What happened to the plane? Why Boeing MH370, which disappeared over the Indian Ocean, will never be found (6 photos). This is oxygen for both the crew and passengers

An old, forgotten story. In this post I will try to remember how the search for the ill-fated plane took place and voice one of the versions of what happened to it.

An interesting version was put forward by the former head of the French airlines Proteus Airlines, Marc Dugen. In his opinion, the plane was deliberately shot down by the American military. This was done because the US Security Service suspected that the airliner had been hijacked by terrorists and, in order to prevent terrorist attacks similar to the September 11 attacks, the Americans were forced to shoot down the plane.
Ground controllers lost contact with the plane as it was over the South China Sea and entering air space China.
Malaysian authorities say the airliner turned into westward and, according to military radar data, was last seen over the Strait of Malacca, heading in the opposite direction from its original route. Based on these arguments, it can be concluded that the aircraft changed course after contact was lost.

According to Dugen, the United States even knows where to look for the wreckage of the Boeing 777-200, so they are officially searching in another place, distant from where the plane actually crashed. He suggests that the airliner crashed near a US military base located in the Indian Ocean on the island of Diego Garcia.

In order not to be held responsible for the murder of 227 passengers and 12 crew members, the Americans are trying to lead the search for the missing Boeing to a dead end. And perhaps we would never have known the truth about this disaster if the wreckage of the plane had not been washed ashore on Reunion Island.
By the way, searches in this area have been suspended, and they lasted only 10 days.
This raises a completely logical question: If the search for the plane took months in the South China Sea, then why in this case was the search completed so quickly?
Don't you think this is strange? And maybe there really is something upstream?

UPD 03/24/16
Wreckage of missing Boeing found in Mozambique

The found debris was sent for examination to Australia. A number on one of the recovered aircraft pieces indicates that it belonged to the missing Boeing 777 flight MH370.

Now everything comes together.
The wreckage of the plane was carried away by the current. Some of them were carried by the Mozambique Current.

It doesn’t take several years to come to this conclusion. It’s just that over time, the secret still becomes apparent and the intention to hide the facts becomes obvious.

UPD 04/20/16
An examination confirmed that the wreckage found in Mozambique belonged to the missing Malaysian Boeing.

05/13/16 Malaysia refuses to search for the missing Boeing in the area where the wreckage of the missing plane was found.

The FBI has revealed the secret of the commander of the missing Malaysian Boeing.

The US FBI has released one version of the plane crash Malaysian Boeing, following the route Kuala Lumpur - Beijing, in March 2014, TASS reports citing the American magazine New York.
According to the FBI, crew commander Zachary Ahmad Shah had a simulator installed at home that simulates the cockpit of an airliner and allows him to practice flying on it. A few weeks before the incident, he was practicing a route that would lead to a crash - the ship falling into the Indian Ocean. Investigators believe that the path worked out by the commander resembles the one that the plane could actually take. The wreckage of MH370 is currently being searched for at the bottom of the Indian Ocean.
The FBI managed to find out this by recovering data related to the use of the simulator from the hard drives.
In June, a fragment of an airplane wing with its flaps down was found off the coast of Tanzania. This indicates that the pilot could have sent the plane into the ocean on purpose. This fact fits perfectly into the version about the deliberate crash of a Boeing in the Indian Ocean, for which the pilot prepared by training on a simulator at home.

On the liner were 20 highly qualified scientists working for Freescale Semiconductor. They were developing stealth technologies for aircraft and camouflage devices. It is probably necessary to clarify somewhat what “cloaking devices” are - we are not talking only about radar invisibility, but about invisibility as such, visual invisibility. The main goal there was information that employees of a private company had. Government intelligence agencies could also be hunting for her.

Hijacking a plane with the best specialists is a crazy idea. It is unlikely that amateurs could cope with this task. Employees of Freescale Semiconductor were kidnapped by specialists. The plan is flawless. Even if the Boeing on flight MH370 is found, it is unlikely that any of the passengers will be identified. Who knows, perhaps some of these specialists are still alive and working somewhere in secret laboratories.

On January 17, 2017, it became known that the search for MH370 had been stopped. For three years, the crash site of the airliner could not be found.

