How to travel around Russia correctly. Why Russians love to travel. Don't buy what you can get for free

Traveling is a great time to get to know the world and meet yourself. Are you ready to hit the road or just gathering information? Stock up on guidebooks, buy air tickets, study and cook , but don’t forget about the most important thing – inspiration. And just for this, we have collected for you the 15 most interesting video blogs on Youtube!

1. "Heads and Tails"

Most likely, this travel show needs no introduction - before you is “Heads and Tails”. For those who are not familiar with this program, let us explain the concept: by tossing a coin, it is decided who will travel with a gold card and who with a hundred dollars in their pocket. Accordingly, the entertainment for “rich” and “budget” travelers will be different, which is what they talk about from issue to issue.
On Youtube channel videos with old episodes have been collected, new ones are regularly released, several other projects are underway and funny footage from the filming is published.

2. “The world inside out”

Leading video blog “The World Inside Out” on Youtube - this is traveler Dmitry Komarov. The series on the channel are long, sometimes reaching an hour, but the presentation of material and coverage of topics is definitely worth the time spent. He devotes his travels to countries and routes that are unconventional for travelers. Now the videos are not being released, but the next season has been announced for early September. While the releases are being prepared, you can have time to familiarize yourself with numerous videos on the channel.

3. Alexander Kondrashov

Alexander Kondrashov maintains a blog named after himself on Youtube. He travels a lot, does spearfishing and is happy to talk about this and much more on on your channel. The picture of his video is very nice, especially the shots with landscapes of the countries that Alexander visits. The topics covered range from ways to get to new country and ending with the characteristics of the culture and mentality of the local population. In addition to travel videos, he often publishes lifestyle videos where he shares moments of his life with subscribers.

4. Kasyo Gasanov

Kasyo Hasanov makes videos about travel, about his life in China, about himself, entertainment videos - and posts it all on personal video blog. Among other things, the most frequent videos on Kasho's channel are food videos different countries. If you like travel, conversational video format, live filming with a good camera, then this is the place for you!

5. “On your own”

Channel "On your own" hosted by bright and positive Vitalik and Lisa. They travel a lot, love to bike several hundred kilometers across unknown countries, actively meet people, share their impressions and make wonderful videos on all these topics. In addition to standard filming with a camera, the guys shoot panoramic shots with a quadcopter, which certainly enriches the visuals. Join their army of fans!

6. Activer

Under the nickname Activer he lives and travels, and also runs his video blog, Mark. As he writes in the description block of his channel, in 2013 he decided to radically change his life. Then he made a list of all the things he wanted to learn and a list of places he needed to visit. I compiled and began to cross out the points, and therefore, to implement the plan. In a very relaxed manner, he talks about how he does it on his Youtube channel. From Mark you will find videos where you can see how to get to another country, what is needed for this, what to do in this country, what people are like there and much more.

7. "Dharma Bums"

“Dharma Bums” is a VKontakte public page where it is collected great amount beautiful and always inspiring photos from different travels. Nature, countries, cities, roads, hiking, new people - all this and a little more is included in their focus. And since 2015, the creators of the public decided to expand and started Youtube channel. The channel contains videos of different travelers from the places they visit. Among the varied content you can find both well-known vagabonds and those just joining the movement. The channel is very atmospheric, diverse and highly recommended for viewing.

8. John and Eve

John and Eva are an amazing married couple who, from 2015 to this day, have been in trip around the world. John is from Canada, and Eva is Russian. After the wedding, the couple decided that they needed to change something in their lives and needed to see the world not from photographs on the Internet, but in person. Then they came up with the idea of ​​leaving everything - property, home, loved ones - and hitchhiking around the world. The guys talk about their difficulties, joys and adventures in on your video blog.

9. Dmitry Dmitriev

Dmitry Dmitriev is passionate about traveling, like all the other participants in our review. To report, preserve and disseminate information about his personal experience, Dmitry leads Youtube channel, where he talks about where he has been and what he saw there. In the description of his video blog, Dmitry notes that many videos are essentially series from the same trip. For convenience, the channel has playlists, but the videos can be watched in no particular order. USA, Asia, Europe - find it all here!

