say that the city authorities have prohibited the construction of houses in the center of Tallinn that are taller than the church spire, so as not to disturb its grandeur and to pay tribute to the grandiose structure.

The church was consecrated in honor of the canonized Norwegian king Olaf II. Among the people, the temple was named after the master Olev, who, as follows from local legend, built the church at the request of the townspeople.

Basically, people visit church for beautiful views on the city, which opens before the eyes of amazed travelers from the observation deck. You can climb to the observation deck of the church via a spiral staircase.

Colorful rooftops of Tallinn

The houses on Lai Street look like they came straight out of an old postcard. These houses retain their medieval appearance and many of them are over 600 years old.

The photo below was taken from the observation deck in Vyshgorod. In the photo ahead you can see the towers of the Viru Fortress. In the background is the spire of the Oleviste Church. The spire of this church is the tallest in Tallinn.

Oleviste Church was erected in the lower part of old Tallinn. Lower Tallinn is connected to Vyshgorod by the Long Leg :) And this is not a joke at all, “Long Leg” is the name of the street, in Estonian “Pikk jalg”.

Apparently, so that the Long Leg would not be lonely in the city, another of Tallinn’s streets was given an equally original name - Luhike jalg, i.e. Short leg.

Where else can you go to enjoy medieval Tallinn? There are many wonderful places here, and a short time You won’t have time to see everything, but since we are taking a Christmas walk, it is better to finally go and see another famous Church of St. Nicholas or the Church of Niguliste (English: Niguliste kirik).

This is a former Lutheran church, built in the 13th century at the expense of German merchants. The temple is named after the patron saint of all sailors - St. Nicholas. Now the church building houses a museum and a concert hall.

Niguliste Church. Nearby there is an ice skating rink open air. You can also admire the church and go ice skating.
Photo by dinnow

It should be noted that festive preparations and pre-Christmas bustle take place in Tallinn from the end of November until December 25th. Myself feast of the Nativity of Christ It is customary to celebrate with family.

It is best to come to Tallinn just before Christmas to get into the spirit of the upcoming holiday. It’s better to book a hotel in advance so as not to be left freezing outside.

You can celebrate Catholic Christmas in one of the local restaurants. The main thing is to book a table in advance.

It’s even better to purchase a Christmas tour to one of the Baltic cities, and about your comfortable rest The tour operator will take care of it.

I spent the weekend in Tallinn and was once again convinced that medieval cities Christmas is especially coming.

1. I have already been to the city - I came for a weekend in February last year. Then I stayed at the Telegraaf hotel, one of the most famous in Tallinn. This time my home was the Savoy Hotel, conveniently located in the old town. The fluffy and elegantly decorated Christmas tree in his lobby captivated me. I can recommend the hotel - the rooms are small but cozy, the breakfast is plentiful, the location is excellent.

2. In the city itself, everything is already decorated for Christmas!

3. Tallinn pleased us with absolutely wonderful weather - light frost, clear sky, dry pavements. After Moscow cloudy days and eternal mud - just what you need.

4. Can you imagine, when I was in the city last time, I managed not to get to observation platforms, from where a wonderful view of the center opens. It seems that I walked around the whole of Tallinn, but still missed almost its most beautiful detail. From here, from above, you can see ferries entering and leaving the harbor - look closely! They also go to Helsinki - from the capital of Estonia to the capital of Finland is only 80 km by sea. Read about how to combine 2 cities in one gastronomic weekend.

5. Tallinn is all directed upward, stretching its spiers to the sky, and therefore this time I have an unusually large number of vertical photographs.

6. Turret to turret, pipe to pipe - the city looks like a toy. And the Tallinn winter in the photo looks like spring, and the city from this angle looks like London.

7. The most beautiful doors of the old city.

8. Can you believe it's December?

10. It was no coincidence that my husband and I chose Tallinn for our pre-Christmas trip - firstly, it is very close and very inexpensive to fly here - an hour and a half from Moscow. Secondly, the time difference with Moscow is only one hour, which is also very convenient. Thirdly, the city has many excellent restaurants, which will be discussed in more detail below. Fourthly, after my first trip to Tallinn I really wanted to go back and see and breathe in it, especially since in the pre-Christmas time it simply blooms.



17. In all Scandinavian and Baltic countries, Christmas roller coasters like these are placed on the windows before Christmas. It’s hard to find a window that doesn’t have seven or nine candles glowing in it in December. When you walk around the city in the dark (it gets dark around four in December in the afternoon), these candles make it look even more cozy.

18. And in general, the city is very beautifully and neatly illuminated - not like merchant Moscow, where every tree shines, but in a Baltic (or Scandinavian) way, restrained and intelligent.

20. One of oldest restaurants cities, pepper bag, with a constant bag on the facade. In Tallinn, as in Amsterdam, they use hooks attached to the external walls of houses to lift large loads.

21. We are approaching the Town Hall Square, where the Christmas market is open and the Christmas tree is lit with lights.

24. Here she is, beauty! On the right you can see the stage - various groups danced and sang on it almost all weekend. It turned out that tapping to the beat of Estonian folk songs while holding a glass of glögg is very cool. Neither your hands nor your feet are cold!

28. The big advantage of Tallinn is that almost everyone here speaks Russian. And no one looks at you askance if you address him in Russian. To be honest, every time I am surprised by questions from the series: “What is the attitude towards Russians there?” TO good people everyone treats me well!

29. At the fair stands there are many products for which Estonia is famous. These are all types of knitted items, from mittens to sweaters, a lot of beautiful linen napkins and tablecloths (I bought two, I couldn’t resist!), a lot of wood.

30. Plus the constant New Year's figures.

31. Painted balloons with views of the city.

32. Wreaths made of branches and cones.

33. The fair in Tallinn is small, but very cozy - like the city itself.

34. Glögg (you’ve read about how to cook it correctly?) is always served with ginger cookies. The most delicious glögg is with a dose of Vana Tallinn liqueur. This costs 4 euros, regular, without liquor, cheaper. They sell it, which is important, not only at the fair, but throughout the city, so you can warm up without stopping.

35. Don’t be afraid to go to Tallinn in winter - the city has so many charming cafes, and the city itself is so compact that you simply won’t have time to freeze. And if you happen to have time, a warming mug of coffee or Vana Tallinn is always nearby.

36. Beautiful Estonian women are preparing to sing and dance on Town Hall Square.

38. This is how fabulous I saw Tallinn. It’s good that the city itself is small, and therefore a couple of days is enough for both a first acquaintance and to refresh your impressions.

44. Come to Estonia! Once again I’m planning to return in the summer.

I know that many people from Tallinn read me! Tell us where you go in the pre-Christmas time, what you cook for Christmas and what traditions you especially cherish. And what can you advise to a tourist who comes to visit you in winter?


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