Over almost three years of operations, the vessels combed an area of ​​120 thousand square kilometers, both in the South China Sea and west of Australia in the Indian Ocean. The search operation cost $160 million.

From all this we can conclude that someone decided to prevent the development of camouflage technologies in order to maintain a monopoly on their ownership or, conversely, to steal scientists along with the technologies. In any case, it is clear that someone is slowing down the investigation and leading on the wrong trail.

06 01 18 The Malaysian government approved a new attempt to find the wreckage of flight MH 370. This will be done by the Ocean Infinity campaign. The costs of searching for the missing aircraft will only be paid if it is found. Ocean Infinity will search near Australian waters over an area of ​​25,000 km².

For comparison, the search area for this aircraft in the Indian Ocean was 710,000 km². According to the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB), it was the largest aviation search in history. At the same time, a study was carried out satellite images and the study of ocean drifts. The ATSB report said the chances of finding the plane were now much higher. Let's see what happens.

Now let's try to develop the version about the disappearance of Freescale Semiconductor workers. Believing that everything happened because of them.

They are somehow connected with the US military complex. We were flying to a business meeting in Beijing. 12 of them were Malaysian citizens, 8 were Chinese. All 20 specialists are smart, as if they were a good choice. Apparently, it took a long time to form and select this particular team of scientists, whose brains are most valuable to Incognito, who is interested in acquiring these brains. You can imagine the “accident”, the “coincidence”, when 20 of the most powerful specialists gathered on one plane, and all 20 registered patents in the military-industrial complex. Of course, there is no accident in the disappearance, essentially kidnapping of scientists, when you realize that all the patents listed below have a connection with the operation and transfer of energies at a distance and control over technologies: computer science, pesticides, mass control, nuclear. Each topic is unique with its new developments.

Reference: Freescale Semiconductor is an Austin-based company. She works in defense force support. Freescale's commercial products cover various sectors:
-Communication on the battlefield
-On-board equipment
-Radar tapes HF-L and S
-Electronic warfare
-Identification, Friend or Foe (IFF)

A convention in this area of ​​research was to be held on March 20, 2014. And this is also an accident?

2 days before the Boeing 777 took off, 1 patent was registered, which had 5 owners. The 4 Chinese who were on board and the American company, which is now the only owner thanks to the disappearance of the plane. This patent is about technology that allows you to disappear from the radar of an aircraft and take control of it from a distance.

The death of a Boeing with such a “filling” is excluded. There was too valuable cargo on board. Let's look at the route and assess the situation, WHAT is along the plane's route.

Along the plane's route is located military base Diego Garcia. A secret base with a military prison where torture is practiced. The island is completely closed from people. Many years ago, local residents were forcibly evicted, who then sued and won in the UK in 2006, hoping to return home. But the decision is not implemented. Americans spit on British court decisions.

The prison on Diego Garcia is the same as in Guantanamo. Far from civilization, nowhere to run. It is likely that all 239 passengers and the plane landed on this island. Moreover, as evidence you can cite the simulator on which the pilot trained of this aircraft. His training included landing the plane on a 1000 m runway, and the simulator flights included the Diego Garcia military base.

A low-flying plane was seen on two small islands relatively close to Diego Garcia. In particular, residents of the island of Kuva Huvad Hu say that they have never seen such a thing. big plane flying over their heads. People rushed out of their houses to see what was making such a noise. It appears that the missing Boeing 777 was landing. It was the same day from March 7 to 8.

As we know, some passengers' phones were ringing in the next few days after the plane disappeared. An image was sent from one iPhone, the geologization of which pointed to the Diego Garcia base. This photo is at the top of the article. 19 families have signed a petition to request the investment of an aircraft at the Diego Garcia military base.

I hope that people around the world understand that 239 passengers from such a base will never return home. Civilians who accidentally found themselves on the same plane with 20 scientists, according to military law, must be eliminated as witnesses.

P.S. An interesting remark appears in the foreign press that “Russia was tracking the movement of this Boeing.” What does this mean? Hard to say. There were suggestions that Yanukovych was exporting gold reserves on this plane, especially since Yanukovych and Crimean Prime Minister Anatoly Mogilev actively interacted with Chinese businessmen. This fact, of course, could be the reason for tracking him from Russia.