10. Maxim Zaselian

Although Maxim Zaselyan named video blog under his own name, actually presents his own project under the self-explanatory name NUISIDIDOMA. As Maxim himself writes, this project serves as motivation both for him and for indecisive dreamers waiting for a magic kick. On the channel he posts videos from his travels, which he likes to do in an unconventional way and challenges himself every time. On this moment videos are not released often, since Maxim is setting up his own hostel in Cyprus. But he promises not to give up the channel and to travel around the world and beyond.

11. Real

Alexander Vinogradov is a traveler, and his Channel "Real" this is the place where he talks about his vision of the world and the adventures he has experienced. In addition to videos from the places he has visited, he uploads motivational videos. In them, he reflects on important topics and helps subscribers with inspiration. Alexander is also a videographer, which has an extremely positive effect on his videos. You can also see his videos on the Dharma Bums channel mentioned above in this review.

12. Odyssey of Katya and Sergei

Sergey and Ekaterina are a married couple and like-minded people who love to travel around the world and shoot video reports about it. They have a little daughter Olesya, but the parents do not lose heart and often take her with them. They travel independently, reaching both nearby towns and exotic countries on their own. On on your channel they cover the following issues in as much detail as possible: how to visit on a budget interesting countries, what are the features of traveling with a child and how to prepare for everything, take everything into account and have time to relax.

13. Travel “Big Suitcase”

“Big Suitcase” is a group of like-minded people united by a common goal. For one day they find themselves in an unfamiliar country and their task is to learn a local song, thereby earning their dinner. In addition, you need to find the noisiest place and, conversely, the most quiet place in every city visited. They release the results of their searches in the form of long videos and short sketches, which they publish on on your channel. Join the acoustic journey with Ruslan Farshatov and his team!

14. Sergey Dolya

Sergey Dolya is one of the most famous travelers Russia. He has a large and detailed diary on Livejournal, but Sergei also turned his attentive gaze towards Youtube. To the delight of all visuals, your video blog Sergei regularly updates and shares with everyone the details of his travels. Throughout his life, he traveled to more than 100 countries and many of them were very exotic, but it’s better to see all the details in person!

15. Sergey Nagorny - Travel and Life

As the name suggests, video blog Sergei Nagorny is entirely devoted to various aspects of his life. Sergei generously shares his most significant part, his travels, with his viewers. He travels a lot and often, and he makes detailed videos about it. In addition, on his channel you can find reviews of useful products for travelers, videos interesting events, reflections of Sergei himself and pieces of his life.

Each of us from time to time asks ourselves the question: where to spend our holidays, which country to choose for our next trip? The word “travel” itself is very strongly associated with foreign countries, but not with Russia. We think about traveling around the world, around the planet, about traveling to Mars, but not about Russia...

This is how our thinking is formed. IN Soviet time people thought differently - domestic tourists did not know foreign resorts, countries All routes were the same and no one really complained - travel within the vast USSR...

Was this correct and who was better off from these internal restrictions - the traveler or the state? - these questions were relevant for that time. The state provided affordable cheap holiday, and domestic resorts and sanatoriums were always full...

For example, my grandfather is a teacher, he traveled all over the “union”, he adored Caucasus Mountains- he was everywhere he managed to visit and all his travels were within the boundaries of a huge country. Since 1991, the avid traveler has not been able to fly anywhere else... I think now, he would sadly prefer traveling abroad to Russia. Cheaper.

Today, the ultimate teacher’s dream is a vacation in Egypt or Turkey, because it is more accessible than domestic resorts. In addition, we, Russians, have one peculiarity: when we vacation in Sochi or Crimea, we get damn tired of each other, and therefore, when choosing a foreign hotel from tour operators, we will definitely ask how many of “ours” are there...

So why do most Russians want to see the world without wanting to take a closer look at the beauties of their country? Why since 1991 domestic tourism still can’t get stronger and offer the internal consumer something tempting and accessible. The very opportunity to relax is cheaper than in Egypt for the same teachers (who are not businessmen) and miners, for doctors and representatives of other professions, whose salaries, to put it mildly, are negligible - this opportunity would be a pleasant surprise...