Mysterious disappearance Boeing 777-200 aircraft in the Indian Ocean still haunts specialists and conspiracy theorists. The case of the missing Malaysian airliner is becoming more and more incredible.

Experts scrupulously study everything that can somehow lead to a solution. Entire dossiers have been collected on crew members and passengers. Despite this, more and more inconsistencies appear in the case. Some experts are of the opinion that they are trying to mislead the investigation. Someone is doing their best to prevent the Boeing from being found.

The identity of the captain, 53-year-old Zachary Ahmad Shah, remains mysterious. The version of his suicide is unofficially almost the main one. However, does a person who wants to die need to drag more than two hundred passengers with him?

"...suicide is still either an impulsive or a well-thought-out, but quick act. When we wrote the book, we very carefully studied everything that we could “dig up” about the captain - 53-year-old Zachary Ahmad Shah. And we came to conclusion that suicide is not in his character type, especially suicide with so many innocent victims - ordinary passengers,” says Pavel Tyapkin, a former physicist, specialist in radar installations and air defense systems. Together with Sergei Melnichenko, general director of the International Consulting and Analytical Agency "Flight Safety", he wrote a book "Flight MH370: flight to nowhere. What the investigation is silent about." In the process, both had to study a lot of data.

Pavel spoke about a strange detail that emerged during the investigation.

“When the airliner was flying back through Malaysia with the communication systems turned off, for some reason it made a semicircle around the city of Penang. And this hometown Zachary Ahmad Shah. It felt like he was saying goodbye to his home,” he said.

And this is where the fun begins. According to unofficial data, at the same time someone tried to call from the plane. As it turned out, one of the mobile phones contacted a cellular station in Penang. It would seem impossible. However, experts note that if the plane flies slowly and low, there is a chance of getting through. In experiments carried out by the Malaysian police using a small aircraft, it turned out that a cell phone could pick up a network at an altitude of three to five kilometers. The call from the Boeing failed, but there was a connection. This made it possible to determine the number. It belonged to the co-pilot, Pavel Tyapkin said on Komsomolskaya Pravda radio.

What Zachary's partner Ahmad Shah wanted to say will forever remain a mystery. However, experts hope sooner or later to find out the truth about missing Malaysian Boeing. Debris will probably help with this: there is a chance of finding them on deserted islands and shallows in the center of the Indian Ocean.

05/16/2014 at 14:11, views: 65031

“An Asian passenger of the dramatic flight MH370, who escaped from captivity near Kandahar, reached a village called Shahraz (to be specified). In about a week, data about this will be transferred to China (it is unknown whether this will become public knowledge worldwide). As it turned out, the purpose of the sudden hijacking of the Malaysian Boeing 777-200-ER airliner was to suppress the American side’s attempt by a group of special specialists to get from Malaysia to China.” An anonymous source in the special services told an MK correspondent about this in a confidential manner. This information is published in the world media for the first time.

Collage: wordpress.com.

The day before, a source from the intelligence services told MK on condition of anonymity that, according to available data, the hijacked passengers of the airliner that suddenly disappeared on March 8, 2014, flying flight MH370 from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing began to die due to unbearable conditions of detention.

In the first ten days of April, MK, with reference to special services, reported that the nickname of the attacker who forced the Boeing pilots to hijack a Malaysia Airlines plane with a total of 239 people on board was Hich. Nothing was known about his accomplices. The pilots of flight MH370 were not guilty of the hijacking, a fairly authoritative source from the intelligence services assured the MK correspondent on condition of anonymity.

The Boeing 777-200ER, flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing (route length - 4417 km), suddenly disappeared on March 8, 2014. Boeing 777-200ER of Malaysia Airlines flew jointly with

MK Help

The missing Boeing 777 flew for several more hours after the crew “lost” communication with dispatchers.

Chinese China Southern Airlines flight with 227 passengers on board from 14 countries, including 5 children under 5 years of age and 12 crew members (including two pilots). The majority of passengers - 153 - were Chinese citizens (one was a permanent resident of Hong Kong). Among the passengers was the only Russian - 43-year-old businessman Nikolai Brodsky from Irkutsk. He was returning from a vacation in Bali, where he had been diving. Four people who had tickets for this flight were late for check-in and did not get on the plane. At least two passengers (Italian Luigi Maraldi and Austrian Christian Kozel), who were on the lists, were not on board: the Iranians, Puria Nur Mohammad Merdad and Delaware Seyed-Mohammadreza, purchased tickets using their passports and boarded the flight .