But today everything is somehow sad with domestic tourism in Russia. Instead of cheap and affordable tickets - resort fees, which are about to come into force. Here is an excerpt from the domestic media:

So, the state took the path of developing internal tourism industry through the regular collection of funds from the population. And instead of trying to build routes beyond the popular “Golden Ring”, instead of supporting domestic tourism, the state seems to be deliberately alienating the domestic consumer from the vast expanses of our Motherland.

Today at the state level develop the most popular destinations, such as Sochi, Crimea, Krasnodar. Other areas are more actively pursued by professional photographers, travelers and bloggers. They are the ones who offer to travel around Russia, to those places that Rostourism has not even begun to develop and popularize. For example, the following destinations are popular among bloggers: Yakutia, Kamchatka, Magadan, Altai, Novosibirsk, Teriberka, Irkutsk... While Rostourism is only planning to actively promote travel to Baikal.

What does this all mean? — The fact that specialized types of tourism are very poorly developed in Russia - spiritual, extreme, ecotourism, photo tourism, ethnic, gastronomic, film tourism... Why the Ministry Agriculture does not develop agritourism? Why is agritourism thriving in Italy, Israel, Australia and other countries where travelers tired of big cities are offered to become a farmer, fisherman or beekeeper for a week... There are many ideas. And if you don’t have your own ideas, there is nothing shameful in “licking” (adopting experience) from those countries that have succeeded in this and implementing them in those regions where it will be in demand.

The main problems of the development of domestic tourism in Russia:

1. Poor development of provincial tourism

We live in an era when tired residents of megacities are looking for bear corners for relaxation. A wooden house with a garden, a bathhouse and a barbecue area is much more attractive to them than a pretentious hotel with a conference room, elevators and a jacuzzi in the room. But the most picturesque Russian towns and villages are completely unprepared to receive guests. Meanwhile, even the most ordinary village can, with some effort, be made into an attractive object for travelers.

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Iota and Roland joke that between them they are 144 years old, and believe that retirement is best time for traveling to. Read about how they traveled half the world and half of Russia in a campervan in our material.

Such trips are not typical for Germans; we are rather isolated representatives. We travel alone, by ourselves, by car. Many come here in groups and with a guide who goes with them everywhere, tells them what to do, where to go and where to go to the toilet! We are able to do it ourselves (laughs). This is our first camping in Russia. We were on Lake Baikal, in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, then again in Kazakhstan. (laughs) We even speak a little Russian. We stop at night in various parking lots, sometimes on streets or in the mountains. We arrange a halt wherever your heart desires.

We never buy food, like tomatoes, on the street!

Better go to the supermarket. Seeing that we are foreigners, sellers may inflate the price, but we don’t know how much it really costs! Many Russians quietly buy something from street stalls. We don't understand this.

There are no campsites in Russia, only truck stops. They are called campsites, but this is not true at all. Terrible places.

We are lucky: there were no unpleasant situations. No one stole anything from us or broke anything at night while we were sleeping. Always, when we wanted to stop, I approached people in this place (the following quote from Roland in Russian is given verbatim): “Hello! Can I sleep here? What do you think? Ah, that's good! And this? It's not possible here. Okay, I’m going there!”

There are 2 types of Russian people, in fact, just like everywhere else, it’s the same here in Germany - educated and not.

Many are welcoming and open, you can approach any of them and say (hereinafter in Russian): “Hello! My name is…". And they will answer you with a smile! I always ask if they speak German. We find a common language, start a conversation, talk about children... There are, of course, language difficulties. In Moscow there are no problems with this, but in the south almost no one speaks English or German.

We have been traveling in a motor home for over 15 years! We traveled around Germany, Great Britain, Italy. Germany is best for camping (laughs), but we also like Austria. About 20 years ago we didn’t have a camper; we took a tent with us and stayed on the banks of rivers, near the Baltic Sea. At that time, we were still taking children with us, and we did not have enough funds for camping by car. Nowadays people sometimes come up to us and ask: “Can I take a look? I really want to watch it. Great! You also have a toilet here! You are an amazing people, Germans!” But I guess what's surprising?

What strikes people most is that we are pensioners.

The question is often asked: “What is your monthly salary?” And if I say 500 euros, they will think that it is impossible to live and travel on this money, if I say 2,000, they will consider the Germans millionaires. So I try to give an average number between 1,000 and 1,500, for example. And I think, I think, I think. (laughs)

Tell me, do Russian pensioners also travel if their means allow them?