Flight MH370 took off from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on March 8 at 00:41:13 local time. At 01:19:24, Kuala Lumpur Control handed over flight MH370 to controllers in Ho Chi Minh City, which was confirmed by the airliner's crew. Flight MH370 was last recorded on radar at 01:21:13, but the pilots did not contact air traffic controllers in Ho Chi Minh City. After this, contact with the plane was completely lost. At 01:38, Vietnamese air traffic controllers asked their colleagues in Kuala Lumpur where flight MH370 had gone?

After unsuccessful attempts to locate the missing plane, Kuala Lumpur air traffic controllers contacted Malaysia Airlines flight control at 02:15, where they assumed that the plane was in Cambodian airspace. However, controllers at the Cambodian ATM center noted that the crew did not contact them. Vietnamese dispatchers, in turn, emphasized that according to the flight plan Boeing airliner The 777 should not have flown through Cambodian airspace. Over the next few hours, dispatchers and airline representatives tried in vain to establish any communication with the plane and determine its location. As a result, after four hours of unsuccessful attempts, a request was sent at 05:30 to begin an official search and rescue operation.

There are seven reported messages received from flight MH370 via the Aeronautical Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) following the loss of contact with the airliner, including the last one at 08:19.

So, to this day, no one knows anything about flight MH-370. Malaysia, Australia and China agreed to continue the search for the missing plane, which will now be more focused on studying the seabed (April searches in the Indian Ocean did not bring results).

At the end of April, tired of the uncertainty and unconvincing methods of searching for the missing airliner, with a letter about checking the version of the location of the missing plane, put forward for the first time (March 31) Russian newspaper"Moskovsky Komsomolets" (site site) with a link to anonymous sources in the intelligence services. Extra-exclusive information from "MK" was urgently made public in various languages ​​and was instantly disseminated by the world's media (an example and another example), blogs and social networks (in various languages ​​of the world).

An expert in the field of investigation of aviation accidents from the Center for Scientific and Technical Research and Expertise (Moscow), the most experienced Soviet-Russian aviator Evgeniy Kuzminov explained to the MK correspondent that “such an aircraft could easily land on an ordinary dirt road with a less dense surface about 2000 meters long . Although, of course, for this there must be free approaches to runway- that is, there should be no trees and mountains. With a hard landing on a “bad” surface, of course, the landing gear could break or even the wing could break” (the estimated weight of the hijacked Boeing 777-200ER with passengers, crew and cargo is about 200 tons). Evgeny Kuzminov recalled a similar airliner landing that took place in the USSR in 1968, as a result of which.

For foreign media

This information was not published in the world media : " A Russian newspaper has claimed that Flight MH370 was hijacked by "unknown terrorists" and flown to Afghanistan, where the crew and passengers are now being held hostage. The extraordinary comments, attributed to an Intelligence source, appeared in the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper. The source told the paper: "Flight MH370 Malaysia Airlines missing on March 8 with 239 passengers was hijacked. Pilots are not guilty; the plane was hijacked by unknown terrorists. We know that the name of the terrorist who gave instructions to pilots is "Hitch "The plane is in Afghanistan not far from Kandahar near the border with Pakistan." Moskovsky Komsomolets also claims the passengers have been divided into seven groups and are living in mud huts with almost no food. Twenty Asian passengers were said to have been smuggled into a bunker in Pakistan .

Two years ago, on March 8, 2014, a Boeing 777 passenger airliner belonging to Malaysia Airlines, en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, mysteriously disappeared. 239 people (12 crew members and 227 passengers) disappeared along with the plane. From time to time, rescuers claim that they find the wreckage of the missing plane. But is it them? And what is known about the Malaysian ship today?

Were you looking in the wrong place?

The Boeing 777-200ER aircraft stopped communicating in the sky above South China Sea 40 minutes after departure. Moreover, the liner underwent a full check just ten days before this flight. Initially, the operation to search for the crash site took place over this sea, but later moved to the Strait of Malacca, and then to the Indian Ocean, closer to the western coast of Australia. Rescuers explained such an extensive search line by the fact that, apparently, the Boeing 777, after disappearing from radar, remained in the sky for more than 7 hours, having greatly changed its route.

The first search operation took place in March - April 2014. Then 26 countries took part in it (Malaysia, USA, Singapore, Vietnam, China, etc.). And the search for the plane was carried out over an area of ​​7.7 million km², which is comparable to the size of Australia. 15 days after the search began, Malaysian authorities announced that the missing plane had crashed in the southern Indian Ocean. They came to this conclusion based on calculating the trajectory based on signals transmitted via Inmarsat satellites once an hour about the operation of Rolls-Royce engines. No other facts were found to support this statement.

In mid-April 2014, the search moved underwater, using the Bluefin-21 unmanned autonomous submarine. 340 square miles of seabed were explored, but no traces of the missing airliner were found there either.

Only almost a year after the plane disappeared, in January 2015, did the Malaysian authorities officially declare everyone on board the aircraft dead. The cause of death for each was listed as “accidental.”

Report without answer

A year after the incident, on March 8, 2015, the international investigative team gave a preliminary report on the results of the technical investigation. But the report did not contain any information about what happened to the liner. The only thing they could analyze then was the work of air traffic controllers. As it turned out, the senior air traffic controller in Kuala Lumpur slept for 4 hours after the Boeing disappeared from radar. Controllers in Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam) began to find out the reason why the plane did not enter their airspace not after 2 minutes, as expected, but only after 20.

And Malaysia Airlines itself was not distinguished by its speed, which should be in such cases. The emergency was declared only 5 hours and 13 minutes after latest news about the liner. And the search operation began with a significant delay, although in such situations every minute is important. After all, the rescuers themselves and the Malaysian authorities have repeatedly said that in a matter of seconds, the current can pick up debris and carry it away in an unknown direction.

Fake wreckage

A few days after the plane disappeared, rumors appeared that its wreckage had allegedly been found in the South China Sea. However, management civil aviation Malaysia immediately denied them. What was mistaken for part of an airliner turned out to be just the shell of a cable reel covered with algae.

A little later, information appeared that the Australian Maritime Safety Authority had discovered two objects that may belong to Boeing. Immediately, China stated that it noticed large debris - approximately 22 by 30 meters. Following them, the crew of a Royal New Zealand Air Force plane allegedly discovered debris in the southern Indian Ocean that may be related to the missing Boeing 777. But none of this was confirmed.

The first real wreckage of the Boeing 777 was discovered after a year and a half of searching, in July 2015. Moreover, this was done not by rescuers, but by cleaners on Reunion Island, located in the Indian Ocean. And this is more than 4,000 kilometers west of the deep-sea search, on which, by the way, more than $50 million was spent. The fragment turned out to be part of an airplane wing, about 2.5 meters long and covered with shells on the surface.

Later, after the exploration of the island by Malaysians, in August 2015, a number of other aircraft items were discovered. Then the assumptions were confirmed: the found fragment definitely belonged to the Boeing.

The next news about the plane was from local residents Philippines in October 2015. Allegedly, teenagers while hunting for birds came across the wreckage of a plane with Malaysian flags and human bodies nearby. The Philippine authorities took upon themselves to inspect the territory and immediately denied this information.

Another six months later, the world was again talking about the Malaysian airliner. In January of this year, debris was discovered in southern Thailand that could belong to the missing Boeing. Residents of Nakhon Si Thammarat province discovered a large curved metal object on the ocean shore. But neither the authorities nor experts have confirmed that this fragment is actually related to the airliner. It turned out that the serial number of the part, the numbers of the bundle of wires and bolts do not match the numbers Boeing aircraft 777.

End of the search

A week ago, on March 2, 2016, new information appeared about the missing Boeing 777. A metal fragment about a meter long was found off the coast of Mozambique. Presumably this is a horizontal stabilizer - a wing-shaped part attached to the tail of the aircraft. So far, only the territory indicates that this fragment belongs to Boeing: in the same part of the Indian Ocean, a fragment of a wing was found in July last year. The find will be studied by representatives of Australia and Malaysia, as well as “international specialists.”