While you are young and work (or study), you simply do not have free time for this! Three weeks in the summer is not much. In Germany, many people say: “How can you go to Russia? How is this possible? This is so far from Germany! Stay, better stay! Or go to France, Great Britain, Spain, Italy!” And I answer them: “I can go to Europe every day!” It's very close. Russia is a different matter.” I don’t know when I’ll be able to travel thousands of kilometers along your roads again.

In the eastern part of the country, the tracks leave much to be desired, and the same can be said about the Golden Circle. (further in Russian) Horror, horror, horror!

We like to get to know your culture and look at your churches. We love going to the ballet and opera. On the way to Baikal, for example, we listened to the symphony orchestra in Irkutsk, and in Krasnoyarsk we attended Tchaikovsky’s ballet. And what picturesque landscapes! We like to watch how people live and look at ancient buildings. We take a lot of photographs. It seems to me that in 5-10 years it will be difficult to find any dilapidated building here. Everything will disappear! Every day new houses and skyscrapers are built, new streets appear.

1. Traveling is expensive

Television has managed to impose on the majority of Russians that traveling abroad is, in any case, a very expensive affair. I saw with my own eyes a program where it was calmly stated that two weeks in Thailand would cost a person at least 3 thousand euros! Fiction presented as truth!

On the picture: Russians think that trip abroad- it is very expensive

From personal experience : You can travel with different budgets. Especially in Asia, especially in Thailand, where housing, transportation and food can easily be found for any budget - housing costs from $10 per day, food from $1 per serving, and domestic flights from $20. It all depends on your plans and requests. A normal Russian person can easily, without interfering with glamor, fashionability and high cost.

2. They say on TV that it’s dangerous abroad

In the photo: the “Reds” demonstration in Bangkok

Russian media are happy to scare people by abundantly showing falling buses, killer sharks, maniacs killing Russian tourists, evil demonstrators and other crap.

From personal experience : EVERYTHING in the world does not go smoothly, but for safe travels abroad, it will be quite enough for Russians NOT to jump from balconies into swimming pools, NOT to climb barricades with a bottle, NOT to paint a mustache on the portraits of the local king, etc. I personally was in Bangkok when “terrible street battles” were shown on TV. I don’t deny that in some areas the Thais were having their own showdowns, but as a traveler I didn’t go there, and I even received bonuses from the situation - hotels in Bangkok at that time had incredible discounts :)
Abroad, you have to be much more afraid of banal poisoning, a cold or a fracture. No more dangerous than at home, only the cost of treatment will be many times more expensive. Therefore, you should always take it with you on a trip.

3. Locals always deceive Russian tourists

In the photo: sellers in Indonesia are happy to serve tourists

Russians are accustomed to constant deception in their homeland, so they tend to expect the same when traveling. It seems to them that everyone is literally just thinking about how to harm them.

From personal experience: Usually tourists are welcome everywhere; doing honest business with tourists is more profitable for locals. No matter how funny it may seem, it is mainly Russians who deceive Russians abroad. I have often seen, for example, that excursions offered by our tour operators are several times more expensive than those offered by local ones.
Stop being a gullible Tourist, become a thinking Traveler: prepare for your trips in advance, study traveler reviews, compare prices, learn to bargain in the markets - this is why our “We Traveled-We Know” club exists, to help each other, to always be in the know , join in Facebook or Vkontakte or Classmates

4. Air travel and climate change are harmful to health.

In the photo: real travelers are not afraid of anything

The favorite excuse of those who do not allow themselves to travel. For some reason, Russians are sure that air travel causes “deadly” pressure changes, and humidity and heat immediately kill at the exit from the airport.

According to traveler reviews: Russian people easily adapt to tropical and subtropical climates; this takes a day or two. The main thing is not to forget about sunscreen, drink more fluids and not overdo it with tanning. In addition, you can always travel to countries with a similar climate to Europe or for example.

5. “It’s completely unsanitary there!”

A persistent stereotype about “third world countries.” It is generally accepted that a Russian tourist, immediately leaving the plane, finds himself in gutters with bacteria, surrounded by crowds of unwashed natives... Sheer stupidity.