It turns out that, in fact, only three relatively small fragments of all the finds could actually belong to the missing plane. Moreover, neither the bodies of the victims, nor the suitcases with things, nor the black box were found during two years of searching. And this despite the fact that more than 80 thousand square kilometers were combed with a total search area of ​​120 thousand kilometers.

According to the International Search Coordination Center, underwater search operations will be phased out in June 2016. But if in two years there is no clarity about what happened to the unfortunate Boeing 777-200, then it is unlikely that it will appear in another four months of the time allotted for the search.

Pilot and flight instructor Simon Hardy told Australia's 9 Now that the commander of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, which disappeared on March 8, 2014, Zachariah Ahmad Shah, was trying to confuse air traffic controllers. He turned off the detection systems and flew the plane on the border of the Malaysian and Thai areas of responsibility. This area is a blind spot.

Hardy is confident that the pilot's actions were deliberate, and points out that Ahmad Shah made an unnecessary detour near the Malaysian state of Penang, where he was born. According to Hardy, this is how the pilot said goodbye to his home.

Former head of Canada's Transportation Safety Bureau, Larry Vance, who was also present at the program, expressed the opinion that the pilot was planning suicide, and killed all the passengers along with him.

He believes that the captain of the ship could have depressurized the cabin so that passengers and crew members would lose consciousness, while he himself had first put on an oxygen mask.

“He was going to kill himself. Unfortunately, he killed all the passengers along with himself. This was intentional,” Vance said.

Experts disagreed on whether the plane was directed into the sea by the pilot, or whether Shah piloted it until it ran out of fuel, at which point it crashed. According to research, the Boeing did not prepare for landing and landing on water because its flaps were not extended. Thus, this confirms the hypothesis that the plane was not controlled by the pilots before the actual crash.

A Malaysian National Airlines airliner with 227 passengers and 12 crew members on board, making a joint flight with China Southern Airlines from the Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, disappeared from radar screens without giving any signals about problems on board, other problems or a change in course .

According to established data, the weather in the area of ​​​​the disappearance was good, the plane was controlled by experienced pilots. The captain, 53-year-old Malaysian citizen Zachary Ahmad Shah, has worked at MAS since 1981, his flight time reached almost 18.5 thousand hours, 27-year-old co-pilot Farik Ab Namid has flown almost three thousand hours. The aircraft had undergone a full inspection just ten days before this flight.

It was initially reported that on board the missing plane were 154 passengers from China and Taiwan, 38 citizens of Malaysia, seven Indonesians, six Australians, five Indians, four French, three US citizens, two New Zealanders, Ukrainians and Canadians each, one resident of Russia and Italy , the Netherlands and Austria. However, it quickly became known that two who were originally on the list of passengers on the flight - Austrian Christian Kozil and Italian Luigi Maraldi - reported the theft of their passports while in Thailand and did not fly anywhere.

Malaysian authorities have opened a criminal investigation into the terrorist attack, which was allegedly carried out by terrorists who boarded the plane using someone else's passports.

However, Kuala Lumpur is major center transportation of illegal migrants using stolen passports to Europe, and therefore it is possible that the presence of two people on board with fake passports is not directly related to the disappearance of the plane.

An explosion on board has long remained one of the most common versions, since it is difficult to imagine anything else capable of destroying a modern airliner at once. According to experts, it was either an explosion, a lightning strike, or rapid decompression. However, the Boeing 777 is capable of continuing to fly even after a lightning strike, and even after a sharp decompression, but after an explosion there is no longer a chance, experts say.

Over the course of three years, the wreckage of the plane was found in South Africa, Tanzania, and Thailand, but the exact location of the crash could not be determined. The last officially confirmed remains of a Boeing 777 were found on the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. According to a study conducted by the Office transport security Australia, the debris found is part of the trailing edge of the plane's wing.

In 2017, Australia officially stopped any efforts to find the plane or investigate the incident.

However, the Search Agency Coordination Center (JACC) continues to work closely with the Malaysian government to share information on the case and support the families dead passengers and crew members.

Currently, the wreckage of the missing liner is being recovered by a private American company, Ocean Infinity. In January of this year, the Malaysian government promised search engines to pay $70 million if the plane or its black boxes were discovered.


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