From personal experience: The world is full of both dirty and dirty people. Learn to choose the right routes, follow hygiene rules, drink bottled water and not get hung up on garbage dumps and everything will be OK. In Asia, for example, there is a lot of delicious street food, and no one dies. So, abroad you just need to learn not to interfere with unsanitary conditions.

6. Unfamiliar food causes distress

On the picture: street food, which tourists eat with pleasure and local residents

Russian tourists are always wary of exotic food, but they are always determined to try everything.

From traveler reviews: disorders arise from sudden changes, thoughtless mixing of all kinds of food and from unwashed hands. Do not immediately attack everything unfamiliar; at first, eat familiar dishes or in cafes adapted for tourists.

7. You can’t travel without knowing the language

In the photo: you don’t have to know the language, you can communicate using gestures

Typically, Russians speak mostly Russian when traveling. And they are a little surprised when the locals don’t understand them. That is why our people are strongly “attached” to “their” tour operators, guides, etc.

From personal experience: It’s better, of course, to learn at least a couple of dozen phrases, - English language Now they know it almost everywhere. However, you can always explain yourself with gestures or, at worst, draw something or show pictures - this is quite enough for short trips. Well, as for flights, language is no longer needed for this now - everything is done via the Internet, printed and displayed.
By the way, I recently learned about an interesting service - you can order unusual excursions from Russian-speaking people living abroad. More interesting than standard excursions, and for those who are afraid of being abroad for the first time, they can meet you at the airport and show you everything. Very comfortably. I talked about it.

8. It’s easy to get lost and disappear

In the photo: a map and a guidebook always help a traveler

In most countries, local residents simply will not let a lost Russian traveler go missing, because for them this is both an attraction and a matter of honor. Use all kinds of paid and free cards, navigators in mobile phones, special ones, always carry your hotel’s business card in the local language, and you will never get lost. In addition, there are always special travel agencies abroad dedicated to supporting independent travelers.

9. Everything is stolen from hotels

Russians abroad are initially determined to be vigilant about hotel staff and their luggage. Our typical Soviet stereotypes say that everything acquired through backbreaking labor will sooner or later be stolen by someone...

From personal experience: for many years independent travel I have never encountered anything like this, even when staying in the most budget hotels where there are no safes. I admit that anything can happen, so basic safety rules must be followed. Book hotels either based on reviews from friends or on the Internet, or away from tourist places, where “package travelers” (those traveling on a tour) are accommodated. Don't carry a lot of cash with you - in all tourist cities There are ATMs, and in developed countries cards are accepted almost everywhere. Don’t forget to put your documents and valuables in the safe - most hotels, boarding houses and guesthouses have one.

10. Russians are not liked abroad

In the photo: they don’t like foreigners Russians?

I’ll tell you a secret: when you travel, no one really cares whether you’re Russian or Honduran. Sometimes no one understands where Russia is. You will be perceived in the abstract, regardless of your “past” merits or statuses. This is what makes travel enjoyable. It all depends on your personal mood, friendliness and sociability. Smile!

Employees of the NAFI Analytical Center conducted a study, the results of which found that when traveling long distances, Russians prefer to travel by personal car or by rail. The only exceptions are residents of the capital and St. Petersburg. For long-distance travel, they choose planes, and only then trains and cars.

The numbers tell the story

In Russia as a whole, 20% of tourists for long trips choose to travel by own car, because they consider this method the most comfortable. Almost the same number of people (19%) prefer railway, and only 11% fly by plane.

The situation is completely different in St. Petersburg and Moscow. In these cities, about a third of tourists fly by plane, 29% travel by train and 22% drive their own cars. Aeroflot remains the most popular carrier throughout the country. It accounts for about 50% of all flights. The services of S7 and Pobeda companies are also in demand (12% of passengers each). Russian tourists also use the services of foreign carriers.

Most people buy tickets online. Tourists also use online services to book hotels and pay for other services. On the Internet, people search for the necessary information about the city, from attractions to hotel descriptions.

Russians began to travel more

It became known that in 2017 the number of tourists who spend their holidays abroad increased by 7% compared to the previous year. Over 10 months, more than 1.1 billion people spent their holidays abroad. In addition, a report was prepared indicating that tourist spending abroad increased by 27%. Increasing trend tourist trips abroad is a simple proof of the improvement in the economic situation compared to previous years.


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